// CardCtx.cpp -- Card ConTeXt class definition
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
// Don't allow the min & max macros in WINDEF.H to be defined so the
// min/max methods declared in limits are accessible.
#define NOMINMAX
#include "NoWarning.h"
#include "ForceLib.h"
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <scuOsExc.h>
#include <scuCast.h>
#include "HCardCtx.h"
#include "LoginCtx.h"
#include "Procedural.h"
#include "HAdptvCntr.h"
#include "Guarded.h"
#include <scarderr.h> // always last for now
using namespace std; using namespace cci;
/////////////////////////// LOCAL/HELPER /////////////////////////////////
namespace { class StaleContainerKeyAccumulator : public binary_function<vector<AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::EnrolleeType>, AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::RegistryType::CollectionType::value_type, vector<AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::EnrolleeType> > { public:
explicit StaleContainerKeyAccumulator(HCardContext const &rhcardctx) : m_rhcardctx(rhcardctx) {}
result_type operator()(first_argument_type &rvStaleCntrs, second_argument_type const &rvt) const { if (rvt.second->CardContext(false) == m_rhcardctx) rvStaleCntrs.push_back(rvt.second);
return rvStaleCntrs; }
HCardContext const &m_rhcardctx; };
void ClearAdaptiveContainerCache(AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::EnrolleeType enrollee, HCardContext hcardctx) { if (enrollee->CardContext(false) == hcardctx) { enrollee->ClearCache(); } }
void DeleteAdaptiveContainerCache(AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::EnrolleeType enrollee, HCardContext hcardctx) { if (enrollee->CardContext(false) == hcardctx) enrollee->DeleteCache(); }
void DeactivateLoginContext(auto_ptr<LoginContext> const &raplc) { raplc->Deactivate(); } }
/////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
CardContext::CardContext(std::string const &rsReaderName) : RCObject(), Lockable(), Securable(), CachingObject(), CardContextRegistrar(rsReaderName), m_stkapGuards(), m_aptwCard(), m_cSecurers(0), m_card(CCard(rsReaderName)), m_mloginctx(), m_nMrkLastWrite() {}
CardContext::~CardContext() throw() {}
// Operators
// Operations
void CardContext::ClearLogin(LoginIdentity const &rlid) { Guarded<CardContext *> guard(this);
auto_ptr<LoginContext> &raplc = m_mloginctx[rlid];
if (raplc.get()) raplc = auto_ptr<LoginContext>(0); }
void CardContext::Login(LoginIdentity const &rlid, LoginTask &rlt, bool fForceLogin) { Guarded<CardContext *> guard(this);
auto_ptr<LoginContext> &raplc = m_mloginctx[rlid];
if (!raplc.get()) raplc = auto_ptr<LoginContext>(new LoginContext(HCardContext(this), rlid));
if (fForceLogin || !raplc->IsActive()) raplc->Activate(rlt); }
void CardContext::Logout() { ForEachMappedValue(m_mloginctx.begin(), m_mloginctx.end(), DeactivateLoginContext); }
// Access
CCard CardContext::Card() { return m_card; }
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
void CardContext::DiscardHook() { DeleteCache(); RemoveReference(); }
CardContext * CardContext::DoInstantiation(std::string const &rsReaderName) { return new CardContext(rsReaderName); }
void CardContext::EnrollHook() { AddReference(); }
// Access
// Predicates
bool CardContext::KeepEnrolled() { return (m_card && m_card->IsAvailable()) ? true : false; }
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
void CardContext::Abandon() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Abandon is only called by the
// Secured destructor, (2) once the object is constructed, Secure
// and Abandon are the only routines that access the count, and
// (3) Abandon is called by a thread within the scope of a Retain
// (e.g. using Retained) which the Secured class enforces.
// Because of (1) and (2), an underflow check on the count is not
// necessary since Secure will have already been called. Because
// of (3), protection against race conditions accessing count
// isn't necessary since Retain acts as a lock.
--m_cSecurers; if (0 == m_cSecurers) { // Security: markers are moved to the card. Updating them
// requires authentication by the user pin.
// Notify any changes to this card during this transaction
// before letting someone else have access and before loggin
// out.
try { UpdateMarkers(); } catch(...) { // do not leave the card in authenticated state
Logout(); throw; } Logout(); } }
// Optionally clear the cached info
void CardContext::ClearCache() { // Security: markers reside on the card. We trade off performance for
// security because any update of the marker requires
// authentication by the user pin. On the other hand, reading
// markers from the card is considerably slower than reading from
// memory.
if(!Card()->IsMarkerOnCard() || m_nMrkLastWrite != Card()->MarkerOnCard()) { ForEachEnrollee(AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::Registry(), ProcedureBind2nd(PointerProcedure(ClearAdaptiveContainerCache), HCardContext(this))); Card()->InvalidateCache(); } }
// Delete any cached info, never to be refreshed
void CardContext::DeleteCache() { m_mloginctx.clear();
Guarded<Lockable *> guard(&AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::Registry()); // serialize registry access
AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::ConstRegistryType &rRegistry = AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::Registry();
AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::ConstRegistryType::CollectionType &rcollection = rRegistry();
HCardContext hcardctx(this);
// Any containers associated with this card should be marked stale
// now because on Whistler (W2K Upgrade) trying to access them
// later when another context has a begin transaction on the same
// reader will cause a wait. On earlier platforms, the RM would
// return an error (e.g. card removed) when attempting to access
// the container.
vector<AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::EnrolleeType> vStaleCntrs(accumulate(rcollection.begin(), rcollection.end(), vector<AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::EnrolleeType>(), StaleContainerKeyAccumulator(hcardctx))); for (vector<AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::EnrolleeType>::iterator iCurrent(vStaleCntrs.begin()); iCurrent != vStaleCntrs.end(); ++iCurrent) { (*iCurrent)->NullifyCard(); } }
void CardContext::Relinquish() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Relinquish is only called by the
// Retained destructor and (2) once the object is constructed,
// Retain and Relinquish are the only routines that access the
// m_stkapGuards and m_aptwCard. Because of (1) and (2), an
// underflow check on m_stkRetainedCardContexts is not necessary
// since Retain will have already been called.
// Protect against exceptions by fist assigning the newly acquired
// "locks" to temporary variables until all the actions necessary
// are successfully completed before assigning transfering
// ownership of the locks to the associated member variables.
auto_ptr<Guarded<CardContext *> > apgcardctx(m_stkapGuards.front()); m_stkapGuards.pop_front();
if (m_stkapGuards.empty()) { try { m_aptwCard = auto_ptr<CTransactionWrap>(0); } catch (...) { } } }
void CardContext::Retain() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Retain is only called by the
// Retained constructor and (2) once the object is constructed,
// Retain and Relinquish are the only routines that access the
// m_stkapGuards and m_aptwCard. Because of (1) and (2), an
// underflow check on m_stkRetainedCardContexts is not necessary
// since Retain will have already been called.
// Protect against exceptions by fist assigning the newly acquired
// "locks" to temporary variables until all the actions necessary
// are successfully completed before assigning transfering
// ownership of the locks to the associated member variables.
auto_ptr<Guarded<CardContext *> > apgcardctx(new Guarded<CardContext *>(this)); auto_ptr<CTransactionWrap> aptwCard;
if (m_stkapGuards.empty()) { aptwCard = auto_ptr<CTransactionWrap>(new CTransactionWrap(m_card)); ClearCache(); } m_stkapGuards.push_front(apgcardctx); if (aptwCard.get()) m_aptwCard = aptwCard; }
void CardContext::UpdateMarkers() { // Security: there is only one marker and it resides on the
// card. The marker indicates if any data on the card changed.
m_nMrkLastWrite = Card()->MarkerOnCard(); }
void CardContext::Secure() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Secure is always called by a thread
// within the scope of a Retain (e.g. using Retained). The
// Secured template enforces this allowing Retain to act as a lock
// to prevent race conditions updating m_cSecurers. (2) Once the
// object is constructed, Secure and Abandon are the only routines
// that access m_cSecurers.
if (0 >= (m_cSecurers + 1)) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATE);
++m_cSecurers; }
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables