//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **
// REFDIAL.CPP - Functions for
// 05/13/98 donaldm Created.
#include "pre.h"
#include "icwextsn.h"
#include <raserror.h>
extern UINT GetDlgIDFromIndex(UINT uPageIndex); extern BOOL SetNextPage(HWND hDlg, UINT* puNextPage, BOOL* pfKeepHistory); extern TCHAR g_szOemCode[]; extern TCHAR g_szProductCode[]; extern TCHAR g_szPromoCode[];
const TCHAR cszISPINFOPath[] = TEXT("download\\ispinfo.csv");
NAME: RefServDialInitProc
SYNOPSIS: Called when page is displayed
ENTRY: hDlg - dialog window fFirstInit - TRUE if this is the first time the dialog is initialized, FALSE if this InitProc has been called before (e.g. went past this page and backed up)
********************************************************************/ BOOL CALLBACK RefServDialInitProc ( HWND hDlg, BOOL fFirstInit, UINT *puNextPage ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; // Initialize the progres bar.
// Hide the progress bar
// Disable Back and Next
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), 0);
g_bAllowCancel = FALSE;
if (fFirstInit) { CRefDialEvent *pRefDialEvent; //set the redial count
gpWizardState->iRedialCount = 0; gpWizardState->dwLastSelection = 0;
// Blank out the status text initially
SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REFSERV_DIALSTATUS), TEXT("")); // Setup and Event Handler
pRefDialEvent = new CRefDialEvent(hDlg); if (NULL != pRefDialEvent) { HRESULT hr; gpWizardState->pRefDialEvents = pRefDialEvent; gpWizardState->pRefDialEvents->AddRef(); hr = ConnectToICWConnectionPoint((IUnknown *)gpWizardState->pRefDialEvents, DIID__RefDialEvents, TRUE, (IUnknown *)gpWizardState->pRefDial, &gpWizardState->pRefDialEvents->m_dwCookie, NULL); bRet = TRUE; } else { //BUGBUG: Throw error message
gfQuitWizard = TRUE; bRet = FALSE; }
return (bRet); } else { ASSERT(puNextPage);
// if we've travelled through external apprentice pages,
// it's easy for our current page pointer to get munged,
// so reset it here for sanity's sake.
gpWizardState->uCurrentPage = ORD_PAGE_REFSERVDIAL;
SetNextPage(hDlg, puNextPage, NULL);
// Display the messages
if (gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags & ICW_CFGFLAG_AUTOCONFIG) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_REFDIAL_1, szTemp, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REFDIAL_TEXT), szTemp); } else { TCHAR szIntro[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_REFDIAL_1, szIntro, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_REFDIAL_2, szTemp, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN); lstrcat(szIntro, szTemp); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REFDIAL_TEXT), szIntro); }
gpWizardState->pRefDial->DoInit(); } return bRet; }
BOOL CALLBACK RefServDialPostInitProc ( HWND hDlg, BOOL fFirstInit, UINT *puNextPage ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if (!fFirstInit) {
// Force the Window to update
UpdateWindow(GetParent(hDlg)); gpWizardState->bDoneRefServRAS = FALSE; gpWizardState->bStartRefServDownload = FALSE; gpWizardState->bDoneRefServDownload = FALSE; if (!gpWizardState->iRedialCount) // If it's not a redial blank out the status text
SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REFSERV_DIALSTATUS), TEXT(""));
if (!gpWizardState->bDoUserPick) { BSTR bstrPhoneNum = NULL; DWORD dwFlag = (gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags & ICW_CFGFLAG_AUTOCONFIG) ? ICW_CFGFLAG_AUTOCONFIG : 0; BOOL bRetVal;
dwFlag |= gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags & ICW_CFGFLAG_SBS;
// Setup for Dialing. This will ensure that we are ready to dial.
gpWizardState->pRefDial->SetupForDialing(A2W(TEXT("msicw.isp")), gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwCountryCode, A2W(gpWizardState->cmnStateData.szAreaCode), dwFlag, &bRetVal);
// if /branding switch is not specified in command line, alloffers become true.
