// PubKeyCtx.cpp -- definition of CPublicKeyContext
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 2000. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
#include "stdafx.h" // required by GUI header files
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include <slbcci.h>
#include <cciPubKey.h>
#include <cciPriKey.h>
#include <cciCert.h>
#include <cciKeyPair.h>
#include "CryptCtx.h"
#include "HashCtx.h"
#include "RsaKey.h"
#include "EncodedMsg.h"
#include "Pkcs11Attr.h"
#include "AuxHash.h"
#include "RsaKPGen.h"
#include "Secured.h"
#include "StResource.h"
#include "PromptUser.h"
#include "PublicKeyHelper.h"
#include "PubKeyCtx.h"
#include "AlignedBlob.h"
#include "CertificateExtensions.h"
#include <iopPriBlob.h>
using namespace std; using namespace scu; using namespace cci;
/////////////////////////// LOCAL/HELPER /////////////////////////////////
namespace { DWORD PkcsToDword( IN OUT LPBYTE pbPkcs, IN DWORD lth) { LPBYTE pbBegin = pbPkcs; LPBYTE pbEnd = &pbPkcs[lth - 1]; DWORD length = lth; while (pbBegin < pbEnd) { BYTE tmp = *pbBegin; *pbBegin++ = *pbEnd; *pbEnd-- = tmp; } for (pbEnd = &pbPkcs[lth - 1]; 0 == *pbEnd; pbEnd -= 1) length -= 1; return length; }
KeySpec AsKeySpec(ALG_ID algid) { KeySpec ks;
switch(algid) { case AT_KEYEXCHANGE: ks = ksExchange; break; case AT_SIGNATURE: ks = ksSignature; break;
default: throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEY); }
return ks; }
ALG_ID AsKeySpec(KeySpec ks) { ALG_ID algid;
switch(ks) { case ksExchange: algid = AT_KEYEXCHANGE; break;
case ksSignature: algid = AT_SIGNATURE; break;
default: throw scu::OsException(NTE_FAIL); // internal error
break; }
return algid; }
string AsString(unsigned char const *p, size_t cLength) { return string(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(p), cLength); }
// make a "raw modulus" from a modulus by padding with zeroes to meet
// specified strength. The modulus blob is assumed to represent an
// unsigned integer in little endian format whose size less than or
// equal to strength in octets.
Blob RawModulus(Blob const &rbTrimmedModulus, RsaKey::StrengthType strength) { RsaKey::OctetLengthType const cRawLength = strength / numeric_limits<Blob::value_type>::digits; if (cRawLength < rbTrimmedModulus.length()) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_DATA);
Blob bRawModulus(rbTrimmedModulus); bRawModulus.append(cRawLength - rbTrimmedModulus.length(), 0);
return bRawModulus; }
This routine extracts a tag from an ASN.1 BER stream.
pbSrc supplies the buffer containing the ASN.1 stream.
pdwTag receives the tag.
Return Value:
The number of bytes extracted from the stream. Errors are thrown as DWORD status codes.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 10/9/1995 Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/31/1997
DWORD ExtractTag(BYTE const *pbSrc, LPDWORD pdwTag, LPBOOL pfConstr) { LONG lth = 0; DWORD tagw; BYTE tagc, cls;
tagc = pbSrc[lth++]; cls = tagc & 0xc0; // Top 2 bits.
if (NULL != pfConstr) *pfConstr = (0 != (tagc & 0x20)); tagc &= 0x1f; // Bottom 5 bits.
if (31 > tagc) tagw = tagc; else { tagw = 0; do { if (0 != (tagw & 0xfe000000)) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); tagc = pbSrc[lth++]; tagw <<= 7; tagw |= tagc & 0x7f; } while (0 != (tagc & 0x80)); }
*pdwTag = tagw | (cls << 24); return lth; }
This routine extracts a length from an ASN.1 BER stream. If the length is indefinite, this routine recurses to figure out the real length. A flag as to whether or not the encoding was indefinite is optionally returned.
pbSrc supplies the buffer containing the ASN.1 stream.
pdwLen receives the len.
pfIndefinite, if not NULL, receives a flag indicating whether or not the encoding was indefinite.
