Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines to manage master keys on behalf of the client. This includes retrieval, backup and restore.
Scott Field (sfield) 09-Sep-97
Revision History:
Scott Field (sfield) 01-Mar-98 Use files as the backing store. Storage of all masterkey pieces a single atomic operation.
#include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <msaudite.h>
// preferred masterkey selection query/set
NTSTATUS GetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN OUT GUID *pguidMasterKey );
BOOL SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN GUID *pguidMasterKey );
// masterkey creation and query
DWORD CreateMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, OUT GUID *pguidMasterKey, IN BOOL fRequireBackup );
BOOL GetMasterKeyByGuid( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN PSID pSid, IN BOOL fMigrate, IN GUID *pguidMasterKey, OUT LPBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pdwMasterKeyDisposition // refer to MK_DISP_ constants
BOOL GetMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN PSID pSid, IN BOOL fMigrate, IN WCHAR wszMasterKey[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS], OUT LPBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pdwMasterKeyDisposition );
// helper functions used during key retrieval and storage.
BOOL ReadMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, // if NULL, caller is assumed to be impersonating
BOOL WriteMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, // if NULL, caller is assumed to be impersonating
BOOL CheckToStompMasterKey( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK phMasterKeyCandidate, // masterkey to check if worthy to stomp over existing
IN HANDLE hFile, // file handle to existing masterkey
IN OUT BOOL *pfStomp // stomp the existing masterkey?
BOOL DuplicateMasterKey( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKeyIn, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKeyOut );
BOOL CloseMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, // if NULL, caller is assumed to be impersonating
IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN BOOL fPersist // persist any changes to storage?
VOID FreeMasterKey( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey );
// low-level crypto enabled key persistence query/set
DWORD DecryptMasterKeyFromStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], OUT BOOL *pfUpgradeEncryption, OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey );
DWORD DecryptMasterKeyToMemory( IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], IN PBYTE pbMasterKeyIn, IN DWORD cbMasterKeyIn, OUT BOOL *pfUpgradeEncryption, OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKeyOut, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKeyOut );
DWORD EncryptMasterKeyToStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], IN PBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey );
DWORD EncryptMasterKeyToMemory( IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], IN DWORD cIterationCount, IN PBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey, OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKeyOut, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKeyOut );
DWORD PersistMasterKeyToStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN PBYTE pbMasterKeyOut, IN DWORD cbMasterKeyOut );
DWORD QueryMasterKeyFromStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKeyOut, IN OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKeyOut );
// per-user credential derivation
BOOL GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN GUID *pCredentialID, IN PSID pSid, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OUT BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN] );
BOOL GetLocalKeyUserEncryptionKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN OUT BYTE rgbLKEncrytionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN] );
// backup/restore operations.
BOOL IsBackupMasterKeyRequired( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN OUT BOOL *pfPhaseTwo // is phase two required?
DWORD BackupMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN LPBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey, IN BOOL fPhaseTwo, // is phase two required?
IN BOOL fAsynchronous // asynchronous call?
DWORD QueueBackupMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN PBYTE pbLocalKey, IN DWORD cbLocalKey, IN PBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey, IN DWORD dwWaitTimeout // amount of time to wait for operation to complete
DWORD RestoreMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PSID pSid, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwReason, OUT LPBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey );
// asyncrhonous work functions for:
// 1. Backup operations
// 2. Masterkey synchronization operations
DWORD WINAPI QueueBackupMasterKeyThreadFunc( IN LPVOID lpThreadArgument );
DWORD WINAPI QueueSyncMasterKeysThreadFunc( IN LPVOID lpThreadArgument );
// backup/restore policy operations
BOOL InitializeMasterKeyPolicy( IN PVOID pvContext, IN MASTERKEY_STORED *phMasterKey, OUT BOOL *fLocalAccount );
BOOL IsDomainBackupRequired( IN PVOID pvContext );
DWORD InitiateSynchronizeMasterKeys( IN PVOID pvContext // server context
) /*++
Force Synchronization of all masterkeys associated with the caller.
This can include per-machine keys if the call was made with the per-machine flag turned on. Otherwise, the masterkeys associated with the client user security context are synchronized.
Synchronization is required to support a variety of login credential change scenarios:
1. Domain Administrator assigns new password to user. 2. User changes password locally. 3. User changes password from another machine on the network. 4. User which is primarily disconnected from the network requests new password from Domain Administrator, connect to network long enough to refresh Netlogon cache with new credential.
--*/ { PQUEUED_SYNC pQueuedSync = NULL; DWORD cbQueuedSync = sizeof(QUEUED_SYNC); DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "SynchronizeMasterKeys\n"));
pQueuedSync = (PQUEUED_SYNC)SSAlloc( cbQueuedSync ); if( pQueuedSync == NULL ) { dwLastError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
ZeroMemory( pQueuedSync, cbQueuedSync ); pQueuedSync->cbSize = cbQueuedSync;
// duplicate the outstanding server context.
dwLastError = CPSDuplicateContext(pvContext, &(pQueuedSync->pvContext));
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto cleanup;
#if 1
// create the worker thread to handle the synchronize request.
if( !QueueUserWorkItem( QueueSyncMasterKeysThreadFunc, pQueuedSync, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION )) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); }
// Perform the synchronization in the current thread.
dwLastError = SynchronizeMasterKeys(pQueuedSync->pvContext, 0);
if(pQueuedSync->pvContext) { CPSFreeContext( pQueuedSync->pvContext ); }
if( pQueuedSync ) SSFree( pQueuedSync );
dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// free resources locally since a thread was not successfully created;
// normally, the worker thread will free these resources.
if( pQueuedSync ) {
if( pQueuedSync->pvContext ) CPSFreeContext( pQueuedSync->pvContext );
SSFree( pQueuedSync ); } }
return dwLastError; }
DWORD WINAPI QueueSyncMasterKeysThreadFunc( IN LPVOID lpThreadArgument ) /*++
This routine performs asyncronous masterkey synchronization associated with the client security context that invoked the operation.
All masterkeys associated with the security context are queried which in turn causes a re-encrypt/sync if necessary.
--*/ { PQUEUED_SYNC pQueuedSync = (PQUEUED_SYNC)lpThreadArgument; PVOID pvContext = NULL; DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if( pQueuedSync == NULL || pQueuedSync->cbSize != sizeof(QUEUED_SYNC) || pQueuedSync->pvContext == NULL ) { dwLastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; }
pvContext = pQueuedSync->pvContext;
dwLastError = SynchronizeMasterKeys(pvContext, 0);
if( pvContext ) { CPSFreeContext( pvContext ); }
if( pQueuedSync ) SSFree( pQueuedSync );
return dwLastError; }
// Function: ReencryptMasterKey
// Synopsis: Read in the specified (machine) master key file, encrypt it
// using the current DPAPI LSA secret, and write it back out.
// This routine is only called when updating the DPAPI LSA
// secret (e.g., by sysprep).
// Arguments: [pvContext] -- Server context.
// [pLogonId] -- User logon session.
// [pszUserStorageArea] -- Path to user profile.
// [pszFilename] -- Filename of the master key file.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, a Windows
// error code otherwise.
// History:
// Notes: This function should only be called for machine master keys,
// since these are typically the only ones that are encrypted
// using the LSA secret.
DWORD WINAPI ReencryptMasterKey( PVOID pvContext, PLUID pLogonId, LPWSTR pszUserStorageArea, LPWSTR pszFilename) { MASTERKEY_STORED hMasterKey; DWORD cbFilePath; LPBYTE pbMasterKey; DWORD cbMasterKey; GUID guidMasterKey; BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; BOOL fUserCredentialValid; GUID CredentialID; DWORD dwLastError;
// Validate input parameters.
if((pszUserStorageArea == NULL) || (pszFilename == NULL)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if(WSZ_BYTECOUNT(pszFilename) > sizeof(hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Initialize master key memory block.
ZeroMemory( &hMasterKey, sizeof(hMasterKey) );
hMasterKey.fModified = TRUE;
cbFilePath = WSZ_BYTECOUNT(pszUserStorageArea); hMasterKey.szFilePath = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cbFilePath ); if(hMasterKey.szFilePath == NULL) { dwLastError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY; return dwLastError; }
CopyMemory(hMasterKey.szFilePath, pszUserStorageArea, cbFilePath); CopyMemory(hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey, pszFilename, WSZ_BYTECOUNT(pszFilename));
// read the master key components into memory.
if(!ReadMasterKey( pvContext, &hMasterKey )) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "ReadMasterKey failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError())); CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, FALSE); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
// read the master key from the cache
dwLastError = MyGuidFromStringW(hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey, &guidMasterKey);
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, FALSE); return dwLastError; }
pbMasterKey = NULL;
if(!SearchMasterKeyCache( pLogonId, &guidMasterKey, &pbMasterKey, &cbMasterKey )) { D_DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Master key %ls not found in cache!\n", hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey)); CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, FALSE); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
// Get encryption key
ZeroMemory(&CredentialID, sizeof(CredentialID));
fUserCredentialValid = GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, &CredentialID, NULL, USE_DPAPI_OWF | USE_ROOT_CREDENTIAL, rgbMKEncryptionKey); if(fUserCredentialValid) { hMasterKey.dwPolicy |= POLICY_DPAPI_OWF; } else { D_DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Unable to get user encryption key\n")); CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, FALSE); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
// re-encrypt the masterkey.
dwLastError = EncryptMasterKeyToStorage( &hMasterKey, REGVAL_MASTER_KEY, rgbMKEncryptionKey, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Error encrypting master key!\n")); CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, FALSE); return dwLastError; }
// Save the master key to disk.
if(!CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, TRUE)) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Error saving master key!\n")); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
// Function: SynchronizeMasterKeys
// Synopsis: Enumerate all of the master keys, and update their encryption
// state as necessary.
// Arguments: [pvContext] -- Server context.
// [dwMode] -- Operation to perform on the master keys.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, a Windows
// error code otherwise.
// History:
// Notes: By default, this function will read in each of the master
// keys belonging to the specified user. If necessary, a key
// recovery operation will be done, and the reencrypted key
// will be written back out to disk.
// If the dwMode parameter is non-zero, then one of the
// following operations will be done:
// Read each master key into the master key cache. Fail
// if any of the keys cannot be successfully read. This
// operation is done before the DPAPI LSA secret is updated.
// Re-encrypt each master key (from the cache), and write
// them back out to disk. This operation is performed after
// the DPAPI LSA secret is updated.
DWORD WINAPI SynchronizeMasterKeys( IN PVOID pvContext, IN DWORD dwMode) { LPWSTR szUserStorageArea = NULL; BOOL fImpersonated = FALSE; DWORD cbUserStorageArea; HANDLE hFindData = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // note: tis a shame that ? doesn't map to wildcard a single character...
// const WCHAR szFileName[] = L"????????-????-????-????-????????????";
const WCHAR szFileName[] = L"*"; LPWSTR szFileMatch = NULL; DWORD cbFileMatch; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData; DWORD dwLastError; PSID *apsidHistory = NULL; DWORD cSids = 0; DWORD iSid = 0; LUID LogonId; BOOL fLogonIdValid = FALSE; GUID guidMasterKey;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "SynchronizeMasterKeys called\n")); D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, " dwMode: 0x%x\n", dwMode));
// get LogonId associated with client security context.
dwLastError = CPSImpersonateClient( pvContext ); if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if(GetThreadAuthenticationId(GetCurrentThread(), &LogonId)) { fLogonIdValid = TRUE; }
CPSRevertToSelf( pvContext ); }
// Get the sid history for this user, so
// we can sync all keys
dwLastError = CPSGetSidHistory(pvContext, &apsidHistory, &cSids); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastError) { goto cleanup; }
for(iSid=0; iSid < cSids; iSid++) { //
// get the path to the per-user master key storage area on disk
dwLastError = CPSGetUserStorageArea( pvContext, (iSid > 0)?apsidHistory[iSid]:NULL, FALSE, &szUserStorageArea );
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if(dwLastError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND || dwLastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } goto cleanup; }
// build the wild card search path.
cbUserStorageArea = lstrlenW( szUserStorageArea ) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbFileMatch = cbUserStorageArea + sizeof(szFileName);
szFileMatch = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cbFileMatch ); if(NULL == szFileMatch) { dwLastError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } CopyMemory( szFileMatch, szUserStorageArea, cbUserStorageArea ); CopyMemory( ((LPBYTE)szFileMatch)+cbUserStorageArea, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName) );
// impersonate the client security context via the duplicated context.
dwLastError = CPSImpersonateClient( pvContext ); if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto cleanup;
fImpersonated = TRUE;
// now enumerate the files looking for ones that look interesting.
hFindData = FindFirstFileW( szFileMatch, &FindFileData );
if( hFindData == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) goto cleanup;
do { LPBYTE pbMasterKey = NULL; DWORD cbMasterKey = 0; DWORD dwMasterKeyDisposition;
if( FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) continue;
// ignore files which don't look like a textual GUID.
if( lstrlenW( FindFileData.cFileName ) != 36 ) continue;
if( FindFileData.cFileName[ 8 ] != L'-' || FindFileData.cFileName[ 13 ] != L'-' || FindFileData.cFileName[ 18 ] != L'-' || FindFileData.cFileName[ 23 ] != L'-' ) {
continue; }
switch(dwMode) { case ADD_MASTER_KEY_TO_CACHE:
// Add this master key to the master key cache. Abort the
// entire function if the operation is not successful for
// any reason.
if(!fLogonIdValid) { dwLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
dwLastError = MyGuidFromStringW(FindFileData.cFileName, &guidMasterKey); if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// Fetch the specified key.
if(!GetMasterKey(pvContext, szUserStorageArea, apsidHistory[iSid], iSid > 0, FindFileData.cFileName, &pbMasterKey, &cbMasterKey, &dwMasterKeyDisposition)) { dwLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
// Add the key to the cache.
if(!InsertMasterKeyCache(&LogonId, &guidMasterKey, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey)) { if(pbMasterKey) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey ); SSFree( pbMasterKey ); } dwLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
// Scrub and free the master key.
if(pbMasterKey) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey ); SSFree( pbMasterKey ); } break;
// The DPAPI LSA secret has changed, so read the master key
// from the cache and reencrypt it to storage. This mode will
// only be used for the local machine master keys.
if(!fLogonIdValid) { dwLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
// Ignore the returned error code, since there's little
// we can do about it now...
ReencryptMasterKey(pvContext, &LogonId, szUserStorageArea, FindFileData.cFileName);
// fetch the specified key; this will cause a credential re-sync
// if necessary.
if(GetMasterKey( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, apsidHistory[iSid], iSid > 0, FindFileData.cFileName, &pbMasterKey, &cbMasterKey, &dwMasterKeyDisposition ) ) { // Scrub and free the master key.
if( pbMasterKey ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey ); SSFree( pbMasterKey ); } }
break; }
} while( FindNextFileW( hFindData, &FindFileData ) );
dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
SSFree(szUserStorageArea); szUserStorageArea = NULL; }
if( pvContext ) { if( fImpersonated ) CPSRevertToSelf( pvContext ); }
if( hFindData != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) FindClose( hFindData );
if( szUserStorageArea ) SSFree( szUserStorageArea );
if( szFileMatch ) SSFree( szFileMatch );
if(apsidHistory) SSFree( apsidHistory );
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "SynchronizeMasterKeys returned 0x%x\n", dwLastError));
return dwLastError; }
VOID DPAPISynchronizeMasterKeys( IN HANDLE hUserToken) { CRYPT_SERVER_CONTEXT ServerContext; BOOL fContextCreated = FALSE; HANDLE hOldUser = NULL; DWORD dwError;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "DPAPISynchronizeMasterKeys\n"));
// Create a server context.
if(hUserToken) { if(!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | TOKEN_READ, TRUE, &hOldUser)) { hOldUser = NULL; }
if(!ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hUserToken)) { dwError = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(hOldUser); goto cleanup; } }
dwError = CPSCreateServerContext(&ServerContext, NULL);
if(hOldUser) { if (!SetThreadToken(NULL, hOldUser)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { dwError = GetLastError(); fContextCreated = TRUE; } } CloseHandle(hOldUser); hOldUser = NULL; }
if(dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } fContextCreated = TRUE;
// Synchronize the master keys.
dwError = InitiateSynchronizeMasterKeys(&ServerContext);
if(dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
if(fContextCreated) { CPSDeleteServerContext( &ServerContext ); }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "DPAPISynchronizeMasterKeys returned 0x%x\n", dwError)); }
DWORD GetSpecifiedMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, // server context
IN OUT GUID *pguidMasterKey, OUT LPBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey, IN BOOL fSpecified // get specified pguidMasterKey key ?
) /*++
This function returns the caller a decrypted master key. If fSpecified is TRUE, the returned master key is the one specified by the GUID pointed to by pguidMasterKey. Otherwise, the returned master key is the preferred master key, and pguidMasterKey is filled with the GUID value associated with the preferred master key.
The proper way to utilize the fSpecified parameter is to specify FALSE when obtaining a masterkey associated with an encrypt operation; specify TRUE and supply valid GUID in pguidMasterKey when doing a decrypt operation. For an encrypt operation, the caller will store the GUID returned in pguidMasterKey alongside any data encrypted with that master key.
On success, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. The caller must free the buffer pointed to by ppbMasterKey using SSFree() when finished with it. The caller should keep this buffer around for the shortest possible time, to avoid pagefile exposure.
On failure, the return value is not ERROR_SUCCESS. The caller need not free the buffer pointed to ppbMasterKey.
--*/ {
LUID LogonId; BOOL fCached = FALSE; // masterkey found in cache?
LPWSTR szUserStorageArea = NULL;
DWORD dwMasterKeyDisposition = 0;
DWORD dwLocalError; DWORD dwLastError; BOOL fSetPreferred = FALSE; // update preferred guid?
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; PSID *apsidHistory = NULL; DWORD cSids = 0; DWORD i; NTSTATUS Status;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "GetSpecifiedMasterKey called\n"));
// get LogonId associated with client security context.
dwLastError = CPSImpersonateClient( pvContext ); if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "GetSpecifiedMasterKey returned 0x%x\n", dwLastError)); return dwLastError; }
fSuccess = GetThreadAuthenticationId(GetCurrentThread(), &LogonId); if( !fSuccess ) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); } CPSRevertToSelf( pvContext );
if( !fSuccess ) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "GetSpecifiedMasterKey returned 0x%x\n", dwLastError)); return dwLastError; }
fSuccess = FALSE;
// Get the preferred key GUID if no master key was specified by name.
if( !fSpecified ) { //
// get the path to the per-user master key storage area on disk
dwLastError = CPSGetUserStorageArea( pvContext, NULL, TRUE, &szUserStorageArea );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "CPSGetUserStorageArea failed: 0x%x\n", dwLastError)); goto cleanup; }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Master key user path: %ls\n", szUserStorageArea));
// determine what is the preferred master key.
// if none exists, create one, and set it as being preferred.
Status = GetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, pguidMasterKey ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if(Status == STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED) { GUID guidNewMasterKey;
// A preferred master key exists, but it has expired. Attempt to generate
// a new master key, but fall back to the old one if we're unable to
// create a proper backup for the new master key.
dwLastError = CreateMasterKey( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, &guidNewMasterKey, TRUE ); if(dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Use new key.
memcpy(pguidMasterKey, &guidNewMasterKey, sizeof(GUID));
// update preferred guid.
fSetPreferred = TRUE; } } else { // No preferred master key currently exists, so generate a new one.
dwLastError = CreateMasterKey( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, pguidMasterKey, FALSE ); if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// update preferred guid.
fSetPreferred = TRUE; } } }
// search cache for specified masterkey.
if(SearchMasterKeyCache( &LogonId, pguidMasterKey, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey )) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Master key found in cache.\n"));
fCached = TRUE; fSuccess = TRUE; goto cleanup; }
// get the path to the per-user master key storage area on disk
if(szUserStorageArea == NULL) { dwLastError = CPSGetUserStorageArea( pvContext, NULL, TRUE, &szUserStorageArea );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "CPSGetUserStorageArea failed: 0x%x\n", dwLastError)); goto cleanup; }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Master key user path: %ls\n", szUserStorageArea)); }
// If it's not in the cache, we need to load it.
// By default, we have the users primary sid
cSids = 1;
if(fSpecified) { //
// If the GUID was specified, we need to find it, so get
// the SID History so we can search all SIDS the user has
// been for this one.
dwLastError = CPSGetSidHistory(pvContext, &apsidHistory, &cSids); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastError) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "CPSGetSidHistory failed: 0x%x\n", dwLastError)); goto cleanup; } }
for(i=0; i < cSids; i++) {
if((fSpecified) && (i > 0)) { // for sid's beyond the 0th one (the current user's sid),
// we need to grab the new storage area.
if(szUserStorageArea) { SSFree(szUserStorageArea); szUserStorageArea = NULL; } dwLocalError = CPSGetUserStorageArea( pvContext, apsidHistory[i], FALSE, &szUserStorageArea );
if(dwLocalError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // There is no storage area for this SID, so try the next
continue; } }
// get the master key.
fSuccess = GetMasterKeyByGuid( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, (i > 0)?apsidHistory[i]:NULL, i > 0, pguidMasterKey, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey, &dwMasterKeyDisposition);
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "GetMasterKeyByGuid disposition: %s\n", (dwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_OK) ? "Normal" : (dwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_BCK_LCL) ? "Local backup" : (dwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_BCK_DC) ? "DC backup" : (dwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_STORAGE_ERR) ? "Storage error" : (dwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_DELEGATION_ERR) ? "Delegation error" : "Unknown error"));
if(!fSuccess) { if(MK_DISP_STORAGE_ERR != dwMasterKeyDisposition) { // The disposition was not a storage error, so the key does
// exist in this area, but there was some other error.
break; } } else { break; } }
// if this was an encrypt operation, and we failed to get at the preferred key,
// create a new key and set it preferred.
if(!fSuccess && !fSpecified && ((dwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_STORAGE_ERR) || (dwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_DELEGATION_ERR) )) { dwLastError = CreateMasterKey( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, pguidMasterKey, FALSE ); if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
fSuccess = GetMasterKeyByGuid( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, NULL, FALSE, pguidMasterKey, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey, &dwMasterKeyDisposition );
fSetPreferred = fSuccess; }
if( fSuccess && fSetPreferred ) {
// masterkey creation succeeded, and usage of the key succeeded.
// set key as being preferred.
SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, pguidMasterKey ); }
if(szUserStorageArea) { SSFree(szUserStorageArea); }
if(apsidHistory) { SSFree(apsidHistory); }
if(fSuccess) { //
// add entry to cache if it wasn't found there.
if( !fCached ) { InsertMasterKeyCache( &LogonId, pguidMasterKey, *ppbMasterKey, *pcbMasterKey ); }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "GetSpecifiedMasterKey returned 0x%x\n", ERROR_SUCCESS));
if(dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwLastError = (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY_STATE; }
if(MK_DISP_DELEGATION_ERR == dwMasterKeyDisposition) { dwLastError = (DWORD)SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIRED; }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "GetSpecifiedMasterKey returned 0x%x\n", dwLastError));
return dwLastError; }
DWORD CreateMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, OUT GUID *pguidMasterKey, IN BOOL fRequireBackup) { MASTERKEY_STORED hMasterKey; DWORD cbFilePath;
BYTE pbMasterKey[ MASTERKEY_MATERIAL_SIZE ]; DWORD cbMasterKey = sizeof(pbMasterKey);
BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; // masterkey encryption key
BYTE pbLocalKey[ LOCALKEY_MATERIAL_SIZE ]; DWORD cbLocalKey = sizeof(pbLocalKey); BYTE rgbLKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; // localkey encryption key
BOOL fUserCredentialValid = FALSE;
DWORD dwLastError; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; BOOL fLocalAccount = FALSE;
GUID CredentialID;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CreateMasterKey\n"));
ZeroMemory(&CredentialID, sizeof(CredentialID));
// generate new GUID
dwLastError = UuidCreate( pguidMasterKey );
if( dwLastError ) { if( dwLastError == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY ) { dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return dwLastError; } }
// initialize masterkey
ZeroMemory( &hMasterKey, sizeof(hMasterKey)); hMasterKey.dwVersion = MASTERKEY_STORED_VERSION; hMasterKey.fModified = TRUE;
// set initial (default) masterkey policy.
// Do this whenever we determine a new masterkey is created/selected.
// This allows us future flexibility if we want to pull policy bits
// from some admin defined place.
InitializeMasterKeyPolicy( pvContext, &hMasterKey , &fLocalAccount);
// copy path to key file into masterkey memory block.
cbFilePath = (lstrlenW( szUserStorageArea ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); hMasterKey.szFilePath = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cbFilePath ); if(hMasterKey.szFilePath == NULL) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY;
CopyMemory(hMasterKey.szFilePath, szUserStorageArea, cbFilePath);
if( MyGuidToStringW( pguidMasterKey, hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey ) != 0 ) { dwLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto cleanup; }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Master key GUID:%ls\n", hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey)); #endif
// generate random masterkey in memory.
if(!RtlGenRandom(pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey)) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Master key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey); #endif
// generate random localkey in memory.
if(!RtlGenRandom(pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey)) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Local key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey); #endif
// get current masterkey encryption key.
if(fLocalAccount) { fUserCredentialValid = GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, &CredentialID, NULL, USE_DPAPI_OWF | USE_ROOT_CREDENTIAL, rgbMKEncryptionKey); if(fUserCredentialValid) { hMasterKey.dwPolicy |= POLICY_DPAPI_OWF;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK Encryption key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", rgbMKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbMKEncryptionKey));
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK Encryption key GUID:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", (PBYTE)&CredentialID, sizeof(CredentialID)); #endif
} else { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Unable to get SHA OWF user encryption key!\n")); }
if(!fUserCredentialValid) { //
// If we couldn't use the DPAPI owf, then do something else
fUserCredentialValid = GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, fLocalAccount?(&CredentialID):NULL, NULL, USE_ROOT_CREDENTIAL, rgbMKEncryptionKey);
if(fUserCredentialValid) { #ifdef COMPILED_BY_DEVELOPER
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK Encryption key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", rgbMKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbMKEncryptionKey));
if(fLocalAccount) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK Encryption key GUID:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", (PBYTE)&CredentialID, sizeof(CredentialID)); } #endif
} else { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Unable to get NT OWF user encryption key!\n")); } }
// if the user credential is not intact or available, generate a random
// one for the time being. When fUserCredentialIntact is FALSE, we also
// do not attempt to backup/restore the key to phase 1 status.
// When fUserCredentialIntact eventually becomes TRUE, we will upgrade to
// phase 2 transparently.
if( !fUserCredentialValid ) {
// if no backup was specified in policy, we can't run with an
// random credential, as it won't be backed up to support temporary
// credential-less operation (eg: delegation).
if(fLocalAccount) { dwLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
if(hMasterKey.dwPolicy & POLICY_NO_BACKUP) { dwLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
RtlGenRandom(rgbMKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbMKEncryptionKey));
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK Encryption key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", rgbMKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbMKEncryptionKey)); #endif
if(fLocalAccount) { //
// Save the local backup information
LocalBackupData.dwVersion = MASTERKEY_BLOB_LOCALKEY_BACKUP; CopyMemory(&LocalBackupData.CredentialID, &CredentialID, sizeof(CredentialID));
dwLastError = PersistMasterKeyToStorage( &hMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY, (PBYTE)&LocalBackupData, sizeof(LocalBackupData) ); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastError) { goto cleanup; } }
// get localkey user encryption key.
if(!GetLocalKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, rgbLKEncryptionKey)) goto cleanup;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "LK Encryption key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", rgbLKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbLKEncryptionKey)); #endif
// now, encrypt and store the master key.
dwLastError = EncryptMasterKeyToStorage( &hMasterKey, REGVAL_MASTER_KEY, rgbMKEncryptionKey, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey );
if(dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// now, encrypt and store the local key.
dwLastError = EncryptMasterKeyToStorage( &hMasterKey, REGVAL_LOCAL_KEY, rgbLKEncryptionKey, pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey ); }
if(dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BOOL fPhaseTwo = FALSE; fSuccess = TRUE;
// after creation, do initial backup if necessary.
if(IsBackupMasterKeyRequired( &hMasterKey, &fPhaseTwo )) { DWORD dwBackupError;
dwBackupError = BackupMasterKey( pvContext, &hMasterKey, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey, fPhaseTwo, // phase two backup required?
fUserCredentialValid // async only if cred valid
if(dwBackupError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(!fUserCredentialValid || fRequireBackup) { //
// no valid credential, and backup failed, fail creation of
// this key.
dwLastError = SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIRED; fSuccess = FALSE; }
} }
RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbMasterKey, sizeof(pbMasterKey)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(rgbMKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbMKEncryptionKey)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(rgbLKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbLKEncryptionKey));
// note: it's possible for a race to occur closing the master key
// at this point, because the key may be backed up asynchronously.
// this isn't a problem because when a key is persisted to disk,
// we will not downgrade the backed up blob to non-backed up, as the
// CloseMasterKey() code includes logic to prevent that situation from
// occuring.
if(!CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, fSuccess)) fSuccess = FALSE;
if(fSuccess) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
return dwLastError; }
BOOL GetMasterKeyByGuid( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN PSID pSid, IN BOOL fMigrate, IN GUID *pguidMasterKey, OUT LPBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pdwMasterKeyDisposition // refer to MK_DISP_ constants
) { WCHAR wszguidMasterKey[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS];
*pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_UNKNOWN_ERR;
if( MyGuidToStringW( pguidMasterKey, wszguidMasterKey ) != 0 ) return FALSE;
return GetMasterKey( pvContext, szUserStorageArea, pSid, fMigrate, wszguidMasterKey, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey, pdwMasterKeyDisposition ); }
BOOL GetMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN PSID pSid, IN BOOL fMigrate, IN WCHAR wszMasterKey[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS], OUT LPBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pdwMasterKeyDisposition ) { MASTERKEY_STORED hMasterKey; DWORD cbFilePath; BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; // masterkey encryption key
DWORD dwLastError = (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY; BOOL fUserCredentialValid; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; BOOL fUpgradeEncryption = FALSE; LPWSTR wszOldFilePath = NULL; GUID CredentialID;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "GetMasterKey: %ls\n", wszMasterKey));
*pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_UNKNOWN_ERR;
ZeroMemory( &hMasterKey, sizeof(hMasterKey) );
hMasterKey.fModified = FALSE;
// copy path to key file into masterkey memory block.
cbFilePath = (lstrlenW( szUserStorageArea ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); hMasterKey.szFilePath = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cbFilePath ); if(hMasterKey.szFilePath == NULL) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
CopyMemory(hMasterKey.szFilePath, szUserStorageArea, cbFilePath); CopyMemory(hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey, wszMasterKey, sizeof(hMasterKey.wszguidMasterKey));
// read the masterkey components into memory.
if(!ReadMasterKey( pvContext, &hMasterKey )) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "ReadMasterKey failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError())); SetLastError( (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY ); *pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_STORAGE_ERR; return FALSE; }
// get current masterkey encryption key.
ZeroMemory(&CredentialID, sizeof(CredentialID));
fUserCredentialValid = GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, &CredentialID, pSid, USE_ROOT_CREDENTIAL | ((hMasterKey.dwPolicy & POLICY_DPAPI_OWF)?USE_DPAPI_OWF:0), rgbMKEncryptionKey);
if( fUserCredentialValid ) {
// retrieve and decrypt MK with current credential.
// if success, see if pending phase one/two backup required [make it so]
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK decryption key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", rgbMKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbMKEncryptionKey)); #endif
dwLastError = DecryptMasterKeyFromStorage( &hMasterKey, REGVAL_MASTER_KEY, rgbMKEncryptionKey, &fUpgradeEncryption, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey );
#if DBG
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Master key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", *ppbMasterKey, *pcbMasterKey); #endif
} else { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Decryption with current user MK failed\n")); } #endif
} else { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError())); }
if( fUpgradeEncryption || fMigrate || (dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS )) {
// if the MK fails to decrypt, attempt recovery.
// if recovery succeeds, re-encrypt MK with current credential.
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwLastError = RestoreMasterKey( pvContext, pSid, &hMasterKey, dwLastError, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey );
fUpgradeEncryption = TRUE; }
// If this is a migration, we must get the current real user storage
// area, not the one that the key was retrieved from.
if((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwLastError) && (fMigrate)) { wszOldFilePath = hMasterKey.szFilePath; hMasterKey.szFilePath = NULL;
dwLastError = CPSGetUserStorageArea( pvContext, NULL, FALSE, &hMasterKey.szFilePath ); }
// recovery succeeded, re-encrypt the masterkey if the user credential
// is valid.
// Also re-encrypt if fUpgradeEncryption indicates that we're
// not meeting current policy with this master key.
if( fUpgradeEncryption && (dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS )) {
if( fUserCredentialValid ) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Update master key encryption.\n"));
dwLastError = EncryptMasterKeyToStorage( &hMasterKey, REGVAL_MASTER_KEY, rgbMKEncryptionKey, *ppbMasterKey, *pcbMasterKey ); if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Error encrypting master key!\n")); }
// Update the local backup information
if(dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOCAL_BACKUP_DATA LocalBackupData;
if(hMasterKey.pbBK != NULL && hMasterKey.cbBK >= sizeof(LocalBackupData)) { CopyMemory(&LocalBackupData, hMasterKey.pbBK, sizeof(LocalBackupData));
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "New MK encryption key GUID:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", (PBYTE)&LocalBackupData.CredentialID, sizeof(LocalBackupData.CredentialID)); #endif
CopyMemory(&LocalBackupData.CredentialID, &CredentialID, sizeof(CredentialID));
PersistMasterKeyToStorage( &hMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY, (PBYTE)&LocalBackupData, sizeof(LocalBackupData) ); } } } } } if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastError) {
// treat recovery failure as storage error so that a new key can
// be created for Protect operations.
if(dwLastError == SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIRED) { *pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_DELEGATION_ERR; } else { *pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_STORAGE_ERR; } } }
if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// after access, do backup if necessary.
// we check this each access to see if deferred backup required.
// (note: employ a back-off interval so we don't bang the network
// constantly when it isn't around).
BOOL fPhaseTwo;
if(fUserCredentialValid && IsBackupMasterKeyRequired( &hMasterKey, &fPhaseTwo )) { if(BackupMasterKey( pvContext, &hMasterKey, *ppbMasterKey, *pcbMasterKey, fPhaseTwo, // phase two backup required?
TRUE // always asynchronous during key retrieve
if(fPhaseTwo) *pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_BCK_DC; else *pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_BCK_LCL; } }
if( *pdwMasterKeyDisposition == MK_DISP_UNKNOWN_ERR ) { *pdwMasterKeyDisposition = MK_DISP_OK; }
fSuccess = TRUE; }
if(!CloseMasterKey(pvContext, &hMasterKey, fSuccess)) { fSuccess = FALSE; }
if(fSuccess && (NULL != wszOldFilePath)) { LPWSTR wszDeleteFilePath = NULL; // Delete the old key, now that the new one has been migrated.
wszDeleteFilePath = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc((wcslen(wszOldFilePath) + wcslen(wszMasterKey) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(NULL != wszDeleteFilePath) { wcscpy(wszDeleteFilePath, wszOldFilePath); wcscat(wszDeleteFilePath, L"\\"); wcscat(wszDeleteFilePath, wszMasterKey);
DeleteFile(wszDeleteFilePath); SSFree(wszDeleteFilePath); } } return fSuccess; }
BOOL GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey( IN PVOID pvContext, OUT GUID *pCredentialID, IN PSID pSid, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OUT BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN] ) /*++
This routine gets the key used to encrypt and decrypt the persisted master key MK. This routine returns a copy of a function of the per-user logon credential used during Windows NT logon.
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE, and the buffer specified with by the rgbMKEncryptionKey parameter is filled with the masterkey encryption key.
The return value is FALSE if the encryption key could not be obtained.
--*/ { BOOL fLocalMachine = FALSE; DWORD dwAccount = 0; LPWSTR pszUserName = NULL; DWORD cchUserName; DWORD dwLastError; BOOL fSystemCred = FALSE; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// see if the call is for shared, CRYPT_PROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE
// disposition.
CPSOverrideToLocalSystem( pvContext, NULL, // don't change current over-ride BOOL
&fLocalMachine );
CPSQueryWellKnownAccount( pvContext, &dwAccount);
// if the context specified per-machine, we know that it's a system credential.
// also, we don't need to get the user name in this scenario.
if(fLocalMachine || (dwAccount != 0)) { fSystemCred = TRUE; }
if( !fSystemCred ) {
if(pSid) { WCHAR wszTextualSid[MAX_PATH+1]; cchUserName = MAX_PATH+1; if(!GetTextualSid(pSid, wszTextualSid, &cchUserName)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } pszUserName = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc(cchUserName*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(NULL == pszUserName) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } wcscpy(pszUserName, wszTextualSid); cchUserName = wcslen(pszUserName) + 1; } else { //
// use the user name (actually Sid), as the mixing bytes.
dwLastError = CPSGetUserName( pvContext, &pszUserName, &cchUserName );
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( dwLastError ); return FALSE; } } }
// pickup credential for the local system account.
if( fSystemCred ) {
dwLastError = CPSGetSystemCredential( pvContext, fLocalMachine, rgbMKEncryptionKey ); if(pCredentialID) { ZeroMemory(pCredentialID, sizeof(GUID)); }
} else {
dwLastError = CPSGetDerivedCredential( pvContext, pCredentialID, dwFlags, (PBYTE)pszUserName, cchUserName * sizeof(WCHAR), rgbMKEncryptionKey ); }
if( pszUserName ) SSFree( pszUserName );
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( dwLastError ); fSuccess = FALSE; }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL GetLocalKeyUserEncryptionKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN OUT BYTE rgbLKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN] ) /*++
This routine gets the key used to encrypt and decrypt the persisted local key MK. This routine returns a copy of a function of the per-user logon name or Sid. This is a fixed, derivable key which is required in order to satisfy minimal stand-alone entropy.
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE, and the buffer specified with by the rgbLKEncryptionKey parameter is filled with the masterkey encryption key.
The return value is FALSE if the encryption key could not be obtained.
