/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Module: ULS.DLL (Service Provider) File: spclient.cpp Content: This file contains the client object. History: 10/15/96 Chu, Lon-Chan [lonchanc] Created.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1996-1997
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "ulsp.h"
#include "spinc.h"
// Array of constant strings for user object's attribute names
const TCHAR *c_apszClientStdAttrNames[COUNT_ENUM_CLIENTATTR] = { /* -- the following is for user -- */
TEXT ("cn"), TEXT ("givenname"), TEXT ("surname"), TEXT ("rfc822mailbox"), TEXT ("location"), TEXT ("comment"), TEXT ("sipaddress"), TEXT ("sflags"), TEXT ("c"),
/* -- the following is for app -- */
TEXT ("sappid"), TEXT ("smimetype"), TEXT ("sappguid"),
TEXT ("sprotid"), TEXT ("sprotmimetype"), TEXT ("sport"),
/* -- the above are resolvable -- */
TEXT ("ssecurity"), TEXT ("sttl"),
/* -- the above are changeable standard attributes for RTPerson -- */
TEXT ("objectClass"), TEXT ("o"), };
/* ---------- public methods ----------- */
SP_CClient:: SP_CClient ( DWORD_PTR dwContext ) : m_cRefs (0), // Reference count
m_uSignature (CLIENTOBJ_SIGNATURE), // Client object's signature
m_pszDN (NULL), // Clean up DN
m_pszAppPrefix (NULL), // Clean up app prefix
m_pszRefreshFilter (NULL), // Clean up the refresh search filter
m_fExternalIPAddress (FALSE), // Default is I figure out the ip address
m_dwIPAddress (0), // Assume we are not connected to the network
m_uTTL (ILS_DEF_REFRESH_MINUTE) // Reset refresh time
{ m_dwContext = dwContext;
// Clean up attached server info structure
::ZeroMemory (&m_ServerInfo, sizeof (m_ServerInfo));
// Clean up the scratch buffer for caching pointers to attribute values
::ZeroMemory (&m_ClientInfo, sizeof (m_ClientInfo));
// Indicate this client is not registered yet
SetRegNone (); }
SP_CClient:: ~SP_CClient ( VOID ) { // Invalidate the client object's signature
m_uSignature = (ULONG) -1;
// Free server info structure
::IlsFreeServerInfo (&m_ServerInfo);
// Free DN and app prefix
MemFree (m_pszDN); MemFree (m_pszAppPrefix);
// Free the refresh search filter
MemFree (m_pszRefreshFilter);
// Release the previous prefix for extended attribute names
::IlsReleaseAnyAttrsPrefix (&(m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs)); }
ULONG SP_CClient:: AddRef ( VOID ) { ::InterlockedIncrement (&m_cRefs); return m_cRefs; }
ULONG SP_CClient:: Release ( VOID ) { MyAssert (m_cRefs != 0); ::InterlockedDecrement (&m_cRefs);
ULONG cRefs = m_cRefs; if (cRefs == 0) delete this;
return cRefs; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: Register ( ULONG uRespID, SERVER_INFO *pServerInfo, LDAP_CLIENTINFO *pInfo ) { MyAssert (pInfo != NULL); MyAssert (MyIsGoodString (pServerInfo->pszServerName));
// Cache the server info
HRESULT hr = ::IlsCopyServerInfo (&m_ServerInfo, pServerInfo); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Cache client info
hr = CacheClientInfo (pInfo); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// If the application sets an IP address,
// then we will use what the app provides,
// otherwise, we will get the IP address via winsock.
// CacheClientInfo() will set up the flag if ip address is passed in
if (IsExternalIPAddressPassedIn ()) { // Use whatever passed in
m_fExternalIPAddress = TRUE;
// Figure out the passed in ip address is done in CacheClientInfo()
// The IP address string will be setup in CacheClientInfo() too.
} else { // I will figure out the ip address
m_fExternalIPAddress = FALSE;
// Get IP address
hr = ::GetLocalIPAddress (&m_dwIPAddress); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Create IP address string
m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_IP_ADDRESS] = &m_ClientInfo.szIPAddress[0]; ::GetLongString (m_dwIPAddress, &m_ClientInfo.szIPAddress[0]); }
// Create client signature string
m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_CLIENT_SIG] = &m_ClientInfo.szClientSig[0]; ::GetLongString (g_dwClientSig, &m_ClientInfo.szClientSig[0]);
// Create TTL string
m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_TTL] = &m_ClientInfo.szTTL[0]; ::GetLongString (m_uTTL + ILS_DEF_REFRESH_MARGIN_MINUTE, &m_ClientInfo.szTTL[0]);
// Set object class RTPerson
m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_OBJECT_CLASS] = (TCHAR *) &c_szRTPerson[0];
// Ideally, o= should be read in from registiry
// but for now, we simply hard code it
m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_O] = (TCHAR *) &c_szDefO[0];
// Build DN
m_pszDN = ::IlsBuildDN (m_ServerInfo.pszBaseDN, m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_C], m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_O], m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_CN], m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_OBJECT_CLASS]); if (m_pszDN == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Build refreh filter
m_pszRefreshFilter = ::ClntCreateRefreshFilter (m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_CN]); if (m_pszRefreshFilter == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Cache generic protocol info (per KevinMa's suggestion)
// m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_PROT_NAME] = TEXT ("h323");
// m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_PROT_MIME] = TEXT ("text/h323");
// m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_PROT_PORT] = TEXT ("1720");
m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_PROT_NAME] = STR_EMPTY; m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_PROT_MIME] = STR_EMPTY; m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_PROT_PORT] = STR_EMPTY;
// Allocate app prefix here
ULONG cbPrefix = g_cbUserPrefix + sizeof (TCHAR) * (2 + ::lstrlen (STR_CLIENT_APP_NAME) + ::lstrlen (m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_NAME])); m_pszAppPrefix = (TCHAR *) MemAlloc (cbPrefix); if (m_pszAppPrefix == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Fill user prefix
::CopyMemory (m_pszAppPrefix, g_pszUserPrefix, g_cbUserPrefix);
// Fill app prefix
TCHAR *psz = (TCHAR *) ((BYTE *) m_pszAppPrefix + g_cbUserPrefix); ::lstrcpy (psz, STR_CLIENT_APP_NAME); psz += lstrlen (psz) + 1; ::lstrcpy (psz, m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_NAME]);
// Build modify array for ldap_add()
LDAPMod **ppModUser = NULL; hr = CreateRegUserModArr (&ppModUser); if (hr != S_OK) { return hr; } MyAssert (ppModUser != NULL);
// Build modify array for ldap_modify()
LDAPMod **ppModApp = NULL; hr = CreateRegAppModArr (&ppModApp); if (hr != S_OK) { MemFree (ppModUser); return hr; } MyAssert (ppModApp != NULL);
// so far, we are done with local preparation
// Get the session object
SP_CSession *pSession = NULL; LDAP *ld; ULONG uMsgIDUser = (ULONG) -1, uMsgIDApp = (ULONG) -1; hr = g_pSessionContainer->GetSession (&pSession, &m_ServerInfo); if (hr == S_OK) { MyAssert (pSession != NULL);
// Get the ldap session
ld = pSession->GetLd (); MyAssert (ld != NULL);
// Send the data over the wire
uMsgIDUser = ::ldap_add (ld, m_pszDN, ppModUser); if (uMsgIDUser != -1) { uMsgIDApp = ::ldap_modify (ld, m_pszDN, ppModApp); if (uMsgIDApp == -1) { hr = ::LdapError2Hresult (ld->ld_errno); } } else { hr = ::LdapError2Hresult (ld->ld_errno); } }