Return Value:
The number of bytes extracted from the stream. Errors are thrown as DWORD status codes.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 10/9/1995 Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/31/1997
DWORD ExtractLength(BYTE const *pbSrc, LPDWORD pdwLen, LPBOOL pfIndefinite) { DWORD ll, rslt, lth, lTotal = 0; BOOL fInd = FALSE;
// Extract the Length.
if (0 == (pbSrc[lTotal] & 0x80)) {
// Short form encoding.
rslt = pbSrc[lTotal++]; } else { rslt = 0; ll = pbSrc[lTotal++] & 0x7f; if (0 != ll) {
// Long form encoding.
for (; 0 < ll; ll -= 1) { if (0 != (rslt & 0xff000000)) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); rslt = (rslt << 8) | pbSrc[lTotal]; lTotal += 1; } } else { DWORD ls = lTotal;
// Indefinite encoding.
fInd = TRUE; while ((0 != pbSrc[ls]) || (0 != pbSrc[ls + 1])) {
// Skip over the Type.
if (31 > (pbSrc[ls] & 0x1f)) ls += 1; else while (0 != (pbSrc[++ls] & 0x80)); // Empty loop body.
lth = ExtractLength(&pbSrc[ls], &ll, NULL); ls += lth + ll; } rslt = ls - lTotal; } }
// Supply the caller with what we've learned.
*pdwLen = rslt; if (NULL != pfIndefinite) *pfIndefinite = fInd; return lTotal; }
This routine parses a given ASN.1 buffer and returns the complete length of the encoding, including the leading tag and length bytes.
pbData supplies the buffer to be parsed.
Return Value:
The length of the entire ASN.1 buffer.
Overflow errors are thrown as DWORD status codes.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/31/1997
DWORD Asn1Length(LPCBYTE pbAsn1) { DWORD dwTagLen, dwLenLen, dwValLen; DWORD dwTag;
dwTagLen = ExtractTag(pbAsn1, &dwTag, NULL); dwLenLen = ExtractLength(&pbAsn1[dwTagLen], &dwValLen, NULL); return dwTagLen + dwLenLen + dwValLen; }
} // namespace
/////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
CPublicKeyContext::CPublicKeyContext(HCRYPTPROV hProv, CryptContext &rcryptctx, ALG_ID algid, bool fVerifyKeyExists) : CKeyContext(hProv, KT_PUBLICKEY), m_rcryptctx(rcryptctx), m_ks(AsKeySpec(algid)) { // Make sure the key exists on the card
if (fVerifyKeyExists) VerifyKeyExists(); }
CPublicKeyContext::~CPublicKeyContext() {}
// Operators
// Operations
auto_ptr<CKeyContext> CPublicKeyContext::Clone(DWORD const *pdwReserved, DWORD dwFlags) const { return auto_ptr<CKeyContext>(new CPublicKeyContext(*this, pdwReserved, dwFlags)); }
void CPublicKeyContext::AuxPublicKey(SecureArray<BYTE> const &rabMsPublicKey) {
m_apabKey = rabMsPublicKey; }
void CPublicKeyContext::ClearAuxPublicKey() { m_apabKey = SecureArray<BYTE>(0); if (m_hKey) { if (!CryptDestroyKey(m_hKey)) throw OsException(GetLastError()); } }
void CPublicKeyContext::Certificate(BYTE *pbData) {
bool fError = false; DWORD dwErrorCode = NO_ERROR;
if (!pbData) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
DWORD dwAsn1Len = Asn1Length(pbData); if (0 == dwAsn1Len) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Blob blbCert(pbData, dwAsn1Len); Pkcs11Attributes PkcsAttr(blbCert, AuxProvider());
Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
// Security: Since different tecniques are used to parse the
// certificate, it's possible one may fail while the other
// succeeds on a malformed certificate. To reduce the possibility
// of a bad cert on the card, the certificate parsing is completed
// before the certificate is stored and final card data updates
// are performed.
CertificateExtensions CertExts(blbCert); bool fMakeDefaultCntr = false; CCard hcard(hsacntr->CardContext()->Card()); if (CertExts.HasEKU(szOID_KP_SMARTCARD_LOGON) || CertExts.HasEKU(szOID_ENROLLMENT_AGENT)) fMakeDefaultCntr = true; else { //Check to see if this is the only container on the card and
//make it the default if so.
