Implementation of the actual keytab routines.
Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Created 01-10-1997 DavidCHR
#include "master.h"
#include "keytab.h"
#include "keytypes.h"
#include "defs.h"
/* declaring KEYTAB_ALLOC and KEYTAB_FREE lets me hook into these
routines whenever I want. when it's done, I'll just #def them. */
return malloc(numBytes);
PKTENT CloneKeyEntry( PKTENT pEntry ) {
p = (PKTENT) KEYTAB_ALLOC( sizeof( KTENT ) ); BREAK_IF( p == NULL, "Failed to alloc base key struct", cleanup ); memcpy( p, pEntry, sizeof(KTENT) );
p->Components = NULL; // initialize these in case of failure.
p->KeyData = NULL;
p->Realm = (PCHAR) KEYTAB_ALLOC( p->szRealm ); BREAK_IF( p->Realm == NULL, "Failed to alloc realm data", cleanup ); memcpy( p->Realm, pEntry->Realm, p->szRealm );
p->Components = (PKTCOMPONENT) KEYTAB_ALLOC( p->cEntries * sizeof(KTCOMPONENT) );
BREAK_IF( p->Components == NULL, "Failed to alloc components", cleanup );
for ( i = 0 ; i < p->cEntries ; i++ ) {
p->Components[i].szComponentData = pEntry->Components[i].szComponentData;
memcpy( p ->Components[i].Component, pEntry->Components[i].Component, p ->Components[i].szComponentData ); }
p->KeyData = (PK5_OCTET) KEYTAB_ALLOC ( p->KeyLength ); BREAK_IF( p->KeyData == NULL, "Failed to alloc keydata", cleanup ); memcpy( p->KeyData, pEntry->KeyData, p->KeyLength );
return p;
FreeKeyEntry(p); return NULL; }
/* base linklist operations */
BOOL AddEntryToKeytab( PKTFILE Keytab, PKTENT Entry, BOOL copy ) {
if (copy) { p = CloneKeyEntry( Entry ); } else { p = Entry; }
if (p == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
if ( NULL == Keytab->FirstKeyEntry ) {
Keytab->FirstKeyEntry = Keytab->LastKeyEntry = p;
} else { Keytab->LastKeyEntry->nextEntry = p; Keytab->LastKeyEntry = p; }
return TRUE;
BOOL RemoveEntryFromKeytab( PKTFILE Keytab, PKTENT Entry, BOOL dealloc ) {
if ( (NULL == Keytab) || ( NULL == Entry ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( Keytab->FirstKeyEntry == Entry ) {
// removing the first key
Keytab->FirstKeyEntry = Entry->nextEntry;
if ( Entry->nextEntry == NULL ) { // we're the ONLY entry.
Keytab->LastKeyEntry = NULL;
} else { BOOL found=FALSE; PKTENT p;
// scroll through the keys, looking for this one.
// not very efficient, but keytabs shouldn't get very big.
for (p = Keytab->FirstKeyEntry; p != NULL; p = p->nextEntry ) {
if (p->nextEntry == Entry) { found = TRUE; p->nextEntry = Entry->nextEntry; break; } }
if (!found) {
// wasn't in the linklist.
return FALSE; }
if (Entry->nextEntry == NULL ) {
// removing the last key entry.