// Free modify arrays
MemFree (ppModUser); MemFree (ppModApp);
// Report failure if so
if (hr != S_OK) goto MyExit;
// Construct a pending info
RESP_INFO ri; ::FillDefRespInfo (&ri, uRespID, ld, uMsgIDUser, uMsgIDApp); ri.uNotifyMsg = WM_ILS_REGISTER_CLIENT; ri.hObject = (HANDLE) this;
// Queue the pending result
hr = g_pRespQueue->EnterRequest (pSession, &ri); if (hr != S_OK) { MyAssert (FALSE); goto MyExit; }
if (hr != S_OK) { if (uMsgIDUser != (ULONG) -1) ::ldap_abandon (ld, uMsgIDUser);
if (uMsgIDApp != (ULONG) -1) ::ldap_abandon (ld, uMsgIDApp);
if (pSession != NULL) pSession->Disconnect (); }
return hr; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: UnRegister ( ULONG uRespID ) { MyAssert (MyIsGoodString (m_pszDN));
// Make sure that there is not refresh scheduled for this object
if (g_pRefreshScheduler != NULL) { g_pRefreshScheduler->RemoveClientObject (this); } else { MyAssert (FALSE); }
// If it is not registered on the server,
// the simply report success
if (! IsRegRemotely ()) { SetRegNone (); ::PostMessage (g_hWndNotify, WM_ILS_UNREGISTER_CLIENT, uRespID, S_OK); return S_OK; }
// Indicate that we are not registered at all
SetRegNone ();
// Get the session object
SP_CSession *pSession = NULL; LDAP *ld; ULONG uMsgID = (ULONG) -1; HRESULT hr = g_pSessionContainer->GetSession (&pSession, &m_ServerInfo); if (hr == S_OK) { // Get the ldap session
MyAssert (pSession != NULL); ld = pSession->GetLd (); MyAssert (ld != NULL);
// Send the data over the wire
MyAssert (MyIsGoodString (m_pszDN)); uMsgID = ::ldap_delete (ld, m_pszDN); if (uMsgID == -1) { hr = ::LdapError2Hresult (ld->ld_errno); } }
// Report failure if so
if (hr != S_OK) goto MyExit;
// Construct a pending info
RESP_INFO ri; ::FillDefRespInfo (&ri, uRespID, ld, uMsgID, INVALID_MSG_ID); ri.uNotifyMsg = WM_ILS_UNREGISTER_CLIENT;
// Queue this pending result
hr = g_pRespQueue->EnterRequest (pSession, &ri); if (hr != S_OK) { MyAssert (FALSE); goto MyExit; }
if (hr != S_OK) { if (uMsgID != (ULONG) -1) ::ldap_abandon (ld, uMsgID);
if (pSession != NULL) pSession->Disconnect (); }
return hr; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: SetAttributes ( ULONG uRespID, LDAP_CLIENTINFO *pInfo ) { MyAssert (pInfo != NULL);
MyAssert (MyIsGoodString (m_pszDN));
// cache info
HRESULT hr = CacheClientInfo (pInfo); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Build modify array for user object's ldap_modify()
LDAPMod **ppModUser = NULL; hr = CreateSetUserAttrsModArr (&ppModUser); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; MyAssert (ppModUser != NULL);
// Build modify array for app object's ldap_modify()
LDAPMod **ppModApp = NULL; hr = CreateSetAppAttrsModArr (&ppModApp); if (hr != S_OK) { MemFree (ppModUser); return hr; } MyAssert (ppModApp != NULL);
// So far, we are done with local preparation
// Get the session object
SP_CSession *pSession = NULL; LDAP *ld; ULONG uMsgIDUser = (ULONG) -1, uMsgIDApp = (ULONG) -1; hr = g_pSessionContainer->GetSession (&pSession, &m_ServerInfo); if (hr == S_OK) { MyAssert (pSession != NULL);
// Get the ldap session
ld = pSession->GetLd (); MyAssert (ld != NULL);
// Send the data over the wire
uMsgIDUser = ::ldap_modify (ld, m_pszDN, ppModUser); if (uMsgIDUser != -1) { uMsgIDApp = ::ldap_modify (ld, m_pszDN, ppModApp); if (uMsgIDApp == -1) { hr = ::LdapError2Hresult (ld->ld_errno); } } else { hr = ::LdapError2Hresult (ld->ld_errno); } }
// Free modify arrays
MemFree (ppModUser); MemFree (ppModApp);
// Report failure if so
if (hr != S_OK) goto MyExit;
// Initialize pending info
RESP_INFO ri; ::FillDefRespInfo (&ri, uRespID, ld, uMsgIDUser, uMsgIDApp); ri.uNotifyMsg = WM_ILS_SET_CLIENT_INFO;
// Queue the pending result
hr = g_pRespQueue->EnterRequest (pSession, &ri); if (hr != S_OK) { MyAssert (FALSE); goto MyExit; }
if (hr != S_OK) { if (uMsgIDUser != (ULONG) -1) ::ldap_abandon (ld, uMsgIDUser);
if (uMsgIDApp != (ULONG) -1) ::ldap_abandon (ld, uMsgIDApp);
if (pSession != NULL) pSession->Disconnect (); } else { // If the user customizes the ip address
// we need to remember this
m_fExternalIPAddress |= IsExternalIPAddressPassedIn (); }
return hr; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: AddProtocol ( ULONG uNotifyMsg, ULONG uRespID, SP_CProtocol *pProt ) { HRESULT hr = m_Protocols.Append ((VOID *) pProt); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = UpdateProtocols (uNotifyMsg, uRespID, pProt); }
return hr; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: RemoveProtocol ( ULONG uNotifyMsg, ULONG uRespID, SP_CProtocol *pProt ) { HRESULT hr = m_Protocols.Remove ((VOID *) pProt); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = UpdateProtocols (uNotifyMsg, uRespID, pProt); } else { hr = ILS_E_NOT_REGISTERED; }
return hr; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: UpdateProtocols ( ULONG uNotifyMsg, ULONG uRespID, SP_CProtocol *pProt ) { MyAssert ( uNotifyMsg == WM_ILS_REGISTER_PROTOCOL || uNotifyMsg == WM_ILS_UNREGISTER_PROTOCOL || uNotifyMsg == WM_ILS_SET_PROTOCOL_INFO); MyAssert (MyIsGoodString (m_pszDN));
// Build modify array for protocol object's ldap_modify()
LDAPMod **ppModProt = NULL; hr = CreateSetProtModArr (&ppModProt); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; MyAssert (ppModProt != NULL);
// So far, we are done with local preparation
// Get the session object
SP_CSession *pSession = NULL; LDAP *ld; ULONG uMsgIDProt = (ULONG) -1; hr = g_pSessionContainer->GetSession (&pSession, &m_ServerInfo); if (hr == S_OK) { MyAssert (pSession != NULL);
// Get the ldap session
ld = pSession->GetLd (); MyAssert (ld != NULL);
// Send the data over the wire
uMsgIDProt = ::ldap_modify (ld, m_pszDN, ppModProt); if (uMsgIDProt == -1) { hr = ::LdapError2Hresult (ld->ld_errno); } }
// Free modify arrays
MemFree (ppModProt);
// Report failure if so
if (hr != S_OK) goto MyExit;
// Initialize pending info
RESP_INFO ri; ::FillDefRespInfo (&ri, uRespID, ld, uMsgIDProt, INVALID_MSG_ID); ri.uNotifyMsg = uNotifyMsg; ri.hObject = (HANDLE) pProt;
// Queue the pending result
hr = g_pRespQueue->EnterRequest (pSession, &ri); if (hr != S_OK) { MyAssert (FALSE); goto MyExit; }
if (hr != S_OK) { if (uMsgIDProt != (ULONG) -1) ::ldap_abandon (ld, uMsgIDProt);
if (pSession != NULL) pSession->Disconnect (); }
return hr; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: UpdateIPAddress ( VOID ) { MyAssert (MyIsGoodString (m_pszDN));
// Update cached ip address
HRESULT hr = ::GetLocalIPAddress (&m_dwIPAddress); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Update the ip address string
::GetLongString (m_dwIPAddress, &m_ClientInfo.szIPAddress[0]);
// Update IP address on the server
return ::IlsUpdateIPAddress ( &m_ServerInfo, m_pszDN, STR_CLIENT_IP_ADDR, &m_ClientInfo.szIPAddress[0], ISBU_MODOP_MODIFY_USER, 1, g_pszUserPrefix); }
/* ---------- protected methods ----------- */
HRESULT SP_CClient:: SendRefreshMsg ( VOID ) { MyAssert (m_pszRefreshFilter != NULL);
// Send a refresh message to the server and parse the new TTL value
hr = ::IlsSendRefreshMsg ( &m_ServerInfo, STR_DEF_CLIENT_BASE_DN, STR_CLIENT_TTL, m_pszRefreshFilter, &m_uTTL); if (hr == ILS_E_NEED_RELOGON) { SetRegLocally (); ::PostMessage (g_hWndNotify, WM_ILS_CLIENT_NEED_RELOGON, (WPARAM) this, (LPARAM) m_dwContext); } else if (hr == ILS_E_NETWORK_DOWN) { SetRegLocally (); ::PostMessage (g_hWndNotify, WM_ILS_CLIENT_NETWORK_DOWN, (WPARAM) this, (LPARAM) m_dwContext); }
// If the ip address is not provided by the app, then
