// PURPOSE: Class CTopic brings together all of the data structures that represent a
// troubleshooting topic. Most importantly, this represents the belief network,
// but it also represents the HTI template, the data derived from the BES (back
// end search) file, and any other persistent data.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 support@saltmine.com
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 9-9-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 09-09-98 JM
#if !defined(AFX_TOPIC_H__278584FE_47F9_11D2_95F2_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_TOPIC_H__278584FE_47F9_11D2_95F2_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include "BN.h"
#include "apgtsbesread.h"
#include "apgtshtiread.h"
// The bulk of the methods on this class are inherited from CBeliefNetwork
class CTopic : public CBeliefNetwork { private: CAPGTSHTIReader *m_pHTI; CAPGTSBESReader *m_pBES; CString m_pathHTI; CString m_pathBES; CString m_pathTSC; bool m_bTopicIsValid; bool m_bTopicIsRead;
private: CTopic(); // do not instantiate
public: CTopic( LPCTSTR pathDSC ,LPCTSTR pathHTI ,LPCTSTR pathBES ,LPCTSTR pathTSC ); virtual ~CTopic();
// redefined inherited methods
bool IsRead(); bool Read();
// newly introduced methods
bool HasBES(); void GenerateBES( const vector<CString> & arrstrIn, CString & strEncoded, CString & strRaw); void CreatePage( const CHTMLFragments& fragments, CString& out, const map<CString,CString> & mapStrs, CString strHTTPcookies= _T("") ); // JSM V3.2
void ExtractNetProps(vector<CString> &arr_props);
bool HasHistoryTable(); };
#endif // !defined(AFX_TOPIC_H__278584FE_47F9_11D2_95F2_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_)