// Wide Character Routines
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996, 1997
// File: wch.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of wide characters routines.
// These routines are being used to avoid dragging in
// the initialisation chunk of the C run-time library
// that would be required by library routines such as
// wcsicmp() etc.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "shlwapi.h" // Wrapper routines for non-Win95 calls
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
// Function: wch_icmp()
// Synopsis: Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings.
// Arguments: pwch1 First string to compare
// pwch2 Second string to compare
// Treats NULLs as empty strings.
// Returns: 0 if the strings are lexically equal (allowing for
// case insensitivity)
// -1 if pwch1 lexically less than pwch2
// +1 if pwch1 lexically greater than pwch2
int wch_icmp(LPWCH pwch1, LPWCH pwch2) { USES_CONVERSION;
if (pwch1 == NULL) pwch1 = L""; if (pwch2 == NULL) pwch2 = L"";
return StrCmpIW(pwch1, pwch2); }
// Function: wch_incmp()
// Synopsis: Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings,
// up to a specified maximum number of characters.
// Arguments: pwch1 First string to compare
// pwch2 Second string to compare
// dwMaxLen Maximum number of characters to compare.
// Treats NULLs as empty strings.
// Returns: 0 if the strings are lexically equal (allowing for
// case insensitivity)
// -1 if pwch1 lexically less than pwch2
// +1 if pwch1 lexically greater than pwch2
int wch_incmp(LPWCH pwch1, LPWCH pwch2, DWORD dwMaxLen) {
if (pwch1 == NULL) pwch1 = L""; if (pwch2 == NULL) pwch2 = L"";
return StrCmpNIW(pwch1, pwch2, dwMaxLen); }
// Function: wch_len()
// Synopsis: Calculate the length of a string.
// Treats NULL as an empty string.
// Arguments: pwch String to measure
// Returns: Length of given string.
int wch_len(LPWCH pwch) { LPWCH pwchOrig = pwch;
if (pwch == NULL) return 0; while (*pwch++ != 0) ; return pwch - pwchOrig - 1; }
// Function: wch_cmp()
// Synopsis: Perform a case-sensitive comparison of two strings.
// Treats NULLs as empty strings.
// Arguments: pwch1 First string to compare
// pwch2 Second string to compare
// Returns: 0 if the strings are lexically equal
// -1 if pwch1 lexically less than pwch2
// +1 if pwch1 lexically greater than pwch2
int wch_cmp(LPWCH pwch1, LPWCH pwch2) { if (pwch1 == NULL) pwch1 = L""; if (pwch2 == NULL) pwch2 = L""; for (; *pwch1 != 0 && *pwch1 == *pwch2; pwch1++, pwch2++) ; return *pwch1 - *pwch2; }
// Function: wch_ncmp()
// Synopsis: Perform a case-sensitive comparison of two strings,
// up to a specified maximum number of characters.
// Arguments: pwch1 First string to compare
// pwch2 Second string to compare
// dwMaxLen Maximum number of characters to compare.
// Treats NULLs as empty strings.
// Returns: 0 if the strings are lexically equal (allowing for
// case insensitivity)
// -1 if pwch1 lexically less than pwch2
// +1 if pwch1 lexically greater than pwch2
int wch_ncmp(LPWCH pwch1, LPWCH pwch2, DWORD dwMaxLen) { int cmp;
if (pwch1 == NULL) pwch1 = L""; if (pwch2 == NULL) pwch2 = L"";
for (cmp = 0; cmp == 0 && dwMaxLen-- > 0; pwch1++, pwch2++) if (*pwch1 == 0) { cmp = (*pwch2 == 0) ? 0 : -1; break; } else cmp = (*pwch2 == 0) ? 1 : (*pwch2 - *pwch1);
return cmp; }
// Function: wch_cpy()
// Synopsis: Copy a wide-character null-terminated string.
// Treats NULL source as an empty string.
// Arguments: pwchDesc Destination buffer.
// pwchSrc Source string.
// Returns: Nothing.
void wch_cpy(LPWCH pwchDest, LPWCH pwchSrc) { if (pwchSrc == NULL) *pwchDest = 0; else while ((*pwchDest++ = *pwchSrc++) != 0) ; }
// Function: wch_chr()
// Synopsis: Searches for a character in a null-terminated wide-character
// string.
