Microsoft Windows Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1998.
Module Name:
This file contains the methods of the class CFileInfo. This is the class of objects that are used by the code to keep track of files/folders that are displayed in the MMC snapin.
Rahul Thombre (RahulTh) 4/5/1998
Revision History:
4/5/1998 RahulTh Created this module. 6/22/1998 RahulTh added comments.
#include "precomp.hxx"
//static members
UINT CFileInfo::class_res_id = IDS_DIRS_START; //since we have an array of structures for the folders
//in the same order as the resource ids of their names
//we can use this static member to figure out the cookie
//for each folder in the constructor. This ensures
//that the default flags are set properly
WCHAR * g_szEnglishNames [] = { L"Application Data", L"Desktop", L"My Documents", L"Start Menu", L"My Pictures", L"Programs", L"Startup" };
// Construction
// initializes the members of this class to some default values
CFileInfo::CFileInfo(LPCTSTR lpszFullPathname /*= NULL*/ ) { m_pRedirPage = NULL; m_pSettingsPage = NULL; m_bSettingsInitialized = FALSE; m_bHideChildren = TRUE; Initialize (class_res_id, //use a random cookie for the time being
NULL //for now, we use a null path for the file root.
); class_res_id++; }
// Destruction
CFileInfo::~CFileInfo() { //clean up here... if there is anything to clean up in this class
DeleteAllItems(); }
// this routine set the scope item id for the node in its object
void CFileInfo::SetScopeItemID (IN LONG scopeID) { m_scopeID = scopeID; }
// this routine sets the default values on most of the members of this class
void CFileInfo::Initialize (long cookie, LPCTSTR szGPTPath) { SHFILEINFO fileInfo; CString szTmp; CString szExt; LONG i;
i = GETINDEX (cookie);
//set the cookie
m_cookie = cookie;
//set the file root
if (szGPTPath) m_szFileRoot = szGPTPath; else m_szFileRoot.Empty();
//set the name and type.
m_szDisplayname = TEXT("???"); m_szRelativePath = TEXT ("???"); m_szTypename.LoadString (IDS_FOLDER_TYPE); if (-1 != i) { m_szDisplayname.LoadString (m_cookie); m_szEnglishDisplayName = g_szEnglishNames[i]; m_szTypename.LoadString (IDS_FOLDER_TYPE); m_dwFlags = REDIR_DONT_CARE; switch (m_cookie) { case IDS_MYPICS: m_szRelativePath.LoadString (IDS_MYPICS_RELPATH); break; case IDS_PROGRAMS: m_szRelativePath.LoadString (IDS_PROGRAMS_RELPATH); break; case IDS_STARTUP: m_szRelativePath.LoadString (IDS_STARTUP_RELPATH); break; default: m_szRelativePath = m_szDisplayname; break; } } }
// Member: CFileInfo::LoadSection
// Synopsis: This member function loads the redirection info. for this
// folder from the ini file
// Arguments: none
// Returns: S_OK : if the section was loaded successfully
// or other error codes
// History: 9/28/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
HRESULT CFileInfo::LoadSection (void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState());
LONG i; BOOL bStatus; DWORD Status; const TCHAR lpszDefault[] = TEXT("*"); //a random default value
DWORD cbSize = 1024; DWORD cbCopied; TCHAR* lpszValue; TCHAR* szEntry; CString IniFile; CString Value; BOOL bValueFound; HRESULT hr; CString Pair; CString Key; CString Val;
i = GETINDEX (m_cookie);
if (-1 == i) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto LoadSec_Quit; }
//get the name of the ini file
IniFile.LoadString (IDS_INIFILE); IniFile = m_szFileRoot + '\\' + IniFile;
m_dwFlags = REDIR_DONT_CARE; //set the default value
m_RedirGroups.erase (m_RedirGroups.begin(), m_RedirGroups.end()); m_RedirPaths.erase (m_RedirPaths.begin(), m_RedirPaths.end());
//read in the data from the FolderStatus section
do { lpszValue = new TCHAR [cbSize]; //set it to something other than the default value
lpszValue[0] = '+'; lpszValue[1] = '\0'; //now try to read it from the ini file
cbCopied = GetPrivateProfileString (TEXT("FolderStatus"), m_szEnglishDisplayName, lpszDefault, lpszValue, cbSize, (LPCTSTR) IniFile ); if ('*' == lpszValue[0]) //the default string was copied, so the key does not exist
{ bValueFound = FALSE; break; }
if (cbSize - 1 == cbCopied) { delete [] lpszValue; cbSize *= 2; continue; }
bValueFound = TRUE; break; } while (TRUE);
if (!bValueFound) { hr = S_OK; goto LoadSec_CleanupAndQuit; }
Value = lpszValue; Value.TrimLeft(); Value.TrimRight();
int iRetVal;
iRetVal = swscanf ((LPCTSTR) Value, TEXT("%x"), &m_dwFlags); if (0 == iRetVal || EOF == iRetVal ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto LoadSec_CleanupAndQuit; }
if ((m_dwFlags & REDIR_DONT_CARE) || (m_dwFlags & REDIR_FOLLOW_PARENT)) { hr = S_OK; goto LoadSec_CleanupAndQuit; }
//if we are here, there is more redirection path info. to be read off
//of the ini file
//so we first load the section
do { cbCopied = GetPrivateProfileSection ((LPCTSTR) m_szEnglishDisplayName, lpszValue, cbSize, (LPCTSTR) IniFile ); if (cbSize - 2 == cbCopied) { delete [] lpszValue; cbSize *= 2; lpszValue = new TCHAR [cbSize]; continue; }
break; } while (TRUE);
//we now have the other section too.
for (szEntry = lpszValue; *szEntry; szEntry += (lstrlen(szEntry) + 1)) { Pair = szEntry; hr = SplitProfileString (Pair, Key, Val); Key.MakeLower(); //since CString comparison operator == is case
Insert (Key, Val, FALSE, FALSE); }
hr = S_OK; //the section has been successfully loaded
LoadSec_CleanupAndQuit: delete [] lpszValue;
LoadSec_Quit: return hr; }
// Member: CFileInfo::SaveSection
// Synopsis: this function saves the redir info. for the object to
// the ini file on the sysvol
// Arguments: none
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if we were successful in saving
// or other error codes
// History: 9/28/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD CFileInfo::SaveSection (void) { vector<CString>::iterator i; vector<CString>::iterator j; DWORD cbSize = 1024; TCHAR* lpszSection; CString szIniFile; CString szVal; BOOL bStatus; CFileInfo* pChildInfo; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
//derive the name of the ini file
szIniFile.LoadString (IDS_INIFILE); szIniFile = m_szFileRoot + '\\' + szIniFile;
//create an empty section and write it to the ini file
//so that the new data can be saved easily
lpszSection = new TCHAR [cbSize]; lpszSection[0] = lpszSection [1] = '\0';
//pre-create the ini file in unicode so that the WritePrivateProfile*
//APIs do not write in ANSI.
PrecreateUnicodeIniFile ((LPCTSTR) szIniFile);
bStatus = WritePrivateProfileSection ((LPCTSTR) m_szEnglishDisplayName, lpszSection, (LPCTSTR) szIniFile );
//write the data into the FolderStatus section
if (bStatus) { szVal.Format (TEXT("%x"), m_dwFlags); bStatus = WritePrivateProfileString (TEXT("FolderStatus"), (LPCTSTR) m_szEnglishDisplayName, (LPCTSTR) szVal, szIniFile );
if (bStatus) { for (i = m_RedirGroups.begin(), j = m_RedirPaths.begin(); i != m_RedirGroups.end(); i++, j++) { bStatus = WritePrivateProfileString ((LPCTSTR) m_szEnglishDisplayName, (LPCTSTR) (*i), (LPCTSTR) (*j), szIniFile ); if (!bStatus) break; } }
if (!bStatus) Status = GetLastError(); else Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
delete [] lpszSection;
return Status;
// Member: CFileInfo::Insert
// Synopsis: inserts a key value pair in the redir info structure of the
// object. also note the description of the parameter fReplace
// Arguments: [in] szKey : the key
// [in] szVal : the value
// [in] fReplace : if FALSE, the key value pair won't be inserted
// if another entry with the same key exists
// [in] fSaveSection : save the section after insertions if true
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if the key value pair was inserted
// ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS : if the key value pair was not inserted
// since another entry with the same key
// already exists
// or other error codes that might be encountered while saving
// the section
// History: 9/28/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: to keep the sysvol updated, it also calls SaveSection at the end
DWORD CFileInfo::Insert (const CString& szKey, const CString& szVal, BOOL fReplace, BOOL fSaveSection /*= TRUE*/) { vector<CString>::iterator i; vector<CString>::iterator j; CString Key; CString Val; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Key = szKey; Key.MakeLower(); Val = szVal;
//in this case, we must first check if an entry exists with that key
for (i = m_RedirGroups.begin(), j = m_RedirPaths.begin(); i != m_RedirGroups.end(); i++, j++) { if (Key == *i) break; }
if (m_RedirGroups.end() == i) //we do not have an entry with this key
{ m_RedirGroups.push_back(Key); m_RedirPaths.push_back (Val); } else //we do have an entry that matches the key
{ if (fReplace) *j = Key; else Status = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Status && fSaveSection) Status = SaveSection();
return Status; }
// Member: CFileInfo::Delete
// Synopsis: deletes the entry corresponding to a given key
// Arguments: [in] szKey : the key that needs to get deleted
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if the deletion was successful
// or other error codes that might be encountered while saving
// the section (see notes below)
// History: 9/28/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: to maintain the ini file on the sysvol in sync with the
// snapin, we save the redir info. at the end of every deletion
DWORD CFileInfo::Delete (const CString& szKey, BOOL fSaveSection /*= TRUE*/) { vector<CString>::iterator i; vector<CString>::iterator j; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
for (i = m_RedirGroups.begin(), j = m_RedirPaths.begin(); i != m_RedirGroups.end(); i++, j++) { if (szKey == *i) break; }
if (m_RedirGroups.end() != i) //an entry with that key was found
{ m_RedirGroups.erase(i); m_RedirPaths.erase (j); if (fSaveSection) Status = SaveSection (); }
return Status; }
// Member: CFileInfo::DeleteAllItems
// Synopsis: this functions deletes all the group and path information
// stored in the object
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
// History: 10/1/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
void CFileInfo::DeleteAllItems (void) { m_RedirGroups.erase (m_RedirGroups.begin(), m_RedirGroups.end()); m_RedirPaths.erase (m_RedirPaths.begin(), m_RedirPaths.end()); }