// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// controls.cpp
// User interface control classes.
// Created 02/29/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "controls.hpp"
#include "resource.h"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include <shlguid.h>
#include <htmlhelp.h>
// Values
// These are the positions of the children controls of the credential control,
// in DLUs:
// make more space to localize the edit control tags.
#define SIZEFIX 20
// Use a common maximum string length for certificate display names:
// Global Variables
CLSID CreduiStringArrayClassId = // 82BD0E67-9FEA-4748-8672-D5EFE5B779B0
{ 0x82BD0E67, 0x9FEA, 0x4748, {0x86, 0x72, 0xD5, 0xEF, 0xE5, 0xB7, 0x79, 0xB0} };
// Balloon tip infos for PasswordBox control:
CONST CREDUI_BALLOON_TIP_INFO CreduiCapsLockTipInfo = { CreduiStrings.CapsLockTipTitle, CreduiStrings.CapsLockTipText, TTI_WARNING, 90, 76 }; // Balloon tip infos for Credential control:
CONST CREDUI_BALLOON_TIP_INFO CreduiBackwardsTipInfo = { CreduiStrings.BackwardsTipTitle, CreduiStrings.BackwardsTipText, TTI_ERROR, 90, 76 };
CREDUI_BALLOON_TIP_INFO CreduiCustomTipInfo = { CreduiCustomTipTitle, CreduiCustomTipMessage, TTI_INFO, 90, 76 };
// CreduiBalloonTip Class Implementation
// CreduiBalloonTip::CreduiBalloonTip
// Created 02/24/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiBalloonTip::CreduiBalloonTip() { Window = NULL;
ParentWindow = NULL; ControlWindow = NULL;
TipInfo = NULL;
Visible = FALSE; }
// CreduiBalloonTip::~CreduiBalloonTip
// Created 02/24/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiBalloonTip::~CreduiBalloonTip() { if (Window != NULL) { DestroyWindow(Window); Window = NULL; } }
// CreduiBalloonTip::Init
// Creates and initializes the balloon window.
// Arguments:
// instance (in) - this module
// parentWindow (in) - the parent of the tool tip window
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/24/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiBalloonTip::Init( HINSTANCE instance, HWND parentWindow ) { if (Window != NULL) { DestroyWindow(Window);
Window = NULL;
ParentWindow = NULL; ControlWindow = NULL;
TipInfo = NULL;
Visible = FALSE; }
// Only assign class member values once we have successfully created the
// window:
if (Window != NULL) { ParentWindow = parentWindow; TipInfo = NULL; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// CreduiBalloonTip::SetInfo
// Sets the tool tip information and adds or updates the tool.
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 03/02/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiBalloonTip::SetInfo( HWND controlWindow, CONST CREDUI_BALLOON_TIP_INFO *tipInfo ) { //if ((controlWindow != ControlWindow) || (tipInfo != TipInfo))
{ TOOLINFO info;
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof info);
info.cbSize = sizeof info; info.hwnd = ParentWindow; info.uId = reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(ParentWindow);
// If the tool already exists, hide it, then update the information.
// Otherwise, add the tool now:
if (SendMessage(Window, TTM_GETTOOLINFO, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&info))) { if (Visible) { Hide(); }
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof info);
info.cbSize = sizeof info; info.hwnd = ParentWindow; info.uId = reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(ParentWindow);
info.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_TRACK; info.hinst = NULL; info.lpszText = const_cast<WCHAR *>(tipInfo->Text); info.lParam = 0;
SendMessage(Window, TTM_SETTOOLINFO, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&info)); } else { info.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_TRACK; info.hinst = NULL; info.lpszText = const_cast<WCHAR *>(tipInfo->Text); info.lParam = 0;
if (!SendMessage(Window, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&info))) { return FALSE; } }
SendMessage(Window, TTM_SETTITLE, tipInfo->Icon, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(tipInfo->Title));
TipInfo = const_cast<CREDUI_BALLOON_TIP_INFO *>(tipInfo); ControlWindow = controlWindow; }
return TRUE; }
// CreduiBalloonTip::Show
// Updates the position of the balloon window, and then displays it.
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/24/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiBalloonTip::Show() { if (!Visible && IsWindowEnabled(ControlWindow)) { SetFocus(ControlWindow);
RECT rect; GetWindowRect(ControlWindow, &rect);
SendMessage(Window, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, MAKELONG( rect.left + TipInfo->XPercent * (rect.right - rect.left) / 100, rect.top + TipInfo->YPercent * (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 100));
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof info);
info.cbSize = sizeof info; info.hwnd = ParentWindow; info.uId = reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(ParentWindow);
SendMessage(Window, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, TRUE, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&info));
Visible = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
// CreduiBalloonTip::Hide
// Hides the balloon window.
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/24/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiBalloonTip::Hide() { if (Visible) { SendMessage(Window, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, (WPARAM) FALSE, 0);
Visible = FALSE;
if (ParentWindow) { HWND hD = GetParent(ParentWindow); if (hD) { InvalidateRgn(hD,NULL,FALSE); UpdateWindow(hD); } } }
return TRUE; }
// CreduiPasswordBox Class Implementation
// CreduiPasswordBox::CreduiPasswordBox
// Created 06/06/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiPasswordBox::CreduiPasswordBox() { OriginalMessageHandler = NULL;
Window = NULL; PasswordFont = NULL; BalloonTip = NULL; CapsLockTipInfo = NULL; }
// CreduiPasswordBox::~CreduiPasswordBox
// Created 06/06/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiPasswordBox::~CreduiPasswordBox() { if (PasswordFont != NULL) { DeleteObject(static_cast<HGDIOBJ>(PasswordFont)); PasswordFont = NULL; } }
// CreduiPasswordBox::Init
// Created 06/06/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiPasswordBox::Init( HWND window, CreduiBalloonTip *balloonTip, CONST CREDUI_BALLOON_TIP_INFO *capsLockTipInfo, HFONT passwordFont, WCHAR passwordChar) { // If passwordFont was passed, use it here, but leave the class
// PasswordFont NULL so it will not be cleaned up by the destructor. If
// it was not passed, create a font here, which will be freed by the
// destructor:
if (passwordFont == NULL) { passwordFont = PasswordFont; }
Window = window;
// If we still failed to create the font, and are not planning to display
// balloon tips, then there's nothing do to, just return.
if ((passwordFont == NULL) && (balloonTip == NULL)) { return FALSE; }
if (balloonTip != NULL) { if (capsLockTipInfo == NULL) { return FALSE; }
BalloonTip = balloonTip; CapsLockTipInfo = capsLockTipInfo;
OriginalMessageHandler = reinterpret_cast<WNDPROC>( GetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWLP_WNDPROC));
if (OriginalMessageHandler != NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
if ((SetWindowLongPtr( Window, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(this)) == 0) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { return FALSE; }
if (SetWindowLongPtr( Window, GWLP_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(MessageHandlerCallback)) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } }
if (passwordFont != NULL) { SendMessage(Window, WM_SETFONT, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(passwordFont), 0); SendMessage(Window, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, passwordChar, 0);
return TRUE; }
// CreduiPasswordBox::MessageHandler
// This callback function just calls through to the original, except in a
// special case where Caps Lock is pressed. We then check to see if the tip is
// currently being displayed, and if the new state of Caps Lock is off, hide
// the tip.
// Arguments:
// message (in)
// wParam (in)
// lParam (in)
// Returns the result of calling the original message handler in every case.
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
LRESULT CreduiPasswordBox::MessageHandler( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch (message) { case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wParam == VK_CAPITAL) { } else { if (BalloonTip->IsVisible()) { BalloonTip->Hide(); } }
case WM_SETFOCUS: // Make sure no one can steal the focus while a user is
// entering their password:
// If the Caps Lock key is down, notify the user, unless the
// password tip is already visible:
if (!BalloonTip->IsVisible() && CreduiIsCapsLockOn()) { // BalloonTip->SetInfo(Window, CapsLockTipInfo);
// BalloonTip->Show();
case WM_PASTE: if (BalloonTip->IsVisible()) { BalloonTip->Hide(); } break;
case WM_KILLFOCUS: if (BalloonTip->IsVisible()) { BalloonTip->Hide(); }
// Make sure other processes can set foreground window
// once again:
break; }
return CallWindowProc(OriginalMessageHandler, Window, message, wParam, lParam); }
// CreduiPasswordBox::MessageHandlerCallback
// This calls through to CreduiPasswordBox::MessageHandler, from the this
// pointer.
// Arguments:
// passwordWindow (in)
// message (in)
// wParam (in)
// lParam (in)
// Returns the result of calling the original message handler in every case.
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
LRESULT CALLBACK CreduiPasswordBox::MessageHandlerCallback( HWND passwordWindow, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CreduiPasswordBox *that = reinterpret_cast<CreduiPasswordBox *>( GetWindowLongPtr(passwordWindow, GWLP_USERDATA));
ASSERT(that != NULL); ASSERT(that->BalloonTip != NULL); ASSERT(that->CapsLockTipInfo != NULL);
ASSERT(that->Window == passwordWindow);
return that->MessageHandler(message, wParam, lParam); }
// CreduiStringArrayFactory Class Implementation
// CreduiStringArrayFactory::CreduiStringArrayFactory
// Created 04/03/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiStringArrayFactory::CreduiStringArrayFactory() { ReferenceCount = 1; }
// CreduiStringArrayFactory::~CreduiStringArrayFactory
// Created 04/03/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiStringArrayFactory::~CreduiStringArrayFactory() { }
// CreduiStringArrayFactory::QueryInterface (IUnknown)
// Created 04/03/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArrayFactory::QueryInterface( CONST IID &interfaceId, VOID **outInterface ) { if ((interfaceId == IID_IUnknown) || (interfaceId == IID_IClassFactory)) { *outInterface = static_cast<void *>(static_cast<IClassFactory *>(this)); } else { *outInterface = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
static_cast<IUnknown *>(*outInterface)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// CreduiStringArrayFactory::Addref (IUnknown)
// Created 04/03/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
ULONG CreduiStringArrayFactory::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&ReferenceCount)); }
// CreduiStringArrayFactory::Release (IUnknown)
// Created 04/03/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
ULONG CreduiStringArrayFactory::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&ReferenceCount)) > 0) { return ReferenceCount; }
delete this;
return 0; }
// CreduiClassFactory::CreateInstance (IClassFactory)
// Created 04/03/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArrayFactory::CreateInstance( IUnknown *unknownOuter, CONST IID &interfaceId, VOID **outInterface ) { if (unknownOuter != NULL) { return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION; }
CreduiStringArray *stringArray = new CreduiStringArray;
if (stringArray == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT result = stringArray->QueryInterface(interfaceId, outInterface);
// Release the string array object in any case, because of the
// QueryInterface succeeded, it already took another reference count on
// the object:
return result; }
// CreduiClassFactory::LockServer (IClassFactory)
// Created 04/03/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArrayFactory::LockServer( BOOL lock ) { if (lock) { InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>( &CreduiComReferenceCount)); } else { InterlockedDecrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>( &CreduiComReferenceCount)); }
return S_OK; }
// CreduiStringArray Class Implementation
// CreduiStringArray::CreduiStringArray
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiStringArray::CreduiStringArray() { ReferenceCount = 1; Index = 0; Count = 0; MaxCount = 0; Array = NULL;
InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&CreduiComReferenceCount)); }
// CreduiStringArray::~CreduiStringArray
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiStringArray::~CreduiStringArray() { if (Array != NULL) { while (Count > 0) { delete [] Array[--Count]; }
delete [] Array; MaxCount = 0; Count = 0; }
InterlockedDecrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&CreduiComReferenceCount)); }
// CreduiStringArray::Init
// Initializes the string array.
// Arguments:
// count (in) - number of strings in the array
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiStringArray::Init( UINT count ) { Count = 0; MaxCount = count;
Array = new WCHAR *[count];
if (Array != NULL) { return TRUE; }
// Clean up:
MaxCount = 0;
return FALSE; }
// CreduiStringArray::Find
// Searches for a string in the array.
