The original filename was created in RuiM's EFS common library. I have since changed it severely.
* FileName: delegation.c * Author: RuiM * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corp. * CONTENTS: U(QueryAccountControlFlags) U(SetAccountControlFlags) U(LdapFindAttributeInMessage) U(LdapSearchForUniqueDn)
#pragma warning(disable:4057) /* indirection to slightly different
base types. Useless warning that hits thousands of times in this file. */ #pragma warning(disable:4221) /* allow nonstandard extension (automatic
initialization of a variable with address of another automatic variable) */
#include "unimacro.h"
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntdef.h> // required to keep winbase.h from breaking
#include <ntpoapi.h> // required to keep winbase.h from breaking
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "delegation.h"
#include "delegtools.h"
// These constants are required for queries below.
TCHAR U(SamAccountAttribute) [] = TEXT("samAccountName"); TCHAR U(UserAccountAttribute) [] = TEXT("userAccountControl"); TCHAR U(NamingContextAttribute)[] = TEXT("defaultNamingContext");
NAME: U(LdapFindAttributeInMessage)
This searches for a given attribute in a message (via ldap_get_values_len) and returns the value. Note that this function will fail if the attribute has multiple values.
MODIFIES: pcbData -- receives length of the data (in bytes) ppvData -- receives pointer to the data
TAKES: pLdap -- ldap connection handle pMessage -- message to search PropertyName -- property to find in the message
RETURNS: TRUE when the function succeeds. FALSE otherwise. LASTERROR: not set
LOGGING: printf on error
CALLED BY: anyone FREE WITH: ppvdata should be freed with free() **************************************************************--*/
BOOL U(LdapFindAttributeInMessage)( IN PLDAP pLdap, IN PLDAPMessage pMessage, IN LPTSTR PropertyName, OUT OPTIONAL PULONG pcbData, OUT OPTIONAL PVOID *ppvData ) {
ppBerVals = ldap_get_values_len( pLdap, pMessage, PropertyName );
if ( ppBerVals ) { if ( ppBerVals[ 0 ] == NULL ) {
printf( "ERROR: empty berval structure returned when parsing " STRING_FMTA " attribute.\n", PropertyName );
} else if ( ppBerVals[ 1 ] != NULL ) {
printf( "ERROR: nonunique berval structure returned " "when parsing " STRING_FMTA " attribute.\n", PropertyName );
} else {
/* this sequence is arranged in such a way that
the important stuff comes last, keeping us from having to free ppvData after we've alloc'd it. */
ret = TRUE;
if ( pcbData ) {
*pcbData = ppBerVals[ 0 ]->bv_len; }
if ( ppvData ) {
*ppvData = malloc( ppBerVals[ 0 ]->bv_len );
if ( *ppvData ) {
memcpy( *ppvData, ppBerVals[ 0 ]->bv_val, ppBerVals[ 0 ]->bv_len );
} else {
printf( "Failed to allocate %ld bytes.\n", ppBerVals[ 0 ]->bv_len );
ret = FALSE; } } }
ldap_value_free_len( ppBerVals );
} else {
printf( "Failed to retrieve values for property " STRING_FMTA ": 0x%x.\n", PropertyName, pLdap->ld_errno );
SetLastError( pLdap->ld_errno ); }
return ret; }
NAME: U(LdapSearchForUniqueDn)
Searches the DS for a DN with a match for the given search term.
