// Notifier.cpp : Notifier implementation
// Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Developed by Sheridan Software Systems, Inc.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Notifier.h"
#include "array_p.inl"
// CVDNotifier - Constructor
CVDNotifier::CVDNotifier() { m_dwRefCount = 1; m_pParent = NULL;
#ifdef _DEBUG
g_cVDNotifierCreated++; #endif
// ~CVDNotifier - Destructor
CVDNotifier::~CVDNotifier() { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_cVDNotifierDestroyed++; #endif
// IUnknown QueryInterface - stub implemntation - does nothing
HRESULT CVDNotifier::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObjOut) { return E_NOINTERFACE;
// AddRef
ULONG CVDNotifier::AddRef(void) { return ++m_dwRefCount; }
// Release
ULONG CVDNotifier::Release(void) { if (1 > --m_dwRefCount) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_dwRefCount; }
// family maintenance
// Member: Join Family (public)
// Synopsis: add myself to the family of the given parent
// Arguments: pParent [in] parent of family I should join
// Returns: S_OK it worked
// other it didn't
HRESULT CVDNotifier::JoinFamily(CVDNotifier* pParent) { ASSERT_POINTER(pParent, CVDNotifier); m_pParent = pParent; return m_pParent->AddChild(this); }
// Member: Leave Family (public)
// Synopsis: remove myself from my parent's family
// Arguments: none
// Returns: S_OK it worked
// other it didn't
HRESULT CVDNotifier::LeaveFamily() { if (m_pParent) return m_pParent->DeleteChild(this); return S_OK; }
// Member: Add Child (public)
// Synopsis: add a notifier to my child list
// Arguments: pChild [in] notifier to add as a child
// Returns: S_OK it worked
// other error while appending to dynamic array
HRESULT CVDNotifier::AddChild(CVDNotifier *pChild) { return m_Children.Add(pChild); }
// Member: Delete Child (public)
// Synopsis: delete a notifier from my child list. When the last
// notifier is deleted, delete myself from my parent's
// child list.
// Arguments: pChild [in] notifier to delete
// Returns: S_OK it worked
// E_FAIL error while deleting from dynamic array
// other error while deleting from parent's child list
HRESULT CVDNotifier::DeleteChild(CVDNotifier *pChild) {
int k;
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { if (((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k]) == pChild) { m_Children.RemoveAt(k); return S_OK; } }
return E_FAIL; }
// notification
// Member: Notify Before (public)
// Synopsis: send OKToDo, SyncBefore, and AboutToDo notifications
// before doing an event. Send FailedToDo notification
// if anything goes wrong during the process.
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK everything is OK so far
// other some client indicated failure
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifyBefore(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { HRESULT hr;
// phase 1: send OKToDo, and Cancelled if anyone objects
hr = NotifyOKToDo(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); if (hr) return hr;
// phase 2: send SyncBefore, and send FailedToDo if anything goes wrong
hr = NotifySyncBefore(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); if (hr) { NotifyFail(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); return hr; }
// phase 3: send AboutToDo, and send FailedToDo if anything goes wrong
hr = NotifyAboutToDo(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); if (hr) { NotifyFail(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); return hr; } return S_OK; }
// Member: Notify After (public)
// Synopsis: send SyncAfter and DidEvent notifications after an event
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK it worked
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifyAfter(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { // phase 5: send SyncAfter. Ignore errors - all clients need to hear this
NotifySyncAfter(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons);
// phase 6: send DidEvent. Ignore errors - all clients need to hear this
NotifyDidEvent(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons);
return S_OK; }
// Member: Notify Fail (public)
// Synopsis: send FailedToDo notification
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK it worked
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifyFail(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { int k;
// send FailedToDo to all clients, ignoring errors
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k])->NotifyFail(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); } return S_OK; }
// helper functions
// Member: Notify OK To Do (protected)
// Synopsis: Send OKToDo notification. If a client objects (by
// returning a non-zero HR), send Cancelled to notified
// clients to cancel the event.
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK all clients agree it's OK to do the event
// other some client disagrees
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifyOKToDo(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int j, k;
// poll all clients, see if they think it's OKToDo the event
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { hr = ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k])->NotifyOKToDo(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); if (hr) { // somone objects, inform polled clients it's cancelled
for (j=0; j<=k; j++) { ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[j])->NotifyCancel(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); } break; } }
return hr; }
// Member: Notify Sync Before (public)
// Synopsis: Send SyncBefore notification
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK all clients received notification
// other some client returned an error
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifySyncBefore(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int k;
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { hr = ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k])->NotifySyncBefore(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); if (hr) break; } return hr; }
// Member: Notify About To Do (protected)
// Synopsis: Send AboutToDo notification
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK all clients notified
// other some client returned an error
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifyAboutToDo(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int k;
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { hr = ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k])->NotifyAboutToDo(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); if (hr) break; } return hr; }
// Member: Notify Sync After (protected)
// Synopsis: Send SyncAfter notification.
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK all clients notified
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifySyncAfter(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { int k;
// send SyncAfter to all clients, ignoring errors
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k])->NotifySyncAfter(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); } return S_OK; }
// Member: Notify Did Event (protected)
// Synopsis: Send DidEvent notification
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK all clients notified
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifyDidEvent(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { int k;
// send DidEvent to all clients, ignoring errors
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k])->NotifyDidEvent(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); } return S_OK; }
// Member: Notify Cancel (protected)
// Synopsis: Send Cancelled notification
// Arguments: dwEventWhat [in] what event is causing the notification
// cReasons [in] how many reasons
// rgReasons [in] list of reasons for the event
// Returns: S_OK all clients notified
HRESULT CVDNotifier::NotifyCancel(DWORD dwEventWhat, ULONG cReasons, CURSOR_DBNOTIFYREASON rgReasons[]) { int k;
// send Cancelled to all clients, ignoring errors
for (k=0; k<m_Children.GetSize(); k++) { ((CVDNotifier*)m_Children[k])->NotifyCancel(dwEventWhat, cReasons, rgReasons); } return S_OK; }