// Microsoft Windows NT Security
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: crobu.cpp
// Contents: CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl
// History: 23-Jul-97 kirtd Created
// 01-Jan-02 philh Changed to internally use UNICODE Urls
#include <global.hxx>
#include <dbgdef.h>
// Initial commit size of the stack, in bytes. Estimate of 20K needed for
// wininet.
// CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl Entry
// Passed to the thread that does the real URL retrieval. The creator
// thread waits for either the URL retrieval to complete or a timeout.
typedef struct _CROBU_ENTRY CROBU_ENTRY, *PCROBU_ENTRY; struct _CROBU_ENTRY { LPWSTR pwszUrl; LPCSTR pszObjectOid; DWORD dwRetrievalFlags; DWORD dwTimeout; LPVOID pvObject;
BOOL fResult; DWORD dwErr;
HMODULE hModule; HANDLE hWaitEvent; DWORD dwState; PCROBU_ENTRY pNext; PCROBU_ENTRY pPrev; };
CRITICAL_SECTION CrobuCriticalSection; HMODULE hCrobuModule;
// Linked list of pending URL retrievals
PCROBU_ENTRY pCrobuPendingHead;
VOID WINAPI InitializeCryptRetrieveObjectByUrl( HMODULE hModule ) { Pki_InitializeCriticalSection(&CrobuCriticalSection); hCrobuModule = hModule; }
VOID WINAPI DeleteCryptRetrieveObjectByUrl() { DeleteCriticalSection(&CrobuCriticalSection); }
// Local Functions (Forward Reference)
BOOL WINAPI IsPendingCryptRetrieveObjectByUrl ( IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl ); BOOL WINAPI CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlWithTimeout ( IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl, IN LPCSTR pszObjectOid, IN DWORD dwRetrievalFlags, IN DWORD dwTimeout, OUT LPVOID* ppvObject, IN PCRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO pAuxInfo );
void DebugPrintUrlRetrievalError( IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl, IN DWORD dwTimeout, IN DWORD dwErr );
// Function: CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlA
// Synopsis: retrieve PKI object given an URL
BOOL WINAPI CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlA ( IN LPCSTR pszUrl, IN LPCSTR pszObjectOid, IN DWORD dwRetrievalFlags, IN DWORD dwTimeout, OUT LPVOID* ppvObject, IN HCRYPTASYNC hAsyncRetrieve, IN PCRYPT_CREDENTIALS pCredentials, IN LPVOID pvVerify, IN PCRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO pAuxInfo ) { WCHAR pwszUrl[INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH+1];
if ( !MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pszUrl, -1, pwszUrl, INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH+1 )) { return( FALSE ); }
return( CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlW( pwszUrl, pszObjectOid, dwRetrievalFlags, dwTimeout, ppvObject, hAsyncRetrieve, pCredentials, pvVerify, pAuxInfo ) );
// Function: CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlW
// Synopsis: retrieve PKI object given an URL
BOOL WINAPI CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlW ( IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl, IN LPCSTR pszObjectOid, IN DWORD dwRetrievalFlags, IN DWORD dwTimeout, OUT LPVOID* ppvObject, IN HCRYPTASYNC hAsyncRetrieve, IN PCRYPT_CREDENTIALS pCredentials, IN LPVOID pvVerify, IN PCRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO pAuxInfo ) { BOOL fResult; CObjectRetrievalManager* porm = NULL;
// Remove any leading spaces
while (L' ' == *pwszUrl) pwszUrl++;
I_CryptNetDebugTracePrintfA( "CRYPTNET.DLL --> %s URL to retrieve: %S\n", 0 != (dwRetrievalFlags & CRYPT_CACHE_ONLY_RETRIEVAL) ? "Cached" : "Wire", pwszUrl);
// For a nonCache retrieval with timeout, do the retrieval in another
// thread. wininet and winldap don't always honor the timeout value.
// Check for parameters not supported by doing in another thread.
