;************************************************************************* ;** INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information ;** ;** This listing is supplied under the terms of a license ;** agreement with INTEL Corporation and may not be copied ;** nor disclosed except in accordance with the terms of ;** that agreement. ;** ;** Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation. ;** All Rights Reserved. ;** ;************************************************************************* ;// ;// $Header: S:\h26x\src\dec\cx5128a2.asv ;// ;// $Log: S:\h26x\src\dec\cx5128a2.asv $ ;// ;// Rev 1.6 18 Mar 1996 09:57:48 bnickers ;// Make color convertors non-destructive. ;// ;// Rev 1.5 05 Feb 1996 13:35:32 BNICKERS ;// Fix RGB16 color flash problem, by allowing different RGB16 formats at oce. ;// ;// Rev 1.4 16 Jan 1996 11:23:02 BNICKERS ;// Fix starting point in output stream, so we don't start at line two and ;// write off the end of the output frame. ;// ;// Rev 1.3 22 Dec 1995 15:59:12 KMILLS ;// ;// added new copyright notice ;// ;// Rev 1.2 20 Nov 1995 10:33:52 BNICKERS ;// Implement YUV12 to CLUT8AP. ;// ;// Rev 1.1 26 Oct 1995 09:45:24 BNICKERS ;// Reduce the number of blanks in the "proc" statement because the assembler ;// sometimes has problems with statements longer than 512 characters long. ;// ;// Rev 1.0 25 Oct 1995 17:59:24 BNICKERS ;// Initial revision. ;// ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; +--------- Color convertor. ; |+-------- For both H261 and H263. ; ||+------- Version for the Pentium Microprocessor. ; |||++----- Convert from YUV12. ; |||||+---- Convert to CLUT8. ; ||||||+--- Active palette. ; |||||||+-- Zoom by two ; cx5128a2 -- This function performs YUV12 to CLUT8, zoom by two color ; conversion for H26x. It converts the input to the clut8 ; index dyncamically computed for a given active palette.
include locals.inc include ccinst.inc include decconst.inc
; any data would go here
IFNDEF WIN32 DSEGNAME ENDS .xlist include memmodel.inc .list ENDIF
; void FAR ASM_CALLTYPE YUV12ToCLUT8APZoomBy2 (U8 * YPlane, ; U8 * VPlane, ; U8 * UPlane, ; UN FrameWidth, ; UN FrameHeight, ; UN YPitch, ; UN VPitch, ; UN AspectAdjustmentCount, ; U8 FAR * ColorConvertedFrame, ; U32 DCIOffset, ; U32 CCOffsetToLine0, ; IN CCOPitch, ; IN CCType) ; ; CCOffsetToLine0 is relative to ColorConvertedFrame. ;
; due to the need for the ebp reg, these parameter declarations aren't used, ; they are here so the assembler knows how many bytes to relieve from the stack
YUV12ToCLUT8APZoomBy2 proc DIST LANG AYPlane: DWORD, AVPlane: DWORD, AUPlane: DWORD, AFrameWidth: DWORD, AFrameHeight: DWORD, AYPitch: DWORD, AVPitch: DWORD, AAspectAdjustmentCount: DWORD, AColorConvertedFrame: DWORD, ADCIOffset: DWORD, ACCOffsetToLine0: DWORD, ACCOPitch: DWORD, ACCType: DWORD
LocalFrameSize = 24 RegisterStorageSize = 16
; Arguments:
YPlane = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 4 VPlane = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 8 UPlane = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 12 FrameWidth = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 16 FrameHeight = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 20 YPitch = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 24 ChromaPitch = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 28 AspectAdjustmentCount = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 32 ColorConvertedFrame = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 36 DCIOffset = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 40 CCOffsetToLine0 = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 44 CCOPitch = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 48 CCType = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 52 EndOfArgList = LocalFrameSize + RegisterStorageSize + 56
; Locals (on local stack frame)
CCOCursor = 0 ChromaLineLen = 4 YLimit = 8 DistanceFromVToU = 12 EndOfLine = 16 AspectCount = 20
LCL EQU <esp+>
; Arguments:
RegisterStorageSize = 20 ; Put local variables on stack. InstanceBase_zero = RegisterStorageSize + 4 InstanceBase_SegNum = RegisterStorageSize + 6 YPlane_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 8 VPlane_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 12 UPlane_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 16 FrameWidth_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 20 FrameHeight_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 22 YPitch_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 24 VPitch_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 26 AspectAdjustmentCount_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 28 ColorConvertedFrame = RegisterStorageSize + 30 ColorConvertedFrame_SegNum = RegisterStorageSize + 32 DCIOffset = RegisterStorageSize + 34 CCOffsetToLine0 = RegisterStorageSize + 38 CCOPitch_arg = RegisterStorageSize + 42 EndOfArgList = RegisterStorageSize + 44
; Locals (in per-instance data segment)
CCOCursor = LocalStorageCC + 0 ChromaLineLen = LocalStorageCC + 4 YLimit = LocalStorageCC + 8 YPlane = LocalStorageCC + 12 VPlane = LocalStorageCC + 16 FrameWidth = LocalStorageCC + 20 FrameHeight = LocalStorageCC + 24 YPitch = LocalStorageCC + 28 ChromaPitch = LocalStorageCC + 32 DistanceFromVToU = LocalStorageCC + 36 CCOPitch = LocalStorageCC + 40 EndOfLine = LocalStorageCC + 44 AspectAdjustmentCount = LocalStorageCC + 48 AspectCount = LocalStorageCC + 52 LCL EQU <>
; UV dither pattern: ; 2 3 2 3 ; 0 1 0 1 ; 2 3 2 3 ; 0 1 0 1 ; ; Y dither pattern: ; 0 4 1 5 ; 6 2 7 3 ; 1 5 0 4 ; 7 3 6 2
; DS:ESI points to the beginning of the Y input block ; ES:EBP points to the output location ; EBX is available (and clear except for low 8 bits) Ydither00 = 0 Ydither01 = 4 Ydither02 = 1 Ydither03 = 5 Ydither10 = 6 Ydither11 = 2 Ydither12 = 7 Ydither13 = 3 Ydither20 = 1 Ydither21 = 5 Ydither22 = 0 Ydither23 = 4 Ydither30 = 7 Ydither31 = 3 Ydither32 = 6 Ydither33 = 2
push esi push edi push ebp push ebx IFDEF WIN32 sub esp,LocalFrameSize mov ebx,PD [esp+VPlane] mov ecx,PD [esp+UPlane] sub ecx,ebx mov PD [esp+DistanceFromVToU],ecx mov eax,PD [esp+ColorConvertedFrame] add eax,PD [esp+DCIOffset] add eax,PD [esp+CCOffsetToLine0] mov PD [esp+CCOCursor],eax ELSE xor eax,eax mov eax,ds push eax mov ebp,esp and ebp,00000FFFFH mov ds, PW [ebp+InstanceBase_SegNum] mov es, PW [ebp+ColorConvertedFrame_SegNum]
mov ebx,PD [ebp+YPlane_arg] ; Make YPlane accessible mov ds:PD YPlane,ebx mov ebx,PD [ebp+VPlane_arg] ; Make VPlane accessible. Pre-dec. mov ds:PD VPlane,ebx mov ecx,PD [ebp+UPlane_arg] sub ecx,ebx mov ds:PD DistanceFromVToU,ecx mov ax,PW [ebp+FrameWidth_arg] ; Make FrameWidth accessible mov ds:PD FrameWidth,eax mov ax,PW [ebp+FrameHeight_arg] ; Make FrameHeight accessible mov ds:PD FrameHeight,eax mov ax,PW [ebp+YPitch_arg] ; Make YPitch accessible mov ds:PD YPitch,eax mov ax,PW [ebp+VPitch_arg] ; Make ChromaPitch accessible mov ds:PD ChromaPitch,eax mov ax,PW [ebp+AspectAdjustmentCount_arg]; Make count accessible mov ds:PD AspectAdjustmentCount,eax mov ax,PW [ebp+ColorConvertedFrame] ; Init CCOCursor add eax,PD [ebp+DCIOffset] mov ebx,PD [ebp+CCOffsetToLine0] add eax,ebx mov ds:PD CCOCursor,eax movsx ebx,PW [ebp+CCOPitch_arg] ; Make CCOPitch accessible mov ds:PD CCOPitch,ebx ENDIF
Ledx FrameHeight Lecx YPitch imul edx,ecx Lebx FrameWidth sar ebx,1 Lesi YPlane ; Fetch cursor over luma plane. add edx,esi Sedx YLimit Ledx AspectAdjustmentCOunt Sedx AspectCount Sebx ChromaLineLen
; Convert line of U and V pels to the corresponding UVDitherPattern Indices. ; ; Register Usage ; ; edi -- Cursor over V line ; esi -- Y line cursor minus 2 times V line cursor. ; ebp -- Distance from V line to U line. ; edx -- UVDitherPattern index: ((V:{0:8}*9) + U:{0:8}) * 2 + 1 ; bl -- U pel value ; al -- V pel value ; edx -- U contribution to active palette addresses (dithered 4 ways). ; ecx -- V contribution to active palette addresses (dithered 4 ways).
Ledi VPlane Lecx ChromaLineLen add ecx,edi sub esi,edi Lebp DistanceFromVToU sub esi,edi xor eax,eax Ledx ChromaPitch mov al,PB [edi] ; Fetch V pel. xor ebx,ebx mov bl,PB [edi+ebp*1] ; Fetch U pel. add edx,edi Secx EndOfLine Sedx VPlane
mov ecx,PD VContribToAPIdx[eax*4]; V contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. mov edx,PD UContribToAPIdx[ebx*4]; U contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. add ecx,edx ; Chroma contrib to active palette address. mov al,PB [edi+1] ; Fetch next V pel. mov PD [esi+edi*2-768*1-4],ecx ; Store chroma contrib. mov bl,PB [edi+ebp*1+1] ; Fetch U pel. mov ecx,PD VContribToAPIdx[eax*4]; V contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. mov al,PB [edi+2] ; Fetch next V pel. mov edx,PD UContribToAPIdx[ebx*4]; U contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. mov bl,PB [edi+ebp*1+2] ; Fetch U pel. add edx,ecx ; Chroma contrib to active palette address. mov ecx,PD VContribToAPIdx[eax*4]; V contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. mov PD [esi+edi*2-768*2-8],edx ; Store chroma contrib. mov edx,PD UContribToAPIdx[ebx*4]; U contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. add ecx,edx ; Chroma contrib to active palette address. mov al,PB [edi+3] ; Fetch next V pel. mov PD [esi+edi*2-768*1+4-4],ecx ; Store chroma contrib. mov bl,PB [edi+ebp*1+3] ; Fetch U pel. mov ecx,PD VContribToAPIdx[eax*4]; V contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. mov al,PB [edi+4] ; Fetch next V pel. mov edx,PD UContribToAPIdx[ebx*4]; U contrib actv pal addr, dithered 4 ways. mov bl,PB [edi+ebp*1+4] ; Fetch U pel. add edx,ecx ; Chroma contrib to active palette address. Lecx EndOfLine mov PD [esi+edi*2-768*2+4-8],edx ; Store chroma contrib. add edi,4 sub ecx,edi jne @b
xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx lea ebp,[esi+edi*2] ; Compute end-of-line luma address. Lesi YPlane ; Reload luma cursor. Ledi CCOCursor ; Re-load color converted output cursor. Sebp EndOfLine sub edi,esi Lebp YPitch
; ebp -- not used. ; esi -- Cursor over line 0 of row of luma blocks. ; edi -- Cursor over output line, minus twice esi. ; edx -- Area in which to build 4 pels of active-palette clut8 output. ; ecx, ebx, eax -- Index of Active palette entry for a pel.
mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+0] ; 01UL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov cl,PB [esi+1] ; 01 Fetch luma for Pel01 shr cl,1 ; 01 Reduce luma to 7 bits mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+1] ; 01UR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr sub edi,esi mov PB [esi+1],cl ; 01 Stash 7 bit luma for next line
mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither03 -8] ; 01UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+2] ; 00UL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither02 -8] ; 01UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+0] ; 00 Fetch luma for Pel00 shr cl,1 ; 00 Reduce luma to 7 bits mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+3] ; 00UR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr shl edx,16 ; 01 Position high order pels mov PB [esi+0],cl ; 00 Stash 7 bit luma for next line mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither01 -8] ; 00UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+0] ; 03UL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither00 -8] ; 00UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+3] ; 03 Fetch luma for Pel03 shr cl,1 ; 03 Reduce luma to 7 bits mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+1] ; 03UR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov PD es:[edi+esi*2],edx ; Write 4 pels to display adapter. mov PB [esi+3],cl ; 03 Stash 7 bit luma for next line mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither03 -8] ; 03UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+2] ; 02UL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither02 -8] ; 03UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+2] ; 02 Fetch luma for Pel02 shr cl,1 ; 02 Reduce luma to 7 bits mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+3] ; 02UR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr shl edx,16 ; 03 Position high order pels mov PB [esi+2],cl ; 02 Stash 7 bit luma for next line mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither01 -8] ; 02UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+0+4] ; 01UL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither00 -8] ; 02UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+1+4] ; 01 Fetch luma for Pel01 shr cl,1 ; 01 Reduce luma to 7 bits mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+1+4] ; 01UR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov PD es:[edi+esi*2+4],edx ; Write 4 pels to display adapter. mov PB [esi+1+4],cl ; 01 Stash 7 bit luma for next line add esi,4 ; Advance cursor. Ledx EndOfLine sub edx,esi jne @b Ledx CCOPitch Ledi CCOCursor ; Re-load color converted output cursor. Lesi YPlane ; Reload luma cursor. add edi,edx Sedi CCOCursor Ledx AspectCount sub edi,esi sub edx,2 Sedx AspectCount jg KeepLine1
ADDedx AspectAdjustmentCount Sedx AspectCount jmp SkipLine1
mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+2] ; 01LL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov cl,PB [esi+1] ; 01 Fetch luma for Pel01 mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+3] ; 01LR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr sub edi,esi
mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither13 -8] ; 01UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+0] ; 00LL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither12 -8] ; 01UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+0] ; 00 Fetch luma for Pel00 shl edx,16 ; 01 Position high order pels mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+1] ; 00LR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither11 -8] ; 00UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+2] ; 03LL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither10 -8] ; 00UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+3] ; 03 Fetch luma for Pel03 mov PD es:[edi+esi*2],edx ; Write 4 pels to display adapter. mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+3] ; 03LR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither13 -8] ; 03UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+0] ; 02LL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither12 -8] ; 03UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+2] ; 02 Fetch luma for Pel02 shl edx,16 ; 03 Position high order pels mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+1] ; 02LR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither11 -8] ; 02UL clut index mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+2+4] ; 01LL Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither10 -8] ; 02UR clut index mov cl,PB [esi+1+4] ; 01 Fetch luma for Pel01 mov PD es:[edi+esi*2+4],edx ; Write 4 pels to display adapter. mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+3+4] ; 01LR Fetch UV contrib to Active Pal addr add esi,4 ; Advance cursor. Ledx EndOfLine sub edx,esi jne @b
Ledi CCOCursor Ledx CCOPitch add edi,edx
Sedi CCOCursor Lesi YPlane ; Reload luma cursor. sub edi,esi xor eax,eax
; ebp -- Luma pitch ; esi -- Cursor over line 0 of row of luma blocks. ; edi -- Cursor over output line, minus twice esi. ; edx -- Area in which to build 4 pels of active-palette clut8 output. ; ecx, ebx, eax -- Index of Active palette entry for a pel.
mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+1] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+1] sub edi,esi mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+0]
mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither23 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+3] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither22 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+0] shl edx,16 mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+2] mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither21 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+1] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither20 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+3] mov PD es:[edi+esi*2],edx mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+0] mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither23 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+3] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither22 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+2] shl edx,16 mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+2] mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither21 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+1+4] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither20 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+1+4] mov PD es:[edi+esi*2+4],edx mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+0+4] add esi,4 Ledx EndOfLine sub edx,esi jne @b Ledx CCOPitch Ledi CCOCursor Lesi YPlane add edi,edx Sedi CCOCursor Ledx AspectCount sub edi,esi sub edx,2 Sedx AspectCount jg KeepLine3
ADDedx AspectAdjustmentCount Sedx AspectCount jmp SkipLine3
mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+1] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+1] shr cl,1 mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+0] sub edi,esi mov PB [esi+ebp*1+1],cl
mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither33 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+3] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither32 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+0] shr cl,1 mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+2] shl edx,16 mov PB [esi+ebp*1+0],cl mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither31 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+1] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither30 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+3] shr cl,1 mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+0] mov PD es:[edi+esi*2],edx mov PB [esi+ebp*1+3],cl mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither33 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*2-8+3] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither32 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+2] shr cl,1 mov bh,PB [esi-768*2-8+2] shl edx,16 mov PB [esi+ebp*1+2],cl mov dh,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[eax+ecx+Ydither31 -8] mov ah,PB [esi-768*1-4+1+4] mov dl,PB ActivePaletteIdxTable[ebx+ecx+Ydither30 -8] mov cl,PB [esi+ebp*1+1+4] shr cl,1 mov bh,PB [esi-768*1-4+0+4] mov PD es:[edi+esi*2+4],edx mov PB [esi+ebp*1+1+4],cl add esi,4 Ledx EndOfLine sub edx,esi jne @b
Ledi CCOCursor Ledx CCOPitch add edi,edx
add ebp,ebp Lesi YPlane Sedi CCOCursor add esi,ebp Sesi YPlane Ledx YLimit cmp esi,edx jne NextFourLines
IFDEF WIN32 add esp,LocalFrameSize ELSE pop ebx mov ds,ebx ENDIF pop ebx pop ebp pop edi pop esi rturn
YUV12ToCLUT8APZoomBy2 endp