/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Passport **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2001 **/ /**********************************************************************/
// Profile.cpp : Implementation of CProfile
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <oleauto.h>
#include "Passport.h"
#include "Profile.h"
// gmarks
#include "Monitoring.h"
// CProfile
// CProfile
CProfile::CProfile() : m_raw(NULL), m_pos(NULL), m_bitPos(NULL), m_schemaName(NULL), m_valid(FALSE), m_updates(NULL), m_schema(NULL), m_versionAttributeIndex(-1), m_secure(FALSE) { }
// ~CProfile
CProfile::~CProfile() { if (m_raw) FREE_BSTR(m_raw); if (m_pos) delete[] m_pos; if (m_bitPos) delete[] m_bitPos; if (m_schemaName) FREE_BSTR(m_schemaName); if (m_updates) { for (int i = 0; i < m_schema->Count(); i++) { if (m_updates[i]) delete[] m_updates[i]; } delete[] m_updates; } if (m_schema) m_schema->Release(); }
// InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(REFIID riid) { static const IID* arr[] = { &IID_IPassportProfile, }; for (int i=0;i<sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);i++) { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*arr[i],riid)) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; }
// get_Attribute
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::get_Attribute(BSTR name, VARIANT *pVal) { VariantInit(pVal);
if (!m_valid) return S_OK; // Already threw event somewhere else
if (!m_schema) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
if (!name) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!_wcsicmp(name, L"internalmembername")) { // return the internal name
return get_ByIndex(MEMBERNAME_INDEX, pVal); }
int index = m_schema->GetIndexByName(name); if (index >= 0) { if( index != MEMBERNAME_INDEX ) { return get_ByIndex(index, pVal); } else { //
// special case for MEMBERNAME, if this the name is
// in the format of email, we will need do something here
HRESULT hr = get_ByIndex(MEMBERNAME_INDEX, pVal); if( S_OK == hr && VT_BSTR == pVal->vt ) { int bstrLen = SysStringLen(pVal->bstrVal); int i = 0; int iChangePos = 0; int iTerminatePos = 0;
for( i = 0; i < bstrLen; i++) { if( pVal->bstrVal[i] == L'%' ) iChangePos = i; if( pVal->bstrVal[i] == L'@' ) iTerminatePos = i; }
// for email format, we must have iChangePos < iTerminatePos
// this code will convert "foo%[email protected]" into
// "[email protected]"
if( iChangePos && iTerminatePos && iChangePos < iTerminatePos ) { BSTR bstrTemp = pVal->bstrVal;
pVal->bstrVal[iChangePos] = L'@'; pVal->bstrVal[iTerminatePos] = L'\0';
pVal->bstrVal = SysAllocString(pVal->bstrVal); if (NULL == pVal->bstrVal) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; SysFreeString(bstrTemp); } } return hr; } } else { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTESTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE); return PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; } return S_OK; }
// put_Attribute
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::put_Attribute(BSTR name, VARIANT newVal) { PassportLog("CProfile::put_Attribute:\r\n");
if(g_pPerf) { g_pPerf->incrementCounter(PM_PROFILEUPDATES_TOTAL); g_pPerf->incrementCounter(PM_PROFILEUPDATES_SEC); } else { _ASSERT(g_pPerf); }
if (!m_valid) return S_OK; // Already threw event somewhere else
if (!m_schema) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
if (!name) return E_INVALIDARG;
PassportLog(" %ws\r\n", name);
int index = m_schema->GetIndexByName(name); if (index >= 0) return put_ByIndex(index, newVal); else { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTESTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE); return PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; }
return S_OK; }
// get_ByIndex
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::get_ByIndex(int index, VARIANT *pVal) { u_short slen; u_long llen;
if(!pVal) return E_INVALIDARG; VariantInit(pVal);
if (!m_valid) return S_OK; if (!m_schema) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
if (m_pos[index] == INVALID_POS) return S_FALSE; // the return value is VT_EMPTY
if (index >= m_schema->Count()) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTESTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE);
LPSTR raw = (LPSTR)m_raw; CProfileSchema::AttrType t = m_schema->GetType(index);
switch (t) { case CProfileSchema::tText: { //
// due to IA64 alignment faults this memcpy needs to be performed