// we need to make sure that the current ip address is equal to
// the one we used to register the user.
if (! m_fExternalIPAddress && hr == S_OK) { // Get local ip address
DWORD dwIPAddress = 0; if (::GetLocalIPAddress (&dwIPAddress) == S_OK) { // Now, the network appears to be up and running.
// Update the ip address if they are different.
if (dwIPAddress != 0 && dwIPAddress != m_dwIPAddress) UpdateIPAddress (); } }
return hr; }
/* ---------- private methods ----------- */
HRESULT SP_CClient:: CreateRegUserModArr ( LDAPMod ***pppMod ) { MyAssert (pppMod != NULL);
// Calculate the modify array size
#ifdef ANY_IN_USER
ULONG cStdAttrs = COUNT_ENUM_REG_USER; ULONG cAnyAttrs = m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToAdd; ULONG cTotal = cStdAttrs + cAnyAttrs; ULONG cbMod = ::IlsCalcModifyListSize (cTotal); #else
ULONG cStdAttrs = COUNT_ENUM_REG_USER; ULONG cTotal = cStdAttrs; ULONG cbMod = ::IlsCalcModifyListSize (cTotal); #endif
// Allocate the modify array
*pppMod = (LDAPMod **) MemAlloc (cbMod); if (*pppMod == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Lay out the modify array
LDAPMod **apMod = *pppMod; LDAPMod *pMod; ULONG i, nIndex; #ifdef ANY_IN_USER
TCHAR *pszName2, *pszValue; pszName2 = m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.pszAttrsToAdd; #endif
for (i = 0; i < cTotal; i++) { // Locate modify element
pMod = ::IlsGetModifyListMod (pppMod, cTotal, i); pMod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; apMod[i] = pMod;
#ifdef ANY_IN_USER
if (i < cStdAttrs) { // Get attribute name and value
if (IsOverAppAttrLine (i)) { nIndex = i + COUNT_ENUM_SKIP_APP_ATTRS; } else { nIndex = i; }
// Put standard attributes
FillModArrAttr (pMod, nIndex); } else { // Put extended attributes
pszValue = pszName2 + lstrlen (pszName2) + 1; ::IlsFillModifyListItem (pMod, pszName2, pszValue); pszName2 = pszValue + lstrlen (pszValue) + 1; } #else
// Get attribute name and value
if (IsOverAppAttrLine (i)) { nIndex = i + COUNT_ENUM_SKIP_APP_ATTRS; } else { nIndex = i; }
// Fill in modify element
FillModArrAttr (pMod, nIndex); #endif
apMod[cTotal] = NULL; return S_OK; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: CreateRegAppModArr ( LDAPMod ***pppMod ) { MyAssert (pppMod != NULL);
// Calculate the modify array size
ULONG cPrefix = 1; // Skip its own app id
ULONG cTotal = cPrefix + cStdAttrs; ULONG cbMod = ::IlsCalcModifyListSize (cTotal); #else
ULONG cAnyAttrs = m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToAdd; ULONG cTotal = cPrefix + cStdAttrs + cAnyAttrs; ULONG cbMod = ::IlsCalcModifyListSize (cTotal); #endif
// Allocate the modify array
*pppMod = (LDAPMod **) MemAlloc (cbMod); if (*pppMod == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Lay out the modify array
LDAPMod **apMod = *pppMod; LDAPMod *pMod; #ifdef ANY_IN_USER
TCHAR *pszName1, *pszValue; pszName1 = m_pszAppPrefix;; #else
TCHAR *pszName1, *pszName2, *pszValue; pszName1 = m_pszAppPrefix;; pszName2 = m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.pszAttrsToAdd; #endif
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cTotal; i++) { // Locate modify element
pMod = ::IlsGetModifyListMod (pppMod, cTotal, i); pMod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; apMod[i] = pMod;
if (i < cPrefix) { // Put the prefix
pMod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; pszValue = pszName1 + lstrlen (pszName1) + 1; ::IlsFillModifyListItem (pMod, pszName1, pszValue); pszName1 = pszValue + lstrlen (pszValue) + 1; } else #ifdef ANY_IN_USER
{ // Put standard attributes
FillModArrAttr (pMod, i - cPrefix + ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_NAME); } #else
if (i < cPrefix + cStdAttrs) { // Put standard attributes
FillModArrAttr (pMod, i - cPrefix + ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_NAME); } else { // Put extended attributes
pszValue = pszName2 + lstrlen (pszName2) + 1; ::IlsFillModifyListItem (pMod, pszName2, pszValue); pszName2 = pszValue + lstrlen (pszValue) + 1; } #endif
::IlsFixUpModOp (apMod[0], LDAP_MOD_ADD, ISBU_MODOP_ADD_APP); apMod[cTotal] = NULL; return S_OK; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: CreateSetUserAttrsModArr ( LDAPMod ***pppMod ) { MyAssert (pppMod != NULL);
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwFlags = m_ClientInfo.dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_USER_MASK; #ifdef ANY_IN_USER
ULONG cTotal = m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToAdd + m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToModify + m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToRemove; #else
ULONG cTotal = 0; // must be initialized to zero
// Lay out the modify array for modifying user standard attributes
hr = ::IlsFillDefStdAttrsModArr (pppMod, dwFlags, COUNT_ENUM_SET_USER_INFO, &cTotal, ISBU_MODOP_MODIFY_USER, 1, g_pszUserPrefix); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Start to fill standard attributes
ULONG i = 1; LDAPMod **apMod = *pppMod;
if (dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_LAST_NAME) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_LAST_NAME);
if (dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_CITY_NAME) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_CITY_NAME);
if (dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_C) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_C);
if (dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_COMMENT) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_COMMENT);
if (dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_FLAGS) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_FLAGS);
#ifdef ANY_IN_USER
// Start to fill extended attributes
::IlsFillModifyListForAnyAttrs (apMod, &i, &m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs); #else
MyAssert (i == cTotal); return S_OK; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: CreateSetAppAttrsModArr ( LDAPMod ***pppMod ) { MyAssert (pppMod != NULL);
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwFlags = m_ClientInfo.dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_APP_MASK; #ifdef ANY_IN_USER
ULONG cTotal = 0; // must be initialized to zero
ULONG cTotal = m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToAdd + m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToModify + m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToRemove; #endif
// Lay out the modify array for modifying app standard/extended attributes
hr = ::IlsFillDefStdAttrsModArr (pppMod, dwFlags, COUNT_ENUM_SET_APP_INFO, &cTotal, ISBU_MODOP_MODIFY_APP, 2, m_pszAppPrefix); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Start to fill standard attributes
ULONG i = 2; LDAPMod **apMod = *pppMod;
if (m_ClientInfo.dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_APP_GUID) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_GUID);
if (m_ClientInfo.dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_APP_NAME) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_NAME);
if (m_ClientInfo.dwFlags & CLIENTOBJ_F_APP_MIME_TYPE) FillModArrAttr (apMod[i++], ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_MIME_TYPE);
#ifdef ANY_IN_USER
// Start to fill extended attributes
::IlsFillModifyListForAnyAttrs (apMod, &i, &m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs); #endif
MyAssert (i == cTotal); return S_OK; }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: CreateSetProtModArr ( LDAPMod ***pppMod ) // We need to delete the attributes and then add the entire array back.
