//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **
// UTIL.C - common utility functions
// 12/21/94 jeremys Created.
// 96/03/24 markdu Replaced memset with ZeroMemory for consistency.
// 96/04/06 markdu NASH BUG 15653 Use exported autodial API.
// Need to keep a modified SetInternetConnectoid to set the
// MSN backup connectoid.
// 96/05/14 markdu NASH BUG 21706 Removed BigFont functions.
#include "wizard.h"
#if 0
#include "string.h"
#define MAX_MSG_PARAM 8
#include "winver.h"
BOOL GetIEVersion(PDWORD pdwVerNumMS, PDWORD pdwVerNumLS); // IE 4 has major.minor version 4.71
// IE 3 golden has major.minor.release.build version # >
// IE 2 has major.minor of 4.40
// function prototypes
VOID _cdecl FormatErrorMessage(TCHAR * pszMsg,DWORD cbMsg,TCHAR * pszFmt,LPTSTR szArg); extern VOID GetRNAErrorText(UINT uErr,TCHAR * pszErrText,DWORD cbErrText); extern VOID GetMAPIErrorText(UINT uErr,TCHAR * pszErrText,DWORD cbErrText); extern GETSETUPXERRORTEXT lpGetSETUPXErrorText; #ifdef WIN32
VOID Win95JMoveDlgItem( HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndItem, int iUp ); #endif
void GetCmdLineToken(LPTSTR *ppszCmd,LPTSTR pszOut);
NAME: MsgBox
SYNOPSIS: Displays a message box with the specified string ID
********************************************************************/ int MsgBox(HWND hWnd,UINT nMsgID,UINT uIcon,UINT uButtons) { TCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_RES_LEN+1]; TCHAR szSmallBuf[SMALL_BUF_LEN+1];
LoadSz(IDS_APPNAME,szSmallBuf,sizeof(szSmallBuf)); LoadSz(nMsgID,szMsgBuf,sizeof(szMsgBuf));
return (MessageBox(hWnd,szMsgBuf,szSmallBuf,uIcon | uButtons));
NAME: MsgBoxSz
SYNOPSIS: Displays a message box with the specified text
********************************************************************/ int MsgBoxSz(HWND hWnd,LPTSTR szText,UINT uIcon,UINT uButtons) { TCHAR szSmallBuf[SMALL_BUF_LEN+1]; LoadSz(IDS_APPNAME,szSmallBuf,sizeof(szSmallBuf));
return (MessageBox(hWnd,szText,szSmallBuf,uIcon | uButtons)); }
NAME: MsgBoxParam
SYNOPSIS: Displays a message box with the specified string ID
NOTES: //extra parameters are string pointers inserted into nMsgID.
jmazner 11/6/96 For RISC compatability, we don't want to use va_list; since current source code never uses more than one string parameter anyways, just change function signature to explicitly include that one parameter.
********************************************************************/ int _cdecl MsgBoxParam(HWND hWnd,UINT nMsgID,UINT uIcon,UINT uButtons,LPTSTR szParam) { BUFFER Msg(3*MAX_RES_LEN+1); // nice n' big for room for inserts
BUFFER MsgFmt(MAX_RES_LEN+1); //va_list args;
if (!Msg || !MsgFmt) { return MsgBox(hWnd,IDS_ERROutOfMemory,MB_ICONSTOP,MB_OK); }
// MsgFmt.QueryPtr(),args);
FormatErrorMessage(Msg.QueryPtr(),Msg.QuerySize(), MsgFmt.QueryPtr(),szParam);
return MsgBoxSz(hWnd,Msg.QueryPtr(),uIcon,uButtons); }
BOOL EnableDlgItem(HWND hDlg,UINT uID,BOOL fEnable) { return EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,uID),fEnable); }
NAME: LoadSz
SYNOPSIS: Loads specified string resource into buffer
EXIT: returns a pointer to the passed-in buffer
NOTES: If this function fails (most likely due to low memory), the returned buffer will have a leading NULL so it is generally safe to use this without checking for failure.
********************************************************************/ LPTSTR LoadSz(UINT idString,LPTSTR lpszBuf,UINT cbBuf) { ASSERT(lpszBuf);
// Clear the buffer and load the string
if ( lpszBuf ) { *lpszBuf = '\0'; LoadString( ghInstance, idString, lpszBuf, cbBuf ); } return lpszBuf; }
NAME: GetErrorDescription
SYNOPSIS: Retrieves the text description for a given error code and class of error (standard, setupx)
********************************************************************/ VOID GetErrorDescription(TCHAR * pszErrorDesc,UINT cbErrorDesc, UINT uError,UINT uErrorClass) { ASSERT(pszErrorDesc);
// set a leading null in error description
*pszErrorDesc = '\0'; switch (uErrorClass) {
if (!FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,NULL, uError,0,pszErrorDesc,cbErrorDesc,NULL)) { // if getting system text fails, make a string a la
// "error <n> occurred"
TCHAR szFmt[SMALL_BUF_LEN+1]; LoadSz(IDS_ERRFORMAT,szFmt,sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(pszErrorDesc,szFmt,uError); }
lpGetSETUPXErrorText(uError,pszErrorDesc,cbErrorDesc); break;
GetRNAErrorText(uError,pszErrorDesc,cbErrorDesc); break;
GetMAPIErrorText(uError,pszErrorDesc,cbErrorDesc); break;
DEBUGTRAP("Unknown error class %lu in GetErrorDescription", uErrorClass);
} /*******************************************************************
NAME: FormatErrorMessage
SYNOPSIS: Builds an error message by calling FormatMessage
NOTES: Worker function for DisplayErrorMessage
********************************************************************/ VOID _cdecl FormatErrorMessage(TCHAR * pszMsg,DWORD cbMsg,TCHAR * pszFmt,LPTSTR szArg) { ASSERT(pszMsg); ASSERT(pszFmt);
// build the message into the pszMsg buffer
DWORD dwCount = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, pszFmt,0,0,pszMsg,cbMsg,(va_list*) &szArg); ASSERT(dwCount > 0); }
NAME: DisplayErrorMessage
SYNOPSIS: Displays an error message for given error
ENTRY: hWnd - parent window uStrID - ID of string resource with message format. Should contain %1 to be replaced by error text, additional parameters can be specified as well. uError - error code for error to display uErrorClass - ERRCLS_xxx ID of class of error that uError belongs to (standard, setupx) uIcon - icon to display //... - additional parameters to be inserted in string
// specified by uStrID
jmazner 11/6/96 change to just one parameter for RISC compatability.
