* * ICWAPRTC.cpp * * Microsoft Confidential * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1992-1997 * All rights reserved * * This module provides the implementation of the methods for * the CICWApprentice class. * * 5/1/97 jmazner Created * ***************************************************************************/
#include "wizard.h"
#include "icwextsn.h"
#include "icwaprtc.h"
#include "imnext.h"
#include "pagefcns.h"
#include "icwcfg.h"
UINT g_uExternUIPrev, g_uExternUINext;
IICWExtension *g_pExternalIICWExtension = NULL; BOOL g_fConnectionInfoValid = FALSE;
//defined/allocated in propmgr.cpp
extern PAGEINFO PageInfo[NUM_WIZARD_PAGES]; extern INT_PTR CALLBACK GenDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); extern VOID InitWizardState(WIZARDSTATE * pWizardState, DWORD dwFlags); extern VOID InitUserInfo(USERINFO * pUserInfo);
//define in rnacall.cpp
extern void InitRasEntry(LPRASENTRY lpEntry);
//defined in endui.cpp
extern BOOL CommitConfigurationChanges(HWND hDlg);
/*** Class definition, for reference only ***
(actual definition is in icwaprtc.h)
class CICWApprentice : public IICWApprentice { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Initialize(IICWExtension *pExt); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddWizardPages(DWORD dwFlags); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetConnectionInformation(CONNECTINFO *pInfo); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetConnectionInformation(CONNECTINFO *pInfo); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Save(HWND hwnd, DWORD *pdwError); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetPrevNextPage(UINT uPrevPageDlgID, UINT uNextPageDlgID);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface( REFIID theGUID, void** retPtr ); virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef( void ); virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release( void );
CICWApprentice( void ); ~CICWApprentice( void );
IICWExtension *m_pIICWExt;
private: LONG m_lRefCount;
}; ****/
// Function CICWApprentice::Initialize
// Synopsis Called by the main Wizard to initialize class members and
// globals
// Arguments [in] pExt -- pointer the Wizard's IICWExtension interface, which
// encapsulates the functionality needed to add wizard
// pages.
// Returns E_OUTOFMEMORY -- unable to allocate global vars.
// S_OK indicates success
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::Initialize(IICWExtension *pExt) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::Initialize");
ASSERT( pExt ); m_pIICWExt = pExt;
// various page OKProcs will need this pointer in order
// to call SetFirstLastPage
ASSERT( NULL == g_pExternalIICWExtension ); g_pExternalIICWExtension = pExt;
g_fConnectionInfoValid = FALSE;
if( !gpWizardState) { gpWizardState = new WIZARDSTATE; }
if( !gpUserInfo ) { gpUserInfo = new USERINFO; }
if( !gpRasEntry ) { gdwRasEntrySize = sizeof(RASENTRY); gpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY) GlobalAlloc(GPTR,gdwRasEntrySize); }
if( !gpRasEntry || !gpWizardState || !gpUserInfo ) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::Initialize couldn't initialize the globals!"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// stolen from RunSignupWizard in propmgr.cpp
// initialize the rasentry structure
// initialize the app state structure
InitWizardState(gpWizardState, RSW_APPRENTICE);
gpWizardState->dwRunFlags |= RSW_APPRENTICE;
// initialize user data structure
// 6/2/97 jmazner Olympus #4542
// default to CONNECT_RAS
gpUserInfo->uiConnectionType = CONNECT_RAS;
return S_OK;
// Function CICWApprentice::AddWizardPages
// Synopsis Creates a series of Property Sheet pages, and adds them to the
// main wizard via the m_pIICWExt interface pointer. Note that
// we add every page in the global PageInfo struct, even though the
// Apprentice may not use some pages (eg, CONNECTEDOK)
// Arguments [] dwFlags -- currently unused
// Returns S_OK indicates success
// E_FAIL indicates failure. If for any reason all pages can not be
// added, we will attempt to remove any pages that had been
// added prior to the failure.
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::AddWizardPages(DWORD dwFlags) { HPROPSHEETPAGE hWizPage[NUM_WIZARD_PAGES]; // array to hold handles to pages
PROPSHEETPAGE psPage; // struct used to create prop sheet pages
UINT nPageIndex; HRESULT hr = S_OK; unsigned long ulNumItems = 0;
gpWizardState->dwRunFlags |= RSW_APPRENTICE;
ZeroMemory(&hWizPage,sizeof(hWizPage)); // hWizPage is an array
if (dwFlags & WIZ_USE_WIZARD97) g_fIsExternalWizard97 = TRUE;
// fill out common data property sheet page struct
psPage.dwSize = sizeof(psPage); psPage.hInstance = ghInstance; psPage.pfnDlgProc = GenDlgProc;
// create a property sheet page for each page in the wizard
for (nPageIndex = 0; nPageIndex < NUM_WIZARD_PAGES; nPageIndex++) { UINT uDlgID; psPage.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT | PSP_HASHELP; if (g_fIsExternalWizard97) { psPage.dwFlags |= PSP_USETITLE; psPage.pszTitle= gpWizardState->cmnStateData.szWizTitle; uDlgID = PageInfo[nPageIndex].uDlgID97External; } else uDlgID = PageInfo[nPageIndex].uDlgID; psPage.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(uDlgID); // set a pointer to the PAGEINFO struct as the private data for this
// page
psPage.lParam = (LPARAM) &PageInfo[nPageIndex];
if (g_fIsExternalWizard97 && PageInfo[nPageIndex].nIdTitle) { psPage.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE | (PageInfo[nPageIndex].nIdSubTitle ? PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE : 0); psPage.pszHeaderTitle = MAKEINTRESOURCE(PageInfo[nPageIndex].nIdTitle); psPage.pszHeaderSubTitle = MAKEINTRESOURCE(PageInfo[nPageIndex].nIdSubTitle); }
hWizPage[nPageIndex] = CreatePropertySheetPage(&psPage);
if (!hWizPage[nPageIndex]) { DEBUGTRAP("Failed to create property sheet page"); MsgBox(NULL,IDS_ERROutOfMemory,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK);
hr = E_FAIL; // creating page failed, free any pages already created and bail
goto AddWizardPagesErrorExit; }
hr = m_pIICWExt->AddExternalPage( hWizPage[nPageIndex], uDlgID);
if( FAILED(hr) ) { // free any pages already created and bail
goto AddWizardPagesErrorExit; }
} if (((dwFlags & WIZ_HOST_ICW_LAN) || (dwFlags & WIZ_HOST_ICW_PHONE)) || (dwFlags & WIZ_HOST_ICW_MPHONE)) { UINT uNextPage; BOOL bDummy;
g_fIsICW = TRUE;
if (!InitWizard(0)) { hr = E_FAIL; DeinitWizard(RSW_NOREBOOT); } else { if (S_OK != ProcessCustomFlags(dwFlags)) { DeinitWizard(RSW_NOREBOOT); hr = E_FAIL; } }
} else { // of course, we have no idea what the last page will really be.
// so make a guess here, and update it later when we know for sure.
return hr;
AddWizardPagesErrorExit: UINT nFreeIndex; for (nFreeIndex=0;nFreeIndex<nPageIndex;nFreeIndex++) { UINT uDlgID; if (g_fIsExternalWizard97) uDlgID = PageInfo[nPageIndex].uDlgID97External; else uDlgID = PageInfo[nPageIndex].uDlgID; DestroyPropertySheetPage(hWizPage[nFreeIndex]); m_pIICWExt->RemoveExternalPage( hWizPage[nFreeIndex], uDlgID ); }
return hr; }
// Function CICWApprentice::GetConnectionInformation
// Synopsis Fills the passed in CONNECTINFO structure with the connection
// information entered by the user.
// Arguments [in] pInfo -- pointer to a CONNECTINFO structure
// [out] pInfo -- the indicated structure will contain the user's
// connection information.
// Returns S_OK indicates success
// E_POINTER -- the pInfo pointer is not valid
// E_FAIL -- the user has not entered any connection info. This
// error will occur if the function is called before
// the user has completed the apprentice.
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::GetConnectionInformation(CONNECTINFO *pInfo) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::GetConnectionInformation"); ASSERTSZ(pInfo, "CONNECTINFO *pInfo is NULL!"); if( !pInfo ) { return E_POINTER; }
if( !g_fConnectionInfoValid ) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::GetConnectionInformation: haven't gathered any connection info yet!"); return E_FAIL; } else { pInfo->cbSize = sizeof( CONNECTINFO ); #ifdef UNICODE
wcstombs(pInfo->szConnectoid, TEXT("Uninitialized\0"), MAX_PATH); #else
lstrcpy( pInfo->szConnectoid, TEXT("Uninitialized\0")); #endif
pInfo->type = gpUserInfo->uiConnectionType;
if( CONNECT_RAS == pInfo->type ) { #ifdef UNICODE
wcstombs(pInfo->szConnectoid, gpUserInfo->szISPName, MAX_PATH); #else
lstrcpy( pInfo->szConnectoid, gpUserInfo->szISPName); #endif
} }
return S_OK; }
// Function CICWApprentice::SetConnectionInformation
// Synopsis Sets the default connectoin information for the Apprentice
// Arguments [in] pInfo -- pointer to a CONNECTINFO structure containing the
// defaults to use.
