// RsaKPGen.cpp -- Rsa Key Pair Generator class definition
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
#include "NoWarning.h"
#include "ForceLib.h"
#include <limits>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <scuOsExc.h>
#include <scuArrayP.h>
#include <iopPriBlob.h>
#include "RsaKPGen.h"
#include "Blob.h"
#include "AuxContext.h"
#include "MsRsaPriKB.h"
#include "PublicKeyHelper.h"
using namespace std; using namespace cci; using namespace scu;
/////////////////////////// LOCAL/HELPER /////////////////////////////////
namespace { KeyType AsKeyType(RsaKey::StrengthType st) { KeyType kt;
switch (st) { case 512: kt = ktRSA512; break;
case 768: kt = ktRSA768; break;
case 1024: kt = ktRSA1024; break;
default: throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; }
return kt; }
DWORD DefaultPublicExponent() { return 0x00010001; // same as Microsoft providers
pair<CPrivateKey, CPublicKey> KeyPair(CPrivateKey const &rhprikey, Blob const &rblbOrigModulus, // little endian
Blob const &rblbOrigExponent) // little endian
{ CPublicKey hpubkey(AsPublicKey(rblbOrigModulus, rblbOrigExponent, rhprikey->Card()));
return pair<CPrivateKey, CPublicKey>(rhprikey, hpubkey); }
void ValidateCard(CCard const &rhcard) { if (!rhcard) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
void ValidateStrength(RsaKey::StrengthType strength) { if (!IsValidRsaKeyStrength(strength)) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
bool IsEmpty(std::pair<CPrivateKey, CPublicKey> const &rhs) { return !rhs.first || !rhs.second; }
/////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
RsaKeyPairGenerator::RsaKeyPairGenerator(CCard const &rhcard, RsaKey::StrengthType strength) : m_hcard(rhcard), m_kp(), m_strength(strength) { ValidateParameters(); }
RsaKeyPairGenerator::~RsaKeyPairGenerator() {}
// Operators
pair<CPrivateKey, CPublicKey> RsaKeyPairGenerator::operator()() const { if (IsEmpty(m_kp)) Generate();
return m_kp; }
// Operations
void RsaKeyPairGenerator::Card(CCard const &rhcard) { if (m_hcard != rhcard) { ValidateCard(rhcard);
Reset(); m_hcard = rhcard; } }
void RsaKeyPairGenerator::Reset() { m_kp = pair<CPrivateKey, CPublicKey>(); }
void RsaKeyPairGenerator::Strength(RsaKey::StrengthType strength) { if (m_strength != strength) { ValidateStrength(strength);
Reset(); m_strength = strength; }
// Access
CCard RsaKeyPairGenerator::Card() const { return m_hcard; }
bool RsaKeyPairGenerator::OnCard() const { return m_hcard->SupportedKeyFunction(AsKeyType(m_strength), coKeyGeneration); }
RsaKey::StrengthType RsaKeyPairGenerator::Strength() const { return m_strength; }
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
void RsaKeyPairGenerator::Generate() const { KeyType kt = AsKeyType(m_strength);
m_kp = OnCard() ? GenerateOnCard(kt) : GenerateInSoftware();
pair<CPrivateKey, CPublicKey> RsaKeyPairGenerator::GenerateInSoftware() const { AuxContext auxcontext;
DWORD dwFlags; // strength (bit length) is the high-order word
dwFlags = m_strength; dwFlags = dwFlags << (numeric_limits<DWORD>::digits / 2); dwFlags |= CRYPT_EXPORTABLE;
HCRYPTKEY hcryptkey; if (!CryptGenKey(auxcontext(), AT_SIGNATURE, dwFlags, &hcryptkey)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
DWORD dwDataLength; if (!CryptExportKey(hcryptkey, NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, 0, 0, &dwDataLength)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
SecureArray<BYTE> apbData(dwDataLength); if (!CryptExportKey(hcryptkey, NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, 0, apbData.data(), &dwDataLength)) throw scu::OsException(GetLastError());
MsRsaPrivateKeyBlob msprivatekeyblob(apbData.data(), dwDataLength);
if (msprivatekeyblob.BitLength() != m_strength) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_LEN);
CPrivateKey hprikey(m_hcard); hprikey->Value(*(AsPCciPrivateKeyBlob(msprivatekeyblob).get()));
Blob blbModulus(msprivatekeyblob.Modulus(), msprivatekeyblob.Length()); MsRsaPrivateKeyBlob::PublicExponentType pet = msprivatekeyblob.PublicExponent(); Blob blbExponent(reinterpret_cast<Blob::value_type const *>(&pet), sizeof pet);
return KeyPair(hprikey, blbModulus, blbExponent); }
pair<CPrivateKey, CPublicKey> RsaKeyPairGenerator::GenerateOnCard(KeyType kt) const { DWORD dwExponent = DefaultPublicExponent(); Blob blbExponent(reinterpret_cast<Blob::value_type const *>(&dwExponent), sizeof dwExponent);
pair<string, CPrivateKey> ModulusKeyPair(m_hcard->GenerateKeyPair(kt, AsString(blbExponent)));
CPrivateKey hprikey(ModulusKeyPair.second);
Blob blbModulus(AsBlob(ModulusKeyPair.first));
return KeyPair(hprikey, blbModulus, blbExponent); }
void RsaKeyPairGenerator::ValidateParameters() const { ValidateCard(m_hcard); ValidateStrength(m_strength); }
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables