Wrapper to softlink to RNAPH and RASAPI32.DLL
Copyright (C) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Authors: ChrisK ChrisKauffman
History: 1/29/96 ChrisK Created 7/22/96 ChrisK Cleaned and formatted 1/7/98 DONALDM Moved to new ICW project and string 16 bit stuff -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stdafx.h"
static const TCHAR cszRASAPI32_DLL[] = TEXT("RASAPI32.DLL"); static const TCHAR cszRNAPH_DLL[] = TEXT("RNAPH.DLL");
static const CHAR cszRasValidateEntryNamePlain[] = "RasValidateEntryName";
#ifdef UNICODE
static const CHAR cszRasEnumDevices[] = "RasEnumDevicesW"; static const CHAR cszRasValidateEntryName[] = "RasValidateEntryNameW"; static const CHAR cszRasSetEntryProperties[] = "RasSetEntryPropertiesW"; static const CHAR cszRasGetEntryProperties[] = "RasGetEntryPropertiesW"; static const CHAR cszRasDeleteEntry[] = "RasDeleteEntryW"; static const CHAR cszRasHangUp[] = "RasHangUpW"; static const CHAR cszRasGetConnectStatus[] = "RasGetConnectStatusW"; static const CHAR cszRasDial[] = "RasDialW"; static const CHAR cszRasEnumConnections[] = "RasEnumConnectionsW"; static const CHAR cszRasGetEntryDialParams[] = "RasGetEntryDialParamsW"; static const CHAR cszRasGetCountryInfo[] = "RasGetCountryInfoW"; static const CHAR cszRasSetEntryDialParams[] = "RasSetEntryDialParamsW"; #else
static const CHAR cszRasEnumDevices[] = "RasEnumDevicesA"; static const CHAR cszRasValidateEntryName[] = "RasValidateEntryNameA"; static const CHAR cszRasSetEntryProperties[] = "RasSetEntryPropertiesA"; static const CHAR cszRasGetEntryProperties[] = "RasGetEntryPropertiesA"; static const CHAR cszRasDeleteEntry[] = "RasDeleteEntryA"; static const CHAR cszRasHangUp[] = "RasHangUpA"; static const CHAR cszRasGetConnectStatus[] = "RasGetConnectStatusA"; static const CHAR cszRasDial[] = "RasDialA"; static const CHAR cszRasEnumConnections[] = "RasEnumConnectionsA"; static const CHAR cszRasGetEntryDialParams[] = "RasGetEntryDialParamsA"; static const CHAR cszRasGetCountryInfo[] = "RasGetCountryInfoA"; static const CHAR cszRasSetEntryDialParams[] = "RasSetEntryDialParamsA"; #endif
// on NT we have to call RasGetEntryProperties with a larger buffer than RASENTRY.
// This is a bug in WinNT4.0 RAS, that didn't get fixed.
#define RASENTRY_SIZE_PATCH (7 * sizeof(DWORD))
// Function: RNAAPI::RNAAPI
// Synopsis: Initialize class members and load DLLs
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
RNAAPI::RNAAPI() { m_hInst = LoadLibrary(cszRASAPI32_DLL);
if (FALSE == IsNT ()) { //
// we only load RNAPH.DLL if it is not NT
// MKarki (5/4/97) - Fix for Bug #3378
m_hInst2 = LoadLibrary(cszRNAPH_DLL); } else { m_hInst2 = NULL; }
m_fnRasEnumDeviecs = NULL; m_fnRasValidateEntryName = NULL; m_fnRasSetEntryProperties = NULL; m_fnRasGetEntryProperties = NULL; m_fnRasDeleteEntry = NULL; m_fnRasHangUp = NULL; m_fnRasGetConnectStatus = NULL; m_fnRasEnumConnections = NULL; m_fnRasDial = NULL; m_fnRasGetEntryDialParams = NULL; m_fnRasGetCountryInfo = NULL; m_fnRasSetEntryDialParams = NULL; }
// Function: RNAAPI::~RNAAPI
// Synopsis: release DLLs
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
// Clean up
if (m_hInst) FreeLibrary(m_hInst); if (m_hInst2) FreeLibrary(m_hInst2); }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasEnumDevices
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasEnumDeviecs) dwRet = (*m_fnRasEnumDeviecs) (lpRasDevInfo, lpcb, lpcDevices);
return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::LoadApi
// Synopsis: If the given function pointer is NULL, then try to load the API
// from the first DLL, if that fails, try to load from the second
// DLL
// Arguments: pszFName - the name of the exported function
// pfnProc - point to where the proc address will be returned
// Returns: TRUE - success
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
BOOL RNAAPI::LoadApi(LPCSTR pszFName, FARPROC* pfnProc) { if (*pfnProc == NULL) { // Look for the entry point in the first DLL
if (m_hInst) *pfnProc = GetProcAddress(m_hInst,pszFName); // if that fails, look for the entry point in the second DLL
if (m_hInst2 && !(*pfnProc)) *pfnProc = GetProcAddress(m_hInst2,pszFName); }
return (pfnProc != NULL); }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasGetConnectStatus
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 7/16/96
DWORD RNAAPI::RasGetConnectStatus(HRASCONN hrasconn,LPRASCONNSTATUS lprasconnstatus) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasGetConnectStatus) dwRet = (*m_fnRasGetConnectStatus) (hrasconn,lprasconnstatus);
return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasValidateEntryName
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
DWORD RNAAPI::RasValidateEntryName(LPTSTR lpszPhonebook,LPTSTR lpszEntry) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasValidateEntryName) dwRet = (*m_fnRasValidateEntryName) (lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry);
return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasSetEntryProperties
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
DWORD RNAAPI::RasSetEntryProperties(LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPBYTE lpbEntryInfo, DWORD dwEntryInfoSize, LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo, DWORD dwDeviceInfoSize) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND; RASENTRY FAR *lpRE = NULL;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
Assert( (NULL != lpbDeviceInfo) && (NULL != dwDeviceInfoSize) || (NULL == lpbDeviceInfo) && (NULL == dwDeviceInfoSize) );
if (0 == ((LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfo)->dwCountryCode) { BYTE rasCI[RASGETCOUNTRYINFO_BUFFER_SIZE]; LPRASCTRYINFO prasCI; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dw; prasCI = (LPRASCTRYINFO)rasCI; ZeroMemory(prasCI,sizeof(rasCI)); prasCI->dwSize = sizeof(RASCTRYINFO); dwSize = sizeof(rasCI);
Assert(((LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfo)->dwCountryID); prasCI->dwCountryID = ((LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfo)->dwCountryID;
dw = RNAAPI::RasGetCountryInfo(prasCI,&dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dw) { Assert(prasCI->dwCountryCode); ((LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfo)->dwCountryCode = prasCI->dwCountryCode; } else { AssertMsg(0,TEXT("Unexpected error from RasGetCountryInfo.\r\n")); } }
#ifdef UNICODE
LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry; DWORD dwSave;
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwEntryInfoSize + 512); dwSave = dwEntryInfoSize; if(lpRasEntry) { memcpy(lpRasEntry, lpbEntryInfo, dwEntryInfoSize); dwEntryInfoSize += 512; } else lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfo;
if (m_fnRasSetEntryProperties) dwRet = (*m_fnRasSetEntryProperties) (lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, (LPBYTE)lpRasEntry, dwEntryInfoSize, lpbDeviceInfo, dwDeviceInfoSize);
if(lpRasEntry && lpRasEntry != (LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfo) { memcpy(lpbEntryInfo, lpRasEntry, dwSave); GlobalFree(lpRasEntry); }
if (m_fnRasSetEntryProperties) dwRet = (*m_fnRasSetEntryProperties) (lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, lpbEntryInfo, dwEntryInfoSize, lpbDeviceInfo, dwDeviceInfoSize); #endif
lpRE = (RASENTRY FAR*)lpbEntryInfo; LclSetEntryScriptPatch(lpRE->szScript,lpszEntry);
return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasGetEntryProperties
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
// jmazner 9/17/96 Modified to allow calls with buffers = NULL and InfoSizes = 0.
// (Based on earlier modification to the same procedure in icwdial)
// See RasGetEntryProperties docs to learn why this is needed.
DWORD RNAAPI::RasGetEntryProperties(LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPBYTE lpbEntryInfo, LPDWORD lpdwEntryInfoSize, LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo, LPDWORD lpdwDeviceInfoSize) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND; LPBYTE lpbEntryInfoPatch = NULL; LPDWORD lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize = 0;
#if (WINVER != 0x400)
#error This was built with WINVER not equal to 0x400. The size of RASENTRY may not be valid.
if( (NULL == lpbEntryInfo) && (NULL == lpbDeviceInfo) ) { Assert( NULL != lpdwEntryInfoSize ); Assert( NULL != lpdwDeviceInfoSize );
Assert( 0 == *lpdwEntryInfoSize ); Assert( 0 == *lpdwDeviceInfoSize );
// we're here to ask RAS what size these buffers need to be, don't use the patch stuff
// (see RasGetEntryProperties docs)
lpbEntryInfoPatch = lpbEntryInfo; lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize = lpdwEntryInfoSize; } else {
Assert((*lpdwEntryInfoSize) >= sizeof(RASENTRY)); Assert(lpbEntryInfo && lpdwEntryInfoSize);
// We are going to fake out RasGetEntryProperties by creating a slightly larger
// temporary buffer and copying the data in and out.
lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize = (LPDWORD) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(DWORD)); if (NULL == lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
*lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize = (*lpdwEntryInfoSize) + RASENTRY_SIZE_PATCH; lpbEntryInfoPatch = (LPBYTE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,*lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize); if (NULL == lpbEntryInfoPatch) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
// RAS expects the dwSize field to contain the size of the LPRASENTRY struct
// (used to check which version of the struct we're using) rather than the amount
// of memory actually allocated to the pointer.
//((LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfoPatch)->dwSize = dwEntryInfoPatch;
((LPRASENTRY)lpbEntryInfoPatch)->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); }
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasGetEntryProperties) dwRet = (*m_fnRasGetEntryProperties) (lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, lpbEntryInfoPatch, lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize, lpbDeviceInfo, lpdwDeviceInfoSize);
TraceMsg(TF_RNAAPI, TEXT("ICWHELP: RasGetEntryProperties returned %lu\r\n"), dwRet);
if( NULL != lpbEntryInfo ) { //
// Copy out the contents of the temporary buffer UP TO the size of the original buffer
Assert(lpbEntryInfoPatch); memcpy(lpbEntryInfo,lpbEntryInfoPatch,*lpdwEntryInfoSize); GlobalFree(lpbEntryInfoPatch); lpbEntryInfoPatch = NULL;
if( lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize ) { GlobalFree( lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize ); lpdwEntryInfoPatchSize = NULL; } //
// We are again faking Ras functionality here by over writing the size value;
// This is neccesary due to a bug in the NT implementation of RasSetEntryProperties
*lpdwEntryInfoSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); }
return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasDeleteEntry
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
DWORD RNAAPI::RasDeleteEntry(LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasDeleteEntry) dwRet = (*m_fnRasDeleteEntry) (lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry); return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasHangUp
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 1/15/96
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasHangUp) { dwRet = (*m_fnRasHangUp) (hrasconn); Sleep(3000); }
return dwRet; }
// ############################################################################
DWORD RNAAPI::RasDial(LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS lpRasDialExtensions,LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPRASDIALPARAMS lpRasDialParams, DWORD dwNotifierType, LPVOID lpvNotifier, LPHRASCONN lphRasConn) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasDial) { dwRet = (*m_fnRasDial) (lpRasDialExtensions,lpszPhonebook,lpRasDialParams, dwNotifierType,lpvNotifier,lphRasConn); } return dwRet; }
// ############################################################################
DWORD RNAAPI::RasEnumConnections(LPRASCONN lprasconn,LPDWORD lpcb,LPDWORD lpcConnections) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasEnumConnections) { dwRet = (*m_fnRasEnumConnections) (lprasconn,lpcb,lpcConnections); } return dwRet; }
// ############################################################################
DWORD RNAAPI::RasGetEntryDialParams(LPTSTR lpszPhonebook,LPRASDIALPARAMS lprasdialparams, LPBOOL lpfPassword) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasGetEntryDialParams) { dwRet = (*m_fnRasGetEntryDialParams) (lpszPhonebook,lprasdialparams,lpfPassword); } return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasGetCountryInfo
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 8/16/96
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasGetCountryInfo) { dwRet = (*m_fnRasGetCountryInfo) (lprci,lpdwSize); } return dwRet; }
// Function: RNAAPI::RasSetEntryDialParams
// Synopsis: Softlink to RAS function
// Arguments: see RAS documentation
// Returns: see RAS documentation
// History: ChrisK Created 8/20/96
DWORD RNAAPI::RasSetEntryDialParams(LPTSTR lpszPhonebook,LPRASDIALPARAMS lprasdialparams, BOOL fRemovePassword) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND;
// Look for the API if we haven't already found it
if (m_fnRasSetEntryDialParams) { dwRet = (*m_fnRasSetEntryDialParams) (lpszPhonebook,lprasdialparams, fRemovePassword); } return dwRet; }
// Function LclSetEntryScriptPatch
// Synopsis Softlink to RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch
// Arguments see RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch
// Returns see RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch
// Histroy 10/3/96 ChrisK Created
hinst = LoadLibrary(TEXT("ICWDIAL.DLL")); if (hinst) { fp = (LCLSETENTRYSCRIPTPATCH)GetProcAddress(hinst,"RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch"); if (fp) bRC = (fp)(lpszScript,lpszEntry); FreeLibrary(hinst); hinst = NULL; fp = NULL; } return bRC; }