MODIFIES: pDnOfObject -- if requested, receives the object's DN ppMessage -- if requested, receives the message data
TAKES: pLdap -- ldap handle returned by ldap_open SearchTerm -- what to search, e.g. "(foo=bar)" rzRequestedAttributes -- attributes to return in ppMessage
RETURNS: TRUE when the function succeeds. FALSE otherwise or if the result is nonunique (WASBUG 73899). LASTERROR: not set
LOGGING: printf on failure
CALLED BY: anyone FREE WITH: free pDnOfObject with ldap_memfree free ppMessage with ldap_msgfree **************************************************************--*/
BOOL U(LdapSearchForUniqueDn)( IN PLDAP pLdap, IN LPTSTR SearchTerm, IN LPTSTR *rzRequestedAttributes, OUT OPTIONAL LPTSTR *pDnOfObject, OUT OPTIONAL PLDAPMessage *ppMessage ) {
DWORD dwErr; PLDAPMessage pMessage = NULL; PLDAPMessage pResult = NULL; LPTSTR pDn = NULL; LPTSTR *ppAttrs = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; LPTSTR Attrs[] = { U(NamingContextAttribute), NULL };
/* First, determine the default naming context property for the base
of the DSA. */
dwErr = ldap_search_s( pLdap, NULL, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, TEXT("objectClass=*"), Attrs, FALSE, &pResult );
if ( dwErr == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
ppAttrs = ldap_get_values( pLdap, pResult, U(NamingContextAttribute) );
if ( ppAttrs ) {
dwErr = ldap_search_s( pLdap, ppAttrs[ 0 ], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, // search the whole tree
SearchTerm, rzRequestedAttributes, FALSE, // don't only return attr names
&pMessage );
/* ldap_search_s can return a whole bunch of potential
"success" errors. So, I'll check to see that pMessage is nonnull. This may or may not be a good thing to do, but it's bound to be safer than checking the error output. */
if ( pMessage != NULL ) {
// make sure the response is unique
if ( !ldap_first_entry( pLdap, pMessage ) ) {
printf( "WARNING: search term \"" STRING_FMTA "\" " "produced no results.\n", SearchTerm );
} else if ( ldap_next_entry( pLdap, ldap_first_entry( pLdap, pMessage ) ) ) {
/* Nonunique search result. Warn the user and
drop out. */
PLDAPMessage p = pMessage; ULONG i = 1;
printf( "WARNING: search term \"" STRING_FMTA "\" returns " "multiple results (should be unique).\n" "\n" "The results follow:\n", SearchTerm );
for ( p = ldap_first_entry( pLdap, pMessage ); p != NULL ; p = ldap_next_entry( pLdap, p ), i++ ) {
pDn = ldap_get_dn( pLdap, p );
if ( !pDn ) {
printf( "%2ld. <Unknown DN: 0x%x>\n", i, pLdap->ld_errno );
} else {
printf( "%2ld. %hs\n", i, pDn );
ldap_memfreeA( pDn ); } }
} else {
ret = TRUE; // go optimistic
if ( pDnOfObject ) { pDn = ldap_get_dn( pLdap, pMessage );
if ( pDn ) {
*pDnOfObject = pDn;
} else {
printf( "Failed to get DN from search result: 0x%x\n", pLdap->ld_errno );
SetLastError( pLdap->ld_errno );
ret = FALSE; } }
if ( ret && ppMessage ) {
*ppMessage = pMessage; pMessage = NULL;
} }
if ( pMessage ) { ldap_msgfree( pMessage ); }
} else {
printf( "FAILED: ldap_search_s failed for search term \"" STRING_FMTA "\": 0x%x", SearchTerm, dwErr );
SetLastError( dwErr ); }
} else {
printf( "FAILED: default naming context does not include" " requisite attribute " STRING_FMTA ".\n",
U(NamingContextAttribute) );
ldap_msgfree( pResult );
} else {
printf( "FAILED: unable to query default naming context: 0x%x.\n", dwErr );
SetLastError( dwErr ); }
return ret; }
#pragma warning(disable:4100) /* unreferenced formal parameter */
BOOL U(LdapQueryUlongAttribute)( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPTSTR DomainName, // ignored
IN LPTSTR SamAccountName, IN LPTSTR AttributeName, OUT PULONG pulAttributeContents ) {
BOOL CloseLdap = FALSE; BOOL ret = FALSE; LPTSTR Query = NULL; LPTSTR StringAttr = NULL; LPTSTR ArrayOfAttributes[] = { AttributeName, NULL }; PLDAPMessage pMessage = NULL;
#if 1
ASSERT( pLdap != NULL ); /* Change from the spec. */ #else
if ( !pLdap ) {
CloseLdap = ConnectAndBindToDefaultDsa( &pLdap ); } #endif
if ( pLdap ) { #define EXTRA_STUFF TEXT("(objectClass=*)")
Query = (LPTSTR) malloc( ( lstrlen( SamAccountName ) + sizeof( "( & (=) )") /* remaining
components */ ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) + sizeof( U(SamAccountAttribute )) + sizeof( EXTRA_STUFF ) );
if ( Query ) {
wsprintf( Query, TEXT("(& ") EXTRA_STUFF TEXT("(%s=%s))"), U(SamAccountAttribute), SamAccountName );
if ( U(LdapSearchForUniqueDn)( pLdap, Query, ArrayOfAttributes, NULL, // don't need the DN back.