********************************************************************/ VOID _cdecl DisplayErrorMessage(HWND hWnd,UINT uStrID,UINT uError, UINT uErrorClass,UINT uIcon,LPTSTR szArg) { // dynamically allocate buffers for messages
if (!ErrorDesc || !ErrorFmt || !ErrorMsg) { // if can't allocate buffers, display out of memory error
MsgBox(hWnd,IDS_ERROutOfMemory,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); return; }
// get a text description based on the error code and the class
// of error it is
GetErrorDescription(ErrorDesc.QueryPtr(), ErrorDesc.QuerySize(),uError,uErrorClass);
// load the string for the message format
//args[0] = (LPSTR) ErrorDesc.QueryPtr();
//memcpy(&args[1],((TCHAR *) &uIcon) + sizeof(uIcon),(MAX_MSG_PARAM - 1) * sizeof(LPSTR));
// ErrorFmt.QueryPtr(),(va_list) &args[0]);
FormatErrorMessage(ErrorMsg.QueryPtr(),ErrorMsg.QuerySize(), ErrorFmt.QueryPtr(),ErrorDesc.QueryPtr());
// display the message
NAME: WarnFieldIsEmpty
SYNOPSIS: Pops up a warning message if the user tries to leave a page without filling out a text field and asks if she wants to continue. ENTRY: hDlg - parent windows uCtrlID - ID of control left blank uStrID - ID of string resource with warning message
EXIT: returns TRUE if user wants to continue anyway, FALSE if user wants to stay on same page.
********************************************************************/ BOOL WarnFieldIsEmpty(HWND hDlg,UINT uCtrlID,UINT uStrID) { // warn the user
if (MsgBox(hDlg,uStrID,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDNO) { // user chose no, wants to stay on same page
// set focus to control in question
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg,uCtrlID)); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL TweakAutoRun(BOOL bEnable) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwVal = 0; BOOL bWasEnabled = FALSE;
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey); if (hKey) { RegQueryValueEx(hKey, (LPTSTR)TEXT("NoDriveTypeAutoRun"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, &dwSize); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, (LPTSTR)TEXT("NoDriveTypeAutoRun"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, &dwSize);
if (dwVal & DRIVE_CDROM) bWasEnabled = TRUE;
if (bEnable) dwVal |= DRIVE_CDROM; else dwVal &=~DRIVE_CDROM; RegSetValueEx(hKey, (LPTSTR)TEXT("NoDriveTypeAutoRun"), 0, dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, dwSize);
CloseHandle(hKey); } return bWasEnabled; }
NAME: DisplayFieldErrorMsg
SYNOPSIS: Pops up a warning message about a field, sets focus to the field and selects any text in it.
ENTRY: hDlg - parent windows uCtrlID - ID of control left blank uStrID - ID of string resource with warning message
********************************************************************/ VOID DisplayFieldErrorMsg(HWND hDlg,UINT uCtrlID,UINT uStrID) { MsgBox(hDlg,uStrID,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg,uCtrlID)); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,uCtrlID,EM_SETSEL,0,-1); }
NAME: SetBackupInternetConnectoid
SYNOPSIS: Sets the name of the backup connectoid used to autodial to the Internet
ENTRY: pszEntryName - name of connectoid to set. If NULL, then the registry entry is removed.
NOTES: sets value in registry
********************************************************************/ VOID SetBackupInternetConnectoid(LPCTSTR pszEntryName) { RegEntry re(szRegPathRNAWizard,HKEY_CURRENT_USER); if (re.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pszEntryName) { re.SetValue(szRegValBkupInternetProfile,pszEntryName); } else { re.DeleteValue(szRegValBkupInternetProfile); } } }
NAME: myatoi
SYNOPSIS: Converts numeric string to numeric value
NOTES: implementation of atoi to avoid pulling in C runtime
********************************************************************/ UINT myatoi (TCHAR * szVal) { TCHAR * lpch; WORD wDigitVal=1,wTotal=0;
for (lpch = szVal + lstrlen(szVal)-1; lpch >= szVal ; lpch --, wDigitVal *= 10) if ( *lpch >= '0' && *lpch <= '9') wTotal += (*lpch - '0') * wDigitVal;
return (UINT) wTotal; }
NAME: MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsLoop
SYNOPSIS: Blocks until the specified object is signaled, while still dispatching messages to the main thread.
********************************************************************/ DWORD MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsLoop(HANDLE hEvent) { MSG msg; DWORD dwObject; while (1) { // NB We need to let the run dialog become active so we have to half handle sent
// messages but we don't want to handle any input events or we'll swallow the
// type-ahead.
dwObject = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hEvent, FALSE,INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT); // Are we done waiting?
switch (dwObject) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: case WAIT_FAILED: return dwObject;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // got a message, dispatch it and wait again
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL,0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } break; } } // never gets here
// //10/24/96 jmazner Normandy 6968
// //No longer neccessary thanks to Valdon's hooks for invoking ICW.
// 11/21/96 jmazner Normandy 11812
// oops, it _is_ neccessary, since if user downgrades from IE 4 to IE 3,
// ICW 1.1 needs to morph the IE 3 icon.
NAME: SetDesktopInternetIconToBrowser
SYNOPSIS: "Points" The Internet desktop icon to web browser (Internet Explorer)
NOTES: For IE 3, the Internet icon may initially "point" at this wizard, we need to set it to launch web browser once we complete successfully.
********************************************************************/ BOOL SetDesktopInternetIconToBrowser(VOID) { TCHAR szAppPath[MAX_PATH+1]=TEXT(""); BOOL fRet = FALSE;
DWORD dwVerMS, dwVerLS;
if( !GetIEVersion( &dwVerMS, &dwVerLS ) ) { return( FALSE ); }
if( (dwVerMS >= IE4_VERSIONMS) ) { // we're dealing with IE 4, don't touch the icon stuff
return( TRUE ); }
// look in the app path section in registry to get path to internet
// explorer
RegEntry reAppPath(szRegPathIexploreAppPath,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); ASSERT(reAppPath.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (reAppPath.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
reAppPath.GetString(szNull,szAppPath,sizeof(szAppPath)); ASSERT(reAppPath.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS);
// set the path to internet explorer as the open command for the
// internet desktop icon
if (lstrlen(szAppPath)) { RegEntry reIconOpenCmd(szRegPathInternetIconCommand,HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); ASSERT(reIconOpenCmd.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (reIconOpenCmd.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { UINT uErr = reIconOpenCmd.SetValue(szNull,szAppPath); ASSERT(uErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); fRet = (uErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); } }
return fRet; }
// Function IsDialableString
// Synopsis Determines whether a string has any non dialable characters.
// Arguments szBuff - the string to check.
// Returns TRUE is no chars other than 0123456789ABCDabcdPpTtWw!@$-.()+*#,& and <space>
// FALSE otherwise.
// History 11/11/96 jmazner created for Normandy #7623
BOOL IsDialableString(LPTSTR szBuff) { LPTSTR szDialableChars = TEXT("0123456789ABCDabcdPpTtWw!@$-.()+*#,& ");
int i = 0;
for( i = 0; szBuff[i]; i++ ) { if( !_tcschr(szDialableChars, szBuff[i]) ) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: GetIEVersion
// Synopsis: Gets the major and minor version # of the installed copy of Internet Explorer
// Arguments: pdwVerNumMS - pointer to a DWORD;
// On succesful return, the top 16 bits will contain the major version number,
// and the lower 16 bits will contain the minor version number
// (this is the data in VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.dwProductVersionMS)
// pdwVerNumLS - pointer to a DWORD;
// On succesful return, the top 16 bits will contain the release number,
// and the lower 16 bits will contain the build number
// (this is the data in VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.dwProductVersionLS)
// Returns: TRUE - Success. *pdwVerNumMS and LS contains installed IE version number
// FALSE - Failure. *pdVerNumMS == *pdVerNumLS == 0
// History: jmazner Created 8/19/96 (as fix for Normandy #4571)
// jmazner updated to deal with release.build as well 10/11/96
// jmazner stolen from isign32\isignup.cpp 11/21/96
// (for Normandy #11812)
BOOL GetIEVersion(PDWORD pdwVerNumMS, PDWORD pdwVerNumLS) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hKey = 0; LPVOID lpVerInfoBlock; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *lpTheVerInfo; UINT uTheVerInfoSize; DWORD dwVerInfoBlockSize, dwUnused, dwPathSize; TCHAR szIELocalPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = TEXT("");
*pdwVerNumMS = 0; *pdwVerNumLS = 0;
// get path to the IE executable
hr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegPathIexploreAppPath,0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return( FALSE );
dwPathSize = sizeof (szIELocalPath); hr = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szIELocalPath, &dwPathSize); RegCloseKey( hKey ); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return( FALSE );
// now go through the convoluted process of digging up the version info
dwVerInfoBlockSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize( szIELocalPath, &dwUnused ); if ( 0 == dwVerInfoBlockSize ) return( FALSE );
lpVerInfoBlock = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwVerInfoBlockSize ); if( NULL == lpVerInfoBlock ) return( FALSE );
if( !GetFileVersionInfo( szIELocalPath, NULL, dwVerInfoBlockSize, lpVerInfoBlock ) ) return( FALSE );
if( !VerQueryValue(lpVerInfoBlock, TEXT("\\"), (void **)&lpTheVerInfo, &uTheVerInfoSize) ) return( FALSE );
*pdwVerNumMS = lpTheVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS; *pdwVerNumLS = lpTheVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS;
GlobalFree( lpVerInfoBlock );
return( TRUE ); }
// Function: Win95JMoveDlgItem
// Synopsis: Moves a particular dialog item on a non-localized ICW
// up or down on Win 95 J systems
// to work around a w95J rendering glitch that mis-sizes our
// wizard window.
