// CryptCtx.cpp -- Cryptographic Context class implementation
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <scuOsExc.h>
#include <scuArrayP.h>
#include <cciPubKey.h>
#include <cciPriKey.h>
#include <cciKeyPair.h>
#include "LoginId.h"
#include "ACntrFinder.h"
#include "Secured.h"
#include "ILoginTask.h"
#include "NILoginTsk.h"
#include "SesKeyCtx.h"
#include "PubKeyCtx.h"
#include "HashCtx.h"
#include "CryptCtx.h"
#include "Uuid.h"
#include "PromptUser.h"
#include "AlignedBlob.h"
#include "scarderr.h" // must be last for now
using namespace std; using namespace scu; using namespace cci;
/////////////////////////// LOCAL/HELPER /////////////////////////////////
namespace { WORD const dwHandleIdKeyContext = 13; WORD const dwHandleIdHashContext = 7;
template<class T> HANDLE_TYPE AddHandle(auto_ptr<T> &rapObject, CHandleList &rhl) { HANDLE_TYPE handle = rhl.Add(rapObject.get()); rapObject.release();
return handle; }
CardFinder::DialogDisplayMode DefaultDialogMode(bool fGuiEnabled) { using CardFinder::DialogDisplayMode;
return fGuiEnabled ? CardFinder::DialogDisplayMode::ddmIfNecessary : CardFinder::DialogDisplayMode::ddmNever; }
bool IsEmpty(CContainer &rcntr) { return !rcntr->KeyPairExists(ksExchange) && !rcntr->KeyPairExists(ksSignature); }
bool IsProtected(CKeyPair const &rhkp) { bool fIsProtected = false;
CCard hcard(rhkp->Card()); if (hcard->IsProtectedMode()) fIsProtected = true; else { if (hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled()) { CPrivateKey hprikey(rhkp->PrivateKey()); if (hprikey && hprikey->Private()) fIsProtected = true; else { CPublicKey hpubkey(rhkp->PublicKey()); if (hpubkey && hpubkey->Private()) fIsProtected = true; else { CCertificate hcert(rhkp->Certificate()); fIsProtected = (hcert && hcert->Private()); } } } }
return fIsProtected; }
bool IsProtected(CContainer &rhcntr) { return IsProtected(rhcntr->GetKeyPair(ksExchange)) || IsProtected(rhcntr->GetKeyPair(ksSignature)); }
} // namespace
/////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
CryptContext::CryptContext(CSpec const &rcspec, PVTableProvStruc const pVTable, bool fGuiEnabled, bool fCreateContainer, bool fEphemeralContainer) : CHandle(), m_dwOwnerThreadId(GetCurrentThreadId()), m_hacntr(), m_fEphemeralContainer(fEphemeralContainer), m_fGuiEnabled(fGuiEnabled), m_hwnd(0), m_hlKeys(dwHandleIdKeyContext), m_hlHashes(dwHandleIdHashContext), m_auxcontext(), m_ce(), m_apabCachedAlg() { if (pVTable && pVTable->FuncReturnhWnd) (reinterpret_cast<CRYPT_RETURN_HWND>(pVTable->FuncReturnhWnd))(&m_hwnd); // An ephemeral container cannot be "created"
if (m_fEphemeralContainer && fCreateContainer) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
if (fCreateContainer) CreateNewContainer(rcspec); else OpenExistingContainer(rcspec); }
CryptContext::~CryptContext() { if (m_hacntr) { try { m_hacntr = 0; } catch (...) { // don't allow exceptions to propagate out of destructor
} }
// Operators
// Operations
HCRYPTHASH CryptContext::Add(auto_ptr<CHashContext> &rapHashCtx) { return AddHandle(rapHashCtx, m_hlHashes); }
HCRYPTKEY CryptContext::Add(auto_ptr<CKeyContext> &rapKeyCtx) { return AddHandle(rapKeyCtx, m_hlKeys); }
HCRYPTKEY CryptContext::Add(auto_ptr<CPublicKeyContext> &rapPublicKeyCtx) { return AddHandle(rapPublicKeyCtx, m_hlKeys);
HCRYPTKEY CryptContext::Add(auto_ptr<CSessionKeyContext> &rapSessionKeyCtx) { return AddHandle(rapSessionKeyCtx, m_hlKeys); }
auto_ptr<CHashContext> CryptContext::CloseHash(HCRYPTHASH const hHash) { return auto_ptr<CHashContext>(reinterpret_cast<CHashContext *>(m_hlHashes.Close(hHash))); }
auto_ptr<CKeyContext> CryptContext::CloseKey(HCRYPTKEY const hKey) { return auto_ptr<CKeyContext>(reinterpret_cast<CKeyContext *>(m_hlKeys.Close(hKey))); }
void CryptContext::CntrEnumerator(ContainerEnumerator const &rce) { m_ce = rce; }
void CryptContext::EnumAlgorithms(DWORD dwParam, DWORD dwFlags, bool fPostAdvanceIterator, AlignedBlob &rabAlgInfo) { bool fFirst = dwFlags & CRYPT_FIRST;
if (fFirst) m_apabCachedAlg = auto_ptr<AlignedBlob>(0);
if (!m_apabCachedAlg.get()) { DWORD dwDataLen; bool bSkip; do { if (CryptGetProvParam(m_auxcontext(), dwParam, NULL, &dwDataLen, dwFlags) == CRYPT_FAILED) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
AutoArrayPtr<BYTE> apbAlgInfo (new BYTE[dwDataLen]); if (CryptGetProvParam(m_auxcontext(), dwParam, apbAlgInfo.Get(), &dwDataLen, dwFlags) == CRYPT_FAILED) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError()); m_apabCachedAlg = auto_ptr<AlignedBlob>(new AlignedBlob(apbAlgInfo.Get(), dwDataLen));
// Override SIGN and KEYX and algorithms not suported
ALG_ID algid = (PP_ENUMALGS == dwParam) ? reinterpret_cast<PROV_ENUMALGS *>(m_apabCachedAlg->Data())->aiAlgid : reinterpret_cast<PROV_ENUMALGS_EX *>(m_apabCachedAlg->Data())->aiAlgid;
switch (GET_ALG_CLASS(algid)) { case ALG_CLASS_SIGNATURE: // fall-through intentional
case ALG_CLASS_KEY_EXCHANGE: if (PP_ENUMALGS == dwParam) { PROV_ENUMALGS *pAlgEnum = reinterpret_cast<PROV_ENUMALGS *>(m_apabCachedAlg->Data()); pAlgEnum->dwBitLen = 1024; } else { PROV_ENUMALGS_EX *pAlgEnum = reinterpret_cast<PROV_ENUMALGS_EX *>(m_apabCachedAlg->Data()); pAlgEnum->dwDefaultLen = pAlgEnum->dwMinLen = pAlgEnum->dwMaxLen = 1024; } bSkip = false; break;
case ALG_CLASS_HASH: bSkip = (!CHashContext::IsSupported(algid)); break;
case ALG_CLASS_DATA_ENCRYPT: bSkip = false; break; default: m_apabCachedAlg = auto_ptr<AlignedBlob>(0); bSkip = true; break; }
dwFlags = dwFlags & ~CRYPT_FIRST;
} while (bSkip); }
rabAlgInfo = m_apabCachedAlg.get() ? *m_apabCachedAlg : AlignedBlob();
if (fPostAdvanceIterator) m_apabCachedAlg = auto_ptr<AlignedBlob>(0); } auto_ptr<CPublicKeyContext> CryptContext::ImportPrivateKey(SecureArray<BYTE> const &rblbMsPrivateKey, DWORD dwKeySpec, bool fExportable, HCRYPTKEY hEncKey) { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_hacntr);
auto_ptr<CPublicKeyContext> apKeyCtx(ImportPublicKey(rblbMsPrivateKey, dwKeySpec)); SecureArray<BYTE> apb(0); BYTE const *pbKeyData = 0; DWORD dwKeyDataLen = 0; if (hEncKey || m_fEphemeralContainer) { // Export the key in plain text by importing to the aux provider
// and then exporting.