// Arguments:
// string (in) - string to search for
// Returns TRUE if the string was found or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/27/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiStringArray::Find( CONST WCHAR *string ) { // Search for the string:
for (UINT i = 0; i < Count; ++i) { ASSERT(Array[i] != NULL);
if (_wcsicmp(Array[i], string) == 0) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// CreduiStringArray::Add
// Adds a string to the array.
// Arguments:
// string (in) - string to add
// Returns TRUE if the string was added or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiStringArray::Add( CONST WCHAR *string ) { // The array does not grow, so once we reach the limit, no more:
// Count is a object state variable pointing to the next free slot.
if (Count < MaxCount) { int bufferLength = wcslen(string) + 1; Array[Count] = new WCHAR[bufferLength];
if (Array[Count] != NULL) { StringCchCopyW(Array[Count++], bufferLength, string); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// CreduiStringArray::QueryInterface (IUnknown)
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArray::QueryInterface( CONST IID &interfaceId, VOID **outInterface ) { if ((interfaceId == IID_IUnknown) || (interfaceId == IID_IEnumString)) { *outInterface = static_cast<void *>(static_cast<IEnumString *>(this)); } else { *outInterface = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
static_cast<IUnknown *>(*outInterface)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// CreduiStringArray::Addref (IUnknown)
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
ULONG CreduiStringArray::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&ReferenceCount)); }
// CreduiStringArray::Release (IUnknown)
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
ULONG CreduiStringArray::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&ReferenceCount)) > 0) { return ReferenceCount; }
delete this;
return 0; }
// CreduiStringArray::Next (IEnumString)
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArray::Next( ULONG count, LPOLESTR *array, ULONG *countFetched ) { if ((count > 1) && (countFetched == NULL)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
count = min(count, Count - Index);
for (UINT i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int bufferLength = wcslen(Array[Index]) + 1; array[i] = static_cast<WCHAR *>(CoTaskMemAlloc( (sizeof (WCHAR)) * bufferLength));
if (array[i] != NULL) { StringCchCopyW(array[i], bufferLength, Array[Index]); } else { while (i > 0) { CoTaskMemFree(array[--i]); array[i] = NULL; }
if (countFetched != NULL) { *countFetched = 0; }
Index++; }
if (countFetched != NULL) { *countFetched = count; }
return (count > 0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// CreduiStringArray::Skip (IEnumString)
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArray::Skip( ULONG ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// CreduiStringArray::Reset (IEnumString)
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArray::Reset() { Index = 0;
return S_OK; }
// CreduiStringArray::Clone (IEnumString)
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
HRESULT CreduiStringArray::Clone( IEnumString ** ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox Class Implementation
// CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox() { Window = NULL; ImageList = NULL; StringArray = NULL; }
// CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::~CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::~CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox() { if (StringArray != NULL) { StringArray->Release(); StringArray = NULL; }
if (ImageList != NULL) { ImageList_Destroy(ImageList); ImageList = NULL; } }
// CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Init
// Initializes the shell auto complete list control for the given combo box,
// and sets the auto complete string list.
// Arguments:
// instance (in)
// comboBoxWindow (in)
// stringCount (in)
// imageListResourceId (in) - optional image list for the combo box
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Init( HMODULE instance, HWND comboBoxWindow, UINT stringCount, INT imageListResourceId, INT initialImage ) { Window = comboBoxWindow;
if (imageListResourceId != 0) { ImageList = ImageList_LoadImage( instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(imageListResourceId), 0, 16, RGB(0, 128, 128), IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_SHARED);
if (ImageList != NULL) { SendMessage(Window, CBEM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(ImageList)); } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL success = FALSE;
if (stringCount > 0) { HRESULT result = CoCreateInstance(CreduiStringArrayClassId, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IEnumString, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&StringArray));
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { if (StringArray->Init(stringCount)) { success = TRUE; } else { StringArray->Release(); StringArray = NULL; } } } else { success = TRUE; }
if (success == TRUE) { COMBOBOXEXITEMW item;
item.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; item.iItem = -1; item.iImage = initialImage; item.iSelectedImage = initialImage;
SendMessage(Window, CBEM_SETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item));
return TRUE; }
if (ImageList != NULL) { ImageList_Destroy(ImageList); ImageList = NULL; }
return FALSE; }
// CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Add
// Returns the index of the new item or -1 on failure.
// Created 02/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
INT CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Add( WCHAR *string, INT image, BOOL autoComplete, BOOL addUnique, INT indexBefore, INT indent ) { INT index = -1;
if (addUnique) { index = (INT) SendMessage(Window, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(string)); }
if (index == -1) { if (!autoComplete || StringArray->Add(string)) { COMBOBOXEXITEMW item;
item.mask = CBEIF_TEXT | CBEIF_INDENT; item.iItem = indexBefore; item.pszText = string; item.iIndent = indent;
if (ImageList != NULL) { item.mask |= CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; item.iImage = image; item.iSelectedImage = image; }
index = (INT) SendMessage(Window, CBEM_INSERTITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item)); } }
return index; }
// CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Update
// Updates an existing item. This does not update the associated string for
// auto complete items.
// Created 04/15/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Update( INT index, WCHAR *string, INT image ) { COMBOBOXEXITEMW item;
item.iItem = index;
// Use CBEM_SETITEM in these cases:
// 1. We're updating the default (-1) item.
// 2. The dropdown is closed.
// For other cases, we delete and recreate the item for the desired
// result.
BOOL isDropped = (BOOL) SendMessage(Window, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0);
if ((index == -1) || !isDropped) { item.mask = CBEIF_TEXT; item.pszText = string;
if (ImageList != NULL) { item.mask |= CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; item.iImage = image; item.iSelectedImage = image; }
if (SendMessage(Window, CBEM_SETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item)) != 0) { RECT rect;
GetClientRect(Window, &rect); InvalidateRect(Window, &rect, FALSE);
if (SendMessage(Window, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item))) { item.mask |= CBEIF_TEXT; item.pszText = string;
LPARAM data = SendMessage(Window, CB_GETITEMDATA, index, 0);
if (ImageList != NULL) { item.mask |= CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; item.iImage = image; item.iSelectedImage = image; }
SendMessage(Window, CBEM_DELETEITEM, index, 0);
index = (INT) SendMessage(Window, CBEM_INSERTITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item));
if (index != -1) { SendMessage(Window, CB_SETITEMDATA, index, data);
INT current = (INT) SendMessage(Window, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (current == index) { SendMessage(Window, CB_SETCURSEL, current, 0); }
return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
// CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Enable
// Created 02/27/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Enable() { BOOL success = TRUE;
if (StringArray != NULL) { success = FALSE;
IAutoComplete2 *autoCompleteInterface;
HRESULT result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_AutoComplete, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IAutoComplete2, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&autoCompleteInterface));
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = autoCompleteInterface->Init((HWND) SendMessage(Window, CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0), StringArray, NULL, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = autoCompleteInterface->SetOptions(ACO_AUTOSUGGEST);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { success = TRUE; } else { CreduiDebugLog("CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Enable: " "SetOptions failed: 0x%08X\n", result); } }
autoCompleteInterface->Release(); autoCompleteInterface = NULL; } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiAutoCompleteComboBox::Enable: " "CoCreateInstance CLSID_AutoComplete failed: 0x%08X\n", result); }
StringArray->Release(); StringArray = NULL; }
return success; }
// CreduiIconParentWindow Class Implementation
CONST WCHAR *CreduiIconParentWindow::ClassName = L"CreduiIconParentWindow"; HINSTANCE CreduiIconParentWindow::Instance = NULL; LONG CreduiIconParentWindow::Registered = FALSE;
// CreduiIconParentWindow::CreduiIconParentWindow
// Created 02/29/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiIconParentWindow::CreduiIconParentWindow() { Window = NULL; }
// CreduiIconParentWindow::~CreduiIconParentWindow
// Created 02/29/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiIconParentWindow::~CreduiIconParentWindow() { if (Window != NULL) { DestroyWindow(Window); Window = NULL; } }
// CreduiIconParentWindow::Register
// Set the instance to allow registration, which will be deferred until a
// window needs to be created.
// Arguments:
// instance (in)
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 04/16/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiIconParentWindow::Register( HINSTANCE instance ) { Instance = instance;
return TRUE; }
// CreduiIconParentWindow::Unegister
// Unregisters the window class, if registered.
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 04/16/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiIconParentWindow::Unregister() { if (InterlockedCompareExchange(&Registered, FALSE, TRUE)) { return UnregisterClass(ClassName, Instance); }
return TRUE; }
// CreduiIconParentWindow::Init
// Registers the window class, if not already registered, and creates the
// window.
// Arguments:
// instance (in) - module to load the icon from
// iconResourceId (in)
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 02/29/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiIconParentWindow::Init( HINSTANCE instance, UINT iconResourceId ) { WNDCLASS windowClass;
ZeroMemory(&windowClass, sizeof windowClass);
if (!InterlockedCompareExchange(&Registered, TRUE, FALSE)) { windowClass.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc; windowClass.hInstance = Instance; windowClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(iconResourceId)); windowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW)); windowClass.lpszClassName = ClassName;
InterlockedExchange(&Registered, RegisterClass(&windowClass) != 0);
if (!InterlockedCompareExchange(&Registered, FALSE, FALSE)) { return FALSE; } }
Window = CreateWindow( L"CreduiIconParentWindow", NULL, WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, instance, NULL);
return (Window != NULL); }
// CreduiCredentialControl Class Implementation
CONST WCHAR *CreduiCredentialControl::ClassName = WC_CREDENTIAL; HINSTANCE CreduiCredentialControl::Instance = NULL; LONG CreduiCredentialControl::Registered = FALSE;
// CreduiCredentialControl::CreduiCredentialControl
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiCredentialControl::CreduiCredentialControl() { IsInitialized = FALSE;
DisabledControlMask = 0;
Window = NULL; Style = 0;
UserNameStaticWindow = NULL; UserNameControlWindow = NULL; ViewCertControlWindow = NULL; PasswordStaticWindow = NULL; PasswordControlWindow = NULL;
FirstPaint = FALSE; ShowBalloonTip = FALSE;
IsAutoComplete = FALSE; NoEditUserName = FALSE; KeepUserName = FALSE;
IsPassport = FALSE;
CertHashes = NULL; CertCount = 0; CertBaseInComboBox = 0; UserNameCertHash = NULL; SmartCardBaseInComboBox = 0; SmartCardReadCount = 0; IsChangingUserName = FALSE; IsChangingPassword = FALSE;
UserNameSelection = 0; ScardUiHandle = NULL;
DoingCommandLine = FALSE; TargetName = NULL; InitialUserName = NULL; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::~CreduiCredentialControl
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
CreduiCredentialControl::~CreduiCredentialControl() { }
// CreduiCredentialControl::Register
// Arguments:
// instance (in)
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::Register( HINSTANCE instance ) { Instance = instance;
WNDCLASS windowClass;
ZeroMemory(&windowClass, sizeof windowClass);
if (!InterlockedCompareExchange(&Registered, TRUE, FALSE)) { windowClass.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS; windowClass.lpfnWndProc = MessageHandlerCallback; windowClass.cbWndExtra = sizeof (CreduiCredentialControl *); windowClass.hInstance = Instance; windowClass.hIcon = NULL; windowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW)); windowClass.lpszClassName = ClassName;
InterlockedExchange(&Registered, RegisterClass(&windowClass) != 0);
if (!InterlockedCompareExchange(&Registered, FALSE, FALSE)) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::Unegister
// Unregisters the window class, if registered.
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::Unregister() { if (InterlockedCompareExchange(&Registered, FALSE, TRUE)) { return UnregisterClass(ClassName, Instance); }
return TRUE; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::ViewCertificate
// Views the certificate at index in our combo box.
// Arguments:
// index (in) - index in the user name combo box
// Returns TRUE if the certificate was viewed, otherwise FALSE.
// Created 03/27/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::ViewCertificate( INT index ) { BOOL success = FALSE;
if (index < CertBaseInComboBox) { return FALSE; }
// If this is not a smart card, open the MY store and find the certificate
// from the hash. Otherwise, just grab the certificate context from the
// CERT_ENUM structure:
if ((SmartCardBaseInComboBox > 0) && (index >= SmartCardBaseInComboBox)) { CERT_ENUM *certEnum = reinterpret_cast<CERT_ENUM *>( SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETITEMDATA, index, 0));
if (certEnum != NULL) { certContext = certEnum->pCertContext; } } else { certStore = CertOpenSystemStore(NULL, L"MY");
if (certStore != NULL) { CRYPT_HASH_BLOB hashBlob;
hashBlob.cbData = CERT_HASH_LENGTH; hashBlob.pbData = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>( CertHashes[index - CertBaseInComboBox]);
certContext = CertFindCertificateInStore( certStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_SHA1_HASH, &hashBlob, NULL); } }
// If we found a certificate context, view the certificate:
if (certContext != NULL) { // Now, show the certificate with the common UI:
ZeroMemory(&certViewInfo, sizeof certViewInfo); certViewInfo.dwSize = sizeof certViewInfo; certViewInfo.hwndParent = Window; certViewInfo.pCertContext = certContext;
BOOL changed; changed = FALSE; CryptUIDlgViewCertificate(&certViewInfo, &changed);
// Get the name again, in case it changed. However, skip this if this
// is a card reader, and is now invalid:
if (index >= SmartCardBaseInComboBox) { item.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE; item.iItem = index;
if (!SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item)) || (item.iImage == IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING)) { updateName = FALSE; } }
if (updateName) { WCHAR displayName[CREDUI_MAX_CERT_NAME_LENGTH];
CreduiGetCertificateDisplayName( certContext, displayName, RTL_NUMBER_OF(displayName), CreduiStrings.Certificate, CERT_NAME_FRIENDLY_DISPLAY_TYPE);
item.mask = CBEIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.pszText = displayName;
SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_SETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item)); }
success = TRUE; }
// If we opened a store, free the certificate and close the store:
if (certStore != NULL) { if (certContext != NULL) { CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); }
if (!CertCloseStore(certStore, 0)) { CreduiDebugLog("CreduiCredentialControl::ViewCertificate: " "CertCloseStore failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); } }
return success; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::AddCertificates
// Adds interesting certificates to the combo box, and allocates an array of
// hashes to match. The hash is all we need to store the credential, and can
// be used to get a CERT_CONTEXT later to view the certificate.
// Assume CertCount is 0 upon entry.
// Stack space is used for temporary storage of hashes, since each hash is
// only 160 bits. We use a linked list structure, so including the next
// pointer and worst case alignment (8-byte) on 64-bit, the maximum structure
// size is 32 bytes. We don't want to consume too much stack space, so limit
// the number of entries to 256, which will consume up to 8 KB of stack space.
// Returns TRUE if at least one interesting certificate exists, and all were
// added to the combo box without error. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
// Created 03/25/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::AddCertificates() { BOOL success = FALSE;
ASSERT(CertCount == 0);
HCERTSTORE certStore = CertOpenSystemStore(NULL, L"MY");
if (certStore != NULL) { struct HASH_ENTRY { UCHAR Hash[CERT_HASH_LENGTH]; HASH_ENTRY *Next; };
HASH_ENTRY *hashList = NULL; HASH_ENTRY *current = NULL; HASH_ENTRY *next = NULL;
// NOTE: Currently, add all client authentication certificates. This
// should be revisited.
CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE ekUsage = { 2, ekUsageIdentifiers };
// We allow a maximum of 256 certificates to be added. This is a
// reasonable limit, given the current user interface. If this is an
// unreasonable limit for the personal certificate store, then this
// can always be changed.
while (CertCount < 256) { certContext = CertFindCertificateInStore( certStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CERT_FIND_EXT_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG, CERT_FIND_ENHKEY_USAGE, static_cast<VOID *>(&ekUsage), certContext);
if (certContext != NULL) { DWORD length = CERT_HASH_LENGTH;
// Only allocate a new entry if necessary. Something may have
// failed from the previous loop iteration, so we can just
// reuse the entry allocated then:
if (next == NULL) { // Wrap the alloca in an exception handler because it will
// throw a stack overflow exception on failure. Of course,
// of we're out of stack space, we may not even be able to
// clean up properly without throwing an exception.
__try { // known use of alloca() in a loop - small struct, 24 bytes on i386
// normally small number, constrained number (limit 256)
// protected by try/except
next = static_cast<HASH_ENTRY *>( alloca(sizeof HASH_ENTRY)); } __except( (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { _resetstkoflw(); next = NULL; }
// If this fails, for whatever reason, break out of the
// loop:
if (next == NULL) { CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); break; }
next->Next = NULL; }
if (!CertGetCertificateContextProperty( certContext, CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID, static_cast<VOID *>(&next->Hash), &length)) { // If we failed to get the hash for this certificate, just
// ignore it and continue with the next. The memory we
// allocation for this entry will be used on the next
// iteration if we do not set it to NULL.
continue; }
if (CreduiIsRemovableCertificate(certContext)) { // If this certificate requires a removable component,
// such as a smart card, then skip it. We will enumerate
// these later.
continue; }
CreduiGetCertificateDisplayName( certContext, displayName, RTL_NUMBER_OF(displayName), CreduiStrings.Certificate, CERT_NAME_FRIENDLY_DISPLAY_TYPE);
// Add the certificate to the combo box. Certificate names may
// not be unique, so allow duplicates:
if (UserNameComboBox.Add( displayName, CreduiIsExpiredCertificate(certContext) ? IMAGE_CERT_EXPIRED : IMAGE_CERT, FALSE, FALSE) == -1) { CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); break; }
// Everything succeeded, so add the certificate to our list:
if (current == NULL) { current = next; hashList = current; } else { ASSERT(current->Next == NULL);
current->Next = next; current = current->Next; }
if (current == NULL) { CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); break; }
// Set next to NULL so we will allocate new memory on the
// next iteration:
next = NULL;
CertCount++; } else { break; } }
if (CertCount > 0) { current = hashList;
// Now, allocate the final array of certificates. We allocate
// this in a single block to help avoid thrashing the heap:
CertHashes = new UCHAR [CertCount][CERT_HASH_LENGTH];
if (CertHashes != NULL) { for (UINT i = 0; i < CertCount; ++i) { CopyMemory(CertHashes[i], current->Hash, CERT_HASH_LENGTH);
current = current->Next; }
success = TRUE; } }
CertCloseStore(certStore, 0); }
return success; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::FindSmartCardInComboBox
// Finds a smart card entry in the user name combo box based on a CERT_ENUM.
// Arguments:
// certEnum (in)
// Returns the index of the smart card or -1 if not found.
// Created 04/15/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
INT CreduiCredentialControl::FindSmartCardInComboBox( CERT_ENUM *certEnum ) { UINT count = (UINT) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
if (count == CB_ERR) { return -1; }
CERT_ENUM *findCertEnum;
for (UINT i = SmartCardBaseInComboBox; i < count; ++i) { findCertEnum = reinterpret_cast<CERT_ENUM *>( SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0));
ASSERT(findCertEnum != NULL);
if (_wcsicmp(findCertEnum->pszReaderName, certEnum->pszReaderName) == 0) { return i; } }
return -1; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::RemoveSmartCardFromComboBox
// Removes all entries for this smart card from the user name combo box.
// Arguments:
// certEnum (in)
// removeParent (in)
// Created 07/12/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
VOID CreduiCredentialControl::RemoveSmartCardFromComboBox( CERT_ENUM *certEnum, BOOL removeParent ) { INT count = (INT) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); INT current = (INT) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (count != CB_ERR) { CERT_ENUM *findCertEnum; BOOL parentEntry = TRUE; BOOL currentRemoved = FALSE;
for (INT i = SmartCardBaseInComboBox; i < count; ++i) { findCertEnum = reinterpret_cast<CERT_ENUM *>( SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0));
ASSERT(findCertEnum != NULL);
if (_wcsicmp(findCertEnum->pszReaderName, certEnum->pszReaderName) == 0) { if (parentEntry) { parentEntry = FALSE;
if (!removeParent) { continue; } }
if (current == i) { currentRemoved = TRUE; }
SendMessage( UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_DELETEITEM, i, 0);
i--, count--; } else if (!parentEntry) { break; } }
if (currentRemoved) { if (removeParent) { IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0); UserNameComboBox.Update(-1, L"", IMAGE_USERNAME); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
IsChangingPassword = TRUE; SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); IsChangingPassword = FALSE;
OnUserNameSelectionChange(); } else { IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, --i, 0); IsChangingUserName = FALSE; }
OnUserNameSelectionChange(); } } }
// CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages
// Handle smart card messages.
// Arguments:
// message (in)
// certEnum (in)
// Returns TRUE if the message was handled or FALSE otherwise.
// Created 04/14/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages( UINT message, CERT_ENUM *certEnum ) { ASSERT(ScardUiHandle != NULL);
// This is sort of ugly since we cannot use a switch. First check for any
// possible smart card message because we must do some things in common
// for any of the messages:
if ((message == CreduiScarduiWmReaderArrival) || (message == CreduiScarduiWmReaderRemoval) || (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardInsertion) || (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardRemoval) || (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardCertAvail) || (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardStatus)) { if (certEnum == NULL) { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "NULL was passed for the CERT_ENUM!");
// We handled the message, even though it was invalid:
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(certEnum->pszReaderName != NULL); } else { return FALSE; }
WCHAR *displayString; WCHAR string[256]; // Must be >= CREDUI_MAX_CERT_NAME_LENGTH
ASSERT((sizeof string / (sizeof string[0])) >= CREDUI_MAX_CERT_NAME_LENGTH);
INT index = FindSmartCardInComboBox(certEnum);
if (message == CreduiScarduiWmReaderArrival) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: Reader arrival event for %0x\n",this->Window); #endif
// Add the reader, if it is not already there; it should not be:
if (index == -1) {
// Reset command line Hearbeat timer.
Heartbeats = 0;
index = UserNameComboBox.Add( DoingCommandLine ? CreduiStrings.NoCard : CreduiStrings.EmptyReader, IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING, FALSE, FALSE);
if (index != -1) { SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETITEMDATA, index, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(certEnum));
if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { // disable the view cert button - will enable on cert found msg
EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, FALSE); DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW;
// change password prompt to PIN:
SetWindowText( PasswordStaticWindow, CreduiStrings.PinStatic);
// Clean password control
IsChangingPassword = TRUE; SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); IsChangingPassword = FALSE;
// enable the password control
EnableWindow(PasswordControlWindow, TRUE); EnableWindow(PasswordStaticWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_PASSWORD;
// Change Username prompt to Smartcard:
SetWindowText( UserNameStaticWindow, CreduiStrings.SmartCardStatic); #if 0
// disable save if present.
if (SaveControlWindow != NULL) { EnableWindow(SaveControlWindow, FALSE); DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_SAVE; } #endif
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update( -1, DoingCommandLine ? CreduiStrings.NoCard : CreduiStrings.EmptyReader, IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING); IsChangingUserName = FALSE; } } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "Failed to add smart card\n"); } } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "Reader arrived more than once"); }
} else if (message == CreduiScarduiWmReaderRemoval) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: Reader removal event for %0x\n",this->Window); #endif
if (index != -1) { RemoveSmartCardFromComboBox(certEnum, TRUE); } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "Reader removed more than once"); } } else if (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardInsertion) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card insertion event for %0x\n",this->Window); #endif
if (index != -1) { //
// Reset command line Hearbeat timer.
Heartbeats = 0;
if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update( -1, CreduiStrings.ReadingCard, IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING); IsChangingUserName = FALSE; }
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update(index, CreduiStrings.ReadingCard, IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING); IsChangingUserName = FALSE; } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "Card insertion to absent reader\n"); } } else if (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardRemoval) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card removal event for %0x\n",this->Window); #endif
if (index != -1) { if (BalloonTip.GetInfo() == &CreduiBackwardsTipInfo) { BalloonTip.Hide(); }
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update(index, DoingCommandLine ? CreduiStrings.NoCard : CreduiStrings.EmptyReader, IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
// Clean password control
IsChangingPassword = TRUE; SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); IsChangingPassword = FALSE;
RemoveSmartCardFromComboBox(certEnum, FALSE); } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "Card removal from absent reader\n"); } } else if (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardCertAvail) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: cert available event for %0x\n",this->Window); #endif
// scard system still producing activity. Extend timeout.