Keytab->LastKeyEntry = p; }
if (dealloc) {
return TRUE;
VOID FreeKeyEntry( PKTENT pEntry) {
if (pEntry != NULL) {
if (pEntry->Realm != NULL ) { KEYTAB_FREE(pEntry->Realm); }
if (pEntry->KeyData != NULL) { KEYTAB_FREE(pEntry->KeyData); }
if (pEntry->Components != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < pEntry->cEntries ; i++ ) { if ( pEntry->Components[i].Component != NULL ) { KEYTAB_FREE(pEntry->Components[i].Component); } } KEYTAB_FREE(pEntry->Components); }
KEYTAB_FREE(pEntry ); }
VOID FreeKeyTab( PKTFILE pktf ) {
if (pktf != NULL) { for (pEntry = pktf->FirstKeyEntry ; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = next ) { KTLONG32 i;
next = pEntry->nextEntry; /* must do this, because we're freeing
as we go */ FreeKeyEntry( pEntry );
} KEYTAB_FREE(pktf); }
/* These macros make this somewhat LESS painful */
#define READ(readwhat, errormsg, statusmsg) { \
debug(statusmsg); \ BREAK_IF( !Read(hFile, &(readwhat), sizeof(readwhat), 1), \ errormsg, cleanup); \ debug("ok\n"); \ }
#define READSTRING(readwhat, howlong, errormsg, statusmsg) { \
debug(statusmsg); \ BREAK_IF( !Read(hFile, readwhat, sizeof(CHAR), howlong), \ errormsg, cleanup); \ debug("ok\n"); \ }
#define WRITE(writewhat, description) { \
debug("writing %hs...", description); \ BREAK_IF( !Write(hFile, &(writewhat), sizeof(writewhat), 1), \ "error writing " description, cleanup); \ debug("ok\n"); \ }
#define WRITE_STRING(writewhat, howlong, description) { \
debug("writing %hs...", description); \ BREAK_IF( !Write(hFile, writewhat, sizeof(CHAR), howlong), \ "error writing " description, cleanup); \ debug("ok\n"); \ }
#define WRITE_X( size, marshaller, writewhat, description ) { \
K5_INT##size k5_marshaller_variable; \ k5_marshaller_variable = marshaller( writewhat );\ WRITE( k5_marshaller_variable, description );\ }
// NBO-- Network Byte Order
#define WRITE_NBO( writewhat, description) {\
switch( sizeof( writewhat ) ) {\ case 1: /* marshall a char? */\ debug("marshalling a char(?)...");\ WRITE( writewhat, description );\ break;\ case 2:\ debug( #writewhat ": marshalling a short...");\ WRITE_X( 16, htons, ((unsigned short)writewhat), description);\ break;\ case 4:\ debug( #writewhat ": marshalling a long...");\ WRITE_X( 32, htonl, writewhat, description);\ break;\ default:\ fprintf(stderr, "Not written: argument is of unhandled size (%d)\n",\ sizeof(writewhat));\ }}
/* Write:
helper function to write raw bytes to disk. Takes:
hFile: handle to a file open for writing. source: pointer to data to be written to the file szSource: size of one data element in Source numSources: number of data elements in Source
(basically, it tries to write szSource * numSources of raw bytes from source to the file at hFile).
returns TRUE if it succeeds, and FALSE otherwise.
BOOL Write( IN HANDLE hFile, IN PVOID source, IN KTLONG32 szSource, IN KTLONG32 numSources /* =1 */ ) {
#ifdef WINNT /* Windows NT implementation of the file write call */
KTLONG32 temp; KTLONG32 i;
temp = szSource * numSources;
debug("(writing %d bytes: ", temp ); for (i = 0; i < temp ; i++ ) {
unsigned char byte;
byte = ((PCHAR) source)[i];
debug("%02x", byte ); } debug(")");
return WriteFile( hFile, source, temp, &temp, NULL );
ssize_t bytesToWrite, bytesWritten;
bytesToWrite = szSource * numSources; bytesWritten = write( hFile, (const void *)source, bytesToWrite );
if( bytesWritten == -1 ) { debug("WARNING: nothing written to the file! Errno = 0x%x / %d\n", errno , errno ); return FALSE; }
if ( bytesWritten != bytesToWrite ) { debug("WARNING: not all bytes made it to the file (?)\n" " errno = 0x%x / %d\n", errno, errno ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
/* Read:
Semantics and return are the same as for "Write", except that target is filled with szTarget*numTargets bytes from hFile, and that hFile must be open for read access.