if (!CryptImportKey(m_auxcontext(), rblbMsPrivateKey.data(), rblbMsPrivateKey.length(), hEncKey, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hAuxKey)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
if (!m_fEphemeralContainer) { // Export the key in plain text
if (!CryptExportKey(m_auxcontext(), NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, 0, NULL, &dwKeyDataLen)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
apb = SecureArray<BYTE>(dwKeyDataLen); if (!CryptExportKey(m_auxcontext(), NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, 0, apb.data(), &dwKeyDataLen)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError()); pbKeyData = apb.data();
// Scrub the key imported into the aux provider. To do this,
// the auxillary key must be destroyed and another key be put
// (generated) in its place.
if (!CryptDestroyKey(hAuxKey)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
hAuxKey = NULL; if (!CryptGenKey(m_auxcontext(), dwKeySpec, 0, &hAuxKey)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
if (!CryptDestroyKey(hAuxKey)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError()); } } else { pbKeyData = rblbMsPrivateKey.data(); dwKeyDataLen = rblbMsPrivateKey.length(); } if (!m_fEphemeralContainer) { // Now continue importing the key that's now in plain text.
MsRsaPrivateKeyBlob msprikb(pbKeyData, dwKeyDataLen);
apKeyCtx->ImportPrivateKey(msprikb, fExportable); }
return apKeyCtx; }
auto_ptr<CPublicKeyContext> CryptContext::ImportPublicKey(SecureArray<BYTE> const &rblbMsPublicKey, DWORD dwKeySpec) { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_hacntr);
auto_ptr<CPublicKeyContext> apKeyCtx(new CPublicKeyContext(m_auxcontext(), *this, dwKeySpec, false));
if (m_fEphemeralContainer) apKeyCtx->AuxPublicKey(rblbMsPublicKey); else { MsRsaPublicKeyBlob mspubkb(rblbMsPublicKey.data(), rblbMsPublicKey.length()); apKeyCtx->ImportPublicKey(mspubkb); }
return apKeyCtx; }
void CryptContext::Login(LoginIdentity const &rlid) { Secured<HCardContext> hscardctx(AdaptiveContainer()->CardContext());
Login(rlid, hscardctx); }
void CryptContext::Pin(LoginIdentity const &rlid, char const *pszPin) { Secured<HCardContext> hscardctx(AdaptiveContainer()->CardContext());
// TO DO: Support Entrust
if (pszPin) hscardctx->Login(rlid, NonInteractiveLoginTask(pszPin)); else hscardctx->ClearLogin(rlid); }
// Remove (destroy) the container from the card
void CryptContext::RemoveContainer() { Secured<HCardContext> hscardctx(AdaptiveContainer()->CardContext());
CContainer hcntr(m_hacntr->TheCContainer());
DeleteContainer(hscardctx, hcntr);
m_hacntr = 0; // disconnect from container
// Generate a key, string it in the context
HCRYPTKEY CryptContext::GenerateKey(ALG_ID algid, DWORD dwFlags) { // TO DO: Revisit this method, implement as a manager/factory?
HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; auto_ptr<CKeyContext> apKey;
bool bError = false; DWORD dwErrorCode = NO_ERROR;
// Verify the parameters.
switch(algid) { case AT_KEYEXCHANGE: case AT_SIGNATURE: { if (dwFlags & (CRYPT_CREATE_SALT | CRYPT_NO_SALT | CRYPT_PREGEN)) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_FLAGS);
Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_hacntr);
apKey = auto_ptr<CKeyContext>(new CPublicKeyContext(m_auxcontext(), *this, algid, false)); apKey->Generate(algid, dwFlags); } break;
default: apKey = auto_ptr<CKeyContext>(new CSessionKeyContext(m_auxcontext())); apKey->Generate(algid, dwFlags); break; }
hKey = Add(apKey);
return hKey; }
// Load an external Session Key.