memcpy((PBYTE)&slen, raw+m_pos[index], sizeof(slen)); slen = ntohs(slen); pVal->vt = VT_BSTR; if (slen == 0) { pVal->bstrVal = ALLOC_AND_GIVEAWAY_BSTR_LEN(L"", 0); } else { int wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, raw+m_pos[index]+sizeof(u_short), slen, NULL, 0); pVal->bstrVal = ALLOC_AND_GIVEAWAY_BSTR_LEN(NULL, wlen); if (NULL == pVal->bstrVal) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, raw+m_pos[index]+sizeof(u_short), slen, pVal->bstrVal, wlen); pVal->bstrVal[wlen] = L'\0'; } } break; case CProfileSchema::tChar: { int wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, raw+m_pos[index], m_schema->GetByteSize(index), NULL, 0); pVal->vt = VT_BSTR; pVal->bstrVal = ALLOC_AND_GIVEAWAY_BSTR_LEN(NULL, wlen); if (NULL == pVal->bstrVal) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, raw+m_pos[index], m_schema->GetByteSize(index), pVal->bstrVal, wlen); pVal->bstrVal[wlen] = L'\0'; } break; case CProfileSchema::tByte: pVal->vt = VT_I2; pVal->iVal = *(BYTE*)(raw+m_pos[index]); break; case CProfileSchema::tWord: pVal->vt = VT_I2; //
// due to IA64 alignment faults this memcpy needs to be performed
memcpy((PBYTE)&slen, raw+m_pos[index], sizeof(slen)); pVal->iVal = ntohs(slen); break; case CProfileSchema::tLong: pVal->vt = VT_I4; //
// due to IA64 alignment faults this memcpy needs to be performed
memcpy((PBYTE)&llen, raw+m_pos[index], sizeof(llen)); pVal->lVal = ntohl(llen); break; case CProfileSchema::tDate: pVal->vt = VT_DATE; //
// due to IA64 alignment faults this memcpy needs to be performed
memcpy((PBYTE)&llen, raw+m_pos[index], sizeof(llen)); llen = ntohl(llen); VarDateFromI4(llen, &(pVal->date)); break; default: AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMATSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } return S_OK;
// put_ByIndex
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::put_ByIndex(int index, VARIANT newVal) { static int nEmailIndex, nFlagsIndex;
if(nEmailIndex == 0) nEmailIndex = m_schema->GetIndexByName(L"preferredEmail"); if(nFlagsIndex == 0) nFlagsIndex = m_schema->GetIndexByName(L"flags");
if(g_pPerf) { g_pPerf->incrementCounter(PM_PROFILEUPDATES_TOTAL); g_pPerf->incrementCounter(PM_PROFILEUPDATES_SEC); } else { _ASSERT(g_pPerf); }
if (!m_valid) return S_OK; if (!m_schema) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
if (index >= m_schema->Count()) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTESTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE); return PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; }
if (m_schema->IsReadOnly(index)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_READONLY_ATTRIBUTESTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_READONLY_ATTRIBUTE); return PP_E_READONLY_ATTRIBUTE; }
// Now, if the update array doesn't exist, make it
if (!m_updates) { m_updates = (void**) new void*[m_schema->Count()]; if (!m_updates) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memset(m_updates, 0, m_schema->Count()*sizeof(void*)); }
// What type is this attribute?
CProfileSchema::AttrType t = m_schema->GetType(index);
if (m_updates[index] != NULL) { delete[] m_updates[index]; m_updates[index] = NULL; }
_variant_t dest;
// I don't really like that we have to alloc memory for each entry (even bits)
// but this happens infrequently enough that I'm not too upset
switch (t) { case CProfileSchema::tText: { // Convert to UTF-8, stuff it
if (VariantChangeType(&dest, &newVal, 0, VT_BSTR) != S_OK) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_TOSTRCVT, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } int wlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dest.bstrVal, SysStringLen(dest.bstrVal), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (wlen > 65536 || wlen < 0) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_STRTOLG, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; }
if (wlen >= 0) { m_updates[index] = new char[sizeof(u_short)+wlen+1]; if (NULL == m_updates[index]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dest.bstrVal, SysStringLen(dest.bstrVal), ((char*)m_updates[index])+sizeof(u_short), wlen, NULL, NULL); *(u_short*)m_updates[index] = htons((u_short)wlen); ((char*)m_updates[index])[wlen+sizeof(u_short)] = '\0'; } else { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_NONULL, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } } break;
case CProfileSchema::tChar: { int atsize = m_schema->GetByteSize(index); // Create array, convert to UTF-8, stuff it
m_updates[index] = new char[atsize]; if (NULL == m_updates[index]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Convert to UTF-8, stuff it