// Also, check that a cancel callback hasn't been registered via
// CryptInstallCancelRetrieval()
if (0 != dwTimeout && !(dwRetrievalFlags & CRYPT_CACHE_ONLY_RETRIEVAL) && 0xFFFF >= (DWORD_PTR) pszObjectOid && NULL == hAsyncRetrieve && NULL == pCredentials && NULL == pvVerify && NULL == I_CryptGetTls(hCryptNetCancelTls) ) { if (IsPendingCryptRetrieveObjectByUrl( pwszUrl )) { I_CryptNetDebugErrorPrintfA( "CRYPTNET.DLL --> CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl, already pending for : %S\n", pwszUrl); SetLastError( (DWORD) ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP ); return( FALSE ); } else { return CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlWithTimeout ( pwszUrl, pszObjectOid, dwRetrievalFlags, dwTimeout, ppvObject, pAuxInfo ); } }
porm = new CObjectRetrievalManager; if ( porm == NULL ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY ); return( FALSE ); }
fResult = porm->RetrieveObjectByUrl( pwszUrl, pszObjectOid, dwRetrievalFlags, dwTimeout, ppvObject, NULL, NULL, hAsyncRetrieve, pCredentials, pvVerify, pAuxInfo );
if (!fResult) { DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError();
I_CryptNetDebugErrorPrintfA( "CRYPTNET.DLL --> %s URL to retrieve: %S, failed: %d (0x%x)\n", 0 != (dwRetrievalFlags & CRYPT_CACHE_ONLY_RETRIEVAL) ? "Cached" : "Wire", pwszUrl, dwLastErr, dwLastErr);
SetLastError(dwLastErr); }
return( fResult ); }
// Function: CryptCancelAsyncRetrieval
// Synopsis: cancel asynchronous object retrieval
BOOL WINAPI CryptCancelAsyncRetrieval (HCRYPTASYNC hAsyncRetrieval) { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_NOTIMPL ); return( FALSE ); }
// Functions supporting URL retrieval with timeout. The actual retrieval
// is done in another, created thread.
// Returns TRUE if the previously initiated URL retrieval hasn't completed.
BOOL WINAPI IsPendingCryptRetrieveObjectByUrl ( IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl ) { BOOL fPending = FALSE; PCROBU_ENTRY pEntry;
for (pEntry = pCrobuPendingHead; NULL != pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->pNext) { assert(CROBU_PENDING_STATE == pEntry->dwState);
if (0 == wcscmp(pwszUrl, pEntry->pwszUrl)) { fPending = TRUE; break; } }
return fPending; }
// Duplicate the Dll library's handle
static HMODULE DuplicateLibrary( IN HMODULE hDll ) { if (hDll) { WCHAR wszModule[_MAX_PATH + 1]; if (0 == GetModuleFileNameU(hDll, wszModule, _MAX_PATH)) goto GetModuleFileNameError; wszModule[_MAX_PATH] = L'\0'; if (NULL == (hDll = LoadLibraryExU(wszModule, NULL, 0))) goto LoadLibraryError; }
CommonReturn: return hDll; ErrorReturn: hDll = NULL; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(GetModuleFileNameError) TRACE_ERROR(LoadLibraryError) }
// Thread procedure that does the actual URL retrieval.
// Note, even if the creator thread times out, this thread will continue to
// execute until the underlying URL retrieval returns.
DWORD WINAPI CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlWithTimeoutThreadProc ( LPVOID lpThreadParameter ) { PCROBU_ENTRY pEntry = (PCROBU_ENTRY) lpThreadParameter; CObjectRetrievalManager* porm = NULL; HMODULE hModule;
// Do the actual URL retrieval using the parameters passed to this
// thread by the creator thread.
porm = new CObjectRetrievalManager; if (NULL == porm ) { pEntry->dwErr = (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY; pEntry->fResult = FALSE; } else { pEntry->fResult = porm->RetrieveObjectByUrl( pEntry->pwszUrl, pEntry->pszObjectOid, pEntry->dwRetrievalFlags, pEntry->dwTimeout, &pEntry->pvObject, NULL, // ppfnFreeObject
NULL, // ppvFreeContext
NULL, // hAsyncRetrieve
NULL, // pCredentials
NULL, // pvVerify
&pEntry->AuxInfo ); pEntry->dwErr = GetLastError(); porm->Release(); }
// The creator thread incremented cryptnet's ref count to prevent us
// from being unloaded until this thread exits.
hModule = pEntry->hModule; pEntry->hModule = NULL;
if (CROBU_RUN_STATE == pEntry->dwState) { // The creator thread didn't timeout. Wake it up and set the
// state to indicate we completed.
assert(pEntry->hWaitEvent); SetEvent(pEntry->hWaitEvent); pEntry->dwState = CROBU_DONE_STATE;
} else { // The creator thread timed out. We were added to the pending
// list when it timed out.
LPVOID pv = pEntry->pvObject; LPCSTR pOID = pEntry->pszObjectOid;
assert(CROBU_PENDING_STATE == pEntry->dwState); assert(NULL == pEntry->hWaitEvent);
// Remove from pending list
if (pEntry->pNext) pEntry->pNext->pPrev = pEntry->pPrev;
if (pEntry->pPrev) pEntry->pPrev->pNext = pEntry->pNext; else { assert(pCrobuPendingHead == pEntry); pCrobuPendingHead = pEntry->pNext; }
I_CryptNetDebugErrorPrintfA( "CRYPTNET.DLL --> CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl, pending completed for : %S\n", pEntry->pwszUrl);
if (pv) { // Free the returned object
if (NULL == pOID) CryptMemFree( pv ); else if (pEntry->dwRetrievalFlags & CRYPT_RETRIEVE_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS) CertCloseStore((HCERTSTORE) pv, 0); else if (CONTEXT_OID_CERTIFICATE == pOID) CertFreeCertificateContext((PCCERT_CONTEXT) pv); else if (CONTEXT_OID_CTL == pOID) CertFreeCTLContext((PCCTL_CONTEXT) pv); else if (CONTEXT_OID_CRL == pOID) CertFreeCRLContext((PCCRL_CONTEXT) pv); else { assert(CONTEXT_OID_CAPI2_ANY == pOID || CONTEXT_OID_PKCS7 == pOID); if (CONTEXT_OID_CAPI2_ANY == pOID || CONTEXT_OID_PKCS7 == pOID) CertCloseStore((HCERTSTORE) pv, 0); } }
// Finally free the entry
PkiFree(pEntry); }
if (hModule) FreeLibraryAndExitThread(hModule, 0); else ExitThread(0); }
// Creates another thread to do the URL retrieval. Waits for either the
// URL retrieval to complete or the timeout. For a timeout, the URL retrieval
// entry is added to a pending list and the URL retrieval is allowed to
// complete. However, for a timeout, this procedure returns.
// This function guarantees the timeout value is honored.
BOOL WINAPI CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlWithTimeout ( IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl, IN LPCSTR pszObjectOid, IN DWORD dwRetrievalFlags, IN DWORD dwTimeout, OUT LPVOID* ppvObject, IN PCRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO pAuxInfo ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwErr = 0; PCROBU_ENTRY pEntry = NULL; HANDLE hThread = NULL; HANDLE hToken = NULL; DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD cchUrl;
// Allocate and initialize the entry to be passed to the created
// thread for doing the URL retrieval.
cchUrl = wcslen(pwszUrl) + 1;
pEntry = (PCROBU_ENTRY) PkiZeroAlloc(sizeof(CROBU_ENTRY) + cchUrl * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pEntry) goto OutOfMemory;
pEntry->pwszUrl = (LPWSTR) &pEntry[1]; memcpy(pEntry->pwszUrl, pwszUrl, cchUrl * sizeof(WCHAR));
assert(0xFFFF >= (DWORD_PTR) pszObjectOid); pEntry->pszObjectOid = pszObjectOid; pEntry->dwRetrievalFlags = dwRetrievalFlags; pEntry->dwTimeout = dwTimeout; // pEntry->pvObject
pEntry->AuxInfo.cbSize = sizeof(pEntry->AuxInfo); pEntry->AuxInfo.pLastSyncTime = &pEntry->LastSyncTime;
if ( pAuxInfo && offsetof(CRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO, dwMaxUrlRetrievalByteCount) < pAuxInfo->cbSize ) { pEntry->AuxInfo.dwMaxUrlRetrievalByteCount = pAuxInfo->dwMaxUrlRetrievalByteCount; } // else
// pEntry->AuxInfo = zero'ed via PkiZeroAlloc
// pEntry->LastSyncTime
// pEntry->fResult
// pEntry->dwErr
// pEntry->hModule
// pEntry->hWaitEvent
// pEntry->dwState
// pEntry->pNext
// pEntry->pPrev
if (NULL == (pEntry->hWaitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // lpsa
FALSE, // fManualReset
FALSE, // fInitialState
NULL))) // lpszEventName
goto CreateWaitEventError;
// Inhibit cryptnet.dll from being unloaded until the created thread
// exits.
pEntry->hModule = DuplicateLibrary(hCrobuModule); pEntry->dwState = CROBU_RUN_STATE;
// Create the thread to do the Url retrieval
if (NULL == (hThread = CreateThread( NULL, // lpThreadAttributes
URL_WITH_TIMEOUT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlWithTimeoutThreadProc, pEntry, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadId ))) goto CreateThreadError;
// If we are impersonating, then, the created thread should also impersonate
if (OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hToken )) { // There isn't any security problem if the following fails.
// If it fails will do the retrieval using the process's identity.
if (!SetThreadToken(&hThread, hToken)) { DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError();
I_CryptNetDebugErrorPrintfA( "CRYPTNET.DLL --> SetThreadToken failed: %d (0x%x)\n", dwLastErr, dwLastErr); } CloseHandle(hToken); hToken = NULL; }
ResumeThread(hThread); CloseHandle(hThread); hThread = NULL;
// Wait for either the Url retrieval to complete or a timeout
WaitForSingleObjectEx( pEntry->hWaitEvent, dwTimeout, FALSE // bAlertable
if (CROBU_DONE_STATE == pEntry->dwState) { // The URL retrieval completed in the created thread. Copy the
// results from the entry block shared by this and the created
// thread.
fResult = pEntry->fResult; dwErr = pEntry->dwErr;
*ppvObject = pEntry->pvObject; if ( pAuxInfo && offsetof(CRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO, pLastSyncTime) < pAuxInfo->cbSize && pAuxInfo->pLastSyncTime ) { *pAuxInfo->pLastSyncTime = pEntry->LastSyncTime; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&CrobuCriticalSection); } else { // The URL retrieval didn't complete in the created thread.
