ProofBase.h - Base API definitions for CSAPI, CTAPI, & CHAPI Speller, Thesaurus, and Hyphenator
Version 3.0 - all api's
History: 5/97 DougP Created 12/97 DougP Copied from ProofAPI.h and Separated into tool section files
The Natural Language Group maintains this file.
�1997 Microsoft Corporation ********************************************************************/
#if !defined(PROOFBASE_H)
#pragma pack(push, proofapi_h, 8) // default alignment
#include "vendor.h"
// you may wish to include lid.h for some convenient langid defs
#if !defined(lidUnknown)
# define lidUnknown 0xffff
PART 1 - Structure Defs **************************************************************/ /* -------------- Common Section (Speller, Hyphenator, and Thesaurus) --------- */
/* hardcoded ordinals are the exported dll entry points */ // individual def files have these as well so be sure to change them
// if you change these
#define idllProofVersion 20
#define idllProofInit 21
#define idllProofTerminate 22
#define idllProofOpenLex 23
#define idllProofCloseLex 24
#define idllProofSetOptions 25
#define idllProofGetOptions 26
typedef unsigned long PTEC; // ptec
/******************* Proofing Tool Error Codes ************************/ /* Major Error Codes in low two bytes (WORD) of PTEC */ enum { ptecNoErrors, ptecOOM, /* memory error */ ptecModuleError, /* Something wrong with parameters, or state of spell module. */ ptecIOErrorMainLex, /* Read,write,or share error with Main Dictionary. */ ptecIOErrorUserLex, /* Read,write,or share error with User Dictionary. */ ptecNotSupported, /* No support for requested operation */ ptecBufferTooSmall, /* Insufficient room for return info */ ptecNotFound, /* Hyphenator and Thesaurus only */ ptecModuleNotLoaded, /* underlying module not loaded (Glue Dll's) */ };
/* Minor Error Codes in high two bytes of PTEC */ /* (Not set unless major code also set) */ enum { ptecModuleAlreadyBusy=128, /* For non-reentrant code */ ptecInvalidID, /* Not yet inited or already terminated.*/ ptecInvalidWsc, /* Illegal values in WSC struct (speller only) */ ptecInvalidMainLex, /* Mdr not registered with session */ ptecInvalidUserLex, /* Udr not registered with session */ ptecInvalidCmd, /* Command unknown */ ptecInvalidFormat, /* Specified dictionary not correct format */ ptecOperNotMatchedUserLex, /* Illegal operation for user dictionary type. */ ptecFileRead, /* Generic read error */ ptecFileWrite, /* Generic write error */ ptecFileCreate, /* Generic create error */ ptecFileShare, /* Generic share error */ ptecModuleNotTerminated, /* Module not able to be terminated completely.*/ ptecUserLexFull, /* Could not update Udr without exceeding limit.*/ ptecInvalidEntry, /* invalid chars in string(s) */ ptecEntryTooLong, /* Entry too long, or invalid chars in string(s) */ ptecMainLexCountExceeded, /* Too many Mdr references */ ptecUserLexCountExceeded, /* Too many udr references */ ptecFileOpenError, /* Generic Open error */ ptecFileTooLargeError, /* Generic file too large error */ ptecUserLexReadOnly, /* Attempt to add to or write RO udr */ ptecProtectModeOnly, /* (obsolete) */ ptecInvalidLanguage, /* requested language not available */ };
#define ProofMajorErr(x) LOWORD(x)
#define ProofMinorErr(x) HIWORD(x)
/************* Structure def macros *************
Smoke and mirrors to allow initialization of some members when using C++ ***********************************/ #if !defined(__cplusplus)
# define STRUCTUREBEGIN(x) typedef struct {
# define STRUCTUREEND0(x) } x;
# define STRUCTUREEND1(x, y) } x;
# define STRUCTUREEND2(x, y, z) } x;
# define STRUCTUREEND3(x, y, z, w) } x;
# define STRUCTUREBEGIN(x) struct x {
# define STRUCTUREEND0(x) };
# define STRUCTUREEND1(x, y) public: x() : y {} };
# define STRUCTUREEND2(x, y, z) public: x() : y, z {} };
# define STRUCTUREEND3(x, y, z, w) public: x() : y, z, w {} };
typedef DWORD PROOFVERNO; // version
