// cb53mmx.c
#include "cst_lbc.h"
#include "mmxutil.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "exc_lbc.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "util_lbc.h"
#define ASM_CORHPL 1
#define ASM_CORHDL 1
#define TESTME 0
#define CHTEST 0
void CorrelateIntTri(short *taps, short *array, int *corr, int ncor); void CorrelateInt22(short *taps, short *array, int *corr, int ncor); void Cor_h_Xint(short h[],short X[],int D[]); void Cor_hint0(short *H, int *rr); void Cor_hint1(short *H, int *rr); void cor_h_prodloop(int n, int oddn,short *h,short *h2,int *p3,int *p2,int *p1,int *p0); void cor_h_diag(int n, int oddn,short *h,short *h2,int *p3,int *p2,int *p1,int *p0);
int ACELP_LBC_code_int(float X[], float h[], int T0, float code[], int *ind_gain, int *shift, int *sign, float gain_T0, int flags) { int i, index; float gain_q; float Dn[SubFrLen2], tmp_code[SubFrLen2]; float rr[DIM_RR]; DECLARE_INT(rrint, DIM_RR); DECLARE_SHORT(hint, SubFrLen2); DECLARE_INT(Dnint, SubFrLen2); DECLARE_SHORT(Xint, SubFrLen2); int XScale; float hScale; int m; #if 0//TESTME
float htest[SubFrLen], Xtest[SubFrLen];
for (i = 0; i<SubFrLen; i++) { htest[i] = i; //(float)(i<30?i:60-i);
Xtest[i] = (float)(i<30?i:60-i); } h = htest; X = Xtest; #endif //TESTME
// Include fixed-gain pitch contribution into impulse resp. h[]
if (T0 < SubFrLen-2) for (i = T0; i < SubFrLen; i++) h[i] += gain_T0*h[i-T0];
//hScale = FloatToShortScaled(h, hint, SubFrLen, 3);
hScale = (float)sqrt(DotProd(h,h,SubFrLen)/(double)SubFrLen); m = (asint(hScale) & 0x7f800000) >> 23; ScaleFloatToShort(h, hint, SubFrLen, m+3);
XScale = FloatToShortScaled(X, Xint, SubFrLen, 3); //would be better to normalize based on engery, not max
#if 0
for (i = 0; i<SubFrLen; i++) { hint[i] = i; } #endif
// Compute correlations of h[] needed for the codebook search
Cor_hint1(hint, rrint); IntToFloat(rrint, DIM_RR, rr); //TIMER_STAMP(b);
// Cor_h(h, rr);
{ DECLARE_INT(rrint2, DIM_RR);
Cor_hint0(hint, rrint2); for(i = 0; i<DIM_RR; i++) //debug
if(rrint[i] != rrint2[i]) printf("%3d: %8d %8d %8d\n",i, rrint[i], rrint2[i], rrint[i] - rrint2[i]); } #endif //CHTEST
// Compute correlation of target vector with impulse response.
Cor_h_Xint(hint, Xint, Dnint); //TIMER_STAMP(d);
IntToFloat(Dnint, SubFrLen, Dn);
#if TESTME //test
{ int fpDnint[SubFrLen2]; // float scale;
// scale =
Cor_h_X(h,X,Dn); FloatToIntScaled(Dn, fpDnint, SubFrLen, 7); for (i = 0; i<SubFrLen; i++) if(fpDnint[i] != Dnint[i]) printf("%3d: %8x %8x %8x\n", i, Dnint[i] - fpDnint[i],Dnint[i], fpDnint[i]); } #endif //test
// Find codebook index
index = D4i64_LBC(Dn, rr, h, tmp_code, rr, shift, sign, flags); //TIMER_STAMP(f);
// Compute innovation vector gain.
// Include fixed-gain pitch contribution into code[].
*ind_gain = G_code(X, rr, &gain_q);
for (i=0; i < SubFrLen; i++) code[i] = tmp_code[i]*gain_q;
if(T0 < SubFrLen-2) for (i=T0; i < SubFrLen; i++) code[i] += code[i-T0]*gain_T0;
return index; }
void Cor_hint0(short *H, int *rr) {
// Compute correlations of h[] needed for the codebook search.
// h[] :Impulse response.
// rr[] :Correlations.
int *rri0i0, *rri1i1, *rri2i2, *rri3i3; int *rri0i1, *rri0i2, *rri0i3; int *rri1i2, *rri1i3, *rri2i3;
int *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3; int cor;
int i, k, m, t; DECLARE_SHORT(h,SubFrLen2); DECLARE_SHORT(h2,SubFrLen2);
for(i=0; i<4; i++) h[i] = (short)0;
for(i=0; i<SubFrLen; i++) h2[i+2] = h[i+4] = H[i];
// Init pointers
rri0i0 = rr; rri1i1 = rri0i0 + NB_POS; rri2i2 = rri1i1 + NB_POS; rri3i3 = rri2i2 + NB_POS;
rri0i1 = rri3i3 + NB_POS; rri0i2 = rri0i1 + MSIZE; rri0i3 = rri0i2 + MSIZE; rri1i2 = rri0i3 + MSIZE; rri1i3 = rri1i2 + MSIZE; rri2i3 = rri1i3 + MSIZE;
// Compute rri0i0[], rri1i1[], rri2i2[] and rri3i3[]
cor = 0; m = 0; for(i=NB_POS-1; i>=0; i--) { cor += h[m+0]*h[m+0] + h[m+1]*h[m+1]; rri3i3[i] = cor; cor += h[m+2]*h[m+2] + h[m+3]*h[m+3]; rri2i2[i] = cor; cor += h[m+4]*h[m+4] + h[m+5]*h[m+5]; rri1i1[i] = cor; cor += h[m+6]*h[m+6] + h[m+7]*h[m+7]; rri0i0[i] = cor;
m += 8; }
// Compute elements of: rri0i1[], rri0i3[], rri1i2[] and rri2i3[]
h2 = h+2; p3 = rri2i3 + MSIZE-1; p2 = rri1i2 + MSIZE-1; p1 = rri0i1 + MSIZE-1; p0 = rri0i3 + MSIZE-2;
for (k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) { cor = 0; m = 0; t = 0;
for(i=k+1; i<NB_POS; i++) { cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor; cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor; cor += h[m+6]*h2[m+6] + h[m+7]*h2[m+7]; p0[t] = cor;
t -= (NB_POS+1); m += 8; } cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor; cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor;
h2 += STEP; p3 -= NB_POS; p2 -= NB_POS; p1 -= NB_POS; p0 -= 1; }
// Compute elements of: rri0i2[], rri1i3[]
h2 = h+4; p3 = rri1i3 + MSIZE-1; p2 = rri0i2 + MSIZE-1; p1 = rri1i3 + MSIZE-2; p0 = rri0i2 + MSIZE-2;
for (k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) { cor = 0; m = 0; t = 0;
for(i=k+1; i<NB_POS; i++) { cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor; cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor; cor += h[m+6]*h2[m+6] + h[m+7]*h2[m+7]; p0[t] = cor;
t -= (NB_POS+1); m += 8; } cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor;
h2 += STEP; p3 -= NB_POS; p2 -= NB_POS; p1 -= 1; p0 -= 1; }
// Compute elements of: rri0i1[], rri0i3[], rri1i2[] and rri2i3[]
h2 = h+6; p3 = rri0i3 + MSIZE-1; p2 = rri2i3 + MSIZE-2; p1 = rri1i2 + MSIZE-2; p0 = rri0i1 + MSIZE-2;
for (k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) { cor = 0; m = 0; t = 0;
for(i=k+1; i<NB_POS; i++) { cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor; cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor; cor += h[m+6]*h2[m+6] + h[m+7]*h2[m+7]; p0[t] = cor;
t -= (NB_POS+1); m += 8; } cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor;
h2 += STEP; p3 -= NB_POS; p2 -= 1; p1 -= 1; p0 -= 1; }
return; }
void cor_h_prods(int oddn,short *h,short *h2,int *p3,int *p2,int *p1,int *p0,int dp3,int dp2,int dp1,int dp0){ int k;
for (k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) { cor_h_prodloop(NB_POS-(k+1),oddn,h,h2,p3,p2,p1,p0); h2 += STEP; p3 -= dp3; p2 -= dp2; p1 -= dp1; p0 -= dp0; } return; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827 && defined(_M_IX86)
#pragma warning(disable:4731) // EBP modified with inline asm
void cor_h_prodloop(int n, int oddn,short *h,short *h2,int *p3,int *p2,int *p1,int *p0) { #if ASM_CORHPL
n = n * 4 + oddn;
#define in edi
#define inoff edx
#define out esi
#define out3 out+eax
#define out2 out+ebx
#define out1 out+ebp
#define out0 out
#define L(m,n) ASM movq mm##m, QP[in+8*n]
#define M(m,n) ASM pmaddwd mm##m, QP[in+inoff+8*n]
#define S(m) ASM psrlq mm##m, 32
#define AH(m,n) ASM paddd mm##m, mm##n
#define WH(m,o) ASM movd DP[out##o], mm##m
#define AL(m,n) ASM paddd mm##m, mm##n
#define WL(m,o) ASM movd DP[out##o], mm##m
ASM { push ebp; mov ecx, n; mov in, h; mov inoff, h2; sub inoff, in; mov out, p0; mov eax, p3; mov ebx, p2; mov ebp, p1; sub eax, out; sub ebx, out; sub ebp, out; } L(0,0); ASM pxor mm3,mm3; M(0,0); L(1,1); AL(3,0); //really a copy
M(1,1); S(0); ASM sub ecx,8; ASM jl oddends;
inner: L(2,2); AH(0,3); WL(3,3); WH(0,2); AL(0,1); M(2,2); S(1);
L(3,3); AH(1,0); WL(0,1); WH(1,0); AL(1,2); M(3,3); S(2); ASM sub out, 4*(NB_POS+1);
L(0,4); AH(2,1); WL(1,3); WH(2,2); AL(2,3); M(0,4); S(3);
L(1,5); AH(3,2); WL(2,1); WH(3,0); AL(3,0); M(1,5); S(0); ASM sub out, 4*(NB_POS+1); ASM add in, 16*2; ASM sub ecx, 8; ASM jge inner;
oddends: ASM add ecx, 4; ASM jl cleanup;
//four more
L(2,2); AH(0,3); WL(3,3); WH(0,2); AL(0,1); M(2,2); S(1);
L(3,3); AH(1,0); WL(0,1); WH(1,0); AL(1,2); M(3,3); S(2); ASM sub out, 4*(NB_POS+1);
AH(2,1); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WL(1,3); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WH(2,2); AL(2,3); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WL(2,1); ASM jmp innerdone;
cleanup: ASM add ecx, 4; ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; AH(0,3); WL(3,3); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WH(0,2); AL(0,1); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WL(0,1);
innerdone: ASM emms; ASM pop ebp; #undef in
#undef inoff
#undef out
#undef out3
#undef out2
#undef out1
#undef out0
#undef L
#undef M
#undef S
#undef AH
#undef WH
#undef AL
#undef WL
#else //ASM_CORHPL
int cor; int i,m,t;
cor = 0; m = 0; t = 0;
for(i=n; i; i--) { cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor; cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor; cor += h[m+6]*h2[m+6] + h[m+7]*h2[m+7]; p0[t] = cor;
t -= (NB_POS+1); m += 8; } if(oddn >= 1) { cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; if(oddn >= 2) { cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor; if(oddn >= 3) { cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor; } } } #endif //ASM_CORHPL
return; }
void cor_h_diag(int n, int oddn,short *h,short *h2,int *p3,int *p2,int *p1,int *p0) { #if ASM_CORHDL
n = n * 4 + oddn;
#define in edi
#define inoff edx
#define out esi
#define out3 out+eax
#define out2 out+ebx
#define out1 out+ebp
#define out0 out
#define L(m,n) ASM movq mm##m, QP[in+8*n]
#define M(m,n) ASM pmaddwd mm##m, QP[in+inoff+8*n]
#define R(m) ASM psrad mm##m, 1
#define S(m) ASM psrlq mm##m, 32
#define AH(m,n) ASM paddd mm##m, mm##n
#define WH(m,o) ASM movd DP[out##o], mm##m
#define AL(m,n) ASM paddd mm##m, mm##n
#define WL(m,o) ASM movd DP[out##o], mm##m
ASM { push ebp; mov ecx, n; mov in, h; mov inoff, h2; sub inoff, in; mov out, p0; mov eax, p3; mov ebx, p2; mov ebp, p1; sub eax, out; sub ebx, out; sub ebp, out; } L(0,0); ASM pxor mm3,mm3; M(0,0); L(1,1); AL(3,0); //really a copy
M(1,1); R(0); S(0); ASM sub ecx,8; ASM jl oddends;
inner: L(2,2); AH(0,3); WL(3,3); R(1); WH(0,2); AL(0,1); M(2,2); S(1);
L(3,3); AH(1,0); WL(0,1); R(2); WH(1,0); AL(1,2); M(3,3); S(2); ASM sub out, 4*1;
L(0,4); AH(2,1); WL(1,3); R(3); WH(2,2); AL(2,3); M(0,4); S(3);
L(1,5); AH(3,2); WL(2,1); R(0); WH(3,0); AL(3,0); M(1,5); S(0); ASM sub out, 4*1; ASM add in, 16*2; ASM sub ecx, 8; ASM jge inner;
oddends: ASM add ecx, 4; ASM jl cleanup;
//four more
L(2,2); AH(0,3); WL(3,3); R(1); WH(0,2); AL(0,1); M(2,2); S(1);
L(3,3); AH(1,0); WL(0,1); R(2); WH(1,0); AL(1,2); M(3,3); S(2); ASM sub out, 4*1;
AH(2,1); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WL(1,3); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WH(2,2); AL(2,3); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WL(2,1); ASM jmp innerdone;
cleanup: ASM add ecx, 4; ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; AH(0,3); WL(3,3); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WH(0,2); AL(0,1); ASM dec ecx; ASM jl innerdone; WL(0,1);
innerdone: ASM emms; ASM pop ebp; #undef in
#undef inoff
#undef out
#undef out3
#undef out2
#undef out1
#undef out0
#undef L
#undef M
#undef R
#undef S
#undef AH
#undef WH
#undef AL
#undef WL
#else //ASM_CORHDL
int cor; int i,m,t;
cor = 0; m = 0; t = 0;
for(i=n; i; i--) { cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor>>1; cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor>>1; cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor>>1; cor += h[m+6]*h2[m+6] + h[m+7]*h2[m+7]; p0[t] = cor>>1;
t -= 1; m += 8; } if(oddn >= 1) { cor += h[m+0]*h2[m+0] + h[m+1]*h2[m+1]; p3[t] = cor; if(oddn >= 2) { cor += h[m+2]*h2[m+2] + h[m+3]*h2[m+3]; p2[t] = cor; if(oddn >= 3) { cor += h[m+4]*h2[m+4] + h[m+5]*h2[m+5]; p1[t] = cor; } } } #endif //ASM_CORHDL
return; }
void Cor_hint1(short *H, int *rr) {
// Compute correlations of h[] needed for the codebook search.
// h[] :Impulse response.
// rr[] :Correlations.
int *rri0i0, *rri1i1, *rri2i2, *rri3i3; int *rri0i1, *rri0i2, *rri0i3; int *rri1i2, *rri1i3, *rri2i3;
int *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3; short *h2;
int i; DECLARE_SHORT(h,SubFrLen2); DECLARE_SHORT(hp2,SubFrLen2);
for(i=0; i<4; i++) h[i] = (short)0;
for(i=0; i<SubFrLen; i++) hp2[i+2] = h[i+4] = H[i];
// Init pointers
rri0i0 = rr; rri1i1 = rri0i0 + NB_POS; rri2i2 = rri1i1 + NB_POS; rri3i3 = rri2i2 + NB_POS;
rri0i1 = rri3i3 + NB_POS; rri0i2 = rri0i1 + MSIZE; rri0i3 = rri0i2 + MSIZE; rri1i2 = rri0i3 + MSIZE; rri1i3 = rri1i2 + MSIZE; rri2i3 = rri1i3 + MSIZE; //TIMER_STAMP(a);
// Compute rri0i0[], rri1i1[], rri2i2[] and rri3i3[]
cor_h_diag(NB_POS,0,h,h,&rri3i3[NB_POS-1],&rri2i2[NB_POS-1],&rri1i1[NB_POS-1],&rri0i0[NB_POS-1]); //TIMER_STAMP(b);
// Compute elements of: rri0i1[], rri0i3[], rri1i2[] and rri2i3[]
h2 = hp2; p3 = rri2i3 + MSIZE-1; p2 = rri1i2 + MSIZE-1; p1 = rri0i1 + MSIZE-1; p0 = rri0i3 + MSIZE-2;
// Compute elements of: rri0i2[], rri1i3[]
h2 = h+4; p3 = rri1i3 + MSIZE-1; p2 = rri0i2 + MSIZE-1; p1 = rri1i3 + MSIZE-2; p0 = rri0i2 + MSIZE-2;
// Compute elements of: rri0i1[], rri0i3[], rri1i2[] and rri2i3[]
h2 = hp2+4; p3 = rri0i3 + MSIZE-1; p2 = rri2i3 + MSIZE-2; p1 = rri1i2 + MSIZE-2; p0 = rri0i1 + MSIZE-2;
cor_h_prods(4-3,h,h2,p3,p2,p1,p0,NB_POS,1,1,1); //TIMER_STAMP(c);
return; }
void Cor_h_Xint(short h[],short X[],int D[]) { int i; DECLARE_SHORT(hh, 2*SubFrLen+16); //h[-1,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,...57,58,58,59]
DECLARE_SHORT(XX, 2*SubFrLen+16); //X[ 0,1,0,1,2,3,2,3,4,5,4,5,...58,59,58,59]
short htest[SubFrLen], Xtest[SubFrLen];
for (i = 0; i<SubFrLen; i++) { htest[i] = 1;//(short)(i<30?i:60-i);
Xtest[i] = 1;//(short)(i<30?i:60-i);
} h = htest; X = Xtest; #endif //TESTME
ALIGN_ARRAY(hh); ALIGN_ARRAY(XX); for (i=2*SubFrLen; i < 2*SubFrLen+16; i++) { XX[i] = hh[i] = (short)0; } // hh += 8; XX += 8;
#define ASM_Cor_h_Xint 1
#if ASM_Cor_h_Xint
ab2ababw(X, XX, SubFrLen); ab2abzaw(h, hh, SubFrLen); //TIMER_STAMP(e);
CorrelateIntTri (hh, XX, D, SubFrLen); #if TESTME
{ int D2[SubFrLen]; CorrelateInt22 (hh, XX, D2, SubFrLen); for (i = 0; i<SubFrLen; i++) { // if(D[i] != D2[i])
printf("%3d: %6d %6d %6d ", i,D[i], D2[i], D[i] - D2[i]); if(i&1) printf("\n"); } } #endif TESTME
#else //ASM_Cor_h_Xint
for (i=0; i < SubFrLen; i+=2) { hh[2*i] = (i-1 >= 0) ? h[i-1] : (short)0; hh[2*i+1] = h[i]; hh[2*i+2] = h[i]; hh[2*i+3] = h[i+1]; XX[2*i] = X[i]; XX[2*i+1] = X[i+1]; XX[2*i+2] = X[i]; XX[2*i+3] = X[i+1]; }
for (i=0; i < 2*SubFrLen; i+=4) { int acc0 = 0, acc1 = 0; for (j=0; j < 2*SubFrLen - i; j+=4) { acc0 += (int)hh[j]*XX[i+j] + (int)hh[j+1]*XX[i+j+1]; acc1 += (int)hh[j+2]*XX[i+j+2] + (int)hh[j+3]*XX[i+j+3]; } D[i/2] = acc0 >> 16; D[i/2+1] = acc1 >> 16; } #endif //ASM_Cor_h_Xint
return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ASM_CORR_TRI 1
// triangular correlations
// ASSUMES that array has 8 zero values beyond the end
// and can be read 8 more beyond that (without page fault etc)
// data format is
// taps: 0 t0 t0 t1 t1 t2 t2 t3 t3 t4 t4 t5 ... t57 t58 t58 t59
// arr: a0 a1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a2 a3 a4 a5 a4 a5 ... a58 a59 a58 a59
void CorrelateIntTri(short *taps, short *array, int *corr, int ncor) { #define rega0 mm0
#define regb0 mm1
#define rega1 mm2
#define regb1 mm3
#define rega2 mm4
#define regb2 mm5
#define acc0 mm6
#define acc1 mm7
#define arr esi
#define tap edi
#define cor eax
#define icnt ecx
// In the following macros, 'n' is the column number and 'i' is the
// iteration number.
// we use "the convolution trick" or using la twice so that one
// of the pmadd's is reg,reg and thus can be in the V-slot.
// NOTE: we have read ahead up to 2 quadwords
// so we need QP[taps+8*ncor] = QP[taps+8*ncor+8] = [0 0 0 0]
// and reading QP[array+8*ncor] or QP[array+8*ncor+8] must be legal
#define la(n,i) ASM movq rega##n,QP[arr+8*i]
#define lb(n,i) ASM movq regb##n,QP[tap+8*i-8]
#define m0(n,i) ASM pmaddwd regb##n,rega##n
#define m1(n,i) ASM pmaddwd rega##n,QP[tap+8*i]
#define a0(n,i) ASM paddd acc0,regb##n
#define a1(n,i) ASM paddd acc1,rega##n
ASM { shr ncor,1; mov cor,corr; mov tap,taps; mov arr,array; mov icnt,ncor; }
// prime the pump
la(0,0); ASM pxor regb0,regb0; // to avoid lb(0,0) reading taps[-1]
la(1,1); ASM pxor acc0,acc0; // clear accumulator
m1(0,0); ASM pxor acc1,acc1; // clear accumulator
lb(1,1); ASM sub icnt, 1; // account for pump priming
ASM jle cleanup; // bypass if only one to do
inner: la(2,2); m0(1,1); m1(1,1); a0(0,0); lb(2,2); a1(0,0); la(0,3); m0(2,2); m1(2,2); a0(1,1); lb(0,3); a1(1,1); la(1,4); m0(0,3); m1(0,3); a0(2,2); lb(1,4); a1(2,2);
ASM add arr,24; ASM add tap,24;
ASM sub icnt,3; ASM jg inner;
cleanup: // last two adds
a0(0,0); a1(0,0);
// Done with one correlation pair. Pack and store 2 results in corr array
ASM { add cor,16; mov arr, array mov tap,taps; add arr,16; mov icnt, ncor; mov array, arr; sub icnt,2; //set flags for jump
movq QP[cor-16],acc1; movq QP[cor-8],acc0;
mov ncor, icnt; jg ForEachCorrPair;
emms; }
} #undef rega0
#undef regb0
#undef rega1
#undef regb1
#undef rega2
#undef regb2
#undef acc0
#undef acc1
#undef arr
#undef tap
#undef cor
#undef icnt
#undef la
#undef lb
#undef m0
#undef m1
#undef a0
#undef a1
// 16 bit output
// psrad acc0,16;//this could be less in some cases
// psrad acc1,16;
// packssdw acc1,acc0;
// movq QP[cor-8],acc0;
void CorrelateInt22(short *taps, short *array, int *corr, int ncor) { int i,j;
for (i=0; i < 2*ncor; i+=4) { int acc0 = 0, acc1 = 0; for (j=0; j < 2*ncor - i; j+=4) { acc0 += (int)taps[j]*array[i+j] + (int)taps[j+1]*array[i+j+1]; acc1 += (int)taps[j+2]*array[i+j+2] + (int)taps[j+3]*array[i+j+3]; } corr[i/2] = acc0 ; corr[i/2+1] = acc1 ; }
return; } //#endif
#endif //COMPILE_MMX