// This is due to the ILS server limitation. We agreed to live with that.
{ MyAssert (pppMod != NULL);
ULONG cPrefix = 2; TCHAR *pszPrefix = m_pszAppPrefix;
ULONG cStdAttrs = COUNT_ENUM_PROTATTR; ULONG cTotal = cPrefix + cStdAttrs + cStdAttrs; ULONG cProts = 0;
// Find out how many protocols
HANDLE hEnum = NULL; SP_CProtocol *pProt; m_Protocols.Enumerate (&hEnum); while (m_Protocols.Next (&hEnum, (VOID **) &pProt) == NOERROR) cProts++;
// Calculate the modify array's total size
ULONG cbMod = ::IlsCalcModifyListSize (cTotal);
// Add up for multi-valued attribute
if (cProts > 0) { cbMod += cStdAttrs * (cProts - 1) * sizeof (TCHAR *); }
// Allocate the modify array
LDAPMod **apMod = *pppMod = (LDAPMod **) MemAlloc (cbMod); if (apMod == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Fill in the modify list
LDAPMod *pMod; BYTE *pbData = (BYTE *) apMod + (cTotal + 1) * sizeof (LDAPMod *); ULONG uDispPrefix = sizeof (LDAPMod) + 2 * sizeof (TCHAR *); ULONG uDispStdAttrs = sizeof (LDAPMod) + (cProts + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR *); for (ULONG uOffset = 0, i = 0; i < cTotal; i++) { // Locate the modify structure
pMod = (LDAPMod *) (pbData + uOffset); apMod[i] = pMod; pMod->mod_values = (TCHAR **) (pMod + 1);
// Fill in the modify structure
if (i < cPrefix) { pMod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; pMod->mod_type = pszPrefix; pszPrefix += lstrlen (pszPrefix) + 1; *(pMod->mod_values) = pszPrefix; pszPrefix += lstrlen (pszPrefix) + 1; } else if (i < cPrefix + cStdAttrs) { // Work around the ISBU server implementation!!!
// We agreed that we can live with the server implementation.
pMod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_DELETE;
ULONG nIndex = i - cPrefix;
// Fill in attribute name
pMod->mod_type = (TCHAR *) c_apszProtStdAttrNames[nIndex]; } else { pMod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD;
ULONG nIndex = i - cPrefix - cStdAttrs;
// Fill in attribute name
pMod->mod_type = (TCHAR *) c_apszProtStdAttrNames[nIndex];
// Fill in multi-valued modify array
if (cProts > 0) { ULONG j = 0; // must initialized to zero
TCHAR *pszVal;
m_Protocols.Enumerate (&hEnum); MyAssert (hEnum != NULL); while (m_Protocols.Next (&hEnum, (VOID **) &pProt) == NOERROR) { MyAssert (pProt != NULL); pszVal = (pProt->GetProtInfo ())->apszStdAttrValues[nIndex]; (pMod->mod_values)[j++] = (pszVal != NULL) ? pszVal : STR_EMPTY; } } else { (pMod->mod_values)[0] = STR_EMPTY; } }
// Calculate the modify structure's offset relative to the array's end
uOffset += (i < cPrefix + cStdAttrs) ? uDispPrefix : uDispStdAttrs; }
// Fix up the first and the last ones
IlsFixUpModOp (apMod[0], LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, ISBU_MODOP_MODIFY_APP); apMod[cTotal] = NULL;
return S_OK; }
VOID SP_CClient:: FillModArrAttr ( LDAPMod *pMod, INT nIndex ) { MyAssert (pMod != NULL); MyAssert (0 <= nIndex && nIndex <= COUNT_ENUM_CLIENTATTR);
::IlsFillModifyListItem ( pMod, (TCHAR *) c_apszClientStdAttrNames[nIndex], m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[nIndex]); }
HRESULT SP_CClient:: CacheClientInfo ( LDAP_CLIENTINFO *pInfo ) { MyAssert (pInfo != NULL);
// Release the previous prefix for extended attribute names
::IlsReleaseAnyAttrsPrefix (&(m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs));
// Clean up the buffer
ZeroMemory (&m_ClientInfo, sizeof (m_ClientInfo));
// Start to cache user standard attributes
if (pInfo->uOffsetCN != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_CN] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetCN); // We do not want to change CN thru ldap_modify()
// m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_CN;