Heartbeats = 0; if (index != -1) { // Filter certificates which are not for client authentication:
if (!CreduiIsClientAuthCertificate(certEnum->pCertContext)) { return TRUE; }
item.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE; item.iItem = index;
SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item));
// For command line,
// get the UPN display name since the user is expected to type it.
// For GUI,
// get the friendly display name since it is "friendly".
CreduiGetCertificateDisplayName( certEnum->pCertContext, string, CREDUI_MAX_CERT_NAME_LENGTH, CreduiStrings.Certificate, DoingCommandLine ? CERT_NAME_UPN_TYPE : CERT_NAME_FRIENDLY_DISPLAY_TYPE);
displayString = string;
// Trim trailing spaces and -'s so it doesn't look cheesy
if ( DoingCommandLine ) { DWORD StringLength = wcslen(string);
while ( StringLength > 0 ) { if ( string[StringLength-1] == ' ' || string[StringLength-1] == '-' ) { string[StringLength-1] = '\0'; StringLength--; } else { break; } }
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: cert name '%ws' %0x\n", string, this->Window); #endif
if (SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) == index) { // Enable the view cert button, previously disabled on reader arrival
EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW; }
image = CreduiIsExpiredCertificate(certEnum->pCertContext) ? IMAGE_SMART_CARD_EXPIRED : IMAGE_SMART_CARD;
INT newIndex = index;
if (item.iImage != IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING) { newIndex = UserNameComboBox.Add(displayString, image, FALSE, FALSE, index + 1, 1);
if (newIndex != -1) { SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETITEMDATA, newIndex, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(certEnum)); } else { newIndex = index; } }
if (newIndex == index) { IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update(index, displayString, image); IsChangingUserName = FALSE; }
if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { UCHAR hash[CERT_HASH_LENGTH]; DWORD length = CERT_HASH_LENGTH;
if (CertGetCertificateContextProperty( certEnum->pCertContext, CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID, static_cast<VOID *>(hash), &length)) { // if the hash of an inserted card matches the one we're looking
// for, release the match pattern from memory, and force
// select the inserted card.
// UserNameCertHash was set by unmarshalling the marshalled username
// contained in a credential on the user keyring, and then searching
// the cert store for a matching certificate.
if (RtlCompareMemory(UserNameCertHash, hash, CERT_HASH_LENGTH) == CERT_HASH_LENGTH) { delete [] UserNameCertHash; UserNameCertHash = NULL;
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, newIndex, 0); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
OnUserNameSelectionChange(); } } } } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "Card certificate to absent reader\n"); } } else if (message == CreduiScarduiWmCardStatus) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card status event for %0x\n",this->Window); #endif
if (index != -1) { if (--SmartCardReadCount == 0) { if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SetWindowText(UserNameControlWindow, DoingCommandLine ? CreduiStrings.NoCard : CreduiStrings.EmptyReader); IsChangingUserName = FALSE; } } else { // if still other readers to service, extend the timeout
Heartbeats = 0; }
switch (certEnum->dwStatus) { case SCARD_S_SUCCESS:
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card status SUCCESS: %ws\n", certEnum->pszCardName ); #endif
item.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE; item.iItem = index;
if (SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item)) && (item.iImage != IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING)) { return TRUE; }
displayString = CreduiStrings.EmptyCard; break;
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card status UNKNOWN CARD\n"); #endif
displayString = CreduiStrings.UnknownCard; break;
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card status UNRESPONSIVE CARD\n"); #endif
displayString = CreduiStrings.BackwardsCard; if (!DoingCommandLine) showBalloon = TRUE; break;
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card status NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF\n"); #endif
// TODO: This case should be removed eventually.
displayString = CreduiStrings.EmptyCard; break;
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card status REMOVED CARD\n"); #endif
displayString = DoingCommandLine ? CreduiStrings.NoCard : CreduiStrings.EmptyReader; CreduiStrings.EmptyReader; break;
default: #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: card status ERROR\n"); #endif
displayString = CreduiStrings.CardError; break; }
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update(index, displayString, image); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
if (showBalloon && !BalloonTip.IsVisible()) { BalloonTip.SetInfo(UserNameControlWindow, &CreduiBackwardsTipInfo);
BalloonTip.Show(); } } else { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::HandleSmartCardMessages: " "Card status to absent reader\n"); } }
// We handled the message:
return TRUE; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::CreateControls
// Created 06/23/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::CreateControls() { // First we need the parent window:
HWND dialogWindow = GetParent(Window);
if (dialogWindow == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// Create the various windows:
RECT clientRect; RECT rect; UINT add; BOOL noViewCert = FALSE;
if ( Style & CRS_KEEPUSERNAME ) { KeepUserName = TRUE; }
if (!(Style & CRS_USERNAMES) ) { NoEditUserName = TRUE; } else if ((Style & (CRS_CERTIFICATES | CRS_SMARTCARDS)) == 0) { noViewCert = TRUE; }
if ( Style & CRS_SINGLESIGNON ) IsPassport = TRUE; else IsPassport = FALSE;
// Determine how much wider the control is than the minimum to resize and
// reposition controls as necessary:
GetClientRect(Window, &clientRect);
rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = CREDUI_CONTROL_MIN_WIDTH; rect.bottom = CREDUI_CONTROL_MIN_HEIGHT;
if ( !DoingCommandLine && !MapDialogRect(dialogWindow, &rect)) { goto ErrorExit; }
if ((clientRect.right - clientRect.left) > (rect.right - rect.left)) { add = (clientRect.right - clientRect.left) - (rect.right - rect.left); } else { add = 0; }
// Create user name static text control:
if ( !DoingCommandLine && !MapDialogRect(dialogWindow, &rect)) { goto ErrorExit; }
WCHAR* pUserNameLabel; if ( IsPassport ) pUserNameLabel = CreduiStrings.EmailName; else pUserNameLabel = CreduiStrings.UserNameStatic;
UserNameStaticWindow = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, L"STATIC", pUserNameLabel, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, Window, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(IDC_USERNAME_STATIC), CreduiCredentialControl::Instance, NULL);
if (UserNameStaticWindow == NULL) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Create user name combo box:
if (!noViewCert) { rect.right = rect.left + CREDUI_CONTROL_USERNAME_WIDTH; } else { rect.right = CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_X + CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_WIDTH; }
if ( KeepUserName ) { rect.top += 2; // fudge it to make them line up better
rect.bottom = rect.top + CREDUI_CONTROL_PASSWORD_STATIC_HEIGHT; // make it the same height as the password edit
} else { rect.bottom = rect.top + CREDUI_CONTROL_USERNAME_HEIGHT; // set the height
if ( !DoingCommandLine && !MapDialogRect(dialogWindow, &rect)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// This block of statements and the usage of lExStyles : see bug 439840
LONG_PTR lExStyles = GetWindowLongPtr(Window,GWL_EXSTYLE); SetWindowLongPtr(Window,GWL_EXSTYLE,(lExStyles | WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT));
if ( KeepUserName ) {
// create an edit box instead of a combo box
UserNameControlWindow = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, L"Edit", L"", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | ES_READONLY, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left + add, rect.bottom - rect.top, Window, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(IDC_USERNAME), CreduiCredentialControl::Instance, NULL); } else {
UserNameControlWindow = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, L"ComboBoxEx32", L"", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | (NoEditUserName ? CBS_DROPDOWNLIST : CBS_DROPDOWN) | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left + add, rect.bottom - rect.top, Window, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(IDC_USERNAME), CreduiCredentialControl::Instance, NULL); }
if (UserNameControlWindow == NULL) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Create view button:
if (!noViewCert) { rect.left = CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_X; rect.top = CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_Y; rect.right = rect.left + CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_WIDTH; rect.bottom = rect.top + CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_HEIGHT;
if ( !DoingCommandLine && !MapDialogRect(dialogWindow, &rect)) { goto ErrorExit; }
ViewCertControlWindow = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, L"BUTTON", L"&...", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_GROUP | BS_PUSHBUTTON | BS_CENTER, rect.left + add, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, Window, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(IDC_VIEW_CERT), CreduiCredentialControl::Instance, NULL);
if (ViewCertControlWindow == NULL) { goto ErrorExit; }
EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, FALSE); DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW; }
// Create password static text control:
if ( !DoingCommandLine && !MapDialogRect(dialogWindow, &rect)) { goto ErrorExit; }
PasswordStaticWindow = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, L"STATIC", CreduiStrings.PasswordStatic, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, Window, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(IDC_PASSWORD_STATIC), CreduiCredentialControl::Instance, NULL);
if (PasswordStaticWindow == NULL) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Create password edit control:
rect.left = CREDUI_CONTROL_PASSWORD_X; rect.top = CREDUI_CONTROL_PASSWORD_Y; if (!noViewCert) { rect.right = rect.left + CREDUI_CONTROL_PASSWORD_WIDTH; } else { rect.right = CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_X + CREDUI_CONTROL_VIEW_WIDTH; } rect.bottom = rect.top + CREDUI_CONTROL_PASSWORD_HEIGHT;
if (!DoingCommandLine && !MapDialogRect(dialogWindow, &rect)) { goto ErrorExit; } // This block of statements and the usage of lExStyles : see bug 439840
lExStyles = GetWindowLongPtr(Window,GWL_EXSTYLE); SetWindowLongPtr(Window,GWL_EXSTYLE,(lExStyles | WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT));
PasswordControlWindow = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"EDIT", L"", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | ES_PASSWORD | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left + add, rect.bottom - rect.top + 1, // NOTE: Add 1 for now, investigate
Window, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(IDC_PASSWORD), CreduiCredentialControl::Instance, NULL); SetWindowLongPtr(Window,GWL_EXSTYLE,lExStyles);
if (PasswordControlWindow == NULL) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Create save check box:
if (Style & CRS_SAVECHECK ) { rect.left = CREDUI_CONTROL_SAVE_X; rect.top = CREDUI_CONTROL_SAVE_Y; rect.right = rect.left + CREDUI_CONTROL_SAVE_WIDTH; rect.bottom = rect.top + CREDUI_CONTROL_SAVE_HEIGHT;
if (!DoingCommandLine && !MapDialogRect(dialogWindow, &rect)) { goto ErrorExit; }
WCHAR* pSavePromptString;
if ( IsPassport ) pSavePromptString = CreduiStrings.PassportSave; else pSavePromptString = CreduiStrings.Save;
SaveControlWindow = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, L"BUTTON", pSavePromptString, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_GROUP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left + add, rect.bottom - rect.top, Window, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(IDC_SAVE), CreduiCredentialControl::Instance, NULL);
if (SaveControlWindow == NULL) { goto ErrorExit; }
SendMessage(SaveControlWindow, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0); }
SendMessage( Window, WM_SETFONT, SendMessage(dialogWindow, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0), FALSE);
return TRUE;
if (SaveControlWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(SaveControlWindow); SaveControlWindow = NULL; }
if (PasswordControlWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(PasswordControlWindow); PasswordControlWindow = NULL; }
if (PasswordStaticWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(PasswordStaticWindow); PasswordStaticWindow = NULL; }
if (ViewCertControlWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(ViewCertControlWindow); ViewCertControlWindow = NULL; }
if (UserNameControlWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(UserNameControlWindow); UserNameControlWindow = NULL; }
if (UserNameStaticWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(UserNameStaticWindow); UserNameStaticWindow = NULL; }
return FALSE; }
LPWSTR TrimUsername( IN LPWSTR AccountDomainName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR UserName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns a pointer to the substring of UserName past any AccountDomainName prefix.
AccountDomainName - The DomainName to check to see if it prefixes the UserName.
UserName - The UserName to check
Return Values:
Return a pointer to the non-prefixed username
--*/ { DWORD AccountDomainNameLength; DWORD UserNameLength; WCHAR Temp[CNLEN+1];
// If we couldn't determine the AccountDomainName,
// return the complete user name.
if ( AccountDomainName == NULL ) { return UserName; }
// If the user name isn't prefixed by the account domain name,
// return the complete user name.
