// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996
// File: tstore5.cpp
// Contents: Test certificate store collection and context link functions
// See Usage() for a list of test options.
// Functions: main
// History: 06-Sep-97 philh created
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "wincrypt.h"
#include "certtest.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <time.h>
static void Usage(void) { printf("Usage: tstore5 [options] <StoreName1> <StoreName2>\n"); printf("Options are:\n"); printf(" -h - This message\n"); printf(" -C - Collection tests (default)\n"); printf(" -L - Context Link tests\n"); printf(" -C -L - Context Links enumerated in Collection\n"); printf(" -R - Replace contexts that exist\n"); printf(" -A - Always add a new context\n"); printf(" -P - Set property\n"); printf(" -v - Verbose\n"); printf(" -b - Brief\n"); printf(" -f<number> - Open System Store Flags\n"); printf("\n"); printf("If <StoreName> has embedded \".\", File. Otherwise System Store\n"); }
int _cdecl main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int status; DWORD i; DWORD dwDisplayFlags = 0; DWORD dwOpenFlags = 0; DWORD dwAddDisposition = CERT_STORE_ADD_USE_EXISTING; BOOL fVerbose = FALSE; BOOL fProperty = FALSE;
#define LINK_TEST_FLAG 0x2
DWORD dwTestFlags = 0;
#define MAX_STORE_CNT 32
DWORD dwStoreCnt = 0; LPCSTR rgpszStore[MAX_STORE_CNT]; HCERTSTORE rghStore[MAX_STORE_CNT]; memset(rghStore, 0, sizeof(rghStore)); HCERTSTORE hCollectionStore = NULL; HCERTSTORE hLinkStore = NULL;
DWORD dwCertAddCnt = 0; DWORD dwCrlAddCnt = 0; DWORD dwCtlAddCnt = 0;
while (--argc>0) { if (**++argv == '-') { switch(argv[0][1]) {
case 'C': dwTestFlags |= COLLECTION_TEST_FLAG; break; case 'L': dwTestFlags |= LINK_TEST_FLAG; break; case 'v': fVerbose = TRUE; dwDisplayFlags = DISPLAY_VERBOSE_FLAG; break; case 'b': dwDisplayFlags = DISPLAY_BRIEF_FLAG; break; case 'f': dwOpenFlags = strtoul(argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); break; case 'R': dwAddDisposition = CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING; break; case 'A': dwAddDisposition = CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS; break; case 'P': fProperty = TRUE; break;
case 'h': default: goto BadUsage; } } else { if (MAX_STORE_CNT <= dwStoreCnt) { printf("Too many store names starting with:: %s\n", argv[0]); goto BadUsage; } rgpszStore[dwStoreCnt++] = argv[0]; } }
printf("command line: %s\n", GetCommandLine());
if (0 == dwStoreCnt) { printf("Missing store names\n"); goto BadUsage; }
// Attempt to open the store names
for (i = 0; i < dwStoreCnt; i++) { DWORD dwFlags; BOOL fSystemStore; LPCSTR psz; char ch;
// Check if store name has an embedded ".".
