// PURPOSE: file reading classes
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 support@saltmine.com
// AUTHOR: Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 7-29-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 08-04-98 OK
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "fileread.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
#include "apgtsassert.h"
#include "CHMFileReader.h"
#define STR_ALLOC_SIZE 1024
#define FORWARD_SLASH _T('/')
#define BACK_SLASH _T('\\')
// CFileReaderException
// source_file is LPCSTR rather than LPCTSTR because __FILE__ is char[35]
CFileReaderException::CFileReaderException(CPhysicalFileReader* reader, eErr err, LPCSTR source_file, int line) : CBaseException(source_file, line), m_pFileReader(reader), m_eErr(err) { }
CFileReaderException::CFileReaderException(CFileReader* reader, eErr err, LPCSTR source_file, int line) : CBaseException(source_file, line), m_pFileReader(reader->GetPhysicalFileReader()), m_eErr(err) { }
CFileReaderException::~CFileReaderException() { }
void CFileReaderException::CloseFile() { if (m_eErr == eErrClose || m_eErr == eErrGetSize || m_eErr == eErrRead || m_eErr == eErrAllocateToRead) m_pFileReader->CloseHandle(); }
void CFileReaderException::LogEvent() const { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr CatchLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CString strErr;
// Format the error code as a string.
switch (m_eErr) { case eErrOpen: strErr= _T("Open"); break; case eErrClose: strErr= _T("Close"); break; case eErrRead: strErr= _T("Read"); break; case eErrAllocateToRead: strErr= _T("ReadAllocate"); break; case eErrGetSize: strErr= _T("GetSize"); break; case eErrGetDateTime: strErr= _T("GetDateTime"); break; case eErrParse: strErr= _T("Parse"); break; default: strErr.Format( _T("Error code of %d"), m_eErr ); }
CEvent::ReportWFEvent( GetSrcFileLineStr(), CatchLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), strErr, m_pFileReader->GetNameToLog(), EV_GTS_FILEREADER_ERROR ); }
// CAbstractFileReader
// This class manages a file, which is initially read into a memory buffer, then
// copied into a stream.
// It must be further specialized to handle a file from ordinary disk storage vs. a
// file from a CHM
// we return just pure path, without <name>.<ext> and without slashes in the tail
/*static*/ CString CAbstractFileReader::GetJustPath(const CString& full_path) { CString tmp = full_path;
tmp.TrimLeft(); tmp.TrimRight();
int indexOfSlash = tmp.ReverseFind(BACK_SLASH);
if (indexOfSlash == -1) indexOfSlash = tmp.ReverseFind(FORWARD_SLASH);
if (indexOfSlash == -1) // Unable to locate the path, return an empty string.
return _T(""); else return tmp.Left(indexOfSlash); }
// we return just <name>.<ext> without any path information. If there's no slash and no dot
// anywhere, we presume this is not a file name.
/*static*/ CString CAbstractFileReader::GetJustName(const CString& full_path) { CString tmp = full_path; LPTSTR ptr = NULL;
tmp.TrimLeft(); tmp.TrimRight();
int indexOfSlash = tmp.ReverseFind(BACK_SLASH);
if (indexOfSlash == -1) indexOfSlash = tmp.ReverseFind(FORWARD_SLASH);
if (indexOfSlash == -1) { if (tmp.Find(".")) return tmp; // full_path is a file name
else // Unable to detect a file name, return an empty string.
return _T(""); } else return tmp.Mid(indexOfSlash + 1); }
/*static*/ CString CAbstractFileReader::GetJustNameWithoutExtension(const CString& full_path) { CString tmp = GetJustName(full_path); int point = tmp.Find(_T('.'));
if (-1 != point) return tmp.Left(point); return tmp; }
/*static*/ CString CAbstractFileReader::GetJustExtension(const CString& full_path) { CString tmp = GetJustName(full_path); int point = tmp.Find(_T('.'));
if (-1 != point) return tmp.Right(tmp.GetLength() - point - 1); return _T(""); }
/*static*/ bool CAbstractFileReader::GetFileTime(const CString& full_path, EFileTime type, time_t& out) { WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data; FILETIME fileTime, localTime; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; struct tm atm; HANDLE hLocFile; bool bRet= false; hLocFile= ::FindFirstFile(full_path, &find_data); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hLocFile) return( bRet );
if (type == eFileTimeCreated) fileTime = find_data.ftCreationTime; if (type == eFileTimeModified) fileTime = find_data.ftLastWriteTime; if (type == eFileTimeAccessed) fileTime = find_data.ftLastAccessTime;
// first convert file time (UTC time) to local time
if (::FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&fileTime, &localTime)) { // then convert that time to system time
if (::FileTimeToSystemTime(&localTime, &sysTime)) { if (!(sysTime.wYear < 1900)) { atm.tm_sec = sysTime.wSecond; atm.tm_min = sysTime.wMinute; atm.tm_hour = sysTime.wHour; ASSERT(sysTime.wDay >= 1 && sysTime.wDay <= 31); atm.tm_mday = sysTime.wDay; ASSERT(sysTime.wMonth >= 1 && sysTime.wMonth <= 12); atm.tm_mon = sysTime.wMonth - 1; // tm_mon is 0 based
ASSERT(sysTime.wYear >= 1900); atm.tm_year = sysTime.wYear - 1900; // tm_year is 1900 based
atm.tm_isdst = -1; // automatic computation of daylight saving time
out = mktime(&atm); bRet= true; } } }
::FindClose( hLocFile );
return( bRet ); }
CAbstractFileReader::CAbstractFileReader() : CStateless(), m_bIsValid(true), m_bIsRead(false) { }
CAbstractFileReader::~CAbstractFileReader() { }
// returns true if the referenced file can be opened and closed.
// No problem if the file is already open: it is opened with FILE_SHARE_READ access.
bool CAbstractFileReader::Exists() { bool bRet= false;
try { LOCKOBJECT(); Open(); Close(); bRet= true; } catch (CFileReaderException& exc) { exc.CloseFile(); exc.LogEvent(); } catch (...) { // Catch any other exception thrown.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_GEN_EXCEPTION ); } UNLOCKOBJECT();
return( bRet ); }
// go back to the file itself for data.
bool CAbstractFileReader::Read() { LPTSTR pBuf= NULL; // if non-null, points to an allocated buffer containing
// an in-memory copy of this file.
try { LOCKOBJECT(); Open(); ReadData(&pBuf); Close(); StreamData(&pBuf); Parse(); // if this parsing is OK, the parsing in all siblings is presumed to be OK
m_bIsRead = true; m_bIsValid = true; } catch (CFileReaderException& exc) { exc.CloseFile(); m_bIsValid = false; try { if (UseDefault()) { Parse(); // if this parsing is OK, the parsing in all siblings is presumed to be OK
m_bIsRead = true; // OK, so maybe we're lying. Close enough to true.
m_bIsValid = true; } } catch (CFileReaderException&) { // Catch any potential exceptions from attempt to access default content.
// This exception would be logged below so there is no need to log it here.
if (!m_bIsValid) { // Only log the event if the attempt to access default content failed.
exc.LogEvent(); } } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Memory allocation failure.
m_bIsValid = false; CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); } catch (...) { // Catch any other exception thrown.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_GEN_EXCEPTION ); }
if (pBuf) delete [] pBuf;
// Given the array of catch blocks above, it is assumed that this call to unlock the
// object will always been called prior to exiting this function.
return m_bIsValid; }
// CPhysicalFileReader
CPhysicalFileReader::CPhysicalFileReader() { }
CPhysicalFileReader::~CPhysicalFileReader() { }
/*static*/ CPhysicalFileReader * CPhysicalFileReader::makeReader( const CString& strFileName ) { #ifdef LOCAL_TROUBLESHOOTER
if (CCHMFileReader::IsCHMfile( strFileName )) return dynamic_cast<CPhysicalFileReader*>(new CCHMFileReader( strFileName )); else #endif
return dynamic_cast<CPhysicalFileReader*>(new CNormalFileReader( strFileName )); }
// CNormalFileReader
// This class manages a file from ordinary storage.
// Do not use this for files within a CHM
CNormalFileReader::CNormalFileReader(LPCTSTR path) : m_strPath(path), m_hFile(NULL) { }
CNormalFileReader::~CNormalFileReader() { }
/* virtual */ void CNormalFileReader::Open() { if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (m_hFile = ::CreateFile( m_strPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL )) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG
DWORD err = GetLastError(); #endif
throw CFileReaderException( this, CFileReaderException::eErrOpen, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } }
// returns true on success
// doesn't throw exception, therefore may be used by exception class.
/* virtual */ bool CNormalFileReader::CloseHandle() { // if it's not open, say we closed successfully.
if (!m_hFile) return true;
return ::CloseHandle(m_hFile) ? true : false; }
/* virtual */ void CNormalFileReader::ReadData(LPTSTR * ppBuf) { DWORD dwSize =0, dwRead =0;
if (*ppBuf) { delete [] *ppBuf; *ppBuf = NULL; }
if (0xFFFFFFFF == (dwSize = ::GetFileSize(m_hFile, NULL))) { throw CFileReaderException(this, CFileReaderException::eErrOpen, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
// Handle this memory allocation like all others in the program.
try { *ppBuf = new TCHAR[dwSize+1]; //[BC-03022001] - addd check for NULL ptr to satisfy MS code analysis tool.
if(!*ppBuf) throw bad_alloc(); } catch (bad_alloc&) { throw CFileReaderException(this, CFileReaderException::eErrAllocateToRead, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
if (!::ReadFile(m_hFile, *ppBuf, dwSize, &dwRead, NULL) || dwSize != dwRead) { throw CFileReaderException(this, CFileReaderException::eErrRead, __FILE__, __LINE__); } (*ppBuf)[dwSize] = 0; }
CString CNormalFileReader::GetJustPath() const { return CAbstractFileReader::GetJustPath(m_strPath); }
CString CNormalFileReader::GetJustName() const { return CAbstractFileReader::GetJustName(m_strPath); }
CString CNormalFileReader::GetJustNameWithoutExtension() const { return CAbstractFileReader::GetJustNameWithoutExtension(m_strPath); }
CString CNormalFileReader::GetJustExtension() const { return CAbstractFileReader::GetJustExtension(m_strPath); }
bool CNormalFileReader::GetFileTime(CAbstractFileReader::EFileTime type, time_t& out) const { return CAbstractFileReader::GetFileTime(m_strPath, type, out); }
// name to log on exceptions. This implementation will be correct for the normal file system,
// but may need to be overridden for CHM.
CString CNormalFileReader::GetNameToLog() const { return GetPathName(); }
// CFileReader
// This class manages a file, which is initially read into a memory buffer, then
// copied into a stream.
CFileReader::CFileReader(CPhysicalFileReader * pPhysicalFileReader, bool bDeletePhysicalFileReader /*=true*/) : CAbstractFileReader(), m_pPhysicalFileReader(pPhysicalFileReader), m_bDeletePhysicalFileReader(bDeletePhysicalFileReader) { }
CFileReader::~CFileReader() { if (m_pPhysicalFileReader) if (m_bDeletePhysicalFileReader) delete m_pPhysicalFileReader; }
// move the data out of ppBuf (which will be deleted) to m_StreamData
/* virtual */ void CFileReader::StreamData(LPTSTR * ppBuf) { m_StreamData.str(*ppBuf); delete [] (*ppBuf); *ppBuf = NULL; }
// Placeholder. Classes that inherit from CFileReader can define parsing to happen
// immediately after the file is read.
/* virtual */ void CFileReader::Parse() { // we have no idea how to parse here
// Placeholder. Classes that inherit from CFileReader can define default file contents
// to use if file can't be read or what is read can't be parsed.
// Should return true if there's a default to use.
/* virtual */ bool CFileReader::UseDefault() { // we have no default to use here
return false; }
void CFileReader::Close() { if (!m_pPhysicalFileReader->CloseHandle()) throw CFileReaderException(m_pPhysicalFileReader, CFileReaderException::eErrClose, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
// Data access in form of tstring. returns reference to its argument as a convenience.
tstring& CFileReader::GetContent(tstring& out) { out = m_StreamData.rdbuf()->str(); return out; }
// Data access in form of CString. returns reference to its argument as a convenience.
CString& CFileReader::GetContent(CString& out) { out = m_StreamData.rdbuf()->str().c_str(); return out; }
// CTextFileReader
// Specialize CFileReader to a text file
/*static*/ bool CTextFileReader::IsAmongSeparators(TCHAR separatorCandidate, const vector<TCHAR>& separator_arr) { vector<TCHAR>::const_iterator res = find(separator_arr.begin(), separator_arr.end(), separatorCandidate); return res != separator_arr.end(); }
// OUTPUT out is a vector of "words"
// NOTE: words are strings that do not contain whitespaces
/*static*/ void CTextFileReader::GetWords(const CString& text, vector<CString>& out, const vector<TCHAR>& separator_arr) { LPTSTR begin =(LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)text, end =(LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)text;
while (*begin) { if (!IsAmongSeparators(*begin, separator_arr)) { end = begin; while (*end && !IsAmongSeparators(*end, separator_arr) ) end++; if (end != begin) { try { TCHAR* buf= new TCHAR[end-begin+1]; //[BC-03022001] - added check for NULL ptr to satisfy MS code analysis tool.
if(buf) { _tcsncpy(buf, begin, end-begin); buf[end-begin] = 0; out.push_back(buf); delete [] buf; } else { throw bad_alloc(); } } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Memory allocation failure, log it and rethrow exception.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); throw; } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log and rethrow exception.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); throw; } } if (!*end) end--; begin = end;
} begin++; } }
/*static*/ long CTextFileReader::GetPos(tistream& streamData) { return streamData.tellg(); }
/*static*/ bool CTextFileReader::SetPos(tistream& streamData, long pos) { long eof_pos = 0; long old_pos = streamData.tellg(); bool eof_state = streamData.eof();
streamData.seekg(0, ios_base::end); eof_pos = streamData.tellg();
if (pos <= eof_pos) { if (eof_state) streamData.clear(~ios_base::eofbit & streamData.rdstate()); // clear eof bit
streamData.seekg(pos); return true; } else { streamData.seekg(old_pos); return false; } }
// It get line of text from current position in stream until '\r' or EOF - into "str"
// Stream is positioned to the beginning of next line or to EOF.
/*static*/ bool CTextFileReader::GetLine(tistream& streamData, CString& str) { bool bRetVal= false; TCHAR buf[ STR_ALLOC_SIZE ]; str= _T(""); while (!streamData.eof()) { buf[STR_ALLOC_SIZE-1] = 1; // will be NULL if buffer is completely filled up
{ // start getline block
long before_getline_pos = GetPos(streamData);
streamData.getline(buf, STR_ALLOC_SIZE, _T('\r'));
if (streamData.fail()) { // getline ran into empty line, and at this point
// failbit is set, and current input pointer is set to -1
// we are trying to recover this, since there is nothing
// extraodinary to have line empty
streamData.clear(~ios_base::failbit & streamData.rdstate());
// Check if buffer was filled up completely. If so, we do not want
// to reposition the file pointer as this is a completely valid
// situation. We will output this piece of the line and then will
// grab the next piece of the line only appending a newline character
// once we have read in the entire line.
if (buf[STR_ALLOC_SIZE-1] != NULL ) // buf was not filled up completely
streamData.seekg(before_getline_pos); // we do not use SetPos, since SetPos
// might clear eofbit, but in this situation
// we do not want it.
} } // end getline block
if (streamData.eof()) { str += buf; bRetVal= true; break; } else { TCHAR element = 0;
str += buf;
if (streamData.peek() == _T('\n')) { // LINE FEED is next
streamData.get(element); // just extract it from stream
if (ios_base::eofbit & streamData.rdstate()) { bRetVal= true; break; } } else { // it was a standing along '\r'...
// Check if we have a full buffer, if so do not append a newline
// character as we need to grab the rest of the line before appending
// the newline character.
if (buf[STR_ALLOC_SIZE-1] != NULL ) // buf was not filled up completely
str += _T("\n"); continue; }
if (buf[STR_ALLOC_SIZE-1] != NULL ) // buf was not filled up completely
{ bRetVal= true; break; } } }
return( bRetVal ); }
// This function finds string in the stream and positions stream to the beginning
// of the string if found.
// "str" should not include '\r''\n' pairs
/*static*/ bool CTextFileReader::Find(tistream& streamData, const CString& str, bool from_stream_begin /*=true*/) { CString buf; long savePos = 0, currPos = 0; savePos = GetPos(streamData); if (from_stream_begin) SetPos(streamData, 0);
currPos = GetPos(streamData); while (GetLine(streamData, buf)) { long inside_pos = 0; if (-1 != (inside_pos = buf.Find(str))) { SetPos(streamData, currPos + inside_pos); return true; } currPos = GetPos(streamData); } SetPos(streamData, savePos); return false; }
/*static*/ bool CTextFileReader::NextLine(tistream& streamData) { CString str; return GetLine(streamData, str); }
/*static*/ bool CTextFileReader::PrevLine(tistream& streamData) { long savePos = 0; savePos = GetPos(streamData); SetAtLineBegin(streamData); if (GetPos(streamData) > 1) { SetPos(streamData, GetPos(streamData) - 2L); // skip '\n' and '\r'
SetAtLineBegin(streamData); return true; } SetPos(streamData, savePos); return false; }
// Positions stream to the beginning of current line.
// assume that we are NEVER positioned to point to '\n' or '\r'
/*static*/ void CTextFileReader::SetAtLineBegin(tistream& streamData) { while (GetPos(streamData)) { SetPos(streamData, GetPos(streamData) - 1L); if (streamData.peek() == _T('\n')) { if (GetPos(streamData)) { SetPos(streamData, GetPos(streamData) - 1L); if (streamData.peek() == _T('\r')) { SetPos(streamData, GetPos(streamData) + 2L); return; } } } } }
CTextFileReader::CTextFileReader(CPhysicalFileReader *pPhysicalFileReader, LPCTSTR szDefaultContents /* = NULL */, bool bDeletePhysicalFileReader /*=true*/ ) : CFileReader(pPhysicalFileReader, bDeletePhysicalFileReader), m_strDefaultContents(szDefaultContents ? szDefaultContents : _T("")) { }
CTextFileReader::~CTextFileReader() { }
long CTextFileReader::GetPos() { return GetPos(m_StreamData); }
// this function is to be used instead of seekg
// it clears eof flag if "pos" is not the last
// position in the file.
bool CTextFileReader::SetPos(long pos) { return SetPos(m_StreamData, pos); }
bool CTextFileReader::GetLine(CString& str) { return GetLine(m_StreamData, str); }
bool CTextFileReader::Find(const CString& str, bool from_stream_begin /*=true*/) { return Find(m_StreamData, str, from_stream_begin); }
void CTextFileReader::SetAtLineBegin() { SetAtLineBegin(m_StreamData); }
bool CTextFileReader::NextLine() { return NextLine(m_StreamData); }
bool CTextFileReader::PrevLine() { return PrevLine(m_StreamData); }
bool CTextFileReader::UseDefault() { if ( ! m_strDefaultContents.IsEmpty() ) { m_StreamData.str((LPCTSTR)m_strDefaultContents); return true; } return false; }