Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ; AutoExp.Dat - templates for automaticially expanding data
  2. ; Copyright(c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
  3. ;---------------------------------------------------------------
  4. ;
  5. ; While debugging, Data Tips and items in the Watch and Variable
  6. ; windows are automatically expanded to show their most important
  7. ; elements. The expansion follows the format given by the rules
  8. ; in this file. You can add rules for your types or change the
  9. ; predefined rules.
  10. ;
  11. ; For good examples, read the rules in this file.
  12. ;
  13. ; To find what the debugger considers the type of a variable to
  14. ; be, add it to the Watch window and right-click and select
  15. ; Properties.
  16. ;
  17. ; An AutoExpand rule is a line with the name of a type, an equals
  18. ; sign, and text with replaceable parts in angle brackets. The
  19. ; part in angle brackets names a member of the type and an
  20. ; optional Watch format specifier.
  21. ;
  22. ; AutoExpand rules use the following syntax. The equals sign (=),
  23. ; angle brackets (<>), and comma are taken literally. Square
  24. ; brackets ([]) indicate optional items.
  25. ;
  26. ; type=[text]<member[,format]>...
  27. ;
  28. ; type Name of the type (may be followed by <*> for template
  29. ; types such as the ATL types listed below).
  30. ;
  31. ; text Any text.Usually the name of the member to display,
  32. ; or a shorthand name for the member.
  33. ;
  34. ; member Name of a member to display.
  35. ;
  36. ; format Watch format specifier. One of the following:
  37. ;
  38. ; Letter Description Sample Display
  39. ; ------ -------------------------- ------------ -------------
  40. ; d,i Signed decimal integer 0xF000F065,d -268373915
  41. ; u Unsigned decimal integer 0x0065,u 101
  42. ; o Unsigned octal integer 0xF065,o 0170145
  43. ; x,X Hexadecimal integer 61541,X 0X0000F065
  44. ; l,h long or short prefix for 00406042,hx 0x0c22
  45. ; d, i, u, o, x, X
  46. ; f Signed floating-point 3./2.,f 1.500000
  47. ; e Signed scientific-notation 3./2.,e 1.500000e+000
  48. ; g Shorter of e and f 3./2.,g 1.5
  49. ; c Single character 0x0065,c 'e'
  50. ; s Zero-terminated string 0x0012fde8,s "Hello world"
  51. ; su Unicode string 0x007200c4,su "Hello world"
  52. ; st String in ANSI or Unicode depending on current setting
  53. ;
  54. ; The special format <,t> specifies the name of the most-derived
  55. ; type of the object. This is especially useful with pointers or
  56. ; references to a base class.
  57. ;
  58. ; If there is no rule for a class, the base classes are checked for
  59. ; a matching rule.
  60. ;
  61. ; -------
  62. ; Unicode
  63. ; -------
  64. ;
  65. ; If your application is built for Unicode, you'll want Unicode
  66. ; strings to automatically expand as text, rather than arrays of
  67. ; unsigned short. To automatically display Unicode strings as
  68. ; text, go to Tools/Options/Debug tab and check 'Display Unicode
  69. ; strings'.
  70. ;
  71. ;---------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [AutoExpand]
  73. ; from windef.h
  74. tagPOINT =x=<x> y=<y>
  75. tagRECT =left=<left> top=<top> right=<right> bottom=<bottom>
  76. ; Trident stuff
  77. ; Tree Stuff
  78. CTreePos = TreePos SN=<_nSerialNumber,d> type=< _cElemLeftAndFlags & 0xf>
  79. CTreeNode = TreeNode SN=<_nSerialNumber,d> tag=<_etagDbg>
  80. CElement =<,t> SN=<_nSerialNumber,d> tag=<_etagDbg>
  81. CMarkup =<,t> url=<_pLocationContextDbg->_pchUrl,su> _ulRefs=<_ulRefs,u> _ulAllRefs=<_ulAllRefsAndFlags,x>
  82. _POINTL =x=<x> y=<y>
  83. _RECTL =left=<left> top=<top> rt=<right> bot=<bottom>
  84. tagSIZE =cx=<cx> cy=<cy>
  85. tagSIZEL =cx=<cx> cy=<cy>
  86. tagSIZEF =cx=<cx,f> cy=<cy,f>
  87. METHODINFO =dispid=<dispid,d> cbArg=<cbArgSize>
  88. PROP_DESC =wpif=<wpif> name=<pszName,su>
  89. CBase =<,t> _ulRefs=<_ulRefs,u> _ulAllRefs=<_ulAllRefsAndFlags,x>
  90. CServer =<,t> _state=<_state,u>
  91. CCommonAttrBag =<,t> class=<_cstrCLASS._pch,su>
  92. CStr =str=<_pch,su>
  93. CErrorInfo =hr=<_hr>
  94. CImplAry =<,t> num_elems=<_c,u>
  95. COleSiteConcrete =<,t> _state=<_state,u> name=<_TBag._cstrName._pch,su>
  96. CUndoPropChange =type=<_wpiType> id=<_dispid>
  97. CMessage =htc=<htc> msg=<message,x> rslt=<lresult>
  98. CSelectionRecord =<,t> cSelcted=<_arySitesSelected._c>
  99. CTagDesc =tag=<_tag> name=<_szTagName>
  100. CUnitValue =val=<_lValue> actVal=<_lValue/16>
  101. CColorValue =val=<_dwValue> actVal=<_dwValue & 0xffffff>
  102. CHtmlTag =etag=<_etag>
  103. CRunPtrBase =<,t> _iRun=<__iRun,u> _ich=<__ich,u>
  104. CLSMeasurer =<,t> _cp=<_cp,u> _ptp=(<_ptpCurrent->_nSerialNumber,d>, type=<_ptpCurrent->_cElemLeftAndFlags&0xf, u>)
  105. CLine = <,t> cch=<_cch> _LM=<_xLeftMargin> _XL=<_xLeft> _XW=<_xWidth> _YH=<_yHeight> _BS=<_yBeforeSpace>
  106. CLayout = <,t> Element: SN= <_pElementOwner->_nSerialNumber>, tag=<_pElementOwner->_etagDbg>
  107. CLineArray =<,t> size=<_cel>
  108. ; OLE Stuff
  109. _GUID =<Data1,lx>-<Data2,hx>-<Data3,hx>-...
  110. tagVARIANT =vt=<vt> val=<lVal,lx>
  111. tagDISPPARAMS =cArgs=<cArgs> cNamed=<cNamedArgs>
  112. tagEXCEPINFO =code=<wCode>
  113. tagFUNCDESC =memid=<memid> kind=<funckind>
  114. tagVARDESC =memid=<memid> kind=<varkind>
  115. tagCY =Hi=<Hi> Lo=<Lo>
  116. ; display stuff
  117. CSize =cx=<cx,i> cy=<cy,i>
  118. CPoint =x=<x,i> y=<y,i>
  119. CRect =l=<left,i> t=<top,i> r=<right,i> b=<bottom,i>
  120. CRegion =l=<_rc.left,i> t=<_rc.top,i> r=<_rc.right,i> b=<_rc.bottom,i>
  121. CDispNode = <,t> flags=<_flags,lX>
  122. ; DXTransforms stuff
  123. DXBASESAMPLE =a=<Alpha,x> r=<Red,x> g=<Green,x> b=<Blue,x>
  124. DXBND =min=<Min,i> max=<Max,i>
  125. DXBNDS =l=<u.D[0].Min,i> r=<u.D[0].Max,i> t=<u.D[1].Min,i> b=<u.D[1].Max,i> type=<eType>
  126. DXVEC =x=<u.D[0],i> y=<u.D[1],i> z=<u.D[2],i> t=<u.D[3],i> type=<eType>
  127. ; from winuser.h
  128. tagMSG =msg=<message,x> wp=<wParam,x> lp=<lParam,x>
  129. ; from afxwin.h
  130. CDC =hDC=<m_hDC> attrib=<m_hAttribDC>
  131. CPaintDC =<,t> hWnd=<m_hWnd>
  132. CPoint =x=<x> y=<y>
  133. CRect =left=<left> top=<top> right=<right> bottom=<bottom>
  134. CSize =cx=<cx> cy=<cy>
  135. CWnd =<,t> hWnd=<m_hWnd>
  136. CWinApp =<,t> <m_pszAppName,s>
  137. CWinThread =<,t> h=<m_hThread> proc=<m_pfnThreadProc>
  138. ; from afxcoll.h
  139. CPtrList =cnt=<m_nCount>
  140. ; from afxstat_.h
  141. CProcessLocalObject =<,t>
  142. CThreadLocalObject =<,t>
  143. ; from afx.h
  144. CArchiveException =cause=<m_cause>
  145. CFile =hFile=<m_hFile> name=<m_strFileName.m_pchData,s>
  146. CFileException =cause=<m_cause> OS Error=m_lOsError
  147. CMemFile =pos=<m_nPosition> size=<m_nFileSize>
  148. CObject =<,t>
  149. CRuntimeClass =<m_lpszClassName,s>
  150. CStdioFile =FILE*=<m_pStream> name=<m_strFilename.m_pchData,s>
  151. CString =<m_pchData,st>
  152. CTimeSpan =time=<m_time>
  153. CTime =time=<m_time>
  154. ; from afxcoll.h
  155. CByteArray =count=<m_nCount>
  156. CStringList =count=<m_nCount>
  157. ; same for all CXXXArray classes
  158. ; same for CXXXList
  159. ; same for CMapXXToXX
  160. ; new for VC98
  161. _com_error=<m_hresult,hr>
  162. _bstr_t=<m_Data->m_wstr,su> (<m_Data->m_RefCount,u>)
  163. _com_ptr_t<*>=<m_pInterface>
  164. _LARGE_INTEGER=<QuadPart>
  165. ATL::CComPtr<*>=<p>
  166. ATL::CComBSTR=<m_str,su>
  167. ATL::CComQIPtr<*>=<p>
  168. std::basic_string<*>=<_Ptr>
  169. ; new for VC98 using built-ins
  173. [Unicode]
  174. DisplayUnicode=1