INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Copyright (c) 1992 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved
This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement
$Source: q:/prism/include/rcs/isrg.h $ $Revision: 1.0 $ $Date: 11 Jun 1996 11:05:20 $ $Author: KMILLS $ $Locker: $
Description ----------- Interrupt Service Routine debug header file This module allows for a way of doing OutputDebugString() at interrupt time.
#ifndef ISRG_H
#define ISRG_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // Assume C declarations for C++.
#endif // __cplusplus
// Use for Win16
//#define DllExport
//#define DllImport
//#define DLL_EXPORT _export
// Use for Win32
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
#define DllImport __declspec( dllimport )
#define DLL_EXPORT
// directions
// Pick a number (mod 100) and create a base for the next
// 100 entries. Do it this way so that your numbers can
// be easily moved. The string assigned to the base you select
// will be displayed as the filter string in a list box when
// viewing. After defining your constants go to isrdsp.rc
// and assign strings to them. You will need to build the
// isrdsp.exe but not the isrdbg.dll. You only need to
// inlude this h file and import the functions from this
// file into your def file. Happy debugging.
#define kModSNameSize 16
#define kModLNameSize 32
// defines for tISRModule.Flags
#define kCaptureOn 0x01
typedef struct _tISRModule { WORD Flags; BYTE CaptureFilter; BYTE DisplayFilter; char zSName[kModSNameSize]; // Short name of user registered debug module
char zLName[kModLNameSize]; // Long name of user registered debug module
} tISRModule, FAR *ptISRModule;
#define kModuleBufSize ((DWORD) (16*1024L))
#define kMaxModules ((UINT) (kModuleBufSize/sizeof(tISRModule)))
typedef struct _tISRItem { WORD hISRInst; // Our handle to registered modules
BYTE DbgLevel; // Caller determined debug level
BYTE Flags; UINT IP; // Callers Instruction Ptr address
DWORD Param1; DWORD Param2; } tISRItem, FAR *ptISRItem;
#define kISRBufSize ((DWORD) (32*1024L))
#define kMaxISRItems ((UINT) (kISRBufSize/sizeof(tISRItem)))
#define kMaxStrTab ((UINT) (60*1024L))
// defines for tISRItem.Flags
#define kParam1IsStr 0x01
#define kParam1IsRes 0x02
#define kParam1IsNum 0x04 // Use only if passed two numbers.
// Supported DbgMsg state values.
#define DBG 0
#define ERR 1
#define kISRCritical 0x01 // Progammer errors that should never happen
#define kISRError 0x02 // Errors that need to be fixed
#define kISRWarning 0x04 // The user could have problems if not corrected
#define kISRNotify 0x08 // Status, events, settings...
#define kISRTrace 0x10 // Trace info that will not overrun the system
#define kISRTemp 0x20 // Trace info that may be reproduced in heavy loops
#define kISRReserved1 0x40 // Future use
#define kISRReserved2 0x80 // Future use
#define kISRDefault kISRReserved2 // Historical use only
#define TT_CRITICAL kISRCritical
#define TT_ERROR kISRError
#define TT_WARNING kISRWarning
#define TT_NOTIFY kISRNotify
#define TT_TRACE kISRTrace
#define TT_TEMP kISRTemp
// exports from isrdbg.dll
// Include these in your def file if you want to output at interrupt time.
// The ISR_Hook*() functions are the same as their counterparts. The only
// difference is that these functions need the Instruction Pointer passed
// in. If you are using an intermediate library to encapsulate the debug
// functions then you must be responsible for pulling the IP off the stack.
// Register the module and get a handle for making debug calls. If a debug
// call is made with an invalid handle then the results are not defined.
// It is possible to drop the debug event or to place the event into the
// compatibility module. If no more module handles are available then
// the handle returned will be the compatibility handle.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_RegisterModule (LPWORD phISRInst, LPSTR zShortName, LPSTR zLongName);
// Allow two strings to be concatenated togeter.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_HookDbgStrStr (UINT IP, WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPSTR pzStr1, LPSTR pzStr2);
// Use a resource to format a number.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_HookDbgRes (UINT IP, WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, UINT uResId, DWORD Param1);
// Use a str to format a number.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_HookDbgStr (UINT IP, WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPSTR pzStr1, DWORD Param1);
// Allow two strings to be concatenated togeter.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_DbgStrStr (WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPSTR pzStr1, LPSTR pzStr2);
// Use a resource to format a number.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_DbgRes (WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, UINT uResId, DWORD Param1);
// Use a str to format a number.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_DbgStr (WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPSTR pzStr1, DWORD Param1);
// WARNING: Call at task time only. Not reentrant.
DllExport void FAR cdecl DLL_EXPORT TTDbgMsg ( WORD hISRInst, // Module's ISRDBG handle.
BYTE DbgLevel, // Appropriate ISRDBG level.
LPCSTR zMsgFmt, // Output format string (like printf).
... // Optional parameter list.
// Old functions for compatibility only.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_OutputDbgStr (LPSTR pzStr);
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_OutputStr (UINT uResId);
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_OutputNum (UINT uResId, DWORD Num);
// WARNING: Call at task time only. Not reentrant.
DllExport void FAR cdecl DLL_EXPORT DbgMsg ( LPCSTR module, int state, LPCSTR format_str, ... );
// exports from isrdbg.dll
// Include these in your def file if you need to know the state of isrdbg.dll.
// isrdsp.exe needs to do this to display the data at task time.
DllExport void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_ClearItems (void);
DllExport UINT WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetNumItems (void);
DllExport UINT WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetNumModules (void);
DllExport ptISRItem WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetItem (UINT uItem,ptISRItem pItem);
DllExport ptISRModule WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetModule (UINT hISRInst);
DllExport int WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_SetCaptureFilter (WORD hISRInst, BYTE CaptureFilter, BYTE DisplayFilter);
// The caller of ISR debug functions can call these Macros and then the
// retail release will just drop all of the debug statement code.
#if (DEBUG >= 1) || (_DEBUG >= 1)
extern WORD ghISRInst; #define ISRREGISTERMODULE(pghISRInst, ShortName, LongName) ISR_RegisterModule(pghISRInst, ShortName, LongName)
#define ISRNOTIFY(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRNotify, Str, Num)
#define ISRCRITICAL(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRCritical, Str, Num)
#define ISRERROR(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRError, Str, Num)
#define ISRWARNING(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRWarning, Str, Num)
#define ISRTRACE(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRTrace, Str, Num)
#define ISRTEMP(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRTemp, Str, Num)
#define ISRRESERVED1(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRReserved1, Str, Num)
#define ISRRESERVED2(ghISRInst, Str, Num) ISR_DbgStr(ghISRInst, kISRReserved2, Str, Num)
#define ISRSNOTIFY(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRNotify, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSCRITICAL(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRCritical, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSERROR(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRError, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSWARNING(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRWarning, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSTRACE(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRTrace, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSTEMP(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRTemp, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSRESERVED1(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRReserved1, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSRESERVED2(ghISRInst, Str, Str2) ISR_DbgStrStr(ghISRInst, kISRReserved2, Str, Str2)
#define TTDBG TTDbgMsg
#define ISRNOTIFY(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRREGISTERMODULE(pghISRInst, ShortName, LongName)
#define ISRCRITICAL(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRERROR(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRWARNING(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRTRACE(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRTEMP(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRRESERVED1(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRRESERVED2(ghISRInst, Str, Num)
#define ISRSNOTIFY(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSCRITICAL(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSERROR(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSWARNING(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSTRACE(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSTEMP(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSRESERVED1(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ISRSRESERVED2(ghISRInst, Str, Str2)
#define ghISRInst 0
#define TTDBG 1 ? (void)0 : TTDbgMsg
// Local Functions
static void InitModules (void);
static UINT ValidCaptureMsg (WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel);
// Local function but thunk needs to get to it
DllExport void WINAPI OutputRec ( WORD hISRInst, // Our handle to registered modules
BYTE DbgLevel, // Caller determined debug level
BYTE Flags, UINT IP, // Callers Instruction Ptr address
DWORD Param1, DWORD Param2 );
// Local function but thunk needs to get to it
DllExport void WINAPI OutputRecStr ( WORD hISRInst, // Our handle to registered modules
BYTE DbgLevel, // Caller determined debug level
BYTE Flags, UINT IP, // Callers Instruction Ptr address
LPSTR pzStr1, LPSTR pzStr2, DWORD Param1 );
// do not use a base of 0. Reserved for system use.
#define ID_SysBase 0
#define ID_SysStr (ID_SysBase + 1)
#define ID_SysSInt (ID_SysBase + 2)
#define ID_SysUInt (ID_SysBase + 3)
#define ID_SysDWord (ID_SysBase + 4)
#define ID_SysLong (ID_SysBase + 5)
#define ID_SysHex (ID_SysBase + 6)
// IsrDbg.dll
#define ID_IsrDbgBase 100
#define ID_IsrDbgLibMain (ID_IsrDbgBase + 1)
#define ID_IsrDbgWep (ID_IsrDbgBase + 2)
#define ID_IsrDbgReentrant (ID_IsrDbgBase + 3)
// IsrDsp.exe
#define ID_IsrDspBase 200
#define ID_IsrDspInit (ID_IsrDspBase + 1)
#define ID_IsrDspExit (ID_IsrDspBase + 2)
// stMem.dll
#define ID_stMemBase 300
#define ID_stMemLibMain (ID_stMemBase + 1)
#define ID_stMemWep (ID_stMemBase + 2)
#define ID_stMemPreAlloc (ID_stMemBase + 3)
#define ID_stMemPageLock (ID_stMemBase + 4)
#define ID_stMemNoPageLock (ID_stMemBase + 5)
#define ID_stMemAlloc (ID_stMemBase + 6)
#define ID_stMemTotMem (ID_stMemBase + 7)
#define ID_stMemstFree (ID_stMemBase + 8)
// DLM.dll
// Errors
#define ID_DLMErrorBase 400
#define ID_DLMEnqError (ID_DLMErrorBase + 1)
#define ID_DLMDeqError (ID_DLMErrorBase + 2)
#define ID_DLMFreeError (ID_DLMErrorBase + 3)
#define ID_DLMChanError (ID_DLMErrorBase + 4)
#define ID_DLMChanNIUErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 5)
#define ID_DLMChanNumErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 6)
#define ID_DLMInConnErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 7)
#define ID_DLMInSessErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 8)
#define ID_DLMSessNIU (ID_DLMErrorBase + 9)
#define ID_DLMSessNO (ID_DLMErrorBase + 10)
#define ID_DLMConnNIU (ID_DLMErrorBase + 11)
#define ID_DLMConnNO (ID_DLMErrorBase + 12)
#define ID_DLMIDErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 13)
#define ID_DLMConnErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 14)
#define ID_DLMSessErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 15)
#define ID_DLMSessNF (ID_DLMErrorBase + 16)
#define ID_DLMNoFreeConn (ID_DLMErrorBase + 17)
#define ID_DLMConnCloseErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 18)
#define ID_DLMConnNF (ID_DLMErrorBase + 19)
#define ID_DLMConnNC (ID_DLMErrorBase + 20)
#define ID_DLMMDMError (ID_DLMErrorBase + 21)
#define ID_DLMNoSess (ID_DLMErrorBase + 22)
#define ID_DLMInvalidSess (ID_DLMErrorBase + 23)
#define ID_DLMEventErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 24)
#define ID_DLMNoConn (ID_DLMErrorBase + 25)
#define ID_DLMChanCloseErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 26)
#define ID_DLMInvalidConn (ID_DLMErrorBase + 27)
#define ID_DLMCorruptQueue (ID_DLMErrorBase + 28)
#define ID_DLMInvChanID (ID_DLMErrorBase + 29)
#define ID_DLMChanInUse (ID_DLMErrorBase + 30)
#define ID_DLMInvalidChan (ID_DLMErrorBase + 31)
#define ID_DLMNoBufHdr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 32)
#define ID_DLMEnqueueErr (ID_DLMErrorBase + 33)
#define ID_DLMNMBufInProg (ID_DLMErrorBase + 34)
#define ID_DLMNoBuffer (ID_DLMErrorBase + 35)
#define ID_DLMEnterDumping (ID_DLMErrorBase + 36)
#define ID_DLMSizeError (ID_DLMErrorBase + 37)
#define ID_DLMNoBuf (ID_DLMErrorBase + 38)
#define ID_DLMInitAlready (ID_DLMErrorBase + 39)
#define ID_DLMGDLError (ID_DLMErrorBase + 40)
#define ID_DLMNoEntryPoint (ID_DLMErrorBase + 41)
#define ID_DLMNoEvent (ID_DLMErrorBase + 42)
#define ID_DLMNoPackets (ID_DLMErrorBase + 43)
// Debug level 1 messages
#define ID_DLMDebug1Base 500
#define ID_DLMCloseAllEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 1)
#define ID_DLMEstabHEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 2)
#define ID_DLMEstabHExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 3)
#define ID_DLMReqHEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 4)
#define ID_DLMReqHAlloc (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 5)
#define ID_DLMReqHExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 6)
#define ID_DLMRejHEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 7)
#define ID_DLMRejHExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 8)
#define ID_DLMCNoteHEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 9)
#define ID_DLMCNoteHExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 10)
#define ID_DLMCComHEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 11)
#define ID_DLMCComHExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 12)
#define ID_DLMSessCloseHEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 13)
#define ID_DLMSessCloseHExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 14)
#define ID_DLMSessHEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 15)
#define ID_DLMSessHExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 16)
#define ID_DLMBegSessEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 17)
#define ID_DLMBegSessExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 18)
#define ID_DLMEndSessEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 19)
#define ID_DLMEndSessExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 20)
#define ID_DLMListenEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 21)
#define ID_DLMListenExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 22)
#define ID_DLMDoCloseEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 23)
#define ID_DLMDoCloseExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 24)
#define ID_DLMMakeConnEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 25)
#define ID_DLMMakeConnExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 26)
#define ID_DLMRejEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 27)
#define ID_DLMRejExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 28)
#define ID_DLMAccEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 29)
#define ID_DLMAccExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 30)
#define ID_DLMCloseConnEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 31)
#define ID_DLMCloseConnExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 32)
#define ID_DLMTryEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 33)
#define ID_DLMTryExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 34)
#define ID_DLMOpenEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 35)
#define ID_DLMOpenExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 36)
#define ID_DLMSendEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 37)
#define ID_DLMSendExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 38)
#define ID_DLMSendComEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 39)
#define ID_DLMSendComExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 40)
#define ID_DLMPostEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 41)
#define ID_DLMPostExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 42)
#define ID_DLMNewMsgEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 43)
#define ID_DLMNewMsgExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 44)
#define ID_DLMContMsgEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 45)
#define ID_DLMContMsgExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 46)
#define ID_DLMRecEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 47)
#define ID_DLMRecExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 48)
#define ID_DLMCloseEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 49)
#define ID_DLMCloseExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 50)
#define ID_DLMGetCharEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 51)
#define ID_DLMGetCharExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 52)
#define ID_DLMInitEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 53)
#define ID_DLMInitExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 54)
#define ID_DLMDeInitEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 55)
#define ID_DLMDeInitExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 56)
#define ID_DLMCloseAllExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 57)
#define ID_DLMEnqEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 58)
#define ID_DLMEnqExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 59)
#define ID_DLMDeqEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 60)
#define ID_DLMDeqExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 61)
#define ID_DLMEnqPEntered (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 62)
#define ID_DLMEnqPExit (ID_DLMDebug1Base + 63)
// Debug level 2 messages
#define ID_DLMDebug2Base 600
#define ID_DLMCallback (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 1)
#define ID_DLMConnection (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 2)
#define ID_DLMBuffer (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 3)
#define ID_DLMSize (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 4)
#define ID_DLMRemaining (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 5)
#define ID_DLMReceived (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 6)
#define ID_DLMToken (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 7)
#define ID_DLMOChannel (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 8)
#define ID_DLMRChannel (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 9)
#define ID_DLMStatus (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 10)
#define ID_DLMEndSessClosing (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 11)
#define ID_DLMBufferSize (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 12)
#define ID_DLMLinkPacket (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 13)
#define ID_DLMChannel (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 14)
#define ID_DLMInDumping (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 15)
#define ID_DLMByteCount (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 16)
#define ID_DLMDeqNoBuf (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 17)
#define ID_DLMEnqPSkip (ID_DLMDebug2Base + 18)
// MDM -> mdmnbios.dll
#define ID_mdmBase 700
#define ID_mdmLibMain (ID_mdmBase + 1)
#define ID_mdmWep (ID_mdmBase + 2)
#define ID_mdmBadhSesUser (ID_mdmBase + 3)
#define ID_mdmBadhConUser (ID_mdmBase + 4)
#define ID_mdmBadhSesFree (ID_mdmBase + 5)
#define ID_mdmBadhConFree (ID_mdmBase + 6)
#define ID_mdmBadhSesInt (ID_mdmBase + 7)
#define ID_mdmBadhConInt (ID_mdmBase + 8)
#define ID_mdmNoMorehSes (ID_mdmBase + 9)
#define ID_mdmNoMorehCon (ID_mdmBase + 10)
#define ID_mdmWepConFree (ID_mdmBase + 11)
#define ID_mdmActiveCon (ID_mdmBase + 12)
#define ID_mdmBBegSes (ID_mdmBase + 13)
#define ID_mdmEBegSes (ID_mdmBase + 14)
#define ID_mdmBEndSes (ID_mdmBase + 15)
#define ID_mdmEEndSes (ID_mdmBase + 16)
#define ID_mdmBListen (ID_mdmBase + 17)
#define ID_mdmEListen (ID_mdmBase + 18)
#define ID_mdmBMakeCon (ID_mdmBase + 19)
#define ID_mdmEMakeCon (ID_mdmBase + 20)
#define ID_mdmBAcceptCon (ID_mdmBase + 21)
#define ID_mdmEAcceptCon (ID_mdmBase + 22)
#define ID_mdmBRejectCon (ID_mdmBase + 23)
#define ID_mdmERejectCon (ID_mdmBase + 24)
#define ID_mdmBCloseCon (ID_mdmBase + 25)
#define ID_mdmECloseCon (ID_mdmBase + 26)
#define ID_mdmErrNetBios (ID_mdmBase + 27)
#define ID_mdmNoSendNcb (ID_mdmBase + 28)
#define ID_mdmNoFreeSndNcbSlot (ID_mdmBase + 29)
#define ID_mdmInvalidConState (ID_mdmBase + 30)
#define ID_mdmInvalidParams (ID_mdmBase + 31)
#define ID_mdmToManyListens (ID_mdmBase + 32)
#define ID_mdmKillTheListen (ID_mdmBase + 33)
#define ID_mdmBListenCB (ID_mdmBase + 34)
#define ID_mdmEListenCB (ID_mdmBase + 35)
#define ID_mdmBConnectCB (ID_mdmBase + 36)
#define ID_mdmEConnectCB (ID_mdmBase + 37)
#define ID_mdmBCloseCB (ID_mdmBase + 38)
#define ID_mdmECloseCB (ID_mdmBase + 39)
#define ID_mdmBSndCB (ID_mdmBase + 40)
#define ID_mdmESndCB (ID_mdmBase + 41)
#define ID_mdmBRcvCB (ID_mdmBase + 42)
#define ID_mdmERcvCB (ID_mdmBase + 43)
// MDM -> MDM Teleos
// Errors
#define ID_MDMTEBASE 1000
#define ID_MDMTEDeqUnackNoHead (ID_MDMTEBASE + 1)
#define ID_MDMTEDeqUnackNoNext (ID_MDMTEBASE + 2)
#define ID_MDMTEDeqUnackNoPrev (ID_MDMTEBASE + 3)
#define ID_MDMTEDeqArrNoTail (ID_MDMTEBASE + 4)
#define ID_MDMTEWinSize (ID_MDMTEBASE + 7)
#define ID_MDMTENoLinkPacket (ID_MDMTEBASE + 8)
#define ID_MDMTETooLarge (ID_MDMTEBASE + 9)
#define ID_MDMTELPNotFound (ID_MDMTEBASE + 10)
#define ID_MDMTEInitAlready (ID_MDMTEBASE + 12)
#define ID_MDMTETCBInitFail (ID_MDMTEBASE + 13)
#define ID_MDMTESizeError (ID_MDMTEBASE + 15)
#define ID_MDMTEReceived (ID_MDMTEBASE + 16)
#define ID_MDMTEExpected (ID_MDMTEBASE + 17)
#define ID_MDMTECorruptQ (ID_MDMTEBASE + 18)
#define ID_MDMTENoInit (ID_MDMTEBASE + 19)
#define ID_MDMTEAbanPack (ID_MDMTEBASE + 20)
#define ID_MDMTESeqNum (ID_MDMTEBASE + 21)
#define ID_MDMTESipPend (ID_MDMTEBASE + 22)
#define ID_MDMTENoConn (ID_MDMTEBASE + 23)
#define ID_MDMTEInvalidID (ID_MDMTEBASE + 24)
#define ID_MDMTENoSess (ID_MDMTEBASE + 25)
#define ID_MDMTESessID (ID_MDMTEBASE + 27)
#define ID_MDMTESize (ID_MDMTEBASE + 29)
#define ID_MDMTEState (ID_MDMTEBASE + 30)
#define ID_MDMTEConnID (ID_MDMTEBASE + 31)
#define ID_MDMTETinyPacket (ID_MDMTEBASE + 33)
#define ID_MDMTEPacketOOS (ID_MDMTEBASE + 34)
#define ID_MDMTEECBNotFound (ID_MDMTEBASE + 35)
// Trace Information
#define ID_MDMTTBASE 1100
#define ID_MDMTTB1CEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 1)
#define ID_MDMTTB1CExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 2)
#define ID_MDMTTSB1Enter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 3)
#define ID_MDMTTSB1Exit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 4)
#define ID_MDMTTB2CEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 5)
#define ID_MDMTTB2CExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 6)
#define ID_MDMTTSB2Enter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 7)
#define ID_MDMTTSB2Exit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 8)
#define ID_MDMTTSendEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 9)
#define ID_MDMTTSendExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 10)
#define ID_MDMTTInitEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 11)
#define ID_MDMTTInitExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 12)
#define ID_MDMTTDeInitEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 13)
#define ID_MDMTTDeInitExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 14)
#define ID_MDMTTLB1Enter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 15)
#define ID_MDMTTLB1Exit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 16)
#define ID_MDMTTLB2Enter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 17)
#define ID_MDMTTLB2Exit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 18)
#define ID_MDMTTNBSEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 19)
#define ID_MDMTTRecEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 21)
#define ID_MDMTTRecExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 22)
#define ID_MDMTTCTSEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 23)
#define ID_MDMTTGCEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 25)
#define ID_MDMTTGCExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 26)
#define ID_MDMTTBegSessEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 27)
#define ID_MDMTTBegSessExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 28)
#define ID_MDMTTEndSessEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 29)
#define ID_MDMTTEndSessExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 30)
#define ID_MDMTTMakeConEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 31)
#define ID_MDMTTMakeConExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 32)
#define ID_MDMTTCloseConEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 33)
#define ID_MDMTTCloseConExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 34)
#define ID_MDMTTListEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 35)
#define ID_MDMTTListExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 36)
#define ID_MDMTTAccEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 37)
#define ID_MDMTTAccExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 38)
#define ID_MDMTTRejEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 39)
#define ID_MDMTTRejExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 40)
#define ID_MDMTTRecLookEnter (ID_MDMTTBASE + 41)
#define ID_MDMTTRecLookExit (ID_MDMTTBASE + 42)
// Comment Information
#define ID_MDMTCBASE 1200
#define ID_MDMTCSeqNum (ID_MDMTCBASE + 1)
#define ID_MDMTCFound (ID_MDMTCBASE + 2)
#define ID_MDMTCWaiting (ID_MDMTCBASE + 3)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // End of extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // h file included already