umappl to set properties.
Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved.
Created, Jun 18, 1998 by DavidCHR.
#include "master.h"
#include "keytab.h"
#include <winldap.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "secprinc.h"
#include "options.h"
int __cdecl main( int argc, PCHAR argv[] ) {
LPSTR TargetDn = NULL; LPSTR PropertyName = NULL; LPSTR PropertyValue = NULL; ULONG Operation = LDAP_MOD_ADD;
optEnumStruct Operations[] = {
{ "Add", (PVOID) LDAP_MOD_ADD, "Add the value (default)" }, { "Replace", (PVOID) LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, "change the value" }, { "Delete", (PVOID) LDAP_MOD_DELETE, "Delete the value" },
optionStruct options[] = {
{ "?", NULL, OPT_HELP }, { "TargetDn", &TargetDn, OPT_STRING | OPT_NONNULL | OPT_DEFAULT, "target to set property of." }, { "PropertyName", &PropertyName, OPT_STRING | OPT_NONNULL | OPT_DEFAULT, "Name of the property we're setting." },
{ "PropertyVal", &PropertyValue, OPT_STRING | OPT_NONNULL | OPT_DEFAULT, "Value we'll set the property to." },
{ "op", &Operation, OPT_ENUMERATED | OPT_ENUM_IS_MASK, "What to do to the object property", Operations },
}; PVOID pvTrash; PLDAP pLdap; LPSTR BaseDn; int ret;
ParseOptionsEx( argc-1, argv+1, options, OPT_FLAG_TERMINATE, &pvTrash, NULL, NULL );
if ( ConnectToDsa( &pLdap, &BaseDn ) ) {
free( BaseDn );
if ( SetStringProperty( pLdap, TargetDn, PropertyName, PropertyValue, Operation ) ) {
ret = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "success!\n" );
} else ret = GetLastError();
ldap_unbind( pLdap );
} else ret = 3;
return ret;