// IPUtil.h : Declaration of some global helper function for sockets
// Copyright (c)1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// some global definitions
// Original Create Date: 5/16/2001
// Original Author: shawnwu
// for active socket
//#include <ntspider.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
// the following section is copied from net\tcpip\commands\common2\common2.h
// Include Files
#include "ipexport.h"
#include "ipinfo.h"
#include "llinfo.h"
#include "tcpinfo.h"
#undef SOCKET
//#include "..\common\tcpcmd.h"
// the following section is to replace the above include file
// begin tcpcmd.h
#define NOGDI
#define NOMINMAX
// added by shawnwu
//#include <winsock.h>
//#include <windef.h>
//#include <winbase.h>
//#include <winsock2.h>
//#include <ws2tcpip.h>
//#ifndef WIN16
//#endif // WIN16
//#include <direct.h>
//#include <io.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <time.h>
//#include <string.h>
//#include <nls.h>
// global variable declarations
extern int optind; extern int opterr; extern char *optarg;
// function prototypes
char * GetFileFromPath( char *);
HANDLE OpenStream( char *);
int lwccmp( char *, char *);
long netnumber( char *);
long hostnumber( char *);
void blkfree( char **);
struct sockaddr_storage * resolve_host( char *, int *);
int resolve_port( char *, char *);
char * tempfile( char *);
char * udp_alloc( unsigned int);
void udp_close( SOCKET);
void udp_free( char *);
SOCKET udp_open( int, int *);
int udp_port(void);
int udp_port_used( int, int);
int udp_read( SOCKET, char *, int, struct sockaddr_storage *, int *, int);
int udp_write( SOCKET, char *, int, struct sockaddr_storage *, int);
void gate_ioctl( HANDLE, int, int, int, long, long);
void get_route_table(void);
int tcpcmd_send( SOCKET s, // socket descriptor
char *buf, // data buffer
int len, // length of data buffer
int flags // transmission flags
void s_perror( char *yourmsg, // your message to be displayed
int lerrno // errno to be converted
void fatal(char * message);
//#ifndef WIN16
//struct netent *getnetbyname(IN char *name);
//unsigned long inet_network(IN char *cp);
//#endif // WIN16
#define perror(string) s_perror(string, (int)GetLastError())
#define HZ 1000
#define TCGETA 0x4
#define TCSETA 0x10
#define ECHO 17
#define SIGPIPE 99
#define MAX_RETRANSMISSION_TIME 8 // in seconds
// if x is aabbccdd (where aa, bb, cc, dd are hex bytes)
// we want net_long(x) to be ddccbbaa. A small and fast way to do this is
// to first byteswap it to get bbaaddcc and then swap high and low words.
// ULONG x)
// register ULONG byteswapped;
// byteswapped = ((x & 0x00ff00ff) << 8) | ((x & 0xff00ff00) >> 8);
// return (byteswapped << 16) | (byteswapped >> 16);
// end for tcpcmd.h
// Definitions
#define MAX_ID_LENGTH 50
// Table Types
#define TYPE_IF 0
#define TYPE_IP 1
#define TYPE_IPADDR 2
#define TYPE_ROUTE 3
#define TYPE_ARP 4
#define TYPE_ICMP 5
#define TYPE_TCP 6
#define TYPE_TCPCONN 7
#define TYPE_UDP 8
#define TYPE_UDPCONN 9
// Structure Definitions
typedef struct _GenericTable { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; } GenericTable;
typedef struct _IfEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; IFEntry Info; } IfEntry;
typedef struct _IpEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; IPSNMPInfo Info; } IpEntry;
typedef struct _IpAddrEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; IPAddrEntry Info; } IpAddrEntry;
typedef struct _RouteEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; IPRouteEntry Info; } RouteEntry;
typedef struct _ArpEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; IPNetToMediaEntry Info; } ArpEntry;
typedef struct _IcmpEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ICMPStats InInfo; ICMPStats OutInfo; } IcmpEntry;
typedef struct _TcpEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; TCPStats Info; } TcpEntry;
typedef struct _TcpConnEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; TCPConnTableEntry Info; } TcpConnEntry;
typedef struct _UdpEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; UDPStats Info; } UdpEntry;
typedef struct _UdpConnEntry { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; UDPEntry Info; } UdpConnEntry;
// Function Prototypes
void *GetTable( ulong Type, ulong *pResult ); void FreeTable( GenericTable *pList ); ulong MapSnmpErrorToNt( ulong ErrCode ); ulong InetEqual( uchar *Inet1, uchar *Inet2 ); ulong PutMsg(ulong Handle, ulong MsgNum, ... ); uchar *LoadMsg( ulong MsgNum, ... );