// database.cpp, implementation of CSecurityDatabase class
// Copyright (c)1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#include "database.h"
#include "persistmgr.h"
//#include <io.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "requestobject.h"
const DWORD dwSecDBVersion = 1;
Routine Description:
This is the constructor. Pass along the parameters to the base class
Virtual: No (you know that, constructor won't be virtual!)
pKeyChain - Pointer to the ISceKeyChain COM interface which is prepared by the caller who constructs this instance.
pNamespace - Pointer to WMI namespace of our provider (COM interface). Passed along by the caller. Must not be NULL.
pCtx - Pointer to WMI context object (COM interface). Passed along by the caller. It's up to WMI whether this interface pointer is NULL or not.
Return Value:
None as any constructor
Notes: if you create any local members, think about initialize them here
CSecurityDatabase::CSecurityDatabase ( IN ISceKeyChain *pKeyChain, IN IWbemServices *pNamespace, IN IWbemContext *pCtx ) : CGenericClass(pKeyChain, pNamespace, pCtx) { }
Routine Description:
Functionality: Destructor. Necessary as good C++ discipline since we have virtual functions.
Virtual: Yes. Arguments:
none as any destructor
Return Value:
None as any destructor
Notes: if you create any local members, think about whether there is any need for a non-trivial destructor
CSecurityDatabase::~CSecurityDatabase () { }
Routine Description:
Functionality: Create WMI objects (Sce_Database). Depending on parameter atAction, this creation may mean: (a) Get a single instance (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_GET) (b) Get several instances satisfying some criteria (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_QUERY)
Virtual: Yes. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI for creation result. atAction - Get single instance ACTIONTYPE_GET Get several instances ACTIONTYPE_QUERY
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR. The returned objects are indicated to WMI, not directly passed back via parameters.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Except WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND, any such error should indicate the failure of getting the wanted instance. If WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND is returned in querying situations, this may not be an error depending on caller's intention.
for Sce_Database, we don't support delete!
HRESULT CSecurityDatabase::CreateObject ( IN IWbemObjectSink *pHandler, IN ACTIONTYPE atAction ) { //
// we know how to:
// Get single instance ACTIONTYPE_GET
// Get several instances ACTIONTYPE_QUERY
if ( ACTIONTYPE_GET != atAction && ACTIONTYPE_QUERY != atAction ) { return WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// Sce_Database class has only one key property (path)
DWORD dwCount = 0; HRESULT hr = m_srpKeyChain->GetKeyPropertyCount(&dwCount);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && dwCount == 1) { //
// We must have the pPath key property.
// m_srpKeyChain->GetKeyPropertyValue WBEM_S_FALSE if the key is not recognized
// So, we need to test against WBEM_S_FALSE if the property is mandatory
CComVariant varPath; hr = m_srpKeyChain->GetKeyPropertyValue(pPath, &varPath);
if (FAILED(hr) || hr == WBEM_S_FALSE) { return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != WBEM_S_FALSE && varPath.vt == VT_BSTR) { //
// Create the database instance
// expand those env variable tokens inside a path
CComBSTR bstrExpandedPath;
// bDb will be returned true if the the path is pointing to a database type file
hr = CheckAndExpandPath(varPath.bstrVal, &bstrExpandedPath, &bDb);
if ( !bDb ) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT_PATH; } else { //
// make sure the store (just a file) really exists
DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(bstrExpandedPath);
if ( dwAttrib != -1 ) { hr = ConstructInstance(pHandler, bstrExpandedPath, varPath.bstrVal); } else { hr = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; } } } } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// the object says that it has more than one key properties,
// we know that is incorrect
return hr; }
Routine Description:
Functionality: This is private function to create an instance of Sce_Database.
Virtual: No. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI of any events.
wszDatabaseName - file path to the database.
wszLogDatabasePath - Log path.
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate the creating the instance.
HRESULT CSecurityDatabase::ConstructInstance ( IN IWbemObjectSink *pHandler, IN LPCWSTR wszDatabaseName, IN LPCWSTR wszLogDatabasePath ) { // Get information from the database
// ==================
// hProfile is where SCE reads info to
PVOID hProfile=NULL;
rc = SceOpenProfile(wszDatabaseName, SCE_JET_FORMAT, &hProfile); if ( rc != SCESTATUS_SUCCESS ) { //
// SCE returned errors needs to be translated to HRESULT.
return ProvDosErrorToWbemError(ProvSceStatusToDosError(rc)); }
PWSTR wszDescription = NULL;
CComBSTR bstrConfig; CComBSTR bstrAnalyze;
// need to free wszDescription
rc = SceGetScpProfileDescription(hProfile, &wszDescription); if ( SCESTATUS_SUCCESS == rc ) { rc = SceGetDbTime(hProfile, &stConfig, &stAnalyze); }
// SCE returned errors needs to be translated to HRESULT.
// In case this is not an error, hr will be assigned to WBEM_NO_ERROR
hr = ProvDosErrorToWbemError(ProvSceStatusToDosError(rc));
SceCloseProfile( &hProfile );
// now log it
CComBSTR bstrLogOut;
// the use of the macro SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup cause
// a "goto CleanUp;" with hr set to the return value from
// the function (macro parameter)
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(MakeSingleBackSlashPath((PWSTR)wszLogDatabasePath, L'\\', &bstrLogOut));
// convert the time stamp
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(GetDMTFTime(stConfig, &bstrConfig)); SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(GetDMTFTime(stAnalyze, &bstrAnalyze));
// create a blank object that can be filled with properties
CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> srpObj; SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(SpawnAnInstance(&srpObj));
// create a property mgr for this new object to put properties
CScePropertyMgr ScePropMgr; ScePropMgr.Attach(srpObj);
// put properties: path, description, analyze, and configuration
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pPath, bstrLogOut)); SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pDescription, wszDescription));
if (bstrAnalyze) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pLastAnalysis, bstrAnalyze)); }
if (bstrConfig) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pLastConfiguration, bstrConfig)); }
// put version
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pVersion, dwSecDBVersion));
// inform WMI of the new instance it requests
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(pHandler->Indicate(1, &srpObj)); }
delete [] wszDescription;
return hr; }
Routine Description:
Functionality: Helper to format a string version time stamp.
Virtual: No. Arguments:
t_Systime - the system time to format.
bstrOut - out parameter to return the string version of the time.
Return Value:
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate failure to format.
HRESULT GetDMTFTime ( IN SYSTEMTIME t_Systime, IN BSTR *bstrOut ) { if ( !bstrOut ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*bstrOut = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, DMTFLEN + 1);
if ( ! (*bstrOut) ) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
FILETIME t_ft; LONG micros=0;
if ( SystemTimeToFileTime(&t_Systime, &t_ft) ) { ULONGLONG uTime=0;
uTime = t_ft.dwHighDateTime; uTime = uTime << 32; uTime |= t_ft.dwLowDateTime;
LONGLONG tmpMicros = uTime % 10000000; micros = (LONG)(tmpMicros / 10); }
swprintf((*bstrOut), L"%04.4d%02.2d%02.2d%02.2d%02.2d%02.2d.%06.6d%c%03.3ld", t_Systime.wYear, t_Systime.wMonth, t_Systime.wDay, t_Systime.wHour, t_Systime.wMinute, t_Systime.wSecond, micros, L'-', 0 );
return hr;