// Returns S_OK indicates success
// E_POINTER -- the pInfo pointer is not valid
// E_INVALIDARG -- pInfo appears to point a different CONNECTINO
// structure than the one we know about (based on
// the cbSize member).
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::SetConnectionInformation(CONNECTINFO *pInfo) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::SetConnectionInformation");
ASSERTSZ(pInfo, "CONNECTINFO *pInfo is NULL!"); if( !pInfo ) { return E_POINTER; } if( !(sizeof( CONNECTINFO ) == pInfo->cbSize) ) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::SetConnectionInformation pInfo->cbSize is unknown!"); return E_INVALIDARG; } gpUserInfo->uiConnectionType = pInfo->type; if( CONNECT_RAS == pInfo->type ) { #ifdef UNICODE
mbstowcs(gpUserInfo->szISPName, pInfo->szConnectoid, MAX_PATH); #else
lstrcpy( gpUserInfo->szISPName, pInfo->szConnectoid); #endif
return S_OK; }
// Function CICWApprentice::Save
// Synopsis Called by the Wizard to commit changes
// Arguments [in] hwnd -- hwnd of Wizard window, used to display modal msgs
// [out] pdwError -- implementation specfic error code. Not used.
// Returns S_OK indicates success
// Otherwise, returns E_FAIL.
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::Save(HWND hwnd, DWORD *pdwError) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::Save"); if( CommitConfigurationChanges(hwnd) ) { return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } }
HRESULT CICWApprentice::SetDlgHwnd(HWND hDlg) { m_hwndDlg = hDlg; return S_OK; }
// Function CICWApprentice::SetPrevNextPage
// Synopsis Lets the apprentice notify the wizard of the dialog IDs of the
// first and last pages in the apprentice
// Arguments uPrevPageDlgID -- DlgID of wizard page to back up to
// uNextPageDlgID -- DlgID of wizard page to go forwards into
// Returns FALSE if both parameters are 0
// TRUE if the update succeeded.
// Notes: If either variable is set to 0, the function will not update
// that information, i.e. a value of 0 means "ignore me". If both
// variables are 0, the function immediately returns FALSE.
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::SetPrevNextPage(UINT uPrevPageDlgID, UINT uNextPageDlgID) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::SetPrevNextPage: updating prev = %d, next = %d", uPrevPageDlgID, uNextPageDlgID);
if( (0 == uPrevPageDlgID) && (0 == uNextPageDlgID) ) { DEBUGMSG("SetFirstLastPage: both IDs are 0!"); return( E_INVALIDARG ); }
if( 0 != uPrevPageDlgID ) g_uExternUIPrev = uPrevPageDlgID; if( 0 != uNextPageDlgID ) g_uExternUINext = uNextPageDlgID;
return S_OK; }
// Function CICWApprentice::ProcessCustomFlags
// Synopsis Lets the apprentice know that there is a special modification
// to this set of apprentice pages after it is loaded
// Arguments dwFlags -- info needed to pass to the external pages
// Returns FALSE if both parameters are 0
// TRUE if the update succeeded.