BOOL Read( IN HANDLE hFile, OUT PVOID target, IN KTLONG32 szTarget, IN KTLONG32 numTargets/* =1 */) {
#ifdef WINNT /* the SetFilePointer shinanigens are me trying to check on
how many bytes have ACTUALLY been read/written from the file */
KTLONG32 temp; KTLONG32 filepos; LONG zero=0L;
filepos = SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, &zero, FILE_CURRENT);
debug("reading %d bytes from pos 0x%x...", szTarget * numTargets, filepos);
ret = ReadFile( hFile, target, (szTarget*numTargets), &temp, NULL );
if ( !ret ) {
debug( "ReadFile failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
} else if ( !temp ) {
debug( "ReadFile read zero bytes. Assuming EOF\n" );
SetLastError( ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ); ret = FALSE;
} else {
temp = SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, &zero, FILE_CURRENT); if ( filepos == temp ) { debug("WARNING! file position has not changed!"); SetLastError( ERROR_NO_DATA ); return FALSE; } }
#else /* UNIX IMPLEMENTATION-- since read() returns the number of bytes
that we actually read from the file, the SetFilePointer (fseek) nonsense is not required. */
ssize_t bytesRead; ssize_t bytesToRead;
bytesToRead = szTarget * numTargets;
bytesRead = read( hFile, target, bytesToRead );
if ( bytesRead == -1 ) { debug("WARNING! An error occurred while writing to the file!\n" "ERRNO: 0x%x / %d.\n", errno, errno );
ret = (bytesRead == bytesToRead );
return ret; }
BOOL ReadKeytabFromFile( PKTFILE *ppktfile, // free with FreeKeyTab when done
PCHAR filename ) {
BREAK_IF( ppktfile == NULL, "passed a NULL save-pointer", cleanup );
debug("Opening keytab file \"%hs\"...", filename);
#ifdef WINNT
BREAK_IF ( (NULL == hFile) || ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ), "Failed to open file!", cleanup );
hFile = open( filename, O_RDONLY, /* file mask is 0x550: read-write by user and group */ S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IRGRP );
BREAK_IF( hFile == -1, "Failed to open file!", cleanup );
ktfile = (PKTFILE) KEYTAB_ALLOC (sizeof(KTFILE));
/* Prefix bug 439480 resulted from the below BREAK_IF
being interchanged with initialization code. Duhhh. */
BREAK_IF( ktfile == NULL, "Failed to allocate ktfile", cleanup );
ktfile->FirstKeyEntry = ktfile->LastKeyEntry = NULL;
READ( ktfile->Version, "Failed to read KTVNO", "reading KTVNO");
/* Version number is stored in network byte order */
ktfile->Version = ntohs( ktfile->Version);
debug("Keytab version 0x%x\n", ktfile->Version );
do { PKTENT entry=NULL;
entry = (PKTENT) KEYTAB_ALLOC(sizeof(KTENT));
// PREFIX bug 439481: not checking the result of KEYTAB_ALLOC.
BREAK_IF( !entry, "Unable to alloc a new KTENT.", cleanup );
entry->Realm = NULL; entry->Components = NULL; entry->KeyData = NULL; entry->nextEntry = NULL;
#if 1
if ( !Read( hFile, &(entry->keySize), sizeof( entry->keySize ), 1 ) ) {
if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) {
fprintf( stderr, "\n ** Failed to read Keytab %hs's leading bytes: 0x%x\n", filename, GetLastError() );
} else {
ret = TRUE;
break; }
BREAK_IF( !Read( hFile, &(entry->keySize), sizeof(entry->keySize), 1), "Failed to read leading bytes (probably done)", no_more_entries ); #endif
entry->keySize = htonl(entry->keySize); debug("trash bytes: 0x%x\n", entry->keySize );
/* Quickly perform linklist operation on the new node */