AccountDomainNameLength = wcslen( AccountDomainName ); UserNameLength = wcslen( UserName );
if ( AccountDomainNameLength > CNLEN || AccountDomainNameLength < 1 ) { return UserName; }
if ( AccountDomainNameLength+2 > UserNameLength ) { return UserName; }
if ( UserName[AccountDomainNameLength] != '\\' ) { return UserName; }
RtlCopyMemory( Temp, UserName, AccountDomainNameLength*sizeof(WCHAR) ); Temp[AccountDomainNameLength] = '\0';
if ( _wcsicmp( Temp, AccountDomainName ) != 0 ) { return UserName; }
return &UserName[AccountDomainNameLength+1]; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::InitComboBoxUserNames
// Created 06/23/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::InitComboBoxUserNames() { CREDENTIAL **credentialSet = NULL; LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_2 *groupInfo = NULL; DWORD nameCount = 0; LPWSTR AccountDomainName = NULL;
if (Style & CRS_ADMINISTRATORS) { //
// Enumerate the members of LocalAdministrators
if ( !CreduiGetAdministratorsGroupInfo(&groupInfo, &nameCount)) { return FALSE; } } else { if (!LocalCredEnumerateW(NULL, 0, &nameCount, &credentialSet)) { return FALSE; } }
// Initialize COM for STA, unless there are zero names:
if ((Style & CRS_AUTOCOMPLETE) && nameCount > 0) { HRESULT comResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED);
if (SUCCEEDED(comResult)) { IsAutoComplete = TRUE; } else { // The auto complete object and our string object require a STA.
// Our object could easily support a MTA, but we do not support
// marshaling between apartments.
if (comResult == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) { CreduiDebugLog("CreduiCredentialControl: " "Auto complete disabled for MTA\n"); }
IsAutoComplete = FALSE; } } else { IsAutoComplete = FALSE; }
// Initialize the auto complete combo box:
if (!UserNameComboBox.Init(CreduiInstance, UserNameControlWindow, IsAutoComplete ? nameCount : 0, IDB_TYPES, IMAGE_USERNAME)) { // If initialization failed, and we had attempted for auto complete
// support, try again without auto complete:
if (IsAutoComplete) { IsAutoComplete = FALSE;
if (!UserNameComboBox.Init(CreduiInstance, UserNameControlWindow, 0, IDB_TYPES, IMAGE_USERNAME)) { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } }
// If we'll complete the user name,
// truncate any username displayed here.
// (We'll complete it later.)
if ( Style & CRS_COMPLETEUSERNAME ) { AccountDomainName = GetAccountDomainName(); }
// Add user names from credentials, if not requesting an
// Administrator:
if (!(Style & CRS_KEEPUSERNAME)) { // only add usernames if we're not keeping the one set
UINT i = 0;
if (!(Style & CRS_ADMINISTRATORS)) { for (i = 0; i < nameCount; ++i) { // Skip domain certificates:
if (credentialSet[i]->Type == CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE) { continue; }
// If this is a generic credential, look for a marshaled
// credential, and skip, if found:
if ((credentialSet[i]->Type == CRED_TYPE_GENERIC) && LocalCredIsMarshaledCredentialW(credentialSet[i]->UserName)) { continue; }
// Skip this credential if the name is empty:
if (credentialSet[i]->UserName == NULL) { continue; }
// Add the user name to the combo box with auto complete. If
// this fails, do not continue:
if (UserNameComboBox.Add( TrimUsername( AccountDomainName, credentialSet[i]->UserName), 0, IsAutoComplete, TRUE) == -1) { break; } }
LocalCredFree(static_cast<VOID *>(credentialSet)); } else if (groupInfo != NULL) { PSID adminSid = NULL;
if ( !CreduiLookupLocalSidFromRid(DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &adminSid)) { adminSid = NULL; }
// Add local administrators to the combo box:
for (i = 0; i < nameCount; ++i) { if ( groupInfo[i].lgrmi2_sidusage == SidTypeUser ) { DWORD ComboBoxIndex; BOOLEAN IsAdminAccount; BOOLEAN RememberComboBoxIndex;
// If this is Personal and not safe mode,
// Ignore the well-known Administrator account.
IsAdminAccount = (adminSid != NULL) && EqualSid(adminSid, groupInfo[i].lgrmi2_sid);
if ( CreduiIsPersonal && !CreduiIsSafeMode && IsAdminAccount ) {
continue; }
// If the caller wants to prepopulate the edit box,
// flag that we need to remember this account
// Detect the well known admin account
RememberComboBoxIndex = FALSE;
if ( (Style & CRS_PREFILLADMIN) != 0 && IsAdminAccount ) {
RememberComboBoxIndex = TRUE;
// Add the name to the combo box
ComboBoxIndex = UserNameComboBox.Add( TrimUsername( AccountDomainName, groupInfo[i].lgrmi2_domainandname), 0, IsAutoComplete, TRUE);
if ( ComboBoxIndex == -1 ) { break; }
// If we're to remember the index,
// do so.
if ( RememberComboBoxIndex ) {
UserNameSelection = ComboBoxIndex;
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, ComboBoxIndex, 0); IsChangingUserName = FALSE; } }
delete [] adminSid; NetApiBufferFree(groupInfo); } }
if ( AccountDomainName != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( AccountDomainName ); }
return TRUE; }
// CreduiCredentialControl::InitWindow
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::InitWindow() { // Set that we're intialized here, even though the controls have not yet
// been created, etc.:
IsInitialized = TRUE;
// Make sure WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT is set:
SetWindowLong(Window, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Window, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT);
// Initialize the balloon tip for this window:
if (!CreateControls() || !BalloonTip.Init(CreduiInstance, Window)) { return FALSE; }
// Limit the number of characters entered into the user name and password
// edit controls:
SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_LIMITTEXT, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, 0);
SendMessage(PasswordControlWindow, EM_LIMITTEXT, CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, 0);
// Set the password character to something cooler:
PasswordBox.Init(PasswordControlWindow, &BalloonTip, &CreduiCapsLockTipInfo);
// Initialize the user name auto complete combo box:
if ( !KeepUserName ) { if (((Style & CRS_USERNAMES) && InitComboBoxUserNames()) || UserNameComboBox.Init(CreduiInstance, UserNameControlWindow, 0, IDB_TYPES, IMAGE_USERNAME)) { // Since we're finished adding auto complete names, enable it now.
// On failure, the UI can still be presented:
BOOL haveCertificates = FALSE;
CertBaseInComboBox = (ULONG) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
if (Style & CRS_CERTIFICATES) { haveCertificates = AddCertificates(); }
SmartCardBaseInComboBox = CertBaseInComboBox + CertCount;
if ((Style & CRS_SMARTCARDS) && CreduiHasSmartCardSupport) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: Call to SCardUIInit for %0x\n",Window); #endif
ScardUiHandle = SCardUIInit(Window);
if (ScardUiHandle == NULL) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: Call to SCardUIInit failed\n"); #endif
CreduiDebugLog("CreduiCredentialControl::InitWindow: " "SCardUIInit failed\n"); } }
// If NoEditUserName is allowed, make sure we eithet have at least one certificate
// or a prefilled username for the control, otherwise fail
if (NoEditUserName ) { if (!haveCertificates && (ScardUiHandle == NULL)) { return FALSE; }
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
// If we have at least one certificate, enable the view control
// now. If a smart card, it will be enabled later:
if (CertCount > 0) { EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW; } }
// Wait until everything has been initialized before
// we have the update. This will now properly determine if the default
// user name is a smart card or not.
OnUserNameSelectionChange(); } else { return FALSE; } }
if ( !DoingCommandLine ) { SetFocus(UserNameControlWindow); }
return TRUE; }
// CredioCredentialControl::Enable
// Enables or disables all the user controls in the control.
// Arguments:
// enable (in) - TRUE to enable the controls, FALSE to disable.
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
VOID CreduiCredentialControl::Enable( BOOL enable ) { if (enable && (DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL)) { DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL;
//EnableWindow(UserNameStaticWindow, TRUE);
//EnableWindow(UserNameControlWindow, TRUE);
if (!(DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL_USERNAME)) { EnableWindow(UserNameControlWindow, TRUE); EnableWindow(UserNameStaticWindow, TRUE); } if (!(DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL_PASSWORD)) { EnableWindow(PasswordControlWindow, TRUE); EnableWindow(PasswordStaticWindow, TRUE); } if (!(DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW)) { EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, TRUE); } if (SaveControlWindow != NULL) { if (!(DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL_SAVE)) { EnableWindow(SaveControlWindow, TRUE); } }
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, UserNameSelection, 0); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
OnUserNameSelectionChange(); } else if (!(DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL)) { // Hide the balloon tip before disabling the window:
if (BalloonTip.IsVisible()) { BalloonTip.Hide(); }
DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL;
UserNameSelection = (LONG) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
EnableWindow(UserNameStaticWindow, FALSE); EnableWindow(UserNameControlWindow, FALSE); EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, FALSE);
EnableWindow(PasswordControlWindow, FALSE); SetFocus(UserNameControlWindow); EnableWindow(PasswordStaticWindow, FALSE);
if (SaveControlWindow != NULL) { EnableWindow(SaveControlWindow, FALSE); } } }
// CreduiCredentialControl::MessageHandlerCallback
// This is the actual callback function for the control window.
// Arguments:
// window (in)
// message (in)
// wParam (in)
// lParam (in)
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
LRESULT CALLBACK CreduiCredentialControl::MessageHandlerCallback( HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { // CreduiDebugLog( "Control Callback: %8.8lx %8.8lx %8.8lx\n", message, wParam, lParam );
CreduiCredentialControl *that = reinterpret_cast<CreduiCredentialControl *>( GetWindowLongPtr(window, 0));
if (that != NULL) { LRESULT result2; ASSERT(window == that->Window); // CreduiDebugLog( "Certhashes: %8.8lx %8.8lx\n", that, that->CertHashes );
result2 = that->MessageHandler(message, wParam, lParam);
// CreduiDebugLog( "Certhashes2: %8.8lx %8.8lx\n", that, that->CertHashes );
return result2; }
if (message == WM_CREATE) { CreduiCredentialControl *control = new CreduiCredentialControl;
if (control != NULL) { // Initialize some state:
control->FirstPaint = TRUE; control->ShowBalloonTip = FALSE;
control->Window = window; control->Style = GetWindowLong(window, GWL_STYLE);
// Store this object's pointer in the user data window long:
SetLastError(0); LONG_PTR retPtr = SetWindowLongPtr(window, 0, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(control));
if ( retPtr != 0 || GetLastError() == 0 ) { // we sucessfully set the window pointer
// If any of the required styles are set, initialize the window
// now. Otherwise, defer until CRM_INITSTYLE:
if (control->Style & (CRS_USERNAMES | CRS_CERTIFICATES | CRS_SMARTCARDS)) { if (control->InitWindow()) { return TRUE; } } else { return TRUE; } }
SetWindowLongPtr(window, 0, 0);
delete control; control = NULL; }
DestroyWindow(window); return 0; }
return DefWindowProc(window, message, wParam, lParam); }
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetUserNameA
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetUserNameA( CHAR *userNameA ) { BOOL success = FALSE;
if (userNameA != NULL) { INT bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, userNameA, -1, NULL, 0);
if (bufferSize != 0) { WCHAR *userName = new WCHAR[bufferSize];
if (userName != NULL) { if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, userNameA, -1, userName, bufferSize) > 0) { success = OnSetUserName(userName); }
delete [] userName; } } } else { success = OnSetUserName(NULL); }
return success; };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetUserName
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetUserName( WCHAR *userName ) { if ((userName == NULL) || (!LocalCredIsMarshaledCredentialW(userName))) {
if ( DoingCommandLine ) { // Save the initial user name for command line
if (userName == NULL) { InitialUserName = NULL; } else { int bufferLength = wcslen(userName) + 1; InitialUserName = new WCHAR[bufferLength];
if ( InitialUserName == NULL ) { // error return on failure to allocate
return FALSE; } StringCchCopyW(InitialUserName, bufferLength, userName); } } return SetWindowText(UserNameControlWindow, userName); } else { CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE credMarshalType; CERT_CREDENTIAL_INFO *certCredInfo = NULL; BOOL foundCert = FALSE;
if (LocalCredUnmarshalCredentialW( userName, &credMarshalType, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&certCredInfo))) { // Search for the certificate. What can we do if it is a
// smart card? Well, at least we can still search for it,
// but it is a bit more work because we must retrieve the
// hash from the context.
