// SSRLog.h : Declaration of the CSSRLog
#pragma once
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "SSRTE.h"
#include "wbemcli.h"
// CSSRLog
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSsrLog : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CSsrLog, &CLSID_SsrLog>, public IDispatchImpl<ISsrLog, &IID_ISsrLog, &LIBID_SSRLib> { protected: CSsrLog(); virtual ~CSsrLog(); //
// we don't want anyone (include self) to be able to do an assignment
// or invoking copy constructor.
CSsrLog (const CSsrLog& ); void operator = (const CSsrLog& );
// ISsrLog
STDMETHOD(LogString) ( IN BSTR bstrLogRecord ) { return PrivateLogString(bstrLogRecord); }
STDMETHOD(LogResult) ( IN BSTR bstrSrc, IN LONG lErrorCode, IN LONG lErrorCodeType );
STDMETHOD(get_LogFilePath) ( OUT BSTR * pbstrLogFilePath );
STDMETHOD(put_LogFile) ( IN BSTR bstrLogFile );
HRESULT PrivateLogString ( IN LPCWSTR pwszLogRecord );
HRESULT GetErrorText ( IN LONG lErrorCode, IN LONG lCodeType, OUT BSTR * pbstrErrorText );
HRESULT CreateLogFilePath ();
HRESULT GetWbemErrorText ( HRESULT hrCode, BSTR * pbstrErrText );
CComPtr<IWbemStatusCodeText> m_srpStatusCodeText; CComBSTR m_bstrLogFilePath; CComBSTR m_bstrLogFile; };
const LONG FBLog_Log = 0x01000000;
// these are for logging only, not for feedback. Please see SSR_FB_ALL_MASK
const LONG FBLog_Stack = 0x10000000; // for call stack only
const LONG FBLog_Verbose = 0x20000000; // intended for verbose logging only
const LONG FBLog_VerboseMask = 0xF0000000;
// helper class to do feedback and logging. We will only have one object
// instance of this class.
class CFBLogMgr { protected: //
// we don't want anyone (include self) to be able to do an assignment
// or invoking copy constructor.
CFBLogMgr (const CFBLogMgr& ); void operator = (const CFBLogMgr& );
public: CFBLogMgr(); ~CFBLogMgr();
HRESULT SetFeedbackSink ( IN VARIANT varSink );
// We will release the feedback object once the action
// is completed instead of holding on to the object for
// future use.
void TerminateFeedback();
// This will cause the logging header to be modified
void SetMemberAction ( IN LPCWSTR pwszMember, IN LPCWSTR pwszAction );
// This will do both logging and feedback.
void LogFeedback ( IN LONG lSsrFbLogMsg, IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN LPCWSTR pwszObjDetail, IN ULONG uCauseResID );
// This will do both logging and feedback.
void LogFeedback ( IN LONG lSsrFbLogMsg, IN LPCWSTR pwszError, IN LPCWSTR pwszObjDetail, IN ULONG uCauseResID );
// This only does logging, no feedback. The error code will
// be used to lookup the error text (assuming this is not WBEM error)
void LogError ( IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN LPCWSTR pwszMember, IN LPCWSTR pwszExtraInfo );
// will return the ISsrLog object this helper class uses
HRESULT GetLogObject ( OUT VARIANT * pvarVal );
// will just log the text to the log file
void LogString ( IN LPCWSTR pwszText ) { if (m_pLog != NULL) { m_pLog->PrivateLogString(pwszText); } }
// will just log the text (using resource id) with pwszDetail
// inserted into the text (if not NULL)
void LogString ( IN DWORD dwResID, IN LPCWSTR pwszDetail );
// entire process will take these many steps
void SetTotalSteps ( IN DWORD dwTotal );
// progress has moved forward these many steps
void Steps ( IN DWORD dwSteps );
// Since this is an internal class, we don't intend to create multiple
// instance of this class. This mutex is thus a single instance
HANDLE m_hLogMutex;
bool NeedLog ( IN LONG lFbMsg )const { return ( m_pLog != NULL && ( (lFbMsg & FBLog_Log) || ( (lFbMsg & FBLog_VerboseMask) && m_bVerbose) ) ); }
bool NeedFeedback ( IN LONG lFbMsg )const { return ( (lFbMsg & SSR_FB_ALL_MASK) && (m_srpFeedback != NULL) ); }
HRESULT GetLogString ( IN ULONG uCauseResID, IN LPCWSTR pwszText, IN LPCWSTR pwszObjDetail, IN LONG lSsrFbMsg, OUT BSTR * pbstrLogStr )const;
HRESULT GetLogString ( IN ULONG uCauseResID, IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN LPCWSTR pwszObjDetail, IN LONG lSsrFbMsg, OUT BSTR * pbstrLogStr )const;
CComObject<CSsrLog> * m_pLog; CComPtr<ISsrFeedbackSink> m_srpFeedback;
DWORD m_dwRemainSteps;
bool m_bVerbose;
CComBSTR m_bstrVerboseHeading; };