// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: misc.h
#ifndef _MISC_H_
#define _MISC_H_
#define _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, label, pMem) \
{ \ if (NULL == (pMem)) \ { \ (hr) = E_OUTOFMEMORY; \ _JumpError((hr), label, "Out of Memory"); \ } \ }
__inline void FREE_DATA(void* pData) { if (pData) GlobalFree(pData); }
// count the number of bytes needed to fully store the WSZ
#define WSZ_BYTECOUNT(__z__) \
( (__z__ == NULL) ? 0 : (wcslen(__z__)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) )
// fwds
class CertSvrCA; class CertSvrMachine;
BOOL FixupFilterString(LPWSTR szFilter);
LPCWSTR GetNullMachineName(CString* pcstr); BOOL FIsCurrentMachine(LPCWSTR);
STDMETHODIMP CStringLoad(CString& cstr, IStream *pStm); STDMETHODIMP CStringSave(CString& cstr, IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty); STDMETHODIMP CStringGetSizeMax(CString& cstr, int* piSize);
STDMETHODIMP VariantLoad(VARIANT& var, IStream *pStm); STDMETHODIMP VariantSave(VARIANT& var, IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty); STDMETHODIMP VariantGetSizeMax(VARIANT& var, int* piSize);
DWORD AllocAndReturnConfigValue(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szConfigEntry, PBYTE* ppbOut, DWORD* pcbOut, DWORD* pdwType);
void DisplayCertSrvErrorWithContext(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwErr, UINT iRscContext); void DisplayCertSrvErrorWithContext(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwErr, LPCWSTR szContext); void DisplayGenericCertSrvError(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwErr); void DisplayGenericCertSrvError(LPCONSOLE pConsole, DWORD dwErr);
DWORD CryptAlgToStr(CString* pcstrAlgName, LPCWSTR szProv, DWORD dwProvType, DWORD dwAlg);
enum ENUM_PERIOD DurationEnumFromNonLocalizedString(LPCWSTR szPeriod); BOOL StringFromDurationEnum(int iEnum, CString* pcstr, BOOL fLocalized);
LPCWSTR OperationToStr(int iOperation); int StrToOperation(LPCWSTR szOperation);
// Column name localization
LPCWSTR FindUnlocalizedColName(LPCWSTR strColumn); // returns ptr to rsc
// returns localized string
BOOL MakeDisplayStrFromDBVariant(VARIANT* pvt, VARIANT* pvOut);
LPWSTR szField; UINT iOperation; VARIANT varValue;
friend bool operator==( const struct _QUERY_RESTRICTION& lhs, const struct _QUERY_RESTRICTION& rhs);
PQUERY_RESTRICTION NewQueryRestriction(LPCWSTR szField, UINT iOp, VARIANT* pvarValue); void FreeQueryRestriction(PQUERY_RESTRICTION pQR); void FreeQueryRestrictionList(PQUERY_RESTRICTION pQR);
void ListInsertAtEnd(void** ppList, void* pElt);
LPWSTR RegEnumKeyContaining( HKEY hBaseKey, LPCWSTR szContainsString, DWORD* pdwIndex);
HRESULT myGetActiveModule( CertSvrCA *pCA, IN BOOL fPolicyModule, IN DWORD Index, OPTIONAL OUT LPOLESTR *ppwszProgIdModule, // CoTaskMem*
OPTIONAL OUT CLSID *pclsidModule);
// fxns to load resources automatically
class CLocalizedResources { public: CLocalizedResources(); ~CLocalizedResources(); BOOL Load();
public: BOOL m_fLoaded; CBitmap m_bmpSvrMgrToolbar1; // Imagelist for the STOP/START toolbar
CString m_ColumnHead_Name; CString m_ColumnHead_Size; CString m_ColumnHead_Type; CString m_ColumnHead_Description;
CString m_DescrStr_CA; CString m_DescrStr_Unknown;
CString m_szFilterApplied; CString m_szSortedAscendingTemplate; CString m_szSortedDescendingTemplate; CString m_szStoppedServerMsg; CString m_szStatusBarErrorFormat;
CString m_szRevokeReason_Unspecified; CString m_szRevokeReason_KeyCompromise; CString m_szRevokeReason_CaCompromise; CString m_szRevokeReason_Affiliation; CString m_szRevokeReason_Superseded; CString m_szRevokeReason_Cessatation; CString m_szRevokeReason_CertHold; CString m_szRevokeReason_RemoveFromCRL;
CString m_szPeriod_Seconds; CString m_szPeriod_Minutes; CString m_szPeriod_Hours; CString m_szPeriod_Days; CString m_szPeriod_Weeks; CString m_szPeriod_Months; CString m_szPeriod_Years;
CString m_szYes; };
extern CLocalizedResources *g_pResources;
BOOL OnDialogHelp(LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo, LPCTSTR szHelpFile, const DWORD rgzHelpIDs[]); BOOL OnDialogContextHelp(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR szHelpFile, const DWORD rgzHelpIDs[]);
HRESULT ReadOfSize(IStream* pStm, void* pbData, ULONG cbData); HRESULT WriteOfSize(IStream* pStm, void* pbData, ULONG cbData);
HRESULT myOIDToName( IN WCHAR const *pwszObjId, OUT LPWSTR* pszName);
HRESULT myDumpFormattedObject( IN WCHAR const *pszObjId, IN BYTE const *pbObject, IN DWORD cbObject, OUT LPWSTR* pwszFormatted);
void InplaceStripControlChars(WCHAR* szString);
HANDLE EnablePrivileges(LPCWSTR ppcwszPrivileges[], ULONG cPrivileges); void ReleasePrivileges(HANDLE hToken);
HRESULT IsUserDomainAdministrator(BOOL* pfIsAdministrator);
BOOL RestartService(HWND hWnd, CertSvrMachine* pMachine);
// defined in casec.cpp
extern "C" HRESULT CreateCASecurityInfo( CertSvrCA *pCA, LPSECURITYINFO *ppObjSI);
HRESULT FindComputerObjectSid( LPCWSTR pcwszCAComputerDNSName, PSID &pSid);
VOID LogOpen(IN BOOL fForceOpen); VOID LogClose();
#endif _MISC_H_