/* Proof Information Structure - return info from ToolVersion */ STRUCTUREBEGIN(PROOFINFO) // info
WCHAR *pwszCopyright; /* pointer to copyright buffer -
can be NULL if size is zero */ PROOFVERNO versionAPI; /* API */ PROOFVERNO versionVendor; /* includes buildnumber */ VENDORID vendorid; /* from vendor.h */ /* size of copyright buffer in chars - client sets */ DWORD cchCopyright; /* no error if too small or zero */ DWORD xcap; /* tool dependent */ STRUCTUREEND2(PROOFINFO, pwszCopyright(0), cchCopyright(0))
/* xcap is the bitwise-or of */ enum { xcapNULL = 0x00000000, xcapWildCardSupport = 0x00000001, // Speller only
xcapMultiLexSupport = 0x00000002, xcapUserLexSupport = 0x00000008, // a must for spellers
xcapLongDefSupport = 0x00000010, // Thesaurus only
xcapExampleSentenceSupport = 0x00000020, // Thesaurus only
xcapLemmaSupport = 0x00000040, // Thesaurus only
xcapAnagramSupport = 0x00000100, // Speller only
}; // xcap
typedef void * PROOFLEX; // lex
typedef enum { lxtChangeOnce=0, lxtChangeAlways, lxtUser, lxtExclude, lxtMain, lxtMax, lxtIgnoreAlways=lxtUser, } PROOFLEXTYPE; // lxt
// note this API does not support external user dictionaries with
// Change (lxtChangeAlways or lxtChangeOnce) properties
// It does support either UserLex (the norm) or Exclude types
// Opening a udr with type Exclude automatically makes it apply to
// the entire session
STRUCTUREBEGIN(PROOFLEXIN) /* Dictionary Input Info - lxin */ const WCHAR *pwszLex; // full path of dictionary to open
BOOL fCreate; /* create if not already exist? (UDR's only) */ PROOFLEXTYPE lxt; /* lxtMain, lxtUser, or lxtExclude (Speller UDR's only) */ LANGID lidExpected; // expected LANGID of dictionary
STRUCTUREEND3(PROOFLEXIN, lidExpected(lidUnknown), fCreate(TRUE), lxt(lxtMain))
STRUCTUREBEGIN(PROOFLEXOUT) /* Dictionary Output Info - lxout */ WCHAR *pwszCopyright; /* pointer to copyright buffer (MDR only)
-- can be NULL if size (below) is zero*/ PROOFLEX lex; /* id for use in subsequent calls */ DWORD cchCopyright; /* client sets - no error if too small or zero */ PROOFVERNO version; /* version of lexfile - includes buildnumber */ BOOL fReadonly; /* set if can't be written on */ LANGID lid; /* LANGID actually used */ STRUCTUREEND2(PROOFLEXOUT, pwszCopyright(0), cchCopyright(0))
typedef void *PROOFID; // id (or sid, hid, or tid)
#define PROOFMAKEVERSION1(major, minor, buildno) (MAKELONG(buildno, MAKEWORD(minor, major)))
#define PROOFMAKEVERSION(major, minor) PROOFMAKEVERSION1(major, minor, 0)
DWORD versionAPI; // API version requested
PART 2 - Function Defs **************************************************************/ #if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" { #endif
/* -------------- Common Section (Speller, Hyphenator, and Thesaurus) --------------
the functions in this section are for documentation only - separate versions exist for each tool.
---------------------------------------------- */ // ****************************************************************
// ******** PROOFVERSION ****************
// This is the only routine that can be called outside of a session.
// ToolInit begins a session.
// The version numbers are in hex format with
// the high byte representing the major version number,
// the next byte the minor revision number, and the
// low order bytes represent an optional build number.
// For example, version 1.00 is 0x01000000. Version 2.13
// is 0x020d0000. Engines that support
// this API should return 0x03000000 for iAPIVersion.
// The engine ID identifies the core engine creator. The list
// in vendor.h identifies the possible values. For example,
// the Inso derived speller returns VendorIdInso. iVendorVersion
// is up to the vendor to manage and determine.
// This routine may return in xcap the functionality
// supported by the module. Since modules are usually
// dynamically linked, the application should read the
// information and verify that required functionality is
// present.
// PTEC WINAPI ToolVersion(ToolInfo *pInfo);
// ***********************************************************
// *** ToolInit
// This is the entry point for a session. With the exception
// of ToolVersion, this routine must return successfully before
// use of any other routines. ToolInit initializes internal
// structures and resources needed for subsequent calls into the
// module. For example, SpellerInit initializes the UserLex,
// ChangeOnce, and ChangeAlways built-in UDR's. In general,
// modules allocate and free resources as needed, transparent to
// the application. pToolId is the handle to those variables.
// Modules store any data from the PROOFPARAMS structure internally
// and do not rely on the data in the structure remaining intact.
// PTEC WINAPI ToolInit(PROOFID *pToolid, const PROOFPARAMS *pxpar);
typedef PTEC (WINAPI *PROOFINIT) (PROOFID *pid, const PROOFPARAMS *pxpar);
// ************************************************************
// *** ToolTerminate
// This function marks the end of the session. It attempts to
// close all dictionaries and free up any and all other resources
// allocated by the module since ToolInit.
// Do not call ToolTerminate if ToolInit was not successful.
// If fForce is TRUE, ToolTerminate is guaranteed to succeed. If
// fForce is false, it may fail. For example, there may be errors
// writing the user dictionaries out to disk. After ToolTerminate
// (whether it succeeds or fails), all other module routines with
// the exception of ToolTerminate and ToolVersion are unusable
// until the module is successfully reinitialized using ToolInit.
// If this call fails, successful re-initialization of the module
// is not guaranteed on all platforms. In addition, failure to
// successfully terminate each session may lock memory and file
// resources in an unrecoverable way until terminate is successful.
// If the terminate call fails, the main application should either
// fix the problem (e.g., insert floppy in drive) and try to
// terminate again, or should terminate using the fForce flag
// switch.
// PTEC WINAPI ToolTerminate(PROOFID id, BOOL fForce);
// *****************************************************************
// *** ToolSetOptions
// Set the value of an option for a tool. The value to set is in iOptVal.
// PTEC WINAPI ToolSetOptions(PROOFID id, int iOptionSelect, int iOptVal);
typedef PTEC (WINAPI *PROOFSETOPTIONS) (PROOFID id, DWORD iOptionSelect, const DWORD iOptVal);
// *****************************************************************
// *** ToolGetOptions
// Get the current value of an option from a tool. Returns in *piOptVal;
// PTEC WINAPI ToolGetOptions(PROOFID id, int iOptionSelect, int *piOptVal);
// *****************************************************************
// *** ToolOpenLex
// The dictionary file (main or user) is opened and verified, but not
// necessarily loaded.
// PTEC WINAPI ToolOpenLex(PROOFID id, const PROOFLEXIN *plxin, PROOFLEXOUT *plxout);
// *****************************************************************
// *** ToolCloseLex
// Closes the specified dictionary and disassociates that dictionary
// from any subsequent checks. In the case of user dictionaries,
// updates the disk file (if any). If the dictionary file cannot
// be updated, the call fails unless the fForce parameter is also set.
// If fForce is true, ToolCloseLex is guaranteed to successfully
// remove the dictionary from the dictionary list and effectively
// close the file. In this case, it the file could not be updated,
// the changes are lost, but the function is considered successful,
// and therefore returns ptecNOERRORS.
// PTEC WINAPI ToolCloseLex(PROOFID id, PROOFLEX dict, BOOL fforce);
typedef PTEC (WINAPI *PROOFCLOSELEX) (PROOFID id, PROOFLEX lex, BOOL fforce); // fForce forces closing the specified user dictionary, even if the
// dictionary cannot be updated. Has no meaning for main
// dictionaries.
/******************************** Special Glue DLL API ******************
For the glue dll's (converts the API for clients to tools that use API v1 for speller, hyphenator, v2 for thesaurus), we need to set the name of the previous version DLL to use - and the code page (that it can't figure out from the LANGID) to use for any data conversion. The glue dll's use the lid to set the code page for data conversion.
BOOL WINAPI ToolSetDllName(const WCHAR *pwszDllName, const UINT uCodePage); *************************************************************************/ #define idllProofSetDllName 19
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PROOFSETDLLNAME)(const WCHAR *pwszDllName, const UINT uCodePage);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} #endif
#pragma pack(pop, proofapi_h) // restore to whatever was before
#endif // PROOFBASE_H