--*/ { A_SHA_CTX shaContext; LPWSTR wszUserName; DWORD cchUserName; // includes terminal NULL
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
if( CPSGetUserName( pvContext, &wszUserName, &cchUserName ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
A_SHAInit( &shaContext ); A_SHAUpdate( &shaContext, (PBYTE)wszUserName, cchUserName * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// if it's above version 1, and it's local only policy, mix in LSA keys.
if( phMasterKey->dwVersion > 1 && phMasterKey->dwPolicy & POLICY_LOCAL_BACKUP ) { BYTE rgbEncryptionKey[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ]; DWORD dwLastError;
dwLastError = CPSGetSystemCredential( pvContext, TRUE, rgbEncryptionKey );
if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
A_SHAUpdate( &shaContext, rgbEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbEncryptionKey) );
dwLastError = CPSGetSystemCredential( pvContext, FALSE, rgbEncryptionKey );
A_SHAUpdate( &shaContext, rgbEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbEncryptionKey) );
RtlSecureZeroMemory( rgbEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbEncryptionKey) );
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) fSuccess = FALSE; }
A_SHAFinal( &shaContext, rgbLKEncryptionKey );
return fSuccess; }
DWORD DecryptMasterKeyToMemory( IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], IN PBYTE pbMasterKeyIn, IN DWORD cbMasterKeyIn, OUT BOOL *pfUpgradeEncryption, OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKeyOut, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKeyOut ) { PMASTERKEY_BLOB pMasterKeyBlob; DWORD cbMasterKeyBlob = cbMasterKeyIn; PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB pMasterKeyInnerBlob; DWORD cIterationCount = 0; DWORD cbMasterKeyBlobHeader;
PBYTE pbMasterKey; DWORD cbMasterKey; ALG_ID EncryptionAlg = CALG_RC4; ALG_ID PKCS5Alg = CALG_HMAC;
BYTE rgbSymKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN*2]; // big enough to handle 3des keys
DWORD dwLastError = (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY; DWORD KeyBlocks = 1;
if(pfUpgradeEncryption) { *pfUpgradeEncryption = FALSE; } //
// Alloc, so we do not modify passed in data
pMasterKeyBlob = (PMASTERKEY_BLOB)SSAlloc( cbMasterKeyBlob ); if(pMasterKeyBlob == NULL) return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY;
CopyMemory( pMasterKeyBlob, pbMasterKeyIn, cbMasterKeyBlob );
if(pMasterKeyBlob->dwVersion > MASTERKEY_BLOB_VERSION) goto cleanup;
if(MASTERKEY_BLOB_VERSION_W2K == pMasterKeyBlob->dwVersion) { pMasterKeyInnerBlob = (PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB)(((PMASTERKEY_BLOB_W2K)pMasterKeyBlob) + 1); cIterationCount = 0; cbMasterKeyBlobHeader = sizeof(MASTERKEY_BLOB_W2K); } else { pMasterKeyInnerBlob = (PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB)(pMasterKeyBlob + 1); cIterationCount = pMasterKeyBlob->IterationCount; cbMasterKeyBlobHeader = sizeof(MASTERKEY_BLOB); PKCS5Alg = (ALG_ID)pMasterKeyBlob->KEYGENAlg; EncryptionAlg = (ALG_ID)pMasterKeyBlob->EncryptionAlg; if(CALG_3DES == EncryptionAlg) { KeyBlocks = 2; // enough blocks for 3des
} else { KeyBlocks = 1; } } if(pfUpgradeEncryption) { if(!FIsLegacyCompliant()) { //
// If we're not in legacy mode, upgrade the master key encryption
// if we're not using CALG_3DES or enough iterations
if((cIterationCount < GetIterationCount()) || (CALG_3DES != EncryptionAlg)) { *pfUpgradeEncryption = TRUE; } } }
if(cIterationCount) { DWORD j; //
// derive symetric key via rgbMKEncryptionKey and random R2
// using PKCS#5 keying function PBKDF2
for(j=0; j < KeyBlocks; j++) { if(!PKCS5DervivePBKDF2( rgbMKEncryptionKey, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, pMasterKeyBlob->R2, MASTERKEY_R2_LEN, PKCS5Alg, cIterationCount, j+1, rgbSymKey + j*A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN)) goto cleanup; }
} else { //
// derive symetric key via rgbMKEncryptionKey and random R2
// using the weak W2K mechanism
if(!FMyPrimitiveHMACParam( rgbMKEncryptionKey, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, pMasterKeyBlob->R2, MASTERKEY_R2_LEN, rgbSymKey )) goto cleanup; }
// decrypt data R3, MAC, pbMasterKey beyond masterkey blob
if(CALG_RC4 == EncryptionAlg) {
// initialize rc4 key
rc4_key(&sRC4Key, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, rgbSymKey);
rc4(&sRC4Key, cbMasterKeyBlob - cbMasterKeyBlobHeader, (PBYTE)pMasterKeyInnerBlob); } else if (CALG_3DES == EncryptionAlg) {
DES3TABLE s3DESKey; BYTE InputBlock[DES_BLOCKLEN]; DWORD iBlock; DWORD cBlocks = (cbMasterKeyBlob - cbMasterKeyBlobHeader)/DES_BLOCKLEN; BYTE feedback[ DES_BLOCKLEN ]; // initialize 3des key
if(cBlocks*DES_BLOCKLEN != (cbMasterKeyBlob - cbMasterKeyBlobHeader)) { // Master key must be a multiple of DES_BLOCKLEN
return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY; } tripledes3key(&s3DESKey, rgbSymKey);
// IV is derived from the DES_BLOCKLEN bytes of the calculated
// rgbSymKey, after the 3des key
CopyMemory(feedback, rgbSymKey + DES3_KEYSIZE, DES_BLOCKLEN);
for(iBlock=0; iBlock < cBlocks; iBlock++) { CopyMemory(InputBlock, ((PBYTE)pMasterKeyInnerBlob)+iBlock*DES_BLOCKLEN, DES_BLOCKLEN); CBC(tripledes, DES_BLOCKLEN, ((PBYTE)pMasterKeyInnerBlob)+iBlock*DES_BLOCKLEN, InputBlock, &s3DESKey, DECRYPT, feedback); } } else { // Unknown cipher....
return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY; } //
// adjust cipher start point to include R3 and MAC.
if(MASTERKEY_BLOB_VERSION_W2K == pMasterKeyBlob->dwVersion) { pbMasterKey = (PBYTE)(((PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB_W2K)pMasterKeyInnerBlob) + 1); cbMasterKey = cbMasterKeyBlob - cbMasterKeyBlobHeader - sizeof(MASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB_W2K);
} else { pbMasterKey = (PBYTE)(pMasterKeyInnerBlob + 1); cbMasterKey = cbMasterKeyBlob - cbMasterKeyBlobHeader - sizeof(MASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB); }
// derive MAC key via HMAC from rgbMKEncryptionKey and random R3.
if(!FMyPrimitiveHMACParam( rgbMKEncryptionKey, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, pMasterKeyInnerBlob->R3, MASTERKEY_R3_LEN, rgbMacKey )) { goto cleanup; }
// use MAC key to derive result from pbMasterKey
if(!FMyPrimitiveHMACParam( rgbMacKey, sizeof(rgbMacKey), pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey, rgbMacCandidate // resultant MAC for verification.
)) goto cleanup;
// verify MAC equality
if(memcmp(pMasterKeyInnerBlob->MAC, rgbMacCandidate, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN) != 0) goto cleanup;
// give caller results.
*ppbMasterKeyOut = (LPBYTE)SSAlloc( cbMasterKey ); if(*ppbMasterKeyOut == NULL) { dwLastError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
CopyMemory(*ppbMasterKeyOut, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey); *pcbMasterKeyOut = cbMasterKey;
dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(pMasterKeyBlob) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pMasterKeyBlob, cbMasterKeyBlob); SSFree( pMasterKeyBlob ); }
return dwLastError; }
DWORD DecryptMasterKeyFromStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], OUT BOOL *pfUpgradeEncryption, OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey ) { PBYTE pbRegData; DWORD cbRegData;
// fetch blob from storage.
switch( dwMKLoc ) { case REGVAL_MASTER_KEY: pbRegData = phMasterKey->pbMK; cbRegData = phMasterKey->cbMK; break; case REGVAL_LOCAL_KEY: pbRegData = phMasterKey->pbLK; cbRegData = phMasterKey->cbLK; break; case REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY: pbRegData = phMasterKey->pbBK; cbRegData = phMasterKey->cbBK; break; case REGVAL_BACKUP_DC_KEY: pbRegData = phMasterKey->pbBBK; cbRegData = phMasterKey->cbBBK; break;
default: return NTE_BAD_KEY; }
if( cbRegData == 0 || pbRegData == NULL ) return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY;
return DecryptMasterKeyToMemory( rgbMKEncryptionKey, pbRegData, cbRegData, pfUpgradeEncryption, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey ); }
DWORD EncryptMasterKeyToStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], IN PBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey ) /*++
Encrypt the pbMasterKey using rgbMKEncryptionKey, storing (persisting) the result to the registry key and location specified by hMasterKey, wszMKLoc.
--*/ { PBYTE pbMasterKeyOut = NULL; DWORD cbMasterKeyOut; DWORD dwLastError; DWORD dwIterationCount = 1;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "EncryptMasterKeyToStorage\n"));
if(dwMKLoc == REGVAL_MASTER_KEY) { dwIterationCount = GetIterationCount(); }
dwLastError = EncryptMasterKeyToMemory( rgbMKEncryptionKey, dwIterationCount, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey, &pbMasterKeyOut, &cbMasterKeyOut );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
dwLastError = PersistMasterKeyToStorage( phMasterKey, dwMKLoc, pbMasterKeyOut, cbMasterKeyOut );
if( pbMasterKeyOut ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbMasterKeyOut, cbMasterKeyOut); SSFree(pbMasterKeyOut); }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "EncryptMasterKeyToStorage returned 0x%x\n", dwLastError));
return dwLastError; }
DWORD PersistMasterKeyToStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN PBYTE pbMasterKeyOut, IN DWORD cbMasterKeyOut ) /*++
Persist the specified key output material to storage.
--*/ { PBYTE *ppbData; DWORD *pcbData;
// fetch blob from storage.
switch( dwMKLoc ) { case REGVAL_MASTER_KEY: ppbData = &(phMasterKey->pbMK); pcbData = &(phMasterKey->cbMK); break; case REGVAL_LOCAL_KEY: ppbData = &(phMasterKey->pbLK); pcbData = &(phMasterKey->cbLK); break; case REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY: ppbData = &(phMasterKey->pbBK); pcbData = &(phMasterKey->cbBK); break; case REGVAL_BACKUP_DC_KEY: ppbData = &(phMasterKey->pbBBK); pcbData = &(phMasterKey->cbBBK); break;
default: return NTE_BAD_KEY; }
if( pbMasterKeyOut == NULL && cbMasterKeyOut == 0 ) {
// discard existing block if present.
if( *ppbData ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( *ppbData, *pcbData ); SSFree( *ppbData ); }
*ppbData = NULL; *pcbData = 0;
// free the in-memory buffer associated with this data block if one
// was allocated previously.
if( *ppbData ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( *ppbData, *pcbData );
if( *pcbData < cbMasterKeyOut ) { SSFree( *ppbData ); *ppbData = (LPBYTE)SSAlloc( cbMasterKeyOut ); }
} else { *ppbData = (LPBYTE)SSAlloc( cbMasterKeyOut ); }
*pcbData = 0;
*pcbData = cbMasterKeyOut ; CopyMemory( *ppbData, pbMasterKeyOut, cbMasterKeyOut );
// a change occured in the master key.
phMasterKey->fModified = TRUE;
DWORD QueryMasterKeyFromStorage( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwMKLoc, IN OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKeyOut, IN OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKeyOut ) /*++
Query raw masterkey material from storage, returning a pointer to the requested element for the caller.
On Success, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
--*/ { PBYTE pbData; DWORD cbData;
// fetch blob from storage.
switch( dwMKLoc ) { case REGVAL_MASTER_KEY: pbData = phMasterKey->pbMK; cbData = phMasterKey->cbMK; break; case REGVAL_LOCAL_KEY: pbData = phMasterKey->pbLK; cbData = phMasterKey->cbLK; break; case REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY: pbData = phMasterKey->pbBK; cbData = phMasterKey->cbBK; break; case REGVAL_BACKUP_DC_KEY: pbData = phMasterKey->pbBBK; cbData = phMasterKey->cbBBK; break;
default: return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY; }
if(cbData == 0 || pbData == NULL) return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY;
*ppbMasterKeyOut = pbData; *pcbMasterKeyOut = cbData;
DWORD EncryptMasterKeyToMemory( IN BYTE rgbMKEncryptionKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], IN DWORD cIterationCount, IN PBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey, OUT PBYTE *ppbMasterKeyOut, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKeyOut ) { PMASTERKEY_BLOB pMasterKeyBlob; DWORD cbMasterKeyBlob; DWORD cbMasterInnerKeyBlob; PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB pMasterKeyInnerBlob; PBYTE pbCipherBegin;
BOOL fLegacyBlob = (FIsLegacyCompliant() || (0 == cIterationCount));
BYTE rgbSymKey[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN*2]; // big enough to handle 3des keys
DWORD KeyBlocks = 1;
if(!fLegacyBlob) {
cbMasterInnerKeyBlob = sizeof(MASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB) + cbMasterKey ;
cbMasterKeyBlob = sizeof(MASTERKEY_BLOB) + cbMasterInnerKeyBlob; } else {
EncryptionAlg = CALG_RC4;
cbMasterInnerKeyBlob = sizeof(MASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB_W2K) + cbMasterKey ;
cbMasterKeyBlob = sizeof(MASTERKEY_BLOB_W2K) + cbMasterInnerKeyBlob;
if(CALG_3DES == EncryptionAlg) { KeyBlocks = 2;
if(cbMasterInnerKeyBlob%DES_BLOCKLEN) { return NTE_BAD_KEY; } }
pMasterKeyBlob = (PMASTERKEY_BLOB)SSAlloc( cbMasterKeyBlob ); if(pMasterKeyBlob == NULL) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY;
if(!fLegacyBlob) { pMasterKeyBlob->dwVersion = MASTERKEY_BLOB_VERSION; pMasterKeyInnerBlob = (PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB)(pMasterKeyBlob + 1); } else { pMasterKeyBlob->dwVersion = MASTERKEY_BLOB_VERSION_W2K; pMasterKeyInnerBlob = (PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB)(((PMASTERKEY_BLOB_W2K)pMasterKeyBlob) + 1); }
// generate random R2 for SymKey
if(!RtlGenRandom(pMasterKeyBlob->R2, MASTERKEY_R2_LEN)) goto cleanup;
// generate random R3 for MAC
if(!RtlGenRandom(pMasterKeyInnerBlob->R3, MASTERKEY_R3_LEN)) goto cleanup;
if(!fLegacyBlob) { DWORD j; //
// derive symetric key via rgbMKEncryptionKey and random R2
for(j=0; j < KeyBlocks; j++) { if(!PKCS5DervivePBKDF2( rgbMKEncryptionKey, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, pMasterKeyBlob->R2, MASTERKEY_R2_LEN, PKCS5Alg, cIterationCount, j+1, rgbSymKey+j*A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN )) goto cleanup; } pMasterKeyBlob->IterationCount = cIterationCount; pMasterKeyBlob->EncryptionAlg = EncryptionAlg; pMasterKeyBlob->KEYGENAlg = PKCS5Alg;
pbCipherBegin = (PBYTE)(pMasterKeyInnerBlob+1);
} else { //
// derive symetric key via rgbMKEncryptionKey and random R2
if(!FMyPrimitiveHMACParam( rgbMKEncryptionKey, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, pMasterKeyBlob->R2, MASTERKEY_R2_LEN, rgbSymKey )) goto cleanup;
pbCipherBegin = (PBYTE)(((PMASTERKEY_INNER_BLOB_W2K)pMasterKeyInnerBlob)+1);
// derive MAC key via HMAC from rgbMKEncryptionKey and random R3.
if(!FMyPrimitiveHMACParam( rgbMKEncryptionKey, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, pMasterKeyInnerBlob->R3, MASTERKEY_R3_LEN, rgbMacKey // resultant MAC key
)) { goto cleanup; }
// copy pbMasterKey following inner MAC'ish blob.
CopyMemory( pbCipherBegin, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey );
// use MAC key to derive result from pbMasterKey
if(!FMyPrimitiveHMACParam( rgbMacKey, sizeof(rgbMacKey), pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey, pMasterKeyInnerBlob->MAC // resultant MAC for verification.
)) goto cleanup;
if(CALG_RC4 == EncryptionAlg) {
// initialize rc4 key
rc4_key(&sRC4Key, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, rgbSymKey);
rc4(&sRC4Key, cbMasterInnerKeyBlob, (PBYTE)pMasterKeyInnerBlob); } else if (CALG_3DES == EncryptionAlg) {
DES3TABLE s3DESKey; BYTE InputBlock[DES_BLOCKLEN]; DWORD iBlock; DWORD cBlocks = cbMasterInnerKeyBlob/DES_BLOCKLEN; BYTE feedback[ DES_BLOCKLEN ]; // initialize 3des key
if(cBlocks*DES_BLOCKLEN != cbMasterInnerKeyBlob) { // Master key must be a multiple of DES_BLOCKLEN
return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY; } tripledes3key(&s3DESKey, rgbSymKey);
// IV is derived from the DES_BLOCKLEN bytes of the calculated
// rgbSymKey, after the 3des key
CopyMemory(feedback, rgbSymKey + DES3_KEYSIZE, DES_BLOCKLEN);
for(iBlock=0; iBlock < cBlocks; iBlock++) { CopyMemory(InputBlock, ((PBYTE)pMasterKeyInnerBlob)+iBlock*DES_BLOCKLEN, DES_BLOCKLEN); CBC(tripledes, DES_BLOCKLEN, ((PBYTE)pMasterKeyInnerBlob)+iBlock*DES_BLOCKLEN, InputBlock, &s3DESKey, ENCRYPT, feedback); } } else { // Unknown cipher....
return (DWORD)NTE_BAD_KEY; }
*ppbMasterKeyOut = (PBYTE)pMasterKeyBlob; *pcbMasterKeyOut = cbMasterKeyBlob;
pMasterKeyBlob = NULL; // prevent free of blob on success (caller does it).
dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(pMasterKeyBlob) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pMasterKeyBlob, cbMasterKeyBlob); SSFree(pMasterKeyBlob); }
return dwLastError; }
BOOL IsBackupMasterKeyRequired( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN OUT BOOL *pfPhaseTwo // is phase two required?
) /*++
Determine if we need to do a phase one or phase two backup.
Return value is TRUE if phase one or phase two backup required. pfPhaseTwo set TRUE if phase two backup required.
Return value is FALSE when backup not required.
--*/ { DWORD dwMasterKeyPolicy; PBYTE pbMasterKeyOut; DWORD cbMasterKeyOut; DWORD dwLastError;
dwMasterKeyPolicy = phMasterKey->dwPolicy;
if(dwMasterKeyPolicy & POLICY_NO_BACKUP) return FALSE;
// evaluate what phase backup required based on policy.
*pfPhaseTwo = FALSE;
if(!(dwMasterKeyPolicy & POLICY_LOCAL_BACKUP)) {
dwLastError = QueryMasterKeyFromStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_DC_KEY, &pbMasterKeyOut, &cbMasterKeyOut );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pfPhaseTwo = TRUE; return TRUE; }
} else {
dwLastError = QueryMasterKeyFromStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY, &pbMasterKeyOut, &cbMasterKeyOut );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL IsNT4Domain(void) { NTSTATUS Status; LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle = NULL; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES PolicyObjectAttributes; PPOLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO pDnsDomainInfo = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
InitializeObjectAttributes( &PolicyObjectAttributes, NULL, // Name
0, // Attributes
NULL, // Root
NULL); // Security Descriptor
Status = LsaOpenPolicy(NULL, &PolicyObjectAttributes, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &PolicyHandle); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup; }
Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy(PolicyHandle, PolicyDnsDomainInformation, (PVOID *)&pDnsDomainInfo); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup; }
if((pDnsDomainInfo != NULL) && (pDnsDomainInfo->DnsDomainName.Buffer == NULL)) { fRet = TRUE; }
if(pDnsDomainInfo) LsaFreeMemory(pDnsDomainInfo);
if(PolicyHandle) LsaClose(PolicyHandle);
return fRet; }
DWORD BackupMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN LPBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey, IN BOOL fPhaseTwo, // is phase two required?
IN BOOL fAsynchronous // asynchronous call?
) {
BYTE rgbLKEncryptionKey[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ]; BYTE rgbBKEncryptionKey[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ];
PBYTE pbLocalKey = NULL; DWORD cbLocalKey = 0;
PBYTE pbBackupKeyPhaseOne = NULL; DWORD cbBackupKeyPhaseOne = 0;
PBYTE pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo = NULL; DWORD cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo = 0;
BOOL fLegacy = FIsLegacyCompliant();
// get current localkey encryption key.
if(!GetLocalKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, phMasterKey, rgbLKEncryptionKey)) goto cleanup;
// retrieve and decrypt LK with current credential.
dwLastError = DecryptMasterKeyFromStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_LOCAL_KEY, rgbLKEncryptionKey, NULL, &pbLocalKey, &cbLocalKey );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Are we running in an NT4 domain? If so, then force legacy mode so that
// the master key is backed up using the lsa secret scheme. Otherwise, the
// master key won't be recoverable following a password change.
if(FIsLegacyNt4Domain()) { if(IsNT4Domain()) { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN,"NT4 domain detected, so force legacy backup mode!\n")); fLegacy = TRUE; } }
if(fLegacy) { //
// derive BK encryption key from decrypted Local Key.
FMyPrimitiveSHA( pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey, rgbBKEncryptionKey );
// encrypt masterkey to phase one backup key, using encryption key derived
// from local key. do it in memory, such that we only commit it to disk if
// phase two backup key cannot be generated/persisted.
dwLastError = EncryptMasterKeyToMemory( rgbBKEncryptionKey, 0, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey, &pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, &cbBackupKeyPhaseOne );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Copy this in directly, so we do not set the modified flag
// attempt phase two backup (if policy permits).
if( fPhaseTwo ) { DWORD dwWaitTimeout;
dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// We only attempt a local backup if we
// have user keying material. Otherwise,
// we directly contact the DC
if(fAsynchronous && (!fLegacy)) { if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwLastError) {
// Try to do this locally, without going
// off machine
dwLastError = AttemptLocalBackup( FALSE, pServerContext->hToken, phMasterKey, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey, pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey, &pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, &cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo ); }
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwLastError) { dwLastError = PersistMasterKeyToStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_DC_KEY, pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo ); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwLastError) { // Zero out any local backup key that might
// be present
PersistMasterKeyToStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY, NULL, 0 );
} }
if(fLegacy || (!fAsynchronous) || (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastError)) { //
// We couldn't back up locally
// so we need to go off machine
if( fAsynchronous ) dwWaitTimeout = 2000; else dwWaitTimeout = 20000;
dwLastError = QueueBackupMasterKey( pvContext, phMasterKey, pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey, dwWaitTimeout ); }
if( !fPhaseTwo || dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// couldn't (or policy didn't allow) backup to phase two.
// persist phase one key, if one was generated
if(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne) { // This will overwrite our local backup data indicating which credential
// will be able to decrypt the master key. However, since we have a
// phase one backup key anyway, it doesn't matter.
// This should only happen if fLegacy is true
dwTempError = PersistMasterKeyToStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY, pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, cbBackupKeyPhaseOne ); }
// if it was async, prop correct error code back.
if( fAsynchronous || !fPhaseTwo ) { dwLastError = dwTempError; } else { if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwTempError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) dwLastError = dwTempError; } }
RtlSecureZeroMemory( rgbLKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbLKEncryptionKey) ); RtlSecureZeroMemory( rgbBKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbBKEncryptionKey) );
if(pbLocalKey) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey); SSFree(pbLocalKey); }
if(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, cbBackupKeyPhaseOne); SSFree(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne); }
if(pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo); SSFree(pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo); }
return dwLastError; }
DWORD QueueBackupMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN PBYTE pbLocalKey, IN DWORD cbLocalKey, IN PBYTE pbMasterKey, IN DWORD cbMasterKey, IN DWORD dwWaitTimeout // amount of time to wait for operation to complete
) {
HANDLE hDuplicateToken = NULL; PMASTERKEY_STORED phDuplicatedMasterKey = NULL; PQUEUED_BACKUP pQueuedBackup = NULL; HANDLE hEventThread = NULL; HANDLE hEventSuccess = NULL; HANDLE hDuplicateEvent = NULL; HANDLE hDuplicateEvent2 = NULL; DWORD dwLastError;
// allocate memory for the structure and any trailing contents.
pQueuedBackup = (PQUEUED_BACKUP)SSAlloc( sizeof(QUEUED_BACKUP) + cbMasterKey + cbLocalKey );
if( pQueuedBackup == NULL ) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
pQueuedBackup->cbSize = sizeof(QUEUED_BACKUP);
// duplicate the phase one backup blob.
pQueuedBackup->pbLocalKey = (LPBYTE)(pQueuedBackup+1); pQueuedBackup->cbLocalKey = cbLocalKey;
CopyMemory(pQueuedBackup->pbLocalKey, pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey);
// BUGBUG: pQueueBackup should not be pagable or should be protected.
pQueuedBackup->pbMasterKey = pQueuedBackup->pbLocalKey + cbLocalKey; pQueuedBackup->cbMasterKey = cbMasterKey;
CopyMemory(pQueuedBackup->pbMasterKey, pbMasterKey, cbMasterKey);
// make a duplicate of the client access token.
dwLastError = CPSDuplicateClientAccessToken( pvContext, &hDuplicateToken );
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto cleanup;
// duplicate the open masterkey
if(!DuplicateMasterKey( phMasterKey, &(pQueuedBackup->hMasterKey) )) { dwLastError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
pQueuedBackup->hToken = hDuplicateToken; phDuplicatedMasterKey = &(pQueuedBackup->hMasterKey);
hEventThread = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if( hEventThread ) {
if( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hEventThread, GetCurrentProcess(), &hDuplicateEvent, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS )) {
pQueuedBackup->hEventThread = hDuplicateEvent; } else { hDuplicateEvent = NULL; }
// create event which indicates success.
hEventSuccess = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if( hEventSuccess ) {
if( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hEventSuccess, GetCurrentProcess(), &hDuplicateEvent2, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS )) {
pQueuedBackup->hEventSuccess = hDuplicateEvent2; } else { hDuplicateEvent2 = NULL; }
// finally, create the worker thread.
if( !QueueUserWorkItem( QueueBackupMasterKeyThreadFunc, pQueuedBackup, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION )) {
dwLastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// if the thread is still active, we write the master key out.
if( hEventThread ) { if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject( hEventThread, dwWaitTimeout )) dwLastError = STILL_ACTIVE; }
if( hEventSuccess && dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// check if operation succeeded.
