// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1997.
// File: idcache.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of the DS guid/name lookup cache
// History: 20-Feb-97 MacM Created
#include <aclpch.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h>
#include <alsup.hxx>
// This list contains pointers to memory allocated when a node is converted
// to/from a guid via Rpc apis. It gets freed during cleanup.
typedef struct _ACTRL_ID_MEM { PVOID pv; BOOL fRpc; struct _ACTRL_ID_MEM *pNext; } ACTRL_ID_MEM, *PACTRL_ID_MEM;
// Global name/id cache
// Mem list head pointer
PACTRL_ID_MEM gpMemCleanupList;
// Last connection info/time we read from the schema
static ACTRL_ID_SCHEMA_INFO LastSchemaRead;
// Defines for attribute strings
#define ACTRL_OBJ_NAME_LEN sizeof(ACTRL_OBJ_NAME) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1
#define ACTRL_OBJ_GUID_LEN sizeof(ACTRL_OBJ_GUID) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1
#define ACTRL_OBJ_CLASS_LEN sizeof(ACTRL_OBJ_CLASS) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1
// Local function prototypes
PACTRL_NAME_CACHE AccctrlpLookupIdNameInCache(PWSTR pwszName);
PACTRL_NAME_CACHE AccctrlpLookupGuidInCache(PSID pSid);
DWORD AccctrlpNewNameGuidNode(PWSTR pwszName, PGUID pGuid, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppNewNode);
BOOL AccctrlpInsertIdNameNode(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppRootNode, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNewNode);
BOOL AccctrlpInsertGuidNode(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppRootNode, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNewNode);
VOID AccctrlpRemoveIdNameNode(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppRootNode, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNewNode);
VOID AccctrlpFreeUserCacheName(PWSTR pwszName, PWSTR pwszCacheName);
DWORD AccctrlpLoadCacheFromSchema(PLDAP pLDAP, PWSTR pwszDsPath);
static RTL_RESOURCE gIdCacheLock; BOOL bIdCacheLockInitialized = FALSE;
// Function: ActrlHashIdName
// Synopsis: Determines the hash index for the given ldap display name
// Arguments: pwszName -- Name to hash
// Returns: Hash index of the string
INT ActrlHashIdName(PWSTR pwszName) { INT Hash = 0; #if DBG
PWSTR pwsz = pwszName; #endif
if(pwszName != NULL) { while(*pwszName != L'\0') { Hash = (Hash * 16 + ( tolower(*pwszName++))) % ACTRL_OBJ_ID_TABLE_SIZE; } }
#if DBG
acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP,"Hashing id name %ws to %lu\n", pwsz, Hash)); #endif
return(Hash); }
// Function: ActrlHashGuid
// Synopsis: Determines the hash index for the given guid
// Arguments: pGuid -- Guid to hash
// Returns: Hash index of the Guid
INT ActrlHashGuid(PGUID pGuid) { DWORD dwTotal = 0;
// Just deal with the sub authorities
for(INT i = 0; i < sizeof(GUID) / sizeof(DWORD); i++) { dwTotal += ((PULONG)pGuid)[i]; }
#if DBG
CHAR szGuid[38]; memset( szGuid, 0, sizeof(szGuid)); sprintf(szGuid, "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", pGuid->Data1,pGuid->Data2,pGuid->Data3,pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1],pGuid->Data4[2],pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4],pGuid->Data4[5],pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]);
acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Hashing id %s (Total %lu) to %lu\n", szGuid, dwTotal, dwTotal % ACTRL_OBJ_ID_TABLE_SIZE)); #endif
return(dwTotal % ACTRL_OBJ_ID_TABLE_SIZE); }
// Function: AccctrlInitializeIdNameCache
// Synopsis: Initialize the ID name/Guid lookup cache
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS -- Success
DWORD AccctrlInitializeIdNameCache(VOID) { DWORD dwErr;
if (TRUE == bIdCacheLockInitialized) { // Just a precautionary measure to make sure that we do not initialize
// multiple times.