std::vector<CContainer> vCntr = hcard->EnumContainers(); if(vCntr.size() == 1) fMakeDefaultCntr = true; else if(vCntr.size() == 0) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEYSET); }
CKeyPair hkp(KeyPair()); CPublicKey hpubkey(hkp->PublicKey());
// Verify cert's modulus matches the public key's, if it exists
bool fLoggedIn = false;
if (hpubkey) { if (hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled() && hpubkey->Private()) { m_rcryptctx.Login(User); fLoggedIn = true; }
Blob bKeyModulus(::AsBlob(hpubkey->Modulus())); Blob bTrimmedModulus(bKeyModulus); // interoperability with V1
Blob bCertModulus(PkcsAttr.Modulus()); reverse(bCertModulus.begin(), bCertModulus.end()); // little endian
if (0 != bTrimmedModulus.compare(bCertModulus)) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY); }
CCertificate hcert(hkp->Certificate()); if (hcert) OkReplacingCredentials();
if (!fLoggedIn) { bool fDoLogin = hcard->IsProtectedMode();
// retrieve the private key handle only if PKCS11 enabled
if (!fDoLogin && hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled()) { // private key is checked now for login in preparation for
// setting the PKCS11 attributes after the cert is stored
CPrivateKey hprikey(hkp->PrivateKey()); fDoLogin = ((hprikey && hprikey->Private()) || // always private?
(hcert && hcert->Private())); }
if (fDoLogin) { m_rcryptctx.Login(User); fLoggedIn = true; } }
if (hcert) ClearCertificate(hcert); hcert = CCertificate(hcard); hkp->Certificate(hcert); hcert->Value(AsString(blbCert));
if (hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled()) SetCertDerivedPkcs11Attributes(hkp, PkcsAttr);
//if (fMakeDefaultCntr)
hcard->DefaultContainer(hsacntr->TheCContainer()); }
Blob CPublicKeyContext::Decrypt(Blob const &rCipher) { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
// TO DO: Is the explicit check really necessary, or can we catch
// an exception from the CCI/IOP to indicate the key does not exist?
CPrivateKey prikey(KeyPair()->PrivateKey()); if (!prikey) throw scu::OsException(NTE_NO_KEY);
return ::AsBlob(prikey->InternalAuth(AsString(rCipher))); }
void CPublicKeyContext::Decrypt(HCRYPTHASH hAuxHash, BOOL Final, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen) { throw scu::OsException(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); }
void CPublicKeyContext::Generate(ALG_ID AlgoId, DWORD dwFlags) { RsaKey::StrengthType strength; strength = HIWORD(dwFlags); if (0 == strength) strength = MaxStrength(); // default strength
else { if ((MaxStrength() < strength) || (MinStrength() > strength)) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
CKeyPair hkp; PrepToStoreKey(hkp);
RsaKeyPairGenerator GenKey(hkp->Card(), strength);
m_rcryptctx.Login(User); // to create private key
pair<cci::CPrivateKey, cci::CPublicKey> pr(GenKey());
CPrivateKey hprikey(pr.first); CPublicKey hpubkey(pr.second);
SetAttributes(hpubkey, hprikey, GenKey.OnCard(), (dwFlags & CRYPT_EXPORTABLE) != 0);
hkp->PrivateKey(hprikey); hkp->PublicKey(hpubkey);
ClearAuxPublicKey(); }
void CPublicKeyContext::ImportPrivateKey(MsRsaPrivateKeyBlob const &rmsprikb, bool fExportable) { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
CKeyPair hkp(hsacntr->TheCContainer()->GetKeyPair(m_ks)); CPrivateKey hprikey(hkp->PrivateKey());
CCard hcard(hkp->Card());
if (!hprikey) hprikey = CPrivateKey(hkp->Card());
hprikey->Value(*(AsPCciPrivateKeyBlob(rmsprikb).get())); SetAttributes(CPublicKey(), hprikey, false, fExportable); hkp->PrivateKey(hprikey); }
void CPublicKeyContext::ImportPublicKey(MsRsaPublicKeyBlob const &rmspubkb) { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