if (VariantChangeType(&dest, &newVal, 0, VT_BSTR) != S_OK) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_TOSTRCVT, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } int res = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dest.bstrVal, SysStringLen(dest.bstrVal), (char*)m_updates[index], atsize, NULL, NULL); if (res == 0) { delete[] m_updates[index]; m_updates[index] = NULL; AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_STRTOLG, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } } break;
case CProfileSchema::tByte: // Alloc single byte, put value
if (VariantChangeType(&dest, &newVal, 0, VT_UI1) != S_OK) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_TOBYTECVT, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } m_updates[index] = new BYTE[1]; if (NULL == m_updates[index]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; *(unsigned char*)(m_updates[index]) = dest.bVal; break;
case CProfileSchema::tWord: // Alloc single word, put value
if (VariantChangeType(&dest, &newVal, 0, VT_I2) != S_OK) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_TOSHORTCVT, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; }
m_updates[index] = new u_short[1]; if (NULL == m_updates[index]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; *(u_short*)m_updates[index] = htons(dest.iVal); break;
case CProfileSchema::tLong: // Alloc single long, put value
if (VariantChangeType(&dest, &newVal, 0, VT_I4) != S_OK) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_TOINTCVT, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } m_updates[index] = new u_long[1]; if (NULL == m_updates[index]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; *(u_long*)m_updates[index] = htonl(dest.lVal); break;
case CProfileSchema::tDate: if (VariantChangeType(&dest, &newVal, 0, VT_DATE) != S_OK) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_TOINTCVT, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; } m_updates[index] = new u_long[1]; if (NULL == m_updates[index]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; *(u_long*)m_updates[index] = htonl((u_long)dest.date); break;
default: AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_BDF_CANTSET, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT); return PP_E_BAD_DATA_FORMAT; }
//DarrenAn Bug 2157 If they just updated their email, clear the validation bit in flags.
if(index == nEmailIndex) { u_long ulTmp; if (m_updates[nFlagsIndex] != NULL) { delete[] m_updates[nFlagsIndex]; } m_updates[nFlagsIndex] = new u_long[1]; memcpy((PBYTE)&ulTmp, ((LPSTR)m_raw)+m_pos[nFlagsIndex], sizeof(ulTmp)); *(u_long*)m_updates[nFlagsIndex] = htonl(ntohl(ulTmp) & 0xFFFFFFFE); }
return S_OK; }
// get_IsValid
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::get_IsValid(VARIANT_BOOL *pVal) { *pVal = m_valid ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
PassportLog("CProfile::get_IsValid: %X\r\n", *pVal);
return S_OK; }
// get_SchemaName
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::get_SchemaName(BSTR *pVal) { *pVal = ALLOC_AND_GIVEAWAY_BSTR(m_schemaName); if (NULL == *pVal) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
PassportLog("CProfile::get_SchemaName: %ws\r\n", *pVal);
return S_OK; }
// put_SchemaName
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::put_SchemaName(BSTR newVal) {
// fix: 5247 Profile Object not reseting Schema name
return E_NOTIMPL; }
// get_unencryptedProfile
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::get_unencryptedProfile(BSTR *pVal) { PassportLog("CProfile::get_unencryptedProfile: Enter:\r\n");
// Take updates into account
if (!pVal) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pVal = NULL;
if (!m_valid) return S_OK; if (!m_schema) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
int size = 0, len; short i = 0; u_short Tmp; u_long ulTmp;
LPSTR inraw = (LPSTR)m_raw;
m_versionAttributeIndex = m_schema->GetIndexByName(L"profileVersion");
// Pack up each value, first find out how much space we need
for (; i < m_schema->Count(); i++) { CProfileSchema::AttrType t = m_schema->GetType(i); void* valPtr = NULL;
if(m_pos[i] != INVALID_POS) valPtr = inraw+m_pos[i];
if (m_updates && m_updates[i]) valPtr = m_updates[i];
// neither exists, end of the loop
if (valPtr == NULL) { break; }
switch (t) { case CProfileSchema::tText: // How long is the string
memcpy((PBYTE)&Tmp, valPtr, sizeof(Tmp)); size += (sizeof(u_short) + ntohs(Tmp)); break; case CProfileSchema::tChar: size += m_schema->GetByteSize(i); break; case CProfileSchema::tByte: size += 1; break; case CProfileSchema::tWord: size += sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tLong: case CProfileSchema::tDate: size += sizeof(u_long); break; // no default case needed, it never will be non-null
} }
// Ok, now build it up...
*pVal = ALLOC_BSTR_BYTE_LEN(NULL, size); if (NULL == *pVal) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
LPSTR raw = (LPSTR) *pVal; size = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m_schema->Count(); i++) { void* valPtr = NULL;
if(m_pos[i] != INVALID_POS) valPtr = inraw+m_pos[i];
if (m_updates && m_updates[i]) valPtr = m_updates[i];
// neither exists, end of the loop
if (valPtr == NULL) break;
CProfileSchema::AttrType t = m_schema->GetType(i); switch (t) { case CProfileSchema::tText: // How long is the string
memcpy((PBYTE)&Tmp, valPtr, sizeof(Tmp)); len = ntohs(Tmp); memcpy(raw+size, (char*) valPtr, len+sizeof(u_short)); size += len + sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tChar: memcpy(raw+size, (char*) valPtr, m_schema->GetByteSize(i)); size += m_schema->GetByteSize(i); break; case CProfileSchema::tByte: *(raw+size) = *(BYTE*)valPtr; size += 1; break; case CProfileSchema::tWord: memcpy(raw+size, valPtr, sizeof(u_short)); size += sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tLong: case CProfileSchema::tDate: if (m_versionAttributeIndex == i && m_updates && m_updates[i]) { memcpy((PBYTE)&ulTmp, valPtr, sizeof(ulTmp)); ulTmp = htonl(ntohl(ulTmp)+1); memcpy(raw+size, (PBYTE)&ulTmp, sizeof(ulTmp)); } else { memcpy(raw+size, valPtr, sizeof(u_long)); } size += sizeof(u_long); break; } }
PassportLog("CProfile::get_unencryptedProfile: Exit: %ws\r\n", *pVal);
return S_OK; }
// put_unencryptedProfile
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::put_unencryptedProfile(BSTR newVal) { PassportLog("CProfile::put_unencryptedProfile: Enter:\r\n");
if (!g_config->isValid()) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
// Clean up all state associated with the previous profile.
if (m_raw) { FREE_BSTR(m_raw); m_raw = NULL; }
if (m_pos) { delete [] m_pos; m_pos = NULL; }
if (m_bitPos) { delete [] m_bitPos; m_bitPos = NULL; }
if (m_updates) { for (int i = 0; i < m_schema->Count(); i++) { if (m_updates[i]) delete[] m_updates[i]; } delete[] m_updates; m_updates = NULL; }
if (!newVal) { m_valid = FALSE; return S_OK; }
// BOY do you have to be careful here. If you don't
// call BYTE version, it truncates at first pair of NULLs
// we also need to expand beyond the key version byte
DWORD dwByteLen = SysStringByteLen(newVal);
if (dwByteLen > 2 && newVal[0] == SECURE_FLAG) { m_secure = TRUE; dwByteLen -= 2; m_raw = ALLOC_BSTR_BYTE_LEN((LPSTR)newVal + 2, dwByteLen); } else { m_secure = FALSE; m_raw = ALLOC_BSTR_BYTE_LEN((LPSTR)newVal, dwByteLen); }
if (NULL == m_raw) { m_valid = FALSE; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
PPTracePrintBlob(PPTRACE_RAW, "Profile:", (LPBYTE)newVal, dwByteLen, TRUE);
parse(m_raw, dwByteLen);
PassportLog("CProfile::get_unencryptedProfile: Exit:\r\n");
return S_OK; }
// parse
void CProfile::parse( LPCOLESTR raw, DWORD dwByteLen ) { // How many attributes?
DWORD cAtts = 0;
CNexusConfig* cnc = g_config->checkoutNexusConfig(); if (NULL == cnc) { m_valid = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
m_schema = cnc->getProfileSchema(m_schemaName); if (m_schema) { m_schema->AddRef(); } cnc->Release();
if (!m_schema) { m_valid = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
cAtts = m_schema->Count();
// Set up the arrays
m_pos = new UINT[cAtts]; m_bitPos = new UINT[cAtts];
if (m_pos && m_bitPos && SUCCEEDED(m_schema->parseProfile((LPSTR)raw, dwByteLen, m_pos, m_bitPos, &cAtts))) m_valid = TRUE; else m_valid = FALSE;
Cleanup: if (m_valid == FALSE) { if(g_pAlert) g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::WARNING_TYPE, PM_INVALID_PROFILE, 0,NULL, dwByteLen, (LPVOID)raw); } }
// get_updateString
STDMETHODIMP CProfile::get_updateString(BSTR *pVal) { if (!pVal) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pVal = NULL;
if (!m_valid) return S_OK; if (!m_schema) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
if (!m_updates) return S_OK;
int size = sizeof(u_long)*2, len; short i = 0; u_short Tmp;
// Pack up each value, first find out how much space we need
for (; i < m_schema->Count(); i++) { if (m_updates[i]) { size += sizeof(u_short); // For the index
CProfileSchema::AttrType t = m_schema->GetType(i);
switch (t) { case CProfileSchema::tText: // How long is the string
memcpy((PBYTE)&Tmp, m_updates[i], sizeof(Tmp)); size += (sizeof(u_short) + ntohs(Tmp)); break; case CProfileSchema::tChar: size += m_schema->GetByteSize(i); break; case CProfileSchema::tByte: size += 1; break; case CProfileSchema::tWord: size += sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tLong: case CProfileSchema::tDate: size += sizeof(u_long); break; // no default case needed, it never will be non-null
} } }
// Ok, now build it up...
