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// CSpec.cpp -- Card Specification
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1998. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
#include <scuOsExc.h>
#include "cspec.h"
using namespace std;
bool CSpec::ValidName(string const &rsName) const { return (rsName.find(BreakToken()) == string::npos); }
// Parse specification (possibly a Fully Qualified Card [container]
// Name) into the respective tokens. A FQCN takes the form
// "[\\.\<readerName>[\{<cardId>|}]]|[{\}<cardId>]". The preceding
// backslash-backslash-period-backslash is used in Win32 to identify a
// specific device name. It is used to identify that everything from
// there to the next backslash or end-of-string indicates the exact
// reader in which the card in question is to be found. Anything
// following that last backslash occurrence indicates the actual card
// Id and container name, with an empty string implying the default
// for the card in the specified reader.
CSpec::CSpec(string const &rsSpec) { string sRHSpec;
if (0 == rsSpec.find(DeviceIdToken())) { sRHSpec = rsSpec.substr(DeviceIdToken().length());
// Find the reader
string::size_type const stEndOfName(sRHSpec.find(BreakToken())); if (0 == stEndOfName) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM); if (string::npos != stEndOfName) { string const sReader(sRHSpec.substr(0, stEndOfName)); if (ValidName(sReader)) m_sReader = sReader; else throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM); sRHSpec = sRHSpec.substr(stEndOfName + 1); } else { m_sReader = sRHSpec; sRHSpec.erase(); } } else sRHSpec = rsSpec;
// Check for well-formed card id
if (ValidName(sRHSpec)) m_sCardId = sRHSpec; else throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM);
RefreshSpec(); }
CSpec::CSpec(string const &rsReader, string const &rsCardId) { if (!ValidName(rsReader) || !ValidName(rsCardId)) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM);
m_sReader = rsReader; m_sCardId = rsCardId; RefreshSpec(); }
CSpec::CSpec(CSpec const &rhs) : m_sReader(rhs.m_sReader), m_sCardId(rhs.m_sCardId), m_sSpec(rhs.m_sSpec) { }
void CSpec::Empty(void) { m_sReader.erase(); m_sCardId.erase(); m_sSpec.erase(); }
void CSpec::EmptyCardId(void) { m_sCardId.erase(); RefreshSpec(); }
void CSpec::EmptyReader(void) { m_sReader.erase(); RefreshSpec(); }
bool CSpec::Equiv(string const &rsSpec, string const &rsName) { return rsSpec.empty() || (rsSpec == rsName); }
bool CSpec::Equiv(CSpec const &rhs) const { return Equiv(m_sReader, rhs.m_sReader) && Equiv(m_sCardId, rhs.m_sCardId); }
void CSpec::RefreshSpec(void) { if (m_sReader.empty()) m_sSpec = m_sCardId; else { m_sSpec = DeviceIdToken(); m_sSpec += m_sReader; m_sSpec += BreakToken(); m_sSpec += m_sCardId; } }
void CSpec::SetCardId(string const &rsCardId) { m_sCardId = rsCardId; RefreshSpec(); }
void CSpec::SetReader(string const &rsReader) { m_sReader = rsReader; RefreshSpec(); }
CSpec & CSpec::operator=(CSpec const &rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this;
m_sReader = rhs.m_sReader; m_sCardId = rhs.m_sCardId; RefreshSpec();
return *this; }