// Add to the pending queue and return URL retrieval failure status.
// Note, the created thread will be allowed to complete the initiated
// retrieval.
assert(CROBU_RUN_STATE == pEntry->dwState);
CloseHandle(pEntry->hWaitEvent); pEntry->hWaitEvent = NULL; pEntry->dwState = CROBU_PENDING_STATE;
// Add to the pending queue
if (pCrobuPendingHead) { pCrobuPendingHead->pPrev = pEntry; pEntry->pNext = pCrobuPendingHead; } pCrobuPendingHead = pEntry;
I_CryptNetDebugErrorPrintfA( "CRYPTNET.DLL --> CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl, %d timeout for : %S\n", pEntry->dwTimeout, pEntry->pwszUrl);
pEntry = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection(&CrobuCriticalSection); goto RetrieveObjectByUrlTimeout; }
CommonReturn: if (!fResult) DebugPrintUrlRetrievalError( pwszUrl, dwTimeout, dwErr );
if (pEntry) { if (pEntry->hWaitEvent) CloseHandle(pEntry->hWaitEvent); if (pEntry->hModule) FreeLibrary(pEntry->hModule); PkiFree(pEntry); } SetLastError(dwErr); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: dwErr = GetLastError(); fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) TRACE_ERROR(CreateWaitEventError) TRACE_ERROR(CreateThreadError) SET_ERROR(RetrieveObjectByUrlTimeout, ERROR_TIMEOUT) }
DWORD GetCryptNetDebugFlags() { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwValue = 0; DWORD cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError();
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\crypt32", 0, // dwReserved
KEY_READ, &hKey )) goto ErrorReturn;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueExA( hKey, "DebugFlags", NULL, // pdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dwValue, &cbValue )) goto ErrorReturn;
if (dwType != REG_DWORD || cbValue != sizeof(dwValue)) goto ErrorReturn;
CommonReturn: if (NULL != hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
SetLastError(dwLastErr); return dwValue;
ErrorReturn: dwValue = 0; goto CommonReturn; }
BOOL I_CryptNetIsDebugErrorPrintEnabled() { return 0 != (GetCryptNetDebugFlags() & 0x1); }
BOOL I_CryptNetIsDebugTracePrintEnabled() { static BOOL fIKnow = FALSE; static BOOL fIsDebugTracePrintEnabled = FALSE;
if (!fIKnow) { fIsDebugTracePrintEnabled = (0 != (GetCryptNetDebugFlags() & 0x2)); fIKnow = TRUE; }
return fIsDebugTracePrintEnabled; }
void I_CryptNetDebugPrintfA( LPCSTR szFormat, ... ) { char szBuffer[1024]; va_list arglist;
DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError();
_try { va_start(arglist, szFormat); _vsnprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), szFormat, arglist); szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer) - 1] = '\0'; va_end(arglist);
OutputDebugStringA(szBuffer); } _except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
SetLastError(dwLastErr); }
void I_CryptNetDebugErrorPrintfA( LPCSTR szFormat, ... ) { if (!I_CryptNetIsDebugErrorPrintEnabled()) return; else { char szBuffer[1024]; va_list arglist;
DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError();
_try { va_start(arglist, szFormat); _vsnprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), szFormat, arglist); szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer) - 1] = '\0'; va_end(arglist);
OutputDebugStringA(szBuffer); } _except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
SetLastError(dwLastErr); } }
void I_CryptNetDebugTracePrintfA( LPCSTR szFormat, ... ) { if (!I_CryptNetIsDebugTracePrintEnabled()) return; else { char szBuffer[1024]; va_list arglist;
DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError();
_try { va_start(arglist, szFormat); _vsnprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), szFormat, arglist); szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer) - 1] = '\0'; va_end(arglist);
OutputDebugStringA(szBuffer); } _except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
SetLastError(dwLastErr); } }
void DebugPrintUrlRetrievalError( IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl, IN DWORD dwTimeout, IN DWORD dwErr ) { I_CryptNetDebugErrorPrintfA("CRYPTNET.DLL --> Url retrieval timeout: %d error: %d (0x%x) for::\n %S\n", dwTimeout, dwErr, dwErr, pwszUrl); }