if (credMarshalType == CertCredential) { for (UINT i = 0; i < CertCount; ++i) { if (RtlCompareMemory(CertHashes[i], certCredInfo->rgbHashOfCert, CERT_HASH_LENGTH) == CERT_HASH_LENGTH) { IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, CertBaseInComboBox + i, 0); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW;
foundCert = TRUE; break; } }
// If we couldn't find the certificate in our list, determine
// if this is a smart card certificate, based on its entry in
// the MY certificate store. If it is, store the hash and
// check for it on certificate arrival messages:
if (!foundCert) { CONST CERT_CONTEXT *certContext = NULL; HCERTSTORE certStore = NULL;
certStore = CertOpenSystemStore(NULL, L"MY");
if (certStore != NULL) { CRYPT_HASH_BLOB hashBlob;
hashBlob.cbData = CERT_HASH_LENGTH; hashBlob.pbData = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>( certCredInfo->rgbHashOfCert);
certContext = CertFindCertificateInStore( certStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_SHA1_HASH, &hashBlob, NULL); }
// If we found a certificate context, check to see if it
// is from a smart card:
if ((certContext != NULL) && CreduiIsRemovableCertificate(certContext)) { UserNameCertHash = new UCHAR [1][CERT_HASH_LENGTH];
if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { CopyMemory(UserNameCertHash, certCredInfo->rgbHashOfCert, CERT_HASH_LENGTH);
foundCert = TRUE; } }
// If we opened a store, free the certificate and close
// the store:
if (certStore != NULL) { if (certContext != NULL) { CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); }
if (!CertCloseStore(certStore, 0)) { CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetUserName: " "CertCloseStore failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); } } } }
LocalCredFree(static_cast<VOID *>(certCredInfo)); } else { // Could not unmarshal, so just forget it:
CreduiDebugLog( "CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetUserName: " "CredUnmarshalCredential failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); }
return foundCert; } };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetUserNameA
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetUserNameA( CHAR *userNameA, ULONG maxChars ) { BOOL success = FALSE;
if ((userNameA != NULL) && (maxChars != 0)) { WCHAR *userName = new WCHAR[maxChars + 1];
if (userName != NULL) { if (OnGetUserName(userName, maxChars) && WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, userName, -1, userNameA, maxChars + 1, NULL, NULL)) { success = TRUE; }
delete [] userName; } }
return success; };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetUserName
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetUserName( WCHAR *userName, ULONG maxChars ) { if ( KeepUserName ) { SetLastError(0);
return (GetWindowText(UserNameControlWindow, userName, maxChars + 1) > 0) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); } else { COMBOBOXEXITEM item;
item.iItem = SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
// If we are trying to match a smart card certificate, fail this:
if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { return FALSE; }
// If this is not a certificate, it's easy:
if ((item.iItem == CB_ERR) || (item.iItem < CertBaseInComboBox)) { BOOL RetVal; SetLastError(0);
RetVal = GetWindowText(UserNameControlWindow, userName, maxChars + 1) > 0;
if ( !RetVal ) { return ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
// Complete the typed in username
RetVal = CompleteUserName( userName, maxChars, NULL, // No target info
NULL, 0); // No target name
} else {
RetVal = TRUE; }
return RetVal; }
// This is a certificate, maybe from a smart card:
item.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_TEXT; item.pszText = userName; item.cchTextMax = maxChars + 1;
if (!SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item))) { return FALSE; }
certCredInfo.cbSize = sizeof certCredInfo;
if (item.iItem >= SmartCardBaseInComboBox) { if (item.iImage == IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING) { return FALSE; }
CERT_ENUM *certEnum = reinterpret_cast<CERT_ENUM *>( SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETITEMDATA, item.iItem, 0));
// NOTE: Consider more complete error handling here.
if (certEnum != NULL) { DWORD length = CERT_HASH_LENGTH;
if (!CertGetCertificateContextProperty( certEnum->pCertContext, CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID, static_cast<VOID *>( certCredInfo.rgbHashOfCert), &length)) { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } else { CopyMemory(certCredInfo.rgbHashOfCert, &CertHashes[item.iItem - CertBaseInComboBox], CERT_HASH_LENGTH); }
WCHAR *marshaledCred;
if (LocalCredMarshalCredentialW( CertCredential, &certCredInfo, &marshaledCred)) { StringCchCopyW(userName, maxChars + 1, marshaledCred);
LocalCredFree(static_cast<VOID *>(marshaledCred));
return TRUE; } else { CreduiDebugLog("CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetUserName: " "CredMarshalCredential failed: %u\n", GetLastError());
return FALSE; } } }
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetPasswordA
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetPasswordA( CHAR *passwordA ) { return SetWindowTextA(PasswordControlWindow, passwordA); };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetPassword
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnSetPassword( WCHAR *password ) { return SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, password); };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetPasswordA
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetPasswordA( CHAR *passwordA, ULONG maxChars ) { if (DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL_PASSWORD) { return FALSE; }
return (GetWindowTextA(PasswordControlWindow, passwordA, maxChars + 1) > 0) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetPassword
// Created 06/22/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetPassword( WCHAR *password, ULONG maxChars ) { if (DisabledControlMask & DISABLED_CONTROL_PASSWORD) { return FALSE; }
return ((GetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, password, maxChars + 1) > 0) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) ); };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetUserNameLength
// Created 07/19/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
LONG CreduiCredentialControl::OnGetUserNameLength() { COMBOBOXEXITEM item;
if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { return -1; }
item.iItem = SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
// If this is not a certificate, it's easy:
if ((item.iItem == CB_ERR) || (item.iItem < CertBaseInComboBox)) { return GetWindowTextLength(UserNameControlWindow); } else { WCHAR userName[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1];
if (OnGetUserName(userName, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH)) { return wcslen(userName); } else { return -1; } } }
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnShowBalloonA
// Created 06/23/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnShowBalloonA( CREDUI_BALLOONA *balloonA ) { // If NULL was passed, this means to hide the balloon:
if (balloonA == NULL) { if (BalloonTip.IsVisible()) { BalloonTip.Hide(); } return TRUE; }
// Argument validation, should match OnShowBalloon:
if ((balloonA->dwVersion != 1) || (balloonA->pszTitleText == NULL) || (balloonA->pszMessageText == NULL)) { return FALSE; }
if ((balloonA->pszTitleText[0] == '\0') || (balloonA->pszMessageText[0] == '\0')) { return FALSE; }
BOOL success = FALSE;
balloon.dwVersion = balloonA->dwVersion; balloon.iControl = balloonA->iControl; balloon.iIcon = balloonA->iIcon;
INT titleTextSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, balloonA->pszTitleText, -1, NULL, 0);
INT messageTextSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, balloonA->pszMessageText, -1, NULL, 0);
if ((titleTextSize != 0) && (messageTextSize != 0)) { balloon.pszTitleText = new WCHAR[titleTextSize];
if (balloon.pszTitleText != NULL) { if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, balloonA->pszTitleText, -1, balloon.pszTitleText, titleTextSize) > 0) { balloon.pszMessageText = new WCHAR[messageTextSize];
if (balloon.pszMessageText != NULL) { if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, balloonA->pszMessageText, -1, balloon.pszMessageText, messageTextSize) > 0) { success = OnShowBalloon(&balloon); }
delete [] balloon.pszMessageText; } }
delete [] balloon.pszTitleText; } }
return success; };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnShowBalloon
// Created 06/23/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnShowBalloon( CREDUI_BALLOON *balloon ) { // If NULL was passed, this means to hide the balloon:
if (balloon == NULL) { if (BalloonTip.IsVisible()) { BalloonTip.Hide(); } return TRUE; }
// Argument validation:
if ((balloon->dwVersion != 1) || (balloon->pszTitleText == NULL) || (balloon->pszMessageText == NULL)) { return FALSE; }
if ((balloon->pszTitleText[0] == L'\0') || (balloon->pszMessageText[0] == L'\0')) { return FALSE; }
StringCchCopyW( CreduiCustomTipInfo.Title, RTL_NUMBER_OF(CreduiCustomTipTitle), balloon->pszTitleText);
StringCchCopyW( CreduiCustomTipInfo.Text, RTL_NUMBER_OF(CreduiCustomTipMessage), balloon->pszMessageText);
CreduiCustomTipInfo.Icon = balloon->iIcon;
BalloonTip.SetInfo( (balloon->iControl == CREDUI_CONTROL_PASSWORD) ? PasswordControlWindow : UserNameControlWindow, &CreduiCustomTipInfo);
return TRUE; };
// CreduiCredentialControl::OnUserNameSelectionChange
// Created 06/21/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
VOID CreduiCredentialControl::OnUserNameSelectionChange() { COMBOBOXEXITEM item; LRESULT current;
// Delete the user name certificate hash if the user has changed the
// selection:
delete [] UserNameCertHash; UserNameCertHash = NULL;
current = SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
item.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE; item.iItem = current;
SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item));
if (current < CertBaseInComboBox) { EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, FALSE); DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW;
SetWindowText( PasswordStaticWindow, CreduiStrings.PasswordStatic);
EnableWindow(PasswordControlWindow, TRUE); EnableWindow(PasswordStaticWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_PASSWORD;
WCHAR* pUserNameLabel; if ( IsPassport ) pUserNameLabel = CreduiStrings.EmailName; else pUserNameLabel = CreduiStrings.UserNameStatic;
SetWindowText( UserNameStaticWindow, pUserNameLabel);
if (SaveControlWindow != NULL) { EnableWindow(SaveControlWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_SAVE; } } else { SetWindowText( PasswordStaticWindow, CreduiStrings.PinStatic);
if (item.iImage != IMAGE_SMART_CARD_MISSING) { EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW; } else { EnableWindow(ViewCertControlWindow, FALSE); DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_VIEW; } #if 0
// set password control empty on cert name change now only occurs
// if user selects different dropdown item (or types new)
IsChangingPassword = TRUE; SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); IsChangingPassword = FALSE; #endif
if (current >= SmartCardBaseInComboBox) { EnableWindow(PasswordControlWindow, TRUE); EnableWindow(PasswordStaticWindow, TRUE); DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_PASSWORD; } else { EnableWindow(PasswordControlWindow, FALSE); EnableWindow(PasswordStaticWindow, FALSE); DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_PASSWORD; }
SetWindowText( UserNameStaticWindow, item.iImage >= IMAGE_SMART_CARD ? CreduiStrings.SmartCardStatic : CreduiStrings.CertificateStatic); #if 0
if (SaveControlWindow != NULL) { EnableWindow(SaveControlWindow, FALSE); DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_SAVE; } #endif
} }
// CreduiCredentialControl::MessageHandler
// Called from the control window callback to handle the window messages.