auto_ptr<CSessionKeyContext> CryptContext::UseSessionKey(BYTE const *pbKeyBlob, DWORD cbKeyBlobLen, HCRYPTKEY hAuxImpKey, DWORD dwFlags) { // TO DO: Revisit this method, really necessary??
auto_ptr<CSessionKeyContext> apKeyCtx(new CSessionKeyContext(m_auxcontext()));
if (!apKeyCtx.get()) throw scu::OsException(NTE_NO_MEMORY);
// Decrypt key blob if encrypted with Key Exchange Key
// otherwise forward blob to Auxiliary CSP directly
ALG_ID const *pAlgId = reinterpret_cast<ALG_ID const *>(&pbKeyBlob[sizeof(BLOBHEADER)]);
if (CALG_RSA_KEYX == *pAlgId) { // Get Key exchange key
// TO DO: Shouldn't this be getting a private key?
auto_ptr<CPublicKeyContext> apXKey(new CPublicKeyContext(m_auxcontext(), *this, AT_KEYEXCHANGE));
// Decrypt key blob
// TO DO: Support multiple key sizes
Blob EncryptedKey(pbKeyBlob + sizeof BLOBHEADER + sizeof ALG_ID, 128); Blob DecryptedKey(apXKey->Decrypt(EncryptedKey));
// Recreate the blob
Blob DecryptedBlob(pbKeyBlob, sizeof BLOBHEADER + sizeof ALG_ID);
// we must trim out 64 bytes of the random data from the simple
// blob and then terminate it. (Termination occurs by making the
// n-1 byte = 0x02 and the nth byte = 0x00.) This is necessary
// in order to import this blob into the CSP.
DecryptedBlob.append(DecryptedKey.data(), (DecryptedKey.length() / 2) - 2); BYTE bTerminationBytes[] = { 0x02, 0x00 }; DecryptedBlob.append(bTerminationBytes, sizeof bTerminationBytes);
// Load Decrypted blob into key context
apKeyCtx->LoadKey(DecryptedBlob.data(), DecryptedBlob.length(), 0, dwFlags);
} else { // Load Encrypted blob into key context
apKeyCtx->LoadKey(pbKeyBlob, cbKeyBlobLen, hAuxImpKey, dwFlags); }
// Import decrypted blob into Auxiliary CSP
return apKeyCtx; }
// Access
HAdaptiveContainer CryptContext::AdaptiveContainer() const { if (!m_hacntr) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
return m_hacntr; }
HCRYPTPROV CryptContext::AuxContext() const { return m_auxcontext(); }
HCardContext CryptContext::CardContext() const { return AdaptiveContainer()->CardContext(); }
ContainerEnumerator CryptContext::CntrEnumerator(bool fReset) { if (fReset) { if (m_hacntr) m_ce = ContainerEnumerator(list<HCardContext>(1, m_hacntr->CardContext())); else { CardEnumerator ce; m_ce = ContainerEnumerator(*(ce.Cards())); } } return m_ce; }
CHashContext * CryptContext::LookupHash(HCRYPTHASH hHash) { return reinterpret_cast<CHashContext *>(m_hlHashes[hHash]); }
CKeyContext * CryptContext::LookupKey(HCRYPTKEY hKey) { return reinterpret_cast<CKeyContext *>(m_hlKeys[hKey]); }
CPublicKeyContext * CryptContext::LookupPublicKey(HCRYPTKEY hKey) { return reinterpret_cast<CPublicKeyContext *>(LookupChecked(hKey, KT_PUBLICKEY)); }
CSessionKeyContext * CryptContext::LookupSessionKey(HCRYPTKEY hKey) { return reinterpret_cast<CSessionKeyContext *>(LookupChecked(hKey, KT_SESSIONKEY)); }
HWND CryptContext::Window() const { HWND hwndActive = m_hwnd;
// Find a window if the designated one isn't valid. If the
// designated one is NULL, don't use the result of GetActiveWindow
// because the mouse is locked when displaying a dialog box using
// that as the parent window from certain applications (IE and
// Outlook Express).
return (m_hwnd && !IsWindow(m_hwnd)) ? GetActiveWindow() : m_hwnd; }
// Predicates
bool CryptContext::GuiEnabled() const { return m_fGuiEnabled; }
bool CryptContext::IsEphemeral() const { return m_fEphemeralContainer; }
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
// Create and open a new container (named by rcspec). If the
// container does exist, then it must be empty.
void CryptContext::CreateNewContainer(CSpec const &rcspec) { ASSERT (!m_hacntr);
// Find the card in the reader specified.
CardFinder cardfinder(DefaultDialogMode(GuiEnabled()), Window());
CSpec csReader(rcspec); csReader.SetReader(rcspec.Reader());
Secured<HCardContext> hscardctx(cardfinder.Find(csReader));
// Default the container name a UUID (GUID) if it wasn't supplied.
string sCntrToCreate(rcspec.CardId()); if (sCntrToCreate.empty()) { Uuid uuid; sCntrToCreate = AsString(uuid.AsUString()); }
AdaptiveContainerKey Key(hscardctx, sCntrToCreate); m_hacntr = AdaptiveContainer::Find(Key); // find the existing one
if(m_hacntr) { //according to spec, a new container cannot have the
//same name as an old one.
throw scu::OsException(NTE_EXISTS); }
if (hscardctx->Card()->IsProtectedMode()) Login(User, hscardctx);
m_hacntr = HAdaptiveContainer(Key);
void CryptContext::DeleteContainer(Secured<HCardContext> &rhscardctx, CContainer &rhcntr) { if (IsProtected(rhcntr)) Login(User, rhscardctx);
AdaptiveContainer::Discard(AdaptiveContainerKey(rhscardctx, rhcntr->Name())); rhcntr->Delete(); } void CryptContext::Login(LoginIdentity const &rlid, Secured<HCardContext> &rhscardctx) { // TO DO: Support Entrust
if (m_fGuiEnabled) rhscardctx->Login(rlid, InteractiveLoginTask(Window())); else rhscardctx->Login(rlid, LoginTask()); }
void CryptContext::OkDeletingCredentials() const { if (GuiEnabled()) { UINT uiResponse = PromptUser(Window(), IDS_DELETE_CREDENTIALS, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING);
switch (uiResponse) { case IDCANCEL: throw scu::OsException(ERROR_CANCELLED); break;
case IDOK: break; default: throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); break; }; } else throw scu::OsException(NTE_EXISTS); }
// Access
CKeyContext * CryptContext::LookupChecked(HCRYPTKEY hKey, DWORD const dwKeyType) { CKeyContext *pKeyCtx = LookupKey(hKey);
if (dwKeyType != pKeyCtx->TypeOfKey()) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
return pKeyCtx; }
// Open to an existing container specified by the container
// specification rcspec. If container name is empty, then open the
// default container.
void CryptContext::OpenExistingContainer(CSpec const &rcspec) { if (rcspec.CardId().empty()) { if (!m_fEphemeralContainer) { CardFinder cardfinder(DefaultDialogMode(GuiEnabled()), Window()); Secured<HCardContext> hscardctx(cardfinder.Find(rcspec)); CContainer hcntr(hscardctx->Card()->DefaultContainer());
if (hcntr) m_hacntr = HAdaptiveContainer(AdaptiveContainerKey(hscardctx, hcntr->Name())); } } else { AContainerFinder cntrfinder(DefaultDialogMode(GuiEnabled()), Window());
m_hacntr = cntrfinder.Find(rcspec); }
if (!m_hacntr && (!rcspec.CardId().empty() || !m_fEphemeralContainer)) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEYSET); }
// Predicates
// Static Variables