//cb63.c - 6.3 rate codebook code
#include "opt.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "typedef.h"
#include "cst_lbc.h"
#include "tab_lbc.h"
#include "util_lbc.h"
#include "exc_lbc.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "mmxutil.h"
void Gen_Trn(float *Dst, float *Src, int Olp) { int i;
int Tmp0; float Tmp[SubFrLen];
Tmp0 = Olp;
for (i=0; i < SubFrLen; i++) { Tmp[i] = Src[i]; Dst[i] = Src[i]; }
while (Tmp0 < SubFrLen) { for (i=Tmp0; i < SubFrLen; i++) Dst[i] += Tmp[i-Tmp0];
Tmp0 += Olp; } }
int Find_L(float *OccPos, float *ImrCorr, float *WrkBlk, float Pamp, int k) { #if FT_FINDL
//====== New version using FT trick that removes OccPos test ======
int best; float max = -32768.0f; float tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4;
// Simply interleave 5 copies of the inner loop. Since we step
// by 2, this means we do the 60 samples in chunks of 10.
ASM { mov edi,WrkBlk; mov edx,ImrCorr; mov ecx,k;
loop1: fld DP[edx+4*ecx+4*0]; fmul Pamp; fld DP[edx+4*ecx+4*2]; fmul Pamp; fld DP[edx+4*ecx+4*4]; fmul Pamp; fld DP[edx+4*ecx+4*6]; fmul Pamp; fld DP[edx+4*ecx+4*8];// 4 3 2 1 0
fmul Pamp;
fxch ST(4); // 0 3 2 1 4
fsubr DP[edi+4*ecx+4*0]; fxch ST(3); // 1 3 2 0 4
fsubr DP[edi+4*ecx+4*2]; fxch ST(2); // 2 3 1 0 4
fsubr DP[edi+4*ecx+4*4]; fxch ST(1); // 3 2 1 0 4
fsubr DP[edi+4*ecx+4*6]; fxch ST(4); // 4 2 1 0 3
fsubr DP[edi+4*ecx+4*8];
fxch ST(3); // 0 2 1 4 3
fst DP[edi+4*ecx+4*0]; fxch ST(2); // 1 2 0 4 3
fst DP[edi+4*ecx+4*2]; fxch ST(1); // 2 1 0 4 3
fst DP[edi+4*ecx+4*4]; fxch ST(4); // 3 1 0 4 2
fst DP[edi+4*ecx+4*6]; fxch ST(3); // 4 1 0 3 2
fst DP[edi+4*ecx+4*8];
fxch ST(2); // 0 1 4 3 2
fabs; fxch ST(1); // 1 0 4 3 2
fabs; fxch ST(4); // 2 0 4 3 1
fabs; fxch ST(3); // 3 0 4 2 1
fabs; fxch ST(2); // 4 0 3 2 1
fxch ST(1); // 0 4 3 2 1
fstp tmp0; // 4 3 2 1
fxch ST(3); // 1 3 2 4
fstp tmp1; // 3 2 4
fxch ST(1); // 2 3 4
fstp tmp2; fstp tmp3; fstp tmp4;
mov eax,tmp0; mov ebx,max; cmp eax,ebx; jle skip0; mov max,eax; mov best,ecx; skip0:
mov eax,tmp1; mov ebx,max; cmp eax,ebx; jle skip1; lea esi,[ecx+2]; mov max,eax; mov best,esi; skip1:
mov eax,tmp2; mov ebx,max; cmp eax,ebx; jle skip2; lea esi,[ecx+4]; mov max,eax; mov best,esi; skip2:
mov eax,tmp3; mov ebx,max; cmp eax,ebx; jle skip3; lea esi,[ecx+6]; mov max,eax; mov best,esi; skip3:
mov eax,tmp4; mov ebx,max; cmp eax,ebx; jle skip4; lea esi,[ecx+8]; mov max,eax; mov best,esi; skip4:
add ecx,10; cmp ecx,SubFrLen; jl loop1; } #else
int best; float max = -32768.0f,tmp; while (k < SubFrLen) { WrkBlk[k] = WrkBlk[k] - Pamp*ImrCorr[k];
tmp = (float) fabs(WrkBlk[k]);
// printf("k %2d tmp %10.2f max %10.2f\n",k,tmp,max);
if (asint(tmp) > asint(max)) { max = tmp; best = k; } k += Sgrid; } #endif
// Old version of Find_L
int best; float max = -32768.0f,tmp; #if FIND_L_OPT
// Because of the (if OccPos[k]) clause, this code is difficult
// to pipeline. We could do a complicated pipeline job, but that
// would require computing most of WrkBlk[k] = WrkBlk[k] - Pamp*ImrCorr[k]
// whether or not OccPos[k] was 0. Alternatively, we can just do
// one iteration at a time, in which case we can avoid more of that computation
// when OccPos[k] is not 0, but we pay a penalty in that computing it once
// is slower due to stalls. Since there isn't much difference between these
// two approaches, we choose the second one since the code is so much
// simpler. Loop control is only 2 clocks, so we don't even bother to unroll.
ASM { mov esi,OccPos; mov edi,WrkBlk; mov edx,ImrCorr; mov ecx,k;
loop1: fld DP[edx+4*ecx]; // start this here so fsubr below doesn't stall
fmul Pamp;
mov eax,DP[esi+4*ecx]; test eax,07fffffffh; jne next1; // but if this is taken we have to pop FP stack once
fsubr DP[edi+4*ecx]; fld ST(0); fabs; fstp tmp; // save store of non-absolute-value for later
mov eax,tmp; mov ebx,max; cmp eax,ebx; jle skip1;
mov max,eax; mov best,ecx;
skip1: fstp DP[edi+4*ecx]; // store new WrkBlk value
add ecx,2; cmp ecx,SubFrLen; jl loop1; jmp endit;
next1: faddp ST(0),ST; // get rid of value on top of stack
add ecx,2; cmp ecx,SubFrLen; jl loop1;
endit: }
while (k < SubFrLen) { if (OccPos[k] == 0.0f) { WrkBlk[k] = WrkBlk[k] - Pamp*ImrCorr[k];
tmp = (float) fabs(WrkBlk[k]); if (asint(tmp) > asint(max)) { max = tmp; best = k; } } k += Sgrid; }
// printf("best = %d\n",best);
// printaff("WrkBlk",WrkBlk,60);
return(best); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Find_Best(BESTDEF *Best, float *Tv, float *ImpResp,int Np,int Olp) {
int i,j,k,l,n,ip; BESTDEF Temp; int MaxAmpId,flag=0; float MaxAmp; float Acc0,Acc1,Acc2,amp;
float Imr[SubFrLen]; float OccPos[SubFrLen]; float ImrCorr[2*SubFrLen]; // see comment below
float ErrBlk[SubFrLen]; float WrkBlk[SubFrLen];
// A trick is used here to simplify Find_L. The original Find_L
// accessed ImrCorr[abs(k)]. In order to simplify this to ImrCorr[k],
// we double the size of the ImrCorr array, offset the elements with
// non-negative indices by SubFrLen, and then duplicate them in
// reverse order in the first half of the array. This affects the
// way ImrCorr is addressed in this routine also.
//Update Impulse responce
if (Olp < (SubFrLen-2)) { Temp.UseTrn = 1; Gen_Trn(Imr, ImpResp, Olp); } else { Temp.UseTrn = 0; for (i = 0; i < SubFrLen; i++) Imr[i] = ImpResp[i]; }
//Search for the best sequence
for (k=0; k < Sgrid; k++) { Temp.GridId = k;
//Find maximum amplitude
Acc1 = 0.0f; for (i=k; i < SubFrLen; i +=Sgrid) { OccPos[i] = Imr[i]; ImrCorr[SubFrLen+i] = DotProd(&Imr[i],Imr,SubFrLen-i) * 2.0f; Acc0 = (float) fabs(ErrBlk[i]=DotProd(&Tv[i],Imr,SubFrLen-i)); if (Acc0 >= Acc1) { Acc1 = Acc0; Temp.Ploc[0] = i; } } for (i=1; i<SubFrLen; i++) ImrCorr[i] = ImrCorr[2*SubFrLen-i]; //Quantize the maximum amplitude
Acc2 = Acc1; Acc1 = 32767.0f; MaxAmpId = (NumOfGainLev - MlqSteps);
for (i=MaxAmpId; i >= MlqSteps; i--) { Acc0 = (float) fabs(FcbkGainTable[i]*ImrCorr[SubFrLen] - Acc2); if (Acc0 < Acc1) { Acc1 = Acc0; MaxAmpId = i; } } MaxAmpId --;
for (i=1; i <=2*MlqSteps; i++) { for (j=k; j < SubFrLen; j +=Sgrid) { WrkBlk[j] = ErrBlk[j]; OccPos[j] = 0.0f; } Temp.MampId = MaxAmpId - MlqSteps + i;
MaxAmp = FcbkGainTable[Temp.MampId];
if (WrkBlk[Temp.Ploc[0]] >= 0.0f) Temp.Pamp[0] = MaxAmp; else Temp.Pamp[0] = -MaxAmp;
OccPos[Temp.Ploc[0]] = 1.0f;
for (j=1; j < Np; j++) {
for (ip=0; ip<j; ip++) WrkBlk[Temp.Ploc[ip]] = Temp.Pamp[j-1]* ImrCorr[SubFrLen + Temp.Ploc[ip] - Temp.Ploc[j-1]]; #endif
Temp.Ploc[j] = Find_L(OccPos,&ImrCorr[SubFrLen-Temp.Ploc[j-1]],WrkBlk, Temp.Pamp[j-1],k); if (WrkBlk[Temp.Ploc[j]] >= 0.0f) Temp.Pamp[j] = MaxAmp; else Temp.Pamp[j] = -MaxAmp;
OccPos[Temp.Ploc[j]] = 1.0f; }
//Compute error vector
// FT/CNET's trick #6, for reducing computation of filtered codeword
for (j=0; j < SubFrLen; j++) OccPos[j] = 0.0f;
for (j=0; j<Np; j++) { // Extra sub-trick we added: since pulse positions are either all
// even or all odd, there's a natural two-ness in the inner loop,
// so we unroll two times.
amp = Temp.Pamp[j]; l = 0; for (n=Temp.Ploc[j]; n<SubFrLen-k; n+=2) { OccPos[n] += amp*Imr[l]; OccPos[n+1] += amp*Imr[l+1]; l += 2; } if (k) OccPos[n] += amp*Imr[l]; }
for (j=0; j < SubFrLen; j++) OccPos[j] = 0.0f;
for (j=0; j < Np; j++) OccPos[Temp.Ploc[j]] = Temp.Pamp[j];
for (l=SubFrLen-1; l >= 0; l--) OccPos[l] = DotRev(OccPos,Imr,l+1); #endif
//Evaluate error
Acc2 = DotProd(Tv,OccPos,SubFrLen) - DotProd(OccPos,OccPos,SubFrLen);
if (Acc2 > (*Best).MaxErr) { flag = 1; (*Best).MaxErr = Acc2; (*Best).GridId = Temp.GridId; (*Best).MampId = Temp.MampId; (*Best).UseTrn = Temp.UseTrn; for (j = 0; j < Np; j++) { (*Best).Pamp[j] = Temp.Pamp[j]; (*Best).Ploc[j] = Temp.Ploc[j]; } } } }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (flag == 0) { // this code is for tracking a rare condition in which
// the above loop never get executed (Best is left uninitialized)
DebugBreak(); }
return; }
void Fcbk_Pack(float *Dpnt, SFSDEF *Sfs, BESTDEF *Best, int Np) { int i,j;
//Code the amplitudes and positions
j = MaxPulseNum - Np;
(*Sfs).Pamp = 0; (*Sfs).Ppos = 0;
for (i=0; i < SubFrLen/Sgrid; i++) {
if (Dpnt[(*Best).GridId + Sgrid*i] == 0) (*Sfs).Ppos = (*Sfs).Ppos + CombinatorialTable[j][i]; else { (*Sfs).Pamp = (*Sfs).Pamp << 1; if (Dpnt[(*Best).GridId + Sgrid*i] < 0) (*Sfs).Pamp++;
//Check for end
if (j == MaxPulseNum) break; } }
(*Sfs).Mamp = (*Best).MampId; (*Sfs).Grid = (*Best).GridId; (*Sfs).Tran = (*Best).UseTrn;
return; }