// if not, indicate an error condition.
if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject( hEventSuccess, 0 )) dwLastError = STILL_ACTIVE;
// if thread creation failed, we cleanup resources that were handed
// to the thread, since it cannot possibly clean them up.
if( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwLastError != STILL_ACTIVE ) {
if( hDuplicateToken ) CloseHandle( hDuplicateToken );
if( hDuplicateEvent ) CloseHandle( hDuplicateEvent );
if( hDuplicateEvent2 ) CloseHandle( hDuplicateEvent2 );
if( phDuplicatedMasterKey ) CloseMasterKey( pvContext, phDuplicatedMasterKey, FALSE );
if( pQueuedBackup ) SSFree( pQueuedBackup ); }
if( hEventThread ) CloseHandle( hEventThread );
if( hEventSuccess ) CloseHandle( hEventSuccess );
return dwLastError; }
DWORD WINAPI QueueBackupMasterKeyThreadFunc( IN LPVOID lpThreadArgument ) { PQUEUED_BACKUP pQueuedBackup = (PQUEUED_BACKUP)lpThreadArgument; HANDLE hToken = NULL; HANDLE hEventThread; HANDLE hEventSuccess; PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey = NULL; PBYTE pbBackupKeyPhaseOne = NULL; DWORD cbBackupKeyPhaseOne = 0;
PBYTE pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo = NULL; DWORD cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo = 0; BOOL fImpersonated = FALSE; DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; BOOL fSuccessClose = FALSE;
BOOL fLegacy = FIsLegacyCompliant(); //
// check structure version.
if(pQueuedBackup == NULL || pQueuedBackup->cbSize != sizeof(QUEUED_BACKUP)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
hToken = pQueuedBackup->hToken; hEventThread = pQueuedBackup->hEventThread; hEventSuccess = pQueuedBackup->hEventSuccess;
phMasterKey = &(pQueuedBackup->hMasterKey);
if(!fLegacy) {
// Public was not available, so
// we need to try to retrieve it
dwLastError = AttemptLocalBackup(TRUE, hToken, phMasterKey, pQueuedBackup->pbMasterKey, pQueuedBackup->cbMasterKey, pQueuedBackup->pbLocalKey, pQueuedBackup->cbLocalKey, &pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, &cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo ); }
// impersonate the client user.
fImpersonated = SetThreadToken( NULL, hToken ); if(!fImpersonated) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
if((ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastError) || fLegacy) { BYTE rgbBKEncryptionKey[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ];
// derive BK encryption key from decrypted Local Key.
FMyPrimitiveSHA( pQueuedBackup->pbLocalKey, pQueuedBackup->cbLocalKey, rgbBKEncryptionKey );
// encrypt masterkey to phase one backup key, using encryption key derived
// from local key. do it in memory, such that we only commit it to disk if
// phase two backup key cannot be generated/persisted.
dwLastError = EncryptMasterKeyToMemory( rgbBKEncryptionKey, 0, pQueuedBackup->pbMasterKey, pQueuedBackup->cbMasterKey, &pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, &cbBackupKeyPhaseOne ); RtlSecureZeroMemory(rgbBKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbBKEncryptionKey));
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Copy this in directly, so we do not set the modified flag
// Perform a legacy style backup
dwLastError = BackupRestoreData( NULL, phMasterKey, pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, cbBackupKeyPhaseOne, &pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, &cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, TRUE // backup data
); }
if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// perist phase two backup key to storage.
dwLastError = PersistMasterKeyToStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_DC_KEY, pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo );
if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// successful phase two backup+persist, nuke phase one backup
// master key.
PersistMasterKeyToStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY, NULL, 0 );
fSuccess = TRUE; } }
// always close/free master key. Only if impersonation succeeeded
// do we attempt to flush it out.
fSuccessClose = CloseMasterKey( NULL, phMasterKey, fSuccess ) ;
if( hEventSuccess ) { if( fSuccess && fSuccessClose ) SetEvent( hEventSuccess );
CloseHandle( hEventSuccess ); }
if( fImpersonated ) RevertToSelf();
if( hToken ) CloseHandle(hToken);
if( hEventThread ) { SetEvent( hEventThread ); CloseHandle( hEventThread ); } if(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, cbBackupKeyPhaseOne); SSFree(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne); } if(pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo, cbBackupKeyPhaseTwo); SSFree(pbBackupKeyPhaseTwo); }
if( lpThreadArgument ) SSFree( lpThreadArgument );
return dwLastError; }
DWORD RestoreMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PSID pSid, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN DWORD dwReason, OUT LPBYTE *ppbMasterKey, OUT DWORD *pcbMasterKey ) /*++
Recover the master key associated with the specified master key.
The current state of the masterkey dictates what level of recovery is attempted.
--*/ { static const GUID guidRestoreW2K = BACKUPKEY_RESTORE_GUID_W2K;
BYTE rgbLKEncryptionKey[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ]; BYTE rgbBKEncryptionKey[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ];
PBYTE pbLocalKey = NULL; DWORD cbLocalKey = 0;
PBYTE pbBackupKeyPhaseOne = NULL; DWORD cbBackupKeyPhaseOne = 0;
BOOL fAllocatedPhaseOne = FALSE;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "RestoreMasterKey:%ls\n", phMasterKey->wszguidMasterKey));
if(phMasterKey->pbBK) {
// First, see if we have any local password-change recovery
// information.
if(phMasterKey->cbBK >= sizeof(LocalBackupData)) { CopyMemory(&LocalBackupData, phMasterKey->pbBK, sizeof(LocalBackupData)); } else { ZeroMemory(&LocalBackupData, sizeof(LocalBackupData)); } if(MASTERKEY_BLOB_LOCALKEY_BACKUP == LocalBackupData.dwVersion) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Attempt local recovery.\n"));
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK decryption key GUID:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", (PBYTE)&LocalBackupData.CredentialID, sizeof(LocalBackupData.CredentialID)); #endif
if(GetMasterKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, &LocalBackupData.CredentialID, pSid, ((phMasterKey->dwPolicy & POLICY_DPAPI_OWF)?USE_DPAPI_OWF:0), rgbBKEncryptionKey)) {
// retrieve and decrypt MK with current credential.
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "MK decryption key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", rgbBKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbBKEncryptionKey)); #endif
dwLastError = DecryptMasterKeyFromStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_MASTER_KEY, rgbBKEncryptionKey, NULL, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey ); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwLastError) { #ifdef COMPILED_BY_DEVELOPER
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Master key:\n")); D_DPAPIDumpHexData(DEB_TRACE, " ", *ppbMasterKey, *pcbMasterKey); #endif
goto cleanup; } else { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Unable to decrypt MK with local decryption key.\n")); } } else { D_DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Unable to locate local MK decryption key.\n")); } } }
if(phMasterKey->pbBBK) {
// do phase two recovery.
// undoing phase two backup blob gives us phase one backup blob.
dwLastError = CPSImpersonateClient( pvContext );
if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
dwLastError = BackupRestoreData( ((PCRYPT_SERVER_CONTEXT)pvContext)->hToken, phMasterKey, phMasterKey->pbBBK, phMasterKey->cbBBK, &pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, &cbBackupKeyPhaseOne, FALSE // do not backup data
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastError) { //
// Attempt a restore through the w2k restore port
dwLastError = LocalBackupRestoreData( ((PCRYPT_SERVER_CONTEXT)pvContext)->hToken, phMasterKey, phMasterKey->pbBBK, phMasterKey->cbBBK, &pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, &cbBackupKeyPhaseOne, &guidRestoreW2K); } if(dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) fAllocatedPhaseOne = TRUE;
CPSRevertToSelf( pvContext ); }
} else {
// try phase one blob.
dwLastError = QueryMasterKeyFromStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_BACKUP_LCL_KEY, &pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, &cbBackupKeyPhaseOne );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Check to see if this really is a phase one blob
if(cbBackupKeyPhaseOne < sizeof(DWORD)) { goto cleanup; } if(*((DWORD *)pbBackupKeyPhaseOne) != MASTERKEY_BLOB_RAW_VERSION) { //
// we successfully got an phase one blob.
// decrypt it to get the original masterkey.
// get current localkey encryption key.
if(!GetLocalKeyUserEncryptionKey(pvContext, phMasterKey, rgbLKEncryptionKey)) goto cleanup;
// retrieve and decrypt LK with current credential.
dwLastError = DecryptMasterKeyFromStorage( phMasterKey, REGVAL_LOCAL_KEY, rgbLKEncryptionKey, NULL, &pbLocalKey, &cbLocalKey );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// derive BK encryption key from decrypted Local Key.
FMyPrimitiveSHA( pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey, rgbBKEncryptionKey );
// finally, decrypt BK using derived BKEncryptionKey
dwLastError = DecryptMasterKeyToMemory( rgbBKEncryptionKey, pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, cbBackupKeyPhaseOne, NULL, ppbMasterKey, pcbMasterKey ); } else { *ppbMasterKey = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(cbBackupKeyPhaseOne - sizeof(DWORD)); if(NULL == *ppbMasterKey) { dwLastError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } CopyMemory(*ppbMasterKey, pbBackupKeyPhaseOne + sizeof(DWORD), cbBackupKeyPhaseOne - sizeof(DWORD)); *pcbMasterKey = cbBackupKeyPhaseOne - sizeof(DWORD);
RtlSecureZeroMemory( rgbLKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbLKEncryptionKey) ); RtlSecureZeroMemory( rgbBKEncryptionKey, sizeof(rgbBKEncryptionKey) );
if(pbLocalKey) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbLocalKey, cbLocalKey); SSFree(pbLocalKey); }
if(fAllocatedPhaseOne && pbBackupKeyPhaseOne) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne, cbBackupKeyPhaseOne); SSFree(pbBackupKeyPhaseOne); }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "RestoreMasterKey returned 0x%x\n", dwLastError));
return dwLastError; }
// per-user root level policy query, set
BOOL InitializeMasterKeyPolicy( IN PVOID pvContext, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, OUT BOOL *fLocalAccount ) { DWORD dwMasterKeyPolicy = 0; DWORD dwAccount = 0; BOOL fLocalMachine = FALSE;
// get current top-level policy.
dwMasterKeyPolicy = phMasterKey->dwPolicy | GetMasterKeyDefaultPolicy();
*fLocalAccount = !IsDomainBackupRequired( pvContext );
if( !(dwMasterKeyPolicy & POLICY_NO_BACKUP) && !(dwMasterKeyPolicy & POLICY_LOCAL_BACKUP) ) {
// See if domain controller (phase two) backup is required/appropriate.
if( !(*fLocalAccount) ) { phMasterKey->dwPolicy = dwMasterKeyPolicy; return TRUE; }
// see if the call is for shared, CRYPT_PROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE
// disposition.
CPSOverrideToLocalSystem( pvContext, NULL, // don't change current over-ride BOOL
&fLocalMachine );
CPSQueryWellKnownAccount( pvContext, &dwAccount);
// if the context specified per-machine, we know that it's a system credential.
// also, we don't need to get the user name in this scenario.
if(fLocalMachine || (dwAccount != 0)) { //
// a SYSTEM (user or per-machine disposition) key is the focus
// of our attention; never back these up.
dwMasterKeyPolicy |= POLICY_NO_BACKUP; dwMasterKeyPolicy &= ~POLICY_LOCAL_BACKUP;
} else {
// otherwise assume it's a key associated with a local account...
// (local only backup).
dwMasterKeyPolicy |= POLICY_LOCAL_BACKUP; }
// don't persist a default value as this implies that somebody really
// specified a policy. (maximum forward compatibility).
phMasterKey->dwPolicy = dwMasterKeyPolicy;
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsDomainBackupRequired( IN PVOID pvContext ) /*++
Determine if the current security context dictates whether domain controller (phase two) based backup is required/appropriate.
--*/ {
PSID pSidUser = NULL; DWORD dwSubauthorityCount;
BOOL fBackupRequired = FALSE; // assume backup not required.
// get the Sid associated with the client security context.
// see if the Sid only has one subauthority. If so, no associated DC.
// see if current machine a DC. If so, backup is required.
fSuccess = GetTokenUserSid(pServerContext->hToken, &pSidUser);
if(!fSuccess) goto cleanup;
// see if the Sid has only one subauthority. If so, no associated DC,
// no DC backup possible.
dwSubauthorityCount = *GetSidSubAuthorityCount( pSidUser );
if( dwSubauthorityCount == 1 ) { fBackupRequired = FALSE; goto cleanup; }
// if current machine is a domain controller, backup is required.
if(IsDomainController()) { fBackupRequired = TRUE; goto cleanup; }
// if the Sid contains local machine domain prefix Sid, backup is not
// required, as no DC is associated with the account.
nas = NetUserModalsGet( NULL, 2, (LPBYTE*)&pumi2 );
if(nas != NERR_Success) goto cleanup;
if(!IsUserSidInDomain( pumi2->usrmod2_domain_id, pSidUser )) { fBackupRequired = TRUE; goto cleanup; }
// defaulted to backup not required.
fBackupRequired = FALSE;
if(pumi2) NetApiBufferFree(pumi2);
if(pSidUser) SSFree(pSidUser);
return fBackupRequired; }
NTSTATUS GetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN OUT GUID *pguidMasterKey ) /*++
Given a registry handle to the MasterKeys portion of the registry, tells the caller what the preferred master key GUID is.
If a valid preferred key is configured, then the return value is STATUS_SUCCESS, and the pguidMasterKey buffer is filled with the GUID associated with the preferred master key. If the preferred key is expired, then the return value is STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED, and the pguidMasterKey buffer is filled with the GUID associated with the preferred master key. In this case, the caller may not want to use this key, except perhaps if a new master key cannot be successfully created.