memset(grgIdNameCache, 0, sizeof(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE) * ACTRL_OBJ_ID_TABLE_SIZE); memset(grgIdGuidCache, 0, sizeof(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE) * ACTRL_OBJ_ID_TABLE_SIZE);
gpMemCleanupList = NULL;
memset(&LastSchemaRead, 0, sizeof(ACTRL_ID_SCHEMA_INFO));
__try { RtlInitializeResource(&gIdCacheLock); dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; bIdCacheLockInitialized = TRUE; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = RtlNtStatusToDosError(GetExceptionCode()); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: AccctrlFreeIdNameCache
// Synopsis: Frees any memory allocated for the id name/guid cache
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID AccctrlFreeIdNameCache(VOID) { INT i; PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNode, pNext;
if (FALSE == bIdCacheLockInitialized) { return; }
for(i = 0; i < ACTRL_OBJ_ID_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { //
// Nodes are only inserted into the name cache, so that is the only
// place we delete them from
pNode = grgIdNameCache[i]; while(pNode != NULL) { pNext = pNode->pNextName; AccFree(pNode->pwszName); AccFree(pNode); pNode = pNext; } }
PACTRL_ID_MEM pMem = gpMemCleanupList;
while(pMem != NULL) { if(pMem->fRpc == TRUE) { PWSTR pwsz = (PWSTR)pMem->pv; RpcStringFree(&pwsz); } else { AccFree(pMem->pv); }
pMem = pMem->pNext; }
bIdCacheLockInitialized = FALSE;
// Function: AccctrlpLookupIdNameInCache
// Synopsis: Determines if the given name exists in the cache or not
// Arguments: [pwszName] -- Name to be looked up
// Returns: Matching node if found, NULL if not
PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE AccctrlpLookupNameInCache(PWSTR pwszName) { PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNode = NULL;
pNode = grgIdNameCache[ActrlHashIdName(pwszName)];
while(pNode != NULL) { if(_wcsicmp(pwszName, pNode->pwszName) == 0) { break; } pNode = pNode->pNextName; }
#if DBG
if(pNode != NULL ) { CHAR szGuid[38]; PGUID pGuid = &pNode->Guid; sprintf(szGuid, "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", pGuid->Data1,pGuid->Data2,pGuid->Data3,pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1],pGuid->Data4[2],pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4],pGuid->Data4[5],pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]);
acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "LookupName on %ws found %s\n", pwszName, szGuid)); } #endif
return(pNode); }
// Function: AccctrlpLookupGuidInCache
// Synopsis: Determines if the given guid exists in the cache or not
// Arguments: [pGuid] -- Guid to be looked up
// Returns: Matching node if found, NULL if not
PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE AccctrlpLookupGuidInCache(PGUID pGuid) { PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNode = grgIdGuidCache[ActrlHashGuid(pGuid)];
while(pNode != NULL) { if(memcmp(pGuid, &(pNode->Guid), sizeof(GUID)) == 0) { break; } pNode = pNode->pNextGuid; }
#if DBG
if(pNode != NULL ) { CHAR szGuid[37]; sprintf(szGuid, "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", pGuid->Data1,pGuid->Data2,pGuid->Data3,pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1],pGuid->Data4[2],pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4],pGuid->Data4[5],pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]);
acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "LookupGuid on %s found %ws\n", szGuid, pNode->pwszName)); } #endif
return(pNode); }
// Function: AccctrlpNewNameGuidNode
// Synopsis: Allocates a new node and inserts them into the caches
// Arguments: [pwszName] -- Name to insert
// [pGuid] -- Guid to insert
// [pNewNode] -- Newly added node
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS -- Success
// ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY A memory allocation failed
// ERROR_INVALID_DATA A node was only inserted in one list
DWORD AccctrlpNewNameGuidNode(PWSTR pwszName, PGUID pGuid, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppNewNode) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fNameRet = FALSE, fGuidRet = FALSE;
PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNewNode = (PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE)AccAlloc( sizeof(ACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE)); if(pNewNode == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { pNewNode->pwszName = pwszName; memcpy(&pNewNode->Guid, pGuid, sizeof(GUID)); pNewNode->pNextName= NULL; pNewNode->pNextGuid= NULL;