if (NULL == ktfile->FirstKeyEntry) { ktfile->FirstKeyEntry = ktfile->LastKeyEntry = entry; } else { ktfile->LastKeyEntry->nextEntry = entry; ktfile->LastKeyEntry = entry; }
READ( entry->cEntries, "Failed to read key's number of components", "reading key components...");
entry->cEntries = ntohs( entry->cEntries ); debug("components number %d\n", entry->cEntries );
READ( entry->szRealm, "Failed to read key's realm size", "reading key realm size...");
entry->szRealm = ntohs( entry->szRealm ); debug("realm size %d\n", entry->szRealm);
entry->Realm = (PCHAR) KEYTAB_ALLOC( ( entry->szRealm +1 ) * sizeof(CHAR) );
BREAK_IF ( !entry->Realm, "Could not allocate key's realm storage", cleanup );
READSTRING( entry->Realm, entry->szRealm, "Could not read key's realmname", "reading realmname...");
entry->Realm[ entry->szRealm ] = '\0'; debug("realm: \"%hs\"\n", entry->Realm ); entry->Components = (PKTCOMPONENT) KEYTAB_ALLOC (entry->cEntries * sizeof(KTCOMPONENT));
BREAK_IF( !entry->Components, "Could not allocate key components!", cleanup );
for (i = 0 ; i < entry->cEntries ; i++ ) {
READ( entry->Components[i].szComponentData, "Failed to read component size for one entry", "reading key component size...");
entry->Components[i].szComponentData = ntohs( entry->Components[i].szComponentData );
debug("Component size: %d\n", entry->Components[i].szComponentData );
entry->Components[i].Component = (PCHAR) KEYTAB_ALLOC ( ( entry->Components[i].szComponentData +1 ) * sizeof(CHAR) );
entry->Components[i].Component[ entry->Components[i].szComponentData ] = '\0';
BREAK_IF( !entry->Components[i].Component, "Could not allocate entry component storage", cleanup );
READSTRING( entry->Components[i].Component, entry->Components[i].szComponentData, "Failed to read component data", "reading component data...");
debug("Component data: \"%hs\"\n", entry->Components[i].Component );
READ( entry->PrincType, "Failed to read principal type", "reading principal type...");
entry->PrincType = ntohl( entry->PrincType ); // in network byte order
debug("princtype: %d\n", entry->PrincType);
READ( entry->TimeStamp, "Failed to read entry timestamp", "reading timestamp...");
entry->TimeStamp = ntohl( entry->TimeStamp ); // also network bytes.
debug("Timestamp 0x%x\n", entry->TimeStamp );
READ( entry->Version, "Failed to read kvno", "reading kvno...");
// kvno is in host order already.
READ( entry->KeyType, "Failed to read entry encryption type", "reading encryption type...");
entry->KeyType = ntohs( entry->KeyType );
READ( entry->KeyLength, "Failed to read entry keylength", "reading keylength... ");
#if 1
entry->KeyLength = ntohs ( entry->KeyLength );
#else // I used to think this was 32-bit.
entry->KeyLength = ntohl ( entry->KeyLength ); #endif
debug("KeyLength is %d\n", entry->KeyLength);
entry->KeyData = (PK5_OCTET) KEYTAB_ALLOC (entry->KeyLength * sizeof(K5_OCTET));
BREAK_IF( !entry->KeyData, "Could not allocate entry keydata storage", cleanup );
READSTRING( entry->KeyData, entry->KeyLength, "Failed to read entry key data", "reading key data")
} while (1);
#ifdef WINNT
if ((hFile != NULL) && ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { CloseHandle(hFile); } #else
if (hFile != -1 ) { close(hFile); } #endif
if (ret) { *ppktfile = ktfile; } else { FreeKeyTab( ktfile ); } return ret;
/* define this macro only for DisplayKeytab.
