* HISTORY * $Log: sv_h261_cdenc.c,v $ * Revision 1995/12/18 21:39:02 Karen_Dintino * Porting to NT - added casting, removed unused vars, fixed includes * [1995/12/18 21:36:50 Karen_Dintino] * * Revision 1995/09/13 14:52:04 Hans_Graves * Some code optimizations. * [1995/09/13 14:33:22 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1995/08/15 19:14:01 Karen_Dintino * fix reentrant problem * [1995/08/15 18:35:32 Karen_Dintino] * * Revision 1995/08/04 16:32:32 Karen_Dintino * Return approp errors on end of stream * [1995/08/04 16:27:06 Karen_Dintino] * * Revision 1995/08/03 18:02:13 Karen_Dintino * Fix error handling * [1995/08/03 17:58:43 Karen_Dintino] * * Revision 1995/07/17 16:12:25 Hans_Graves * Switched compression to ScBS* bitstreaming routines. * [1995/07/17 15:45:50 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1995/07/11 22:11:41 Karen_Dintino * Start to clean up prototypes * [1995/07/11 22:01:21 Karen_Dintino] * * Revision 1995/06/19 20:31:26 Karen_Dintino * H.261 slib codec * [1995/06/19 19:49:18 Karen_Dintino] * * $EndLog$ */ /*
**++ ** FACILITY: Workstation Multimedia (WMM) v1.0 ** ** FILE NAME: sv_h261_cdenc.c ** MODULE NAME: ** ** MODULE DESCRIPTION: ** ** DESIGN OVERVIEW: ** **-- */ /*****************************************************************************
** Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1994, 1997 ** ** ** ** All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright ** ** laws of the United States. ** ** ** ** The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies ** ** the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. ** ** Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and ** ** media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from ** ** Digital Equipment Corporation. ** ** ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. ** ** Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph ** ** (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* Some Modifications were done to incorporate a scaled IDCT scheme
on the DecodeXXX routines. These modifications are to improve the performance -S.I.S. September 29, 1993. */ /*************************************************************
This file contains the routines to run-length encode the ac and dc coefficients. *************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "sv_intrn.h"
#include "SC_err.h"
#include "sv_h261.h"
#include "proto.h"
#define fgetv mgetv
#define fgetb mgetb
#define fputvb mputvb
#define fputbb mputbb
#define MYPI 3.1415926535897931
#define RSQ2 0.7071067811865
#define COSM1P3 1.3065629648764
#define COS1M3 0.5411961001462
#define COS3 0.3826834323651
#define sround(x) ( (x >= 0) ? (int) (x+0.5) : (int) (x-0.5) )
#define SCLAMP(x) ( (x>127) ? 127 : ((x<-128) ? -128 : x) )
#define Abs(value) ( (value < 0) ? (-value) : value)
const unsigned int tdzz[64] = { 0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28, 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42, 3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43, 9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53, 10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54, 20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60, 21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61, 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63};