&pMessage )) {
if ( U(LdapFindAttributeInMessage)( pLdap, pMessage, AttributeName, NULL, // don't care about length
&StringAttr ) ) {
*pulAttributeContents = _tcstoul( StringAttr, NULL, // no endpoint
0 /* use hex or dec as
appropriate */ );
ret = TRUE; } // else message already printed
ldap_msgfree( pMessage ); } // else message already printed.
free( Query );
} else {
printf( "FAILED: couldn't allocate memory.\n" ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } // close the ldap handle if we opened it.
if ( CloseLdap ) ldap_unbind( pLdap );
} // else printf'd already.
return ret; }
NAME: U(QueryAccountControlFlags)
Opens a user and retrieves the user account control flags for it, using the DS.
MODIFIES: pulControlFlags - returned control flags on the user.
TAKES: pLdap -- optional LDAP connection; if null, we'll make our own and close it when finished. DomainName -- domain in which to search for that account. This is not currently implemented-- for future use in order to support nonunique accountnames that differ only by domain name. SamAccountName -- accountname to query (with $ for computers)
RETURNS: TRUE when the function succeeds. FALSE otherwise. LASTERROR: set.
LOGGING: printf on failure.
CALLED BY: anyone FREE WITH: n/a **************************************************************--*/
BOOL U(QueryAccountControlFlags)( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPTSTR DomainName, // ignored
IN LPTSTR SamAccountName, OUT PULONG pulControlFlags ) {
return U(LdapQueryUlongAttribute)( pLdap, DomainName, SamAccountName, U(UserAccountAttribute), pulControlFlags ); }
NAME: U(SetAccountControlFlags)
Sets the accountcontrolflags on a specified account. Pretty much what the function name says.
MODIFIES: account's control flags
TAKES: pLdap -- if specified, DS handle to use DomainName -- account's domain (mbz) SamAccountName -- account for which to search AccountControlFlags -- flags to set on the account
RETURNS: TRUE when the function succeeds. FALSE otherwise. LASTERROR: set
LOGGING: printf on failure
CALLED BY: anyone FREE WITH: n/a **************************************************************--*/
BOOL U(SetAccountControlFlags)( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPTSTR DomainName, IN LPTSTR SamAccountName, IN ULONG AccountControlFlags ) {
BOOL CloseLdap = FALSE; BOOL ret = FALSE; LPTSTR Query = NULL; LPTSTR StringAttr = NULL; LPTSTR ArrayOfAttributes[] = { U(UserAccountAttribute), NULL }; LPTSTR Dn; DWORD dwErr;
#if 1
ASSERT( pLdap != NULL ); /* Change from the spec. */ #else
if ( !pLdap ) {
CloseLdap = ConnectAndBindToDefaultDsa( &pLdap );
} #endif
if ( pLdap ) {
Query = (LPTSTR) malloc( ( lstrlen( SamAccountName ) + sizeof( "( & (=) )") /* remaining
components */ ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) + sizeof( U(SamAccountAttribute )) + sizeof( EXTRA_STUFF ) );
if ( Query ) {
wsprintf( Query, TEXT("(& ") EXTRA_STUFF TEXT("(%s=%s))"), U(SamAccountAttribute), SamAccountName );
if ( U(LdapSearchForUniqueDn)( pLdap, Query, ArrayOfAttributes, &Dn, NULL /* don't need the message
back */ ) ) {
#pragma warning(disable:4204) /* nonstandard extension:
non-constant aggregate initializer (e.g. assign an array in the initialization of a structure) */
TCHAR Buffer[ 50 ]; // arbitrary
LPTSTR Strings[] = { Buffer, NULL }; LDAPMod TheMod = { LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, U(UserAccountAttribute), Strings, }; PLDAPMod rzMods[] = { &TheMod, NULL };
wsprintf( Buffer, TEXT("%ld"), AccountControlFlags );
dwErr = ldap_modify_s( pLdap, Dn, rzMods );
if ( dwErr == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
ret = TRUE;
} else {
printf( "Failed to modify " STRING_FMTA " attribute to %ld (0x%x)" " on " STRING_FMTA ": 0x%x\n", U(UserAccountAttribute), AccountControlFlags, AccountControlFlags, Dn, dwErr );
SetLastError( dwErr ); }
ldap_memfree( Dn ); } // else message already printed.
free( Query );
} else {
printf( "FAILED: couldn't allocate memory.\n" ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } // close the ldap handle if we opened it.
if ( CloseLdap ) ldap_unbind( pLdap ); } // else printf'd already.
return ret; }