// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: cautil.h
//header file for utility functions
// CAUtilGetCADisplayName
// Get the display name of the CA based on its real name
BOOL CAUtilGetCADisplayName(DWORD dwCAFindFlags, LPWSTR pwszCAName, LPWSTR *ppwszCADisplayName);
// Verify that the user has the correct permision to
// ask for the requested certificatd types
BOOL CAUtilValidCertTypeNoDS(HCERTTYPE hCertType, LPWSTR pwszCertDNName, CERT_WIZARD_INFO *pCertWizardInfo);
//Retrieve a list of CAs what supports the required certificate types
// The CA returned will support all the certificate types required.
// 1. Check the permission
// 2. Check for the subject name
// The CA returned will also support the CSP that user specified
// 1. If the CSP type is selected, then use it
// 1.1 If the CSP type is not sepecified and UILess mode, use RSA_FULL
// 1.2 If the CSP type is not sepecified and UI mode, no need to check
BOOL CAUtilRetrieveCAFromCertType( CERT_WIZARD_INFO *pCertWizardInfo, PCCRYPTUI_WIZ_CERT_REQUEST_INFO pCertRequestInfo, BOOL fMultipleCA, //only need one CA
DWORD dwNameFlag, DWORD *pdwCACount, LPWSTR **ppwszCALocation, LPWSTR **ppwszCAName);
//Based on the CA name and CA location, get a list of certificate type
//and their extensions
BOOL CAUtilGetCertTypeNameAndExtensionsNoDS (CERT_WIZARD_INFO *pCertWizardInfo, LPWSTR pwszCertDNName, HCERTTYPE hCertType, LPWSTR *pwszCertType, LPWSTR *ppwszDisplayCertType, PCERT_EXTENSIONS *pCertExtensions, DWORD *pdwKeySpec, DWORD *pdwMinKeySize, DWORD *pdwCSPCount, DWORD **ppdwCSPList, DWORD *pdwRASignature, DWORD *pdwEnrollmentFlags, DWORD *pdwSubjectNameFlags, DWORD *pdwPrivateKeyFlags, DWORD *pdwGeneralFlags);
BOOL CAUtilGetCertTypeNameAndExtensions( CERT_WIZARD_INFO *pCertWizardInfo, PCCRYPTUI_WIZ_CERT_REQUEST_INFO pCertRequestInfo, LPWSTR pwszCALocation, LPWSTR pwszCAName, DWORD *pdwCertType, LPWSTR **ppwszCertType, LPWSTR **ppwszDisplayCertType, PCERT_EXTENSIONS **ppCertExtensions, DWORD **ppdwKeySpec, DWORD **ppdwCertTypeFlag, DWORD **ppdwCSPCount, DWORD ***ppdwCSPList, DWORD **ppdwRASignature, DWORD **ppdwEnrollmentFlags, DWORD **ppdwSubjectNameFlags, DWORD **ppdwPrivateKeyFlags, DWORD **ppdwGeneralFlags );
//Retrieve the CA information based on a certificate
BOOL CAUtilRetrieveCAFromCert( CERT_WIZARD_INFO *pCertWizardInfo, PCCRYPTUI_WIZ_CERT_REQUEST_INFO pCertRequestInfo, LPWSTR *pwszCALocation, LPWSTR *pwszCAName);
//From the API's cert type name, get the real name with GUID
BOOL CAUtilGetCertTypeName(CERT_WIZARD_INFO *pCertWizardInfo, LPWSTR pwszAPIName, LPWSTR *ppwszCTName);
BOOL CAUtilGetCertTypeNameNoDS(IN HCERTTYPE hCertType, OUT LPWSTR *ppwszCTName);