// File:eventlog.cpp
// Module:
// Synopsis: Implement eventlog helper class CEventLog
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Author: Created 9/16/98
#include <windows.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "eventlog.h"
// Function: CEventLog::Open
// Synopsis:
// Register the specified event source.
// Note that the registry entries must already exist.
// HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\<pszEventSource>
// Requires values "EventMessageFile" and "TypesSupported".
// Arguments: LPCTSTR lpSourceName - The source name must be a subkey of
// a logfile entry under the EventLog key in the registry
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if succeed
// History: Created Header 9/16/98
BOOL CEventLog::Open(LPCWSTR lpSourceName) { ASSERT(lpSourceName != NULL); if (lpSourceName == NULL) { return FALSE; }
ASSERT(m_hEventLog == NULL);
m_hEventLog = ::RegisterEventSource(NULL, // local machine
lpSourceName); // source name
if (m_hEventLog == NULL) { TRACE2(("CEventLog::Open %ws failed, LastError = %d"), lpSourceName, GetLastError()); }
return m_hEventLog != NULL; }
// Function: CEventLog::ReportEvent
// Synopsis: Writes an entry at the end of the event log. Support upto 3
// parameters
// Arguments: WORD wType - see wType of ::ReportEvent
// DWORD dwEventID - see dwEventID of ::ReportEvent
// const TCHAR* pszS1 - The 1st string, default is NULL
// const TCHAR* pszS2 - The 2st string, default is NULL
// const TCHAR* pszS3 - The 3st string, default is NULL
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE is succeed
// History: Created Header 9/16/98
BOOL CEventLog::ReportEvent(WORD wType, DWORD dwEventID, const TCHAR* pszS1, const TCHAR* pszS2, const TCHAR* pszS3) { //
// Set up an array of strings
const TCHAR* arString[3] = {pszS1, pszS2, pszS3};
int iNumString = 0; // number of parameters
for (iNumString = 0; iNumString < 3; iNumString++) { if (arString[iNumString] == NULL) { break; } }
if (m_hEventLog == NULL) { return FALSE; }
BOOL fSucceed = ::ReportEvent(m_hEventLog, wType, 0, // event category
dwEventID, NULL, // user security identifier
(WORD) iNumString,// number of strings to merge with message
0, // size of binary data
arString, // array of strings to merge with message
NULL); // address of binary data
if (!fSucceed) { TRACE2(("CEventLog::ReportEvent failed for event id %d, LastError = %d"), dwEventID, GetLastError()); }
return fSucceed; }