// MemberAccess.h : Declaration of the CSsrMemberAccess
#pragma once
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "global.h"
using namespace std;
class CSsrFilePair { public:
CSsrFilePair(BSTR bstrFirst, BSTR bstrSecond, bool bIsStatic = false, bool bIsExecutable = true) : m_bstrFirst(bstrFirst), m_bstrSecond(bstrSecond), m_bIsStatic(bIsStatic), m_bIsExecutable(bIsExecutable) {}
BSTR GetFirst()const { return m_bstrFirst; }
BSTR GetSecond()const { return m_bstrSecond; }
bool IsExecutable()const { return m_bIsExecutable; }
bool IsStatic()const { return m_bIsStatic; }
protected: //
// we don't want anyone (include self) to be able to do an assignment
// or invoking copy constructor.
CSsrFilePair (const CSsrFilePair& ); void operator = (const CSsrFilePair& );
private: CComBSTR m_bstrFirst; CComBSTR m_bstrSecond; bool m_bIsExecutable; bool m_bIsStatic; };
class CSsrProcedure { protected:
// we don't allow direct construction. The only way to do it is
// via LoadProcedure.
public: ~CSsrProcedure();
static HRESULT StaticLoadProcedure ( IN IXMLDOMNode * pNode, IN bool bDefProc, IN LPCWSTR pwszProgID, OUT CSsrProcedure ** ppNewProc );
bool IsDefaultProcedure()const { return m_bIsDefault; }
ULONG GetFilePairCount()const { return m_vecFilePairs.size(); }
CSsrFilePair * GetFilePair( IN ULONG lIndex )const { if (lIndex < m_vecFilePairs.size()) { return m_vecFilePairs[lIndex]; } else { return NULL; } }
// Warning: don't ever release this returned BSTR!
BSTR GetProgID() const { return m_bstrProgID; }
protected: //
// we don't want anyone (include self) to be able to do an assignment
// or invoking copy constructor.
CSsrProcedure (const CSsrProcedure& ); void operator = (const CSsrProcedure& );
bool m_bIsDefault; CComBSTR m_bstrProgID;
vector<CSsrFilePair*> m_vecFilePairs; };
// CMemberAD encapsulate member specific action data. Each CSsrMemberAccess
// has an array of this class that keeps track of information for each action
class CMemberAD { protected:
// we don't want anyone (include self) to be able to do an assignment
// or invoking copy constructor.
void operator = (const CMemberAD& ); CMemberAD (const CMemberAD& );
// Outsiders must load call LoadAD to create an instance
// of this class.
CMemberAD ( IN SsrActionVerb lActionVerb, IN LONG lActionType );
static HRESULT LoadAD ( IN LPCWSTR pwszMemberName, IN IXMLDOMNode * pActionNode, IN LPCWSTR pwszProgID, OUT CMemberAD ** ppMAD ); const BSTR GetActionName()const { return SsrPGetActionVerbString(m_AT.GetAction()); }
LONG GetType()const { return m_AT.GetActionType(); }
const CActionType * GetActionType()const { return &m_AT; }
int GetProcedureCount()const { return m_vecProcedures.size(); }
const CSsrProcedure * GetProcedure (ULONG lIndex) { if (lIndex < m_vecProcedures.size()) { return m_vecProcedures[lIndex]; } else { return NULL; } }
HRESULT LoadProcedure ( IN LPCWSTR pwszMemberName, IN IXMLDOMNode * pNode, IN LPCWSTR pwszProgID );
CActionType m_AT; vector<CSsrProcedure*> m_vecProcedures; };
// CSsrMemberAccess
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSsrMemberAccess : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public IDispatchImpl<ISsrMemberAccess, &IID_ISsrMemberAccess, &LIBID_SSRLib> { protected: CSsrMemberAccess() : m_ulMajorVersion(0), m_ulMinorVersion(0) { }
virtual ~CSsrMemberAccess() { Cleanup(); }
// ISsrMemberAccess
STDMETHOD(GetSupportedActions) ( IN BOOL bDefault, OUT VARIANT * pvarArrayActionNames //[out, retval]
STDMETHOD(get_Name) ( OUT BSTR * pbstrName // [out, retval]
STDMETHOD(get_SsrMember) ( OUT VARIANT * pvarSsrMember //[out, retval]
HRESULT Load ( IN LPCWSTR wszMemberFilePath );
CMemberAD * GetActionDataObject ( IN SsrActionVerb lActionVerb, IN LONG lActionType );
HRESULT MoveOutputFiles ( IN SsrActionVerb lActionVerb, IN LPCWSTR pwszDirPathSrc, IN LPCWSTR pwszDirPathDest, IN bool bIsDelete, IN bool bLog );
DWORD GetActionCost ( IN SsrActionVerb lActionVerb, IN LONG lActionType )const;
// ******************** Warning ********************
// Caller be awared! This is an internal helper for efficient retrieval
// of name. Caller must not release the returned BSTR in any form.
// ******************** Warning ********************
const BSTR GetName()const { return m_bstrName; }
const BSTR GetProgID()const { return m_bstrProgID; }
void Cleanup();
CComBSTR m_bstrName;
CComBSTR m_bstrProgID;
MapMemberAD m_mapMemAD;
ULONG m_ulMajorVersion; ULONG m_ulMinorVersion;