CKeyPair hkp(hsacntr->TheCContainer()->GetKeyPair(m_ks)); CPublicKey hpubkey(hkp->PublicKey()); CCard hcard(hkp->Card()); if (hcard->IsProtectedMode() || (hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled() && (hpubkey && hpubkey->Private()))) m_rcryptctx.Login(User);
if (hpubkey) { hpubkey->Delete(); hpubkey = 0; }
hpubkey = CPublicKey(AsPublicKey(Blob(rmspubkb.Modulus(), rmspubkb.Length()), rmspubkb.PublicExponent(), hcard));
SetAttributes(hpubkey, CPrivateKey(), false, true);
AuxPublicKey(rmspubkb.AsAlignedBlob()); }
void CPublicKeyContext::ImportToAuxCSP() { if (!m_hKey) { if (!m_apabKey.data()) throw OsException(NTE_NO_KEY); if (!CryptImportKey(AuxProvider(), m_apabKey.data(), m_apabKey.length(), 0, 0, &m_hKey)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError()); } }
void CPublicKeyContext::Permissions(BYTE bPermissions) { if (bPermissions & ~(CRYPT_DECRYPT | CRYPT_ENCRYPT | CRYPT_EXPORT | CRYPT_READ | CRYPT_WRITE)) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer()); CKeyPair hkp(KeyPair()); CPublicKey hpubkey(hkp->PublicKey()); CPrivateKey hprikey(hkp->PrivateKey());
if (hprikey) { hprikey->Decrypt((CRYPT_DECRYPT & bPermissions) != 0);
CCard hcard(hsacntr->CardContext()->Card()); bool PKCS11Enabled = hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled(); bool fExportable = (CRYPT_EXPORT & bPermissions) != 0; if (PKCS11Enabled) hprikey->NeverExportable(!fExportable); hprikey->Exportable(fExportable); hprikey->Modifiable((CRYPT_WRITE & bPermissions) != 0);
bool fReadable = (CRYPT_READ & bPermissions) != 0; if (PKCS11Enabled) hprikey->NeverRead(!fReadable); hprikey->Read(fReadable); }
if (hpubkey) { hpubkey->Encrypt((CRYPT_ENCRYPT & bPermissions) != 0); hpubkey->Modifiable((CRYPT_WRITE & bPermissions) != 0); } }
// TO DO: Sign is an operation that's performed with the private key,
// not the public key. Make Sign an operation on a PrivateKeyContext.
// string
Blob CPublicKeyContext::Sign(CHashContext *pHash, bool fNoHashOid) { Blob Message(fNoHashOid ? pHash->Value() : pHash->EncodedValue());
// TO DO: When CCI takes object parameters as references,
// em can be const
EncodedMessage em(Message, RsaKey::ktPrivate, Strength() / numeric_limits<Blob::value_type>::digits);
Blob blob(em.Value()); reverse(blob.begin(), blob.end()); // convert to big endian
Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
// TO DO: Is the explicit check really necessary, or can we catch
// an exception from the CCI/IOP to indicate the key does not exist?
CPrivateKey hprikey(KeyPair()->PrivateKey()); if (!hprikey) throw scu::OsException(NTE_NO_KEY);
if (!hprikey->Sign()) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
return ::AsBlob(hprikey->InternalAuth(AsString(blob))); }
void CPublicKeyContext::VerifyKeyExists() const { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
CKeyPair hkp(KeyPair()); if (!hkp->PublicKey() && !hkp->PrivateKey()) throw scu::OsException(NTE_NO_KEY); }
void CPublicKeyContext::VerifySignature(HCRYPTHASH hHash, BYTE const *pbSignature, DWORD dwSigLen, LPCTSTR sDescription, DWORD dwFlags) { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
CPublicKey hpubkey(KeyPair()->PublicKey()); if (!hpubkey) throw scu::OsException(NTE_NO_KEY);
if (!hpubkey->Verify()) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// Import the Public key to the AUX Provider
if (!AuxKeyLoaded()) AuxPublicKey(AsAlignedBlob(0, 0)); ImportToAuxCSP();
// Verify the signature in the AUX CSP
if (!CryptVerifySignature(hHash, pbSignature, dwSigLen, GetKey(), sDescription, dwFlags)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError()); }
// Access
SecureArray<BYTE> CPublicKeyContext::AsAlignedBlob(HCRYPTKEY hDummy, DWORD dwDummy) const { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
if (hDummy) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