const unsigned int tzz[64] = { 0, 1, 8, 16, 9, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11, 4, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, 27, 20, 13, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63}; float static qscale[32][64]; float static qs[64], invq[32]; float DCIscale; /*PRIVATE*/
extern int bit_set_mask[]; /*
extern DHUFF *T1DHuff; extern DHUFF *T2DHuff;
extern EHUFF *T1EHuff; extern EHUFF *T2EHuff; */ int extend_mask[] = { 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFC, 0xFFFFFFF8, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0xFFFFFFE0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFFE00, 0xFFFFFC00, 0xFFFFF800, 0xFFFFF000, 0xFFFFE000, 0xFFFFC000, 0xFFFF8000, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFE0000, 0xFFFC0000, 0xFFF80000, 0xFFF00000 };
void GenScaleMat() { BEGIN("GenScaleMat"); double dbli, dblj; float dij; int i, j, k, quantindex;
for(quantindex=1;quantindex<32;quantindex++) { k=0; invq[quantindex] = (float) 1.0/(float)(2.0*quantindex); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { for(j=0;j<8;j++) { dbli = MYPI*i/16.0; dblj = MYPI*j/16.0; dij = (float)(16.0*(float)(cos(dbli)*cos(dblj))); if(i==0) dij = (float)(dij/sqrt(2.0)); if(j==0) dij = (float)(dij/sqrt(2.0)); qs[k] = (float)(1.0/dij); qscale[quantindex][k] = (float)(1.0/(2.0*quantindex*dij)); k++; } } } }
** Function: EncodeAC() ** Purpose: Encodes the quantized coefficient matrix input by the first ** Huffman table. The index is an offset into the matrix. */ SvStatus_t EncodeAC(SvH261Info_t *H261, ScBitstream_t *bs, int index, int *matrix) { BEGIN("EncodeAC"); int k,r,l,code,retval; ScBSPosition_t Start; int tempbits;
Start=ScBSBitPosition(bs); /* swtellb(H261); */ for(r=0,k=index-1;++k<H261_BLOCKSIZE;) { l = matrix[k]; if (!l) {r++;} else { code = Abs(l) | (r << 8); if (code != HUFFMAN_ESCAPE) {retval=sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,code,H261->T1EHuff);} else {retval=0;} if (!retval) { sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,HUFFMAN_ESCAPE,H261->T1EHuff); ScBSPutBits(bs,r,6); /* fputvb(H261,6,r); */ ScBSPutBits(bs,l,8); /* fputvb(H261,8,l); */ } else { if (l < 0) ScBSPutBit(bs,1); /* fputbb(H261,1); */ else ScBSPutBit(bs,0); /* fputbb(H261,0); */ } r=0; H261->NumberNZ++; } } H261->CurrentBlockBits = ScBSBitPosition(bs)-Start; /* swtellb(H261)-Start */ H261->CodedBlockBits+=H261->CurrentBlockBits; tempbits = sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,0,H261->T1EHuff); H261->EOBBits += tempbits; H261->CurrentBlockBits += tempbits; return (NoErrors); }
** Function: CBPEncodeAC() ** Purpose: Encodes the AC block matrix when we know there exists a ** non-zero coefficient in the matrix. Thus the EOB cannot ** occur as the first element and we save countless bits... */ SvStatus_t CBPEncodeAC(SvH261Info_t *H261, ScBitstream_t *bs, int index, int *matrix) { int k,r,l,code,ovfl; ScBSPosition_t Start; int tempbits; _SlibDebug(_DEBUG_, printf("CBPEncodeAC()") );
Start=ScBSBitPosition(bs); /* Start=swtellb(H261); */ for (ovfl=1, r=0, k=index-1; ++k<H261_BLOCKSIZE; ) { l = matrix[k]; if (!l) r++; else { code = Abs(l) | (r << 8); if (code == HUFFMAN_ESCAPE || !sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,code,H261->T2EHuff)) { sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,HUFFMAN_ESCAPE,H261->T2EHuff); ScBSPutBits(bs,r,6); /* fputvb(H261,6,r); */ ScBSPutBits(bs,l,8); /* fputvb(H261,8,l); */ } else if (l < 0) ScBSPutBit(bs,1); /* fputbb(H261,1); */ else ScBSPutBit(bs,0); /* fputbb(H261,0); */ ovfl=0; H261->NumberNZ++; break; } } if (ovfl) { _SlibDebug(_VERIFY_, printf("CBP block without any coefficients.\n") ); return(SvErrorVideoInput); } for(r=0; ++k<H261_BLOCKSIZE; ) { l = matrix[k]; if (!l) r++; else { code = Abs(l) | (r << 8); if (code == HUFFMAN_ESCAPE || !sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,code,H261->T1EHuff)) { sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,HUFFMAN_ESCAPE,H261->T1EHuff); ScBSPutBits(bs, r, 6); /* fputvb(H261,6,r); */ ScBSPutBits(bs, l, 8); /* fputvb(H261,8,l); */ } else if (l < 0) ScBSPutBit(bs,1); /* fputbb(H261,1); */ else ScBSPutBit(bs,0); /* fputbb(H261,0); */ r=0; H261->NumberNZ++; } } H261->CurrentBlockBits = ScBSBitPosition(bs)-Start; /* swtellb(H261)-Start;*/ H261->CodedBlockBits+=H261->CurrentBlockBits; tempbits = sv_H261HuffEncode(H261,bs,0,H261->T1EHuff); H261->EOBBits += tempbits; H261->CurrentBlockBits += tempbits; return (NoErrors); }
** Function: EncodeDC() ** Purpose: Encodes the coefficient input into the output stream. */ void EncodeDC(SvH261Info_t *H261, ScBitstream_t *bs, int coef) { _SlibDebug(_DEBUG_, printf("EncodeDC()") ); if (coef > 254) { ScBSPutBits(bs, 254, 8); H261->NumberNZ++; } else if (coef <= 1) ScBSPutBits(bs, 1, 8); else if (coef==128) { ScBSPutBits(bs, 255, 8); H261->NumberNZ++; } else { ScBSPutBits(bs, coef, 8); H261->NumberNZ++; } H261->CodedBlockBits+=8; }
void InterQuant(float *tdct, int *dct, int mq) { int i; float *pqs=qscale[mq]; _SlibDebug(_DEBUG_, printf("InterQuant()") );
for(i=H261_BLOCKSIZE; i; i--) *dct++ = (int)((*tdct++)*(*pqs++)); }
void IntraQuant(float *tdct, int *dct, int mq) { int i,temp; float *pqs=&qscale[mq][1]; _SlibDebug(_DEBUG_, printf("IntraQuant()") ); if (tdct[0] > 0) i = (int) (tdct[0] * qscale[4][0] + 0.5); else i = (int) (tdct[0] * qscale[4][0] - 0.5); if (i>254) *dct = 254; else if (i<1) *dct = 1; else *dct = i;
for(i=1, dct++, tdct++; i<H261_BLOCKSIZE; i++){ if(mq < 3){ temp = (int)((*tdct++)*(*pqs++)); if(temp > 127) *dct++ = 127; else if (temp < -127) *dct++ = -127; else *dct++ = temp; } else *dct++ = (int)((*tdct++)*(*pqs++)); } }
** Function: ZigzagMatrix() ** Purpose: Performs a zig-zag translation on the input imatrix ** and puts the output in omatrix. */ void ZigzagMatrix(int *imatrix, int *omatrix) { const unsigned int *ptdzz=tdzz; int k; _SlibDebug(_DEBUG_, printf("ZigzagMatrix") );
for(k=H261_BLOCKSIZE; k; k--) omatrix[*ptdzz++] = *imatrix++; }
void Inv_Quant(int *matrix, int QuantUse, int BlockType, float *fmatrix) { int k, l, temp; float *pqs=qs+1; _SlibDebug(_DEBUG_, printf("Inv_Quant()") );
/* for(mptr=fmatrix;mptr<fmatrix+H261_BLOCKSIZE;mptr++) {*mptr = 0.0;}*/
if (matrix[0]) { if (BlockType==1) fmatrix[0] = (float)matrix[0]; else { l = matrix[0]; if (QuantUse&1) temp = (l>0) ? (((l*2)+1)*QuantUse):(((l*2)-1)*QuantUse); else temp = (l>0) ? (((l*2)+1)*QuantUse-1):(((l*2)-1)*QuantUse+1); fmatrix[0] = temp*qs[0]; } } else fmatrix[0] = (float)0.0; matrix++; fmatrix++; if (QuantUse&1) { for (k=1; k<64; k++) { if ((l=*matrix++)>0) *fmatrix++ = (((l<<1)+1)*QuantUse) * (*pqs++); else if (l) *fmatrix++ = (((l<<1)-1)*QuantUse) * (*pqs++); else { *fmatrix++ = (float)0.0; pqs++; } } } else { for (k=1; k<64; k++) { if ((l=*matrix++)>0) *fmatrix++ = (((l<<1)+1)*QuantUse-1) * (*pqs++); else if (l) *fmatrix++ = (((l<<1)-1)*QuantUse+1) * (*pqs++); else { *fmatrix++ = (float)0.0; pqs++; } } } }