if (!(gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags & ICW_CFGFLAG_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_ALLOFFERS)) gpWizardState->pRefDial->put_AllOfferCode(1);
// We override oem, product and promo codes with the one from command line if there is.
if ( *g_szOemCode || *g_szPromoCode || gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags & ICW_CFGFLAG_PRODCODE_FROM_CMDLINE ) { BSTR bstrTmp;
if( *g_szOemCode ) bstrTmp = A2W(g_szOemCode); else bstrTmp = A2W(DEFAULT_OEMCODE); gpWizardState->pRefDial->put_OemCode(bstrTmp);
if( gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags & ICW_CFGFLAG_PRODCODE_FROM_CMDLINE ) bstrTmp = A2W(g_szProductCode); else bstrTmp = A2W(DEFAULT_PRODUCTCODE); gpWizardState->pRefDial->put_ProductCode(bstrTmp);
if( *g_szPromoCode ) bstrTmp = A2W(g_szPromoCode); else bstrTmp = A2W(DEFAULT_PROMOCODE); gpWizardState->pRefDial->put_PromoCode(bstrTmp);
// if any of /oem, /prod, or /promo is specified in command line, Alloffers becomes false
gpWizardState->pRefDial->put_AllOfferCode(0); }
if(gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags & ICW_CFGFLAG_AUTOCONFIG) gpWizardState->pRefDial->put_AllOfferCode(1);
if (bRetVal) { // Show the phone Number
gpWizardState->pRefDial->get_DialPhoneNumber(&bstrPhoneNum); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REFSERV_PHONENUM), W2A(bstrPhoneNum)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == gpWizardState->pRefDial->FormReferralServerURL(&bRetVal)) { gpWizardState->pRefDial->DoConnect(&bRetVal); } else { // BUGBUG: Throw error message
gfQuitWizard = TRUE; bRet = FALSE; } } else { //gpWizardState->pRefDial->SelectedPhoneNumber(1, &bRetVal);
gpWizardState->pRefDial->get_UserPickNumber(&bRetVal); if (bRetVal) { gpWizardState->bDoUserPick = TRUE;
// Simulate the press of the NEXT button
PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg),PSBTN_NEXT); bRet = TRUE; } else { gpWizardState->pRefDial->get_QuitWizard(&bRetVal); if (bRetVal) { gfQuitWizard = TRUE; bRet = FALSE;
} else { gpWizardState->pRefDial->get_TryAgain(&bRetVal); if (bRetVal) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg),PSBTN_BACK); } else { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg),PSBTN_NEXT); } } } } SysFreeString(bstrPhoneNum); } else // else (!gpWizardState->bDoUserPick)
BOOL bRetVal; BSTR bstrPhoneNum = NULL;
// Have we selected a phone number from Multi number page?
if (gpWizardState->lSelectedPhoneNumber != -1) { gpWizardState->pRefDial->SelectedPhoneNumber(gpWizardState->lSelectedPhoneNumber, &bRetVal); gpWizardState->lSelectedPhoneNumber = -1; }
// Show the phone Number
gpWizardState->pRefDial->get_DialPhoneNumber(&bstrPhoneNum); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REFSERV_PHONENUM), W2A(bstrPhoneNum)); SysFreeString(bstrPhoneNum);
gpWizardState->pRefDial->FormReferralServerURL(&bRetVal); gpWizardState->pRefDial->DoConnect(&bRetVal); gpWizardState->bDoUserPick = FALSE;
} } // endif (!Firstinit)
return bRet; }
NAME: RefServDialOKProc
SYNOPSIS: Called when Next or Back btns pressed from page
ENTRY: hDlg - dialog window fForward - TRUE if 'Next' was pressed, FALSE if 'Back' puNextPage - if 'Next' was pressed, proc can fill this in with next page to go to. This parameter is ingored if 'Back' was pressed. pfKeepHistory - page will not be kept in history if proc fills this in with FALSE.
EXIT: returns TRUE to allow page to be turned, FALSE to keep the same page.
********************************************************************/ BOOL CALLBACK RefServDialOKProc ( HWND hDlg, BOOL fForward, UINT *puNextPage, BOOL *pfKeepHistory ) { ASSERT(puNextPage);
//Load the External Pages here
if (fForward) { *pfKeepHistory = FALSE; // BUGBUG move this to the global state
if (gpWizardState->bDoUserPick) { *puNextPage = ORD_PAGE_MULTINUMBER; return TRUE; } gpWizardState->bDoUserPick = TRUE; if (gpWizardState->bDoneRefServDownload) { // BUGBUG, need to set a legit last page, maybe!
int iReturnPage = gpWizardState->uPageHistory[gpWizardState->uPagesCompleted - 1];
// Set it so that We will read the new ispinfo.csv in incwconn.dll
gpWizardState->cmnStateData.bParseIspinfo = TRUE; //Make sure we really have a file to parse, other bail to server error
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR)cszISPINFOPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); gpWizardState->pRefDial->get_bIsISDNDevice(&gpWizardState->cmnStateData.bIsISDNDevice);
if (LoadICWCONNUI(GetParent(hDlg), GetDlgIDFromIndex(iReturnPage), IDD_PAGE_DEFAULT, gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags)) { if( DialogIDAlreadyInUse( g_uICWCONNUIFirst) ) { // we're about to jump into the external apprentice, and we don't want
// this page to show up in our history list
BOOL bRetVal; *pfKeepHistory = FALSE; *puNextPage = g_uICWCONNUIFirst; gpWizardState->pRefDial->RemoveConnectoid(&bRetVal); gpWizardState->bDoUserPick = 0; // Backup 1 in the history list, since we the external pages navigate back
// we want this history list to be in the correct spot. Normally
// pressing back would back up the history list, and figure out where to
// go, but in this case, the external DLL just jumps right back in.
gpWizardState->uPagesCompleted--; } else { } } } else { // server error
*puNextPage = ORD_PAGE_REFSERVERR; } } else { if (gpWizardState->bDoneRefServRAS) { // server error
*puNextPage = ORD_PAGE_REFSERVERR; } else { //OK so we had a dialing error but let's figure out which one...
HRESULT hrDialErr; gpWizardState->pRefDial->get_DialError(&hrDialErr);
switch (hrDialErr) { case ERROR_LINE_BUSY: //Line is engaged
{ if (gpWizardState->iRedialCount < NUM_MAX_REDIAL) { //Redial
// Initialze status before connecting
gpWizardState->lRefDialTerminateStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; gpWizardState->bDoneRefServDownload = FALSE; gpWizardState->bDoneRefServRAS = FALSE; gpWizardState->bStartRefServDownload = FALSE;
// Assume the user has selected a number on this page
// So we will not do SetupForDialing again next time
gpWizardState->bDoUserPick = TRUE;
*puNextPage = ORD_PAGE_REFSERVDIAL; gpWizardState->iRedialCount++; break; } gpWizardState->iRedialCount = 0; } default: { // nothing special just goto the dialing error page
*puNextPage = ORD_PAGE_REFDIALERROR; break; } } } } } else // a retry is simulated when BACK is pressed
{ *puNextPage = ORD_PAGE_REFSERVDIAL; } return TRUE; }
BOOL CALLBACK RefServDialCancelProc(HWND hDlg) { ASSERT(gpWizardState->pRefDial);
//User has canceled so reset the redial count
gpWizardState->iRedialCount = 0; gpWizardState->pRefDial->DoHangup();
//We should make sure the wiz thinks it's a dialerr to avoid
//the server error page
gpWizardState->bStartRefServDownload = FALSE; gpWizardState->bDoneRefServDownload = FALSE; gpWizardState->bDoneRefServRAS = FALSE; gpWizardState->bDoUserPick = FALSE; gpWizardState->lRefDialTerminateStatus = ERROR_CANCELLED; PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg),PSBTN_NEXT); return TRUE; }