Holds code that deals with the "Choose a modem" dialog needed when user has multiple modems installed
Copyright (C) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved
Authors: jmazner Jeremy Mazner
History: 10/19/96 jmazner Created, cloned almost verbatim from INETCFG's rnacall.cpp and export.cpp
#include "isignup.h"
#include "enumodem.h"
#include <WINDOWSX.H>
// Function: ProcessDBCS
// Synopsis: Converts control to use DBCS compatible font
// Use this at the beginning of the dialog procedure
// Note that this is required due to a bug in Win95-J that prevents
// it from properly mapping MS Shell Dlg. This hack is not needed
// under winNT.
// Arguments: hwnd - Window handle of the dialog
// cltID - ID of the control you want changed.
// History: 4/31/97 a-frankh Created
// 5/13/97 jmazner Stole from CM to use here
void ProcessDBCS(HWND hDlg, int ctlID) { #if defined(WIN16)
return; #else
if( IsNT() ) { return; }
hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); if (hFont == NULL) hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); if (hFont != NULL) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,ctlID), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); #endif
NAME: CEnumModem::CEnumModem
SYNOPSIS: Constructor for class to enumerate modems
NOTES: Useful to have a class rather than C functions for this, due to how the enumerators function
********************************************************************/ CEnumModem::CEnumModem() : m_dwError(ERROR_SUCCESS),m_lpData(NULL),m_dwIndex(0) { DWORD cbSize = 0;
if (!LoadRnaFunctions(NULL)) m_dwError = GetLastError(); else // Use the reinit member function to do the work.
this->ReInit(); }
NAME: CEnumModem::ReInit
SYNOPSIS: Re-enumerate the modems, freeing the old memory.
********************************************************************/ DWORD CEnumModem::ReInit() { DWORD cbSize = 0;
// Clean up the old list
if (m_lpData) { delete m_lpData; m_lpData = NULL; } m_dwNumEntries = 0; m_dwIndex = 0;
// call RasEnumDevices with no buffer to find out required buffer size
m_dwError = (lpfnRasEnumDevices)(NULL, &cbSize, &m_dwNumEntries);
// Special case check to work around RNA bug where ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
// is returned even if there are no devices.
// If there are no devices, we are finished.
if (0 == m_dwNumEntries) { m_dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; return m_dwError; }
// Since we were just checking how much mem we needed, we expect
// a return value of ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, or it may just return
// ERROR_SUCCESS (ChrisK 7/9/96).
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != m_dwError && ERROR_SUCCESS != m_dwError) { return m_dwError; }
// Allocate the space for the data
m_lpData = (LPRASDEVINFO) new TCHAR[cbSize]; if (NULL == m_lpData) { DebugOut("ICWCONN1: CEnumModem: Failed to allocate device list buffer\n"); m_dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return m_dwError; } m_lpData->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); m_dwNumEntries = 0;
// enumerate the modems into buffer
m_dwError = (lpfnRasEnumDevices)(m_lpData, &cbSize, &m_dwNumEntries);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != m_dwError) return m_dwError; //
// ChrisK Olympus 4560 do not include VPN's in the list
DWORD dwTempNumEntries; DWORD idx; LPRASDEVINFO lpNextValidDevice;
dwTempNumEntries = m_dwNumEntries; lpNextValidDevice = m_lpData;
// Walk through the list of devices and copy non-VPN device to the first
// available element of the array.
for (idx = 0;idx < dwTempNumEntries; idx++) { if (0 != lstrcmpi(TEXT("VPN"),m_lpData[idx].szDeviceType)) { if (lpNextValidDevice != &m_lpData[idx]) { MoveMemory(lpNextValidDevice ,&m_lpData[idx],sizeof(RASDEVINFO)); } lpNextValidDevice++; } else { m_dwNumEntries--; } }
return m_dwError; }
NAME: CEnumModem::~CEnumModem
SYNOPSIS: Destructor for class
********************************************************************/ CEnumModem::~CEnumModem() { if (m_lpData) { delete m_lpData; m_lpData = NULL; } }
NAME: CEnumModem::Next
SYNOPSIS: Enumerates next modem
EXIT: Returns a pointer to device info structure. Returns NULL if no more modems or error occurred. Call GetError to determine if error occurred.
********************************************************************/ TCHAR * CEnumModem::Next() { if (m_dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries) { return m_lpData[m_dwIndex++].szDeviceName; }
return NULL; }
NAME: CEnumModem::GetDeviceTypeFromName
SYNOPSIS: Returns type string for specified device.
EXIT: Returns a pointer to device type string for first device name that matches. Returns NULL if no device with specified name is found
TCHAR * CEnumModem::GetDeviceTypeFromName(LPTSTR szDeviceName) { DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while (dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries) { if (!lstrcmp(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceName, szDeviceName)) { return m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceType; } dwIndex++; }
return NULL; }
NAME: CEnumModem::GetDeviceNameFromType
SYNOPSIS: Returns type string for specified device.
EXIT: Returns a pointer to device name string for first device type that matches. Returns NULL if no device with specified Type is found
TCHAR * CEnumModem::GetDeviceNameFromType(LPTSTR szDeviceType) { DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while (dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries) { if (!lstrcmp(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceType, szDeviceType)) { return m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceName; } dwIndex++; }
return NULL; }
NAME: CEnumModem::VerifyDeviceNameAndType
SYNOPSIS: Determines whether there is a device with the name and type given.
EXIT: Returns TRUE if the specified device was found, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CEnumModem::VerifyDeviceNameAndType(LPTSTR szDeviceName, LPTSTR szDeviceType) { DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while (dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries) { if (!lstrcmp(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceType, szDeviceType) && !lstrcmp(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceName, szDeviceName)) { return TRUE; } dwIndex++; }
return FALSE; }
NAME: ChooseModemDlgProc
SYNOPSIS: Dialog proc for choosing modem
INT_PTR CALLBACK ChooseModemDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fRet;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // lParam contains pointer to CHOOSEMODEMDLGINFO struct, set it
// in window data
SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg,DWLP_USER,lParam); fRet = ChooseModemDlgInit(hDlg,(PCHOOSEMODEMDLGINFO) lParam); if (!fRet) { // An error occured.
EndDialog(hDlg,FALSE); } #if !defined(WIN16)
SetForegroundWindow(hDlg); #endif
return fRet; break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_CMDOK: { // get data pointer from window data
PCHOOSEMODEMDLGINFO pChooseModemDlgInfo = (PCHOOSEMODEMDLGINFO) GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg,DWLP_USER); //Assert(pChooseModemDlgInfo);
// pass the data to the OK handler
fRet=ChooseModemDlgOK(hDlg,pChooseModemDlgInfo); if (fRet) { EndDialog(hDlg,TRUE); } } break;
case IDC_CMDCANCEL: SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); EndDialog(hDlg,FALSE); break; } break; }
return FALSE; }
NAME: ChooseModemDlgInit
SYNOPSIS: proc to handle initialization of dialog for choosing modem
BOOL ChooseModemDlgInit(HWND hDlg,PCHOOSEMODEMDLGINFO pChooseModemDlgInfo) { //Assert(pChooseModemDlgInfo);
// put the dialog in the center of the screen
//RECT rc;
//GetWindowRect(hDlg, &rc);
//SetWindowPos(hDlg, NULL,
// ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2),
// ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2),
// fill the combobox with available modems
ProcessDBCS(hDlg,IDC_MODEM); DWORD dwRet = InitModemList(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_MODEM)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) { DebugOut("ICWCONN1: ChooseModemDlgInit: Error initializing modem list!\n");
SetLastError(dwRet); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
NAME: ChooseModemDlgOK
SYNOPSIS: OK handler for dialog for choosing modem
BOOL ChooseModemDlgOK(HWND hDlg,PCHOOSEMODEMDLGINFO pChooseModemDlgInfo) { //Assert(pChooseModemDlgInfo);
// should always have a selection in combo box if we get here
//Assert(ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_MODEM)) >= 0);
// get modem name out of combo box
ComboBox_GetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_MODEM), pChooseModemDlgInfo->szModemName, SIZEOF_TCHAR_BUFFER(pChooseModemDlgInfo->szModemName)); //Assert(lstrlen(pChooseModemDlgInfo->szModemName));
// clear the modem list
ComboBox_ResetContent(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_MODEM)); return TRUE; }
NAME: InitModemList
SYNOPSIS: Fills a combo box window with installed modems
ENTRY: hCB - combo box window to fill ********************************************************************/ HRESULT InitModemList (HWND hCB) { DebugOut("ICWCONN1::enumodem.cpp InitModemList()\n");
LPTSTR pNext; int nIndex; DWORD dwRet;
CEnumModem cEnumModem;
// clear out the combo box
while ( pNext = cEnumModem.Next() ) { // Add the device to the combo box
nIndex = ComboBox_AddString(hCB, pNext); ComboBox_SetItemData(hCB, nIndex, NULL); }
// Select the default device
ComboBox_SetCurSel(hCB, nIndex);