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// NotifyConnPt.cpp : CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt implementation file
// Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Developed by Sheridan Software Systems, Inc.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "NConnPt.h"
#include <memory.h>
// needed for ASSERTs and FAIL
// CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt constructor
CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt() { m_dwRefCount = 1; m_uiConnectionsAllocated = 0; m_uiConnectionsActive = 0; m_pConnPtContainer = NULL; m_ppNotifyDBEvents = NULL;
#ifdef _DEBUG
g_cVDNotifyDBEventsConnPtCreated++; #endif
// CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt destructor
CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::~CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt() { for (UINT i = 0; i < m_uiConnectionsActive; i++) RELEASE_OBJECT(m_ppNotifyDBEvents[i])
delete [] m_ppNotifyDBEvents; // free up table
#ifdef _DEBUG
g_cVDNotifyDBEventsConnPtDestroyed++; #endif
// Create - Create rowset notify connection point object
// This function creates a new rowset notify connection point object
// Parameters:
// pConnPtContainer - [in] a pointer to connection point container
// object
// ppNotifyDBEventsConnPt - [out] a pointer in which to return pointer to
// connection point object
// Output:
// HRESULT - S_OK if successful
// E_OUTOFMEMORY not enough memory to create object
// Notes:
HRESULT CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::Create(IConnectionPointContainer * pConnPtContainer, CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt ** ppNotifyDBEventsConnPt) { *ppNotifyDBEventsConnPt = NULL;
CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt * pNotifyDBEventsConnPt = new CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt();
if (!pNotifyDBEventsConnPt) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
pNotifyDBEventsConnPt->m_pConnPtContainer = pConnPtContainer;
*ppNotifyDBEventsConnPt = pNotifyDBEventsConnPt;
return S_OK; }
// IUnknown QueryInterface
HRESULT CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObjOut) { ASSERT_POINTER(ppvObjOut, IUnknown*)
*ppvObjOut = NULL;
if (DO_GUIDS_MATCH(riid, IID_IUnknown) || DO_GUIDS_MATCH(riid, IID_IConnectionPoint) ) { *ppvObjOut = this; AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// IUnknown AddRef
ULONG CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::AddRef(void) { return ++m_dwRefCount; }
// IUnknown Release
ULONG CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::Release(void) { if (1 > --m_dwRefCount) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_dwRefCount; }
// IConnectionPoint Methods
// IConnectionPoint GetConnectionInterface
HRESULT CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::GetConnectionInterface(IID FAR* pIID) { ASSERT_POINTER(pIID, IID) *pIID = IID_INotifyDBEvents; return S_OK; }
// IConnectionPoint GetConnectionPointContainer
HRESULT CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::GetConnectionPointContainer(IConnectionPointContainer FAR* FAR* ppCPC) { ASSERT_POINTER(ppCPC, IConnectionPointContainer*)
if ((*ppCPC = m_pConnPtContainer) != NULL) return S_OK;
return E_FAIL; }
// IConnectionPoint Advise
HRESULT CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::Advise(LPUNKNOWN pUnkSink, DWORD FAR* pdwCookie) { ASSERT_NULL_OR_POINTER(pdwCookie, DWORD) ASSERT_POINTER(pUnkSink, IUnknown)
if (pUnkSink == NULL) return E_POINTER;
LPUNKNOWN lpInterface;
if (SUCCEEDED(pUnkSink->QueryInterface(IID_INotifyDBEvents, (LPVOID*)&lpInterface))) { // 1st check to see if we need to allocate more entries
if (m_uiConnectionsAllocated <= m_uiConnectionsActive) { ULONG ulNewLen = (m_uiConnectionsAllocated + VD_ADVISE_TABLE_GROWBY) * sizeof(INotifyDBEvents**); INotifyDBEvents ** pNewMem = new INotifyDBEvents *[m_uiConnectionsAllocated + VD_ADVISE_TABLE_GROWBY]; if (!pNewMem) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memset(pNewMem, 0, (int)ulNewLen); // check to see if a table already exists
if (m_ppNotifyDBEvents) { // if there are active connections copy them over to the new table
if (m_uiConnectionsActive > 0) memcpy(pNewMem, m_ppNotifyDBEvents, m_uiConnectionsActive * sizeof(INotifyDBEvents**)); delete [] m_ppNotifyDBEvents; // free up old table
} m_ppNotifyDBEvents = pNewMem; m_uiConnectionsAllocated += VD_ADVISE_TABLE_GROWBY; // grow table by 10 entries each allocation
} // append to end of table
m_ppNotifyDBEvents[m_uiConnectionsActive] = (INotifyDBEvents*)lpInterface; m_uiConnectionsActive++; if (pdwCookie != NULL) *pdwCookie = (DWORD)lpInterface; return S_OK; }
// IConnectionPoint Unadvise
HRESULT CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::Unadvise(DWORD dwCookie) { ASSERT_POINTER((INotifyDBEvents*)dwCookie, INotifyDBEvents)
for (UINT i = 0; i < m_uiConnectionsActive; i++) { if (m_ppNotifyDBEvents[i] == (INotifyDBEvents*)dwCookie) { RELEASE_OBJECT(m_ppNotifyDBEvents[i]) // compress remaining entries in table
for (UINT j = i; j < m_uiConnectionsActive - 1; j++) m_ppNotifyDBEvents[j] = m_ppNotifyDBEvents[j + 1]; m_uiConnectionsActive--; return S_OK; } }
// IConnectionPoint EnumConnections
HRESULT CVDNotifyDBEventsConnPt::EnumConnections(LPENUMCONNECTIONS FAR* ppEnum) { return E_NOTIMPL; }