* HISTORY * $Log: sc_convert.c,v $ * Revision 1996/10/28 17:32:17 Hans_Graves * Add use IsYUV422Sep() macro in ScConvertSepYUVToOther(). * [1996/10/28 16:51:30 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/10/02 18:42:50 Hans_Graves * Fix RGB 24-bit conversion in ScYuv411ToRgb(). * [1996/10/02 18:32:51 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/09/29 22:19:32 Hans_Graves * Added stride support to ScYuv411ToRgb() * [1996/09/29 21:27:17 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/09/18 23:45:34 Hans_Graves * Added ScConvert1611PlanarTo411_C, ScConvert411sTo422s_C, and ScRgbToYuv411 * [1996/09/18 21:52:27 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/05/07 19:55:42 Hans_Graves * Added YUV 4:1:1 to RGB 32-bit conversion - C code * [1996/05/07 19:44:38 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/04/11 20:21:57 Hans_Graves * Moved ScIsUpsideDown() from sc_convert_yuv.c * [1996/04/11 20:03:44 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/04/09 16:04:24 Hans_Graves * Added ValidateBI_BITFIELDS(). Fixed BI_RGB 16 bit conversion in ScYuv411ToRgb() * [1996/04/09 14:46:27 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/04/03 21:41:07 Hans_Graves * Change include path for <mmsystems.h> * [1996/04/03 21:37:55 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1996/02/22 17:35:17 Bjorn_Engberg * Added support for BI_BITFIELDS 16 and BI_RGB 32 rendering. * [1996/02/22 17:31:35 Bjorn_Engberg] * * Revision 1996/01/02 18:30:33 Bjorn_Engberg * Got rid of compiler warnings: Added Casts * [1996/01/02 15:21:27 Bjorn_Engberg] * * Revision 1995/12/07 19:31:15 Hans_Graves * Added ScConvert422PlanarTo411_C() * [1995/12/07 17:44:00 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1995/11/30 20:17:02 Hans_Graves * Cleaned up ScYuv422toRgb() routine * [1995/11/30 20:13:26 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1995/11/28 22:47:28 Hans_Graves * Make XIMAGE 24 identical to BI_BITFIELDS pBGR * [1995/11/28 22:26:11 Hans_Graves] * * Added ScYuv1611ToRgb() routine for use by Indeo * [1995/11/28 21:34:28 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1995/11/17 21:31:21 Hans_Graves * Add ScYuv411ToRgb() conversion routine. * [1995/11/17 20:50:51 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1995/10/25 18:19:18 Bjorn_Engberg * Support Upside Down in ScRgbInterlToYuvInterl(). * [1995/10/25 18:05:18 Bjorn_Engberg] * * Revision 1995/10/10 21:43:02 Bjorn_Engberg * Speeded up RgbToYuv code and made it table driven. * [1995/10/10 21:21:48 Bjorn_Engberg] * * Revision 1995/10/09 19:44:31 Bjorn_Engberg * Removed ValidateBI_BITFIELDS(), it's now in sc_convert_yuv.c * [1995/10/09 19:44:14 Bjorn_Engberg] * * Revision 1995/10/06 20:43:23 Farokh_Morshed * Enhance ScRgbInterlToYuvInterl to handle BI_BITFIELDS * [1995/10/06 20:42:43 Farokh_Morshed] * * Revision 1995/10/02 19:30:26 Bjorn_Engberg * Added support for Assebler YUV to RGB routines. * [1995/10/02 18:39:05 Bjorn_Engberg] * * Revision 1995/09/28 20:37:53 Farokh_Morshed * Handle negative Height * [1995/09/28 20:37:39 Farokh_Morshed] * * Revision 1995/09/26 15:58:47 Paul_Gauthier * Fix mono JPEG to interlaced 422 YUV conversion * [1995/09/26 15:58:09 Paul_Gauthier] * * Revision 1995/09/22 18:56:35 Paul_Gauthier * {** Merge Information **} * {** Command used: bsubmit **} * {** Ancestor revision: **} * {** Merge revision: **} * {** End **} * Use faster method for 16bit YUV output for TGA2 * [1995/09/22 18:39:55 Paul_Gauthier] * * Revision 1995/09/21 18:26:45 Farokh_Morshed * When BI_RGB or BI_BITFIELDS, invert the image while translating from * YUV to RGB. Also fix the coefficient for the YUV colors. * This work was actually done by Bjorn * [1995/09/21 18:26:19 Farokh_Morshed] * * Revision 1995/09/20 17:39:18 Karen_Dintino * Add RGB support to JPEG * [1995/09/20 17:37:22 Karen_Dintino] * * Revision 1995/09/20 14:59:31 Bjorn_Engberg * Port to NT * [1995/09/20 14:41:10 Bjorn_Engberg] * * Revision 1995/09/18 19:47:47 Paul_Gauthier * Added conversion of MPEG planar 4:1:1 to interleaved 4:2:2 * [1995/09/18 19:46:13 Paul_Gauthier] * * Revision 1995/09/14 14:40:34 Karen_Dintino * Move RgbToYuv out of rendition * [1995/09/14 14:26:13 Karen_Dintino] * * Revision 1995/09/11 18:47:25 Farokh_Morshed * {** Merge Information **} * {** Command used: bsubmit **} * {** Ancestor revision: **} * {** Merge revision: **} * {** End **} * Support BI_BITFIELDS format * [1995/09/11 18:43:39 Farokh_Morshed] * * Revision 1995/09/05 17:17:34 Paul_Gauthier * Fix for softjpeg decompression JPEG -> BICOMP_DECYUVDIB * [1995/09/05 17:17:09 Paul_Gauthier] * * Revision 1995/08/03 15:01:06 Hans_Graves * Moved ScConvert422ToYUV_char_C() from h261. * [1995/08/03 14:46:23 Hans_Graves] * * Revision 1995/05/31 18:07:27 Hans_Graves * Inclusion in new SLIB location. * [1995/05/31 16:06:30 Hans_Graves] * * $EndLog$ */
** Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993 ** ** ** ** All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright ** ** laws of the United States. ** ** ** ** The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies ** ** the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. ** ** Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and ** ** media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from ** ** Digital Equipment Corporation. ** ** ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. ** ** Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph ** ** (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. ** ******************************************************************************/
** ** Miscellaneous conversion utility subroutines ** ** Author(s): Victor Bahl ** Date: May 27, 1993 ** */
#include <stdio.h> /* NULL */
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#else /* !WIN32 */
#include <mmsystem.h>
#endif /* !WIN32 */
#include "SC_conv.h"
#include "SC_err.h"
#define BI_DECSEPRGBDIB mmioFOURCC('D','S','R','G')
#define NEW_YCBCR /* Use new YUV to RGB coefficients */
** Name: ScCreateBMHeader ** Purpose: Allocate memory for a (Microsoft specified) bitmap header and ** fill in the appropriate fields ** */ BITMAPINFOHEADER *ScCreateBMHeader(int width, int height, int bpp, int format, int ncolors) { BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHead; int struct_size = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + ncolors*sizeof(RGBQUAD);
if ((pHead = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)ScAlloc(struct_size)) == NULL) { puts("Can't Allocate memory for image headers"); return NULL; }
pHead->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); pHead->biWidth = width; pHead->biHeight = height; pHead->biPlanes = 1; pHead->biBitCount = (WORD)bpp; pHead->biCompression = format; pHead->biSizeImage = 0; pHead->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; pHead->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; pHead->biClrUsed = ncolors; pHead->biClrImportant = 0;
return pHead; }
** Function: ScIsUpsideDown ** Descript: Return TRUE if the current combination ** of input and output formats and image ** heights means that the image should be ** flipped during the render stage. */ int ScIsUpsideDown( BITMAPINFOHEADER *lpbiIn, BITMAPINFOHEADER *lpbiOut ) { int ups = 0 ; if( lpbiIn ) ups = (((lpbiIn->biCompression == BI_RGB) || (lpbiIn->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS)) ^ ((int) lpbiIn->biHeight < 0)) ; if( lpbiOut ) ups ^= (((lpbiOut->biCompression == BI_RGB) || (lpbiOut->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS)) ^ ((int) lpbiOut->biHeight < 0)) ; return ups ; }
**++ ** FUNCTIONAL_DESCRIPTION: ** Return an enum value that validates a BI_BITFIELDS bitmapinfoheader ** with BI_BITFIELDS format. ** ** FORMAL PARAMETERS: ** Pointer to bitmapinfoheader ** RETURN VALUE: ** A value from enum type ValidBI_BITFIELDSKinds. **/ enum ValidBI_BITFIELDSKinds ValidateBI_BITFIELDS( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi) { DWORD *MaskPtr;
if (lpbi == NULL || lpbi->biCompression != BI_BITFIELDS) return InvalidBI_BITFIELDS;
MaskPtr = (DWORD *)&lpbi[1];
* For 32-bit BI_BITFIELDS, we support * only the special cases 00RRGGBB and 00BBGGRR. */
if( lpbi->biBitCount == 32 ) { if (MaskPtr[1] != 0x0000FF00U) return InvalidBI_BITFIELDS; else if (MaskPtr[0] == 0x00FF0000U && MaskPtr[2] == 0x000000FFU) return pRGB; else if (MaskPtr[0] == 0x000000FFU && MaskPtr[2] == 0x00FF0000U) return pBGR; else return InvalidBI_BITFIELDS; }
#ifdef WIN32
* For 16-bit BI_BITFIELDS, we support any legal * color arrangement, but RGB565 and RGB555 are * recognized as special since we have extra * fast assembler code for those cases. */
else if( lpbi->biBitCount == 16 ) { int i ; if( MaskPtr[2] == 0x001f ) { if( MaskPtr[0] == 0xf800 && MaskPtr[1] == 0x07e0 ) return pRGB565 ; else if( MaskPtr[0] == 0x7c00 && MaskPtr[1] == 0x03e00 ) return pRGB555 ; } /*
* Generic case: First make sure that each mask is * a 16-bit mask. */
if( (MaskPtr[0] | MaskPtr[1] | MaskPtr[2]) & ~0x0000ffff ) return InvalidBI_BITFIELDS ;
* Masks must not overlap. */
if( (MaskPtr[0] & MaskPtr[1]) || (MaskPtr[0] & MaskPtr[2]) || (MaskPtr[1] & MaskPtr[2]) ) return InvalidBI_BITFIELDS ;
* Make sure each mask contains a contiguous * sequence of 1's (or is 0). */
for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) { DWORD v = MaskPtr[i] ; if( (((v-1)|v)+1)&v ) return InvalidBI_BITFIELDS ; }
* If we pass all these tests, we have * a valid generic 16-bit BI_BITFIELDS case. */
return pRGBnnn ; }
#endif /* WIN32 */
* No other biBitCounts are supported. */
return InvalidBI_BITFIELDS ; }
/*********************** Conversion Routines ***************************/
static void sc_ExtractBlockNonInt(u_char *InData, float **OutData, int ByteWidth, int x, int y) { register int i,j; u_char *Inp, *IStart = InData + 8*y*ByteWidth + 8*x;
for (i = 0 , Inp = IStart ; i < 8 ; i++ , Inp += ByteWidth) for (j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) *((*OutData)++) = (float)((int)(*Inp++) - 128); }
** Name: ScConvertSepYUVToOther ** Purpose: Convert Seperated YUV 422 to another format ** */ ScStatus_t ScConvertSepYUVToOther(BITMAPINFOHEADER *InBmh, BITMAPINFOHEADER *OutBmh, u_char *OutImage, u_char *YData, u_char *CbData, u_char *CrData) { /*
** no need to do extensive checking, DecompressBegin and CompressBegin ** should take care of static checking (eg. valid output colorspace */
** Are we converting from SepYUV to RGB ? */ if ((OutBmh->biCompression == BI_RGB) || (OutBmh->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) || (OutBmh->biCompression == BI_DECXIMAGEDIB) || (OutBmh->biCompression == BI_DECSEPRGBDIB)) { /*
** It is assumed that YUV is subsampled 4:2:2, we will need to ** generalize the code below to handle other cases as well -- VB */ if (InBmh->biBitCount == 8) ScYuv422ToRgb (OutBmh, YData, NULL, NULL, OutImage); else ScYuv422ToRgb (OutBmh, YData, CbData, CrData, OutImage); } /*
** Are we converting from SepYUV to Interlaced YUV ? */ else if (IsYUV422Sep(OutBmh->biCompression)) { /*
** It is assumed that YUV is subsampled 4:2:2, we will need to ** generalize the code below to handle other cases as well ** XXX - Bad idea to do this here, should be done as part of ** decompression (VB) ** XXX - While we can move the Sep YUV to 422 interleaved ** to decompression, we also need a copy here so we ** can use this as a general purpose dither'ing ** device. (JPL) */ int i, j;
** If the input format is Mono JPEG and the output format is ** packed YUV422, we must reset the U and V values to neutral (Gray). */ if (InBmh->biBitCount == 8) { #ifdef __alpha
* If we're an Alpha, and the buffer is quadword * aligned, we can use 64-bit transfers. */ if( ((INT_PTR) OutImage & 0x7) == 0 ) { _int64 val = 0x7f007f007f007f00L ; _int64 *iptr = (_int64 *) OutImage ; for( i=(OutBmh->biWidth*abs(OutBmh->biHeight)>>2) ; i>0 ; i-- ) *iptr++ = val ; } else #endif /* __alpha */
{ int val = 0x7f007f00 ; int *iptr = (int *) OutImage ; for( i=(OutBmh->biWidth*abs(OutBmh->biHeight)>>1) ; i>0 ; i-- ) *iptr++ = val ; } /*
** Plug in the luminance samples */ for( i=(OutBmh->biWidth * abs(OutBmh->biHeight)) ; i>0 ; i-- ) { *OutImage = *YData++; OutImage +=2; } } /*
** Color input */ else { /* If this is quad padded in both X and Y and quad aligned,
** we can call the assembly routine */ if ( (abs(OutBmh->biHeight) & 0x7) == 0 && (OutBmh->biWidth & 0x7) == 0 && ((ULONG_PTR)OutImage & 0xf) == 0 ) { ScConvert422PlanarTo422i(YData, CbData, CrData, OutImage, OutBmh->biWidth, abs(OutBmh->biHeight)); } else { for (i=0; i<abs(OutBmh->biHeight); i++) /* Remember, pixels are 16 bit in interleaved YUV. That
** means the 4 bytes below represent two pixels so our ** loop should be for half the width. */ for (j=0; j<OutBmh->biWidth>>1; j++) { /* Note: was j+=2 */ *OutImage++ = *YData++; *OutImage++ = *CbData++; *OutImage++ = *YData++; *OutImage++ = *CrData++; } } } } else return(ScErrorUnrecognizedFormat);
return(ScErrorNone); }
** Name: ScYuv411ToRgb ** Purpose: convert 16-bit YCrCb 4:1:1 to an 16/24/32-bit RGB ** ** Note: The code below is pixel based and is inefficient, we ** plan to replace faster assembly code */ ScStatus_t ScYuv411ToRgb (BITMAPINFOHEADER *Bmh, u_char *Y, u_char *Cb, u_char *Cr, u_char *ImageOut, int Width, int Height, long stride) { const int pixels = Width; int lines = Height; register int row, col; register int Luma, U, V; /* Variables to hold R, G and B values for a 2x2 matrix of pixels */ int R1,R2,R3,R4; int G1,G2,G3,G4; int B1,B2,B3,B4; int Ups = 0, tmp; /* Flip image upside down */ u_char *Y1=Y, *Y2=Y+pixels; #define _LoadRGBfrom411() \
R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = (int) ( + (1.596 * V)); \ G1 = G2 = G3 = G4 = (int) (- (0.391 * U) - (0.813 * V)); \ B1 = B2 = B3 = B4 = (int) (+ (2.018 * U) ); \ Luma = (int) (((int) *(Y1++) - 16) * 1.164); \ R1 += Luma; G1 +=Luma; B1 += Luma; \ Luma = (int) (((int) *(Y1++) - 16) * 1.164); \ R2 += Luma; G2 +=Luma; B2 += Luma; \ if ((R1 | G1 | B1 | R2 | G2 | B2) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (R1<0) R1=0; else if (R1>255) R1=255; \ if (G1<0) G1=0; else if (G1>255) G1=255; \ if (B1<0) B1=0; else if (B1>255) B1=255; \ if (R2<0) R2=0; else if (R2>255) R2=255; \ if (G2<0) G2=0; else if (G2>255) G2=255; \ if (B2<0) B2=0; else if (B2>255) B2=255; \ } \ Luma = (int) (((int) *(Y2++) - 16) * 1.164); \ R3 += Luma; G3 +=Luma; B3 += Luma; \ Luma = (int) (((int) *(Y2++) - 16) * 1.164); \ R4 += Luma; G4 +=Luma; B4 += Luma; \ if ((R3 | G3 | B3 | R4 | G4 | B4) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (R3<0) R3=0; else if (R3>255) R3=255; \ if (G3<0) G3=0; else if (G3>255) G3=255; \ if (B3<0) B3=0; else if (B3>255) B3=255; \ if (R4<0) R4=0; else if (R4>255) R4=255; \ if (G4<0) G4=0; else if (G4>255) G4=255; \ if (B4<0) B4=0; else if (B4>255) B4=255; \ }
* Normally, images are stored right side up, that is with the * first pixel in the buffer corresponding to the top left pixel * in the image. * * The Microsoft standard Device Independent bitmap formats BI_RGB and * BI_BITFIELD are stored with the lower left pixel first. We view that * as upside down. * * Each format can also have a negative height, which also signifes * upside down. * * Since two negatives makes a positive, that means that BI_ formats with * negative height are right side up. */ if( Bmh->biCompression == BI_RGB || Bmh->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS ) Ups = 1 ;
if( lines < 0 ) { Ups = 1-Ups ; lines = -lines ; }
** The assumption is that YCrCb are subsampled 4:1:1 ** YSize = lines * pixels ** CbSize = CrSize = (lines*pixels)/4 */ switch (Bmh->biCompression) { case BI_RGB: switch (Bmh->biBitCount) { case 15: { u_short *Sout1 = (u_short *)ImageOut, *Sout2=Sout1+pixels; for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=2) { if (Ups) { tmp = stride * (lines-row-1) ; Sout1 = (u_short *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 16-bit */ Sout2=Sout1-stride; } else { tmp = stride * row; Sout1 = (u_short *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 16-bit */ Sout2=Sout1+stride; } Y2=Y1+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; _LoadRGBfrom411(); *(Sout1++) = ((R1&0xf8)<<7)|((G1&0xf8)<<2)|((B1&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout1++) = ((R2&0xf8)<<7)|((G2&0xf8)<<2)|((B2&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout2++) = ((R3&0xf8)<<7)|((G3&0xf8)<<2)|((B3&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout2++) = ((R4&0xf8)<<7)|((G4&0xf8)<<2)|((B4&0xf8)>>3); } Y1=Y2; } } break; case 16: { u_short *Sout1 = (u_short *)ImageOut, *Sout2=Sout1+pixels; for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=2) { if (Ups) { tmp = stride * (lines-row-1) ; Sout1 = (u_short *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 16-bit */ Sout2=Sout1-stride; } else { tmp = stride * row; Sout1 = (u_short *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 16-bit */ Sout2=Sout1+stride; } Y2=Y1+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; _LoadRGBfrom411(); #ifdef WIN95 /* RGB 565 - 16 bit */
*(Sout1++) = ((R1&0xf8)<<8)|((G1&0xfC)<<3)|((B1&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout1++) = ((R2&0xf8)<<8)|((G2&0xfC)<<3)|((B2&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout2++) = ((R3&0xf8)<<8)|((G3&0xfC)<<3)|((B3&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout2++) = ((R4&0xf8)<<8)|((G4&0xfC)<<3)|((B4&0xf8)>>3); #else /* RGB 555 - 15 bit */
*(Sout1++) = ((R1&0xf8)<<7)|((G1&0xf8)<<2)|((B1&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout1++) = ((R2&0xf8)<<7)|((G2&0xf8)<<2)|((B2&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout2++) = ((R3&0xf8)<<7)|((G3&0xf8)<<2)|((B3&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout2++) = ((R4&0xf8)<<7)|((G4&0xf8)<<2)|((B4&0xf8)>>3); #endif
} Y1=Y2; } } break; case 24: { u_char *Cout1, *Cout2; stride*=3; for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=2) { if (Ups) { tmp = stride * (lines-row-1) ; Cout1 = (u_char *)(ImageOut + tmp); /* For 24-bit */ Cout2=Cout1-stride; } else { tmp = stride * row; Cout1 = (u_char *)(ImageOut + tmp); /* For 24-bit */ Cout2=Cout1+stride; } Y2=Y1+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; _LoadRGBfrom411(); *(Cout1++) = (u_char)B1; *(Cout1++) = (u_char)G1; *(Cout1++) = (u_char)R1; *(Cout1++) = (u_char)B2; *(Cout1++) = (u_char)G2; *(Cout1++) = (u_char)R2; *(Cout2++) = (u_char)B3; *(Cout2++) = (u_char)G3; *(Cout2++) = (u_char)R3; *(Cout2++) = (u_char)B4; *(Cout2++) = (u_char)G4; *(Cout2++) = (u_char)R4; } Y1=Y2; } } break; case 32: { unsigned dword *Wout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut, *Wout2=Wout1+pixels; for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=2) { if (Ups) { tmp = stride * (lines-row-1); Wout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut + tmp; Wout2=Wout1-stride; } else { tmp = stride * row; Wout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut + tmp; Wout2=Wout1+stride; } Y2=Y1+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; _LoadRGBfrom411(); *(Wout1++) = (R1<<16) | (G1<<8) | B1; *(Wout1++) = (R2<<16) | (G2<<8) | B2; *(Wout2++) = (R3<<16) | (G3<<8) | B3; *(Wout2++) = (R4<<16) | (G4<<8) | B4; } Y1=Y2; } } break; } break; case BI_DECSEPRGBDIB: /* 24-bit separate RGB */ { u_char *RData1, *GData1, *BData1; u_char *RData2, *GData2, *BData2; RData1 = ImageOut; GData1 = RData1 + (pixels * lines); BData1 = GData1 + (pixels * lines); RData2 = RData1 + pixels; GData2 = GData1 + pixels; BData2 = BData1 + pixels; for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=2) { Y2=Y1+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; _LoadRGBfrom411(); *(RData1++) = (u_char)R1; *(RData1++) = (u_char)R2; *(RData2++) = (u_char)R3; *(RData2++) = (u_char)R4; *(GData1++) = (u_char)G1; *(GData1++) = (u_char)G2; *(GData2++) = (u_char)G3; *(GData2++) = (u_char)G4; *(BData1++) = (u_char)B1; *(BData1++) = (u_char)B2; *(BData2++) = (u_char)B3; *(BData2++) = (u_char)B4; } RData1=RData2; RData2=RData1+pixels; Y1=Y2; } } break; case BI_DECXIMAGEDIB: /* XIMAGE 24 == pBGR */ case BI_BITFIELDS: /* 32-bit RGB */ { unsigned dword *Iout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut, *Iout2=Iout1+pixels; if (ValidateBI_BITFIELDS(Bmh) == pRGB) for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=2) { if (Ups) { tmp = stride * (lines-row-1); Iout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 32-bit */ Iout2=Iout1-stride; } else { tmp = stride * row; Iout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 32-bit */ Iout2=Iout1+stride; } Y2=Y1+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; _LoadRGBfrom411(); *(Iout1++) = (R1<<16) | (G1<<8) | B1; *(Iout1++) = (R2<<16) | (G2<<8) | B2; *(Iout2++) = (R3<<16) | (G3<<8) | B3; *(Iout2++) = (R4<<16) | (G4<<8) | B4; } Y1=Y2; } else /* pBGR and XIMAGE 24-bit */ for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=2) { if (Ups) { tmp = stride * (lines-row-1); Iout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 32-bit */ Iout2=Iout1-stride; } else { tmp = stride * row; Iout1 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut+tmp; /* For 32-bit */ Iout2=Iout1+stride; } Y2=Y1+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; _LoadRGBfrom411(); *(Iout1++) = (B1<<16) | (G1<<8) | R1; *(Iout1++) = (B2<<16) | (G2<<8) | R2; *(Iout2++) = (B3<<16) | (G3<<8) | R3; *(Iout2++) = (B4<<16) | (G4<<8) | R4; } Y1=Y2; } } break; default: return(ScErrorUnrecognizedFormat); } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScYuv1611ToRgb ** Purpose: convert 16-bit YCrCb 16:1:1 (YUV9/YVU9) to 16/24/32-bit RGB ** ** Note: The code below is pixel based and is inefficient, we ** plan to replace faster assembly code ** This routine is used by Indeo, which actually only has 7-bits for ** Y, U and V components. The 8th bits are ignored. */ ScStatus_t ScYuv1611ToRgb (BITMAPINFOHEADER *Bmh, u_char *Y, u_char *Cb, u_char *Cr, u_char *ImageOut) { const int pixels = Bmh->biWidth; int lines = Bmh->biHeight; register int row, col, i; register int Luma, U, V; /* Variables to hold R, G and B values for a 4x4 matrix of pixels */ int R[16], G[16], B[16], tmpR, tmpG, tmpB, cR, cG, cB; int Ups = 0, tmp; /* Flip image upside down */ u_char *Y0=Y, *Y1, *Y2, *Y3; #define _LoadRGBfrom1611() \
cR=(int) ( + (1.596 * V));\ cG=(int) (-(0.391 * U) - (0.813 * V));\ cB=(int) (+(2.018 * U) );\ for (i=0; i<4; i++) { \ Luma = (int) ((((int)(*Y0++)<<1) - 16) * 1.164); \ tmpR=cR + Luma; tmpG=cG + Luma; tmpB=cB + Luma; \ if ((tmpR | tmpG | tmpB) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (tmpR<0) R[i]=0; else if (tmpR>255) R[i]=255; else R[i]=tmpR; \ if (tmpG<0) G[i]=0; else if (tmpG>255) G[i]=255; else G[i]=tmpG; \ if (tmpB<0) B[i]=0; else if (tmpB>255) B[i]=255; else B[i]=tmpB; \ } else { R[i]=tmpR; G[i]=tmpG; B[i]=tmpB; } \ } \ for (; i<8; i++) { \ Luma = (int) ((((int)(*Y1++)<<1) - 16) * 1.164); \ tmpR=cR + Luma; tmpG=cG + Luma; tmpB=cB + Luma; \ if ((tmpR | tmpG | tmpB) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (tmpR<0) R[i]=0; else if (tmpR>255) R[i]=255; else R[i]=tmpR; \ if (tmpG<0) G[i]=0; else if (tmpG>255) G[i]=255; else G[i]=tmpG; \ if (tmpB<0) B[i]=0; else if (tmpB>255) B[i]=255; else B[i]=tmpB; \ } else { R[i]=tmpR; G[i]=tmpG; B[i]=tmpB; } \ } \ for (; i<12; i++) { \ Luma = (int) ((((int)(*Y2++)<<1) - 16) * 1.164); \ tmpR=cR + Luma; tmpG=cG + Luma; tmpB=cB + Luma; \ if ((tmpR | tmpG | tmpB) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (tmpR<0) R[i]=0; else if (tmpR>255) R[i]=255; else R[i]=tmpR; \ if (tmpG<0) G[i]=0; else if (tmpG>255) G[i]=255; else G[i]=tmpG; \ if (tmpB<0) B[i]=0; else if (tmpB>255) B[i]=255; else B[i]=tmpB; \ } else { R[i]=tmpR; G[i]=tmpG; B[i]=tmpB; } \ } \ for (; i<16; i++) { \ Luma = (int) ((((int)(*Y3++)<<1) - 16) * 1.164); \ tmpR=cR + Luma; tmpG=cG + Luma; tmpB=cB + Luma; \ if ((tmpR | tmpG | tmpB) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (tmpR<0) R[i]=0; else if (tmpR>255) R[i]=255; else R[i]=tmpR; \ if (tmpG<0) G[i]=0; else if (tmpG>255) G[i]=255; else G[i]=tmpG; \ if (tmpB<0) B[i]=0; else if (tmpB>255) B[i]=255; else B[i]=tmpB; \ } else { R[i]=tmpR; G[i]=tmpG; B[i]=tmpB; } \ }
* Normally, images are stored right side up, that is with the * first pixel in the buffer corresponding to the top left pixel * in the image. * * The Microsoft standard Device Independent bitmap formats BI_RGB and * BI_BITFIELD are stored with the lower left pixel first. We view that * as upside down. * * Each format can also have a negative height, which also signifes * upside down. * * Since two negatives makes a positive, that means that BI_ formats with * negative height are right side up. */ if( Bmh->biCompression == BI_RGB || Bmh->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS ) Ups = 1 ;
if( lines < 0 ) { Ups = 1-Ups ; lines = -lines ; }
** The assumption is that YCrCb are subsampled 4:1:1 ** YSize = lines * pixels ** CbSize = CrSize = (lines*pixels)/4 */ switch (Bmh->biCompression) { case BI_DECXIMAGEDIB: /* XIMAGE 24 == pBGR */ case BI_BITFIELDS: /* 32-bit RGB */ { unsigned dword *Iout0 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut, *Iout1, *Iout2, *Iout3; if (ValidateBI_BITFIELDS(Bmh) == pRGB) for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=4) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Iout0 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut+tmp; Iout1=Iout0-pixels; Iout2=Iout1-pixels; Iout3=Iout2-pixels; } else { Iout1=Iout0+pixels; Iout2=Iout1+pixels; Iout3=Iout2+pixels; } Y1=Y0+pixels; Y2=Y1+pixels; Y3=Y2+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 4) { if (*Cb & 0x80) /* if 8th bit is set, ignore */ { for (i=0; i<4; i++) { *(Iout0++) = 0; *(Iout1++) = 0; *(Iout2++) = 0; *(Iout3++) = 0; } Cb++; Cr++; } else { U = ((*Cb++)<<1) - 128; V = ((*Cr++)<<1) - 128; _LoadRGBfrom1611(); for (i=0; i<4; i++) *(Iout0++) = (R[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | B[i]; for (; i<8; i++) *(Iout1++) = (R[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | B[i]; for (; i<12; i++) *(Iout2++) = (R[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | B[i]; for (; i<16; i++) *(Iout3++) = (R[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | B[i]; } } Iout0=Iout3; Y0=Y3; } else /* pBGR and XIMAGE 24-bit */ for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=4) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Iout0 = (unsigned dword *)ImageOut+tmp; Iout1=Iout0-pixels; Iout2=Iout1-pixels; Iout3=Iout2-pixels; } else { Iout1=Iout0+pixels; Iout2=Iout1+pixels; Iout3=Iout2+pixels; } Y1=Y0+pixels; Y2=Y1+pixels; Y3=Y2+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 4) { if (*Cb & 0x80) /* if 8th bit is set, ignore */ { for (i=0; i<4; i++) { *(Iout0++) = 0; *(Iout1++) = 0; *(Iout2++) = 0; *(Iout3++) = 0; } Cb++; Cr++; } else { U = ((*Cb++)<<1) - 128; V = ((*Cr++)<<1) - 128; _LoadRGBfrom1611(); for (i=0; i<4; i++) *(Iout0++) = (B[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | R[i]; for (; i<8; i++) *(Iout1++) = (B[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | R[i]; for (; i<12; i++) *(Iout2++) = (B[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | R[i]; for (; i<16; i++) *(Iout3++) = (B[i]<<16) | (G[i]<<8) | R[i]; } } Iout0=Iout3; Y0=Y3; } } break; case BI_RGB: switch (Bmh->biBitCount) { case 15: case 16: { u_short *Sout0 = (u_short *)ImageOut, *Sout1, *Sout2, *Sout3; for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=4) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Sout0 = &((u_short *)ImageOut)[tmp]; /* For 32-bit */ Sout1=Sout0-pixels; Sout2=Sout1-pixels; Sout3=Sout2-pixels; } else { Sout1=Sout0+pixels; Sout2=Sout1+pixels; Sout3=Sout2+pixels; } Y1=Y0+pixels; Y2=Y1+pixels; Y3=Y2+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 4) { if (*Cb & 0x80) /* if 8th bit is set, ignore */ { for (i=0; i<4; i++) { *(Sout0++) = 0; *(Sout1++) = 0; *(Sout2++) = 0; *(Sout3++) = 0; } Cb++; Cr++; } else { U = ((*Cb++)<<1) - 128; V = ((*Cr++)<<1) - 128; _LoadRGBfrom1611(); for (i=0; i<4; i++) *(Sout0++)= ((R[i]&0xf8)<<7)|((G[i]&0xf8)<<2)|((B[i]&0xf8)>>3); for (; i<8; i++) *(Sout1++)= ((R[i]&0xf8)<<7)|((G[i]&0xf8)<<2)|((B[i]&0xf8)>>3); for (; i<12; i++) *(Sout2++)= ((R[i]&0xf8)<<7)|((G[i]&0xf8)<<2)|((B[i]&0xf8)>>3); for (; i<16; i++) *(Sout3++)= ((R[i]&0xf8)<<7)|((G[i]&0xf8)<<2)|((B[i]&0xf8)>>3); } } Sout0=Sout3; Y0=Y3; } } break; case 24: { u_char *Cout0 = (u_char *)ImageOut, *Cout1, *Cout2, *Cout3; for (row = 0; row < lines; row+=4) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Cout0 = &((u_char *)ImageOut)[tmp*3]; /* For 32-bit */ Cout1=Cout0-pixels; Cout2=Cout1-pixels; Cout3=Cout2-pixels; } else { Cout1=Cout0+pixels; Cout2=Cout1+pixels; Cout3=Cout2+pixels; } Y1=Y0+pixels; Y2=Y1+pixels; Y3=Y2+pixels; for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 4) { if (*Cb & 0x80) /* if 8th bit is set, ignore */ { for (i=0; i<4*3; i++) { *(Cout0++) = 0; *(Cout1++) = 0; *(Cout2++) = 0; *(Cout3++) = 0; } Cb++; Cr++; } else { U = ((*Cb++)<<1) - 128; V = ((*Cr++)<<1) - 128; _LoadRGBfrom1611(); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { *(Cout0++)=(u_char)B[i]; *(Cout0++)=(u_char)G[i]; *(Cout0++)=(u_char)R[i]; } for (; i<8; i++) { *(Cout1++)=(u_char)B[i]; *(Cout1++)=(u_char)G[i]; *(Cout1++)=(u_char)R[i]; } for (; i<12; i++) { *(Cout2++)=(u_char)B[i]; *(Cout2++)=(u_char)G[i]; *(Cout2++)=(u_char)R[i]; } for (; i<16; i++) { *(Cout3++)=(u_char)B[i]; *(Cout3++)=(u_char)G[i]; *(Cout3++)=(u_char)R[i]; } } } Cout0=Cout3; Y0=Y3; } } break; } break; default: return(ScErrorUnrecognizedFormat); } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScYuv422ToRgb ** Purpose: convert 16-bit YCrCb 4:2:2 to an 24-bit/16-bit/32-bit RGB ** ** Note: The code below is pixel based and is *extremely* inefficient, we ** plan to replace the dumb code below with some fast code ** If Cb==NULL and Cr==NULL then assume BI_DECGRAYDIB (use only Y component). */ ScStatus_t ScYuv422ToRgb (BITMAPINFOHEADER *Bmh, u_char *Y, u_char *Cb, u_char *Cr, u_char *ImageOut) { register int row, col; register int Luma,U=0,V=0; int R1,R2, G1,G2, B1,B2; int Ups = 0, tmp; /* Flip image upside down */ u_char *RData, *GData, *BData; /* pointers for non-interlaced mode */ u_char *Cout = (u_char *)ImageOut; u_short *Sout = (u_short *)ImageOut; u_int *Iout = (u_int *)ImageOut; int pixels = Bmh->biWidth; int lines = Bmh->biHeight; #ifdef NEW_YCBCR
#define _LoadRGBfrom422() \
if (U || V) { \ R1 = R2 = (int) ( + (1.596 * V)); \ G1 = G2 = (int) (- (0.391 * U) - (0.813 * V)); \ B1 = B2 = (int) (+ (2.018 * U) ); \ } else { R1=R2=G1=G2=B1=B2=0; } \ Luma = (int) (((int) *(Y++) - 16) * 1.164); \ R1 += Luma; G1 += Luma; B1 += Luma; \ Luma = (int) (((int) *(Y++) - 16) * 1.164); \ R2 += Luma; G2 += Luma; B2 += Luma; \ if ((R1 | G1 | B1 | R2 | G2 | B2) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (R1<0) R1=0; else if (R1>255) R1=255; \ if (G1<0) G1=0; else if (G1>255) G1=255; \ if (B1<0) B1=0; else if (B1>255) B1=255; \ if (R2<0) R2=0; else if (R2>255) R2=255; \ if (G2<0) G2=0; else if (G2>255) G2=255; \ if (B2<0) B2=0; else if (B2>255) B2=255; \ } #else
#define _LoadRGBfrom422() \
Luma = *(Y++); \ R1 = Luma + (1.4075 * V); \ G1 = Luma - (0.3455 * U) - (0.7169 * V); \ B1 = Luma + (1.7790 * U); \ Luma = *(Y++); \ R2 = Luma + (1.4075 * V); \ G2 = Luma - (0.3455 * U) - (0.7169 * V); \ B2 = Luma + (1.7790 * U); \ if ((R1 | G1 | B1 | R2 | G2 | B2) & 0xffffff00) { \ if (R1<0) R1=0; else if (R1>255) R1=255; \ if (G1<0) G1=0; else if (G1>255) G1=255; \ if (B1<0) B1=0; else if (B1>255) B1=255; \ if (R2<0) R2=0; else if (R2>255) R2=255; \ if (G2<0) G2=0; else if (G2>255) G2=255; \ if (B2<0) B2=0; else if (B2>255) B2=255; \ } #endif /* NEW_YCBCR */
* Normally, images are stored right side up, * that is with the first pixel in the buffer * corresponding to the top left pixel in the image. * * The Microsoft standard Device Independent bitmap * formats BI_RGB and BI_BITFIELD are stored with * the lower left pixel first. * We view that as upside down. * * Each format can also have a negative height, * which also signifes upside down. * * Since two negatives makes a positive, that means * that BI_ formats with a negative height are right side up. */
if( Bmh->biCompression == BI_RGB || Bmh->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) Ups = 1 ;
if( lines < 0 ) { Ups = 1-Ups ; lines = -lines ; }
** needed if the three components are to be provided in a ** non-interlaced mode: */ if (Bmh->biCompression == BI_DECSEPRGBDIB) { RData = ImageOut; GData = RData + (pixels * lines); BData = GData + (pixels * lines); }
** The assumption is that YCrCb are subsampled 4:2:2 ** YSize = lines * pixels ** CbSize = CrSize = (lines*pixels)/2 */ switch (Bmh->biCompression) { case BI_RGB: switch (Bmh->biBitCount) { case 15: case 16: { u_short *Sout = (u_short *)ImageOut; for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Sout = &((u_short *)ImageOut)[tmp]; /* For 16-bit */ } for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { if (Cb) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; } _LoadRGBfrom422(); *(Sout++) = ((R1&0xf8)<<7)|((G1&0xf8)<<2)|((B1&0xf8)>>3); *(Sout++) = ((R2&0xf8)<<7)|((G2&0xf8)<<2)|((B2&0xf8)>>3); } } } break; case 24: { u_char *Cout = (u_char *)ImageOut; for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Cout = &((u_char *)ImageOut)[3*tmp]; /* For 24-bit */ } for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { if (Cb) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; } _LoadRGBfrom422(); *(Cout++) = (u_char)B1; *(Cout++) = (u_char)G1; *(Cout++) = (u_char)R1; *(Cout++) = (u_char)B2; *(Cout++) = (u_char)G2; *(Cout++) = (u_char)R2; } } } break; case 32: { u_int *Iout = (u_int *)ImageOut; for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Iout = &((u_int *)ImageOut)[tmp]; /* For 32-bit */ } for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { if (Cb) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; } _LoadRGBfrom422(); *(Iout++) = (R1<<16) | (G1<<8) | B1 ; *(Iout++) = (R2<<16) | (G2<<8) | B2 ; } } } break; } break; case BI_DECSEPRGBDIB: /* 24-bit separate RGB */ { u_char *RData, *GData, *BData; RData = ImageOut; GData = RData + (pixels * lines); BData = GData + (pixels * lines); for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { if (Cb) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; } _LoadRGBfrom422(); *(RData++) = (u_char)R1; *(RData++) = (u_char)R2; *(GData++) = (u_char)G1; *(GData++) = (u_char)G2; *(BData++) = (u_char)B1; *(BData++) = (u_char)B2; } } } break; case BI_DECXIMAGEDIB: /* XIMAGE 24 == pBGR */ case BI_BITFIELDS: /* 16 or 32-bit RGB */ switch (Bmh->biBitCount) { case 16: { /* 16-bit BI_BITFIELDS, hardcoded to RGB565 */ u_short *Sout = (u_short *)ImageOut; for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Sout = &((u_short *)ImageOut)[tmp]; /* For 16-bit */ } for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { if (Cb) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; } _LoadRGBfrom422(); *(Sout++) = ((R1<<8) & 0xf800) | ((G1<<3) & 0x07e0) | ((B1>>3) & 0x01f); *(Sout++) = ((R2<<8) & 0xf800) | ((G2<<3) & 0x07e0) | ((B2>>3) & 0x01f); } } } break ; case 24: case 32: { /* 32-bit RGB */ u_int *Iout = (u_int *)ImageOut; if (ValidateBI_BITFIELDS(Bmh) == pRGB) { for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Iout = &((u_int *)ImageOut)[tmp]; /* For 32-bit */ } for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { if (Cb) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; } _LoadRGBfrom422(); *(Iout++) = (R1<<16) | (G1<<8) | B1; *(Iout++) = (R2<<16) | (G2<<8) | B2; } } } else /* pBGR and XIMAGE 24-bit */ { for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { if (Ups) { tmp = pixels * (lines-row-1) ; Iout = &((u_int *)ImageOut)[tmp]; /* For 32-bit */ } for (col = 0; col < pixels; col += 2) { if (Cb) { U = *Cb++ - 128; V = *Cr++ - 128; } _LoadRGBfrom422(); *(Iout++) = (B1<<16) | (G1<<8) | R1; *(Iout++) = (B2<<16) | (G2<<8) | R2; } } } } break; } break; default: return(ScErrorUnrecognizedFormat); } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScInitRgbToYuv ** Purpose: Initializes tables for RGB to YUV conversion. ** ** Notes: ** ** The tables are allocated and filled in once the first ** time they are needed. They will remin for the lifetime ** of the server. ** ** The following formula is used: ** ** y = 0.257 * r + 0.504 * g + 0.098 * b + 16 ; /+ 16 - 235 +/ ** u = -0.148 * r - 0.291 * g + 0.439 * b + 128 ; /+ 16 - 239 +/ ** v = 0.439 * r - 0.368 * g - 0.071 * b + 128 ; /+ 16 - 239 +/ ** ** But we rewrite it thus: ** ** y = 16.000 + 0.257 * r + 0.504 * g + 0.098 * b ; ** u = 16.055 + 0.148 * (255-r) + 0.291 * (255-g) + 0.439 * b ; ** v = 16.055 + 0.439 * r + 0.368 * (255-g) + 0.071 * (255-b) ; ** ** ( By the way, the old constants are: ) ** ( y = r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114 ; ) ** ( u = r * -0.169 + g * -0.332 + b * 0.500 + 128 ; ) ** ( v = r * 0.500 + g * -0.419 + b * -0.0813 + 128 ; ) ** ( or ) ** ( y = 0.0 + 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.1140 * b ; ) ** ( u = 0.245 + 0.169 * (255-r) + 0.332 * (255-g) + 0.5000 * b ; ) ** ( v = 0.4235 + 0.500 * r + 0.419 * (255-g) + 0.0813 * (255-b) ; ) ** ** This particular arrangement of the formula allows Y, U and V values ** to be calculated in paralell by simple table lookup. ** The paralellism comes from the fact that Y,U and V values ** are stored in the same word, but in different bytes. ** The tables are such that the contribution from red, green ** and blue can simply be added together, without any carry ** between bytes. Since the YUV space is larger than the RGB ** cube, and the RGB cube fits entirely within YUV space, ** there is no overflow and no range checking is needed. ** */
#ifdef NEW_YCBCR
** y = 16.000 + 0.257 * r + 0.504 * g + 0.098 * b ; ** u = 16.055 + 0.148 * (255-r) + 0.291 * (255-g) + 0.439 * b ; ** v = 16.055 + 0.439 * r + 0.368 * (255-g) + 0.071 * (255-b) ; */ #define YC 16.000
#define UC 16.055
#define VC 16.055
#define YR 0.257
#define UR 0.148
#define VR 0.439
#define YG 0.504
#define UG 0.291
#define VG 0.368
#define YB 0.098
#define UB 0.439
#define VB 0.071
#else /* !NEW_YCBCR */
** ( y = 0.0 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.1140 * b ; ) ** ( u = 0.245 + 0.169 * (255-r) + 0.332 * (255-g) + 0.5000 * b ; ) ** ( v = 0.4235 + 0.500 * r + 0.419 * (255-g) + 0.0813 * (255-b) ; ) */ #define YC 0.0
#define UC 0.245
#define VC 0.4235
#define YR 0.299
#define UR 0.169
#define VR 0.500
#define YG 0.587
#define UG 0.332
#define VG 0.419
#define YB 0.1140
#define UB 0.5000
#define VB 0.0813
#endif /* !NEW_YCBCR */
* We only need an int (32 bits) per table entry but * 64-bit aligned access is faster on alpha. */
#ifdef __alpha
_int64 *RedToYuyv, *GreenToYuyv, *BlueToYuyv ; #else /* !__alpha */
unsigned int *RedToYuyv, *GreenToYuyv, *BlueToYuyv ; #endif /* !__alpha */
int ScInitRgbToYuv() { int i, y, u, v ;
if( RedToYuyv == NULL ) { #ifdef __alpha
RedToYuyv = (_int64 *) ScAlloc( 256 * sizeof( _int64 ) ) ; GreenToYuyv = (_int64 *) ScAlloc( 256 * sizeof( _int64 ) ) ; BlueToYuyv = (_int64 *) ScAlloc( 256 * sizeof( _int64 ) ) ; #else /* !__alpha */
RedToYuyv = (unsigned int *) ScAlloc( 256 * sizeof( unsigned int ) ) ; GreenToYuyv = (unsigned int *) ScAlloc( 256 * sizeof( unsigned int ) ) ; BlueToYuyv = (unsigned int *) ScAlloc( 256 * sizeof( unsigned int ) ) ; #endif /* !__alpha */
if( !RedToYuyv || !GreenToYuyv || !BlueToYuyv ) return 0 ;
for( i=0 ; i<256 ; i++ ) {
* Calculate contribution from red. * We will also add in the constant here. * Pack it into the tables thus: lsb->YUYV<-msb */
y = (int) (YC + YR * i) ; u = (int) (UC + UR * (255-i)) ; v = (int) (VC + VR * i) ; RedToYuyv[i] = (y | (u<<8) | (y<<16) | (v<<24)) ;
* Calculate contribution from green. */
y = (int) (YG * i) ; u = (int) (UG * (255-i)) ; v = (int) (VG * (255-i)) ; GreenToYuyv[i] = (y | (u<<8) | (y<<16) | (v<<24)) ;
* Calculate contribution from blue. */
y = (int) (YB * i) ; u = (int) (UB * i) ; v = (int) (VB * (255-i)) ; BlueToYuyv[i] = (y | (u<<8) | (y<<16) | (v<<24)) ;
} } return 1 ; }
** Name: ScConvertRGB24sTo422i_C ** Purpose: convert 24-bit RGB (8:8:8 format) to 16-bit YCrCb (4:2:2 format) */ ScStatus_t ScConvertRGB24sTo422i_C(BITMAPINFOHEADER *Bmh, u_char *R, u_char *G, u_char *B, u_short *ImageOut) { register int row, col; int yuyv,r,g,b; int pixels = Bmh->biWidth; int lines = abs(Bmh->biHeight);
if( !RedToYuyv && !ScInitRgbToYuv() ) return ScErrorMemory ;
for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { for (col = 0; col < pixels; col++) { r = *(R++); g = *(G++); b = *(B++);
* Quick convert to YUV. */
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]) ;
* Pack 4:2:2 = YUYV YUYV ... * We'll pack YU or YV depending on whether col is odd or not. * Shift yuyv 0 for even, 16 for odd columns. */
*(ImageOut++) = yuyv >> ((col & 1) << 4) ;
} } return (NoErrors); }
#define M_RND(f) ((int) ((f) + .5))
** Name: ScConvertRGB24To411s_C ** Purpose: convert 24-bit RGB (8:8:8 format) to 16-bit YCrCb (4:1:1 format) */ ScStatus_t ScConvertRGB24To411s_C(u_char *inimage, u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, int width, int height) { register int row, col; int yuyv, r, g, b; u_char *tmp, *evl, *odl;
if( !RedToYuyv && !ScInitRgbToYuv() ) return(ScErrorMemory); if (height<0) /* flip image */ { height = -height; for (row = height-1; row; row--) { tmp = inimage+(width*row*3); if (row & 1) { odl = tmp; evl = tmp-(width*3); } else { evl = tmp; odl = tmp-(width*3); } for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { r = *tmp++; g = *tmp++; b = *tmp++; yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *Y++ = (yuyv&0xff);
/* We only store every fourth value of u and v components */ if ((col & 1) && (row & 1)) { /* Compute average r, g and b values */ r = *evl++ + *odl++; g = *evl++ + *odl++; b = *evl++ + *odl++; r += (*evl++ + *odl++); g += (*evl++ + *odl++); b += (*evl++ + *odl++); r = r >> 2; g = g >> 2; b = b >> 2;
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *U++ = ((yuyv&0xff000000) >> 24); // V
*V++ = ((yuyv&0xff00) >> 8); // U
} } } } else { tmp = inimage; for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { if (row & 1) odl = tmp; else evl = tmp; for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { r = *tmp++; g = *tmp++; b = *tmp++; yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *Y++ = (yuyv&0xff);
/* We only store every fourth value of u and v components */ if ((col & 1) && (row & 1)) { /* Compute average r, g and b values */ r = *evl++ + *odl++; g = *evl++ + *odl++; b = *evl++ + *odl++; r += (*evl++ + *odl++); g += (*evl++ + *odl++); b += (*evl++ + *odl++); r = r >> 2; g = g >> 2; b = b >> 2;
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *U++ = ((yuyv&0xff000000) >> 24); // V
*V++ = ((yuyv&0xff00) >> 8); // U
} } } } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScConvertRGB555To411s_C ** Purpose: convert 16-bit RGB (5:5:5 format) to 16-bit YCrCb (4:1:1 format) */ ScStatus_t ScConvertRGB555To411s_C(u_char *inimage, u_char *outimage, int width, int height) { u_char *Y=outimage, *U, *V; register int row, col, inpixel; int yuyv, r, g, b; unsigned word *tmp, *evl, *odl;
#define GetRGB555(in16, r, g, b) b = (inpixel>>7)&0xF8; \
g = (inpixel>>2)&0xF8; \ r = (inpixel<<3)&0xF8
#define AddRGB555(in16, r, g, b) b += (inpixel>>7)&0xF8; \
g += (inpixel>>2)&0xF8; \ r += (inpixel<<3)&0xF8
if( !RedToYuyv && !ScInitRgbToYuv() ) return(ScErrorMemory); if (height<0) /* flip image */ { height = -height; U=Y+(width*height); V=U+(width*height*1)/4; for (row = height-1; row; row--) { tmp = ((unsigned word *)inimage)+(width*row); if (row & 1) { odl = tmp; evl = tmp-width; } else { evl = tmp; odl = tmp-width; } for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { inpixel=*tmp++; GetRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *Y++ = (yuyv&0xff);
/* We only store every fourth value of u and v components */ if ((col & 1) && (row & 1)) { /* Compute average r, g and b values */ inpixel=*evl++; GetRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*evl++; AddRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); r = r >> 2; g = g >> 2; b = b >> 2;
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *U++ = ((yuyv&0xff000000) >> 24); // V
*V++ = ((yuyv&0xff00) >> 8); // U
} } } } else { U=Y+(width*height); V=U+(width*height*1)/4; tmp = (unsigned word *)inimage; for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { if (row & 1) odl = tmp; else evl = tmp; for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { inpixel=*tmp++; GetRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *Y++ = (yuyv&0xff);
/* We only store every fourth value of u and v components */ if ((col & 1) && (row & 1)) { /* Compute average r, g and b values */ inpixel=*evl++; GetRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*evl++; AddRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB555(inpixel, r, g, b); r = r >> 2; g = g >> 2; b = b >> 2;
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *U++ = ((yuyv&0xff000000) >> 24); // V
*V++ = ((yuyv&0xff00) >> 8); // U
} } } } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScConvertRGB565To411s_C ** Purpose: convert 16-bit RGB (5:6:5 format) to 16-bit YCrCb (4:1:1 format) */ ScStatus_t ScConvertRGB565To411s_C(u_char *inimage, u_char *outimage, int width, int height) { u_char *Y=outimage, *U, *V; register int row, col, inpixel; int yuyv, r, g, b; unsigned word *tmp, *evl, *odl;
#define GetRGB565(in16, r, g, b) b = (inpixel>>8)&0xF8; \
g = (inpixel>>3)&0xFC; \ r = (inpixel<<3)&0xF8
#define AddRGB565(in16, r, g, b) b += (inpixel>>8)&0xF8; \
g += (inpixel>>3)&0xFC; \ r += (inpixel<<3)&0xF8
if( !RedToYuyv && !ScInitRgbToYuv() ) return(ScErrorMemory); if (height<0) /* flip image */ { height = -height; U=Y+(width*height); V=U+(width*height*1)/4; for (row = height-1; row; row--) { tmp = ((unsigned word *)inimage)+(width*row); if (row & 1) { odl = tmp; evl = tmp-width; } else { evl = tmp; odl = tmp-width; } for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { inpixel=*tmp++; GetRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *Y++ = (yuyv&0xff);
/* We only store every fourth value of u and v components */ if ((col & 1) && (row & 1)) { /* Compute average r, g and b values */ inpixel=*evl++; GetRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*evl++; AddRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); r = r >> 2; g = g >> 2; b = b >> 2;
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *U++ = ((yuyv&0xff000000) >> 24); // V
*V++ = ((yuyv&0xff00) >> 8); // U
} } } } else { U=Y+(width*height); V=U+(width*height*1)/4; tmp = (unsigned word *)inimage; for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { if (row & 1) odl = tmp; else evl = tmp; for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { inpixel=*tmp++; GetRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *Y++ = (yuyv&0xff);
/* We only store every fourth value of u and v components */ if ((col & 1) && (row & 1)) { /* Compute average r, g and b values */ inpixel=*evl++; GetRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*evl++; AddRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); inpixel=*odl++; AddRGB565(inpixel, r, g, b); r = r >> 2; g = g >> 2; b = b >> 2;
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]); *U++ = ((yuyv&0xff000000) >> 24); // V
*V++ = ((yuyv&0xff00) >> 8); // U
} } } } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScRgbInterlToYuvInterl ** Purpose: convert many RGB formats to 16-bit YCrCb (4:2:2 format) */ ScStatus_t ScRgbInterlToYuvInterl ( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER Bmh, int Width, int Height, u_char *ImageIn, u_short *ImageOut) { register int row, col; int yuyv,r,g,b,mask=0x00ff; int pixels = Width; int lines = abs(Height); int IspBGR = (ValidateBI_BITFIELDS(Bmh) == pBGR) || (Bmh->biCompression==BI_DECXIMAGEDIB && Bmh->biBitCount==24); int IspRGB_BI_RGB_24 = (Bmh->biCompression==BI_RGB && Bmh->biBitCount==24); int linestep = 0 ;
if( !RedToYuyv && !ScInitRgbToYuv() ) return ScErrorMemory ;
* Check the input format and decide * whether the image is to be turned * upside down or not. */
if( (Bmh->biCompression == BI_RGB || Bmh->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) ^ ((int) Bmh->biHeight < 0) ) { ImageOut = &ImageOut[ pixels * (lines - 1) ] ; linestep = -(pixels << 1) ; }
* To avoid if-then-else statements inside * the inner loop, we have 3 loops. */
* 24 bits per pixel RGB. */
if (IspRGB_BI_RGB_24) {
for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { for (col = 0; col < pixels; col++) { b = *(ImageIn++); g = *(ImageIn++); r = *(ImageIn++);
* Quick convert from RGB to YUV. Just add together * the contributions from each of Red, Green and Blue. */
yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]) ; /*
* Pack 4:2:2 = YUYV YUYV ... * We'll pack YU or YV depending on whether col is odd or not. * Shift yuyv 0 for even, 16 for odd columns. */ *(ImageOut++) = yuyv >> ((col & 1) << 4) ;
} /*
* In case we're turning the image upside down. * This will do nothing if it's right side up. */ ImageOut = &ImageOut[linestep] ; } } /*
* 32 bits per pixels 0BGR. */ else if (IspBGR) { for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { for (col = 0; col < pixels; col++) { r = *((int *) ImageIn)++ ; b = (r>>16) & mask ; g = (r>> 8) & mask ; r &= mask ; yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]) ; *(ImageOut++) = yuyv >> ((col & 1) << 4) ; } ImageOut = &ImageOut[linestep] ; } } /*
* 32 bits per pixels 0RGB. */ else { for (row = 0; row < lines; row++) { for (col = 0; col < pixels; col++) { b = *((int *) ImageIn)++ ; r = (b>>16) & mask ; g = (b>> 8) & mask ; b &= mask ; yuyv = (int) (RedToYuyv[r] + GreenToYuyv[g] + BlueToYuyv[b]) ; *(ImageOut++) = yuyv >> ((col & 1) << 4) ; } ImageOut = &ImageOut[linestep] ; } }
return (NoErrors); }
** Function: ScConvert422ToYUV_char_C ** Purpose: Extract the Y, U and V components into separate planes. ** The interleaved format is YUYV, 4:2:2, we want 4:1:1 so, ** only copy every other line of the chrominance */ ScStatus_t ScConvert422ToYUV_char_C (u_char *RawImage, u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, int Width, int Height) { register int x, y;
Width/=2; Height=abs(Height)/2; for (y = 0; y < Height; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < Width; x++) { *Y++ = *RawImage++; *U++ = *RawImage++; *Y++ = *RawImage++; *V++ = *RawImage++; } for (x = 0; x < Width; x++) { *Y++ = *RawImage; RawImage+=2; *Y++ = *RawImage; RawImage+=2; } } return (NoErrors); }
** Function: ScConvert422PlanarTo411_C ** Purpose: Extract the Y, U and V components from (4:2:2) ** planes and convert to 4:1:1 so, ** only copy every other line of the chrominance */ ScStatus_t ScConvert422PlanarTo411_C (u_char *RawImage, u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, int Width, int Height) { register int y; const int HalfWidth=Width/2; unsigned char *RY, *RU, *RV; RY=RawImage; RU=RY+(Width*Height); RV=RU+(Width*Height/2);
Height=abs(Height); memcpy(Y, RawImage, Width*Height); for (y = Height/2; y > 0; y--) { memcpy(U, RU, HalfWidth); memcpy(V, RV, HalfWidth); U+=HalfWidth; V+=HalfWidth; RU+=Width; /* skip odd U and V lines */ RV+=Width; } return (NoErrors); }
** C versions of block-extraction routines. To be replaced by ASM */ void ScConvertSep422ToBlockYUV (u_char *RawImage, int bpp, float *Comp1, float *Comp2, float *Comp3, int Width, int Height) { int x,y; int VertBlocks = abs(Height)/8; int YBlocks = Width/8; int UBlocks = Width/16; int VBlocks = Width/16; int ByteWidth = Width*2; u_char *I1 = RawImage; u_char *I2 = I1 + Width*abs(Height); u_char *I3 = I2 + Width*abs(Height)/2; float *C1 = Comp1, *C2 = Comp2, *C3 = Comp3;
for (y = 0 ; y < VertBlocks ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < YBlocks ; x++) sc_ExtractBlockNonInt(I1, &C1, ByteWidth, x, y); for (x = 0 ; x < UBlocks ; x++) sc_ExtractBlockNonInt(I2, &C2, ByteWidth, x, y); for (x = 0 ; x < VBlocks ; x++) sc_ExtractBlockNonInt(I3, &C3, ByteWidth, x, y); } }
void ScConvertGrayToBlock (u_char *RawImage, int bpp, float *Comp1, int Width, int Height) { int x,y; int VertBlocks = abs(Height)/8; int YBlocks = Width/8; int ByteWidth = Width; u_char *I1 = RawImage; float *C1 = Comp1;
for (y = 0 ; y < VertBlocks ; y++) for (x = 0 ; x < YBlocks ; x++) sc_ExtractBlockNonInt(I1, &C1, ByteWidth, x, y); }
** Function: ScSepYUVto422i_C ** Purpose: Convert a 4:1:1 YUV image in separate-component form to its ** equivalent interleaved 4:2:2 form. */ extern int ScSepYUVto422i_C(u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, u_char *ImageOut, u_int width, u_int height) { /* need C code for this */ return(0); }
** Function: ScConvert422PlanarTo422i_C ** Purpose: Convert a 4:2:2 YUV image in separate-component form to its ** equivalent interleaved 4:2:2 form. */ extern void ScConvert422PlanarTo422i_C(u_char *Y, u_char *Cb, u_char *Cr, u_char *OutImage, long width, long height) { int i, j; height=abs(height); width=width>>1; for (i=0; i<height; i++) { /* Remember, pixels are 16 bit in interleaved YUV. That
** means the 4 bytes below represent two pixels so our ** loop should be for half the width. */ for (j=0; j<width; j++) { *OutImage++ = *Y++; *OutImage++ = *Cb++; *OutImage++ = *Y++; *OutImage++ = *Cr++; } } }
** Function: ScConvert422iTo422s_C ** Purpose: Convert a 4:2:2 YUV interleaved to 4:2:2 planar. */ extern void ScConvert422iTo422s_C(u_char *InImage, u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, long width, long height) { int i, j; height=abs(height); width=width>>1; for (i=0; i<height; i++) { /* Remember, pixels are 16 bit in interleaved YUV. That
** means the 4 bytes below represent two pixels so our ** loop should be for half the width. */ for (j=0; j<width; j++) { *Y++ = *InImage++; *U++ = *InImage++; *Y++ = *InImage++; *V++ = *InImage++; } } }
** Function: ScConvert422iTo422sf_C ** Purpose: Convert a 4:2:2 YUV interleaved to 4:2:2 planar. */ extern void ScConvert422iTo422sf_C(u_char *InImage, int bpp, float *Y, float *U, float *V, long width, long height) { int i, j; height=abs(height); width=width>>1; for (i=0; i<height; i++) { /* Remember, pixels are 16 bit in interleaved YUV. That
** means the 4 bytes below represent two pixels so our ** loop should be for half the width. */ for (j=0; j<width; j++) { *Y++ = (float)*InImage++; *U++ = (float)*InImage++; *Y++ = (float)*InImage++; *V++ = (float)*InImage++; } } }
** Function: ScConvert411sTo422i_C ** Purpose: Convert a 4:1:1 YUV image in separate-component form to its ** equivalent interleaved 4:2:2 form. */ extern void ScConvert411sTo422i_C(u_char *Y, u_char *Cb, u_char *Cr, u_char *OutImage, long width, long height) { u_char *p422e, *p422o, *Yo=Y+width; int i, j; height=abs(height)/2; p422e=OutImage; p422o=OutImage+width*2;
for (i=0; i<height; i++) { for (j=0; j<width; j+=2) { *p422e++ = *Y++; *p422e++ = *Cb; *p422e++ = *Y++; *p422e++ = *Cr; *p422o++ = *Yo++; *p422o++ = *Cb++; *p422o++ = *Yo++; *p422o++ = *Cr++; } p422e=p422o; p422o=p422e+width*2; Y=Yo; Yo=Y+width; } }
** Function: ScConvert411sTo422s_C ** Purpose: Convert a 4:1:1 YUV image in separate-component form to its ** equivalent interleaved 4:2:2 form. */ extern void ScConvert411sTo422s_C(u_char *Y, u_char *Cb, u_char *Cr, u_char *OutImage, long width, long height) { u_char *p411, *p422e, *p422o; int i, j; height=abs(height);
if (OutImage!=Y) memcpy(OutImage, Y, width*height); /* copy Y components */ p411=Cb+((height/2)-1)*(width/2); p422e=OutImage+((height*width*3)/2)-width; /* U component */ p422o=p422e+(width/2); for (i=0; i<height; i+=2) { for (j=0; j<width; j+=2, p411++, p422e++, p422o++) *p422e=*p422o=*p411; p411-=width; p422o=p422e-width; p422e=p422o-(width/2); } p411=Cr+((height/2)-1)*(width/2); p422e=OutImage+(height*width*2)-width; /* V component */ p422o=p422e+(width/2); for (i=0; i<height; i+=2) { for (j=0; j<width; j+=2, p411++, p422e++, p422o++) *p422e=*p422o=*p411; p411-=width; p422o=p422e-width; p422e=p422o-(width/2); } }
** Name: ScConvert1611sTo411s_C ** Purpose: convert a YCrCb 16:1:1 (YUV9/YVU9) to YCrCb 4:1:1 */ ScStatus_t ScConvert1611sTo411s_C (u_char *inimage, u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, int Width, int Height) { register int y; const int HalfWidth=Width/2; unsigned char *RU, *RV; int pixels = Width * abs(Height), tmp;
tmp = pixels / 16; RU=inimage+pixels; RV=RU+tmp;
memcpy(Y, inimage, pixels); for (y = 0; y < tmp; y++) { *U++ = *RU; *U++ = *RU; *U++ = *RU; *U++ = *RU++; *V++ = *RV; *V++ = *RV; *V++ = *RV; *V++ = *RV++; } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScConvert1611sTo422s_C ** Purpose: convert a YCrCb 16:1:1 (YUV9/YVU9) to YCrCb 4:2:2 */ ScStatus_t ScConvert1611sTo422s_C(u_char *inimage, u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, int Width, int Height) { register int x, y; const int HalfWidth=Width/2; unsigned char *RU, *RV; unsigned char *Uo, *Vo; int pixels = Width * abs(Height), tmp;
tmp = pixels / 16; RU=inimage+pixels; RV=RU+tmp;
memcpy(Y, inimage, pixels); for (y = Height/32; y>0; y--) { Vo=V+Width; Uo=U+Width; for (x = Width/4; x > 0; x--) { *U++ = *Uo++ = *RU; *U++ = *Uo++ = *RU; *U++ = *Uo++ = *RU; *U++ = *Uo++ = *RU++; *V++ = *Vo++ = *RV; *V++ = *Vo++ = *RV; *V++ = *Vo++ = *RV; *V++ = *Vo++ = *RV++; } V=Vo; U=Uo; } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScConvert1611sTo422i_C ** Purpose: convert a YCrCb 16:1:1 (YUV9/YVU9) to 4:2:2 interleaved */ ScStatus_t ScConvert1611sTo422i_C(u_char *inimage, u_char *outimage, int Width, int Height) { register int x, y; const int HalfWidth=Width/2; unsigned char *Ye, *Yo, *Ye2, *Yo2, *RU, *RV; unsigned char *o1, *e1, *o2, *e2; unsigned char U, V;
RU=inimage+Width*abs(Height); RV=RU+(Width*abs(Height))/16;
e1=outimage; Ye=inimage; for (y = abs(Height)/4; y>0; y--) { Yo=Ye+Width; Ye2=Yo+Width; Yo2=Ye2+Width; o1=e1+Width*2; e2=o1+Width*2; o2=e2+Width*2; for (x = Width/4; x > 0; x--) { U = *RU++; V = *RV++; /* even line */ *e1++ = *Ye++; *e1++ = U; *e1++ = *Ye++; *e1++ = V; *e1++ = *Ye++; *e1++ = U; *e1++ = *Ye++; *e1++ = V; /* odd line */ *o1++ = *Yo++; *o1++ = U; *o1++ = *Yo++; *o1++ = V; *o1++ = *Yo++; *o1++ = U; *o1++ = *Yo++; *o1++ = V; /* even line */ *e2++ = *Ye2++; *e2++ = U; *e2++ = *Ye2++; *e2++ = V; *e2++ = *Ye2++; *e2++ = U; *e2++ = *Ye2++; *e2++ = V; /* odd line */ *o2++ = *Yo2++; *o2++ = U; *o2++ = *Yo2++; *o2++ = V; *o2++ = *Yo2++; *o2++ = U; *o2++ = *Yo2++; *o2++ = V; } e1=o2; Ye=Yo2; } return (NoErrors); }
** Name: ScConvert411sTo1611s_C ** Purpose: convert a YCrCb 4:1:1 to YCrCb 16:1:1 (YUV9/YVU9) */ ScStatus_t ScConvert411sTo1611s_C (u_char *inimage, u_char *Y, u_char *U, u_char *V, int Width, int Height) { register int x, y, c0, c1, c2, c3; unsigned char *Ue, *Uo, *Ve, *Vo; int pixels = Width * abs(Height), tmp; Width/=2; tmp = pixels / 4; Ue=inimage+pixels; Uo=Ue+Width; Ve=Ue+tmp; Vo=Ve+Width;
memcpy(Y, inimage, pixels); for (y = 0; y < tmp; y+=2) { for (x=0; x<Width; x+=2) { c0=*Ue++; c1=*Ue++; c2=*Uo++; c3=*Uo++; *U++ = (c0+c1+c2+c3)/4; } Ue=Uo; Uo+=Width; } for (y = 0; y < tmp; y+=2) { for (x=0; x<Width; x+=2) { c0=*Ve++; c1=*Ve++; c2=*Vo++; c3=*Vo++; *V++ = (c0+c1+c2+c3)/4; } Ve=Vo; Vo+=Width; } return (NoErrors); }
** Function: ScConvertNTSCtoCIF422() ** Purpose: Convert a Q/CIF frame from a 4:2:2 NTSC input. We dup every 10th ** pixel horizontally and every 4th line vertically. We also ** discard the chroma on every other line, since CIF wants 4:1:1. */ ScStatus_t ScConvertNTSC422toCIF411_C(u_char *framein, u_char *yp, u_char *up, u_char *vp, int stride) { int h, w;
int vdup = 5; for (h = 0; h < 240; ++h) { int hdup = 10/2; for (w = 320; w > 0; w -= 2) { yp[0] = framein[0]; yp[1] = framein[2]; yp += 2; if ((h & 1) == 0) { *up++ = framein[1]; *vp++ = framein[3]; } framein += 4; if (--hdup <= 0) { hdup = 10/2; yp[0] = yp[-1]; yp += 1; if ((h & 1) == 0) { if ((w & 2) == 0) { up[0] = up[-1]; ++up; vp[0] = vp[-1]; ++vp; } } } } if (--vdup <= 0) { vdup = 5; /* copy previous line */ memcpy((char*)yp, (char*)yp - stride, stride); yp += stride; if ((h & 1) == 0) { int s = stride >> 1; memcpy((char*)up, (char*)up - s, s); memcpy((char*)vp, (char*)vp - s, s); up += s; vp += s; } } } return (NoErrors); }