fSystemStore = TRUE; psz = rgpszStore[i]; while (ch = *psz++) { if ('.' == ch) { fSystemStore = FALSE; break; } }
if (fSystemStore && 0 == (dwOpenFlags & CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCATION_MASK)) dwFlags = dwOpenFlags | CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER; else dwFlags = dwOpenFlags;
rghStore[i] = OpenSystemStoreOrFile(fSystemStore, rgpszStore[i], dwOpenFlags); }
if (0 == dwTestFlags) dwTestFlags = COLLECTION_TEST_FLAG;
if (dwTestFlags & COLLECTION_TEST_FLAG) { // Open collection store
hCollectionStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION, 0, // dwEncodingType
0, // hCryptProv
0, // dwFlags
NULL // pvPara
); if (NULL == hCollectionStore) { PrintLastError("CertOpenStore(COLLECTION)"); goto ErrorReturn; } }
if (dwTestFlags & LINK_TEST_FLAG) { HCERTSTORE hParentStore;
// Open memory store to hold the context links
hLinkStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY, 0, // dwEncodingType
0, // hCryptProv
0, // dwFlags
NULL // pvPara
); if (NULL == hLinkStore) { PrintLastError("CertOpenStore(MEMORY)"); goto ErrorReturn; }
if (dwTestFlags & COLLECTION_TEST_FLAG) { if (!CertAddStoreToCollection( hCollectionStore, hLinkStore, CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_ADD_ENABLE_FLAG, 0 // dwPriority
)) { PrintLastError("CertAddStoreToCollection"); goto ErrorReturn; } hParentStore = hCollectionStore; } else hParentStore = hLinkStore;
// Loop through stores and add the certificate, CRL and CTL contexts
// as links
for (i = 0; i < dwStoreCnt; i++) { HCERTSTORE hStore; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert; PCCRL_CONTEXT pCrl; PCCTL_CONTEXT pCtl; DWORD dwCrlFlags;
if (NULL == (hStore = rghStore[i])) continue;
pCert = NULL; while (pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore, pCert)) { if (!CertAddCertificateLinkToStore( hLinkStore, pCert, dwAddDisposition, (0 == dwCertAddCnt) ? &pLinkCert : NULL )) { PrintLastError("CertAddCertificateLinkToStore"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (0 == dwCertAddCnt) { if (NULL == pLinkCert) { printf("failed => didn't return cert link\n"); goto ErrorReturn; } pSiblingCert = CertDuplicateCertificateContext(pCert); } dwCertAddCnt++;
if (CertAddCertificateLinkToStore( hLinkStore, pCert, CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, NULL // ppStoreCert
)) printf("failed => expected CertAddCertificateLinkToStore(ADD_NEW) to fail\n"); else if (CRYPT_E_EXISTS != GetLastError()) { PrintLastError("CertAddCertificateLinkToStore(ADD_NEW)"); printf("failed => expected CRYPT_E_EXISTS\n"); } }
dwCrlFlags = 0; pCrl = NULL; while (pCrl = CertGetCRLFromStore(hStore, NULL, pCrl, &dwCrlFlags)) { if (!CertAddCRLLinkToStore( hLinkStore, pCrl, dwAddDisposition, (0 == dwCrlAddCnt) ? &pLinkCrl : NULL )) { PrintLastError("CertAddCRLLinkToStore"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (0 == dwCrlAddCnt) { if (NULL == pLinkCrl) { printf("failed => didn't return crl link\n"); goto ErrorReturn; } pSiblingCrl = CertDuplicateCRLContext(pCrl); } dwCrlAddCnt++;
if (CertAddCRLLinkToStore( hLinkStore, pCrl, CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, NULL // ppStoreCrl
)) printf("failed => expected CertAddCRLLinkToStore(ADD_NEW) to fail\n"); else if (CRYPT_E_EXISTS != GetLastError()) { PrintLastError("CertAddCRLLinkToStore(ADD_NEW)"); printf("failed => expected CRYPT_E_EXISTS\n"); } }
pCtl = NULL; while (pCtl = CertEnumCTLsInStore(hStore, pCtl)) { if (!CertAddCTLLinkToStore( hLinkStore, pCtl, dwAddDisposition, (0 == dwCtlAddCnt) ? &pLinkCtl : NULL )) { PrintLastError("CertAddCTLLinkToStore"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (0 == dwCtlAddCnt) { if (NULL == pLinkCtl) { printf("failed => didn't return crl link\n"); goto ErrorReturn; } pSiblingCtl = CertDuplicateCTLContext(pCtl); } dwCtlAddCnt++;
if (CertAddCTLLinkToStore( hLinkStore, pCtl, CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, NULL // ppStoreCtl
)) printf("failed => expected CertAddCTLLinkToStore(ADD_NEW) to fail\n"); else if (CRYPT_E_EXISTS != GetLastError()) { PrintLastError("CertAddCTLLinkToStore(ADD_NEW)"); printf("failed => expected CRYPT_E_EXISTS\n"); } } }
printf("Added %d Certificates\n", dwCertAddCnt); printf("Added %d CRLs\n", dwCrlAddCnt); printf("Added %d CTLs\n", dwCtlAddCnt);
printf("\n"); printf("$$$$$ Certificate Context Links $$$$$\n"); DisplayStore(hParentStore, dwDisplayFlags);
if (fProperty) { CRYPT_DATA_BLOB LinkSetData; BYTE rgbLinkSet[4] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF}; LinkSetData.pbData = rgbLinkSet; LinkSetData.cbData = sizeof(rgbLinkSet); CRYPT_DATA_BLOB SiblingSetData; BYTE rgbSiblingSet[4] = {0xDE, 0xAF, 0xCA, 0xFE}; SiblingSetData.pbData = rgbSiblingSet; SiblingSetData.cbData = sizeof(rgbSiblingSet); BYTE rgbGet[4]; DWORD cbData;
