Code for parsing a suboption list
DavidCHR 6/6/1997
#include "private.h"
Handler code for parsing a sublist entry.
BOOL ParseSublist( POPTU Option, PCHAR *argv, int argc, int theIndex,
int *argsused, ULONG flags, PBOOL pbDoneParsing, PSAVEQUEUE pQueue ) { PCHAR TheOption; ULONG i;
ASSERT( Option != NULL ); ASSERT( argv != NULL ); ASSERT( argc != 0 ); ASSERT( theIndex < argc );
OPTIONS_DEBUG( "ParseSublist: Option = 0x%x, argv=0x%x, " "argc=%d, theIndex=%d", Option, argv, argc, theIndex );
TheOption = argv[ theIndex ];
OPTIONS_DEBUG( "TheOption = [%d] %s... ", theIndex, TheOption );
for ( i = 0 ; TheOption[i] != ':' ; i++ ) { if ( TheOption[i] == '\0' ) { fprintf( stderr, "ParseOptions: %s should be of the form " "%s:option (:option:option...)\n", TheOption, TheOption ); return FALSE; } }
ASSERT( TheOption[i] == ':' ); /* algorithm check */
if ( !ISSWITCH( TheOption[0] ) ) {
/* The easy side--
just send the argc and argv structure in, MANGLING the first option */
/* we do not deal with pbStopParsing in this branch, because it seems
somehow unlikely that deep down in a nested substructure, someone would bury an option like this:
to stop the toplevel parser. */
OPTIONS_DEBUG( "ISSWITCH: easy case (%c is not a switch)", TheOption[0] );
ASSERT( argv[ theIndex ][i] == ':' );
argv[ theIndex ] += i+1;
ASSERT( argv[ theIndex ][0] != ':' );
return ParseOptionsEx( argc-theIndex, argv+theIndex, Option->optStruct, flags | OPT_FLAG_MEMORYLIST_OK, &pQueue, NULL, NULL ); } else {
/* The Hard part--
create a new vector of argv, pointing the first at the local buffer. Since the first buffer PROBABLY won't be used as a string (NOTE: if it's OPT_DEFAULT, it could be), it's safe to use this on the stack. */ PCHAR *newargv; ULONG j; ULONG total; /* total elements in the new list */ CHAR LocalBuffer[ 255 ]; BOOL ret; int tmp;
OPTIONS_DEBUG( "Hard case (%c is a switch): ", TheOption[0] );
sprintf( LocalBuffer, "%c%s", TheOption[0], TheOption+i+1 );
OPTIONS_DEBUG( "LocalBuffer = %s\n", LocalBuffer );
total = argc - theIndex ; /* 2? */ newargv = malloc( total * sizeof(PCHAR) );
if (!newargv) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory in ParseOptions\n"); return 0; }
newargv[0] = LocalBuffer;
for( j = 1 ; j < total ; j++ ) { OPTIONS_DEBUG( "j == %d, total == %d\n", j, total );
ASSERT( argv[j] != NULL ); ASSERT( (int)(j+theIndex) < argc ); newargv[j] = argv[j+theIndex ];
OPTIONS_DEBUG( "assign [%d] %s --> [%d] %s\n", j+theIndex, argv[j+theIndex], j, newargv[j] ); }
ret = ParseOneOption( total, newargv, 0 /* parse the first option */, flags, Option->optStruct, argsused, pbDoneParsing, pQueue );
free( newargv );
OPTIONS_DEBUG( "done. returning %d...\n", ret );
return ret;
} }