It's a convenience routine to print this field only if the option is set. */
#define PRINTFIELD( option, format, value ) { if (options & option) { fprintf(stream, format, value); } }
/* DisplayKeytab:
prints out the keytab, using options to define which fields we want to actually see. (see keytab.hxx for what to put in "options") */
VOID DisplayKeytab( FILE *stream, PKTFILE ktfile, KTLONG32 options) {
if (options == 0L) { return; }
PRINTFIELD(KT_KTVNO, "Keytab version: 0x%x\n", ktfile->Version);
for (ent = ktfile->FirstKeyEntry ; ent != NULL; ent = ent->nextEntry ) {
PRINTFIELD( KT_RESERVED, "keysize %d ", ent->keySize );
for (i = 0 ; i < ent->cEntries ; i++ ) { PRINTFIELD( KT_COMPONENTS, (i == 0 ? "%hs" : "/%hs"), ent->Components[i].Component ); }
PRINTFIELD( KT_REALM, "@%hs", ent->Realm ); PRINTFIELD( KT_PRINCTYPE, " ptype %d", ent->PrincType ); PRINTFIELD( KT_PRINCTYPE, " (%hs)", LookupTable( ent->PrincType, &K5PType_Strings ).string); PRINTFIELD( KT_VNO, " vno %d", ent->Version ); PRINTFIELD( KT_KEYTYPE, " etype 0x%x", ent->KeyType ); PRINTFIELD( KT_KEYTYPE, " (%hs)", LookupTable( ent->KeyType, &K5EType_Strings ).string ); PRINTFIELD( KT_KEYLENGTH, " keylength %d", ent->KeyLength );
if (options & KT_KEYDATA ) {
fprintf(stream, " (0x" ); for ( i = 0 ; i < ent->KeyLength ; i++ ) { fprintf(stream, "%02x", ent->KeyData[i] ); } fprintf(stream, ")" ); }
fprintf(stream, "\n"); } }
#undef PRINTFIELD // we only need it for that function
/* computes the length of a kerberos keytab for the keySize field */
K5_INT32 ComputeKeytabLength( PKTENT p ) {
K5_INT32 ret=0L; KTLONG32 i;
// these are the variables within this level
ret = p->szRealm + p->KeyLength;
// these are static
ret += ( sizeof( p->cEntries ) + sizeof(p->szRealm) + sizeof( p->PrincType ) + sizeof( p->TimeStamp ) + sizeof( p->Version ) + sizeof (p->KeyLength ) + sizeof( p->KeyType ) );
for (i = 0 ; i < p->cEntries; i++ ) { ret += ( p->Components[i].szComponentData + sizeof(p->Components[i].szComponentData) ); }
debug("ComputeKeytabLength: returning %d\n", ret);
return ret; }
/* This depends very much on the same keytab model that
the other functions do */
BOOL WriteKeytabToFile( PKTFILE ktfile, PCHAR filename ) {
BREAK_IF( ktfile == NULL, "passed a NULL save-pointer", cleanup );
debug("opening keytab file \"%hs\" for write...", filename);
#ifdef WINNT
BREAK_IF( ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ), "Failed to create file!", cleanup );
hFile = open( filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, /* file mask is 0x550: read-write by user and group */ S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IRGRP );
BREAK_IF( hFile == -1, "Failed to create file!", cleanup );
WRITE_NBO( ktfile->Version, "KTFVNO" );
for( entry = ktfile->FirstKeyEntry ; entry != NULL ; entry = entry->nextEntry ) {
WRITE_NBO( entry->keySize, "key size (in bytes)");
WRITE_NBO( entry->cEntries, "number of components" ); WRITE_NBO( entry->szRealm, "Realm length" ); WRITE_STRING( entry->Realm, entry->szRealm, "Realm data" );
for (i = 0 ; i < entry->cEntries ; i++ ) { WRITE_NBO( entry->Components[i].szComponentData, "component datasize"); WRITE_STRING( entry->Components[i].Component, entry->Components[i].szComponentData, "component data"); }
WRITE_NBO( entry->PrincType, "Principal Type"); WRITE_NBO( entry->TimeStamp, "Timestamp" ); WRITE( entry->Version, "Key Version Number" ); WRITE_NBO( entry->KeyType, "Key Encryption Type" );
#if 0 // eh?
/* again, this is a kludge to get around the keylength
problem we can't explain */ #endif
ASSERT( sizeof( entry->KeyLength ) == 2 );
WRITE_NBO(entry->KeyLength, "key length" );
WRITE_STRING( entry->KeyData, entry->KeyLength, "key data itself" ); }
ret = TRUE;
cleanup: CloseHandle(hFile);
return ret;