// Arguments: hwndParent - Handle to parent window which contains the hwndItem
// hwndItem -- Handle to dlg item to move
// iUp -- number of units upward the item should be shifted. A
// negative value here implies that the item should be shifted
// downward.
// Returns: VOID
// History: 6/6/97 jmazner Created for Olympus #5413
// 6/29/97 jmazner Updated to only do this on English ICW (Oly #5413)
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD GetBuildLCID(); VOID Win95JMoveDlgItem( HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndItem, int iUp ) { LCID LangID = 0x409; // default to English
// 0x411 is Japanese
LangID = GetUserDefaultLCID();
// IE v 4.1 bug 37072 ChrisK 8/19/97
// The fix for 5413 incorrectly compared the primary language ID with the
// full LCID for the build. The result was 9 != x409 when it should have
// been equal. This fix was to use the primary language id from the build
// instead of the full LCID
if( (0x411 == LangID) && !(IsNT()) && (LANG_ENGLISH == PRIMARYLANGID(GetBuildLCID()))) { // assume that if it's Japanese, and it's not NT, it must be win95J!
RECT itemRect; POINT thePoint;
GetWindowRect(hwndItem, &itemRect);
// need to convert the coords from global to local client,
// since MoveWindow below will expext client coords.
thePoint.x = itemRect.left; thePoint.y = itemRect.top; ScreenToClient(hwndParent, &thePoint ); itemRect.left = thePoint.x; itemRect.top = thePoint.y; thePoint.x = itemRect.right; thePoint.y = itemRect.bottom; ScreenToClient(hwndParent, &thePoint ); itemRect.right = thePoint.x; itemRect.bottom = thePoint.y;
MoveWindow(hwndItem, itemRect.left, itemRect.top - iUp, (itemRect.right - itemRect.left), (itemRect.bottom - itemRect.top), TRUE); } }
// Function: GetBuildLCID
// Synopsis: return the LCID of the file that this function resides in
// Arguments: none
// Returns: DWORD - LCID of the file or 0 if it failed
// History: ChrisK 6/25/97 Created
// jmazner 6/29/97 Ported from Conn1 for Olympus 5413
DWORD GetBuildLCID() { DWORD dw = 0; HMODULE hMod = NULL; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH +1] = TEXT("\0uninit"); DWORD dwSize = 0; LPVOID lpv = NULL; LPVOID lpvVerValue = NULL; UINT uLen = 0; DWORD dwRC = 0;
// Get the name of this file
hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); if (NULL == hMod) { goto GetBuildLCIDExit; }
if (0 == GetModuleFileName(hMod, szFileName, MAX_PATH)) { goto GetBuildLCIDExit; }
// Get size and value of version structure
dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFileName,&dw); if (0 == dwSize ) { goto GetBuildLCIDExit; }
lpv = (LPVOID)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwSize); if (NULL == lpv) { goto GetBuildLCIDExit; }
if ( FALSE == GetFileVersionInfo(szFileName,0,dwSize,lpv)) { goto GetBuildLCIDExit; }
if ( 0 == VerQueryValue(lpv,TEXT("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation"),&lpvVerValue,&uLen)) { goto GetBuildLCIDExit; }
// separate version information from character set
dwRC = (LOWORD(*(DWORD*)lpvVerValue));
GetBuildLCIDExit: if (NULL != lpv) { GlobalFree(lpv); lpv = NULL; }
return dwRC; } #endif
// Function: GetCmdLineToken
// Synopsis: Returns the first token in a string
// Arguements:
// ppszCmd [in] -- pointer to head of string
// ppszCmd [out] -- pointer to second token in string
// pszOut [out] -- contains the first token in the passed in string.
// Returns: None
// Notes: Considers the space character ' ' to delineate tokens, but
// treats anything between double quotes as one token.