*pVal = ALLOC_BSTR_BYTE_LEN(NULL, size); if (NULL == *pVal) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; LPSTR raw = (LPSTR) *pVal;
_bstr_t ml("memberIdLow"), mh("memberIdHigh"); int iMl, iMh; iMl = m_schema->GetIndexByName(ml); iMh = m_schema->GetIndexByName(mh);
if (iMl == -1 || iMh == -1) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTESTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE); return PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; }
if (m_schema->GetType(iMl) != CProfileSchema::tLong || m_schema->GetType(iMh) != CProfileSchema::tLong) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NSA_BADMID, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE); return PP_E_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; }
memcpy(raw, m_raw+m_pos[iMl], sizeof(int)); memcpy(raw+sizeof(u_long), m_raw+m_pos[iMh], sizeof(int));
size = 2*sizeof(u_long);
for (i = 0; i < m_schema->Count(); i++) { if (m_updates[i]) { Tmp = htons(i); memcpy(raw+size, (PBYTE)&Tmp, sizeof(Tmp)); size+=sizeof(u_short);
CProfileSchema::AttrType t = m_schema->GetType(i);
switch (t) { case CProfileSchema::tText: // How long is the string
memcpy((PBYTE)&Tmp, m_updates[i], sizeof(Tmp)); len = ntohs(Tmp); memcpy(raw+size, (char*) m_updates[i], len+sizeof(u_short)); size += len + sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tChar: memcpy(raw+size, (char*) m_updates[i], m_schema->GetByteSize(i)); size += m_schema->GetByteSize(i); break; case CProfileSchema::tByte: *(raw+size) = *(BYTE*)m_updates[i]; size += 1; break; case CProfileSchema::tWord: memcpy(raw+size, (char*) m_updates[i], sizeof(u_short)); size += sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tLong: case CProfileSchema::tDate: memcpy(raw+size, (char*) m_updates[i], sizeof(u_long)); size += sizeof(u_long); break; // no default case needed, it never will be non-null
} } }
GIVEAWAY_BSTR(*pVal); return S_OK; }
// incrementVersion
HRESULT CProfile::incrementVersion() { int size = 0, len, i; LPSTR raw = (LPSTR)m_raw; u_short Tmp; u_long ulTmp;
if (!m_valid) return S_OK; if (!m_schema) { AtlReportError(CLSID_Profile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGUREDSTR, IID_IPassportProfile, PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED); return PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED; }
m_versionAttributeIndex = m_schema->GetIndexByName(L"profileVersion");
for(i = 0; i < m_versionAttributeIndex; i++) { CProfileSchema::AttrType t = m_schema->GetType(i);
switch (t) { case CProfileSchema::tText: // How long is the string
memcpy((PBYTE)&Tmp, m_raw+size, sizeof(Tmp)); len = ntohs(Tmp); size += len + sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tChar: size += m_schema->GetByteSize(i); break; case CProfileSchema::tByte: size += 1; break; case CProfileSchema::tWord: size += sizeof(u_short); break; case CProfileSchema::tLong: case CProfileSchema::tDate: size += sizeof(u_long); break; // no default case needed, it never will be non-null
} }
memcpy((PBYTE)&ulTmp, m_raw+size, sizeof(ulTmp)); ulTmp = htonl(ntohl(ulTmp) + 1); memcpy(raw+size, (PBYTE)&ulTmp, sizeof(ulTmp));
return S_OK; }
// get_IsSecure
HRESULT CProfile::get_IsSecure(VARIANT_BOOL *pbIsSecure) { HRESULT hr;
if(pbIsSecure == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; goto Cleanup; }
*pbIsSecure = (m_secure ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE);
hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// IsSecure
BOOL CProfile::IsSecure() { return m_secure; }