// Treats NULL pwch as an empty string.
// Arguments: pwch Search string.
// wch Character to search for.copy.
// Returns: Pointer to first occurrence of 'wch' in 'pwch' if found.
// NULL if 'wch' does not occur in 'pwch'.
LPWCH wch_chr(LPWCH pwch, WCHAR wch) { if (pwch != NULL) for (; *pwch != 0; pwch++) if (*pwch == wch) return pwch; return NULL; }
// Function: wch_wildcardMatch()
// Synopsis: Determines whether the given text matches the given
// pattern, which interprets the character '*' as a match
// for 0-or-more characters.
// Treats NULL pwchText as an empty string.
// Treats NULL pwchPattern as an empty string.
// Arguments: pwchText Text to match.
// pwchPattern Pattern to match against.
// fCaseSensitive Flag to indicate whether match should be
// case sensitive.
// Returns: TRUE if the text matches the given pattern.
// FALSE otherwise.
// ;begin_internal
// compiler bug (VC5 with optimise?)
// ;end_internal
boolean wch_wildcardMatch(LPWCH pwchText, LPWCH pwchPattern, boolean fCaseSensitive) { boolean fMatched; LPWCH pwchStar; DWORD dwPatternLen;
if (pwchText == NULL || pwchText[0] == 0) { // Empty/NULL text. This matches:
// - Empty/NULL patterns
// - Patterns consisting of a string of '*'s
// Equivalently, the text FAILS to match if there
// is at least one non-* character in the pattern.
fMatched = TRUE; if (pwchPattern != NULL) while (fMatched && *pwchPattern != 0) fMatched = *pwchPattern++ == L'*'; goto Done; } if (pwchPattern == NULL || pwchPattern[0] == 0) { // NULL pattern can only match empty text.
// Since we've already dealt with the case of empty text above,
// the match must fail
fMatched = FALSE; goto Done; }
// Find the occurrence of the first '*' in the pattern ...
pwchStar = wch_chr(pwchPattern, L'*');
if (pwchStar == NULL) { // No '*'s in the pattern - compute an exact match
fMatched = fCaseSensitive ? wch_cmp(pwchText, pwchPattern) == 0 : wch_icmp(pwchText, pwchPattern) == 0; goto Done; }
int (*pfnBufCmp)(LPWCH pwch1, LPWCH pwch2, DWORD dwMaxCmp);
pfnBufCmp = fCaseSensitive ? wch_ncmp : wch_incmp;
// Ensure an exact match for characters preceding the first '*', if any
dwPatternLen = pwchStar - pwchPattern; fMatched = (*pfnBufCmp)(pwchText, pwchPattern, dwPatternLen) == 0; if (!fMatched) goto Done; pwchText += dwPatternLen;
for (;;) { DWORD dwTextLen = wch_len(pwchText);
// Skip over leading '*'s in the pattern
_ASSERT(*pwchStar == L'*'); while (*pwchStar == L'*') pwchStar++;
pwchPattern = pwchStar;
// Find the next occurrence of a '*' in the pattern
if (*pwchPattern == 0) { // This must be have been a trailing '*' in the pattern.
// It automatically matches what remains of the text.
fMatched = TRUE; goto Done; } pwchStar = wch_chr(pwchPattern, L'*'); if (pwchStar == NULL) { // No more '*'s - require an exact match of remaining
// pattern text with the end of the text.
dwPatternLen = wch_len(pwchPattern); fMatched = (dwTextLen >= dwPatternLen) && (*pfnBufCmp)(pwchText + dwTextLen - dwPatternLen, pwchPattern, dwPatternLen) == 0; goto Done; }
// Locate an exact match for the pattern-up-to-next-*
// within the text buffer
dwPatternLen = pwchStar - pwchPattern; fMatched = FALSE; while (dwTextLen >= dwPatternLen) { fMatched = (*pfnBufCmp)(pwchText, pwchPattern, dwPatternLen) == 0; if (fMatched) break; dwTextLen--; pwchText++; } if (!fMatched) goto Done; pwchText += dwPatternLen; }
Done: return fMatched; }