// Arguments:
// message (in)
// wParam (in)
// lParam (in)
// Created 06/20/2000 johnstep (John Stephens)
LRESULT CreduiCredentialControl::MessageHandler( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { // Handle WM_NCDESTROY whether initialized or not:
if (message == WM_NCDESTROY) { delete this; return 0; }
// If not initialized, only handle CRM_INITSTYLE:
if (wParam != 0) { Style |= wParam;
SetWindowLong(Window, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(Window, GWL_STYLE) | Style);
DoingCommandLine = (BOOL) lParam;
return InitWindow(); }
return FALSE; } else { return DefWindowProc(Window, message, wParam, lParam); } } else if (message == WM_ENABLE) { Enable((BOOL) wParam); }
// Always handle smart card messages, if support is available:
if (ScardUiHandle != NULL) { // This function call will return TRUE if the message was handled:
if (HandleSmartCardMessages( message, reinterpret_cast<CERT_ENUM *>(wParam))) { return 0; } }
switch (message) { case CRM_SETUSERNAMEMAX: SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_LIMITTEXT, wParam, 0); return TRUE;
case CRM_SETPASSWORDMAX: SendMessage(PasswordControlWindow, EM_LIMITTEXT, wParam, 0); return TRUE; case CRM_DISABLEUSERNAME: { DisabledControlMask |= DISABLED_CONTROL_USERNAME; EnableWindow(UserNameControlWindow,FALSE); EnableWindow(UserNameStaticWindow,FALSE); return TRUE; } case CRM_ENABLEUSERNAME: { DisabledControlMask &= ~DISABLED_CONTROL_USERNAME; EnableWindow(UserNameControlWindow,TRUE); EnableWindow(UserNameStaticWindow,TRUE); return TRUE; } case CRM_GETUSERNAMEMAX: return SendMessage( reinterpret_cast<HWND>( SendMessage(Window, CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0)), EM_GETLIMITTEXT, 0, 0);
case CRM_GETPASSWORDMAX: return SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, EM_GETLIMITTEXT, 0, 0);
case CRM_SETUSERNAMEA: return OnSetUserNameA(reinterpret_cast<CHAR *>(lParam)); case CRM_SETUSERNAMEW: return OnSetUserName(reinterpret_cast<WCHAR *>(lParam));
case CRM_GETUSERNAMEA: return OnGetUserNameA(reinterpret_cast<CHAR *>(lParam), (ULONG) wParam); case CRM_GETUSERNAMEW: return OnGetUserName(reinterpret_cast<WCHAR *>(lParam), (ULONG) wParam);
case CRM_SETPASSWORDA: return OnSetPasswordA(reinterpret_cast<CHAR *>(lParam)); case CRM_SETPASSWORDW: return OnSetPassword(reinterpret_cast<WCHAR *>(lParam));
case CRM_GETPASSWORDA: return OnGetPasswordA(reinterpret_cast<CHAR *>(lParam), (ULONG) wParam); case CRM_GETPASSWORDW: return OnGetPassword(reinterpret_cast<WCHAR *>(lParam), (ULONG) wParam);
case CRM_GETUSERNAMELENGTH: return OnGetUserNameLength();
case CRM_GETPASSWORDLENGTH: if (IsWindowEnabled(PasswordControlWindow)) { return GetWindowTextLength(PasswordControlWindow); } return -1;
case CRM_SETFOCUS: if ( DoingCommandLine ) { return 0; } switch (wParam) { case CREDUI_CONTROL_USERNAME: SetFocus(UserNameControlWindow); return TRUE;
case CREDUI_CONTROL_PASSWORD: if (IsWindowEnabled(PasswordControlWindow)) { SetFocus(PasswordControlWindow);
// NOTE: Is it OK to always select the entire password text
// on this explicit set focus message?
SendMessage(PasswordControlWindow, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); return TRUE; } break; } return 0;
case CRM_SHOWBALLOONA: return OnShowBalloonA(reinterpret_cast<CREDUI_BALLOONA *>(lParam)); case CRM_SHOWBALLOONW: return OnShowBalloon(reinterpret_cast<CREDUI_BALLOON *>(lParam));
minSize = reinterpret_cast<SIZE *>(lParam);
if (minSize != NULL) { minSize->cx = CREDUI_CONTROL_MIN_WIDTH; minSize->cy = CREDUI_CONTROL_MIN_HEIGHT;
if (Style & CRS_SAVECHECK ) { minSize->cy += CREDUI_CONTROL_ADD_SAVE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
case CRM_SETCHECK: switch (wParam) { case CREDUI_CONTROL_SAVE: if ((Style & CRS_SAVECHECK ) && IsWindowEnabled(SaveControlWindow)) { CheckDlgButton(Window, IDC_SAVE, lParam ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE;
case CRM_GETCHECK: switch (wParam) { case CREDUI_CONTROL_SAVE: return (Style & CRS_SAVECHECK ) && IsWindowEnabled(SaveControlWindow) && IsDlgButtonChecked(Window, IDC_SAVE);
default: return FALSE; }
case CRM_DOCMDLINE: ASSERT( DoingCommandLine );
// For smartcards,
// just start the timer and we'll prompt when the timer has gone off.
TargetName = (LPWSTR)lParam; if ( Style & CRS_SMARTCARDS) { DWORD WinStatus;
if ( SetTimer ( Window, CREDUI_HEARTBEAT_TIMER, CREDUI_HEARTBEAT_TIMER_VALUE, NULL ) == 0 ) { // bail out of our wait loop if we couldn't set a timer
return GetLastError(); }
// For passwords,
// just do the prompt to save.
} else {
CmdlineSavePrompt(); PostQuitMessage( NO_ERROR ); }
return NO_ERROR;
case WM_HELP: return OnHelpInfo(lParam);
case WM_SETFONT: // Forward font setting from dialog to each control, except the
// password control since we use a special font there:
if (UserNameStaticWindow != NULL) { SendMessage(UserNameStaticWindow, message, wParam, lParam); }
if (UserNameControlWindow != NULL) { SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, message, wParam, lParam); }
if (ViewCertControlWindow != NULL) { SendMessage(ViewCertControlWindow, message, wParam, lParam); }
if (PasswordStaticWindow != NULL) { SendMessage(PasswordStaticWindow, message, wParam, lParam); }
if (PasswordControlWindow != NULL) { SendMessage(PasswordControlWindow, message, wParam, lParam); }
if (SaveControlWindow != NULL) { SendMessage(SaveControlWindow, message, wParam, lParam); }
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_VIEW_CERT: ViewCertificate((INT) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)); return 0;
case IDC_PASSWORD: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { // Always send the change message?
SendMessage( GetParent(Window), WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(GetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWLP_ID), CRN_PASSWORDCHANGE), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(Window)); } return 0;
case IDC_USERNAME: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_EDITCHANGE: case CBN_DROPDOWN: case CBN_KILLFOCUS: if ((HIWORD(wParam) != CBN_EDITCHANGE) || !IsChangingUserName) { if (BalloonTip.IsVisible()) { BalloonTip.Hide(); } }
if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_EDITCHANGE) { // Always send the change message?
SendMessage( GetParent(Window), WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(GetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWLP_ID), CRN_USERNAMECHANGE), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(Window));
// If the name has changed as a result of user editing,
// reset to user name settings:
BOOL isDropped = (BOOL) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0);
if (isDropped) { OnUserNameSelectionChange();
RECT rect;
GetClientRect(UserNameControlWindow, &rect); InvalidateRect(UserNameControlWindow, &rect, FALSE);
SendMessage(Window, CB_SETCURSEL, SendMessage(Window, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0), 0);
return 0; }
if (IsChangingUserName) { return 0; }
// we are seeking a cert or have selected a reader, and the droplist is
// not dropped.
if (((UserNameCertHash != NULL) || (SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) >= CertBaseInComboBox)) && !isDropped) { delete [] UserNameCertHash; UserNameCertHash = NULL;
if (!SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0)) { SetFocus(UserNameControlWindow);
if (SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) == CB_ERR) { // user is typing a new user name - clear the password
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update( -1, L"", IMAGE_USERNAME); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
IsChangingPassword = TRUE; SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); IsChangingPassword = FALSE;
OnUserNameSelectionChange(); } } } }
if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_DROPDOWN) { if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { delete [] UserNameCertHash; UserNameCertHash = NULL;
IsChangingUserName = TRUE; UserNameComboBox.Update( -1, L"", IMAGE_USERNAME); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
IsChangingPassword = TRUE; SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); IsChangingPassword = FALSE;
OnUserNameSelectionChange(); } }
return 0;
// force password clear on any select of an item from the dropdown.
IsChangingPassword = TRUE; SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); IsChangingPassword = FALSE; OnUserNameSelectionChange(); return 0; } break;
case IDC_SAVE: if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { return TRUE; } break;
} break;
case WM_PAINT: if (FirstPaint && GetUpdateRect(Window, NULL, FALSE)) { FirstPaint = FALSE;
if (ShowBalloonTip) { ShowBalloonTip = FALSE; BalloonTip.Show(); } } break;
case WM_TIMER: if ( wParam == CREDUI_HEARTBEAT_TIMER ) { Heartbeats++; #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: thump thump\n",this->Window); #endif
// If we've waited long enough,
// or all cards have been read,
// process the cards.
if ( Heartbeats > CREDUI_MAX_HEARTBEATS || ( Heartbeats > CREDUI_TIMEOUT_HEARTBEATS && SmartCardReadCount == 0 )) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: Heartbeat timeout\n",this->Window); #endif
fputs( "\n", stdout ); KillTimer ( Window, CREDUI_HEARTBEAT_TIMER ); CmdlineSmartCardPrompt();
// If we're going to wait longer,
// let the user know we're making progress.
} else { fputs( ".", stdout ); } }
case WM_DESTROY: if (PasswordControlWindow != NULL) { SetWindowText(PasswordControlWindow, NULL); DestroyWindow(PasswordControlWindow); PasswordControlWindow = NULL; }
if (PasswordStaticWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(PasswordStaticWindow); PasswordStaticWindow = NULL; }
if (ViewCertControlWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(ViewCertControlWindow); ViewCertControlWindow = NULL; }
if (UserNameControlWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(UserNameControlWindow); UserNameControlWindow = NULL; }
if (UserNameStaticWindow != NULL) { DestroyWindow(UserNameStaticWindow); UserNameStaticWindow = NULL; }
if (ScardUiHandle != NULL) { #ifdef SCARDREPORTS
CreduiDebugLog("CREDUI: Call to SCardUIExit\n"); #endif
SCardUIExit(ScardUiHandle); ScardUiHandle = NULL; }
if (UserNameCertHash != NULL) { delete [] UserNameCertHash; UserNameCertHash = NULL; }
if (CertCount > 0) { ASSERT(CertHashes != NULL);
delete [] CertHashes; CertHashes = NULL; CertCount = 0; }
delete InitialUserName; InitialUserName = NULL;
// Only call CoUninitialize if we successfully initialized for STA:
if (IsAutoComplete) { CoUninitialize(); }
return 0; }
return DefWindowProc(Window, message, wParam, lParam); }
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::GetSmartCardInfo( IN DWORD SmartCardIndex, IN DWORD BufferLength, OUT LPWSTR Buffer, OUT BOOL *IsACard, OUT BOOL *IsValid, OUT CERT_ENUM **CertEnum OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine to get the smart card info for a smart card in the combo box
SmartCardIndex - Index of the smart card relative to SmartCardBaseInComboBox
BufferLength - Specifies the length of Buffer (in characters)
Buffer - Specifies the buffer to return the text for the smart card
IsValid - Return TRUE if the smartcard is valid Returns FALSE otherwise
CertEnum - If specified, returns the description of the cert on the smartcard This field is should be ignore if IsValid is returns false
Return Values:
Returns TRUE if Buffer and IsValid are filled in.
// Get the item from the control
item.iItem = SmartCardBaseInComboBox + SmartCardIndex; item.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_TEXT; item.pszText = Buffer; item.cchTextMax = BufferLength;
if (!SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&item))) { return FALSE; }
*IsValid = (item.iImage == IMAGE_SMART_CARD); *IsACard = (*IsValid || (item.iImage == IMAGE_SMART_CARD_EXPIRED));
if ( CertEnum != NULL) { if ( *IsValid ) {
*CertEnum = (CERT_ENUM *) SendMessage( UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETITEMDATA, item.iItem, 0);
// NOTE: Consider more complete error handling here.
if ( *CertEnum == NULL) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; }
LPWSTR CreduiCredentialControl::MatchSmartCard( IN DWORD SmartCardCount, IN LPWSTR UserName, OUT LPDWORD RetCertIndex, OUT CERT_ENUM **RetCertEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the smart card that matches UserName.
SmartCardCount - specifies the number of smart cards to search
UserName - specifies the user name to match
RetCertIndex - returns an index to the found smart card.
RetCertEnum - returns the description of the cert on the smartcard
Return Values:
Returns NULL if UserName matches one of the smart cards
On failure, returns a printf-style format string describing the error
--*/ { WCHAR SmartCardText[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD i; BOOL SmartCardValid; BOOL IsACard; CERT_ENUM *CertEnum; CERT_ENUM *SavedCertEnum = NULL; DWORD SavedCertIndex = 0;
// Loop through the list of smart cards seeing if we see a match
for ( i=0; i<SmartCardCount; i++ ) {
if ( !GetSmartCardInfo( i, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, SmartCardText, &IsACard, &SmartCardValid, &CertEnum ) ) { //return CreduiStrings.NoUsernameMatch;
if ( !SmartCardValid ) { continue; }
// If the username is marshaled,
// compare the marshaled strings.
if ( LocalCredIsMarshaledCredentialW( UserName ) ) { WCHAR szTestmarshall[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH+1]; // see if this is the marshalled cred
if ( CredUIMarshallNode ( CertEnum, szTestmarshall ) ) { if ( wcscmp ( szTestmarshall, UserName) == 0 ) { *RetCertEnum = CertEnum; *RetCertIndex = i; return NULL; } }
// If the username is not marshalled,
// just match a substring of the name
} else if ( LookForUserNameMatch ( UserName, SmartCardText ) ) {
// If we already found a match,
// complain about the ambiguity.
if ( SavedCertEnum != NULL ) { //return CreduiStrings.ManyUsernameMatch;
SavedCertEnum = CertEnum; SavedCertIndex = i; }
// If we didn't find a match,
// fail
if ( SavedCertEnum == NULL) { //return CreduiStrings.NoUsernameMatch;
*RetCertEnum = SavedCertEnum; *RetCertIndex = SavedCertIndex; return NULL; }
void CreduiCredentialControl::CmdlineSmartCardPrompt() /*++
Routine Description:
Command line code to select a smartcard from the list of ones available.
Post a WM_QUIT message to terminate message processing. The status of the operation is returned in wParam. UserName and Password strings set in their respective controls.
Return Values:
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
LONG ComboBoxItemCount; DWORD SmartCardCount; DWORD ValidSmartCardCount = 0; DWORD InvalidSmartCardCount = 0; DWORD KnownGoodCard = 0;
DWORD i; DWORD_PTR rgarg[2]; // at most 2 substitution arguments
CERT_ENUM *SavedCertEnum = NULL; DWORD SavedCertIndex = 0; LPWSTR ErrorString = NULL;
// Compute the number of smart card entries
ComboBoxItemCount = (LONG) SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
if ( ComboBoxItemCount == CB_ERR || ComboBoxItemCount <= SmartCardBaseInComboBox ) {
// Didn't find any smart card readers
SmartCardCount = ComboBoxItemCount - SmartCardBaseInComboBox;
// Get a count of the number of valid and invalid smartcards
for ( i=0; i<SmartCardCount; i++ ) {
if ( !GetSmartCardInfo( i, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, SmartCardText, &IsACard, &SmartCardValid, NULL ) ) { WinStatus = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto Cleanup; }
if ( SmartCardValid ) { ValidSmartCardCount ++; KnownGoodCard = i; } else { InvalidSmartCardCount ++; }
// Get the username passed into the API
// Can't do a GetWindowText( UserNameControlWindow ) since the cert control has
// a non-editable window so we can't set the window text
if ( InitialUserName != NULL) { StringCchCopyW(UserName, RTL_NUMBER_OF(UserName), InitialUserName); } else { UserName[0] = '\0'; }
// If the caller passed a name into the API,
// check to see if the name matches one of the smart cards.
if ( UserName[0] != '\0' ) {
// Find the smartcard that matches the username
ErrorString = MatchSmartCard( SmartCardCount, UserName, &SavedCertIndex, &SavedCertEnum );
if ( ErrorString == NULL ) { WinStatus = NO_ERROR; goto Cleanup; } }
// Report any errors to the user
if ( InvalidSmartCardCount ) {
for ( i=0; i<SmartCardCount; i++ ) {
if ( !GetSmartCardInfo( i, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, SmartCardText, &IsACard, &SmartCardValid, NULL ) ) { WinStatus = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto Cleanup; }
if ( !SmartCardValid ) { // GetSmartCardInfo() fills SmartCardText, which may include user's name
if (IsACard) { szMsg[0] = 0; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, CreduiInstance, IDS_INVALIDCERT, 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, NULL); CredPutStdout(szMsg); } else { CredPutStdout( SmartCardText ); } //swprintf(szMsg,CreduiStrings.CmdLineError,i+1);
szMsg[0] = 0; INT j = i+1; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, CreduiInstance, IDS_CMDLINE_ERROR, 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, (va_list *) &j); CredPutStdout(szMsg); CredPutStdout( L"\n" ); } // end if invalid
} // end for each reader
} // end if any bad ones
// If the caller passed a name into the API,
// simply report that we couldn't find the cert and return
if ( UserName[0] != '\0' ) {
// ErrorString is expected to be NoMatch or ManyMatch
// ErrorString,
// UserName);
// szMsg[0] = 0;
szMsg[0] = 0; rgarg[0] = (DWORD_PTR) UserName; // Note that ErrorString returned from MatchSmartCard has type LPWSTR, but it is actually
// a message ID. We take the low word of the pointer as the ID.
CredPutStdout( szMsg ); WinStatus = ERROR_CANCELLED; goto Cleanup; }
// If there was only one smartcard and it was valid,
// use it
// if ( ValidSmartCardCount == 1 && InvalidSmartCardCount == 0 ) {
// gm: If list can only contain one item, use it.
if ( ValidSmartCardCount == 1 ) {
if ( !GetSmartCardInfo( KnownGoodCard, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, SmartCardText, &IsACard, &SmartCardValid, &SavedCertEnum ) ) { WinStatus = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto Cleanup; }
SavedCertIndex = KnownGoodCard; WinStatus = NO_ERROR; goto Cleanup;
// If there were valid smartcard,
// List the valid smartcards for the user
} else if ( ValidSmartCardCount ) {
// Tell user about all certs
for ( i=0; i<SmartCardCount; i++ ) {
if ( !GetSmartCardInfo( i, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, SmartCardText, &IsACard, &SmartCardValid, NULL ) ) { WinStatus = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto Cleanup; }
if ( SmartCardValid ) { //swprintf(szMsg,CreduiStrings.CmdLinePreamble,i+1,SmartCardText);
szMsg[0] = 0; rgarg[0] = i+1; rgarg[1] = (DWORD_PTR) SmartCardText; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, Instance, IDS_CMDLINE_PREAMBLE, 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, (va_list *) rgarg); CredPutStdout( szMsg ); } } CredPutStdout( L"\n" );
// Ask user to enter the reader number of one of the smartcards
// CreduiStrings.SCardPrompt,
// TargetName);
szMsg[0] = 0; rgarg[0] = (DWORD_PTR)TargetName; rgarg[1] = 0; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, Instance, IDS_SCARD_PROMPT, 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, (va_list *) rgarg); CredPutStdout( szMsg );
if ( wcslen (UserName ) == 0 ) { szMsg[0] = 0; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, CreduiInstance, IDS_NO_SCARD_ENTERED , 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, NULL); CredPutStdout(szMsg); WinStatus = ERROR_CANCELLED; goto Cleanup; }
// Find the smartcard that matches the username
INT iWhich = 0; WCHAR *pc = NULL; iWhich = wcstol(UserName,&pc,10); if (pc == UserName) { // Invalid if at least one char was not numeric
szMsg[0] = 0; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, CreduiInstance, IDS_READERINVALID, 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, NULL); CredPutStdout(szMsg); WinStatus = ERROR_CANCELLED; goto Cleanup; } // convert 1 based UI number to 0 based internal index
if (iWhich > 0) iWhich -= 1; if ( !GetSmartCardInfo( iWhich, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, SmartCardText, &IsACard, &SmartCardValid, &SavedCertEnum ) ) { // Invalid if that indexed card did not read correctly
// At this point, a valid number was entered, and an attempt to read the card made
// GetSmartCardInfo() returned OK, but SmartCardValid may still be false
if (!SmartCardValid) { szMsg[0] = 0; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, CreduiInstance, IDS_READERINVALID, 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, NULL); CredPutStdout(szMsg); WinStatus = ERROR_CANCELLED; goto Cleanup; } else { SavedCertIndex = iWhich; WinStatus = NO_ERROR; goto Cleanup; } }
// Complete the operation.
// WinStatus is the status of the operation so far
// if NO_ERROR, SavedCertEnum is the description of the cert to use, and
// SavedCertIndex is the index to the selected cert.
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR) {
if ( CredUIMarshallNode ( SavedCertEnum, UserName ) ) {
// Save the username
UserNameSelection = SmartCardBaseInComboBox + SavedCertIndex; IsChangingUserName = TRUE; SendMessage(UserNameControlWindow, CB_SETCURSEL, UserNameSelection, 0); IsChangingUserName = FALSE;
// Prompt for the pin
//CredPutStdout( CreduiStrings.PinPrompt );
//swprintf(szMsg,CreduiStrings.CmdLineThisCard,SavedCertIndex + 1);
szMsg[0] = 0; i = SavedCertIndex + 1; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, Instance, IDS_CMDLINE_THISCARD, 0, szMsg, CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH, (va_list *) &i); CredPutStdout(szMsg);
// Save the pin
if (!OnSetPassword( Password ) ) { WinStatus = GetLastError();
CreduiDebugLog("CreduiCredentialControl::CmdlineSmartCardPrompt: " "OnSetPassword failed: %u\n", WinStatus ); }
// Prompt whether the save the cred or not
} else { WinStatus = GetLastError();
CreduiDebugLog("CreduiCredentialControl::CmdlineSmartCardPrompt: " "CredMarshalCredential failed: %u\n", WinStatus ); } }
// Tell our parent window that we're done prompting
PostQuitMessage( WinStatus );
return; }
void CreduiCredentialControl::CmdlineSavePrompt() /*++
Routine Description:
Command line code to prompt for saving the credential
Return Values:
// Only prompt if we've been asked to display the checkbox
while ( Style & CRS_SAVECHECK ) {
// Fetch the strings one by one from the messages, and cobble them together
WCHAR *rgsz[2]; szY[0] = 0; szN[0] = 0; rgsz[0] = szY; rgsz[1] = szN; szMsg[0] = 0; // Fetch yes and no strings
szMsg[CREDUI_MAX_CMDLINE_MSG_LENGTH] = L'\0'; CredPutStdout( szMsg );
// if ( toupper(szMsg[0]) == toupper(CreduiStrings.YesText[0]) ) {
if ( toupper(szMsg[0]) == toupper(szY[0]) ) { Credential_CheckSave( Window, TRUE ); break; // } else if ( toupper(szMsg[0]) == toupper(CreduiStrings.NoText[0]) ) {
} else if ( toupper(szMsg[0]) == toupper(szN[0]) ) { Credential_CheckSave( Window, FALSE ); break; } } }
UINT CreduiCredentialControl::MapID(UINT uiID) { switch(uiID) {
BOOL CreduiCredentialControl::OnHelpInfo(LPARAM lp) {
HELPINFO* pH; INT iMapped; pH = (HELPINFO *) lp; HH_POPUP stPopUp; RECT rcW; UINT gID;
gID = pH->iCtrlId; iMapped = MapID(gID); if (iMapped == 0) return TRUE; if (IDS_NOHELP != iMapped) {
memset(&stPopUp,0,sizeof(stPopUp)); stPopUp.cbStruct = sizeof(HH_POPUP); stPopUp.hinst = Instance; stPopUp.idString = iMapped; stPopUp.pszText = NULL; stPopUp.clrForeground = -1; stPopUp.clrBackground = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.top = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.bottom = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.left = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.right = -1; stPopUp.pszFont = NULL; if (GetWindowRect((HWND)pH->hItemHandle,&rcW)) { stPopUp.pt.x = (rcW.left + rcW.right) / 2; stPopUp.pt.y = (rcW.top + rcW.bottom) / 2; } else stPopUp.pt = pH->MousePos; HtmlHelp((HWND) pH->hItemHandle,NULL,HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP,(DWORD_PTR) &stPopUp); } return TRUE; }