// History 9/23/97 vyung created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::ProcessCustomFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { UINT uNextPage; BOOL bDummy; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (gpUserInfo) gpUserInfo->uiConnectionType = (dwFlags & WIZ_HOST_ICW_LAN) ? CONNECT_LAN : CONNECT_RAS;
g_bSkipMultiModem = (BOOL) (dwFlags & WIZ_HOST_ICW_PHONE);
if (gpWizardState) { gpWizardState->cmnStateData.dwFlags = 0; if (dwFlags & (WIZ_NO_MAIL_ACCT | WIZ_NO_NEWS_ACCT)) { gpWizardState->dwRunFlags |= RSW_NOIMN; } }
if (!HowToConnectOKProc(m_hwndDlg, TRUE, &uNextPage, &bDummy)) { if (g_bReboot && gpWizardState && g_fIsICW) { // Set a registry value indicating that we messed with the desktop
DWORD dwDisposition; HKEY hkey = 0; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, ICW_REGPATHSETTINGS, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition)) { DWORD dwDesktopChanged = 1; RegSetValueEx(hkey, ICW_REGKEYERROR, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwFlags, sizeof(DWORD)); RegCloseKey(hkey); } g_bRebootAtExit = FALSE; } hr = E_FAIL; } else { switch( uNextPage ) { case ORD_PAGE_USEPROXY: m_pIICWExt->SetFirstLastPage( IDD_PAGE_USEPROXY97, IDD_PAGE_USEPROXY97 ); break; case ORD_PAGE_SETUP_PROXY: m_pIICWExt->SetFirstLastPage( IDD_PAGE_SETUP_PROXY97, IDD_PAGE_SETUP_PROXY97 ); break; case ORD_PAGE_CHOOSEMODEM: m_pIICWExt->SetFirstLastPage( IDD_PAGE_CHOOSEMODEM97, IDD_PAGE_CHOOSEMODEM97 ); break; case ORD_PAGE_PHONENUMBER: case ORD_PAGE_CONNECTION: m_pIICWExt->SetFirstLastPage( IDD_PAGE_PHONENUMBER97, IDD_PAGE_PHONENUMBER97 ); break; default: m_pIICWExt->SetFirstLastPage( 0, 0 ); break; } // end of switch
} return hr; }
HRESULT CICWApprentice::SetStateDataFromExeToDll(LPCMNSTATEDATA lpData) { ASSERT(gpWizardState); memcpy(&gpWizardState->cmnStateData, lpData, sizeof(CMNSTATEDATA)); return S_OK; }
//converse of the previous function
HRESULT CICWApprentice::SetStateDataFromDllToExe(LPCMNSTATEDATA lpData) { ASSERT(gpWizardState); memcpy(lpData, &gpWizardState->cmnStateData, sizeof(CMNSTATEDATA)); return (S_OK); }
// Function CICWApprentice::QueryInterface
// Synopsis This is the standard QI, with support for
// IID_Unknown, IICW_Extension and IID_ICWApprentice
// (stolen from Inside COM, chapter 7)
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
HRESULT CICWApprentice::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void** ppv ) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::QueryInterface"); if (ppv == NULL) return(E_INVALIDARG);
*ppv = NULL;
// IID_IICWApprentice
if (IID_IICWApprentice == riid) *ppv = (void *)(IICWApprentice *)this; // IID_IICWApprenticeEx
else if (IID_IICWApprenticeEx == riid) *ppv = (void *)(IICWApprenticeEx *)this; // IID_IICWExtension
else if (IID_IICWExtension == riid) *ppv = (void *)(IICWExtension *)this; // IID_IUnknown
else if (IID_IUnknown == riid) *ppv = (void *)this; else return(E_NOINTERFACE);
return(S_OK); }
// Function CICWApprentice::AddRef
// Synopsis This is the standard AddRef
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
ULONG CICWApprentice::AddRef( void ) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::AddRef %d", m_lRefCount + 1); return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRefCount) ; }
// Function CICWApprentice::Release
// Synopsis This is the standard Release
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
ULONG CICWApprentice::Release( void ) { ASSERT( m_lRefCount > 0 );
DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice::Release %d", m_lRefCount); if( 0 == m_lRefCount ) { m_pIICWExt->Release(); m_pIICWExt = NULL;
delete( this ); return( 0 ); } else { return( m_lRefCount ); } }
// Function CICWApprentice::CICWApprentice
// Synopsis This is the constructor, nothing fancy
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
CICWApprentice::CICWApprentice( void ) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice constructor called"); m_lRefCount = 0; m_pIICWExt = NULL;
// Function CICWApprentice::~CICWApprentice
// Synopsis This is the destructor. We want to clean up all the memory
// we allocated in ::Initialize
// History 4/23/97 jmazner created
CICWApprentice::~CICWApprentice( void ) { DEBUGMSG("CICWApprentice destructor called with ref count of %d", m_lRefCount);
if (gpImnApprentice) { gpImnApprentice->Release(); // DeinitWizard is called in Release()
gpImnApprentice = NULL; }
if( g_fIsICW ) // if ICW, we need to clean up, otherwise, leave cleanup later
DeinitWizard(0); if( m_pIICWExt ) { m_pIICWExt->Release(); m_pIICWExt = NULL; }
g_pExternalIICWExtension = NULL;
g_fConnectionInfoValid = FALSE;
if( gpWizardState) { delete gpWizardState; gpWizardState = NULL; }
if( gpUserInfo ) { delete gpUserInfo; gpUserInfo = NULL; }
if( gpRasEntry ) { GlobalFree(gpRasEntry); gpRasEntry = NULL; }