if (pInfo->uOffsetFirstName != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_FIRST_NAME] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetFirstName); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_FIRST_NAME; }
if (pInfo->uOffsetLastName != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_LAST_NAME] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetLastName); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_LAST_NAME; }
if (pInfo->uOffsetEMailName != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_EMAIL_NAME] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetEMailName); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_EMAIL_NAME; }
if (pInfo->uOffsetCityName != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_CITY_NAME] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetCityName); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_CITY_NAME; }
if (pInfo->uOffsetCountryName != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_C] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetCountryName); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_C; }
if (pInfo->uOffsetComment != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_COMMENT] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetComment); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_COMMENT; }
if (pInfo->uOffsetIPAddress != INVALID_OFFSET) { DWORD dwIPAddr = ::inet_addr ((TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetIPAddress)); if (dwIPAddr != INADDR_NONE) { m_dwIPAddress = dwIPAddr; m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_IP_ADDRESS] = &m_ClientInfo.szIPAddress[0]; ::GetLongString (m_dwIPAddress, &m_ClientInfo.szIPAddress[0]); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_IP_ADDRESS; } }
if (pInfo->dwFlags != INVALID_USER_FLAGS) { ::GetLongString (pInfo->dwFlags, &m_ClientInfo.szFlags[0]); m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_FLAGS] = &m_ClientInfo.szFlags[0]; m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_FLAGS; }
// Start to cache app standard attributes
if (pInfo->uOffsetAppName != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_NAME] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetAppName); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_APP_NAME; }
if (pInfo->uOffsetAppMimeType != INVALID_OFFSET) { m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_MIME_TYPE] = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetAppMimeType); m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_APP_MIME_TYPE; }
if (::IsValidGuid (&(pInfo->AppGuid))) { ::GetGuidString (&(pInfo->AppGuid), &m_ClientInfo.szGuid[0]); m_ClientInfo.apszStdAttrValues[ENUM_CLIENTATTR_APP_GUID] = &m_ClientInfo.szGuid[0]; m_ClientInfo.dwFlags |= CLIENTOBJ_F_APP_GUID; }
// Start to cache app extended attributes
if (pInfo->uOffsetAttrsToAdd != INVALID_OFFSET && pInfo->cAttrsToAdd != 0) { m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToAdd = pInfo->cAttrsToAdd; m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.pszAttrsToAdd = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetAttrsToAdd); }
if (pInfo->uOffsetAttrsToModify != INVALID_OFFSET && pInfo->cAttrsToModify != 0) { m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToModify = pInfo->cAttrsToModify; m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.pszAttrsToModify = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetAttrsToModify); }
if (pInfo->uOffsetAttrsToRemove != INVALID_OFFSET && pInfo->cAttrsToRemove != 0) { m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.cAttrsToRemove = pInfo->cAttrsToRemove; m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs.pszAttrsToRemove = (TCHAR *) (((BYTE *) pInfo) + pInfo->uOffsetAttrsToRemove); }
// Create prefix for extended attribute names
return ::IlsCreateAnyAttrsPrefix (&(m_ClientInfo.AnyAttrs)); }