// Header file for Util.c
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995
// All rights reserved
#define FreeProducedString(psz) if((psz) != NULL) {LocalFree(psz);} else
#define CCH_MAX_DEC 12 // Number of chars needed to hold 2^32 for IntToString
LPWSTR ProduceWFromA(LPCSTR pszA); LPSTR ProduceAFromW(LPCWSTR pszW); LPTSTR CheckSlash (LPTSTR lpDir); LPTSTR CheckSlashEx(LPTSTR lpDir, UINT cchBuffer, UINT* pcchRemain ); LPTSTR CheckSemicolon (LPTSTR lpDir); BOOL Delnode (LPTSTR lpDir); UINT CreateNestedDirectory(LPCTSTR lpDirectory, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes); UINT CreateNestedDirectoryEx(LPCTSTR lpDirectory, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, BOOL bInheritEncryption); BOOL GetProfilesDirectoryEx(LPTSTR lpProfilesDir, LPDWORD lpcchSize, BOOL bExpand); BOOL GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryEx (LPTSTR lpProfileDir, LPDWORD lpcchSize, BOOL bExpand); BOOL GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryEx (LPTSTR lpProfileDir, LPDWORD lpcchSize, BOOL bExpand); int StringToInt(LPTSTR lpNum); BOOL DeleteAllValues(HKEY hKey); BOOL MakeFileSecure (LPTSTR lpFile, DWORD dwOtherSids); BOOL GetSpecialFolderPath (INT csidl, LPTSTR lpPath); BOOL GetFolderPath (INT csidl, HANDLE hToken, LPTSTR lpPath); BOOL SetFolderPath (INT csidl, HANDLE hToken, LPTSTR lpPath); void CenterWindow (HWND hwnd); BOOL UnExpandSysRoot(LPCTSTR lpFile, LPTSTR lpResult, DWORD cchResult); LPTSTR AllocAndExpandEnvironmentStrings(LPCTSTR lpszSrc); void IntToString( INT i, LPTSTR sz); BOOL IsUserAGuest(HANDLE hToken); BOOL IsUserAnAdminMember(HANDLE hToken); BOOL IsUserALocalSystemMember(HANDLE hToken); BOOL IsUserAnInteractiveUser(HANDLE hToken); DWORD CheckUserInMachineForest(HANDLE hUserToken, BOOL* bInThisForest); BOOL MakeRegKeySecure(HANDLE hToken, HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpKeyName); BOOL FlushSpecialFolderCache (void); BOOL CheckForVerbosePolicy (void); int ExtractCSIDL(LPCTSTR pcszPath, LPTSTR* ppszUsualPath); LPTSTR MyGetDomainDNSName (VOID); LPTSTR MyGetUserName (EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT NameFormat); LPTSTR MyGetUserNameEx (EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT NameFormat); LPTSTR MyGetComputerName (EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT NameFormat); void StringToGuid( TCHAR *szValue, GUID *pGuid ); void GuidToString( const GUID *pGuid, TCHAR * szValue); void GuidToStringEx( const GUID *pGuid, TCHAR * szValue, UINT cchValue); BOOL ValidateGuid( TCHAR *szValue ); BOOL ValidateGuidPrefix( TCHAR *szValue ); INT CompareGuid( GUID *pGuid1, GUID *pGuid2 ); BOOL ImpersonateUser (HANDLE hNewUser, HANDLE *hOldUser); BOOL RevertToUser (HANDLE *hUser); BOOL RegCleanUpValue (HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpSubKey, LPTSTR lpValueName); BOOL CreateSecureAdminDirectory (LPTSTR lpDirectory, DWORD dwOtherSids); BOOL AddPowerUserAce (LPTSTR lpFile); void ClosePingCritSec(void); LPTSTR GetUserGuid(HANDLE hToken); LPTSTR GetOldSidString(HANDLE hToken, LPTSTR lpKeyName); BOOL SetOldSidString(HANDLE hToken, LPTSTR lpSidString, LPTSTR lpKeyName); LPTSTR GetErrString(DWORD dwErr, LPTSTR szErr); LONG RegRenameKey(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpSrcKey, LPTSTR lpDestKey); BOOL IsNullGUID (GUID *pguid); BOOL GetMachineRole (LPINT piRole); BOOL IsUNCPath(LPCTSTR lpPath); LPTSTR MakePathUNC(LPTSTR pwszFile, LPTSTR szComputerName); LPTSTR SupportLongFileName (LPTSTR lpDir, LPDWORD lpWrkDirSize); BOOL SecureNestedDir (LPTSTR lpDir, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pDirSd, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pFileSd); BOOL SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock(PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpVariable, LPTSTR lpValue, BOOL bOverwrite); DWORD ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(PVOID pEnv, LPCTSTR lpSrc, LPTSTR lpDst, DWORD nSize); LPTSTR ConvertToShareName(LPTSTR lpShare); DWORD AbleToBypassCSC(HANDLE hTokenUser, LPCTSTR lpDir, LPTSTR *lppCscBypassedPath, TCHAR *cpDrive); void CancelCSCBypassedConnection(HANDLE hTokenUser, TCHAR cDrive); LPTSTR GetUserNameFromSid(LPTSTR lpSid); int GetNetworkName( LPWSTR* pszName, DWORD dwAdapterIndex );
HRESULT GetProfileListKeyName(LPTSTR szKeyName, DWORD cchKeyName, LPTSTR szSidString); HRESULT SafeExpandEnvironmentStrings(LPCTSTR lpSrc, LPTSTR lpDst, DWORD nSize); HRESULT AppendName(LPTSTR lpBuffer, UINT cchBuffer, LPCTSTR lpParent, LPCTSTR lpChild, LPTSTR* lppEnd, UINT* pcchEnd); HRESULT TakeOwnership(LPTSTR lpFileName); HRESULT AddAdminAccess(LPTSTR lpFileName); HRESULT SetupPreferenceKey(LPCTSTR lpSidString);
BOOL IsGuiSetupInProgress();
// Flags used to specify additional that needs to be present in ACEs
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))