if (pLinkCert) { printf("Setting Certificate Context Link Property\n");
// First make sure the property is deleted
CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pLinkCert, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
NULL ); cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); if (CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pLinkCert, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData) || CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND != GetLastError()) { printf("failed => expected link property to be deleted\n"); PrintLastError("CertGetCertificateContextProperty(LINK)"); }
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); if (CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pSiblingCert, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData) || CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND != GetLastError()) { printf("failed => expected sibling property to be deleted\n"); PrintLastError("CertGetCertificateContextProperty(SIBLING)"); }
// Set property in link. It should also be visible in sibling
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); memset(rgbGet, 0, sizeof(rgbGet)); if (!CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pLinkCert, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
&LinkSetData )) PrintLastError("CertSetCertificateContextProperty(LINK)"); else if (!CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pSiblingCert, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData)) PrintLastError("CertGetCertificateContextProperty(SIBLING)"); else if (cbData != sizeof(rgbLinkSet) || 0 != memcmp(rgbGet, rgbLinkSet, cbData)) printf("failed => cert sibling not updated with link property\n");
// Set property in sibling. It should also be visible in link
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); memset(rgbGet, 0, sizeof(rgbGet)); if (!CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pSiblingCert, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
&SiblingSetData )) PrintLastError("CertSetCertificateContextProperty(SIBLING)"); else if (!CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pLinkCert, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData)) PrintLastError("CertGetCertificateContextProperty(LINK)"); else if (cbData != sizeof(rgbSiblingSet) || 0 != memcmp(rgbGet, rgbSiblingSet, cbData)) printf("failed => cert link not updated with sibling property\n"); }
if (pLinkCrl) { printf("Setting CRL Context Link Property\n");
// First make sure the property is deleted
CertSetCRLContextProperty( pLinkCrl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
NULL ); cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); if (CertGetCRLContextProperty( pLinkCrl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData) || CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND != GetLastError()) { printf("failed => expected link property to be deleted\n"); PrintLastError("CertGetCRLContextProperty(LINK)"); }
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); if (CertGetCRLContextProperty( pSiblingCrl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData) || CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND != GetLastError()) { printf("failed => expected sibling property to be deleted\n"); PrintLastError("CertGetCRLContextProperty(SIBLING)"); }
// Set property in link. It should also be visible in sibling
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); memset(rgbGet, 0, sizeof(rgbGet)); if (!CertSetCRLContextProperty( pLinkCrl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
&LinkSetData )) PrintLastError("CertSetCRLContextProperty(LINK)"); else if (!CertGetCRLContextProperty( pSiblingCrl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData)) PrintLastError("CertGetCRLContextProperty(SIBLING)"); else if (cbData != sizeof(rgbLinkSet) || 0 != memcmp(rgbGet, rgbLinkSet, cbData)) printf("failed => CRL sibling not updated with link property\n");
// Set property in sibling. It should also be visible in link
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); memset(rgbGet, 0, sizeof(rgbGet)); if (!CertSetCRLContextProperty( pSiblingCrl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
&SiblingSetData )) PrintLastError("CertSetCRLContextProperty(SIBLING)"); else if (!CertGetCRLContextProperty( pLinkCrl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData)) PrintLastError("CertGetCRLContextProperty(LINK)"); else if (cbData != sizeof(rgbSiblingSet) || 0 != memcmp(rgbGet, rgbSiblingSet, cbData)) printf("failed => CRL link not updated with sibling property\n"); }
if (pLinkCtl) { printf("Setting CTL Context Link Property\n");
// First make sure the property is deleted
CertSetCTLContextProperty( pLinkCtl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
NULL ); cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); if (CertGetCTLContextProperty( pLinkCtl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData) || CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND != GetLastError()) { printf("failed => expected link property to be deleted\n"); PrintLastError("CertGetCTLContextProperty(LINK)"); }
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); if (CertGetCTLContextProperty( pSiblingCtl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData) || CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND != GetLastError()) { printf("failed => expected sibling property to be deleted\n"); PrintLastError("CertGetCTLContextProperty(SIBLING)"); }
// Set property in link. It should also be visible in sibling
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); memset(rgbGet, 0, sizeof(rgbGet)); if (!CertSetCTLContextProperty( pLinkCtl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
&LinkSetData )) PrintLastError("CertSetCTLContextProperty(LINK)"); else if (!CertGetCTLContextProperty( pSiblingCtl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData)) PrintLastError("CertGetCTLContextProperty(SIBLING)"); else if (cbData != sizeof(rgbLinkSet) || 0 != memcmp(rgbGet, rgbLinkSet, cbData)) printf("failed => CTL sibling not updated with link property\n");
// Set property in sibling. It should also be visible in link
cbData = sizeof(rgbGet); memset(rgbGet, 0, sizeof(rgbGet)); if (!CertSetCTLContextProperty( pSiblingCtl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
&SiblingSetData )) PrintLastError("CertSetCTLContextProperty(SIBLING)"); else if (!CertGetCTLContextProperty( pLinkCtl, CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID, rgbGet, &cbData)) PrintLastError("CertGetCTLContextProperty(LINK)"); else if (cbData != sizeof(rgbSiblingSet) || 0 != memcmp(rgbGet, rgbSiblingSet, cbData)) printf("failed => CTL link not updated with sibling property\n"); } }
if (pLinkCert) { CertDeleteCertificateFromStore(pLinkCert); pLinkCert = NULL; } if (pLinkCrl) { CertDeleteCRLFromStore(pLinkCrl); pLinkCrl = NULL; } if (pLinkCtl) { CertDeleteCTLFromStore(pLinkCtl); pLinkCtl = NULL; } } else { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert;
for (i = 0; i < dwStoreCnt; i++) { if (NULL == rghStore[i]) continue; if (!CertAddStoreToCollection( hCollectionStore, rghStore[i], 0, // dwUpdateFlags
i // dwPriority
)) { PrintLastError("CertAddStoreToCollection"); goto ErrorReturn; } } printf("\n"); printf("$$$$$ Collection Stores $$$$$\n"); DisplayStore(hCollectionStore, dwDisplayFlags);
// Get first cert and duplicate. It should be in last store.
// Remove the last store and the second to last store. Continue
// the enumeration.
if (pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hCollectionStore, NULL)) { pLinkCert = CertDuplicateCertificateContext(pCert); if (0 < dwStoreCnt && rghStore[dwStoreCnt - 1]) { CertRemoveStoreFromCollection( hCollectionStore, rghStore[dwStoreCnt - 1] ); // Also close the last store
CertCloseStore(rghStore[dwStoreCnt - 1], 0); rghStore[dwStoreCnt - 1] = NULL; } if (1 < dwStoreCnt && rghStore[dwStoreCnt - 2]) CertRemoveStoreFromCollection( hCollectionStore, rghStore[dwStoreCnt - 2] );
printf("$$$$$ Collection Certificates after removing last 2 stores $$$$$\n"); i = 0; while (pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hCollectionStore, pCert)) { printf("===== %d =====\n", i); DisplayCert(pCert, DISPLAY_BRIEF_FLAG); i++; } } }
status = 0;
CommonReturn: if (pSiblingCert) CertFreeCertificateContext(pSiblingCert); if (pLinkCert) CertFreeCertificateContext(pLinkCert); if (pLinkCrl) CertFreeCRLContext(pLinkCrl); if (pSiblingCrl) CertFreeCRLContext(pSiblingCrl); if (pLinkCtl) CertFreeCTLContext(pLinkCtl); if (pSiblingCtl) CertFreeCTLContext(pSiblingCtl);
for (i = 1; i < dwStoreCnt; i++) { if (rghStore[i]) CertCloseStore(rghStore[i], 0); }
if (hCollectionStore) { if (!CertCloseStore(hCollectionStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG)) PrintLastError("CertCloseStore(COLLECTION)"); } if (hLinkStore) { if (!CertCloseStore(hLinkStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG)) PrintLastError("CertCloseStore(LINK)"); }
if (0 < dwStoreCnt) { if (rghStore[0]) { if (!CertCloseStore(rghStore[0], CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG)) PrintLastError("CertCloseStore(SIBLING[0])"); } }
return status;
BadUsage: Usage(); status = -1; goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: status = -1; goto CommonReturn; }