Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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MessageId=1 Facility=Application Severity=Success SymbolicName=EVCAT_PM Language=English PassportManager .
MessageId=2 Facility=Application Severity=Success SymbolicName=EVCAT_NEXUS Language=English Passport Nexus .
MessageId=5000 Facility=Application Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PM_STARTED Language=English Passport Manager process started successfully. .
MessageId=5001 Facility=Application Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PM_STOPPED Language=English Passport Manager process was stopped. .
MessageId=5002 Facility=Application Severity=Success SymbolicName=PM_CCD_LOADED Language=English CCD Doc was successfully loaded .
MessageId=5003 Facility=Application Severity=Error SymbolicName=PM_CCD_NOT_LOADED Language=English CCD Doc failed to load (Error 0x%1) .
MessageId=5004 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_TICKET Language=English Invalid ticket presented on request .
MessageId=5005 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_PROFILE Language=English Invalid profile data was presented .
MessageId=5006 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_KEY Language=English Encryption key requested is invalid .
MessageId=5007 Facility=Application Severity=Error SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_CONFIGURATION Language=English Passport Manager is misconfigured: %1 .
MessageId=5008 Facility=Application Severity=Success SymbolicName=PM_VALID_CONFIGURATION Language=English Passport Manager configuration ok. .
MessageId=5009 Facility=Application Severity=Error SymbolicName=PM_CCD_ERROR Language=English Error in Partner Map XML: %1 .
MessageId=5010 Facility=Application Severity=Error SymbolicName=PM_LCID_ERROR Language=English LCID in domain map was invalid (%1) .
MessageId=5011 Facility=Application Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PM_NEWKEY_INSTALLED Language=English A new key has been installed. .
MessageId=5012 Facility=Application Severity=Error SymbolicName=PM_KEY_EXPIRED Language=English Requested encryption key has expired (SiteId %1) .
MessageId=5013 Facility=Application Severity=Error SymbolicName=PM_TIMEWINDOW_INVALID Language=English TimeWindow must be between 20 and 2678400. (Got %1) .
MessageId=5014 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_TIMESTAMP_BAD Language=English The time stamp in the Ticket is in the future. Possible security attack. .
MessageId=5015 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_PROFILETYPE Language=English HasProfile called with non-existant profile type .
MessageId=5016 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE Language=English Profile Attribute requested doesn't exist (%1) .
MessageId=5017 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_PROFILEATTRTYPE Language=English Profile update: invalid type presented for attribute #%1 .
MessageId=5018 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_DOMAIN Language=English No such Passport domain %1 .
MessageId=5019 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_DOMAINATT Language=English No such Passport domain attribute %1 in the %2 domain .
MessageId=5020 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_TICKET_Q Language=English Improperly encrypted ticket presented on query string .
MessageId=5021 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_TICKET_C Language=English Improperly encrypted ticket presented in cookie .
MessageId=5022 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_PROFILE_Q Language=English Improperly encrypted profile presented on query string .
MessageId=5023 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_PROFILE_C Language=English Improperly encrypted profile presented in cookie .
MessageId=5024 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=PM_CANT_DECRYPT_CONFIG Language=English Unable to decrypt configuration data. .
MessageId=5025 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=PM_PROFILE_WO_TICKET Language=English Received a profile without receiving a ticket. .
MessageId=5100 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=NEXUS_ERRORSTATUS Language=English Fetch of document %1 from nexus failed with status = %2 .
MessageId=5101 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=NEXUS_FETCHFAILED Language=English Fetch of document %1 from nexus failed with error = %2 .
MessageId=5102 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=NEXUS_INVALIDDOCUMENT Language=English The document returned for %1 did not contain valid XML. It is possible that the response contains information about a failure contacting the nexus. The data of this event contains the response. .
MessageId=5103 Facility=Application Severity=INFORMATIONAL SymbolicName=NEXUS_NOTPERSISTING Language=English Nexus document %1 contained NoPersist attribute, not saving to disk .
MessageId=5104 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=NEXUS_LOADFAILED Language=English Failed to load nexus document %1 from disk .
MessageId=5105 Facility=Application Severity=INFORMATIONAL SymbolicName=NEXUS_USINGLOCAL Language=English Local file %1 is valid, nexus fetch not performed .
MessageId=5106 Facility=Application Severity=INFORMATIONAL SymbolicName=NEXUS_FETCHSUCCEEDED Language=English Fetch of document %1 from nexus succeeded .
MessageId=5107 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=NEXUS_LOCALSAVEFAILED Language=English Save of document %1 failed with error = %2 .
MessageId=5108 Facility=Application Severity=INFORMATIONAL SymbolicName=NEXUS_EMPTYREMOTENAME Language=English Found empty CCDRemoteFile entry in registry %1 .
MessageId=5109 Facility=Application Severity=INFORMATIONAL SymbolicName=NEXUS_EMPTYLOCALNAME Language=English Found empty CCDLocalFile entry in registry %1 .
MessageId=5110 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_INVALID_CONSENT Language=English Improperly encrypted consent cookie .
MessageId=5111 Facility=Application Severity=ERROR SymbolicName=PM_CURRENTKEY_NOTDEFINED Language=English CurrentKey is not defined in registry .
MessageId=5112 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_URLSIGNATURE_NOTCREATED Language=English The URL Signature was not created .
;// failed to decrypt
;// could be wrong key
;// could be under attack
MessageId=5113 Facility=Application Severity=WARNING SymbolicName=PM_FAILED_DECRYPT Language=English Failed to decrypt data .