// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: restore.cpp
// Contents: Cert Server client database restore APIs
#include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "certsrvd.h"
#include "csdisp.h"
#include "certadmp.h"
extern WCHAR g_wszRestoreAnnotation[];
// CertSrvServerControl -- send a control command to the cert server.
// Parameters:
// [in] pwszConfig - name or config string of the server to control
// [in] dwControlFlags - control command and flags
// [out] pcbOut - pointer to receive the size of command output data
// [out] ppbOut - pointer to receive command output data. Use the
// CertSrvBackupFree() API to free the buffer.
// Returns:
// S_OK if the call executed successfully;
// Failure code otherwise.
HRESULT CERTBCLI_API CertSrvServerControlW( IN WCHAR const *pwszConfig, IN DWORD dwControlFlags, OPTIONAL OUT DWORD *pcbOut, OPTIONAL OUT BYTE **ppbOut) { HRESULT hr; ICertAdminD2 *pICertAdminD = NULL; DWORD dwServerVersion; WCHAR const *pwszAuthority; CERTTRANSBLOB ctbOut = { 0, NULL };
if (NULL != pcbOut) { *pcbOut = 0; } if (NULL != ppbOut) { *ppbOut = NULL; } if (NULL == pwszConfig) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL parm"); } hr = S_OK; __try { hr = OpenAdminServer( pwszConfig, &pwszAuthority, &dwServerVersion, &pICertAdminD); _LeaveIfError(hr, "OpenAdminServer");
hr = pICertAdminD->ServerControl( pwszAuthority, dwControlFlags, &ctbOut); _LeaveIfError(hr, "ServerControl");
if (NULL != ctbOut.pb && NULL != ppbOut) { *ppbOut = (BYTE *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, ctbOut.cb); if (NULL == *ppbOut) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _LeaveError(hr, "LocalAlloc"); } CopyMemory(*ppbOut, ctbOut.pb, ctbOut.cb); if (NULL != pcbOut) { *pcbOut = ctbOut.cb; } } } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
error: if (NULL != ctbOut.pb) { CoTaskMemFree(ctbOut.pb); } if (NULL != pICertAdminD) { CloseAdminServer(&pICertAdminD); } return(hr); }
// CertSrvRestorePrepare -- indicate beginning of a restore session.
// Parameters:
// [in] pwszConfig - name of the server into which the restore
// operation is going to be performed.
// [in] dwRestoreFlags - Or'ed combination of RESTORE_TYPE_* flags; 0 if
// no special flags are to be specified
// [out] phbc - pointer to receive the backup context handle which is to
// be passed to the subsequent restore APIs
// Returns:
// S_OK if the call executed successfully;
// Failure code otherwise.
HRESULT CERTBCLI_API CertSrvRestorePrepareW( IN WCHAR const *pwszConfig, IN ULONG dwRestoreFlags, OUT HCSBC *phbc) { HRESULT hr; CSBACKUPCONTEXT *pcsbc = NULL;
if (NULL == pwszConfig || NULL == phbc) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL parm"); } *phbc = NULL; if (~CSRESTORE_TYPE_FULL & dwRestoreFlags) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "dwRestoreFlags"); }
hr = AllocateContext(pwszConfig, &pcsbc); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "AllocateContext");
pcsbc->RestoreFlags = dwRestoreFlags;
*phbc = (HCSBC) pcsbc; pcsbc = NULL;
error: if (NULL != pcsbc) { ReleaseContext(pcsbc); } return(hr); }
// CertSrvRestoreGetDatabaseLocations -- called both at backup time as well as at
// restore time to get data base locations for different types of files.
// Parameters:
// [in] hbc - backup context handle which would have been obtained
// through CertSrvBackupPrepare in the backup case and through
// CertSrvRestorePrepare in the restore case.
// [out] ppwszzFileList - pointer that will receive the pointer
// to the list of database locations; allocated memory should be
// freed using CertSrvBackupFree() API by the caller when it is no
// longer needed; locations are returned in an array of null
// terminated names and and the list is terminated by two L'\0's.
// The first character of each name is the BFT character that
// indicates the type of the file and the rest of the name tells
// gives the path into which that particular type of file should
// be restored.
// [out] pcbList - will receive the number of bytes returned
// Returns:
// S_OK if the call executed successfully;
// Failure code otherwise.
// Note:
// This API returns only the fully qualified path of the databases, not the
// name of the databases.
HRESULT CERTBCLI_API CertSrvRestoreGetDatabaseLocationsW( IN HCSBC hbc, OUT WCHAR **ppwszzFileList, OUT DWORD *pcbList) { HRESULT hr;
if (NULL == hbc) { hr = E_HANDLE; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL handle"); } if (NULL == ppwszzFileList || NULL == pcbList) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL parm"); } hr = S_OK; __try { hr = BackupRestoreGetFileList( FLT_RESTOREDBLOCATIONS, hbc, ppwszzFileList, pcbList); _LeaveIfError(hr, "BackupRestoreGetFileList"); } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT CleanupOldLogs( OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszConfig, OPTIONAL IN HKEY hkey, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszLogPath, IN ULONG genLow, IN ULONG genHigh) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cb; DWORD dwType; HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR *pwsz; WCHAR *pwszLogPathUNC = NULL; WCHAR *pwszLogPathLocal = NULL; WCHAR *pwszLogPathWild = NULL;
WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; WCHAR wszServer[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszLogFileName[2 * MAX_PATH]; // UNC logfile name
WCHAR *pwszFileName; // filename (edb0006A.log)
if (genHigh < genLow) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "bad parm"); }
wszServer[0] = L'\0'; if (NULL != pwszConfig) { // Allow UNC-style config strings: \\server\CAName
while (L'\\' == *pwszConfig) { pwszConfig++; } wcscpy(wszServer, pwszConfig); pwsz = wcschr(wszServer, L'\\'); if (NULL != pwsz) { *pwsz = L'\0'; } }
// If the Log Path wasn't passed in, fetch it from the server's registry
if (NULL == pwszLogPath) { if (NULL == hkey) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL parm"); } cb = sizeof(wszLogFileName); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, wszREGDBLOGDIRECTORY, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) wszLogFileName, &cb); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx");
// Assume remote access -- convert to UNC path
hr = myConvertLocalPathToUNC( wszServer, wszLogFileName, &pwszLogPathUNC); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myConvertLocalPathToUNC");
pwszLogPath = pwszLogPathUNC; }
// If local machine -- convert UNC path to Local Path
if (NULL == pwszConfig) { hr = myConvertUNCPathToLocal(pwszLogPath, &pwszLogPathLocal); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myConvertUNCPathToLocal");
pwszLogPath = pwszLogPathLocal; }
// copy the LogPath -- it's of the form "\\server\c$\winnt\ntlog" or
// "c:\winnt\ntlog", possibly with a trailing backslash
// make two copies of the logpath - one to pass a wildcard string for
// searching and other to create filenames with full path for the logfiles
hr = myBuildPathAndExt( pwszLogPath, L"edb*.log", NULL, // pwszExt
&pwszLogPathWild); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myBuildPathAndExt");
// make pwszFileName point past the last backslash in wszLogFileName
wcscpy(wszLogFileName, pwszLogPathWild); pwszFileName = wcsrchr(wszLogFileName, L'\\'); CSASSERT(NULL != pwszFileName); pwszFileName++;
hFind = FindFirstFile(pwszLogPathWild, &wfd); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) { do { // wfd.cFileName points to the name of edb*.log file found
ULONG ulLogNo = wcstoul(wfd.cFileName + 3, NULL, 16);
if (ulLogNo < genLow || ulLogNo > genHigh) { // This is an old logfile which was not copied down by ntbackup
// -- clean it up. First append the filename to the logpath
// (Note: pwszFileName already points past the end of the final
// backslash in logpath). Then delete the file by passing in
// the full path.
wcscpy(pwszFileName, wfd.cFileName); //printf("Deleting: %ws\n", wszLogFileName);
if (!DeleteFile(wszLogFileName)) { // Unable to delete the old logfile; not cleaning up will
// cause problems later. Return failure code.
hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "DeleteFile"); } }
} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd)); hr = myHLastError(); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) != hr) { // we came out of the loop for some unexpected error -- return the
// error code.
_JumpError(hr, error, "FindNextFile"); } } hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != pwszLogPathUNC) { LocalFree(pwszLogPathUNC); } if (NULL != pwszLogPathLocal) { LocalFree(pwszLogPathLocal); } if (NULL != pwszLogPathWild) { LocalFree(pwszLogPathWild); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) { FindClose(hFind); } return(hr); }
// CertSrvRestoreRegister -- register a restore operation. It will interlock all
// subsequent restore operations, and will prevent the restore target from
// starting until the call to CertSrvRestoreRegisterComplete is made.
// Parameters:
// [in] hbc - backup context handle for the restore session.
// [in] pwszCheckPointFilePath - path to restore the check point files
// [in] pwszLogPath - path where the log files are restored
// [in] rgrstmap - restore map
// [in] crstmap - tells if there is a new restore map
// [in] pwszBackupLogPath - path where the backup logs are located
// [in] genLow - Lowest log# that was restored in this restore session
// [in] genHigh - Highest log# that was restored in this restore session
// Returns:
// S_OK if the call executed successfully;
// Failure code otherwise.
HRESULT CERTBCLI_API CertSrvRestoreRegisterW( OPTIONAL IN HCSBC hbc, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszCheckPointFilePath, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszLogPath, OPTIONAL IN CSEDB_RSTMAPW rgrstmap[], IN LONG crstmap, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszBackupLogPath, IN ULONG genLow, IN ULONG genHigh) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR const *pwszConfig = NULL; HKEY hkey = NULL; HKEY hkeyRestore = NULL; WCHAR *pwszPath = NULL; DWORD cwcRstMap; WCHAR *pwszRstMap = NULL; WCHAR *pwsz; LONG i; DWORD dwDisposition; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbGen; ULONG genCurrent; BOOLEAN fDatabaseRecovered = FALSE;
if (NULL != getenv("certsrv_CertSrvRestoreRegisterThroughFile")) { hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; _JumpError(hr, error, "force CertSrvRestoreRegisterThroughFile"); } #endif
if (0 != crstmap && NULL == rgrstmap) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL parm"); } if (NULL != hbc) { CSBACKUPCONTEXT *pcsbc = (CSBACKUPCONTEXT *) hbc;
pwszConfig = pcsbc->pwszConfig; }
hr = myRegOpenRelativeKey( pwszConfig, L"", RORKF_CREATESUBKEYS, &pwszPath, NULL, // ppwszName
// If the registry key doesn't exist, and we're restoring the local
// machine, create it now. The rest of the registry will be restored
// prior to starting the cert server to recover the cert server database.
if (NULL != pwszConfig) { hr = myIsConfigLocal(pwszConfig, NULL, &fLocal); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "myIsConfigLocal", pwszConfig); } if (fLocal) { hr = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszREGKEYCONFIGPATH, 0, // Reserved
NULL, // lpClass
0, // dwOptions
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegCreateKeyEx"); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } } _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "myRegOpenRelativeKey", pwszConfig);
hr = RegCreateKeyEx( hkey, wszREGKEYRESTOREINPROGRESS, 0, // Reserved
NULL, // lpClass
0, // dwOptions
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyRestore, &dwDisposition); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegCreateKeyEx");
// Seed the restore-in-progress in the registry.
hr = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGRESTORESTATUS, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &hr, sizeof(DWORD)); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegSetValueEx");
// We've now interlocked other restore operations from coming in from other
// machines.
if (0 != crstmap) { // Full backup:
// The restore map should only be set on a full backup. If there's
// already a restore map size (or restore map), then this full backup
// is overriding a previously incomplete full backup.
// Save away the size of the restore map.
hr = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGRESTOREMAPCOUNT, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &crstmap, sizeof(DWORD));
// We now need to convert the restore map into one that we can put
// into the registry. First figure out how big it will be.
cwcRstMap = 1; for (i = 0 ; i < crstmap ; i++) { cwcRstMap += myLocalPathwcslen(rgrstmap[i].pwszDatabaseName) + 1 + myLocalPathwcslen(rgrstmap[i].pwszNewDatabaseName) + 1; }
pwszRstMap = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cwcRstMap * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszRstMap) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
pwsz = pwszRstMap; for (i = 0 ; i < crstmap ; i++) { myLocalPathwcscpy(pwsz, rgrstmap[i].pwszDatabaseName); pwsz += wcslen(pwsz) + 1;
myLocalPathwcscpy(pwsz, rgrstmap[i].pwszNewDatabaseName); pwsz += wcslen(pwsz) + 1; }
*pwsz++ = L'\0';
hr = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGRESTOREMAP, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE *) pwszRstMap, SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS( (BYTE *) pwsz, (BYTE *) pwszRstMap)); } else { // Incremental backup:
// Fail if no restore map exists -- Insist that a full backup be in
// progress...
cbGen = sizeof(genCurrent); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGRESTOREMAPCOUNT, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) &genCurrent, &cbGen); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx");
// Expand genLow and genHigh to include previously registered log files
cbGen = sizeof(genCurrent); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGLOWLOGNUMBER, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) &genCurrent, &cbGen); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(genCurrent) == cbGen && genLow > genCurrent) { genLow = genCurrent; }
cbGen = sizeof(genCurrent); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGHIGHLOGNUMBER, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) &genCurrent, &cbGen); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(genCurrent) == cbGen && genHigh < genCurrent) { genHigh = genCurrent; } }
hr = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGLOWLOGNUMBER, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &genLow, sizeof(DWORD)); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegSetValueEx");
hr = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGHIGHLOGNUMBER, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &genHigh, sizeof(DWORD)); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegSetValueEx");
if (NULL != pwszBackupLogPath) { hr = mySetRegistryLocalPathString( hkeyRestore, wszREGBACKUPLOGDIRECTORY, pwszBackupLogPath); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySetRegistryLocalPathString"); }
if (NULL != pwszCheckPointFilePath) { hr = mySetRegistryLocalPathString( hkeyRestore, wszREGCHECKPOINTFILE, pwszCheckPointFilePath); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySetRegistryLocalPathString"); }
if (NULL != pwszLogPath) { hr = mySetRegistryLocalPathString( hkeyRestore, wszREGLOGPATH, pwszLogPath); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySetRegistryLocalPathString"); }
// Reset the "database recovered" bit.
hr = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGDATABASERECOVERED, 0, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *) &fDatabaseRecovered, sizeof(BOOLEAN)); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegSetValueEx");
// We have successfully registered the restore, now cleanup any
// pre-existing logfiles in the logdir to avoid JetExternalRestore using
// logfiles that are not specified by the low and high log numbers.
hr = CleanupOldLogs(pwszConfig, hkey, pwszLogPath, genLow, genHigh); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CleanupOldLogs");
error: if (NULL != pwszRstMap) { LocalFree(pwszRstMap); } if (NULL != hkeyRestore) { RegCloseKey(hkeyRestore); } if (NULL != hkey) { RegCloseKey(hkey); } if (NULL != pwszPath) { LocalFree(pwszPath); }
hr = myHError(hr);
return hr; }
// CertSrvRestoreRegisterComplete -- indicate that a previously registered restore
// is complete.
// Parameters:
// [in] hbc - backup context handle
// [in] hrRestoreState - success code if the restore was successful
// Returns:
// S_OK if the call executed successfully;
// Failure code otherwise.
HRESULT CERTBCLI_API CertSrvRestoreRegisterComplete( OPTIONAL IN HCSBC hbc, IN HRESULT hrRestore) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR const *pwszConfig = NULL; HKEY hkey = NULL; HKEY hkeyRestore = NULL; WCHAR *pwszPath = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition;
if (NULL != hbc) { CSBACKUPCONTEXT *pcsbc = (CSBACKUPCONTEXT *) hbc;
pwszConfig = pcsbc->pwszConfig; } if (S_OK != hrRestore && SUCCEEDED(hrRestore)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "hrRestore"); }
hr = myRegOpenRelativeKey( pwszConfig, L"", RORKF_CREATESUBKEYS, &pwszPath, NULL, // ppwszName
&hkey); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "myRegOpenRelativeKey", pwszConfig);
hr = RegCreateKeyEx( hkey, wszREGKEYRESTOREINPROGRESS, 0, // Reserved
NULL, // lpClass
0, // dwOptions
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyRestore, &dwDisposition); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegCreateKeyEx");
// If the restore status is not S_OK, then set the status to the error.
// If the restore status is success, then clear the restore-in-progress
// indicator.
if (S_OK != hrRestore) { hr = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRestore, wszREGRESTORESTATUS, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &hrRestore, sizeof(DWORD)); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegSetValueEx"); } else { hr = RegDeleteValue(hkeyRestore, wszREGRESTORESTATUS); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegDeleteValue"); }
error: if (NULL != hkeyRestore) { RegCloseKey(hkeyRestore); } if (NULL != hkey) { RegCloseKey(hkey); } if (NULL != pwszPath) { LocalFree(pwszPath); } return(hr); }
// CertSrvRestoreEnd -- end a restore session
// Parameters:
// [in] hbc - backup context handle
// Returns:
// S_OK if the call executed successfully;
// Failure code otherwise.
if (NULL == hbc) { hr = E_HANDLE; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL handle"); }
hr = S_OK; __try { ReleaseContext((CSBACKUPCONTEXT *) hbc); } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT rsGetRestoreDataDWORD( IN LPCWSTR pwszRestoreFile, IN LPCWSTR pwszName, OUT DWORD *pdwData) { WCHAR buffer[cwcDWORDSPRINTF];
GetPrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, pwszName, L"", buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), pwszRestoreFile);
if (0 == wcscmp(buffer, L"")) { return(S_FALSE); } *pdwData = _wtoi(buffer); return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CERTBCLI_API CertSrvRestoreRegisterThroughFile( IN HCSBC hbc, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszCheckPointFilePath, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszLogPath, OPTIONAL IN CSEDB_RSTMAPW rgrstmap[], IN LONG crstmap, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszBackupLogPath, IN ULONG genLow, IN ULONG genHigh) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR const *pwszConfig = NULL; LONG i; DWORD dwType; ULONG genCurrent; BOOLEAN fDatabaseRecovered = FALSE; WCHAR wszLogPath[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR wszFormat[256]; // must fit MAXDWORD
WCHAR wszKeyName[256]; // must fit RestoreMapN
LPWSTR pwszLogPathUNC = NULL; HKEY hkey = NULL; LPWSTR pwszPath = NULL; LPWSTR pwszRestoreFile = NULL; LPWSTR pwszServer = NULL; LPWSTR pwszAuthority = NULL;
if (!hbc || (0 != crstmap && NULL == rgrstmap)) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL parm"); } pwszConfig = ((CSBACKUPCONTEXT *) hbc)->pwszConfig;
if (NULL == pwszLogPath) { DWORD cb;
hr = myRegOpenRelativeKey( pwszConfig, L"", 0, &pwszPath, NULL, // ppwszName
&hkey); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx");
cb = sizeof(wszLogPath); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, wszREGDBLOGDIRECTORY, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) wszLogPath, &cb); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx");
pwszLogPath = wszLogPath; }
if (L'\\' != pwszLogPath[0] || L'\\' != pwszLogPath[1]) { // local path - convert to UNC for the INI file
if (NULL != pwszConfig) // if remote access
{ hr = mySplitConfigString(pwszConfig, &pwszServer, &pwszAuthority); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySplitConfigString"); } else // else local machine
{ hr = myGetMachineDnsName(&pwszServer); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetMachineDnsName"); } hr = myConvertLocalPathToUNC(pwszServer, pwszLogPath, &pwszLogPathUNC); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myConvertLocalPathToUNC"); }
pwszRestoreFile = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR) * ( wcslen(pwszLogPath) + wcslen(wszRESTORE_FILENAME) + 2)); _JumpIfAllocFailed(pwszRestoreFile, error);
wcscpy(pwszRestoreFile, pwszLogPath); wcscat(pwszRestoreFile, L"\\"); wcscat(pwszRestoreFile, wszRESTORE_FILENAME);
wsprintf(wszFormat, L"%d", CERTSRV_E_SERVER_SUSPENDED); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGRESTORESTATUS, wszFormat, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); } if (0 != crstmap) { // Full backup:
// The restore map should only be set on a full backup. If there's
// already a restore map size (or restore map), then this full backup
// is overriding a previously incomplete full backup.
wsprintf(wszFormat, L"%d", crstmap); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGRESTOREMAPCOUNT, wszFormat, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
for (i = 0 ; i < crstmap ; i++) { WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(wszKeyName, L"%ws%d", wszREGRESTOREMAP, i);
myLocalPathwcscpy(wszPath, rgrstmap[i].pwszDatabaseName); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszKeyName, wszPath, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileInt"); }
wsprintf( wszKeyName, L"%ws%ws%d", wszREGRESTOREMAP, wszRESTORE_NEWLOGSUFFIX, i);
myLocalPathwcscpy(wszPath, rgrstmap[i].pwszNewDatabaseName);
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszKeyName, wszPath, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileInt"); }
} } else { // Incremental backup:
// Fail if no restore map exists -- Insist that a full backup be in
// progress...
hr = rsGetRestoreDataDWORD( pwszRestoreFile, wszREGRESTOREMAPCOUNT, &genCurrent); if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = E_ABORT; // mandatory
} _JumpIfError( hr, error, "restore ini file invalid, wszREGRESTOREMAPCOUNT not found");
// Expand genLow and genHigh to include previously registered log files
hr = rsGetRestoreDataDWORD( pwszRestoreFile, wszREGLOWLOGNUMBER, &genCurrent); if (S_OK == hr && genLow > genCurrent) { genLow = genCurrent; }
hr = rsGetRestoreDataDWORD( pwszRestoreFile, wszREGHIGHLOGNUMBER, &genCurrent); if (S_OK == hr && genHigh < genCurrent) { genHigh = genCurrent; } }
// dword wszREGLOWLOGNUMBER=genLow
wsprintf(wszFormat, L"%d", genLow); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGLOWLOGNUMBER, wszFormat, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
// dword wszREGHIGHLOGNUMBER=genHigh
wsprintf(wszFormat, L"%d", genHigh); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGHIGHLOGNUMBER, wszFormat, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
// string wszREGBACKUPLOGDIRECTORY=pwszBackupLogPath
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGBACKUPLOGDIRECTORY, pwszBackupLogPath, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
// string wszREGCHECKPOINTFILE=pwszCheckPointFilePath
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGCHECKPOINTFILE, pwszCheckPointFilePath, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
// string wszREGLOGPATH=pwszLogPath -- always write a UNC path
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGLOGPATH, NULL != pwszLogPathUNC? pwszLogPathUNC : pwszLogPath, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
// dword wszREGDATABASERECOVERED=fDatabaseRecovered
wsprintf(wszFormat, L"%d", fDatabaseRecovered); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGDATABASERECOVERED, wszFormat, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
// We have successfully registered the restore, now cleanup any
// pre-existing logfiles in the logdir to avoid JetExternalRestore using
// logfiles that are not specified by the low and high log numbers.
CSASSERT(NULL != pwszLogPath); hr = CleanupOldLogs(pwszConfig, hkey, pwszLogPath, genLow, genHigh); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CleanupOldLogs");
// delete restore status error
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( wszRESTORE_SECTION, wszREGRESTORESTATUS, NULL, pwszRestoreFile)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WritePrivateProfileString"); }
error: if (S_OK != hr && NULL != pwszRestoreFile) { // in case of failure, try to delete restore file
if (!DeleteFile(pwszRestoreFile)) { _PrintIfError(myHLastError(), "DeleteFile"); } } LOCAL_FREE(pwszPath); LOCAL_FREE(pwszLogPathUNC); LOCAL_FREE(pwszRestoreFile); LOCAL_FREE(pwszServer); LOCAL_FREE(pwszAuthority); if (NULL != hkey) { RegCloseKey(hkey); } return(hr); }