Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines to perform miscellaneous file related operations in the protected store.
Scott Field (sfield) 27-Nov-96
#include <windows.h>
#include <sha.h>
#include "filemisc.h"
#include "unicode5.h"
#include "debug.h"
BOOL GetFileNameFromPath( IN LPCWSTR FullPath, IN OUT LPCWSTR *FileName // points to filename component in FullPath
) { DWORD cch = lstrlenW(FullPath);
*FileName = FullPath;
while( cch ) {
if( FullPath[cch] == L'\\' || FullPath[cch] == L'/' || (cch == 1 && FullPath[1] == L':') ) {
*FileName = &FullPath[cch+1]; break; }
cch--; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetFileNameFromPathA( IN LPCSTR FullPath, IN OUT LPCSTR *FileName // points to filename component in FullPath
) { DWORD cch = lstrlenA(FullPath);
*FileName = FullPath;
while( cch ) {
if( FullPath[cch] == '\\' || FullPath[cch] == '/' || (cch == 1 && FullPath[1] == ':') ) {
*FileName = &FullPath[cch+1]; break; }
cch--; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL TranslateFromSlash( IN LPWSTR szInput, IN OUT LPWSTR *pszOutput // optional
) { return TranslateString(szInput, pszOutput, L'\\', L'*'); }
BOOL TranslateToSlash( IN LPWSTR szInput, IN OUT LPWSTR *pszOutput // optional
) { return TranslateString(szInput, pszOutput, L'*', L'\\'); }
BOOL TranslateString( IN LPWSTR szInput, IN OUT LPWSTR *pszOutput, // optional
IN WCHAR From, IN WCHAR To ) { LPWSTR szOut; DWORD cch = lstrlenW(szInput); DWORD i; // scan forward for cache - locality of reference
if(pszOutput == NULL) {
// translate in place in existing string.
szOut = szInput;
} else { DWORD cb = (cch+1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// allocate new string and translate there.
szOut = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cb ); *pszOutput = szOut;
if(szOut == NULL) return FALSE;
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)szOut, (LPBYTE)szInput, cb); }
for(i = 0 ; i < cch ; i++) { if( szOut[ i ] == From ) szOut[ i ] = To; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL FindAndOpenFile( IN LPCWSTR szFileName, // file to search for + open
IN LPWSTR pszFullPath, // file to fill fullpath with
IN DWORD cchFullPath, // size of full path buffer, including NULL
IN OUT PHANDLE phFile // resultant open file handle
) /*++
This function searches the path for the specified file and if a file is found, the file is opened for read access and a handle to the open file is returned to the caller in the phFile parameter.
--*/ { LPWSTR szPart;
if(SearchPathW( NULL, szFileName, NULL, cchFullPath, pszFullPath, &szPart ) == 0) { return FALSE; }
if(*phFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }