// File: wizard.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include <vfw.h>
#include <ulsreg.h>
#include "call.h"
#include "ulswizrd.h"
#include "ConfWnd.h"
#include "ConfCpl.h"
#include "mrulist.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "setupdd.h"
#include "vidwiz.h"
#include "dstest.h"
#include "splash.h"
#include "nmmkcert.h"
#include "confroom.h" // for GetConfRoom
#include "FnObjs.h"
#include "ConfPolicies.h"
#include "SysPol.h"
#include "confUtil.h"
#include "shlWAPI.h"
#include "help_ids.h"
extern VOID SaveDefaultCodecSettings(UINT uBandWidth); INT_PTR CALLBACK ShortcutWizDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// from ulscpl.cpp
VOID FixServerDropList(HWND hdlg, int id, LPTSTR pszServer, UINT cchMax);
static const TCHAR g_szRegOwner[] = WIN_REGKEY_REGOWNER; // concatenated string of first name + last name
static const TCHAR g_szClientFld[] = ULS_REGISTRY TEXT ("\\") ULS_REGFLD_CLIENT;
static const TCHAR g_szFirstName[] = ULS_REGKEY_FIRST_NAME; static const TCHAR g_szLastName[] = ULS_REGKEY_LAST_NAME; static const TCHAR g_szEmailName[] = ULS_REGKEY_EMAIL_NAME; static const TCHAR g_szLocation[] = ULS_REGKEY_LOCATION; static const TCHAR g_szComments[] = ULS_REGKEY_COMMENTS; static const TCHAR g_szServerName[] = ULS_REGKEY_SERVER_NAME; static const TCHAR g_szDontPublish[] = ULS_REGKEY_DONT_PUBLISH; static const TCHAR g_szResolveName[] = ULS_REGKEY_RESOLVE_NAME; // concatenated string of uls://servername/emailname
static const TCHAR g_szUserName[] = ULS_REGKEY_USER_NAME; // concatenated string of first name + last name
// These functions are implemented below:
static INT_PTR APIENTRY IntroWiz(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static INT_PTR APIENTRY AppSharingWiz(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static INT_PTR APIENTRY BandwidthWiz(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static BOOL NeedAudioWizard(LPLONG plSoundCaps, BOOL fForce);
static void FillWizardPages ( PROPSHEETPAGE *pPage, LPARAM lParam );
struct INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG { BOOL * fContinue; BOOL fAllowBack; };
BOOL g_fSilentWizard = FALSE;
// This holdn the user info page HWND...
static HWND s_hDlgUserInfo = NULL; static HWND s_hDlgGKSettings = NULL;
class IntroWiz { public: // The order of the pages
// Make sure to change the order the pages are created at the same time
// you change this
enum { Intro, AppSharing, ULSFirst, ULSLast, Bandwidth, Video, Shortcuts, AudioFirst, Count } ;
static void InitPages() { // Init to NULL before adding any pages
for (int i=0; i<Count; ++i) { g_idWizOrder[i] = 0; } }
static void SetPage(UINT nPage, UINT_PTR id) { g_idWizOrder[nPage] = id; }
static UINT_PTR GetPrevPage(UINT nPageCur) { if (0 == nPageCur) { return(0); }
for (int i=nPageCur-1; i>=1; --i) { if (0 != g_idWizOrder[i]) { break; } }
return(g_idWizOrder[i]); }
static UINT_PTR GetNextPage(UINT nPageCur) { if (Count-1 <= nPageCur) { return(0); }
for (int i=nPageCur+1; i<Count-1; ++i) { if (0 != g_idWizOrder[i]) { break; } }
return(g_idWizOrder[i]); }
static BOOL HandleWizNotify(HWND hPage, NMHDR *pHdr, UINT nPageCur) { switch(pHdr->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: InitBackNext(hPage, nPageCur);
if (g_fSilentWizard) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hPage), PSBTN_NEXT); } break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: { UINT_PTR iPrev = GetPrevPage(nPageCur); SetWindowLongPtr(hPage, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iPrev); break; }
case PSN_WIZNEXT: { UINT_PTR iPrev = GetNextPage(nPageCur); SetWindowLongPtr(hPage, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iPrev); break; }
default: return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
private: static UINT_PTR g_idWizOrder[Count];
static void InitBackNext(HWND hPage, UINT nPageCur) { DWORD dwFlags = 0;
if (0 != nPageCur && 0 != GetPrevPage(nPageCur)) { dwFlags |= PSWIZB_BACK; }
if (Count-1 != nPageCur && 0 != GetNextPage(nPageCur)) { dwFlags |= PSWIZB_NEXT; } else { dwFlags |= PSWIZB_FINISH; }
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(::GetParent(hPage), dwFlags); } } ;
UINT_PTR IntroWiz::g_idWizOrder[Count];
UINT_PTR GetPageBeforeULS() { return(IntroWiz::GetPrevPage(IntroWiz::ULSFirst)); }
UINT_PTR GetPageBeforeVideoWiz() { return(IntroWiz::GetPrevPage(IntroWiz::Video)); }
UINT_PTR GetPageBeforeAudioWiz() { return(IntroWiz::GetPrevPage(IntroWiz::AudioFirst)); }
UINT_PTR GetPageAfterVideo() { return(IntroWiz::GetNextPage(IntroWiz::Video)); }
UINT_PTR GetPageAfterULS() { return(IntroWiz::GetNextPage(IntroWiz::ULSLast)); }
void HideWizard(HWND hwnd) { SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, -1000, -1000, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); }
void ShowWizard(HWND hwnd) { CenterWindow(hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP); g_fSilentWizard = FALSE; PostMessage(hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); }
/* F I L L I N P R O P E R T Y P A G E */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: FillInPropertyPage
Fill in the given PROPSHEETPAGE structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID FillInPropertyPage(PROPSHEETPAGE* psp, int idDlg, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc, LPARAM lParam, LPCTSTR pszProc) { // Clear and set the size of the PROPSHEETPAGE
ASSERT(0 == psp->dwFlags); // No special flags.
ASSERT(NULL == psp->pszIcon); // Don't use a special icon in the caption bar.
psp->hInstance = ::GetInstanceHandle(); psp->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(idDlg); // The dialog box template to use.
psp->pfnDlgProc = pfnDlgProc; // The dialog procedure that handles this page.
psp->pszTitle = pszProc; // The title for this page.
psp->lParam = lParam; // Special application-specific data.
static const UINT NOVALSpecified = 666;
UINT GetBandwidth() { RegEntry reAudio(AUDIO_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); return(reAudio.GetNumber(REGVAL_TYPICALBANDWIDTH, NOVALSpecified )); }
void SetBandwidth(UINT uBandwidth) { RegEntry reAudio(AUDIO_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); reAudio.SetValue(REGVAL_TYPICALBANDWIDTH, uBandwidth); }
HRESULT StartRunOnceWizard(LPLONG plSoundCaps, BOOL fForce, BOOL fVisible) { LPPROPSHEETPAGE pAudioPages = NULL; UINT nNumAudioPages = 0; PWIZCONFIG pAudioConfig;
CULSWizard* pIWizard = NULL; LPPROPSHEETPAGE pULSPages = NULL; DWORD dwNumULSPages = 0; ULS_CONF* pulsConf = NULL; UINT uOldBandwidth = 0; UINT uBandwidth = 0;
int idAppSharingIntroWiz = 0; BOOL fULSWiz = FALSE; BOOL fAudioWiz = FALSE; BOOL fVideoWiz = FALSE; BOOL fVidWizInit = FALSE; HRESULT hrRet = E_FAIL;
g_fSilentWizard = !fVisible;
BOOL fNeedUlsWizard = FALSE; BOOL fNeedVideoWizard = FALSE; BOOL fNeedAudioWizard = NeedAudioWizard(plSoundCaps, fForce);
if (fNeedAudioWizard) { if (GetAudioWizardPages(RUNDUE_NEVERBEFORE, WAVE_MAPPER, &pAudioPages, &pAudioConfig, &nNumAudioPages)) { fAudioWiz = TRUE; } else { ERROR_OUT(("could not get AudioWiz pages")); } }
fVidWizInit = InitVidWiz(); if (fVidWizInit == FALSE) { fVideoWiz = FALSE; WARNING_OUT(("InitVidWiz failed")); } else { fNeedVideoWizard = NeedVideoPropPage(fForce); fVideoWiz = fNeedVideoWizard; }
if (NULL != (pIWizard = new CULSWizard)) { ASSERT (pIWizard); // BUGBUG: not checking return value:
HRESULT hr = pIWizard->GetWizardPages (&pULSPages, &dwNumULSPages, &pulsConf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(pulsConf); TRACE_OUT(("ULS_CONF from UlsGetConfiguration:")); TRACE_OUT(("\tdwFlags: 0x%08x", pulsConf->dwFlags)); TRACE_OUT(("\tszServerName: >%s<", pulsConf->szServerName)); TRACE_OUT(("\tszUserName: >%s<", pulsConf->szUserName)); TRACE_OUT(("\tszEmailName: >%s<", pulsConf->szEmailName));
// Don't bother with the ULS wizard if we have all the information
if ((!fForce) && !fNeedUlsWizard) { // We have all of the necessary names
hrRet = S_OK; // release the pages we won't be needing them
pIWizard->ReleaseWizardPages (pULSPages); delete pIWizard; pIWizard = NULL; dwNumULSPages = 0; } else { // some information is not available - we need to run the
// wizard...
//SS: if for some reason the user name is not set
//even though the others are set??
fULSWiz = TRUE; if (::GetDefaultName(pulsConf->szUserName, CCHMAX(pulsConf->szUserName))) { // We have added a default name, so mark that structure
// member as valid:
pulsConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_USER_NAME; } } } } else { ERROR_OUT(("CreateUlsWizardInterface() failed!")); }
// Determine if we need to display the app sharing info page, and if
// so which one.
if (::IsWindowsNT() && !g_fNTDisplayDriverEnabled) { idAppSharingIntroWiz = ::CanInstallNTDisplayDriver() ? IDD_APPSHARINGWIZ_HAVESP : IDD_APPSHARINGWIZ_NEEDSP; }
if ((fULSWiz || fAudioWiz || fVideoWiz)) { UINT nNumPages = 0;
// Now fill in remaining PROPSHEETHEADER structures:
PROPSHEETHEADER psh; InitStruct(&psh); psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE | PSH_WIZARD | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; psh.hInstance = ::GetInstanceHandle(); ASSERT(0 == psh.nStartPage);
// alocate enough space for all pages
DWORD nPages = dwNumULSPages + nNumAudioPages + ( (0 != idAppSharingIntroWiz) ? 1 : 0 ) + (fVideoWiz ? 1 : 0) + 2 // intro page & bandwidth page
+ 1 // shortcuts page
if (NULL != ppsp) { IntroWiz::InitPages();
BOOL fContinue = TRUE; INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG ipcIntro = { &fContinue, FALSE }; INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG ipcAppSharing = { &fContinue, TRUE };
if (fULSWiz) { // Insert the intro page:
FillInPropertyPage(&ppsp[nNumPages++], IDD_INTROWIZ, IntroWiz, (LPARAM) &ipcIntro);
IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::Intro, IDD_INTROWIZ);
// Insert an NT application page, if necessary. It uses the
// same dialog proc as the intro page.
if (0 != idAppSharingIntroWiz) { FillInPropertyPage(&ppsp[nNumPages++], idAppSharingIntroWiz, AppSharingWiz, (LPARAM) &ipcAppSharing);
IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::AppSharing, idAppSharingIntroWiz); }
ASSERT(pulsConf); pulsConf->dwFlags |= (ULSWIZ_F_SHOW_BACK | ((fAudioWiz || fVideoWiz) ? ULSWIZ_F_NO_FINISH : 0)); ::CopyMemory( &(ppsp[nNumPages]), pULSPages, dwNumULSPages * sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE));
IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::ULSFirst, reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(pULSPages[0].pszTemplate)); IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::ULSLast, reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(pULSPages[dwNumULSPages-1].pszTemplate)); nNumPages += dwNumULSPages;
uBandwidth = uOldBandwidth = GetBandwidth(); if( NOVALSpecified == uBandwidth ) { FillInPropertyPage(&ppsp[nNumPages++], IDD_BANDWIDTHWIZ, BandwidthWiz, (LPARAM) &uBandwidth); IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::Bandwidth, IDD_BANDWIDTHWIZ); } }
BOOL fShortcuts = fForce && !g_fSilentWizard;
if (fVideoWiz) { LONG button_mask = 0; if (fULSWiz == TRUE) button_mask |= PSWIZB_BACK; if (fShortcuts || fAudioWiz) button_mask |= PSWIZB_NEXT; else button_mask |= PSWIZB_FINISH; FillInPropertyPage(&ppsp[nNumPages], IDD_VIDWIZ, VidWizDlg, button_mask, "NetMeeting"); nNumPages++; IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::Video, IDD_VIDWIZ); }
if (fShortcuts) { FillInPropertyPage(&ppsp[nNumPages], IDD_SHRTCUTWIZ, ShortcutWizDialogProc, 0); nNumPages++;
IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::Shortcuts, IDD_SHRTCUTWIZ); }
if (fAudioWiz) { if (fULSWiz || fVideoWiz) { pAudioConfig->uFlags |= STARTWITH_BACK; } ::CopyMemory( &(ppsp[nNumPages]), pAudioPages, nNumAudioPages * sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE)); nNumPages += nNumAudioPages; IntroWiz::SetPage(IntroWiz::AudioFirst, reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(pAudioPages[0].pszTemplate)); }
psh.ppsp = ppsp; psh.nPages = nNumPages;
if( !PropertySheet(&psh) ) { // User hit CANCEL
pIWizard->ReleaseWizardPages (pULSPages); delete pIWizard; delete [] ppsp; return S_FALSE; } delete [] ppsp;
if ((FALSE == fContinue) && fULSWiz) { // Clear out the flags, because we don't want to store
// any info in the registry (and therefore, we don't want
// to run)
pulsConf->dwFlags = 0; } } }
if (fULSWiz) { if (!(ULSCONF_F_USER_NAME & pulsConf->dwFlags)) { if (::GetDefaultName(pulsConf->szUserName, CCHMAX(pulsConf->szUserName))) { pulsConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_USER_NAME; } } if ((S_OK == pIWizard->SetConfig (pulsConf)) && (ULSCONF_F_USER_NAME & pulsConf->dwFlags) && (ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME & pulsConf->dwFlags) && (ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME & pulsConf->dwFlags) && (ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME & pulsConf->dwFlags)) { // We have all of the necessary names
hrRet = S_OK; } else { WARNING_OUT(("Unable to obtain a name!")); }
TRACE_OUT(("ULS_CONF after running wizard:")); TRACE_OUT(("\tdwFlags: 0x%08x", pulsConf->dwFlags)); TRACE_OUT(("\tszServerName: >%s<", pulsConf->szServerName)); TRACE_OUT(("\tszUserName: >%s<", pulsConf->szUserName)); TRACE_OUT(("\tszEmailName: >%s<", pulsConf->szEmailName)); pIWizard->ReleaseWizardPages (pULSPages); delete pIWizard; pIWizard = NULL; }
// Display the Splash screen as soon as possible
if( SUCCEEDED(hrRet) && fForce && fVisible && (NULL == GetConfRoom())) { ::StartSplashScreen(NULL); }
if (uOldBandwidth != uBandwidth) { SetBandwidth(uBandwidth); SaveDefaultCodecSettings(uBandwidth); }
if (fAudioWiz) { AUDIOWIZOUTPUT awo; ReleaseAudioWizardPages(pAudioPages, pAudioConfig, &awo); if (awo.uValid & SOUNDCARDCAPS_CHANGED) { *plSoundCaps = awo.uSoundCardCaps; } else { // The wizard was cancelled, so we should only take the
// information that tells us whether or not a sound card
// is present.
*plSoundCaps = (awo.uSoundCardCaps & SOUNDCARD_PRESENT); // Write this value to the registry so that the wizard will not
// auto-launch the next time we run:
RegEntry reSoundCaps(AUDIO_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); reSoundCaps.SetValue(REGVAL_SOUNDCARDCAPS, *plSoundCaps); } }
// Even if the VidWiz page wasn't shown, we still need to call this
// function (UpdateVidConfigRegistry) to fix the registry if the video
// capture device configurations have changed since the last time.
if (fVidWizInit) { UpdateVidConfigRegistry(); UnInitVidWiz(); } g_fSilentWizard = FALSE;
return hrRet; }
INT_PTR APIENTRY AppSharingWiz( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { // Save the lParam information. in DWL_USER
::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, ((PROPSHEETPAGE*)lParam)->lParam); if (g_fSilentWizard) { HideWizard(GetParent(hDlg)); } else { ShowWizard(GetParent(hDlg)); }
return TRUE; }
case WM_NOTIFY: { switch (((NMHDR FAR *) lParam)->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: { ASSERT(lParam); INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG* pipc = (INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG*) ::GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); ASSERT(pipc);
DWORD dwFlags = pipc->fAllowBack ? PSWIZB_BACK : 0; if( IntroWiz::GetNextPage(IntroWiz::AppSharing) == 0 ) { dwFlags |= PSWIZB_FINISH; } else { dwFlags |= PSWIZB_NEXT; }
// Initialize the controls.
PropSheet_SetWizButtons( ::GetParent(hDlg), dwFlags );
if (g_fSilentWizard) { PropSheet_PressButton( GetParent(hDlg), PSBTN_NEXT); } break; }
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: { ::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE); return TRUE; }
case PSN_WIZNEXT: { UINT_PTR iNext = IntroWiz::GetNextPage(IntroWiz::AppSharing);
ASSERT( iNext ); SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iNext ); return TRUE; }
case PSN_RESET: { ASSERT(lParam); INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG* pipc = (INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG*) ::GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); ASSERT(pipc); *pipc->fContinue = FALSE; break; } } break; }
default: break; } return FALSE; }
INT_PTR APIENTRY IntroWiz( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { // Save the lParam information. in DWL_USER
::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, ((PROPSHEETPAGE*)lParam)->lParam); if (g_fSilentWizard) { HideWizard(GetParent(hDlg)); } else { ShowWizard(GetParent(hDlg)); } return TRUE; }
case WM_NOTIFY: { switch (((NMHDR FAR *) lParam)->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: { ASSERT(lParam); INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG* pipc = (INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG*) ::GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); ASSERT(pipc);
// Initialize the controls.
PropSheet_SetWizButtons( ::GetParent(hDlg), PSWIZB_NEXT | (pipc->fAllowBack ? PSWIZB_BACK : 0));
if (g_fSilentWizard) { PropSheet_PressButton( GetParent(hDlg), PSBTN_NEXT); } break; }
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: { ::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE); return TRUE; }
case PSN_WIZNEXT: { break; }
case PSN_RESET: { ASSERT(lParam); INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG* pipc = (INTRO_PAGE_CONFIG*) ::GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); ASSERT(pipc); *pipc->fContinue = FALSE; break; } } break; }
default: break; } return FALSE; }
static void BandwidthWiz_InitDialog(HWND hDlg, UINT uOldBandwidth) { INT idChecked; //set the initial value
switch (uOldBandwidth) { case BW_144KBS: idChecked = IDC_RADIO144KBS; break; case BW_ISDN: idChecked = IDC_RADIOISDN; break; case BW_MOREKBS: idChecked = IDC_RADIOMOREKBS; break; case BW_288KBS: default: idChecked = IDC_RADIO288KBS; break; }
CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO144KBS, IDC_RADIOISDN, idChecked); }
static void BandwidthWiz_OK(HWND hDlg, UINT *puBandwidth) { //check the radio button
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_RADIO144KBS)) { *puBandwidth = BW_144KBS; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_RADIO288KBS)) { *puBandwidth = BW_288KBS; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_RADIOISDN)) { *puBandwidth = BW_ISDN; } else { *puBandwidth = BW_MOREKBS; }
// if (BW_MOREKBS != *puBandwidth)
// {
// // disable refresh of speed dials if not on a LAN
// }
INT_PTR APIENTRY BandwidthWiz( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PROPSHEETPAGE *ps; static UINT *puBandwidth; static UINT uOldBandwidth;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { // Save the PROPSHEETPAGE information.
ps = (PROPSHEETPAGE *)lParam; puBandwidth = (UINT*)ps->lParam; uOldBandwidth = *puBandwidth;
BandwidthWiz_InitDialog(hDlg, uOldBandwidth);
return (TRUE); } case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((NMHDR FAR *) lParam)->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: { // Initialize the controls.
IntroWiz::HandleWizNotify(hDlg, reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(lParam), IntroWiz::Bandwidth); break; }
case PSN_WIZBACK: return(IntroWiz::HandleWizNotify(hDlg, reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(lParam), IntroWiz::Bandwidth));
case PSN_WIZFINISH: case PSN_WIZNEXT: { BandwidthWiz_OK(hDlg, puBandwidth);
return(IntroWiz::HandleWizNotify(hDlg, reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(lParam), IntroWiz::Bandwidth)); }
case PSN_RESET: *puBandwidth = uOldBandwidth; break;
default: break; } break;
default: break; } return FALSE; }
static void BandwidthDlg_OnCommand(HWND hDlg, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) { switch(id) { case IDOK: { UINT uBandwidth; BandwidthWiz_OK(hDlg, &uBandwidth); EndDialog(hDlg, uBandwidth); break; }
// Fall through
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, 0); break;
default: break; } }
0, 0 // terminator
switch (message) { HANDLE_MSG(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, BandwidthDlg_OnCommand);
case WM_INITDIALOG: BandwidthWiz_InitDialog(hDlg, (UINT)lParam); break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: DoHelpWhatsThis(wParam, aContextHelpIds); break;
case WM_HELP: DoHelp(lParam, aContextHelpIds); break; default: return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL NeedAudioWizard(LPLONG plSoundCaps, BOOL fForce) { if (_Module.IsSDKCallerRTC() || SysPol::NoAudio()) { WARNING_OUT(("Audio disabled through system policy switch")); return FALSE; }
if (fForce) { return TRUE; }
BOOL fAudioWiz = FALSE;
// a default that doesn't overlap with real values
long lCapsNotPresent = 0x7FFFFFFF;
*plSoundCaps = reSoundCaps.GetNumber( REGVAL_SOUNDCARDCAPS, lCapsNotPresent);
if (lCapsNotPresent == *plSoundCaps) { TRACE_OUT(("Missing sound caps - starting calib wizard")); fAudioWiz = TRUE; } else { if (!ISSOUNDCARDPRESENT(*plSoundCaps)) { if (waveInGetNumDevs() && waveOutGetNumDevs()) fAudioWiz = TRUE; } else { WAVEINCAPS waveinCaps; WAVEOUTCAPS waveoutCaps; //if the wavein has changed since last
if (waveInGetDevCaps(reSoundCaps.GetNumber(REGVAL_WAVEINDEVICEID,WAVE_MAPPER), &waveinCaps, sizeof(WAVEINCAPS)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { //check the name, if changed, run the wizard
if (lstrcmp(reSoundCaps.GetString(REGVAL_WAVEINDEVICENAME),waveinCaps.szPname)) fAudioWiz = TRUE;
} else fAudioWiz = TRUE;
//if the waveout has changed since last
if (waveOutGetDevCaps(reSoundCaps.GetNumber(REGVAL_WAVEOUTDEVICEID,WAVE_MAPPER), &waveoutCaps, sizeof(WAVEOUTCAPS)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { //check the name, if changed, run the wizard
if (lstrcmp(reSoundCaps.GetString(REGVAL_WAVEOUTDEVICENAME),waveoutCaps.szPname)) fAudioWiz = TRUE;
} else fAudioWiz = TRUE;
return fAudioWiz; }
// Wizard pages
DWORD SetUserPageWizButtons(HWND hDlg, DWORD dwConfFlags) { DWORD dwButtonFlags = PSWIZB_BACK;
// disable the 'Next' button if not all of first name, last name and email
// are filled in
if (!FEmptyDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_FIRSTNAME) && !FEmptyDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_LASTNAME) && !FEmptyDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_EMAIL)) { dwButtonFlags |= (dwConfFlags & ULSWIZ_F_NO_FINISH) ? PSWIZB_NEXT : PSWIZB_FINISH; } PropSheet_SetWizButtons (GetParent (hDlg), dwButtonFlags);
return dwButtonFlags; }
void GetUserPageState(HWND hDlg, ULS_CONF *pConf) { //strip the first name/email name and last name
TrimDlgItemText(hDlg, IDEC_FIRSTNAME); TrimDlgItemText(hDlg, IDEC_LASTNAME); TrimDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_USER_EMAIL); TrimDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCATION); TrimDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_USER_INTERESTS);
Edit_GetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_FIRSTNAME), pConf->szFirstName, MAX_FIRST_NAME_LENGTH); Edit_GetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_LASTNAME), pConf->szLastName, MAX_LAST_NAME_LENGTH); Edit_GetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_EMAIL), pConf->szEmailName, MAX_EMAIL_NAME_LENGTH); Edit_GetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCATION), pConf->szLocation, MAX_LOCATION_NAME_LENGTH); Edit_GetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_INTERESTS), pConf->szComments, MAX_COMMENTS_LENGTH);
if (pConf->szFirstName[0]) pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME; if (pConf->szLastName[0]) pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME; if (pConf->szEmailName[0]) pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME; if (pConf->szLocation[0]) pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_LOCATION; if (pConf->szComments[0]) pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_COMMENTS; }
UINT_PTR GetPageAfterUser() { UINT_PTR iNext = 0;
if( SysPol::AllowDirectoryServices() ) { iNext = IDD_PAGE_SERVER; } else { iNext = GetPageAfterULS(); } return iNext; }
INT_PTR APIENTRY PageUserDlgProc ( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam ) { ULS_CONF *pConf; PROPSHEETPAGE *pPage; static DWORD dwWizButtons;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_DESTROY: s_hDlgUserInfo = NULL; break;
case WM_INITDIALOG: s_hDlgUserInfo = hDlg; pPage = (PROPSHEETPAGE *) lParam; pConf = (ULS_CONF *) pPage->lParam; SetWindowLongPtr (hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam);
// Set the font
::SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDEC_FIRSTNAME, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) g_hfontDlg, 0); ::SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDEC_LASTNAME, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) g_hfontDlg, 0); ::SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCATION, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) g_hfontDlg, 0); ::SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_USER_INTERESTS, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) g_hfontDlg, 0);
// Limit the text
Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_FIRSTNAME), MAX_FIRST_NAME_LENGTH - 1); Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_LASTNAME), MAX_LAST_NAME_LENGTH - 1); Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_EMAIL), MAX_EMAIL_NAME_LENGTH - 1); Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCATION), MAX_LOCATION_NAME_LENGTH - 1); Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_INTERESTS), UI_COMMENTS_LENGTH - 1);
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME) { Edit_SetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_FIRSTNAME), pConf->szFirstName); } if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME) { Edit_SetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDEC_LASTNAME), pConf->szLastName); }
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME) { Edit_SetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_EMAIL), pConf->szEmailName); } if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_LOCATION) { Edit_SetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCATION), pConf->szLocation); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((0 == (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_COMMENTS)) && (0 == (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME)) ) { extern VOID DbgGetComments(LPTSTR); DbgGetComments(pConf->szComments); pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_COMMENTS; } #endif
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_COMMENTS) { Edit_SetText(GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_USER_INTERESTS), pConf->szComments); } break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID (uParam, lParam)) { case IDEC_FIRSTNAME: case IDEC_LASTNAME: case IDC_USER_EMAIL: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(uParam,lParam) == EN_CHANGE) { pPage = (PROPSHEETPAGE *) GetWindowLongPtr (hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); pConf = (ULS_CONF *) pPage->lParam;
dwWizButtons = SetUserPageWizButtons(hDlg, pConf->dwFlags); } break; } break;
case WM_NOTIFY: pPage = (PROPSHEETPAGE *) GetWindowLongPtr (hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); pConf = (ULS_CONF *) pPage->lParam; switch (((NMHDR *) lParam)->code) { case PSN_KILLACTIVE: SetWindowLongPtr (hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE); break; case PSN_RESET: ZeroMemory (pConf, sizeof (ULS_CONF)); SetWindowLongPtr (hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE); break; case PSN_SETACTIVE: dwWizButtons = SetUserPageWizButtons(hDlg, pConf->dwFlags); if (g_fSilentWizard) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg), PSBTN_NEXT); } break; case PSN_WIZBACK: return(IntroWiz::HandleWizNotify(hDlg, reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(lParam), IntroWiz::ULSFirst));
if (!(dwWizButtons & ((PSN_WIZNEXT == ((NMHDR *) lParam)->code) ? PSWIZB_NEXT : PSWIZB_FINISH))) { // Reject the next/finish button
ShowWizard(GetParent(hDlg)); ::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1); return TRUE; }
if (!FLegalEmailName(hDlg, IDC_USER_EMAIL)) { ShowWizard(GetParent(hDlg)); ConfMsgBox(hDlg, (LPCTSTR)IDS_ILLEGALEMAILNAME); SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1); return TRUE; } GetUserPageState(hDlg, pConf);
if( PSN_WIZNEXT == (((NMHDR *) lParam)->code) ) { UINT_PTR iNext = GetPageAfterUser(); ASSERT( iNext ); SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iNext); return TRUE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
HRESULT CULSWizard::GetWizardPages ( PROPSHEETPAGE **ppPage, ULONG *pcPages, ULS_CONF **ppUlsConf ) { const int cULS_Pages = 5;
PROPSHEETPAGE *pPage = NULL; ULONG cPages = 0; UINT cbSize = cULS_Pages * sizeof (PROPSHEETPAGE) + sizeof (ULS_CONF); ULS_CONF *pConf = NULL; HRESULT hr;
if (ppPage == NULL || pcPages == NULL || ppUlsConf == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }
pPage = (PROPSHEETPAGE*) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSize); if (pPage == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
pConf = (ULS_CONF *) (((LPBYTE) pPage) + cULS_Pages * sizeof (PROPSHEETPAGE)); hr = GetConfig (pConf); if (hr != S_OK) { // REVIEW: GetConfig will never fail, but if it did, pPage would not be released.
return hr; }
if( !ConfPolicies::IsGetMyInfoFromGALEnabled() || !ConfPolicies::GetMyInfoFromGALSucceeded() || ConfPolicies::InvalidMyInfo() ) #endif // USE_GAL
{ FillInPropertyPage(&pPage[cPages], IDD_PAGE_USER, PageUserDlgProc, (LPARAM) pConf); cPages++; }
m_WizDirectCallingSettings.SetULS_CONF( pConf );
FillInPropertyPage( &pPage[cPages++], IDD_PAGE_SERVER, CWizDirectCallingSettings::StaticDlgProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&m_WizDirectCallingSettings) );
*ppPage = pPage; *pcPages = cPages; *ppUlsConf = pConf;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CULSWizard::ReleaseWizardPages ( PROPSHEETPAGE *pPage) { LocalFree(pPage);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CULSWizard::GetConfig ( ULS_CONF *pConf ) { HRESULT hr = E_POINTER;
if (NULL != pConf) { ::ZeroMemory (pConf, sizeof (ULS_CONF)); // always return these as valid
pConf->dwFlags = ULSCONF_F_SERVER_NAME | ULSCONF_F_PUBLISH; RegEntry reULS(g_szClientFld, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); // BUGBUG: ChrisPi - this was a bad idea - lstrcpyn() returns NULL on failure!
if (_T('\0') != *(lstrcpyn( pConf->szEmailName, reULS.GetString(g_szEmailName), CCHMAX(pConf->szEmailName)))) { pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME; } if (_T('\0') != *(lstrcpyn( pConf->szFirstName, reULS.GetString(g_szFirstName), CCHMAX(pConf->szFirstName)))) { pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME; } if (_T('\0') != *(lstrcpyn( pConf->szLastName, reULS.GetString(g_szLastName), CCHMAX(pConf->szLastName)))) { pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME; } if (_T('\0') != *(lstrcpyn( pConf->szLocation, reULS.GetString(g_szLocation), CCHMAX(pConf->szLocation)))) { pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_LOCATION; } if (_T('\0') != *(lstrcpyn( pConf->szUserName, reULS.GetString(g_szUserName), CCHMAX(pConf->szUserName)))) { pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_USER_NAME; } if (_T('\0') != *(lstrcpyn( pConf->szComments, reULS.GetString(g_szComments), CCHMAX(pConf->szComments)))) { pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_COMMENTS; } if (!_Module.IsSDKCallerRTC()) { lstrcpyn( pConf->szServerName, CDirectoryManager::get_defaultServer(), CCHMAX( pConf->szServerName ) ); } else { lstrcpyn( pConf->szServerName, _T(" "), CCHMAX( pConf->szServerName ) ); }
pConf->fDontPublish = reULS.GetNumber(g_szDontPublish, REGVAL_ULS_DONT_PUBLISH_DEFAULT); pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_PUBLISH; hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
/* S E T C O N F I G */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: SetConfig
-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CULSWizard::SetConfig ( ULS_CONF *pConf ) { if (pConf->dwFlags == 0) { // nothing to set value
return S_OK; }
if ((pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME) && (!FLegalEmailSz(pConf->szEmailName)) ) { // email name must be legal
return E_INVALIDARG; }
RegEntry re(g_szClientFld);
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_PUBLISH) { re.SetValue(g_szDontPublish, (LONG) pConf->fDontPublish); }
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME) { re.SetValue(g_szEmailName, pConf->szEmailName); }
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME) { re.SetValue(g_szFirstName, pConf->szFirstName); }
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME) { re.SetValue(g_szLastName, pConf->szLastName); } if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_LOCATION) { re.SetValue(g_szLocation, pConf->szLocation); } if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_COMMENTS) { re.SetValue(g_szComments, pConf->szComments); }
if (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_SERVER_NAME) { CDirectoryManager::set_defaultServer( pConf->szServerName ); }
//SS:may be oprah should do this and store it as their own key
if ((pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME) || (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME)) { ULS_CONF ulcExisting; if ((ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME | ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME) != (pConf->dwFlags & (ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME | ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME)) ) { // If only one of these fields is being set, load the previous config:
GetConfig(&ulcExisting); }
CombineNames(pConf->szUserName, MAX_DCL_NAME_LEN, (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_FIRST_NAME) ? pConf->szFirstName : ulcExisting.szFirstName, (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_LAST_NAME) ? pConf->szLastName : ulcExisting.szLastName);
pConf->dwFlags |= ULSCONF_F_USER_NAME; re.SetValue(g_szUserName, pConf->szUserName); }
ULS_CONF ulcExisting; if ((ULSCONF_F_SERVER_NAME | ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME) != (pConf->dwFlags & (ULSCONF_F_SERVER_NAME | ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME))) { // If only one of these fields is being set, load the previous config:
GetConfig(&ulcExisting); }
FCreateIlsName(szTemp, (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_SERVER_NAME) ? pConf->szServerName : ulcExisting.szServerName, (pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_EMAIL_NAME) ? pConf->szEmailName : ulcExisting.szEmailName, CCHMAX(szTemp));
re.SetValue(g_szResolveName, szTemp); }
// Generate a cert based on the entered information for secure calls
// ...make sure all fields we care about are valid first
if ((pConf->dwFlags & ULSCONF_F_IDFIELDS ) == ULSCONF_F_IDFIELDS) { //
// If we can't make a cert (France?) or have wrong SCHANNEL or
// buggy crypto or unrecognized provider, can we propagate that info
// and act like security is diabled (not available)?
// How/can we make a common "security not possible" setting we
// can use.
MakeCertWrap(pConf->szFirstName, pConf->szLastName, pConf->szEmailName, 0);
// Only do this when RDS is installed. And just ONCE.
// Now make a local machine cert for RDS
CHAR szComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; DWORD cbComputerName = sizeof(szComputerName); if (GetComputerName(szComputerName, &cbComputerName)) { MakeCertWrap(szComputerName, NULL, NULL, NMMKCERT_F_LOCAL_MACHINE); } else { ERROR_OUT(("GetComputerName failed: %x", GetLastError())); } }
return S_OK; }
bool IsLegalGatewaySz(LPCTSTR szServer) { bool bRet = false; if( szServer && szServer[0] ) { bRet = true; } return bRet; }
bool IsLegalGateKeeperServerSz(LPCTSTR szServer) { bool bRet = false; if( szServer && szServer[0] ) { bRet = true; } return bRet; }
bool IsLegalE164Number(LPCTSTR szPhone) { if( (NULL == szPhone) || (0 == szPhone[0]) ) { return false; }
// assume a legal phone number is anything with at least 1
// digit, *,or #. Anything else will be considered the user's
// own pretty print formatting (e.g. "876-5309")
// the bad chars will get filtered out later
while (*szPhone) { if ( ((*szPhone >= '0') && (*szPhone <= '9')) || ((*szPhone == '#') || (*szPhone == '*')) ) { return true; } szPhone++; } return false; }
/* F L E G A L E M A I L S Z */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: FLegalEmailSz
A legal email name contains only ANSI characters. "a-z, A-Z, numbers 0-9 and some common symbols" It cannot include extended characters or < > ( ) / -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FLegalEmailSz(PTSTR pszName) { if (IS_EMPTY_STRING(pszName)) return FALSE;
for ( ; ; ) { UINT ch = (UINT) ((*pszName++) & 0x00FF); if (0 == ch) break;
switch (ch) { default: if ((ch > (UINT) _T(' ')) && (ch <= (UINT) _T('~')) ) break; // else fall thru to error code
case '(': case ')': case '<': case '>': case '[': case ']': case '/': case '\\': case ':': case ';': case '+': case '=': case ',': case '\"': WARNING_OUT(("FLegalEmailSz: Invalid character '%s' (0x%02X)", &ch, ch)); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
/* F L E G A L E M A I L N A M E */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: FLegalEmailName
-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FLegalEmailName(HWND hdlg, UINT id) { TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; GetDlgItemTextTrimmed(hdlg, id, sz, CCHMAX(sz)); return FLegalEmailSz(sz); }
/* F I L L S E R V E R C O M B O B O X */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: FillServerComboBox
-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID FillServerComboBox(HWND hwndCombo) { CMRUList MRUList;
MRUList.Load( DIR_MRU_KEY );
const TCHAR * const pszDomainDirectory = CDirectoryManager::get_DomainDirectory();
if( pszDomainDirectory != NULL ) { // Make sure the configured domain server name is in the list...
MRUList.AppendEntry( pszDomainDirectory ); }
if( CDirectoryManager::isWebDirectoryEnabled() ) { // Make sure the web directory is in the list...
MRUList.AppendEntry( CDirectoryManager::get_webDirectoryIls() ); }
const TCHAR * const defaultServer = CDirectoryManager::get_defaultServer();
if( lstrlen( defaultServer ) > 0 ) { // Make sure the default server name is in the list and at the top...
MRUList.AddNewEntry( defaultServer ); }
::SendMessage( hwndCombo, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0 ); ::SendMessage( hwndCombo, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
int nCount = MRUList.GetNumEntries();
for( int nn = MRUList.GetNumEntries() - 1; nn >= 0; nn-- ) { ::SendMessage( hwndCombo, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) CDirectoryManager::get_displayName( MRUList.GetNameEntry( nn ) ) ); }
::SendMessage( hwndCombo, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0 );
} // End of FillServerComboBox.
// CWizDirectCallingSettings wizard page
/* static */ HWND CWizDirectCallingSettings::s_hDlg;
INT_PTR CWizDirectCallingSettings::StaticDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR bRet = FALSE;
if ( message == WM_INITDIALOG ) { PROPSHEETPAGE* pPage = reinterpret_cast<PROPSHEETPAGE*>(lParam); SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, pPage->lParam );
s_hDlg = hDlg; CWizDirectCallingSettings* pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWizDirectCallingSettings*>(pPage->lParam); if( pThis ) { bRet = pThis->_OnInitDialog(); }
} else { CWizDirectCallingSettings* pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWizDirectCallingSettings*>( GetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA ) ); if( pThis ) { bRet = pThis->_DlgProc(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam ); } }
return bRet; }
/* static */ void CWizDirectCallingSettings::OnWizFinish() { if( s_hDlg && IsWindow( s_hDlg ) ) { CWizDirectCallingSettings* pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWizDirectCallingSettings*>( GetWindowLongPtr( s_hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA ) ); if( pThis ) { pThis->_OnWizFinish(); } } }
INT_PTR APIENTRY CWizDirectCallingSettings::_DlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
switch( message ) { case WM_DESTROY: s_hDlg = NULL; break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR* pNmHdr = reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(lParam); switch(pNmHdr->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: return _OnSetActive(); case PSN_KILLACTIVE: return _OnKillActive(); case PSN_WIZBACK: return _OnWizBack(); case PSN_WIZNEXT: bRet = _OnWizNext();
// We fall through from the WIZ_NEXT becaus
// we have to save the informaition when we change
// pages
case PSN_APPLY: case PSN_WIZFINISH: _OnWizFinish();
} break; }
case WM_COMMAND: return _OnCommand(wParam, lParam);
default: break;
} return bRet; }
/* static */ bool CWizDirectCallingSettings::IsGatewayNameInvalid() { TCHAR szServer[MAX_SERVER_NAME_LENGTH]; szServer[0] = NULL;
if( s_hDlg ) { GetDlgItemTextTrimmed(s_hDlg, IDE_CALLOPT_GW_SERVER, szServer, CCHMAX(szServer) ); } else { GetDefaultGateway( szServer, CCHMAX( szServer ) ); }
return !IsLegalGatewaySz(szServer); }
void CWizDirectCallingSettings::_SetWizButtons() { DWORD dwFlags = NULL; if( ( BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked( s_hDlg, IDC_CHECK_USE_GATEWAY ) ) && IsGatewayNameInvalid() ) { dwFlags = PSWIZB_BACK; } else { dwFlags = PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT; }
if( 0 == GetPageAfterULS() ) { dwFlags |= PSWIZB_FINISH; } else { dwFlags |= PSWIZB_NEXT; }
PropSheet_SetWizButtons( GetParent( s_hDlg ), dwFlags ); }
BOOL CWizDirectCallingSettings::_OnCommand( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDC_CHECK_USE_GATEWAY: { bool bEnable = ( BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked( s_hDlg, IDC_CHECK_USE_GATEWAY ) ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( s_hDlg, IDC_STATIC_GATEWAY_NAME ), bEnable ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( s_hDlg, IDE_CALLOPT_GW_SERVER ), bEnable ); _SetWizButtons(); } break;
case IDE_CALLOPT_GW_SERVER: if( HIWORD( wParam ) == EN_CHANGE ) { _SetWizButtons(); } break;
default: break; }
return bRet; }
BOOL CWizDirectCallingSettings::_OnInitDialog() { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
InitDirectoryServicesDlgInfo( s_hDlg, m_pWiz, m_bInitialEnableGateway, m_szInitialServerName, CCHMAX(m_szInitialServerName) );
return bRet; }
BOOL CWizDirectCallingSettings::_OnSetActive() { _SetWizButtons();
if (g_fSilentWizard) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(s_hDlg), PSBTN_NEXT); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CWizDirectCallingSettings::_OnKillActive() { return FALSE; }
BOOL CWizDirectCallingSettings::_OnWizBack() { UINT iPrev = IDD_PAGE_USER;
if( !ConfPolicies::IsGetMyInfoFromGALEnabled() ) { iPrev = IDD_PAGE_USER; } else { iPrev = GetPageBeforeULS(); } #endif
ASSERT( iPrev ); SetWindowLongPtr( s_hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iPrev ); return TRUE; }
BOOL CWizDirectCallingSettings::_OnWizFinish() { RegEntry reConf(CONFERENCING_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER);
// Get the server name
SendDlgItemMessage( s_hDlg, IDC_NAMESERVER, WM_GETTEXT, CCHMAX( m_pConf->szServerName ), (LPARAM) m_pConf->szServerName ); TrimSz( m_pConf->szServerName );
lstrcpyn( m_pConf->szServerName, CDirectoryManager::get_dnsName( m_pConf->szServerName ), CCHMAX( m_pConf->szServerName ) );
// Get the don't publish flags
m_pConf->fDontPublish = ( BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked( s_hDlg, IDC_USER_PUBLISH ) );
reConf.SetValue(REGVAL_DONT_LOGON_ULS, BST_CHECKED != IsDlgButtonChecked( s_hDlg, IDC_USEULS ));
return FALSE; }
BOOL CWizDirectCallingSettings::_OnWizNext() {
UINT_PTR iNext = GetPageAfterULS(); ASSERT( iNext ); SetWindowLongPtr( s_hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iNext ); return TRUE; }
// Taken from MSDN:
static HRESULT CreateLink(LPCSTR lpszPathObj, LPCTSTR lpszPathLink, LPCSTR lpszDesc) { HRESULT hres; IShellLink* psl;
// Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface.
hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&psl)); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IPersistFile* ppf;
// Set the path to the shortcut target and add the
// description.
psl->SetPath(lpszPathObj); if (NULL != lpszDesc) { psl->SetDescription(lpszDesc); }
// Query IShellLink for the IPersistFile interface for saving the
// shortcut in persistent storage.
hres = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&ppf));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { #ifndef UNICODE
// Ensure that the string is ANSI.
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszPathLink, -1, wsz, MAX_PATH); #else // UNICODE
LPCWSTR wsz = lpszPathLink; #endif // UNICODE
// Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save.
hres = ppf->Save(wsz, TRUE); ppf->Release(); } psl->Release(); } return hres; }
void DeleteShortcut(int csidl, LPCTSTR pszSubDir) { TCHAR szSpecial[MAX_PATH]; if (!NMGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szSpecial, csidl, TRUE)) { return; }
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szPath, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.lnk"), szSpecial, pszSubDir, pszNetMtg); DeleteFile(szPath); }
static void CreateShortcut(HWND hDlg, int csidl, LPCTSTR pszSubDir) { TCHAR szSpecial[MAX_PATH]; if (!NMGetSpecialFolderPath(hDlg, szSpecial, csidl, TRUE)) { return; } USES_RES2T LPCTSTR pszNetMtg = RES2T(IDS_MEDIAPHONE_TITLE);
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szPath, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.lnk"), szSpecial, pszSubDir, pszNetMtg);
char szThis[MAX_PATH]; int cb = ARRAY_ELEMENTS(szThis); GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szThis, cb -1); szThis[cb -1] = 0; CreateLink(szThis, szPath, NULL); }
INT_PTR CALLBACK ShortcutWizDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_ONDESKTOP, BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_ONQUICKLAUNCH, BST_CHECKED); break;
case WM_DESTROY: if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_ONDESKTOP)) { CreateShortcut(hDlg, CSIDL_DESKTOP, g_szEmpty); } if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_ONQUICKLAUNCH)) { CreateShortcut(hDlg, CSIDL_APPDATA, QUICK_LAUNCH_SUBDIR); } break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR* pNmHdr = reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(lParam); switch(pNmHdr->code) { case PSN_RESET: // HACKHACK georgep: Uncheck the buttons so we will not try to
// create the shortcuts
// Fall through
default: return(IntroWiz::HandleWizNotify(hDlg, pNmHdr, IntroWiz::Shortcuts)); } break; }
default: return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }