// MODULE: SafeTime.cpp
// PURPOSE: threadsafe wrappers for some standard time-related calls.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 support@saltmine.com
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 10-12-98
// 1. gmtime, mktime, and localtime all use a single statically allocated tm structure
// for the conversion. Each call to one of these routines destroys the result of the
// previous call. Obviously, that's not threadsafe.
// 2. Right now this only deals with localtime, because we're not using the other 2 fns.
// If we need to use gmtime or mktime, they'll need to be built analogously, using the
// same mutex.
// 3. _tasctime uses a single, statically allocated buffer to hold its return string.
// Each call to this function destroys the result of the previous call.
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 10-12-98 JM
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SafeTime.h"
#include "BaseException.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "apiwraps.h"
CMutexOwner CSafeTime::s_mx(_T("SafeTime"));
// CSafeTime
CSafeTime::CSafeTime(time_t time) : m_time(time) { }
CSafeTime::~CSafeTime() { }
// return local time as a struct tm
struct tm CSafeTime::LocalTime() { struct tm tmLocal; WAIT_INFINITE( s_mx.Handle() ); tmLocal = *(localtime(&m_time)); ::ReleaseMutex(s_mx.Handle()); return tmLocal; }
// return GMT as a struct tm
struct tm CSafeTime::GMTime() { struct tm tmLocal; WAIT_INFINITE( s_mx.Handle() ); tmLocal = *(gmtime(&m_time)); ::ReleaseMutex(s_mx.Handle()); return tmLocal; }
CString CSafeTime::StrLocalTime(LPCTSTR invalid_time /*=_T("Invalid Date/Time")*/) { CString str; WAIT_INFINITE( s_mx.Handle() ); if (m_time) str = _tasctime(localtime(&m_time)); else str = invalid_time; ::ReleaseMutex(s_mx.Handle()); return str; }