fNameRet = AccctrlpInsertIdNameNode( &(grgIdNameCache[ActrlHashIdName(pwszName)]), pNewNode);
if ( fNameRet == TRUE ) {
fGuidRet = AccctrlpInsertGuidNode( &(grgIdGuidCache[ActrlHashGuid(pGuid)]), pNewNode); }
if(fNameRet == TRUE && fGuidRet == TRUE) { *ppNewNode = pNewNode; } else { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
if( fNameRet == TRUE ) { AccctrlpRemoveIdNameNode( &(grgIdNameCache[ActrlHashIdName(pwszName)]), pNewNode); }
AccFree(pNewNode); *ppNewNode = NULL;
} return(dwErr); }
// Function: AccctrlpInsertIdNameNode
// Synopsis: Inserts the specified new node into the caches
// Arguments: [ppRootNode] -- Root node in the name cache
// [pNewNode] -- Node to insert
// Returns: VOID
BOOL AccctrlpInsertIdNameNode(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppRootNode, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNewNode) { PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNext = NULL, pTrail = NULL; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
if(*ppRootNode == NULL) { *ppRootNode = pNewNode; } else { // acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Collision inserting %ws with:\n",
// pNewNode->pwszName));
pNext = *ppRootNode; // acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "\t%ws\n", pNext->pwszName));
while(pNext != NULL) { if(_wcsicmp(pNewNode->pwszName, pNext->pwszName) == 0) { //
// If a node is already found, exit
fReturn = FALSE; acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Name %ws already exists. Bailing\n", pNewNode->pwszName)); break; }
pTrail = pNext; pNext = pNext->pNextName; // acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "\t%ws\n", pNext->pwszName));
if(fReturn == TRUE) { if ( pTrail == NULL ) {
(*ppRootNode)->pNextName = pNewNode;
} else {
pTrail->pNextName = pNewNode;
} } }
return(fReturn); }
// Function: AccctrlpInsertGuidNode
// Synopsis: Inserts the specified new node into the caches
// Arguments: [ppRootNode] -- Root node in the name cache
// [pNewNode] -- Node to insert
// Returns: VOID
BOOL AccctrlpInsertGuidNode(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppRootNode, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNewNode) { PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNext = NULL, pTrail = NULL; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
if(*ppRootNode == NULL) { *ppRootNode = pNewNode; } else { // acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Collision inserting %ws with:\n",
// pNewNode->pwszName));
pNext = *ppRootNode; // acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "\t%ws\n", pNext->pwszName));
while(pNext != NULL) { if(memcmp(&(pNewNode->Guid), &(pNext->Guid), sizeof(GUID)) == 0) { fReturn = FALSE; acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Guid for %ws already exists. Bailing\n", pNewNode->pwszName)); break; }
pTrail = pNext; pNext = pNext->pNextGuid;
// acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "\t%ws\n", pNext->pwszName));
if(fReturn == TRUE) { if ( pTrail == NULL ) {
(*ppRootNode)->pNextGuid = pNewNode;
} else {
pTrail->pNextGuid = pNewNode; }
} }
return(fReturn); }
// Function: AccctrlLookupIdName
// Synopsis: Looks up the name for the specified GUID.
// Algorithm:
// Search cache for ID
// If not found, reload table from schema on DS referenced
// by the DS path
// Search the cache for the ID
// If not found, return the string version of the ID
// Arguments: [pGuid] -- Guid to lookup
// [fAllocateReturn]- If true, the name returned is allocated
// into a new buffer. Otherwise, a
// reference is returned.
// [ppwszName] -- Where the name is returned.
// Returns: VOID
DWORD AccctrlLookupIdName(IN PLDAP pLDAP, IN PWSTR pwszDsPath, IN PGUID pGuid, IN BOOL fAllocateReturn, IN BOOL fHandleObjectGuids, OUT PWSTR *ppwszName) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWSTR pwszStringId = NULL;
RtlAcquireResourceShared(&gIdCacheLock, TRUE);
#if DBG
CHAR szGuid[38]; sprintf(szGuid, "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", pGuid->Data1,pGuid->Data2,pGuid->Data3, pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1],pGuid->Data4[2],pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4],pGuid->Data4[5],pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]); #endif
// First, see if the sid alreadt exists in our cache
PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNode = AccctrlpLookupGuidInCache(pGuid); if(pNode == NULL) { acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Guid %s not found in cache\n", szGuid)); //
// Grab a write lock
// We'll have to look it up...
dwErr = AccctrlpLoadCacheFromSchema(pLDAP, pwszDsPath); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pNode = AccctrlpLookupGuidInCache(pGuid);
// If we've been asked to handle individual object guids,
// see if this GUID is one.
if ( fHandleObjectGuids ) { PWSTR pwszUuid; DWORD dwUuidLen; PWSTR pwszDSObj; PDS_NAME_RESULTW pNameRes;
// Convert the GUID to a string.
dwErr = UuidToString(pGuid, &pwszUuid);
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// Convert the string-ized GUID to an object name.
dwUuidLen = wcslen( pwszUuid );
pwszDSObj = (PWSTR) AccAlloc( (dwUuidLen+3)*sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( pwszDSObj == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { PWSTR pwszServer = NULL, pwszObject = NULL;
pwszDSObj[0] = L'{'; memcpy( &pwszDSObj[1], pwszUuid, dwUuidLen*sizeof(WCHAR) ); pwszDSObj[dwUuidLen+1] = L'}'; pwszDSObj[dwUuidLen+2] = L'\0';
// Crack the name into canonical form
dwErr = DspSplitPath( pwszDSObj, &pwszServer, &pwszObject );
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = DspBindAndCrackEx( pwszServer, pwszObject, 0, DS_CANONICAL_NAME, &pNameRes );
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if(pNameRes->cItems == 0 || pNameRes->rItems[0].status != 0) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { //
// Cache our newly found name.
dwErr = AccctrlpNewNameGuidNode( pNameRes->rItems[0].pName, pGuid, &pNode); }
// Clean up
DsFreeNameResultW(pNameRes); } else {
// Failure to find name isn't fatal
AccFree(pwszServer); }
// Clean up
AccFree( pwszDSObj ); }
// Clean up
RpcStringFree(&pwszUuid); } }
// If it wasn't found, return the string version of the ID
if( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && pNode == NULL) { dwErr = UuidToString(pGuid, &pwszStringId); }
} } else { acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Guid %s found in cache\n", szGuid)); }
// Finally, return the information
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PWSTR pwszName;
if(pNode != NULL) { pwszName = pNode->pwszName; } else { pwszName = pwszStringId; }
if(fAllocateReturn == TRUE) { ACC_ALLOC_AND_COPY_STRINGW(pwszName, *ppwszName, dwErr); } else { *ppwszName = pwszName;
if(pwszStringId != NULL) { PACTRL_ID_MEM pMem = (PACTRL_ID_MEM)AccAlloc(sizeof(ACTRL_ID_MEM)); if(pMem == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; RpcStringFree(&pwszStringId); } else { pMem->pv = pwszStringId; pMem->fRpc = TRUE; pMem->pNext = gpMemCleanupList; gpMemCleanupList = pMem; } } } }
return(dwErr); }
// Function: AccctrlLookupGuid
// Synopsis: Looks up the GUID for the specified name
// Arguments: [pwszName] -- Name to lookup
// [fAllocateReturn]- If true, the name returned is allocated
// into a new buffer. Otherwise, a
// reference is returned.
// [ppGuid] -- Where the guid is returned.
// Returns: VOID
DWORD AccctrlLookupGuid(IN PLDAP pLDAP, IN PWSTR pwszDsPath, IN PWSTR pwszName, IN BOOL fAllocateReturn, OUT PGUID *ppGuid) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; GUID guid, *pguid = NULL; BOOL fConverted = FALSE;
RtlAcquireResourceShared(&gIdCacheLock, TRUE);
// First, see if the sid already exists in our cache
PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNode = AccctrlpLookupNameInCache(pwszName); if(pNode == NULL) { //
// Grab a write lock
acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP,"Name %ws not found in cache\n", pwszName)); //
// We'll have to look it up...
dwErr = AccctrlpLoadCacheFromSchema(pLDAP, pwszDsPath); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pNode = AccctrlpLookupNameInCache(pwszName);
// If it wasn't found, return the ID from the string
if(pNode == NULL) { dwErr = UuidFromString(pwszName, &guid); fConverted = TRUE; pguid = &guid;
} else { pguid = &pNode->Guid; } } } else { acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP,"Name %ws found in cache\n", pwszName)); pguid = &pNode->Guid; }
// Finally, return the information
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(fAllocateReturn == TRUE) { ACC_ALLOC_AND_COPY_GUID(pguid, *ppGuid, dwErr); } else { if(fConverted == TRUE) { ACC_ALLOC_AND_COPY_GUID(pguid, *ppGuid, dwErr);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PACTRL_ID_MEM pMem = (PACTRL_ID_MEM)AccAlloc( sizeof(ACTRL_ID_MEM)); if(pMem == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; AccFree(*ppGuid); } else { pMem->pv = *ppGuid; pMem->pNext = gpMemCleanupList; gpMemCleanupList = pMem; } } } else { *ppGuid = pguid; }
} }
return(dwErr); }
#define WCHAR_TO_HEX_BYTE(wc) \
(BYTE)((wc) >= L'0' && (wc) <= L'9' ? (wc) - L'0' : towlower( (wc) ) - L'a' + 10) #define WCHAR_TO_HI_HEX_BYTE(wc) (WCHAR_TO_HEX_BYTE(wc) << 4 )
// Function: AccctrlpDsStrGuidToGuid
// Synopsis: Converts a read string guid into an actual guid
// Arguments: [pwszStrGuid] -- String version of the id
// [pGuid] -- Where the build ID is returned
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS -- Success
DWORD AccctrlpDsStrGuidToGuid(IN PWSTR pwszStrGuid, OUT PGUID pGuid) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(pwszStrGuid == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { #if 1
// The string guid we're given is not in a standard UuidToString form,
// so we'll have to convert it
PBYTE pCurr = (PBYTE)pGuid;
for(ULONG i = 0; i < sizeof(GUID); i++) { *pCurr = WCHAR_TO_HI_HEX_BYTE(*pwszStrGuid) | WCHAR_TO_HEX_BYTE(*(pwszStrGuid + 1)); pCurr++; pwszStrGuid += 2; } #else
// Whack it into the right form...
WCHAR wszStrFormat[sizeof(GUID) * sizeof(WCHAR) + 7]; ULONG Blocks[] = {8, 4, 4, 4, 12};
PWSTR pwszStrFor = wszStrFormat; for(ULONG i = 0 ; i < sizeof(Blocks) / sizeof(ULONG) ; i++ ) { for(ULONG j = 0; j < Blocks[i]; j++) { *pwszStrFor++ = *pwszStrGuid++; } *pwszStrFor++ = L'-'; }
pwszStrFor--; *pwszStrFor = UNICODE_NULL;
dwErr = UuidFromString(wszStrFormat, pGuid); #endif
return(dwErr); }
// Function: AccctrlpLoadCacheFromSchema
// Synopsis: Reads the schema cache and adds the entries into the
// cache
// Arguments: [pLDAP] -- LDAP connection to the server
// [pwszPath] -- DS path to the object
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS -- Success
DWORD AccctrlpLoadCacheFromSchema(PLDAP pLDAP, PWSTR pwszDsPath) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; PLDAP pLocalLDAP = pLDAP; ULONG cValues[2]; PWSTR *ppwszValues[2]; PWSTR rgwszGuidStrs[] = {ACTRL_OBJ_CLASS, ACTRL_OBJ_GUID}; ULONG rgGuidStrLen[] = {ACTRL_OBJ_CLASS_LEN, ACTRL_OBJ_GUID_LEN};
acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Reloading cache from schema\n"));
// If we have no parameters, just return...
if(pLDAP == NULL && pwszDsPath == NULL) { return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// See if we need to read... If our data is over 5 minutes old or if our path referenced is
// not the same as the last one...
#define FIVE_MINUTES 300000
if((LastSchemaRead.LastReadTime != 0 && (GetTickCount() - LastSchemaRead.LastReadTime < FIVE_MINUTES)) && DoPropertiesMatch(pwszDsPath, LastSchemaRead.pwszPath) && ((pLDAP == NULL && LastSchemaRead.fLDAP == FALSE) || (pLDAP != NULL && memcmp(pLDAP, &(LastSchemaRead.LDAP), sizeof(LDAP)))))
{ acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP,"Cache up to date...\n")); return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } else { //
// Need to reinitialize it...
if(pLDAP == NULL) { LastSchemaRead.fLDAP = FALSE; } else { LastSchemaRead.fLDAP = TRUE; memcpy(&(LastSchemaRead.LDAP), pLDAP, sizeof(LDAP)); }
AccFree(LastSchemaRead.pwszPath); if(pwszDsPath != NULL) { ACC_ALLOC_AND_COPY_STRINGW(pwszDsPath, LastSchemaRead.pwszPath, dwErr); }
LastSchemaRead.LastReadTime = GetTickCount(); }
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && pLocalLDAP == NULL) { PWSTR pwszServer = NULL, pwszObject = NULL;
dwErr = DspSplitPath( pwszDsPath, &pwszServer, &pwszObject );
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = BindToDSObject(pwszServer, pwszObject, &pLocalLDAP); LocalFree(pwszServer); } }
// Now, get the info. First, extended rights, then the schema info
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = AccDsReadExtendedRights(pLocalLDAP, &(cValues[0]), &(ppwszValues[0]), &(ppwszValues[1])); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { for(ULONG j = 0; j < cValues[0] && dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS; j++) { GUID guid;
dwErr = UuidFromString(ppwszValues[1][j], &guid);
PWSTR pwsz; ACC_ALLOC_AND_COPY_STRINGW(ppwszValues[0][j], pwsz, dwErr);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
dwErr = AccctrlpNewNameGuidNode(pwsz, &guid, &pNewNode);
if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { AccFree(pwsz);
if ( dwErr == ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) {
dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } } }
AccDsFreeExtendedRights(cValues[0], ppwszValues[0], ppwszValues[1]); }
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = AccDsReadSchemaInfo(pLocalLDAP, &(cValues[0]), &(ppwszValues[0]), &(cValues[1]), &(ppwszValues[1])); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { for(ULONG i = 0; i < 2 && dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { for(ULONG j = 0; j < cValues[i] && dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS; j++) { PWSTR pwszVal = ppwszValues[i][j]; GUID guid;
PWSTR pwszName, pwszGuid, pwszTick;
pwszName = wcswcs(pwszVal, ACTRL_OBJ_NAME) + ACTRL_OBJ_NAME_LEN; pwszGuid = wcswcs(pwszName, rgwszGuidStrs[i]) + rgGuidStrLen[i]; pwszTick = wcswcs(pwszName, L"'");
if(pwszTick != NULL) { *pwszTick = UNICODE_NULL; }
dwErr = AccctrlpDsStrGuidToGuid(pwszGuid, &guid);
PWSTR pwsz; ACC_ALLOC_AND_COPY_STRINGW(pwszName, pwsz, dwErr);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
dwErr = AccctrlpNewNameGuidNode(pwsz, &guid, &pNewNode);
if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { AccFree(pwsz);
if ( dwErr == ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) {
dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } }
pwszVal = pwszGuid; } }
ldap_value_free(ppwszValues[0]); ldap_value_free(ppwszValues[1]); }
// See if we need to release our ldap connection
if(pLocalLDAP != pLDAP && pLocalLDAP != NULL) { UnBindFromDSObject(&pLocalLDAP); } return(dwErr); }
// Function: AccctrlpRemoveIdNameNode
// Synopsis: Removes the specified new node into the caches
// Arguments: [ppRootNode] -- Root node in the name cache
// [pNewNode] -- Node to remove
// Returns: VOID
VOID AccctrlpRemoveIdNameNode(PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE *ppRootNode, PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNewNode) { PACTRL_OBJ_ID_CACHE pNext = NULL, pPrev;
ASSERT( *ppRootNode != NULL ); if(_wcsicmp((*ppRootNode)->pwszName, pNewNode->pwszName) == 0) { *ppRootNode = NULL; } else {
pNext = (*ppRootNode)->pNextName; pPrev = *ppRootNode; while(pNext != NULL) { if(_wcsicmp(pNewNode->pwszName, pNext->pwszName) == 0) { //
// Remove the node
pPrev->pNextName = pNext->pNextName; acDebugOut((DEB_TRACE_LOOKUP, "Removed node for %ws\n", pNext->pwszName)); break; }
pPrev = pNext; pNext = pNext->pNextName; }
return; }