// For example, the following consists of five tokens:
// first second "this is the third token" fourth "fifth"
// History: 7/9/97 jmazner stolen from icwconn1\connmain.cpp for #9170
void GetCmdLineToken(LPTSTR *ppszCmd,LPTSTR pszOut) { TCHAR *c; int i = 0; BOOL fInQuote = FALSE; c = *ppszCmd;
pszOut[0] = *c; if (!*c) return; if (*c == ' ') { pszOut[1] = '\0'; *ppszCmd = c+1; return; } else if( '"' == *c ) { fInQuote = TRUE; }
NextChar: i++; c++; if( !*c || (!fInQuote && (*c == ' ')) ) { pszOut[i] = '\0'; *ppszCmd = c; return; } else if( fInQuote && (*c == '"') ) { fInQuote = FALSE; pszOut[i] = *c; i++; c++; pszOut[i] = '\0'; *ppszCmd = c; return; } else { pszOut[i] = *c; goto NextChar; }
// Function: ValidateProductSuite
// Synopsis: Check registry for a particular Product Suite string
// Arguments: SuiteName - name of product suite to look for
// Returns: TRUE - the suite exists
// History: 6/5/97 ChrisK Inherited
BOOL ValidateProductSuite(LPTSTR SuiteName) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; LONG Rslt; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD Type = 0; DWORD Size = 0; LPTSTR ProductSuite = NULL; LPTSTR p;
DEBUGMSG("INETCFG: ValidateProductSuite\n"); //
// Determine the size required to read registry values
Rslt = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions"), &hKey ); if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto ValidateProductSuiteExit; }
Rslt = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("ProductSuite"), NULL, &Type, NULL, &Size ); if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto ValidateProductSuiteExit; }
if (!Size) { goto ValidateProductSuiteExit; }
ProductSuite = (LPTSTR) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, Size ); if (!ProductSuite) { goto ValidateProductSuiteExit; }
// Read ProductSuite information
Rslt = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("ProductSuite"), NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE) ProductSuite, &Size ); if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto ValidateProductSuiteExit; }
if (Type != REG_MULTI_SZ) { goto ValidateProductSuiteExit; }
// Look for a particular string in the data returned
// Note: data is terminiated with two NULLs
p = ProductSuite; while (*p) { if (_tcsstr( p, SuiteName )) { rVal = TRUE; break; } p += (lstrlen( p ) + 1); }
ValidateProductSuiteExit: if (ProductSuite) { GlobalFree( ProductSuite ); }
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
return rVal; }
// Function: GetFileVersion
// Synopsis: Gets the major and minor version # of a file
// Arguments: pdwVerNumMS - pointer to a DWORD;
// On succesful return, the top 16 bits will contain the major version number,
// and the lower 16 bits will contain the minor version number
// (this is the data in VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.dwProductVersionMS)
// pdwVerNumLS - pointer to a DWORD;
// On succesful return, the top 16 bits will contain the release number,
// and the lower 16 bits will contain the build number
// (this is the data in VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.dwProductVersionLS)
// Returns: TRUE - Success. *pdwVerNumMS and LS contains version number
// FALSE - Failure. *pdVerNumMS == *pdVerNumLS == 0
// History: jmazner Created 8/19/96 (as fix for Normandy #4571)
// jmazner updated to deal with release.build as well 10/11/96
// jmazner 7/22/97 ported from isign32 for bug 9903
BOOL GetFileVersion(LPTSTR lpszFilePath, PDWORD pdwVerNumMS, PDWORD pdwVerNumLS) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hKey = 0; LPVOID lpVerInfoBlock; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *lpTheVerInfo; UINT uTheVerInfoSize; DWORD dwVerInfoBlockSize, dwUnused, dwPathSize; DWORD fRet = TRUE;
ASSERT( pdwVerNumMS ); ASSERT( pdwVerNumLS ); ASSERT( lpszFilePath );
if( !pdwVerNumMS || !pdwVerNumLS || !lpszFilePath ) { DEBUGMSG("GetFileVersion: invalid parameters!"); return FALSE; }
*pdwVerNumMS = 0; *pdwVerNumLS = 0;
// go through the convoluted process of digging up the version info
dwVerInfoBlockSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize( lpszFilePath, &dwUnused ); if ( 0 == dwVerInfoBlockSize ) return( FALSE );
lpVerInfoBlock = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwVerInfoBlockSize ); if( NULL == lpVerInfoBlock ) return( FALSE );
if( !GetFileVersionInfo( lpszFilePath, NULL, dwVerInfoBlockSize, lpVerInfoBlock ) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto GetFileVersionExit; }
if( !VerQueryValue(lpVerInfoBlock, TEXT("\\"), (void **)&lpTheVerInfo, &uTheVerInfoSize) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto GetFileVersionExit; }
*pdwVerNumMS = lpTheVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS; *pdwVerNumLS = lpTheVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS;
GetFileVersionExit: if( lpVerInfoBlock ) { GlobalFree( lpVerInfoBlock ); lpVerInfoBlock = NULL; }
return( fRet ); }
// Function: ExtractFilenameFromPath
// Synopsis: Divides a full path into path and filename parts
// Arguments:
// szPath [in] -- fully qualified path and filename
// lplpszFilename [in] -- pointer to a LPSTR. On entry, the LPSTR
// to which it points should be NULL.
// lplpszFilename [out] -- The LPSTR to which it points is set to the
// first character of the filename in szPath.
// Returns: FALSE - Parameters are invalid.
// TRUE - Success.
// History: 7/22/97 jmazner Created for Olympus #9903
BOOL ExtractFilenameFromPath( TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1], LPTSTR *lplpszFilename ) { ASSERT( szPath[0] ); ASSERT( lplpszFilename ); ASSERT( *lplpszFilename == NULL ); if( !szPath[0] || !lplpszFilename ) { return FALSE; }
// extract the executable name from the full path
*lplpszFilename = &(szPath[ lstrlen(szPath) ]); while( ('\\' != **lplpszFilename) && (*lplpszFilename > szPath) ) {
*lplpszFilename = CharPrev( szPath, *lplpszFilename ); ASSERT( *lplpszFilename > szPath ); }
// now szFilename should point to the \, so do a char next.
if( '\\' == **lplpszFilename ) { *lplpszFilename = CharNext( *lplpszFilename ); } else { DEBUGMSG("ExtractFilenameFromPath: bogus path passed in, %s", szPath); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: IsParentICW10
// Synopsis: Determines whether the parent of this module is an ICW 1.0
// executable (isignup, icwconn1, icwconn2 or inetwiz)
// Arguments: none
// Returns: TRUE - Parent module is an ICW 1.0 component
// FALSE - Parent module is not an ICW 1.0 component, -or-
// parent module could not be determined
// History: 7/22/97 jmazner Created for Olympus #9903
BOOL IsParentICW10( ) { HMODULE hParentModule = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); LPTSTR lpszParentFullPath = NULL; LPTSTR lpszTemp = NULL; int i = 0; BOOL fMatchFound = FALSE; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
lpszParentFullPath = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (MAX_PATH + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if( NULL == lpszParentFullPath ) { DEBUGMSG("IsParentICW10 Out of memory!"); goto IsParentICW10Exit; }
GetModuleFileName( hParentModule, lpszParentFullPath, MAX_PATH ); DEBUGMSG("IsParentICW10 parent module is %s", lpszParentFullPath);
if( NULL == lpszParentFullPath[0] ) { fRet = FALSE; goto IsParentICW10Exit; }
ExtractFilenameFromPath( lpszParentFullPath, &lpszTemp );
// walk through the array of ICW binary names, see if anything matches
for( i = 0; i < NUMICWFILENAMES; i++ ) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi(g_ppszICWFileNames[i], lpszTemp) ) { fMatchFound = TRUE; DEBUGMSG("IsParentICW10 Match found for %s", lpszTemp); break; } }
if( !fMatchFound ) { fRet = FALSE; goto IsParentICW10Exit; } else { //
// we have one of the four binaries we're interested in; now check
// its version number
DWORD dwMS = 0; DWORD dwLS = 0; GetFileVersion( lpszParentFullPath, &dwMS, &dwLS ); DEBUGMSG("IsParentICW10: file version is %d.%d", HIWORD(dwMS), LOWORD(dwMS) );
if( dwMS < ICW_MINIMUM_VERSIONMS ) { fRet = TRUE; } }
IsParentICW10Exit: if( lpszParentFullPath ) { GlobalFree( lpszParentFullPath ); lpszParentFullPath = NULL; }
return fRet; }
// Function: SetICWRegKeysToPath
// Synopsis: Sets all ICW reg keys to point to binaries in the given path
// Arguments: lpszICWPath -- pointer to a string containing the full path
// to a directory containing ICW components
// Returns: void
// Notes: Sets the following reg keys:
// HKCR\x-internet-signup\Shell\Open\command, (default)=[path]\isignup.exe %1
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN1.EXE, (default) = [path]\ICWCONN1.EXE
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN1.EXE, Path = [path];
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ISIGNUP.EXE, (default) = [path]\ISIGNUP.EXE
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ISIGNUP.EXE, Path = [path];
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\INETWIZ.EXE, (default) = [path]\INETWIZ.EXE
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\INETWIZ.EXE, Path = [path];
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN2.EXE, (default) = [path]\ICWCONN2.EXE
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN2.EXE, Path = [path];
// History: 7/22/97 jmazner Created for Olympus #9903
void SetICWRegKeysToPath( LPTSTR lpszICWPath ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH + 4]; TCHAR szAppPathsBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR szThePath[MAX_PATH + 2]; UINT i=0;
ASSERT( lpszICWPath );
if( !lpszICWPath ) { DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: invalid parameter!!"); return; }
// make sure last character is neither \ nor ;
switch( lpszICWPath[lstrlen(lpszICWPath) - 1] ) { case '\\': case ';': ASSERTSZ(0, "Path given to SetICWRegKeysToPath is a bit malformed!"); lpszICWPath[lstrlen(lpszICWPath) - 1] = '\0'; }
// HKCR\x-internet-signup\Shell\Open\command, (default)=path\isignup.exe %1
DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: setting %s", cszRegPathXInternetSignup); lstrcpy( szBuffer, lpszICWPath ); lstrcat( szBuffer, TEXT("\\") ); lstrcat( szBuffer, szISignupICWFileName ); lstrcat( szBuffer, TEXT(" %1")); RegEntry re(cszRegPathXInternetSignup,HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); dwResult = re.GetError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { re.SetValue(NULL, szBuffer); DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: set %s, %s = %s (error %d)", cszRegPathXInternetSignup, "(default)", szBuffer, re.GetError()); } else { DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: FAILED with %d: %s, NULL = %s", dwResult, cszRegPathXInternetSignup, szBuffer); }
// HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentVersion\App Paths
DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: setting %s", cszRegPathAppPaths);
lstrcpy( szThePath, lpszICWPath ); lstrcat( szThePath, TEXT(";") );
