// Microsoft Windows NT Security
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: toolutl.cpp
// Contents: Utilities for the tools
// History: 17-Jun-97 xiaohs Created
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "unicode.h"
#include "toolutl.h"
WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_STRING_RSC_SIZE]; DWORD dwBufferSize=sizeof(wszBuffer)/sizeof(wszBuffer[0]);
// Allocation and free routines
void *ToolUtlAlloc(IN size_t cbBytes, HMODULE hModule, int idsString) { void *pv=NULL;
//out put error message
if((pv==NULL) && (hModule!=NULL) && (idsString!=0)) { IDSwprintf(hModule, idsString); }
return pv; }
void ToolUtlFree(IN void *pv) { if(pv) free(pv); }
// Output routines
// The private version of _wcsnicmp
int IDSwcsnicmp(HMODULE hModule, WCHAR *pwsz, int idsString, DWORD dwCount) { assert(pwsz);
//load the string
if(!LoadStringU(hModule, idsString, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize)) return -1;
return _wcsnicmp(pwsz, wszBuffer,dwCount); }
// The private version of _wcsicmp
int IDSwcsicmp(HMODULE hModule, WCHAR *pwsz, int idsString) { assert(pwsz);
//load the string
if(!LoadStringU(hModule, idsString, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize)) return -1;
return _wcsicmp(pwsz, wszBuffer); }
// The private version of wprintf. Input is an ID for a stirng resource
// and the output is the standard output of wprintf.
void IDSwprintf(HMODULE hModule, int idsString, ...) { va_list vaPointer;
va_start(vaPointer, idsString);
//load the string
LoadStringU(hModule, idsString, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize);
return; }
void IDS_IDSwprintf(HMODULE hModule, int idString, int idStringTwo) { //load the string
LoadStringU(hModule, idString, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize);
//load the string two
LoadStringU(hModule, idStringTwo, wszBuffer2, dwBufferSize);
//print buffer2 on top of buffer1
return; }
void IDS_IDS_DW_DWwprintf(HMODULE hModule, int idString, int idStringTwo, DWORD dwOne, DWORD dwTwo) { //load the string
LoadStringU(hModule, idString, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize);
//load the string two
LoadStringU(hModule, idStringTwo, wszBuffer2, dwBufferSize);
//print buffer2 on top of buffer1
wprintf(wszBuffer,wszBuffer2,dwOne, dwTwo);
return; }
void IDS_IDS_IDSwprintf(HMODULE hModule, int ids1,int ids2,int ids3) {
//load the string
LoadStringU(hModule, ids1, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize);
//load the string two
LoadStringU(hModule, ids2, wszBuffer2, dwBufferSize);
//load the string three
LoadStringU(hModule, ids3, wszBuffer3, dwBufferSize);
return; }
void IDS_DW_IDS_IDSwprintf(HMODULE hModule, int ids1,DWORD dw,int ids2,int ids3) {
//load the string
LoadStringU(hModule, ids1, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize);
//load the string two
LoadStringU(hModule, ids2, wszBuffer2, dwBufferSize);
//load the string three
LoadStringU(hModule, ids3, wszBuffer3, dwBufferSize);
return; }
void IDS_IDS_IDS_IDSwprintf(HMODULE hModule, int ids1,int ids2,int ids3, int ids4) { WCHAR wszBuffer4[MAX_STRING_RSC_SIZE];
//load the string
LoadStringU(hModule, ids1, wszBuffer, dwBufferSize);
//load the string two
LoadStringU(hModule, ids2, wszBuffer2, dwBufferSize);
//load the string three
LoadStringU(hModule, ids3, wszBuffer3, dwBufferSize); //load the string four
LoadStringU(hModule, ids4, wszBuffer4, dwBufferSize);
return; }
// Convert WSZ to SZ
DWORD cbSize=0;
assert(psz); *psz=NULL;
if(!wsz) return S_OK;
cbSize=WideCharToMultiByte(0,0,wsz,-1, NULL,0,0,0);
if(cbSize==0) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
if(*psz==NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if(WideCharToMultiByte(0,0,wsz,-1, *psz,cbSize,0,0)) { return S_OK; } else { ToolUtlFree(*psz); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } }
//get the bytes from the file name
HRESULT RetrieveBLOBFromFile(LPWSTR pwszFileName,DWORD *pcb,BYTE **ppb) {
DWORD cbData=0; BYTE *pbData=0; DWORD cbHighSize=0;
if(!pcb || !ppb || !pwszFileName) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppb=NULL; *pcb=0;
if ((hFile = CreateFileU(pwszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // lpsa
OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto CLEANUP; } if((cbData = GetFileSize(hFile, &cbHighSize)) == 0xffffffff) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto CLEANUP; }
//we do not handle file more than 4G bytes
if(cbHighSize != 0) { hr=E_FAIL; goto CLEANUP; } //create a file mapping object
if(NULL == (hFileMapping=CreateFileMapping( hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL))) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto CLEANUP; } //create a view of the file
if(NULL == (pbData=(BYTE *)MapViewOfFile( hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, cbData))) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto CLEANUP; }
*pcb=cbData; *ppb=pbData;
if(hFile) CloseHandle(hFile);
if(hFileMapping) CloseHandle(hFileMapping);
return hr; }
// Write a blob to a file
HRESULT OpenAndWriteToFile( LPCWSTR pwszFileName, PBYTE pb, DWORD cb ) { HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; HANDLE hFile=NULL; DWORD dwBytesWritten=0;
if(!pwszFileName || !pb || (cb==0)) return E_INVALIDARG;
hFile = CreateFileU(pwszFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // fdwShareMode
NULL, // lpsa
CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, // fdwAttrsAndFlags
0); // TemplateFile
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else {
if (!WriteFile( hFile, pb, cb, &dwBytesWritten, NULL // lpOverlapped
)) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else {
if(dwBytesWritten != cb) hr=E_FAIL; else hr=S_OK; }
CloseHandle(hFile); }
return hr; }
// Get an absolutely name from the path, such as "c:\public\mydoc\doc.doc."
// This function will return doc.doc
void GetFileName(LPWSTR pwszPath, LPWSTR *ppwszName) { DWORD dwLength=0;
assert(pwszPath); assert(ppwszName);
if(0==(dwLength=wcslen(pwszPath))) return;
for(; dwLength>0; dwLength--) { if((**ppwszName)=='\\') break;
(*ppwszName)--; }
// Compose the private key file structure:
// "pvkFileName"\0"keysepc"\0"provtype"\0"provname"\0\0
HRESULT ComposePvkString( CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO *pKeyProvInfo, LPWSTR *ppwszPvkString, DWORD *pcwchar) {
HRESULT hr=S_OK; DWORD cwchar=0; LPWSTR pwszAddr=0; WCHAR wszKeySpec[12]; WCHAR wszProvType[12];
assert(pKeyProvInfo); assert(ppwszPvkString); assert(pcwchar);
//convert dwKeySpec and dwProvType to wchar
swprintf(wszKeySpec, L"%lu", pKeyProvInfo->dwKeySpec); swprintf(wszProvType, L"%lu", pKeyProvInfo->dwProvType);
//count of the number of characters we need
cwchar=(pKeyProvInfo->pwszProvName) ? (wcslen(pKeyProvInfo->pwszProvName)+1) : 1;
//add the ContainerName + two DWORDs
cwchar += wcslen(pKeyProvInfo->pwszContainerName)+1+ wcslen(wszKeySpec)+1+wcslen(wszProvType)+1+1;
*ppwszPvkString=(LPWSTR)ToolUtlAlloc(cwchar * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!(*ppwszPvkString)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
//copy the private key file name .
wcscpy((*ppwszPvkString), pKeyProvInfo->pwszContainerName);
//copy the key spec
wcscpy(pwszAddr, wszKeySpec); pwszAddr=pwszAddr+wcslen(wszKeySpec)+1;
//copy the provider type
wcscpy(pwszAddr, wszProvType); pwszAddr=pwszAddr+wcslen(wszProvType)+1;
//copy the provider name
if(pKeyProvInfo->pwszProvName) { wcscpy(pwszAddr, pKeyProvInfo->pwszProvName); pwszAddr=pwszAddr+wcslen(pKeyProvInfo->pwszProvName)+1; } else { *pwszAddr=L'\0'; pwszAddr++; }
//NULL terminate the string
return S_OK; }