On failure, an NTSTATUS error code is returned. The caller can assume there is no preferred master key configured in this case, and a new one is to be created and subsequently selected via SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid().
--*/ {
MASTERKEY_PREFERRED_INFO sMKPreferred; SYSTEMTIME stCurrentTime; FILETIME ftCurrentTime; unsigned __int64 CurrentTime; unsigned __int64 ExpiryInterval;
DWORD dwLastError; BOOL fSuccess;
dwLastError = OpenFileInStorageArea( pvContext, GENERIC_READ, szUserStorageArea, REGVAL_PREFERRED_MK, &hFile );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; }
// read the expiration and GUID from file into buffer.
fSuccess = ReadFile( hFile, &sMKPreferred, sizeof(sMKPreferred), &dwBytesRead, NULL );
CloseHandle( hFile );
if( !fSuccess ) { return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; }
// validate data
if( dwBytesRead != sizeof(sMKPreferred) ) { return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; }
// Copy the GUID of the preferred master key to the output buffer.
CopyMemory(pguidMasterKey, &(sMKPreferred.guidPreferredKey), sizeof(GUID));
// see if the key has expired
GetSystemTime(&stCurrentTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&stCurrentTime, &ftCurrentTime);
if(CompareFileTime(&ftCurrentTime, &(sMKPreferred.ftPreferredKeyExpires)) >= 0) { // key has expired
ExpiryInterval = MASTERKEY_EXPIRES_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60; ExpiryInterval *= 10000000;
CurrentTime = ((__int64)ftCurrentTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + (__int64)ftCurrentTime.dwLowDateTime; CurrentTime += ExpiryInterval;
ftCurrentTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)(CurrentTime & 0xffffffff); ftCurrentTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(CurrentTime >> 32);
if(CompareFileTime(&ftCurrentTime, &(sMKPreferred.ftPreferredKeyExpires)) < 0) { // expiry time is too far in the future
// The key is current.
BOOL SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( IN PVOID pvContext, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN GUID *pguidMasterKey ) { MASTERKEY_PREFERRED_INFO sMKPreferred; SYSTEMTIME stCurrentTime; FILETIME ftCurrentTime; unsigned __int64 uTime; unsigned __int64 oTime;
HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwBytesWritten;
DWORD dwLastError; BOOL fSuccess;
CopyMemory(&sMKPreferred.guidPreferredKey, pguidMasterKey, sizeof(GUID));
// set key expiration time.
GetSystemTime(&stCurrentTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&stCurrentTime, &(sMKPreferred.ftPreferredKeyExpires));
uTime = sMKPreferred.ftPreferredKeyExpires.dwLowDateTime; uTime += ((unsigned __int64)sMKPreferred.ftPreferredKeyExpires.dwHighDateTime << 32) ;
// the compiler complains about integer constant overflow
// if we don't break it up..
oTime = MASTERKEY_EXPIRES_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60; oTime *= 10000000;
uTime += oTime;
sMKPreferred.ftPreferredKeyExpires.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)(uTime & 0xffffffff); sMKPreferred.ftPreferredKeyExpires.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(uTime >> 32);
dwLastError = OpenFileInStorageArea( pvContext, GENERIC_WRITE, szUserStorageArea, REGVAL_PREFERRED_MK, &hFile );
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwLastError); return FALSE; }
// write the expiration and GUID from buffer into file.
fSuccess = WriteFile( hFile, &sMKPreferred, sizeof(sMKPreferred), &dwBytesWritten, NULL );
CloseHandle( hFile );
return fSuccess; }
DWORD OpenFileInStorageArea( IN PVOID pvContext, // if NULL, caller is assumed to be impersonating
IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess, IN LPCWSTR szUserStorageArea, IN LPCWSTR szFileName, IN OUT HANDLE *phFile ) { LPWSTR szFilePath = NULL; DWORD cbUserStorageArea; DWORD cbFileName; DWORD dwShareMode = 0; DWORD dwCreationDistribution = OPEN_EXISTING; DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if( dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_READ ) { dwShareMode |= FILE_SHARE_READ; dwCreationDistribution = OPEN_EXISTING; }
if( dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_WRITE ) { dwShareMode = 0; dwCreationDistribution = OPEN_ALWAYS; }
cbUserStorageArea = lstrlenW( szUserStorageArea ) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbFileName = lstrlenW( szFileName ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
szFilePath = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cbUserStorageArea + cbFileName + sizeof(WCHAR) );
if( szFilePath == NULL ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
CopyMemory(szFilePath, szUserStorageArea, cbUserStorageArea); CopyMemory((LPBYTE)szFilePath+cbUserStorageArea, szFileName, cbFileName + sizeof(WCHAR));
if( pvContext ) dwLastError = CPSImpersonateClient( pvContext );
if( dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// TODO:
// apply security descriptor to file.
*phFile = CreateFileWithRetries( szFilePath, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreationDistribution, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL );
if( *phFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); }
if( pvContext ) CPSRevertToSelf( pvContext );
if(szFilePath) SSFree(szFilePath);
return dwLastError; }
HANDLE CreateFileWithRetries( IN LPCWSTR lpFileName, IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess, IN DWORD dwShareMode, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, IN DWORD dwCreationDisposition, IN DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, IN HANDLE hTemplateFile ) { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
static const DWORD rgReadRetrys[] = { 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000, 0 }; static const DWORD rgWriteRetrys[] = { 1, 10, 20, 20, 50, 75, 100, 500, 1000, 0 };
const DWORD *prgRetries; DWORD dwRetryIndex;
if( dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_WRITE ) { prgRetries = rgWriteRetrys; } else { prgRetries = rgReadRetrys; }
for( dwRetryIndex = 0 ; prgRetries[ dwRetryIndex ] ; dwRetryIndex++ ) {
hFile = CreateFileU( lpFileName, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile );
if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) break;
dwLastError = GetLastError();
if( dwLastError == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION ) { //
// sleep around for the designated period of time...
Sleep( prgRetries[dwRetryIndex] ); continue; }
break; }
if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetLastError( dwLastError );
return hFile; }
BOOL ReadMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, // if NULL, caller is assumed to be impersonating
Read the masterkey specified by phMasterKey->wszguidMasterKey into memory.
PMASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK pMasterKeyRead = NULL; DWORD cbguidMasterKey, cbguidMasterKey2; PBYTE pbCurrentBlock; WCHAR szGuidReadMasterKey[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS];
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if( OpenFileInStorageArea( pvContext, GENERIC_READ, phMasterKey->szFilePath, phMasterKey->wszguidMasterKey, &hFile ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
dwFileSizeLow = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if(dwFileSizeLow == INVALID_FILE_SIZE ) goto cleanup;
if( dwFileSizeLow < sizeof(MASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK) ) goto cleanup;
__try { hMap = CreateFileMappingU( hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL ); if( hMap == NULL ) goto cleanup; pMasterKeyRead = (PMASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK)MapViewOfFile( hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); if(pMasterKeyRead == NULL) goto cleanup; if(pMasterKeyRead->dwVersion > MASTERKEY_STORED_VERSION) goto cleanup; //
// do some size validation
if((pMasterKeyRead->cbMK + pMasterKeyRead->cbLK + pMasterKeyRead->cbBK + pMasterKeyRead->cbBBK) > ( dwFileSizeLow - sizeof(MASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK) ) ) goto cleanup; //
// validate retrieved GUID matches requested GUID.
CopyMemory(szGuidReadMasterKey, pMasterKeyRead->wszguidMasterKey, MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR)); szGuidReadMasterKey[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS - 1] = L'\0'; cbguidMasterKey = (lstrlenW( phMasterKey->wszguidMasterKey ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbguidMasterKey2 = (lstrlenW( szGuidReadMasterKey ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if(cbguidMasterKey != cbguidMasterKey2) goto cleanup; if(memcmp( phMasterKey->wszguidMasterKey, pMasterKeyRead->wszguidMasterKey, cbguidMasterKey) != 0) goto cleanup; phMasterKey->dwVersion = pMasterKeyRead->dwVersion; //
// pickup master key policy
phMasterKey->dwPolicy = pMasterKeyRead->dwPolicy; //
// copy useful components into new block so a single contiguous write
// can occur.
pbCurrentBlock = (LPBYTE)(pMasterKeyRead + 1); if( pMasterKeyRead->cbMK ) { phMasterKey->pbMK = (LPBYTE)SSAlloc( pMasterKeyRead->cbMK ); if(phMasterKey->pbMK == NULL) goto cleanup; phMasterKey->cbMK = pMasterKeyRead->cbMK; CopyMemory(phMasterKey->pbMK, pbCurrentBlock, pMasterKeyRead->cbMK); pbCurrentBlock += pMasterKeyRead->cbMK; } if( pMasterKeyRead->cbLK ) { phMasterKey->pbLK = (LPBYTE)SSAlloc( pMasterKeyRead->cbLK ); if(phMasterKey->pbLK == NULL) goto cleanup; phMasterKey->cbLK = pMasterKeyRead->cbLK; CopyMemory(phMasterKey->pbLK, pbCurrentBlock, pMasterKeyRead->cbLK); pbCurrentBlock += pMasterKeyRead->cbLK; } if( pMasterKeyRead->cbBK ) { phMasterKey->pbBK = (LPBYTE)SSAlloc( pMasterKeyRead->cbBK ); if(phMasterKey->pbBK == NULL) goto cleanup; phMasterKey->cbBK = pMasterKeyRead->cbBK; CopyMemory(phMasterKey->pbBK, pbCurrentBlock, pMasterKeyRead->cbBK); pbCurrentBlock += pMasterKeyRead->cbBK; } if( pMasterKeyRead->cbBBK ) { phMasterKey->pbBBK = (LPBYTE)SSAlloc( pMasterKeyRead->cbBBK ); if(phMasterKey->pbBBK == NULL) goto cleanup; phMasterKey->cbBBK = pMasterKeyRead->cbBBK; CopyMemory(phMasterKey->pbBBK, pbCurrentBlock, pMasterKeyRead->cbBBK); }
} __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { goto cleanup; }
fSuccess = TRUE;
if( pMasterKeyRead ) UnmapViewOfFile( pMasterKeyRead );
if( hMap ) CloseHandle( hMap );
if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) CloseHandle( hFile );
if( !fSuccess ) FreeMasterKey( phMasterKey );
return fSuccess; }
BOOL WriteMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, // if NULL, caller is assumed to be impersonating
Persist the specified masterkey to storage.
if pvContext is NULL, the caller must be impersonating the user associated with the masterkey.
--*/ { PMASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK pMasterKeyToWrite; DWORD cbMasterKeyToWrite;
PBYTE pbCurrentBlock; HANDLE hFile;
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if(phMasterKey->dwVersion > MASTERKEY_STORED_VERSION) return FALSE;
cbMasterKeyToWrite = sizeof(MASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK) + phMasterKey->cbMK + phMasterKey->cbLK + phMasterKey->cbBK + phMasterKey->cbBBK ;
pMasterKeyToWrite = (PMASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK) SSAlloc( cbMasterKeyToWrite );
if(pMasterKeyToWrite == NULL) return FALSE;
// copy useful components
pMasterKeyToWrite->dwVersion = phMasterKey->dwVersion; CopyMemory( pMasterKeyToWrite->wszguidMasterKey, phMasterKey->wszguidMasterKey, (MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
pMasterKeyToWrite->dwPolicy = phMasterKey->dwPolicy; pMasterKeyToWrite->cbMK = phMasterKey->cbMK; pMasterKeyToWrite->cbLK = phMasterKey->cbLK; pMasterKeyToWrite->cbBK = phMasterKey->cbBK; pMasterKeyToWrite->cbBBK = phMasterKey->cbBBK;
// overwrite non-useful components
pMasterKeyToWrite->fModified = FALSE; pMasterKeyToWrite->szFilePath = 0; pMasterKeyToWrite->pbMK = 0; pMasterKeyToWrite->pbLK = 0; pMasterKeyToWrite->pbBK = 0; pMasterKeyToWrite->pbBBK = 0;
// copy useful components into new block so a single contiguous write
// can occur.
pbCurrentBlock = (LPBYTE)(pMasterKeyToWrite + 1);
if( phMasterKey->pbMK ) { CopyMemory(pbCurrentBlock, phMasterKey->pbMK, phMasterKey->cbMK); pbCurrentBlock += phMasterKey->cbMK; }
if( phMasterKey->pbLK ) { CopyMemory(pbCurrentBlock, phMasterKey->pbLK, phMasterKey->cbLK); pbCurrentBlock += phMasterKey->cbLK; }
if( phMasterKey->pbBK ) { CopyMemory(pbCurrentBlock, phMasterKey->pbBK, phMasterKey->cbBK); pbCurrentBlock += phMasterKey->cbBK; }
if( phMasterKey->pbBBK ) { CopyMemory(pbCurrentBlock, phMasterKey->pbBBK, phMasterKey->cbBBK);
if( OpenFileInStorageArea( pvContext, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, phMasterKey->szFilePath, phMasterKey->wszguidMasterKey, &hFile ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
BOOL fWriteData; DWORD dwBytesWritten;
CheckToStompMasterKey( pMasterKeyToWrite, hFile, &fWriteData );
if( fWriteData ) { fSuccess = WriteFile( hFile, pMasterKeyToWrite, cbMasterKeyToWrite, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); } else { fSuccess = TRUE; // nothing to do, success
CloseHandle( hFile ); }
RtlSecureZeroMemory( pMasterKeyToWrite, cbMasterKeyToWrite); SSFree( pMasterKeyToWrite );
return fSuccess; }
BOOL CheckToStompMasterKey( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK phMasterKeyCandidate, // masterkey to check if worthy to stomp over existing
IN HANDLE hFile, // file handle to existing masterkey
IN OUT BOOL *pfStomp // stomp the existing masterkey?
*pfStomp = TRUE;
if( phMasterKeyCandidate->dwPolicy & POLICY_NO_BACKUP ) return TRUE;
if( phMasterKeyCandidate->dwPolicy & POLICY_LOCAL_BACKUP && phMasterKeyCandidate->cbBK ) return TRUE;
if( phMasterKeyCandidate->cbBBK ) return TRUE;
__try { hMap = CreateFileMapping( hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL ); if( hMap == NULL ) goto cleanup; pMasterKeyRead = (PMASTERKEY_STORED_ON_DISK)MapViewOfFile( hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); if(pMasterKeyRead == NULL) goto cleanup; if(pMasterKeyRead->dwVersion > MASTERKEY_STORED_VERSION) goto cleanup; //
// there's really only two cases where we don't allow stomping:
// candidate masterkey doesn't contain phase 1 and existing does,
// candidate masterkey doesn't contain phase 1 and existing one contains phase2.
// note: we allow stomping over a masterkey that contains a phase 2 with one
// that only contains a phase 1, because of a race condition that can occur
// during the backup operation; In this situation, it is better to have
// a phase 1 and let it get upgraded to phase 2 at a later time.
if( phMasterKeyCandidate->cbBK == 0 && (pMasterKeyRead->cbBK || pMasterKeyRead->cbBBK)) { *pfStomp = FALSE; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { goto cleanup; }
fSuccess = TRUE;
if( pMasterKeyRead ) UnmapViewOfFile( pMasterKeyRead );
if( hMap ) CloseHandle( hMap );
return fSuccess; }
BOOL CloseMasterKey( IN PVOID pvContext, // if NULL, caller is assumed to be impersonating
IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey, IN BOOL fPersist // persist any changes to storage?
) /*++
Free the memory an optionally persist any changes associated with a master key.
--*/ { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// if we were told to persist any changes, and changes were actually made,
// persist them out.
if( fPersist && phMasterKey->fModified ) fSuccess = WriteMasterKey( pvContext, phMasterKey );
// free memory.
FreeMasterKey( phMasterKey );
return fSuccess; }
VOID FreeMasterKey( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKey ) /*++
Free allocated memory associated with the specified master key.
--*/ { if( phMasterKey->dwVersion > MASTERKEY_STORED_VERSION ) return;
if( phMasterKey->szFilePath ) SSFree( phMasterKey->szFilePath );
if( phMasterKey->pbMK ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( phMasterKey->pbMK, phMasterKey->cbMK ); SSFree( phMasterKey->pbMK ); }
if( phMasterKey->pbLK ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( phMasterKey->pbLK, phMasterKey->cbLK ); SSFree( phMasterKey->pbLK ); }
if( phMasterKey->pbBK ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( phMasterKey->pbBK, phMasterKey->cbBK ); SSFree( phMasterKey->pbBK ); }
if( phMasterKey->pbBBK ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( phMasterKey->pbBBK, phMasterKey->cbBBK ); SSFree( phMasterKey->pbBBK ); }
RtlSecureZeroMemory( phMasterKey, sizeof(MASTERKEY_STORED) );
return; }
BOOL DuplicateMasterKey( IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKeyIn, IN PMASTERKEY_STORED phMasterKeyOut ) /*++
Duplicate the input masterkey to a new copy, setting the fModified flag on the copy to FALSE.
This provides a mechanism to allow for deferring operations against a master key.
--*/ { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if( phMasterKeyIn->dwVersion > MASTERKEY_STORED_VERSION ) return FALSE;
ZeroMemory( phMasterKeyOut, sizeof(MASTERKEY_STORED) );
phMasterKeyOut->dwVersion = phMasterKeyIn->dwVersion; phMasterKeyOut->dwPolicy = phMasterKeyIn->dwPolicy; phMasterKeyOut->fModified = FALSE;
if( lstrlenW( phMasterKeyIn->wszguidMasterKey ) > MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS ) return FALSE;
CopyMemory(phMasterKeyOut->wszguidMasterKey, phMasterKeyIn->wszguidMasterKey, MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR));
if( phMasterKeyIn->szFilePath ) { DWORD cbFilePath = (lstrlenW(phMasterKeyIn->szFilePath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
phMasterKeyOut->szFilePath = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cbFilePath ); if(phMasterKeyOut->szFilePath == NULL) goto cleanup;
CopyMemory( phMasterKeyOut->szFilePath, phMasterKeyIn->szFilePath, cbFilePath ); }
if( phMasterKeyIn->pbMK ) { phMasterKeyOut->cbMK = phMasterKeyIn->cbMK; phMasterKeyOut->pbMK = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(phMasterKeyIn->cbMK); if(phMasterKeyOut->pbMK == NULL) goto cleanup;
CopyMemory( phMasterKeyOut->pbMK, phMasterKeyIn->pbMK, phMasterKeyIn->cbMK ); }
if( phMasterKeyIn->pbLK ) { phMasterKeyOut->cbLK = phMasterKeyIn->cbLK; phMasterKeyOut->pbLK = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(phMasterKeyIn->cbLK); if(phMasterKeyOut->pbLK == NULL) goto cleanup;
CopyMemory( phMasterKeyOut->pbLK, phMasterKeyIn->pbLK, phMasterKeyIn->cbLK ); }
if( phMasterKeyIn->pbBK ) { phMasterKeyOut->cbBK = phMasterKeyIn->cbBK; phMasterKeyOut->pbBK = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(phMasterKeyIn->cbBK); if(phMasterKeyOut->pbBK == NULL) goto cleanup;
CopyMemory( phMasterKeyOut->pbBK, phMasterKeyIn->pbBK, phMasterKeyIn->cbBK ); }
if( phMasterKeyIn->pbBBK ) { phMasterKeyOut->cbBBK = phMasterKeyIn->cbBBK; phMasterKeyOut->pbBBK = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(phMasterKeyIn->cbBBK); if(phMasterKeyOut->pbBBK == NULL) goto cleanup;
CopyMemory( phMasterKeyOut->pbBBK, phMasterKeyIn->pbBBK, phMasterKeyIn->cbBBK ); }
fSuccess = TRUE;
if( !fSuccess ) FreeMasterKey( phMasterKeyOut );
return fSuccess; }
BOOL InitializeKeyManagement( VOID ) { if(!InitializeKeyCache()) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL TeardownKeyManagement( VOID ) {
return TRUE; }
DWORD DpapiUpdateLsaSecret( IN PVOID pvContext) { CRYPT_SERVER_CONTEXT SystemContext; CRYPT_SERVER_CONTEXT SystemUserContext; CRYPT_SERVER_CONTEXT LocalServiceContext; CRYPT_SERVER_CONTEXT NetworkServiceContext; LPWSTR pszUserStorageArea = NULL; BOOL fSystemContextCreated = FALSE; BOOL fSystemUserContextCreated = FALSE; BOOL fLocalServiceContextCreated = FALSE; BOOL fNetworkServiceContextCreated = FALSE; BOOL fNewSecretCreated = TRUE; GUID guidMasterKey; BOOL fOverrideToLocalSystem; DWORD dwRet;
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "DpapiUpdateLsaSecret\n"));
// TCB privilege must be held by the client in order to
// make this call. Verify that before doing anything else
dwRet = CPSImpersonateClient( pvContext );
if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HANDLE ClientToken;
dwRet = NtOpenThreadToken( NtCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &ClientToken );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( dwRet )) { BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; PRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivileges; LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES PrivilegeArray[1];
RequiredPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1; RequiredPrivileges.Control = PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY; RequiredPrivileges.Privilege[0].Luid = RtlConvertLongToLuid( SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE ); RequiredPrivileges.Privilege[0].Attributes = 0;
dwRet = NtPrivilegeCheck( ClientToken, &RequiredPrivileges, &Result );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( dwRet ) && Result == FALSE ) { dwRet = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; }
NtClose( ClientToken ); ClientToken = NULL; }
CPSRevertToSelf( pvContext ); }
if(!NT_SUCCESS(dwRet)) { D_DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "DpapiUpdateLsaSecret: TCB privilege required!\n")); goto cleanup; }
// Enumerate through all of the master keys in the Protect\S-1-5-18
// directory, and load them all up in the master key cache.
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Load system master keys into cache\n"));
dwRet = CPSCreateServerContext(&SystemContext, NULL); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } fSystemContextCreated = TRUE;
fOverrideToLocalSystem = TRUE; CPSOverrideToLocalSystem(&SystemContext, &fOverrideToLocalSystem, NULL);
dwRet = SynchronizeMasterKeys(&SystemContext, ADD_MASTER_KEY_TO_CACHE); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// Enumerate through all of the master keys in the Protect\S-1-5-18\User
// directory, and load them all up in the master key cache.
dwRet = CPSCreateServerContext(&SystemUserContext, NULL); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } fSystemUserContextCreated = TRUE;
dwRet = SynchronizeMasterKeys(&SystemUserContext, ADD_MASTER_KEY_TO_CACHE); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// Enumerate through all of the master keys in the Protect\S-1-5-19
// directory, and load them all up in the master key cache.
dwRet = CPSCreateServerContext(&LocalServiceContext, NULL); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } fLocalServiceContextCreated = TRUE;
CPSSetWellKnownAccount(&LocalServiceContext, DP_ACCOUNT_LOCAL_SERVICE); dwRet = SynchronizeMasterKeys(&LocalServiceContext, ADD_MASTER_KEY_TO_CACHE); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// Enumerate through all of the master keys in the Protect\S-1-5-20
// directory, and load them all up in the master key cache.
dwRet = CPSCreateServerContext(&NetworkServiceContext, NULL); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } fNetworkServiceContextCreated = TRUE;
CPSSetWellKnownAccount(&NetworkServiceContext, DP_ACCOUNT_NETWORK_SERVICE); dwRet = SynchronizeMasterKeys(&NetworkServiceContext, ADD_MASTER_KEY_TO_CACHE); if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// Regenerate the DPAPI_SYSTEM value.
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Reset lsa secret\n"));
if(!UpdateSystemCredentials()) { fNewSecretCreated = FALSE; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Unable to reset DPAPI_SYSTEM secret.\n")); }
// Reencrypt and write back all of the master keys that are in the cache.
// Note that since this routine should only be called on brand-new machines
// that have just been setup using SYSPREP, the total number of master keys
// should always be exactly two. Thus, we shouldn't have to worry about
// overflowing the master key cache or anything like that.
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Reencrypt system master keys\n"));
if(fNewSecretCreated) { SynchronizeMasterKeys(&SystemContext, REENCRYPT_MASTER_KEY); SynchronizeMasterKeys(&SystemUserContext, REENCRYPT_MASTER_KEY); SynchronizeMasterKeys(&LocalServiceContext, REENCRYPT_MASTER_KEY); SynchronizeMasterKeys(&NetworkServiceContext, REENCRYPT_MASTER_KEY); }
// Generate two new master keys, and mark them as preferred.
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Generate new system master keys\n"));
dwRet = CPSGetUserStorageArea( &SystemContext, NULL, FALSE, &pszUserStorageArea ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRet = CreateMasterKey( &SystemContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey, FALSE ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( &SystemContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey ); }
SSFree(pszUserStorageArea); pszUserStorageArea = NULL; } else if(dwRet == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
dwRet = CPSGetUserStorageArea( &SystemUserContext, NULL, FALSE, &pszUserStorageArea ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRet = CreateMasterKey( &SystemUserContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey, FALSE ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( &SystemUserContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey ); } SSFree(pszUserStorageArea); pszUserStorageArea = NULL; } else if(dwRet == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
dwRet = CPSGetUserStorageArea( &LocalServiceContext, NULL, FALSE, &pszUserStorageArea ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRet = CreateMasterKey( &LocalServiceContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey, FALSE ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( &LocalServiceContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey ); } SSFree(pszUserStorageArea); pszUserStorageArea = NULL; } else if(dwRet == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
dwRet = CPSGetUserStorageArea( &NetworkServiceContext, NULL, FALSE, &pszUserStorageArea ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRet = CreateMasterKey( &NetworkServiceContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey, FALSE ); if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetPreferredMasterKeyGuid( &NetworkServiceContext, pszUserStorageArea, &guidMasterKey ); } SSFree(pszUserStorageArea); pszUserStorageArea = NULL; } else if(dwRet == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Cleanup.
if(fSystemContextCreated) { CPSDeleteServerContext( &SystemContext ); }
if(fSystemUserContextCreated) { CPSDeleteServerContext( &SystemUserContext ); } if(fLocalServiceContextCreated) { CPSDeleteServerContext( &LocalServiceContext ); }
if(fNetworkServiceContextCreated) { CPSDeleteServerContext( &NetworkServiceContext ); }
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_API, "DpapiUpdateLsaSecret returned 0x%x\n", dwRet));
return dwRet; }