for( i=0; i<NUMICWFILENAMES; i++ ) { lstrcpy( szAppPathsBuffer, cszRegPathAppPaths ); lstrcat( szAppPathsBuffer, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat( szAppPathsBuffer, g_ppszICWFileNames[i] );
lstrcpy( szBuffer, lpszICWPath ); lstrcat( szBuffer, TEXT("\\") ); lstrcat( szBuffer, g_ppszICWFileNames[i] );
RegEntry re(szAppPathsBuffer,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); dwResult = re.GetError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { re.SetValue(NULL, szBuffer); DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: set %s, %s = %s (error %d)", szAppPathsBuffer, TEXT("(default)"), szBuffer, re.GetError());
re.SetValue(cszPath, szThePath); DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: set %s, %s = %s (error %d)", szAppPathsBuffer, cszPath, szThePath, re.GetError());
} else { DEBUGMSG("SetICWRegKeysToPath: FAILED with %d: %s, NULL = %s", dwResult, szAppPathsBuffer, szBuffer); } }
// Function: GetICW11Path
// Synopsis: Finds the path to the ICW 1.1 installation directory
// Arguments:
// szPath [out] -- on succesfull exit, contains path to ICW 1.1
// directory. Path does _not_ terminate in \ or ;
// fPathSetTo11 [out] -- indicates whether the App Paths\ICWCONN1.EXE
// currently points to the ICW 1.1 installation
// directory
// Returns:
// Function results are determined by looking at both parameters
// szPath: "", *fPathSetTo11: FALSE indicates App Paths\Icwconn1 does not
// currently point to 1.1 files, and that a path to the 1.1
// files could not be determined
// szPath: non-empty, *fPathSetTo11: FALSE indicates App Paths\ICWCONN1
// does not currently point to 1.1 files. The path to the 1.1 files
// is contained in szPath
// szPath: non-empty, *fPathSetTo11: TRUE indicates that App Path\ICWCONN1
// currently points to 1.1 files. The path to the files is contained
// in szPath
// History: 7/22/97 jmazner Created for Olympus #9903
void GetICW11Path( TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1], BOOL *fPathSetTo11 ) { TCHAR szAppPathsBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; LPTSTR lpszTemp = NULL; DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwMS = 0; DWORD dwLS = 0;
ASSERT( fPathSetTo11 ); ASSERT( szPath );
if( !fPathSetTo11 || !szPath ) { DEBUGMSG("GetICW11Path: invalid parameter!"); return; }
ZeroMemory( szPath, sizeof(szPath) ); *fPathSetTo11 = FALSE;
// first let's check whether the App Path for ICW is currently pointing
// to the 1.1 files
lstrcpy( szAppPathsBuffer, cszRegPathAppPaths ); lstrcat( szAppPathsBuffer, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat( szAppPathsBuffer, g_ppszICWFileNames[0] );
RegEntry reICWAppPath(szAppPathsBuffer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); dwResult = reICWAppPath.GetError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { reICWAppPath.GetString(NULL, szPath, sizeof(TCHAR)*(MAX_PATH + 1)); }
if( szPath[0] ) { GetFileVersion( szPath, &dwMS, &dwLS ); DEBUGMSG("GetICW11Path: reg key %s = %s, which has file version %d.%d", szAppPathsBuffer, szPath, HIWORD(dwMS), LOWORD(dwMS) );
// App Path is already pointing to 1.1 binaries!
*fPathSetTo11 = TRUE;
// for completness' sake, strip the .exe name out of
// szPath so that it will in fact contain just the path
// to the ICW 1.1 files.
ExtractFilenameFromPath( szPath, &lpszTemp ); szPath[lstrlen(szPath) - lstrlen(lpszTemp) - 1] = '\0';
// return values:
// szPath = path to ICW 1.1 binaries, no terminating \ or ;
// fPathSetTo11 = TRUE
return; } } else { DEBUGMSG("GetICW11Path: unable to read current AppPath key %s", szAppPathsBuffer); }
// look for the Installation Directory value in
// HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard
// If it's there, it should point to the directory where the
// 1.1 binaries are installed.
RegEntry re11Path(szRegPathICWSettings, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); dwResult = re11Path.GetError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { re11Path.GetString(cszInstallationDirectory, szPath, sizeof(TCHAR)*(MAX_PATH + 1)); }
if( NULL == szPath[0] ) { DEBUGMSG("GetICW11Path: unable to read reg key %s", szRegPathICWSettings);
// return values:
// szPath = ""
// fPathSetTo11 = FALSE
return; } else { DEBUGMSG("GetICW11Path: %s, %s = %s", szRegPathICWSettings, cszInstallationDirectory, szPath);
// okay, we got a path -- now let's make sure that the thing
// it points to is in fact a 1.1 binary.
// chop off the terminating semicolon if it's there
if( ';' == szPath[ lstrlen(szPath) ] ) { szPath[ lstrlen(szPath) ] = '\0'; }
// do we have a terminating \ now? if not, add it in
if( '\\' != szPath[ lstrlen(szPath) ] ) { lstrcat( szPath, TEXT("\\") ); }
// add in a binary filename to use for the version check
// (just use whatever's first in our filename array)
lstrcat( szPath, g_ppszICWFileNames[0] );
// now check the version number of the file
GetFileVersion( szPath, &dwMS, &dwLS ); DEBUGMSG("GetICW11Path: %s has file version %d.%d", szPath, HIWORD(dwMS), LOWORD(dwMS) );
// Yes, this path is valid!
// now hack off the filename so that we're back to just a
// path with no terminating \ or ;
ExtractFilenameFromPath( szPath, &lpszTemp ); szPath[lstrlen(szPath) - lstrlen(lpszTemp) - 1] = '\0';
// return values:
// szPath = path to ICW 1.1 binaries, no terminating \ or ;
// fPathSetTo11 = FALSE
return; } else { DEBUGMSG("GetICW11Path %s doesn't actually point to a 1.1 binary!", szPath); szPath[0] = '\0';
// return values:
// szPath = ""
// fPathSetTo11 = FALSE
return; }
} }
#ifdef UNICODE
PWCHAR ToUnicodeWithAlloc ( LPCSTR lpszSrc ) { PWCHAR lpWChar; INT iLength = 0; DWORD dwResult;
if (lpszSrc == NULL) { return NULL; }
iLength = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpszSrc, -1, NULL, 0 );
if(iLength == 0) return NULL;
lpWChar = (WCHAR *) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * iLength ); if(!lpWChar) return NULL;
dwResult = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpszSrc, -1, lpWChar, iLength ); if(!dwResult) { GlobalFree(lpWChar); return NULL; }
return lpWChar; }
VOID ToAnsiClientInfo ( LPINETCLIENTINFOA lpInetClientInfoA, LPINETCLIENTINFOW lpInetClientInfoW ) { if(lpInetClientInfoW == NULL || lpInetClientInfoA == NULL) return;
lpInetClientInfoA->dwSize = lpInetClientInfoW->dwSize; lpInetClientInfoA->dwFlags = lpInetClientInfoW->dwFlags; lpInetClientInfoA->iIncomingProtocol = lpInetClientInfoW->iIncomingProtocol; lpInetClientInfoA->fMailLogonSPA = lpInetClientInfoW->fMailLogonSPA; lpInetClientInfoA->fNewsLogonSPA = lpInetClientInfoW->fNewsLogonSPA; lpInetClientInfoA->fLDAPLogonSPA = lpInetClientInfoW->fLDAPLogonSPA; lpInetClientInfoA->fLDAPResolve = lpInetClientInfoW->fLDAPResolve;
wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szEMailName, lpInetClientInfoW->szEMailName, MAX_EMAIL_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szEMailAddress, lpInetClientInfoW->szEMailAddress, MAX_EMAIL_ADDRESS+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPLogonName, lpInetClientInfoW->szPOPLogonName, MAX_LOGON_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoW->szPOPLogonPassword, MAX_LOGON_PASSWORD+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPServer, lpInetClientInfoW->szPOPServer, MAX_SERVER_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szSMTPServer, lpInetClientInfoW->szSMTPServer, MAX_SERVER_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPLogonName, lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPLogonName, MAX_LOGON_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPLogonPassword, MAX_LOGON_PASSWORD+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPServer, lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPServer, MAX_SERVER_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPName, lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPName, MAX_EMAIL_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPAddress, lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPAddress, MAX_EMAIL_ADDRESS+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailLogonName, lpInetClientInfoW->szIncomingMailLogonName, MAX_LOGON_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoW->szIncomingMailLogonPassword, MAX_LOGON_PASSWORD+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailServer, lpInetClientInfoW->szIncomingMailServer, MAX_SERVER_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPLogonName, lpInetClientInfoW->szLDAPLogonName, MAX_LOGON_NAME+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoW->szLDAPLogonPassword, MAX_LOGON_PASSWORD+1); wcstombs(lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPServer, lpInetClientInfoW->szLDAPServer, MAX_SERVER_NAME+1); }
VOID ToUnicodeClientInfo ( LPINETCLIENTINFOW lpInetClientInfoW, LPINETCLIENTINFOA lpInetClientInfoA ) { if(lpInetClientInfoW == NULL || lpInetClientInfoA == NULL) return;
lpInetClientInfoW->dwSize = lpInetClientInfoA->dwSize; lpInetClientInfoW->dwFlags = lpInetClientInfoA->dwFlags; lpInetClientInfoW->iIncomingProtocol = lpInetClientInfoA->iIncomingProtocol; lpInetClientInfoW->fMailLogonSPA = lpInetClientInfoA->fMailLogonSPA; lpInetClientInfoW->fNewsLogonSPA = lpInetClientInfoA->fNewsLogonSPA; lpInetClientInfoW->fLDAPLogonSPA = lpInetClientInfoA->fLDAPLogonSPA; lpInetClientInfoW->fLDAPResolve = lpInetClientInfoA->fLDAPResolve;
mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szEMailName, lpInetClientInfoA->szEMailName, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szEMailName)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szEMailAddress, lpInetClientInfoA->szEMailAddress, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szEMailAddress)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szPOPLogonName, lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPLogonName, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPLogonName)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szPOPLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPLogonPassword, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPLogonPassword)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szPOPServer, lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPServer, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szPOPServer)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szSMTPServer, lpInetClientInfoA->szSMTPServer, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szSMTPServer)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPLogonName, lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPLogonName, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPLogonName)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPLogonPassword, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPLogonPassword)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPServer, lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPServer, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPServer)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPName, lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPName, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPName)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szNNTPAddress, lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPAddress, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szNNTPAddress)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szIncomingMailLogonName, lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailLogonName, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailLogonName)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szIncomingMailLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailLogonPassword, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailLogonPassword)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szIncomingMailServer, lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailServer, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szIncomingMailServer)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szLDAPLogonName, lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPLogonName, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPLogonName)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szLDAPLogonPassword, lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPLogonPassword, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPLogonPassword)+1); mbstowcs(lpInetClientInfoW->szLDAPServer, lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPServer, lstrlenA(lpInetClientInfoA->szLDAPServer)+1); }