Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by cryptdlg.rc
  4. //
  5. // For dialogs, the range of numbers you should use
  6. // are from 130 through 149.
  7. #define IDD_CERTPROP_GENERAL 130
  8. #define IDD_CERTPROP_DETAILS 131
  9. #define IDD_CERTPROP_TRUST 132
  10. #define IDD_CERTPROP_ADVANCED 133
  11. #define IDD_SELECT_DIALOG 134
  12. #define IDD_TRUST 135
  13. #define IDD_FINE_PRINT 136
  15. // For bitmaps, the range of numbers you should use
  16. // are from 300 through 319.
  17. #define IDB_TICK 300
  18. #define IDB_CROSS 301
  19. #define IDB_TREE_IMAGES 302
  20. // For strings, the range of numbers you should use
  21. // are from 3184 through 3503.
  22. #define IDS_GENERAL_TICK 3184
  23. #define IDS_GENERAL_CROSS 3185
  24. #define IDS_GENERAL_INFO 3186
  25. #define IDS_GENERAL_FRIENDLY 3187
  26. #define IDS_ADV_VERSION 3188
  27. #define IDS_ADV_SER_NUM 3189
  28. #define IDS_ADV_SIG_ALG 3190
  29. #define IDS_ADV_ISSUER 3191
  30. #define IDS_ADV_NOTBEFORE 3192
  31. #define IDS_ADV_NOTAFTER 3193
  32. #define IDS_ADV_SUBJECT 3194
  33. #define IDS_ADV_PUBKEY 3195
  34. #define IDS_SELECT_INFO 3196
  35. #define IDS_DETAIL_VALID_TICK 3197
  36. #define IDS_DETAIL_VALID_CROSS 3198
  37. #define IDS_DETAIL_TRUST_TICK 3199
  38. #define IDS_DETAIL_TRUST_CROSS 3200
  39. #define IDS_WHY_NOT_YET 3201
  40. #define IDS_WHY_EXPIRED 3202
  41. #define IDS_WHY_CERT_SIG 3203
  42. #define IDS_WHY_NO_PARENT 3204
  43. #define IDS_WHY_REVOKED 3205
  44. #define IDS_WHY_KEY_USAGE 3206
  45. #define IDS_WHY_BASIC_CONS 3207
  46. #define IDS_WHY_EXTEND_USE 3208
  47. #define IDS_WHY_NAME_CONST 3209
  48. #define IDS_WHY_NO_CRL 3210
  49. #define IDS_WHY_CRL_EXPIRED 3211
  50. #define IDS_WHY_CRITICAL_EXT 3212
  51. #define IDS_TRUST_DESC 3213
  52. #define IDS_GENERAL_DESC 3214
  53. #define IDS_VIEW_TITLE 3215
  54. #define IDS_VALIDITY_FORMAT 3216
  55. #define IDS_GENERAL_DESC2 3217
  56. #define IDS_GENERAL_DESC3 3218
  57. #define IDS_GENERAL_DESC4 3219
  58. #define IDS_GENERAL_DESC5 3220
  59. #define IDS_GENERAL_DESC6 3221
  60. #define IDS_TRUST_DESC2 3222
  61. #define IDS_TRUST_DESC3 3223
  62. #define IDS_TRUST_DESC4 3224
  63. #define IDS_ROOT_ADD_STRING 3225
  64. #define IDS_ROOT_ADD_TITLE 3226
  65. #define IDS_EMAIL_DESC 3227
  66. // Added for WXP
  67. #define IDS_WHY_POLICY 3228
  68. // Select Certificate control ids
  69. // Note all of these are also defined in cryptdlg.h --- don't change them.
  70. #define IDC_CS_PROPERTIES 100
  71. #define IDC_CS_FINEPRINT 101
  72. #define IDC_CS_CERTLIST 102
  73. #define IDC_CS_INFO 103
  74. #define IDC_CS_VALIDITY 104
  75. #define IDC_CS_ALGORITHM 105
  76. #define IDC_CS_SERIAL_NUMBER 106
  77. #define IDC_CS_THUMBPRINT 107
  78. // View Properties Dialog Pages
  79. // View General Page
  80. #define IDC_CERT_STATUS 100
  81. #define IDC_CERT_STATUS_IMAGE 101
  82. #define IDC_GENERAL_DESC 102
  83. // View Details
  84. #define IDC_ISSUED_TO 100
  85. #define IDC_ISSUED_BY 101
  86. #define IDC_VIEW_ISSUER 102
  87. #define IDC_FRIENDLY_NAME 103
  88. #define IDC_VALIDITY 104
  89. #define IDC_SERIAL_NUMBER 105
  90. #define IDC_ALGORITHM 106
  91. #define IDC_TRUST_GROUP 107
  92. #define IDC_IS_TRUSTED 108
  93. #define IDC_IS_VALID 109
  94. #define IDC_WHY 110
  95. #define IDC_THUMBPRINT 111
  96. #define IDC_TRUST_IMAGE 112
  97. // View Trust Page
  98. #define IDC_TRUST_DESC 100
  99. #define IDC_TRUST_LIST 101
  100. #define IDC_TRUST_TREE 102
  101. #define IDC_TRUST_EDIT_GROUP 103
  102. #define IDC_TRUST_NO 104
  103. #define IDC_TRUST_INHERIT 105
  104. #define IDC_TRUST_YES 106
  105. #define IDC_TRUST_EDIT 107
  106. #define IDC_TRUST_VIEW 108
  107. //
  108. #define IDC_TRUST_ICON 1004
  109. #define IDC_LIST1 1014
  110. #define IDC_LIST2 1015
  111. #define IDC_EDIT1 1016
  112. #define IDC_PROPERTIES 1017
  113. #define IDC_CA_CERT_ADD 1019
  114. #define IDC_CA_CERT_REMOVE 1020
  115. #define IDC_CA_CERT_PROPS 1021
  116. #define IDC_INDIV_CERT_ADD 1022
  117. #define IDC_INDIV_CERT_REMOVE 1023
  118. #define IDC_INDIV_CERT_PROPS 1024
  119. #define IDC_DISTRUST 1025
  120. #define IDC_CA_CERT_LIST 1026
  121. #define IDC_INDIV_CERT_LIST 1027
  122. #define IDC_FINE_PRINT 1028
  123. #define IDC_TEXT 1029
  124. #define IDC_POLICY 1030
  125. #define IDC_STATIC -1
  126. // Next default values for new objects
  127. //
  128. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  130. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 3217
  131. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
  132. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1028
  133. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  134. #endif
  135. #endif
  136. #define IDH_CS_CERTLIST (1000+IDC_CS_CERTLIST)
  138. #define IDH_CS_ALGORITHM (1000+IDC_CS_CERTLIST)
  139. #define IDH_VSG_STATUS (1000+IDC_CS_CERTLIST)
  141. #define IDH_VSG_TEXT (1000+IDC_CS_CERTLIST)