CPublicKey hpubkey(KeyPair()->PublicKey()); if (!hpubkey) throw scu::OsException(NTE_NO_KEY);
ALG_ID ai = (ksSignature == m_ks) ? CALG_RSA_SIGN : CALG_RSA_KEYX;
CCard hcard(hsacntr->CardContext()->Card()); if (hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled() && hpubkey->Private()) m_rcryptctx.Login(User);
MsRsaPublicKeyBlob kb(ai, ::AsBlob(hpubkey->Exponent()), RawModulus(::AsBlob(hpubkey->Modulus()), Strength()));
return kb.AsAlignedBlob(); }
Blob CPublicKeyContext::Certificate() { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> shacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
CKeyPair hkp(KeyPair());
CCertificate hcert(hkp->Certificate());
if (!hcert) throw scu::OsException(NTE_NOT_FOUND);
if (hcert->Private()) m_rcryptctx.Login(User);
return ::AsBlob(hcert->Value()); }
DWORD CPublicKeyContext::KeySpec() const { return AsKeySpec(m_ks); }
CPublicKeyContext::StrengthType CPublicKeyContext::MaxStrength() const { return MaxKeyStrength; }
CPublicKeyContext::StrengthType CPublicKeyContext::MinStrength() const { return MinKeyStrength; }
BYTE CPublicKeyContext::Permissions() const { Secured<HAdaptiveContainer> hsacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer());
CKeyPair hkp(KeyPair()); CPublicKey hpubkey(hkp->PublicKey()); CPrivateKey hprikey(hkp->PrivateKey());
BYTE bPermissions = 0; if (hpubkey) bPermissions |= hpubkey->Encrypt() ? CRYPT_ENCRYPT : 0;
if (hprikey) { bPermissions |= hprikey->Decrypt() ? CRYPT_DECRYPT : 0;
bPermissions |= hprikey->Exportable() ? CRYPT_EXPORT : 0;
bPermissions |= hprikey->Read() ? CRYPT_READ : 0;
bPermissions |= hprikey->Modifiable() ? CRYPT_WRITE : 0; }
return bPermissions; }
CPublicKeyContext::StrengthType CPublicKeyContext::Strength() const { // TO DO: parameterize
return KeyLimits<RsaKey>::cMaxStrength; }
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
CPublicKeyContext::CPublicKeyContext(CPublicKeyContext const &rhs, DWORD const *pdwReserved, DWORD dwFlags) : CKeyContext(rhs, pdwReserved, dwFlags), m_rcryptctx(rhs.m_rcryptctx), m_ks(rhs.m_ks) {}
// Operators
// Operations
// Access
// Predicates
bool CPublicKeyContext::AuxKeyLoaded() const { return (0 != m_apabKey.data()); }
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
void CPublicKeyContext::ClearCertificate(CCertificate &rhcert) const { rhcert->Delete(); rhcert = 0; if (AreLogonCredentials()) m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer()->CardContext()->Card()->DefaultContainer(0); }
void CPublicKeyContext::OkReplacingCredentials() const { UINT uiStyle = MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING; UINT uiResourceId; if (AreLogonCredentials()) { uiResourceId = IDS_REPLACE_LOGON; uiStyle |= MB_DEFBUTTON2; } else uiResourceId = IDS_REPLACE_CREDENTIALS; if (m_rcryptctx.GuiEnabled()) { UINT uiResponse = PromptUser(m_rcryptctx.Window(), uiResourceId, uiStyle);
switch (uiResponse) { case IDCANCEL: throw scu::OsException(ERROR_CANCELLED); break;
case IDOK: break; default: throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); break; }; } else throw scu::OsException(NTE_EXISTS); }
void CPublicKeyContext::PrepToStoreKey(CKeyPair &rhkp) const { CContainer hcntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer()->TheCContainer());
// To the CCI, a key pair always exists, but this call means the
// key pair is not empty.
if (hcntr->KeyPairExists(m_ks)) OkReplacingCredentials();
rhkp = hcntr->GetKeyPair(m_ks); CPublicKey hpubkey(rhkp->PublicKey()); CPrivateKey hprikey(rhkp->PrivateKey()); CCertificate hcert(rhkp->Certificate());
CCard hcard(hcntr->Card()); if (hcard->IsProtectedMode() || (hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled() && ((hpubkey && hpubkey->Private()) || (hprikey && hprikey->Private()) || // always private?
(hcert && hcert->Private())))) m_rcryptctx.Login(User);
if (hpubkey) { hpubkey->Delete(); hpubkey = 0; }
if (hprikey) { hprikey->Delete(); hprikey = 0; }
if (hcert) ClearCertificate(hcert); }
Blob CPublicKeyContext::Pkcs11CredentialId(Blob const &rbModulus) const { // Hash the modulus
AuxHash ah(AuxContext(AuxProvider()), CALG_MD5);
return ah.Value(rbModulus); }
Blob CPublicKeyContext::Pkcs11Id(Blob const &rbRawModulus) const { AuxHash ah(AuxContext(AuxProvider()), CALG_SHA1);
return ah.Value(rbRawModulus); }
// Set PKCS#11 attributes that are derived from the certificate
void CPublicKeyContext::SetCertDerivedPkcs11Attributes(CKeyPair const &rhkp, Pkcs11Attributes &rPkcsAttr) const { string sLabel(rPkcsAttr.Label()); string sSubject(rPkcsAttr.Subject()); Blob bRawModulus(rPkcsAttr.RawModulus()); Blob Id(Pkcs11Id(bRawModulus));
CPublicKey hpubkey(rhkp->PublicKey()); if (hpubkey) { hpubkey->ID(::AsString(Id)); hpubkey->Label(sLabel); hpubkey->Subject(sSubject); }
CPrivateKey hprikey(rhkp->PrivateKey()); if (hprikey) { hprikey->ID(::AsString(Id)); hprikey->Label(sLabel); hprikey->Subject(sSubject); }
CCertificate hcert(rhkp->Certificate()); hcert->ID(AsString(Id)); hcert->Label(sLabel); hcert->Subject(sSubject); hcert->Issuer(::AsString(rPkcsAttr.Issuer())); hcert->Serial(::AsString(rPkcsAttr.SerialNumber())); hcert->Modifiable(true);
Blob ContainerId(rPkcsAttr.ContainerId()); m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer()->TheCContainer()->ID(::AsString(ContainerId)); }
void CPublicKeyContext::SetAttributes(CPublicKey &rhpubkey, CPrivateKey &rhprikey, bool fLocal, bool fExportable) const { // TO DO: A kludge. The old CSP format (V1) doesn't support
// setting key attributes but there isn't an easy way to tell
// which format is being used. (Should have some call to get the
// format characteristics). Since CCI's V1 throws
// ccNotImplemented when calling one of the unsupported routines,
// a try/catch is used to ignore that exception to assume the V1
// format is used.
bool fContinueSettingAttributes = true; try { // The public or the private key could by nil,
// so do both.
if (rhpubkey) rhpubkey->Encrypt(true);
if (rhprikey) rhprikey->Decrypt(true); } catch (cci::Exception &rExc) { if (ccNotImplemented == rExc.Cause()) fContinueSettingAttributes = false; else throw; }
if (fContinueSettingAttributes) { if (rhpubkey) { rhpubkey->Derive(true); rhpubkey->Local(fLocal); rhpubkey->Modifiable(true); rhpubkey->Verify(true); }
if (rhprikey) { rhprikey->Local(fLocal); rhprikey->Modifiable(true); rhprikey->Sign(true); rhprikey->Exportable(fExportable); rhprikey->Read(false); }
if (rhpubkey && rhpubkey->Card()->IsPKCS11Enabled()) SetPkcs11Attributes(rhpubkey, rhprikey); } }
void CPublicKeyContext::SetPkcs11Attributes(CPublicKey &rhpubkey, CPrivateKey &rhprikey) const { Blob bBEModulus(::AsBlob(rhpubkey->Modulus())); reverse(bBEModulus.begin(), bBEModulus.end()); // make big endian
string sCredentialId(::AsString(Pkcs11CredentialId(bBEModulus)));
rhpubkey->CKInvisible(false); rhpubkey->CredentialID(sCredentialId); rhpubkey->VerifyRecover(true); rhpubkey->Wrap(true);
if (rhprikey) { rhprikey->CredentialID(sCredentialId); rhprikey->Derive(true); rhprikey->SignRecover(true); rhprikey->Unwrap(true);
rhprikey->NeverExportable(!rhprikey->Exportable()); rhprikey->NeverRead(!rhprikey->Read());
rhprikey->Modulus(rhpubkey->Modulus()); rhprikey->PublicExponent(rhpubkey->Exponent()); } }
// Access
CKeyPair CPublicKeyContext::KeyPair() const { return m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer()->TheCContainer()->GetKeyPair(m_ks); }
// Predicates
bool CPublicKeyContext::AreLogonCredentials() const { HAdaptiveContainer hacntr(m_rcryptctx.AdaptiveContainer()); return (ksExchange == m_ks) && (hacntr->TheCContainer() == hacntr->CardContext()->Card()->DefaultContainer()); }
// Static Variables